#but i dont aim for reach just to make sure ppl who follow me know where i stand
succikko-draws · 4 months
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esims For Gaza
Help Gaza children
Palestinian Children Relief Fund
care for gaza
[Image ID: A digital drawing of a Palestinian man hugging and reassuring and a little girl, both are bloodied and crying. Both are wearing kufiyya and are surrounded by blooming poppies. Over them is written "Free palestine" and under them "Ceasefire now". The main color palette is red, black white and green, with brown added for the skin and hair. /.End ID]
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clown-of-rivia · 4 years
Blocking and Filtering Content and Users for Fandom Newbies
I know many of us (myself included) have certain topics and blogs we'd prefer not to see on our dash. Just not following them is sometimes not enough as others reblogging such content might still show up.
For those of you who might be new to Tumblr or the fandom, here's 2 ways you can take care of yourself:
1. Block the user
Blocking someone is the most common way to go about it. Simply click on their little figure icon on the top right of their profile, then click 'Block'. You will no longer see their content, and they can no longer message you or visit your blog.
2. Filter Tags
If there are certain things you dont wish to see - a certain ship or something like 'blood' for instance - you can make sure that content with those things in the tags wont show on your feed either, and if it does it will have a warning. Click here for more detailed instructions.
I myself have a couple of tags filtered, there is no shame whatsoever in it. Common onces include: r*pe, ince*t, g*re, blo*d, and suic*de. It is up to content creators to tag appropriately, but if something isnt dont hesitate to ask them to tag it or ask a mutual to pass on the message. 90% of the time the OP forgot or didn't consider it and will have no issue tagging it.
Most GenZ and Millennials grew up in homes where parents or guardians didn't know how the internet works, so we've had to learn to navigate the space ourselves and it isnt always safe. This isnt a 100% safe guard but it is a good first step.
Fandoms are places of sharing love and passions, but sadly theres toxicity everywhere and RL issues will be there too. Some will cause you to see content that upsets you, others will try to control and police you, telling what you can and can not like. Here's some tips to make your fandom experience a bit better:
1. Follow blogs that like the same things you do and post content that makes you feel happy. There is no need to follow any blog out of obligation.
2. Reach out! Drop an ask or a message to folks you want to get to know. Tell them you like their blog or content. Fandoms are a great place to make friends.
3. Dont mind the toxicity. This is hard at times, I know, but good and bad times come and go. Stick to your friends and mutuals, and dont mind hateful and toxic content you dont want to get involved in. There will ALWAYS be ppl who dont agree with your ship or favs.
4. Be respectful. We all have different lives and experiences. You might think something is ok but it can be hurtful to someone else. Be mindful of others and dont just attack ppl for having different views.
Have fun, be safe, and dont be a dick
❤ Ps: this is not aimed at anyone or anything. I just realised theres a big wave of young new fans. Took me a while to learn these and I wish I knew earlier.
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