#but i don't honestly know enough to substantively debate that lol
returnsandreturns · 5 years
I recall you supporting Pete for a bit, what is it that turns you off? (This isn't supposed to be confrontational btw I'm genuinely curious and I don't want to miss anything before i throw my hat in)
I kind of fell hard for Pete (and his husband! And his dogs!) before he even expressed any substantive policy plans because he’s--just very charming and he’s got some really impressive rhetoric (the whole thing about reclaiming the concept of freedom from Republicans is just so choice) and he’s SMART.
But I honestly don’t really get the impression that he’s got that much going for him as a candidate beyond the rhetoric. Policy-wise and experience-wise, he can’t stand up against most of the major candidates and I think the praise that gets heaped onto him for being, like, genuine and unscripted is so bizarre because he absolutely uses the same canned answers just like any other politician. I watched all of his early interviews and I can probably recite most of his talking points verbatim. I do think he does a great job of integrating his identity and his personal experiences with political stances but so does Warren and Castro and Harris and. . .Beto, honestly. Like that’s maybe all that Beto’s got.
(Also, I’m very confused about how Medicare For All Who Want It is not literally just Obama’s public option -- maybe it is? Just with a kicky name? I don’t know!)
ANYWAY THIS IS LONG but I’d love to vote for him if he wins the nom but I think he’d be a killer VP and probably a fantastic congressperson. God, so many of them should just run for the senate. THE SENATE, BETO! 
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