#but i do be out here staring at priest's hands like 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
My hand kink 🤝 the knowledge that priest's hands are anointed and therefore holy.
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fucking screaming at the thought of damien priest finding out you think michael meyers is hot so he dresses like him for halloween but doesn’t warn you ahead of time 😏
Oh my! This is everything 😂 Not so sure if everything will go exactly as he planned though 👀🤣 *fuck, this got loooooong 😩*
@ziasaph , @theworldofotps , @wrestlersownmyheart , @new-zealand-chic , @cuzimacomedian , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @aerynscrichton , @alyhull , @thealliasylum , @crowleysqueenofhell , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @ava-valerie
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Digging through his closet, his muffled voice stated
“Gotcha!” Damian laughed loudly when he finally found what he was looking for
“It was about fucking time!” He grunted and quickly made his way downstairs to the laundry room
It’s been a while since he last worn that costume but he was sure it would still fit
Damian waited for the washing machine to do its work while he putted together a quick plan
You’d be home in 30 minutes
So he had enough time for the costume to dry, so he can put it on, hide inside the closet and wait for you
He already knew your routine like the back of his hand
You would get home, wash your hands on the kitchen sink, grab a little treat (like a piece of dark chocolate or a Reese’s peanut butter cup), stop at the laundry room, get rid of your street clothes, go upstairs to your bedroom in your lingerie, go to the en suite bathroom and shower
Then once you’re done with showering, you would walk inside the closet, only with a big towel wrapped around your damp body, and grab some comfy clothes so you could make your way downstairs to the living room and call him while you turned on the tv
Damian checked himself on the mirror
The costume fit better now than it did three years ago
The mask was pretty realistic
And the knife was your last year’s valentines gift for him
So he could add one more beautiful knife to his immense collection
He heard the front door opening, closing and locking before he heard your footsteps going straight to the kitchen
“So predictable, mami” He smirked and smoothly ran towards the closet
You did just like he knew you would
Kitchen, laundry room, bathroom and now finally the closet
You turned your back to him, completely unknowingly of what was about to happen, to grab some socks from the bottom drawer
You felt a presence behind you and soon after a hand on your hair and a knife close to your neck
Then you instantly activated war mode
Since the intruder was such a wannabe and didn’t hold you properly, you easily managed to get away from his grip, turn around, hold the hand that was holding the knife, kicked him in the balls as hard as you could, disarmed him, grabbed the knife, punched the bridge of his nose and pressed the knife against the base of his throat, while screaming
“YOU CHOSE THE WRONG HOUSE, BITCH!” And pulled the mask up and away from his face, to see who this bastard was
You gasped at the sight in front of you
“Oh my god! Babe? What are you doing here? Holy shit, I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
You helped Damian to sit down, so his back could now lean against the wardrobe
“Hijo de tu puta madre” He cursed, one hand holding his nose and the other holding his ‘jewels’ “What the fuck, Y/N?! You just fucking kicked me in the nuts and punched me in the face! What’s wrong with you, babe?” And spoke between sobs
You hit him right in the nose and although it didn’t broke, it was still incredibly painful and made him cry instantly
“I’m sorry! It wasn’t my fault! Okay...Wait, keep your head up, I’m gonna grab some frozen peas so you can put it on your nose”
Damian never saw you run so fast in his life, and soon you were back with the frozen pack so he could place it against the bridge of his nose
“Are you okay?” You asked sheepishly, while Damian only stared at you with an annoyed look on his face
“I already said I’m sorry” You tried to hold back a chuckle and cleaned the unspilt tears off his eyes
“It’s not funny!” He tried so hard not to chuckle, but failed miserably “This was supposed to be a sexual fantasy and it almost turned into a fucking homicide!”
“Stop, don’t say that!” You groaned and tried to brush off the horrible things that could’ve happened away from your mind as you straddled his hips and mumbled “I’m sorry”
“I know, mami” Damian tossed the bag of peas inside the bathroom “But can you imagine the news, though?” He cackled “WWE superstar planned a sexy surprise for his girlfriend but ended up getting killed by her who mistakenly thought he was an intruder“
“Stop it! Stop saying that! You’re scaring me!” You huffed and Damian pulled you closer to his chest
“It was your fault!”
“Damn right it was! Fuck, if I knew that I was dating a fucking army special forces, I would’ve given you a heads up!” His laugh was now loud and annoying as he mocked you
“I grew up in a fucked up neighborhood, okay?” You tried to sound angry and offended but completely failed
“I know” Damian shook his head still not believing how the night went from wet dram fantasy to pure fiasco
“Are you really ok?” You began to inspect his face and nose for any signs of further damage
“Mami, I’m fine! I mean, you’ve got a mean jab, but I’m fine!” He pecked your lips “I’ll be alright, but of course you can always help me feel better” His hands soon found their way to your ass, securely gripping the soft flesh
“It still hurts like a bitch, you know?” Damian pouted “You can help me ease the pain” His hands roamed your thighs, dangerously close to your mound
“I know exactly what you can do to make me feel a lot better” His smirk did not go unnoticed by you, as he unwrapped the towel off your body and threw it close to the door
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r0-boat · 2 years
I adore so much people are liking the priest ingo and incubus emmet ideas. That makes me really happy.
Again it was your blog that got me the courage to even write it out tank you~~~
Ok story time.
Ingo stared at his hands in disgust. All service he found himself staring more and more at the new member and he can't stop himself from doing it.
At first he thought it was just a small crush and he would get over it after a while but now....it is full on desire
'I want to hold them. I want to kiss them. I want them to consume my very being...'
'I want to keep them close by my side. I want to taste them... I want to bree-'
"Hey brother of mine!"
The priest was thrown out of his thoughts as his younger twin threw his office door open.
The smiling man shut the door as he walked over to his brother." Its been a veerrry long time since we last talk dear brother. Don't you miss me?" Emmet asked in a fake hurt tone.
Ingo merely rolled his eyes at his brother and smile softly at him. " we talked a few days ago Emmet but of course its good to see you. How is everything at the station?"
Emmet sat acrossed from him a letter out a long sigh." Slow really not many exciting people departing lately! Of except the new comer here in town!"
Ingo tried not to jump at the mention of you name but his brother went off talking about you and he couldn't help but feel jealous of how much his twin knew about you.
"They talk about how happy they were able to get along with someone when they got in town. They talk about you verrrrry much maybe you two should spend a bit more time together outside of service."
The younger twin teased but he really ment it. He was tried of seeing his brother being all alone because of whatever kept a priest from getting laid.
If God didn't want humans to get laid then he shouldn't have let them be made by getting laid!
Ingo frowned more intently as he stared at his desk. " no I cant do that im..I dont want the town to turn their back to y/n."
Ingo would never forgive himself if he allowed that to happen to simply fulfill his desires.
.....emmet called bull shit.
Emmets smile tighten a bit." Ingo I get why you're apart of this but come on everyone in town wants to see you happy and I can tell that y/n feels the same way from the way they smile when they talk about you."
Emmet teased his brother trying to give a hint that his crush likes him too.
Ingo sighed heavily and stood up turning his back to his brother. " I am a man of the cloth I mustn't be swayed by the temptations of the devil."
.....ok maybe not obvious enough. Emmet thought for a moment before a cheeky smile spread across his face.
"Well if you verrrry sure than im verrrry sure I can sweep them off their feet."
Ingo stiffen tightly and turned to his brother
"You wouldn't"
"I am emmet and I would....."
His brother can be a little shit sometimes.
I like the idea of wingman emmet but also being a little chaotic as well
Breeding anon
👀👀 I love this.
I can imagine the MC is going through their own turmoil if they like both brothers because that is very much a sin to be with more than one man.
Emmet doesn't help by making them have sexually charged dreams just for fun he loves to watch them squirm
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