#but i guess it could be kagome x male of your choice
justafewsmallsteps · 5 months
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Late, but I’ve been dying to make some work for @kagomes-hanakotobamatsuri ! Here's to make up for Week 1 where I chose the red hibiscus to represent passion. Along with it I wrote a (kinda spicy) little prologue to this piece, which I'm now titling Genki. This can stand alone though!
Genki, The Prologue (((Word Count: 933 /// Warning for Alcohol use and dubious consent)))
This was a remarkably dumb idea. That thought briefly flitted about in Kagome’s mind, but was overshadowed by the vodka-induced adrenaline telling her to go for it. She was in her final semester of university. She’d been stressed and uptight and severely lacking a social life or any real kind of self-indulgence for over a year now, and once this break was over, she would return to Tokyo and strap in for the toughest final stretch of her academic career. Her friends had pestered her nonstop about what a shut-in she’d become, and Kagome was tired of being known as the group’s wet blanket. So tonight, just tonight, she would allow herself to have fun. 
And tonight, at this random party in Osaka, fun was a very attractive guy that she dragged into a corner to make out with aggressively. He was so pretty—at least that’s what she believed. Her eyes were closed and she was pretty drunk, so maybe he was average looking in sobering daylight, but perhaps not. He was admittedly a clumsy kisser, shy and cute, and somehow that was turning her on more. 
She didn’t ask his name, nor did she give hers. It went against all her instincts. She was always known for forming connections and bonding with people. Her friends told her she wasn’t the type to throw caution to the wind. She’d never have a wild hookup. She’d always been so responsible. Kagome didn’t take pride or shame in that as an attribute, but god she hated being told what she wasn’t capable of. She was capable of dressing up and going out, she was capable of drinking too much and loosening up, and she was absolutely capable of finding a hot guy to have sex with in a closet. And she was here now in her skimpy red dress to prove it. 
“Is this a good idea?” The hot stranger asked, panting as Kagome hiked up her skirt and began fumbling with his jeans. 
“I don’t know. I don’t want to think tonight.” She finally got the button undone and pulled his pants down. 
“You’re okay with this? I think we’re both—“
She shoved her mouth on his fervently, tongue thrusting back into his mouth, hoping she could convince him to shut up before he made too much sense. 
“Drunk,” he finished, but sounded out of breath and dopey. 
“I’m okay with this.” He was single. He said he was clean. Those were the only two extra qualifiers that she had needed before she threw herself into his arms. “You want me?” 
It was apparently a struggle for him to answer her properly when her hand was already in his boxers, but he managed a, “Yes,” into her shoulder as she pushed them down. 
They were in a closet for heaven’s sake. There wasn’t much time or space, but Kagome was wasted and determined as she wrangled them onto the floor, straddling him in the cramped space. 
“Good, because I want you,” she confessed into the crook of his neck. 
Apparently that hit some kind of switch, because at that moment he grabbed her hip with one hand, and yanked her panties aside with the other, entering her with a groan.
“Oh! Oh yes.” She threw her head back as she clung to his shoulders. They weren’t wasting any time. “Yes, yes, yes!” It was amazing. She’d never felt this hot in her life. “How is this so good?” 
“No clue,” he replied. “It’s you, I swear. Or the alcohol.” 
She would’ve laughed or thanked him or something, but she was so caught up in the moment that she simply nodded. In the darkness, every sensation seemed to multiply—the squeeze of his hands, the heat of his lips, the oh so satisfying way he fit into her. 
“Yes! There! There, there!” It only took a few minutes of rocking up and down, but Kagome was so turned on that she reached her peak just moments later. “So good. You’re incredible!”
In turn he finished to her encouraging moans. 
And that was that. After only a brief moment to collect her breath, Kagome kissed his cheek sweetly. “Thank you. That was amazing. That was just what I needed and so much more.” 
“Y-you’re welcome,” she couldn’t make out his expression in the dark, but his voice was shaky.  
“Do you mind staying back for a minute? I… I’m trying to prove something dumb to my friends, so I’ve got to disappear.” 
“You have to?” He was so cute that Kagome almost gave in and asked his name, but she was stubbornly holding onto her pride, so she got up before this turned into something more. It would be just like her to get all mushy and exchange numbers and make it all romantic. No. Not this time. 
“I have to,” she confirmed. “But it’s not because of anything you did wrong. You’re really wonderful and you seem very nice.” 
“You too.” 
“Too nice, according to my friends. Nice and boring.” 
“You ain’t boring, that’s for sure.” 
She giggled. “Just for tonight.”
“Lucky me.” 
“I’m glad you think so. I’m really happy it was you, for the record. I hope you don’t feel like I used you, whoever you are, hot stuff.” 
He almosted coughed at the nickname. “You made my night, I promise. Get out there and give ‘em hell.” 
Kagome nodded, her legs a little wobbly. Then she turned the knob and let herself out, emerging smug and satisfied, but with a slight pang in her heart for the guy she’d left in the closet. 
No, she assured herself. No regrets.
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