#but i have. a 25 page paper and three funding applications due. and have not done any course readings
prometheuswounds · 7 months
making myself a healthy fuckin flaxseed cinnamon oatmeal monstrosity and then weeping and wailing as i do my stupid little jumping jacks and journaling. fuck this shit 10000%
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whereareroo · 3 years
WF THOUGHTS (8/3/21).
Folks have been laughing at a fellow named Reza Baluchi. Not me.
Without knowing his name, you probably laughed at Baluchi when he was in the news last week. We're cruel people. We laugh at others without knowing the full story.
Are you familiar with a pet toy known as a "hamster ball?" It's a clear plexiglas ball that's about the size of a cantaloupe. There's a hatch that allows you to put your hamster inside. The hamster can run all over the house, inside the rolling ball, and not get lost.
Baluchi built a big hamster ball that floats. His device is shaped like a cylinder. It's six feet high and ten feet long. Near the edge of a body of water, Baluchi can climb inside and roll himself into the drink. He says that his device, which he calls a hydro pod, allows him to "walk on water." It's a funny concept.
Last week, Baluchi launched himself into the Atlantic Ocean near St. Augustine, Florida. He was planning to "walk on water" all the way to New York. That's more than 1,000 miles. His floating hamster ball was fully stocked with supplies. He expected to "walk" for three weeks.
The day after his launch, Baluchi washed ashore in Hammock, Florida. He had only covered 25 miles. His solar charging system had failed. He had no power for his navigation system. He had to abandon his great adventure.
Baluchi's failure was all over the news. Everybody laughed at his foolishness. Even though he's only 49 years old, people thought that he was a crazy old man with an absurd idea.
I was intrigued by Baluchi's creativity and bravery. I decided to do some digging. Who was this guy?
It turns out that he's an incredible man. Nobody should be laughing at him. It would take pages to tell you his full story. Let me give you a very brief summary.
Reza Baluchi grew up, under very harsh conditions, in Iran. Due to a series of strange circumstances, at the age of 14 he ended up on the national cycling team for Iran.
He was bothered by the extreme Muslim fundamentalism in Iran, and he was bothered by the totalitarian nature of the government. He became an anti-government activist. When he was 19, he was arrested for his activism and he was jailed for 45 days. He was tortured every day. The torture stopped when the government finally realized that he was just a confused kid and not a member of any dissident organization. Nonetheless, he was imprisoned for 18 months on flimsy charges.
After he was released from prison, he rejoined the national cycling team. On a trip to Germany for a competition, he sought asylum in Germany. He was ultimately granted a German passport. Fearing that the Iranians would come after him, he went on the run by bicycle. He spent seven years biking through 55 countries. He recently calculated that he biked 49,700 miles.
In 2002, Baluchi was biking in Mexico and he rode to a checkpoint at the U.S. border. He filed the papers to get a visa to enter America. Every few days, he would bike back to the checkpoint to check on the status of his visa application. He did that for three months. While he was waiting, he would aimlessly ride his bicycle.
One morning in 2002, in the middle of a desert area, he was sleeping in his tent next to his bicycle. He thought he was in Mexico. A U.S. helicopter landed nearby and he was detained by Border Patrol. Without knowing it, Baluchi had crossed the border and he was sleeping in Arizona. It was only a year after 9/11, and the Border Patrol was concerned about an Iranian sneaking into America.
After five months in detention, Baluchi was granted a hearing in Los Angeles that would determine his future. He convinced the Judge that he should be released on humanitarian grounds. As a sign of gratitude, he promised the Judge that before the second anniversary of 9/11 he would run across America and present his bicycle--his only possession--to the New York City Fire Department. With the help of a businessman from Los Angeles who was inspired by the story, Baluchi made good on his promise. The two men put together a team of volunteers, raised some funds, and Baluchi did the run from Los Angeles to New York City. It took him 124 days. He averaged 29 miles a day. His longest day was 137 miles.
Ever since 2002, Baluchi has been raising money for charity by doing long distance events. In 2007, he ran the entire perimeter of the United States. (11,720 miles in 202 days.) In 2009, he did another run from Los Angeles to New York.
This guy is an iron man. He has guts and a big heart. Nobody should be laughing at him. The world needs more people like Reza Baluchi. Don't assume that people are crazy just because they dream big and take big risks. I can't wait to hear about Baluchi's next adventure.
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fishdavidson · 7 years
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Last night, my excuse for not posting was that I fell asleep on the floor. This happens more often than I am proud of. However, it has also come to my attention that I missed some blogging some dreams nearly two weeks ago FOR THE SAME DAMN REASON. Luckily for you, dear readers, I have both notes for these (relatively ancient) dreams as well as a memory like a well-oiled steel trap. So tonight, you shall get four dreams for the price of one! And coincidentally, three of those dreams are school-related.
2017-05-12: Fish Davidson Acquires New Hobbies (Which Happen To Be Trivia and Murdering)
Do you ever take an introspective look at your life and wonder “How did my life turn out like this?” Those are the kind of thoughts I found myself thinking in this dream. For some reason, my life was profoundly unfulfilling in this dream. I lived alone in a dingy apartment in New York. I ate terrible food and didn’t talk to my neighbors.
My life’s goal (in the dream at least) was to appear on as many trivia shows as possible. The reason I had chosen to live in New York was simply because that’s where NPR’s trivia game show, Ask Me Another, was located. I was a repeat contestant, because I am pretty awesome at such things (real life mileage may vary).
After my most recent appearance on Ask Me Another, I went out for celebratory drinks with the other contestants. We were walking back to our respective apartments in a big group when I turned to someone and showed them my watch. “Do you know what time it is?” I asked them. “It’s murder time.” Yes, I literally said that.
This next part is really hard to describe, because it doesn’t really translate into reality very well. The end result was that I murdered every one of my fellow contestants. But I didn’t do it with a knife or a gun or anything like that. The closest thing I can think of was that I thought of the word “murder” and the meaning behind the word coalesced into an invisible force-field that I could grab with my hands. Dream logic declared that everyone was killed by the intangible sentiment carried by the word “murder,” but it looked like I just spun around in a circle with an invisible piece of lumber and everybody around me happened to drop dead.
After murdering time was over, I nonchalantly shoved all the bodies into a storm drain. You have to be nonchalant about these things, because otherwise people will notice you and start asking questions. I remember feeling pretty disappointed at my life choices at this moment and saying to myself “I should probably get a new hobby, because this one is pretty unfulfilling.”
2017-05-13: Boring School Dream Time!
This is the most disappointingly banal dream of the entire month. I went to school, sat around in a desk for a while, and did nothing notable. Although I could pad this entry out with all the pointless details I remember, your time is more valuable than that. TIME FOR THE NEXT DREAM (WHICH IS WAY BETTER THAN THIS ONE!)
2017-05-23: Research Grant Problems
Here’s another new career choice for me to pursue in dreams: grant writer for a local university. In this dream, I was one of those lovely people who attempt to woo government investors with my words and convince them to give me money to perform impractical research. I don’t remember what I was writing a grant for, but I know I wrote that funding proposal like a boss. My words were well-formulated and elegant like something written by a famous dude who wrote words for a living. Not like the words I’m writing now, which sound like they were written by a random white guy who does not write words for a living. It was only after I submitted the manuscript that I realized a terrible and irreversible mistake:
There is nothing potential government benefactors like more than being able to disqualify an application because of a technicality. I’d like to say that I put up some sort of fight and tried to claw that email back from the far reaches of the internet with my bare hands, but that would be a lie. The reality is that I just gave up and pretty much immediately made peace with my mistake. Pretend I’m imparting some sage advice about the transient nature of all things here.
You can’t miss what you never had... or something like that.
2017-05-24: Last Exam Of The Semester
Welcome to another round of Various School Dreams with Fish Davidson! In this episode, Fish Davidson plays the role of student and grown-ass adult. Because I am an adult, I am afforded the privilege of dressing myself for school. And because I am prone to fits of extreme impracticality, I did not do well at dressing myself. My clothing choices do play an important role in this dream, though, so sit tight.
I ended up wearing a long-sleeve white t-shirt with a blue t-shirt layered on top. Blue jeans were also involved, and maybe some flip-flops? That part doesn’t sound too unusual, but that’s because we haven’t gotten to the impractical part yet. I also decided to pin an entire sleeping bag to the back of my jeans that was either coiled around my legs like a weird skirt, or billowing out behind me like a cloth beaver tail depending on my mood. When asked why I chose to affix a sleeping bag to my clothing, the only answer I was able to give was this:
That’s as good an answer as any, so my parents drive me to school (because apparently I still live at my parents house and they are just totally cool with how hopelessly weird their son is) for my last day of class before school lets out for the summer.
At this point, I am aware that I will have to take the final exam for a psychology course if I actually show up at school. The good news is that I was doing relatively well in the class, but the bad news is that I did zero studying for the exam and I spent most of my free time trying to get my sleeping bag beaver tail just right.
When I get to class, I pick up the test. It seems difficult, but not impossible. But I don’t feel like taking the test today, so I unleash my sleeping bag beaver tail and gyrate my hips all over the classroom.
“FISH DAVIDSON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” the teacher asks.
“WHAT IS THE NATURE OF TRUTH AND REALITY?” I scream back at the teacher. This may not have been the literal question I asked, but it was something very close to that and equally pretentious. My beaver tail is flapping about and slapping fellow students and test papers alike. People are evacuating the room due to the chaos I have caused.
The teacher demands to see me in his office, and thus we appear in a tiny office whose walls are lined with bookshelves. “Why did you even show up for class today, Fish Davidson?” the teacher asks. “You don’t even need to take the final.”
“AWESOME,” I say, and then walk out the door to his office and never look back. I AM SO GOOD AT SCHOOL, GUYS. SO GOOD.
P.S. Here’s a funny psychology class anecdote for you: when I took my intro to psychology class all those years ago, I did so well in the class that I only had to make higher than a 25% on the multiple-choice final exam. And I put my money where my GPA said my mouth could safely be, didn’t study for the test, answered the first page of the exam, and then marked ‘B’ for every answer in the hopes that the probability gods would give me enough credit from my random answers to push me over the 25% mark. My gamble paid off and I left that class with top marks.
The header image is of Mitchell Royce, the chainsmoking editor from Warren Ellis’s
comic series. He is not a good role model, but he is a damn fine editor. I dunno why, but it just seemed like I needed to have this image on this post.
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Vijender, Manoj help raise funds for ailing Dingko Singh
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/vijender-manoj-help-raise-funds-for-ailing-dingko-singh/
Vijender, Manoj help raise funds for ailing Dingko Singh
Seasoned Indian boxers Vijender Singh and Manoj Kumar have stepped forward to raise funds for Asian Games gold-winning former pugilist Dingko Singh, who is battling liver cancer and will be flown to the national capital on April 25 for radiation therapy.
The duo and some other boxers and coaches have connected over a WhatsApp group to raise over ₹1 lakh, transferred directly to Dingko’s account through online payment modes.
“We have a whatsapp group, ‘hum mein hai dum’, Manoj posted about Dingko on it. We got his bank details and all of us have been chipping in with whatever we can manage,” Vijender, who now plies his trade in the professional circuit, told PTI.
The “mission” started on Tuesday evening once Dingko’s bank details were established. The contributions have ranged from ₹1,000 to ₹25,000 so far and are still coming in.
“…we have raised over ₹1 lakh, the money is continuing to go to his account. I put in ₹25,000, likewise, everyone else has been giving what they can. Somebody gave 11,000, some other put in ₹5,000,” Vijender, India’s first and only male boxer to have won an Olympic medal, said.
“Dingko is a hero, an icon for us. We had to come forward because every boxer deserves that his community comes to his aid at the hour of need,” he added.
Dingko was due to be in Delhi a fortnight back for therapy but he could not make the trip from his home in Imphal due to the lockdown to contain the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic.
However, given the seriousness of his condition, the Boxing Federation of India (BFI) has arranged for him to be flown here for treatment on an air ambulance.
Manoj, who has two CWG medals to his credit, said he saw it as his duty to be there for a fellow pugilist.
“It was our duty. No matter how small the contribution, every bit of it counts in the end. As fellow boxers, we have to be there for him,” he said.
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legit-scam-review · 6 years
Monero Dodges Yet Another Attack With Community’s Help
This week, the developers of Monero (XMR) patched a bug that could allow an attacker to ‘burn’ the funds of an organization’s wallet. The breach was initially revealed by a community member, and XMR developers were quick enough to fix it before any damage was done.
Anonymity above all: How Monero works
Simply put, Monero (XMR) is a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin (BTC), but with an additional focus on anonymity. It was established in 2014, when bitcointalk.org user thankful_for_today forked the codebase of Bytecoin into the name BitMonero. To establish the new coin, he used ideas that were first outlined in a 2013 white paper called ‘Cryptonote’ that was written by an anonymous personality Nicolas van Saberhagen. Ironically, BitMonero was soon forked itself by open-source developers, and titled ‘Monero’ (which means ‘coin’ in Esperanto). It has remained to be an open-source project ever since.
XMR has considerably more privacy properties than BTC: Instead of just being a decentralized coin, Monero is designed to be fully anonymous and virtually untraceable. Thus, XMR is based on the CryptoNight proof-of-work (PoW) hash algorithm, which allows it to use ‘ring signatures’ (which mix the spender’s address with a group of others, making it more difficult to trace transactions), ‘stealth addresses’ (which are generated for each transaction and make it impossible to discover the actual destination of a transaction by anyone else other than the sender and the receiver), and ‘ring confidential transactions’ (which hide the transferred amount).
In 2016, XMR experienced more growth in market capitalization and transaction volume than any other cryptocurrency (almost a 2800 percent increase, as per CoinMarketCap). A lot of that growth came from the underground economy. Being an altcoin that is tailor-made for fully private transactions, Monero eventually became accepted as a form of currency on darknet markets like Alphabay and Oasis. Specifically, after being integrated on the darknet in the summer of 2016, its value “immediately increased around sixfold,” according to Wired.
“That uptick among people who really need to be private is interesting,” Riccardo Spagni, one of the Monero core developers, told the publication in January 2017. “If it’s good enough for a drug dealer, it’s good enough for everyone else.”
Monero’s alleged privacy remains to be a controversial topic, as some suggest that the coin is not in fact fully anonymous. In an August interview with Bloomberg, the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) special agent Lilita Infante noted that although privacy-focused currencies are less liquid and more anonymous than BTC, the DEA “still has ways of tracking” altcoins such as Monero and Zcash. Infante concluded:
“The blockchain actually gives us a lot of tools to be able to identify people. I actually want them to keep using [cryptocurrencies].”
Interestingly, while Europol’s latest cybercrime report suggests that BTC remains the most popular cryptocurrency for criminal activities, it also predicts a rise in the demand for anonymity-focused altcoins, including Monero (XMR).
The privacy-focused nature of Monero also prevents it from being listed on some compliant crypto exchanges. For instance, in June, Japan-based Coincheck delisted XMR and three other anonymity-focused altcoins to follow Counter-Terrorist Financing (CFT) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures issued by the local financial regulator.
The burning bug: Potential threat to Monero’s ecosystem
On Sept. 18, user u/s_c_m_l described a hypothetical attack within the XMR ecosystem on the Monero official subreddit:
“I can imagine an attack where ‘A’ procures [a] large amount of XMR and [sends] it to ‘Exchange B’ in many transactions with the same stealth address. ‘A’ then exchanges that XMR for other currency and cashes out, leaving the exchange paralyzed [and] unable to use that XMR.”
Importantly, the Monero blockchain ‘burns’ XMR transactions between identical stealth addresses, seeing them as illegitimate. Instead, just one single ‘correct’ transaction could go through. Burned XMR, in turn, are fully unusable, as they cannot be replaced.
More specific details on the attack were described in a Monero blog post:
“An attacker first generates a random private transaction key. Thereafter, they modify the code to merely use this particular private transaction key, which ensures multiple transactions to the same public address (e.g., an exchange’s hot wallet) are sent to the same stealth address. Subsequently, they send, say, a thousand transactions of 1 XMR to an exchange. Because the exchange’s wallet does not warn for this particular abnormality (i.e., funds being received on the same stealth address), the exchange will, as usual, credit the attacker with 1000 XMR.
“The attacker then sells his XMR for BTC and lastly withdraws this BTC. The result of the hacker’s action(s) is that the exchange is left with 999 unspendable/burned outputs of 1 XMR.”
Simply put, the bug basically allowed hackers to burn the funds of an organization’s wallet — such as that of an exchange — while only having to pay the network transaction fees. Although they wouldn’t obtain any money from doing so, “there are probably means to indirectly benefit,” as Monero team suggested. For instance, the attackers could manipulate the market, as they would have the control over the coin supply of XMR.
Monero handled the breach calmly
The Redditor’s theory became widely discussed within the Monero subreddit, and the developers reached out with a public announcement only after fixing the issue. On Sept. 25, Monero team declared that a private patch was “promptly created and later included in the code” after discovering the potential vulnerability. After that, they reportedly notified “as many exchanges, services and merchants as possible,” explaining that the patch had to be applied on top of the v0.12.3.0 release branch.
In an accompanying blog post, Monero developers argued that this was “clearly not the preferred method” because some parts of the Monero ecosystem were still left out, but there was limited time to eliminate the bug. After that, the glitch was announced via public mailing, as it is “imperative to be subscribed to the public mailing list” for any organization that deals with Monero, developers argued.
Finally, Monero claims that the bug “did not affect the protocol and thus the coin supply was not affected,” hence no attackers were quick enough to actually exploit the bug.
XMR community stays on guard
This was not the first security concern regarding Monero within the past month. In early September, Twitter and Reddit users started to point out that the MEGA Chrome extension was compromised. The MEGA Chrome extension is a tool that claims to improve browser performance by reducing page loading times, as well as providing a cloud storage service.
Redditor u/gattacus posted on Monero’s official subreddit that the MEGA Chrome extension version 3.39.4 seemed conspicuous:
“There was an update to the extension and Chrome asked for new permission (read data on all websites). That made me suspicious and I checked the extension code locally (which is mostly javascript anyways). MEGA also has the source code of the extension on github […] There was no commit recently. To me it looks either their Google webstore account was hacked or someone inside MEGA did this. Pure speculation though.”
The application was removed from Chrome webstore after roughly four hours. Later, the MEGA team clarified that version 3.39.4 was a malicious update performed by unknown hackers with the aim of compromising users’ private information. Soon, it became clear that the attack didn’t center around Monero specifically, as the malicious code was reportedly activated on websites such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, GitHub and MyEtherWallet along with Monero XMR web wallet services. This time, the fault wasn’t on Monero’s end.
The ‘burning bug,’ in turn, was possible due to a flaw in XMR’s code, but the developers were quick to react to the warning signal raised by the altcoin’s community.
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veragillon56-blog · 6 years
For The first Time In History
It is approaching 1 of the main Mars Value lines (darker red) once more. The value of a masternode can increase to such an extent that masternode owner’s capital becomes too concentrated in one asset. This is unsubstantiated, but if it happens, XRP's cost can be anticipated to head upwards. I may not be explaining it properly, but I've a gut feeling that as bitcoin becomes additional widely accepted, its value is in fact going to drop. What could have began as a legitimate hosted mining operation appears to have turned into a full blown ponzi scheme in August 2014 when Chris introduced an affiliate plan to support him sell qASIC shares. But if it can, we may possibly lastly be able to democratize opportunities for prosperity and wealth. ICO offers you a higher likelihood of making the income due to the fact normally, the price gets higher just after its launch. If the present price tag is reduced than the highest value we will ever see. Moas, the founder of Standpoint Research, says that there will be an influx of large, standard investment cash that will be driving the subsequent surge towards the year's end. Not each and every coin going up in value has a legitimate use case, and there are fairly a couple of pump-and-dump schemes to be wary of.
Cryptocurrency is primarily based on a complicated method that pays individual "miners" a percentage of each and every transaction, to enable the use of their equipment to course of action cryptocurrency transactions. Its top cryptocurrency exchanges coin is labeled XRP. Also, the hardware wallet’s user interface makes it quick to keep various coins, which is especially handy when you participate in ICOs (Initial Coin Providing) in the future. Now, I want to go deeper, and recognize there's not a lot of who know hardware design. Bitcoin Money is normally most helpful for individuals who want to derive their earnings streams from cryptocurrency, or make lots of quickly enterprise transactions. But even though that is one thing that requirements partnerships and legal company papers, the exchanges are going an additional route to continue operations. Cryptocurrencies are constructed on cryptography. complications associated with cryptocurrencies. For instance, Zcash offers a lot of features for E-commerce and Siacoin offers a lot of options for cloud storage that are not obtainable in Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum.
Zcash or ZEC makes use of ZkSNARK algorithm to fully anonymize transactions. They recognize 3 elements of bitcoin’s style that can be decoupled and analyzed individually: (1) transactions and scripts, (2) consensus and mining, and (three) the peer-to-peer communication network. If you see a single pool performing much better, you can put a higher percentage into that one particular. Time will inform one particular way or yet another with certainty. This is a incredibly standard and simplistic imagination of blockchain, but it provides you an idea of how it will revolutionize the record-maintaining and data management. This, I think, offers Ethereum's blockchain an edge more than its virtual peers. Ethereum is my favorite new cryptocurrency project. Created by 19-year-old Vitalik Buterin in 2015, Ethereum is a decentralized application platform that enables smart contracts and Distributed Applications (ĐApps) to be constructed and run with no any downtime, fraud, control or interference from a third party. It was designed by Vincent Durham. If we look back, we're faced with various situations of new technologies hitting the market place and investors bidding up the organizations behind these goods, only to have them crash difficult just years later.
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dustinqjx2879-blog · 7 years
When Leasing Workplace Room For Your Startup, 5 Things To Expect.
Ford, purveyors of Constructed Ford Hard Ford trucks, introduced today it was doing even more points made to attract people who typically aren't thinking about possessing vehicles (or Constructed Ford Hard Ford vehicles, for that matter). Those startups transfer to Silicon Valley for three months, get curtain-ready, and then show their startups at a Demo Day before investors. A range of speaking with solutions are readily available to assist making innovative enterprise GIS services to fulfill your organisation objectives, including our start-up quick start bundle. The chances against a startup doing well are slim enough, and those stress commonly catch up on individuals and also cause clinical depression.
The Start-up Britain excursion will check out 25 locations throughout England, Wales and also Scotland over the next couple of months, beginning in the capital as well as finishing in Inverness on August 8. Fledgling entrepreneurs will get lessons in how to construct a sales group, a refresher course alike risks and how to export their items and also solutions outside of Britain. ( 500 Startups added one more $50,000 too.) Latour employed an advertising professional, Julie Supan, who previously had actually assisted YouTube as well as Dropbox setting themselves in the marketplace. Yet it takes time and a great deal of cash to bring hardware to market, and also in the in 2014 a variety of well-funded hardware startups have flamed out amazingly. As competition amongst startup centers boosts internationally, it is important for countries to develop innovation-led competition by producing high-quality domestic accelerators that can create a critical mass of sustainable neighborhood start-ups and also draw in super-connected global accelerators to gain access to global networks of understanding and sources. But this year saw the launch of numerous remarkable electronic book registration ventures, consisting of an offering from Scribd, the preferred paper scanning service, and Oyster, a younger start-up that raised $3 million in 2012 from Founders Fund. Because they have some technological ability that they can transform this into a service, people think that. However with so much cash putting right into tech startups, it seems like most developers at the initial Cannabis Tech Start-up Weekend can be making far more loan somewhere else. A couple of months earlier, the start-up closed a $1 million round of financing. In the event you loved this article in addition to you desire to acquire more information regarding Read Webpage kindly stop by our page. Each time when the Competitors and also Markets Authority is exploring the sector, Mullen's rates approach is planned to be really various to the cross-subsidies utilized by the large banks to offer totally free financial to those customers in credit score. Held at The Cribb coworking area, we literally packed the place with startups. THE number of new British companies established this year is tipped to hit one more all-time high of 600,000, according to fresh quotes. Given that 2013, ICOs have combined typical venture capital funding rounds with crowdfunding, and also while some start-ups like the egalitarian characteristics of ICOs, many business are using them just due to the fact that they have actually been turned down for financing by more traditional VCs and also banks. The beta version of TeacherGaming Desk went to market in July 2017, as well as the start-up has seen instructors from a little over 3,500 colleges sign up to this day. However, despite costs initiative, money and also time facing the unwieldy German language, I located that I was bordered by people from Spain, Italy, Israel, the Netherlands, all over. Bay Location start-up Safe Catch Tuna has actually created a copyrighted modern technology to discover mercury degrees in a variety of fish and also promises that its own brand of tuna products have the lowest degrees of any type of brand name. A public-private effort, Startup Town's proclaimed goal is to help release 1,000 IT items in 10 years - and among them must be a $1bn (₤ 700m) student endeavor. Applicant tracking software has actually been around for a long time now, but was used mostly by bigger business initially. I have actually discovered a great deal not just about ways to located a firm-- elevating money, locating initial clients, hiring a team-- yet likewise regarding exactly what it takes to join a startup as well as assistance construct it into a big, successful company. Where would you think about the very best market to help a startup? By the time he retired in 2007, Creel had actually released 10 companies in One Decade, in industries such as economic services, e-commerce and also recruitment. For centuries individuals have been making technology that you put on. For instance, at a start-up you can pitch the ability to have an influence on multiple components of business as well as expand with the business.
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The Really good, The Poor As well as The Shocking From Yearly Functionality Reviews.
Household Companies: Along with the increase in two task homes, time to embark on housekeeping and also yard job ends up being quick. Quick and medium-stay parking are extremely identical in concept; basically, your car is parked in a parking lot that lies within the limits of the flight terminal's property (or 'on-airport'). Exactly what we do understand is actually that Apple surely has the resources to construct an electrical cars and truck. That's why we have actually produced a total listing (as of this writing) of all the self driving cars under progression. The best opportunity of the year for me to offer a cars and truck neighbors completion of summertime when yearly rates are higher; as well as buy 2 months later on, when the market is flooded along with brand-new autos as well as used cars and truck rates are at their yearly reduced. For instance, a single 25-year-old male chauffeur will merely pay out about 4 per-cent extra for automotive insurance compared to his female version. If you cherished this post and you would like to receive more info pertaining to simply click the up coming website page kindly go to our own webpage. Google.com has actually gathered considerable amounts of publicity for loosing its driverless cars in Silicon Lowland as well as Austin - last month, cops quit among its own peapod-shaped vehicles for owning too slowly. You will definitely discover this under Plan Documents as well as Course Files X86 - RockStar Games and My Papers -> Rockstar Gamings - > Grand Fraud Automotive 5. You will likewise have to erase that under the Local file which will definitely be concealed. Her advocates obtained a neighbour's Mercedes level car and parked that on her common area. Sound with it is terrific also (I am actually just about completely earless, thus this is necessary), and also, that possesses REAL GPS (additionally vital to me for Sailsafe support check out software program and also backup Navigating software application). Consider it: if a cars and truck could steer itself, hrs from our time every day would certainly be freed up for travelers anywhere. In this particular example where two selections exist as the only choices, but the author overlooks a variety of selections in between such as creating cleaner modern technology, cars and truck sharing devices for urgents and also requirements, or even far better community planning to dissuade regular driving. Apart from that whatever else is actually opinion, though the presence of a Vinewood check in the trailer does recommend we'll be actually finding aspect of GTA: San Andreas once more in this brand-new variation. Self-parking pertains to a type of car park where you position your cars and truck on your own, as well as keep your cars and truck keys. Apple reportedly came close to McLaren along with a sight in the direction of a complete requisition" of, or the strategic assets in, the car company, mentioning three people brief on the discussions". If your car experiences primary nicks as well as you have that in to an auto body garage, most likely you could possibly find yourself spending a good deal from funds. The Hyundai i20 used to become some of those cars and trucks that you purchased just due to the fact that it economicaled, yet the most recent version is among the quietest, roomiest and also very most relaxed tiny cars you may acquire, as well as the Coupé even appears fairly cool. Receiving transported out into the court of popular opinion with virtually no warning is actually certainly not one thing anybody intends to receive interacted with," pointed out Kristin Dziczek, supervisor of the sector, labor and also economics team at the Michigan-based Center for Automotive Investigation (VEHICLE). What sets A Great Snowman other than its own a lot of puzzle-game contemporaries on Android is actually a really quality nature. The car handles twisty roads effectively, with very little body roll while the struts smoothly absorb bumps in the street, causing a relaxed and smooth experience. That indicates an extremely general auto - in the case of that initial sub- ₤ 6k offering, you do not also receive a radio as criterion. As for what I failed to like: The 3 principal teen protagonists definitely failed to cultivate a lot of this publication and spent portion of it untasked and also unfocused. Diet regimen is actually an additional vital part from good health and you can easily protect your cardiovascular system along with your diet plan. While I wasn't directly recommended to get unnecessary fixings, the manager's failing to encourage me from the risks on a long excursion after an examination from my outdated auto led me to obtain unneeded repairs to take the travel, which caused my cars and truck's failure. People buy cars and trucks to steer them - if you take away the love of being at the steering wheel after that you might at the same time make use of Uber. Like all car business, Ferrari is actually under the gun to reduce discharges, yet while hybrids belong from its future, that will not emulate Porsche as well as decrease the completely power option, baseding upon Chief Executive Officer Sergio Marchionne. The JL Sound MBT-RX is a $50 Bluetooth recipient you can conveniently hardwire into a cars and truck if your car already possesses a manufacturing facility amp. The vehicles could not be actually extra other yet they discussed the same target: going a lot faster in comparison to the various other individuals. Alternatively, anybody getting an utilized high-end or performance car ought to strongly think about the CPO variation from an automobile over an as-is pre-owned automobile. The Google.com cars and truck hit the brakes immediately on observing the various other car crossing the traffic signal, observed by the human responsible for the wheel doing the exact same, however it wasn't sufficient to stop the accident. Your loan provider very most likely has the electrical power to have the car back if you fail on your car funding with late or absent settlements. Car guys must regularly battle finance individuals for the very most obvious remodelings. For example, the previous production Lexus car had blind spots right up against the vehicle where the sensors could not see, one thing that needs to be eliminated in any car open up to the general public. This is actually presently constructing a fleet of 100 electrically powered two-seater driverless cars and trucks to examine around its own California grounds as well as past. That grabs the childlike merriment of playing with plaything automobiles and incorporates this with the adrenaline from throwing on your own around in a very expensive piece from metallic. One other appealing sign: no cars and truck is obtaining anywhere near the interest of the one today.
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Cart Payoneer Account Number
You should it is best to enter PIN code from your shipped Mastercard. Note: transactions requiring your PIN aren't refundable. Although at times it's possible you'll feel like the fees are high, you're guaranteed on-time money (within 2 hours of loading if urgent load option is selected). Attempt to convince the student to buy bigger packages of hours. I personally set it up and withdrew in a few hours. However, due to regulations set by our new bank processing partner, we first must verify your identity in our system. In the event you were in the US, you'll just get a US bank account and receive ACH payments directly, and you wouldn’t really want a service like Payoneer. Receives a commission to task. No, You can’t. After you get the card first you need to receives a commission from US companies like UPWORK, FREELANCER, FIVERR and other Payoneer partners. That company was drawn to Payoneer's debit card solution to better navigate international banking barriers. QUESTION: Can I exploit my local phone number when i create an Amazon seller account as a global seller? For other countries, you might want to submit W8-BEN form, preferably with your own Tax number to avoid being being taxed in the USA and in your own country. In fact 5-8 days is a long time for a few of us to wait, but you need to start out planning ahead for that 5-8 days. Within 1-3 days funds will appear in your Local Checking account. If the card value is depleted and remains at a zero balance, no monthly maintenance fees are charged until funds are loaded onto the card again. Other than exchangers, you too can get your account funded by friends/individuals with payoneer funds which might be willing to send to your account in exchange for naira. Here’s where things get a bit nasty unfortunately. You have the power to take things that aren't intellectual property rights and tournament electoral property rights, at the least as far as the Amazon platform is worried and identical to those guys surrounding the plane right? Well, you aren't alone as many others from various a part of the world are in the identical situation as you. Not bad really. Best part is that, i got N80,908.15 which translate to N171 per dollar. This service is open to anyone with a Payoneer account in 210 countries and Nigeria is part of these countries. With all the above in mind, let me now walk you through the process of getting your personal Payoneer Mastercard card here in Nigeria. Methods to Get Payoneer Master Card in Nigeria Freed from Charge. Kwa lengo tajwa hapo juu, huduma hii inakupa options 2, punde unapolipwa pesa yako unaweza kui withdraw kwenye ATM yoyote inayo support Master card hii ni Worldwide! There after Payoneer will send you their master card. Suppose in case you are Blogger and also you need to buy an Theme from any websites there are options of payment that are mastercards there will probably be no listings of your local bank accounts. Among the photos of the event are here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? Actually there are two Facebook pages running as Payoneer Zimbabwe. Accessing the virtual bank account is as easy as logging into your Facebook account using your email address and password. Step 5: Start using your Payoneer account online with out any hesitation because it's most secure bank online. It seems you may transfer money from any bank account overseas via this platform. Today, online businesses have more payment platform options than ever before. US Payment Service members can receive funds from select US corporations. Whether you're a freelancer or sell something online or even you are a blogger, you will need to need a service to send or receive funds smoothly from all world wide. Payoneer advises against using it at no cost trials, however, because if the trial period lapses and your card is charged, you might be liable for that payment. Payoneer account or card as few sum of money can be deducted for verification of your ownership of the account. Click on either "Card holder can pay the fee" or "I pays the fee" if you want to send the complete amount with none deduction by Payoneer. To make it possible for cash shift by PayPal to assist Payoneer, it's advisable to full beneath actions. The other fun spend the advertising payoneer reviews items online is the actual fact that you only have to have marketing skills, know where you may sell and exactly how to succeed in away for as much prospecting buyers as possible. However it does involve vetting candidates to find people with the precise skills, negotiating fees, signing contracts and tax forms, making sure work is finished when it is purported to be, establishing payments, and communicating about everything along the best way. This makes being profitable online really easy for me. Therefore, you need to know a few of the ways to load money to your payoneer account. To receives a commission by GoTranscript with Payoneer, you will need to have the worldwide Payment Service feature activated. No direct banner advertising feature available. That being said, they do have a load payment service that you need to use (but you must contact support to turn on this feature). In the event you need one, Payoneer Free Credit Card will provide you with a local checking account within the USA, Europe, the United Kingdom & Japan. Most online shopping in Japan is conducted on marketplaces. Sellers who, until a few years ago, could barely reach buyers across their own country can now utilize marketplaces to succeed in buyers across continents. It's primarily utilized by sellers in Australia and New Zealand to realize access to international buyers. Let’s say you're based in Pakistan and you're doing a contract freelance work for a client based in Australia (example, web design). A few of them are pretty similar though. Why not, its services are so reliable and quicker that it takes you only a couple of minutes to send and receive the amounts. It almost takes 4 to 6 weeks normally to get your paxum prepaid mastercard after you successfully verify your details with Paxum. So GPM user takes advantage of it. In case you are a local English speaker, ensure that you simply let customers know this once you bid on work and capitalize on this advantage. We track all of the players, the miners, exchanges, wallets/vaults, capital markets applications, etc., and we take a look at them both for whether they're investable in addition to how our portfolio can make use of their technologies. If you take a look at that, we've a possibility to tie those three components together in a seamless transaction and that may be very powerful and it is a vehicle to do that. While the new York-based company has been profitable for 3 years, Payoneer raised cash to give it more flexibility to spend on expanding its workforce and global presence and build a bigger acquisition arsenal, said Chief Executive Officer Scott Galit. You'll most probably need to present Payoneer a call. But I feel there are two main services which you need to make use of, paxum and payoneer. Our security is always in our hands if we do not do what isn't recommended then we are not going to be trapped. It’s not a problem when you will have the cash flow going but it’s still very slow. If in case you have any other problem in transferring your money, be at liberty to ask me in a comment, I will try my best to answer you as soon as possible. Wallets could be a economical method for transferring money from one account to a different; however, you’ll need to find out first if the person you wish to transfer money to (or receive from) has the identical eWallet account. As I sum up my experience, I need to point out you how you can make cash using the Payoneer MasterCard. The MasterCard debit service works perfectly and doesn’t cost anything extra. It doesn’t matter the chosen cash flow, we always need a reliable method to get the money into our pockets. You could must make your individual calculation as fees can vary depending on your card type and merchant through which you get the card. You can too utilize it to get installments in EUR from European organizations – as if you will have an European financial balance! For example, in Nepal, you possibly can sign up for PayPal but you'll be able to neither send nor receive payments from other PayPal accounts so your balance always shows up zero. You possibly can sign up for a Payoneer card, and receive your payments directly to that card. Since this card isn’t a conventional full-fledged bank card, however, it might probably only be used after you load it or prepay it with funds of your individual. This usually means a large amount to all finance and credit score corporations. This means that you have to look ahead to paper cheques to arrive. For example, we have now to wait two weeks to receive a check, after which we now have to wait another 20-25 days for the amount to be credited to our accounts. Why wait join Wealthy Affiliate today. You should sign up for Payoneer if you're a blogger, freelancer, affiliate marketer or anyone who serves clients worldwide and make transactions online. It was once considered one of my favorite withdrawal methods because it was simple to enroll and charged the least amount of transaction fees. Welcome Bonus is a pleasant amount to receive. I follow all these given instructions and got my referral bonus within 3 days. The bonus can also be offered on GBP and EUR accounts, eg. They can even be offering GBP and EUR unique customer checking account numbers. While people are inclined to love PayPal for a variety of reasons, technology has opened the door for numerous competitors to challenge PayPal by offering cheaper frees, faster transactions, and enhanced security. Need assistance with Payoneer prepaid card number? If your a pair of reports forget to website link involving, you need to take a look at and in addition confirm a pair of considerations. Not bad for sharing a link eh? The net invoice is much like the conventional paper-based invoice, but it's accessible online from any device at any time via a unique link. You will see an "Expense Reports" link on the Dashboard page when you've got any yearly reports available. After you click the 'Register', you'll be redirected to the next page. Payoneer MasterCard will then be shipped to the house address you provided during the application process. The Payoneer Prepaid Debit Card will remain in Pending Verification status until Payoneer approves the application and sends the card, at which point the payout method will change to Ready status. They are going to always send you an email confirmation informing you that your application has been approved together with an estimated arrival date. You learn the guaranteed rate that will apply to your transfer before its confirmation. Through the use of Payoneer's US Payment Service, you'll be able to transfer funds from Moneybookers and PayPal to Payoneer, but AlertPay continues to be not supported. My name is Celine from PayPal Products and Site Support. But before you'll be able to display a site to people all around the world, you'll have to pay for hosting. If you liked this short article and you would like to get far more details pertaining to payoneer review kindly check out our web-site. If you’re paying contractors world wide, you could possibly be paying loads of extra fees for changing one currency into another. And if you’re a digital product creator, then it’s super-easy (and cheap too) to sell your products on ClickBank. The best way to Generate profits With ClickBank? PayPal. You'll have to make 40 separate transactions and you can be charged for each single one of them. Dan jika anda mencari alternatif untuk memverifikasi paypal tanpa VCC disinilah anda menemukan jawabanya. Belanja di Merchant, belanja online dan transfer belance. Apa anda juga sedang berbisnis online seperti di Amazon, Clickbank, CJ, Stiforp, Infolink, CPX Interactive, dan lain sebagainya? Maka Anda perlu klik tombol COMPLETE REGISTRATION di dalam Email tersebut. Ada satu hal lagi yang perlu Anda lakukan yaitu membuka Email Anda yang telah didaftarkan sebelumnya. Jul 6 I filed the dispute forms by email and called in to get a confirmation: Payoneer received it and no more action from my side is anticipated. Be sure you fill the 4 steps forms online correct. With your Payoneer card, you'll be able to withdraw cash in your local currency or make payment online, in stores, and at ATMs worldwide – wherever MasterCard® is accepted! Payoneer account holders have the choice to receive funds into their local bank account or e-wallet, or via a re-loadable prepaid debit card, which is issued through MasterCard and can be utilized at ATMs or at the purpose-of-purchase. When another person issues your card, they can log in to your account at any time, which means your account isn't safe. By being prepaid signifies that they're automatically loaded every time you get funds onto your account. It means anyone having its account can transfer funds to his/her local bank account directly. Before choosing to withdraw via bank transfer with Payoneer, you have to consider something really important. To promote a robust culture, an entrepreneur must protect the values of his or her community. Step: Specify your password and a security question and answer them and Must remember them. I hope you're good and this is answer for you. This a great move because even the costs are very affordable, and again there aren't any hassles. I have quite good income from SEO service. With multiple streams of income your earnings potential is unlimited. Traditionally, globally dispersed traders collect their earnings and dividends by paper check or wire transfer, which could be costly and time consuming. We’ll be making this modification as of December 22nd, at which time we will now not support direct bank wire transfers. Until here, you've finished the method of constructing Payoneer card. I tried BPi atms and so they didnt have the prepaid card options … i meant its there however it doesnt do anything after i cliked it.. There are fees, but they're much lower than foreign bank cheque fees. Are there any problems with fraud, money laundering or other criminal activity? You may also load your funds via your Payoneer Account by selecting the "Payment History" tab located under the "Activity" menu. Other modes of payment included e-wallets and checks. Using debit cards to pay instead of writing checks is nothing new. But if there aren't any sales – you earn nothing. They are the worst to date in my experience of customer support. Ariel: Hello and welcome to Payoneer Customer Support, how may I assist you to? Secure – Payoneer is consistently improving their technology to ensure customer privacy and authentication. Gotranscript pays via Paypal and via Payoneer every Friday. It owned by eBay Inc and Currently, PayPal manages greater than 230 million accounts, more than 87 million of them active. And eBay was fourth among retailers in China at 28 percent.
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hollywoodjuliorivas · 7 years
Advertisement The Opinion Pages | OP-ED COLUMNIST Giving Away Your Billion David Brooks JUNE 6, 2017 Continue reading the main storyShare This Page Share Tweet Email More Save 265 Photo Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor and philanthropist, last year. Credit Andrew Harnik/Associated Press Recently I’ve been reading the Giving Pledge letters. These are the letters that rich people write when they join Warren Buffett’s Giving Pledge campaign. They take the pledge, promising to give away most of their wealth during their lifetime, and then they write letters describing their giving philosophy. “I suppose I arrived at my charitable commitment largely through guilt,” writes George B. Kaiser, an oil and finance guy from Oklahoma, who is purported to be worth about $8 billion. “I recognized early on that my good fortune was not due to superior personal character or initiative so much as it was to dumb luck. I was blessed to be born in an advanced society with caring parents. So, I had the advantage of both genetics … and upbringing.” Kaiser decided he was “morally bound to help those left behind by the accident of birth.” But he understood the complexities: “Though almost all of us grew up believing in the concept of equal opportunity, most of us simultaneously carried the unspoken and inconsistent ‘dirty little secret’ that genetics drove much of accomplishment so that equality was not achievable.” His reading of modern brain research, however, led to the conclusion that genetic endowments can be modified by education, if you can get to kids early. Kaiser has directed much of his giving to early childhood education. Continue reading the main story ADVERTISEMENT Continue reading the main story Most of the letter writers started poor or middle class. They don’t believe in family dynasties and sometimes argue that they would ruin their kids’ lives if they left them a mountain of money. Schools and universities are the most common recipients of their generosity, followed by medical research and Jewish cultural institutions. A ridiculously disproportionate percentage of the Giving Pledge philanthropists are Jewish. Older letter writers have often found very specific niches for their giving — fighting childhood obesity in Georgia. Younger givers, especially the tech billionaires, are vague and less thoughtful. A few letters burn with special fervor. These people generally try to solve a problem that touched them directly. Dan Gilbert, who founded Quicken Loans, had a son born with neurofibromatosis, a genetic condition that affects the brain. Gordon Gund went fully blind in 1970. Over the ensuing 43 years, he and his wife helped raise more than $600 million for blindness research. The letters set off my own fantasies. What would I do if I had a billion bucks to use for good? I’d start with the premise that the most important task before us is to reweave the social fabric. People in disorganized neighborhoods need to grow up enmeshed in the loving relationships that will help them rise. The elites need to be reintegrated with their own countrymen. Only loving relationships transform lives, and such relationships can be formed only in small groups. Thus, I’d use my imaginary billion to seed 25-person collectives around the country. Newsletter Sign UpContinue reading the main story Sign Up for the Opinion Today Newsletter Every weekday, get thought-provoking commentary from Op-Ed columnists, the Times editorial board and contributing writers from around the world. Sign Up Receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services. SEE SAMPLE MANAGE EMAIL PREFERENCES PRIVACY POLICY OPT OUT OR CONTACT US ANYTIME A collective would be a group of people who met once a week to share and discuss life. Members of these chosen families would go on retreats and celebrate life events together. There would be “clearness committees” for members facing key decisions. The collectives would be set up for people at three life stages. First, poor kids between 16 and 22. They’d meet in the homes of adult hosts and help one another navigate the transition from high school to college. Second, young adults across classes between 23 and 26. This is a vastly under-institutionalized time of life when many people suffer a Telos Crisis. They don’t know why they are here and what they are called to do. The idea would be to bring people across social lines together with hosts and mentors, so that they could find a purpose and a path. Third, successful people between 36 and 40. We need a better establishment in this country. These collectives would identify the rising stars in local and national life, and would help build intimate bonds across parties and groups, creating a baseline of sympathy and understanding these people could carry as they rose to power. ADVERTISEMENT Continue reading the main story The collectives would hit the four pressure points required for personal transformation: Heart: By nurturing deep friendships, they would give people the secure emotional connections they need to make daring explorations. Hands: Members would get in the habit of performing small tasks of service and self-control for one another, thus engraving the habits of citizenship and good character. Head: Each collective would have a curriculum, a set of biographical and reflective readings, to help members come up with their own life philosophies, to help them master the intellectual virtues required for public debate. Soul: In a busy world, members would discuss fundamental issues of life’s purpose, so that they might possess the spiritual true north that orients a life. 265 COMMENTS The insular elites already have collectives like this in the form of Skull and Bones and such organizations. My billion would support collectives across society, supporting the homes and retreats where these communities would happen, offering small slush funds they could use for members in crisis. Now all I need is a hedge fund to get started. Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook and Twitter (@NYTopinion), and sign up for the Opinion Today newsletter. A version of this op-ed appears in print on June 6, 2017, on Page A22 of the New York edition with the headline: Giving Away Your Billion. Today's Paper|Subscribe Continue reading the main story RELATED COVERAGE BOOK ENTRY The New Gilded Age in Philanthropy MAY 1, 2017 WEALTH MATTERS How Top Philanthropists Wield Power Through Their Donations APRIL 14, 2017 TRENDING Trump Grows Discontented With Attorney General Jeff Sessions Intelligence Contractor Is Charged in First Leak Case Under Trump Op-Ed Columnist: The Lawless Presidency Some U.S. Diplomats Stage Quiet Revolt Amid Tensions With Trump Education Disrupted: The Silicon Valley Billionaires Remaking America’s Schools DealBook: Marc Kasowitz, ‘Toughest of the Tough Guys,’ Stands Beside Trump Feature: America’s Hidden H.I.V. Epidemic U.S. Islands: On a Georgia Island, a Lot of Good Food and Plenty of Nothing Aid Coordinator in Yemen Had Secret Job Overseeing U.S. Commando Shipments Op-Ed Columnist: Giving Away Your Billion View More Trending Stories » David Brooks Politics, culture and the social sciences. Donald Trump Poisons the World This White House is an axis of selfishness, which explains its suspicion of cooperative global arrangements, like NATO and the Paris climate accord. The Politics of Clan: The Adventures of Jared Kushner All his life he’s served his father or father-in-law. But Kushner is ill-served now by an approach that focuses on tight and exclusive blood bonds. More in Opinion DAVID LEONHARDT The Lawless Presidency EDITORIAL Where Are the United States Attorneys? ROGER COHEN A Case for Jeremy Corbyn THE CONVERSATION The Polar Bear in the Room Recommended for You No, ‘Covfefe’ Was Not Trump Speaking Arabic THE PUBLIC EDITOR The Public Editor Signs Off Go to Home Page » SITE INDEX THE NEW YORK TIMES Site Index Navigation NEWS World U.S. Politics N.Y. 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vsplusonline · 5 years
Where should my dad invest after retirement? Answers to your personal finance queries
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/where-should-my-dad-invest-after-retirement-answers-to-your-personal-finance-queries/
Where should my dad invest after retirement? Answers to your personal finance queries
Q. My dad is retiring this month from service. He will get a substantial lump sum in the form of gratuity, provident fund and other dues. How should he invest this money?
A. We assume a key goal, post-retirement, will be to earn regular cash flows to either meet his living expenses or supplement the pension he’s receiving from his employer.
Apart from this, even after retirement, it is important to have a growth component to one’s portfolio that can grow one’s capital to keep up with inflation. Without this, the capital investments may lose value with time, given the bite of inflation. Presently, after sharp cuts in interest rates by the Monetary Policy Committee, fixed deposits from leading banks offer interest rates of 6.1-6.5% (taxable) for 1- to 5-year terms which are quite unattractive. We can suggest three other regular income options that offer a better combination of safety with returns.
Your father can park the first ₹15 lakh of his retirement proceeds in the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme offered by the post office and also available at leading banks. This is a government-backed small savings scheme on which the Centre resets interest rates each quarter. For the current January to March 31 2020 quarter, the rate offered is 8.6% per annum, which is far higher than the rates on bank deposits. Investments are locked in for five years, with extension of the maturity date allowed after five years. Interest is paid out on a quarterly basis to the investor.
A second scheme is the Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana from LIC which allows an upfront investment of up to ₹15 lakh per individual. The scheme pays out guaranteed pensions on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly basis at rates of 8%, 8.05%, 8.13% or 8.3% respectively on initial investment. The scheme carries a 10-year lock-in period. If the policy purchaser doesn’t survive the term, the purchase price is refunded to the nominee.
A third option is to invest in GOI Savings Bonds that offer 7.75% interest per annum. The bonds, available on tap from banks, lock in the investor’s money for 7 years and allow you to earn either regular interest payouts or a cumulative value at maturity. The bonds need to be held to maturity and are unlisted and non-transferable. The interest on all of the above options is taxable and the post-tax interest, depending on your father’s tax slab, may be lower than the rates mentioned above. However, these schemes still score for their high interest rates compared with bank deposits despite their high safety as central government-backed schemes.
After deploying 75% of his retirement proceeds in the above three options, your father should invest about 25% of his capital in a multi-cap equity fund with a good track record. This investment should be in the growth option so that it can deliver capital appreciation that will boost his portfolio returns to keep up with inflation.
Apart from these options, your father should also have some money, equal to nine months’ living expenses, parked in a deposit with a leading bank that can be withdrawn at any time for emergencies. It would be wise to get a health insurance cover to protect his finances from medical emergencies.
Q. I’m 22 and earn ₹3 lakh a year. I don’t have any expenses as I am staying with my parents. I want to know where to invest the money so that it will give me good returns.
A. Your choice of investment options will depend on what you want to save up towards. It would be a good idea to map out your financial goals over the next one year, 3-5 years and longer time frames. Once you have such goals in place, you’ll need to quantify the target corpus for each.
For 1-year goals, we suggest you use a recurring deposit with a leading bank to invest. For 1-3 year goals, fixed deposits or SIPs in short-duration debt mutual funds would be ideal. For 3-5 year terms, the post office time deposit or corporate bond mutual funds that invest mainly in safe instruments would be good options. Towards more-than-5-year goals, you can invest in SIPs in multi-cap equity funds. When choosing funds, be sure to select those with a good 10-year record of outperforming their benchmarks and category, or take the help of a qualified adviser.
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