#but i literally went through the whole thing multiple times and i had the ign page for it open
ornithic · 11 months
the hoenn region having a whole section that's mostly water is!!!!!!!!!! RLLY COOL and i just got the ability to dive, which is even cooler, and hearing the song for it and the scuba diver trainers,
i have used more repels than i normally would Though,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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the100-news · 6 years
What We Know of S6
Here is a collection of quotes from interviews with Jason Rothenberg about S6. So SPOILERS ahead.
I tried to get the best quotes from all the interviews released after the finale. A lot of it was more of the same so I took the quotes I thought were best. I link to every interview I could find so you can read them in full if you’d like but under the cut there is a best of:
"It's ironic that even though it's a way, way longer time jump, for them it was like going to bed the night before and waking up the next day," Rothenberg says. "So you know, all of the stuff that lingers at the end of season 5 between Bellamy and Octavia, for instance, is still there in a big way in season 6 as we start. That is a relationship that is in trouble and needs to, you know, find a new normal. All the relationships that are broken are still broken and are in need of repair and some will get repaired and others might not," he continued. [eonline]
"Well what I'll say is it's unlike any story we've ever told before it's really a totally new world, pun intended, and that means, you know, we want to try to even explore new themes," Rothenberg teases. "I mean it's a new world with new challenges and part of it is exploring that new world and finding out what these mysteries are. And they're not going to be like the Grounders part two, it's a very, very different world that the show's going to unfold in, with characters that we love and that's what I'm excited about it's like literally book two of, you know, the adventures of Clarke, Bellamy, Raven, Murphy, et. Al, you know. And that's what's exciting for me creatively and keeps it fresh for me creatively and hopefully the audience will go for that ride with us." [eonline]
"Obviously Clarke made a few, I don't know, some people might say mistakes, certainly broke a few eggs relationship wise as she was protecting her child and those are going to come back to haunt her too. So as much as she wants to do the right thing and be a good guy and sort of turn the page on everything and have this new world be a fresh start, you know, it's going to be hard to escape the things that she's done and we don't often let people just sort of, you know, things that happen on the show leave a mark. And so it'll take work. [...] Yeah, I think Clarke will regret some of the choices she made and hopefully be able to earn forgiveness from the people that were hurt by the choices that she made. That said, you know, it's her child and she still wants to keep that child safe. She has, you're right, let her go and let her make her own choices, but as any parent knows, you know, it's hard to sit on the sidelines and watch, if you think your kid is doing something that is going to put them in harm's way. That doesn't just go away either." [eonline]
“Well, the whole story is that they went in search of Eligius III, right? That's what Monty had spent 20 years of his life trying to crack the code, he finally did and set the course for the planet they went to. We will discover much more about that as the season begins next year and ultimately it becomes a, "What happened to Eligius III?" mystery - the answer to which forms the basis for our whole season.In terms of what kind of life forms they discover on this planet, there is definitely life on that planet. Whether it was intelligent life or not before Eligius III landed is something that people will have to tune in to next season to find out. But the whole idea was to be able to literally world-build. It's from the ground up. We get to start again in so many ways in terms of the world that we're in. It's a hardcore sci-fi concept and we're leaning hard into that. I'm really excited. It's totally creatively rejuvenated me and the staff is excited so it's going to be a crazy season. It's very different and we look at it as like re-piloting almost, with characters we know and love. It's really Book Two of their adventure.” [IGN]
“Kane was put into cryo instead of dying. But when he's woken up from cryo he will die unless we figure out a way to save his life. That will obviously be part of a story that we're telling as we begin Season 6.” [IGN]
“Octavia, emotionally she's frozen in amber for 125 years. When she wakes up, she will still be tormented by what she's done, who she's become, haunted by it in so many ways. Bellamy doesn't give her relief as he put her into cryo and that will be a continuing story for her as we go into Season 6. She was ready to die, sacrificing herself for her brother, and that sacrificial death was taken away from her. Definitely that will be something that she's still longing for in many ways and we'll see that play out psychologically through her journey next season.” [IGN]
“Thematically, we’re trying to play with something new. It’s not about sacrificing the few to save the many; it’s not about what will you do to survive. Of course there will always be that aspect of it, that’s really been what the show was about for the last five seasons, but we wanted to freshen it up thematically, too. It’s really a new canvas, and in many ways I’ve been talking about it as a new pilot, that we are entering into with the characters we already know and love so much.” [hypable]
“So despite the fact that we’re building an entire new world with new threats, and new astro-physical phenomena on this planet, and all of this hardcore sci-fi stuff that I’m dying for you guys to see, emotionally we don’t have to reinvent the characters — which is actually a relief! It means that we get to continue to play out those relationships, and try to heal them, or break them apart even further, whatever the case may be.I also rebooted the [writing] staff, in many ways, because I just needed new thinking and new ideas and new tones. It’s just gonna be very, very different. And I think – of course, we have not shot a single foot of film yet – but we’re multiple scripts into the season, and I think people are gonna like it. I know I love it“ [hypable]
“There are some aspects of this new world that will force them to certainly reexamine who they are and what they’ve done to each other. The culture that they eventually encounter is different than anything they’ve ever had to deal with before, and I don’t necessarily mean that in a dark way. So yes, there will be opportunities for that.There is actually an episode we’re breaking right now, which is a bunch of character scenes, people talking about their feelings, and getting emotional, and having sex. It’s crazy. I’ve yet to read the script and blow it all up, but that’s the intention.” [hypable]
“So right now, [Clarke and Bellamy are] back to being in alignment, but a lot of other characters are not going to forgive Clarke as readily as Bellamy has, and that is something we’re going to keep an eye on as season 6 begins. But they will go forward with Monty’s wish for them to do better. They’ll be committed to that course — Clarke, I think, even more strongly than Bellamy going forward.” [EW]
“Also, part of Bellamy’s journey is that [his sister] was always his touchstone. No matter what he did, we were going to forgive him because it was for her, for the sister he loved, and we loved. He needs to move on from that too — that’s not owning your own life — so he needs to figure out who he is independent of that. The two of them need to come back together and have a grown-up relationship. He’s lived as her father his whole life, but he’s her brother, and she’s her own person too. That’s where the journey begins for them next season.” [EW]
“ He’ll be very important. And his story is very fascinating. He’s a blank slate. He’s never been off that ship. He’s never known anyone but his mother and father. Everything he experiences is going to be for the first time — he’s never tasted anything other than algae before! It’s going to be a fascinating journey to see if he can keep that innocence and wide-eyed excitement that he’ll enter the season with, surrounded by all these people who are drenched in blood. As for how the other characters are going to feel about him: Murphy will be the uncle who tries to corrupt him, Bellamy and Clarke are the protective aunts and uncles who won’t let him get into danger. Everyone will have a different reaction to the child of Monty and Harper.” [TVLine]
There is also his interviews with ksitetv and TVGuide but they don’t have anything different or new.
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nothingneverforever · 4 years
The Haunting of Hill House (2018)
I remember sitting through the first episode of this series with my mom, thinking that it wasn't the best option for us to commit to, worrying that it would be a waste of our precious mother-daughter bonding time. The pacing of the first/second episode was too.. American, the emotional expressions too unsubtle, leaving little room for my audience participation, the acting too stilted, and the actors behaving too much like stage thespians .. and because I'd chosen the series after seeing rave reviews online, I remember sitting through the first episode thinking, huh, this is the shit people been losing their minds over?
And then.... suddenly, quickly, it became one of the most deeply affecting and disturbing shows I'd experienced, and thus eventually, one of my favourites. I'm deciding to write this now, about 9 months after I finished the series, because I've just started on The Haunting of Bly Manor, which is described as a "follow-up" series to Hill House. The narratives are not connected, but much of the cast and crew are the same, which is nice because I was so so so so so impressed with the acting of these specific returning actors in Hill House, and after reading a little more into the production process, I've been allowed to understand that the crew is fucking epic and genius as fuck too. I love this series!!!!!
The title of a Youtube video that I love a great deal on this series, by one of my absolute favourite film analysis video essayists, Ladyknightthebrave, is: Stretching Genre - A Haunting of Hill House Video Essay. And maybe this is what I'll talk about first - genre. I've never particularly cared for 'horror' because I'd rather be able to engage with themes and tropes I can relate to in my own life, stories that resemble my own world from my own ever-romantic perspectives. I've always wanted to delve into horror, to appreciate the elaborately designed surfaces as well as be affected in whatever ways by any depth of conversation or concept, but I don't think I've ever been able to achieve any of this. I've tried to enjoy both superficially (i.e. entertainment value) and also more real-ly many horror productions, but always left with a deep sense of meh.  Crimson Peak (which I reviewed here back in 2016) might be the closest I've come to engaging genuinely with anything from this broad genre, but even then I think I liked it more for its kitsch value, its beautiful beautiful beautiful soundtrack, than for the genre-specific parts of the narrative. But I mean, everything makes a film right? The soundtrack and the costumes and the acting are the horror elements in themselves too, I know.
Even then, a lot of the simple reactions I've read for Hill House are ones of surprise, where audiences went in not realizing that a series with the words The Haunting of.. in its title would leave them feeling utterly heartbroken, distraught (sad), emotionally-invested as it were any other drama series. In that Ladyknightthebrave video I mentioned, at multiple points in her essay she says, simply, "hey,... I'm sad" when referencing a particular scene or conversation. And that was, too, my overwhelming reaction to the whole series.... I'm sad!!!!!
Perhaps I should describe the plot a little first.. so the Cranes are a family of 7, mother and father and 5 lovely children: in descending order of age, they are Steve, Shirley, Theo, and twins Luke and Eleanor (Nelly). Here is the official synopsis:
This modern reimagining of the Shirley Jackson novel follows siblings who, as children, grew up in what would go on to become the most famous haunted house in the country.. Now adults, they are forced back together in the face of tragedy and must finally confront the ghosts of their past. Some of those ghosts still lurk in their minds, while others may actually be stalking the shadows of Hill House.
And, from wikipedia, here are some of the notable reviews of the series:
Corrine Corrodus of The Telegraph graded the series with a 5/5 rating, calling it "the most complex and complete horror series of its time." Brian Tallerico of RogerEbert.com gave unanimous praise to the Netflix adaptation, describing it as "essential viewing," and stated that "[the show] contains some of the most unforgettable horror imagery in film or television in years." David Griffin of IGN gave the series a rating of 9.5 out of 10, calling it "a superb and terrifying family drama," and Paul Tassi of Forbes described it as "absolutely fantastic" and stated that "it may actually be Netflix's best original show ever."
Horror author Stephen King, who holds considerable admiration for Jackson's novel, tweeted about the series, "I don't usually care for this kind of revisionism, but this is great. Close to a work of genius, really. I think Shirley Jackson would approve, but who knows for sure."
Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, in interview with The Jerusalem Post said, "My favorite Netflix series, with no competition, is The Haunting of Hill House."
Due to obvious reasons I give zero fucks about what either King or Tarantino might have to say about, uhh, anything on this planet, but YASSSS RETWEET everything above!!! It is essential viewing!!! Indeed the most complex and complete series of its time!!! Unforgettable imagery!!!
Okie so now on to my own original thots... 
My main learning was this: Horror, i.e. the presence of something horrific, for it's characters in the show/story, isn't about feeling frightened or them 'losing their minds' or being driven to questioning their own perceptions of reality or anything like what we've seen in the last 7 decades or so of seeing the genre develop and evolve. In Mike Flanagan's beautiful ode to Shirley Jackson's incredible story, we come to understand that horror is only ever about genuine trauma. I guess, like I talked about earlier, I never really understood what horror's raison d'etre was at all.. like... why?? What is the greater, lasting impact of having audiences shaking in their boots? What is intended by eliciting a gasp or a scream? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ALL THIS?!
I asked, and I've been asking and asking for years, and finally Hill House provided: Horror is, in fact, about unspeakable pain.. Pain that has no outlet in a world that will only ever be skeptical of such experiences... it's about being genuinely haunted in such a way that you can never dream of stability in your life ever again; it's about developing into a closed-off, maladjusted adult, knowing that your experiences of early life cannot be related to anyone else's in any way, not even that of your siblings. I remember taking away this lesson very early on in the series, possibly midway through the second episode. Because the siblings (Steve, Shirley, Theo, Luke, Nelly) are all utterly flawed and thus 'real' characters, we're able to quickly why they are the ways they are. (Important note: the siblings are not flawed in ways that make them unlikable at all, or unrelatable, or downright unpleasant to watch - this is a flaw that other productions have definitely fallen prey to before in the name of achieving that 'realness' however Hill House judges things so perfectly that we are endeared to their flaws and never put off by them.) Their disparate experiences with Hill House growing up, their subsequent very personal meaning-making journeys (some looking more like denial, some resulting in substance dependency), their different levels of having access to the 'truths' about what went on in that cursed home, all of this meant that the siblings ended up, where we see them in 'current day', being broken adults with a lot of misplaced anger, unprocessed trauma, and resentment toward one another. It is the aloneness in all their experiences that is the true horror, and the horrors were a very personal, existential kind and so there was no room for mutual bonding and sharing until it was too late, until their babiest of baby sisters had lost herself to the pressures calling her ‘home’.
And suddenly, I realised: this is the true evil. Ghosts don't ruin lives by doing a good epic scare here and there or by turning your irises white by revealing some fucking scary shit: ghosts are seriously... so... fucking... evil because they ruin your whole entire lives..!!! Horrifying realities take the form of many different things, even if they all originate from one main source. The Crane siblings, as children, had to deal at once with their mother being predisposed to falling victim to the spirits of the house due to, as hinted, mental health conditions of her own, while also dealing with differently confusing aspects of a house and a home that taunted them by making them feel unsafe and secure all at once. Now I say all this from an.. artistic appreciation pov, because I am myself unconvinced that the 'supernatural' or anything of a spiritual realm influences our daily lives. Which is all the more significant, right? That a ""skeptic"" like myself (although I'm not an insensitive and stubborn over-rationalizing dumb male like Steve is in the show) could suddenly realise the tragic effects on many many vulnerable souls of a world that clutching on to its medical models and objective scientific truths.
From the series' wiki page: The Haunting of Hill House received critical acclaim, particularly for its acting, directing, and production values, with many calling it an "effective ghost story."
So yea... finally I know what that means. Finally I know what effect a ghost story can and should have. Finally I understand the potential of the genre!!! Sigh there is literally SO much I could say about how and why this is the best series in the world but maybe I'll stop here for now..? There would be no end if I were to discuss everything because it's one of those series that has 'easter eggs', in the form of hidden ghosts (visual) lurking in the dark or specific lines that foreshadow something else later on, but I've never really cared much to 'reveal' these things so yea, go forth and enjoy this best show everrrrr :-)
(For example there is a lot of discussion online about how each of the 5 siblings represent the 5 different stages of grief à la Kübler-Ross, with the eldest Steve being in complete denial that there was ever any supernatural presence to explain their experience, Shirley reacting with sheer anger to all around her, Theo bargaining her way through her own internal conflicts, Luke being surrounded by swirling depression fueling his drug dependency, and Nell eventually accepting the so-called inevitable, etc etc etc but this kinda analysis is a little too lowbrow and heavy-handed for me to get into so yea haha)
There is a specific dialogue that I want to reference however on my way out: when Nell's suicide/death is revealed early in the series, Shirley has the difficult talk with her young children about it. And these 2 simple lines umm basically summarize the entire plot:
Shirley's son: Why did she die? Shirley: I don't know.. I'm just so sad that she did
Everyone watching the show would relate to that immediately but also that sentiment rings more and more and more true as the episodes come to reveal what a painfully innocent and giving soul Nell was... :(
So sad !!!!!
Edit: copying below my mom’s initial thoughts after I forced her to read this post hehe, because her words describe a lot of what I think and feel too, and because I want to remember our discussion and reflection forever!
Each of us -  lives scarred at some time – in some private way – religion drowns it, cosmetises – but horror – is the Couch of reflection, reliving and something of a letting it out.  Feeling again the horror/fear/anxiety/pain/aloneness of that  real trauma – but in an shared room, even if only shared with an older, saner, wiser, learning you.
0 notes
What We Know of S6
Here is a collection of quotes from interviews with Jason Rothenberg about S6. So SPOILERS ahead.
I tried to get the best quotes from all the interviews released after the finale. A lot of it was more of the same so I took the quotes I thought were best. I link to every interview I could find so you can read them in full if you’d like but under the cut there is a best of:
“It’s ironic that even though it’s a way, way longer time jump, for them it was like going to bed the night before and waking up the next day,” Rothenberg says. “So you know, all of the stuff that lingers at the end of season 5 between Bellamy and Octavia, for instance, is still there in a big way in season 6 as we start. That is a relationship that is in trouble and needs to, you know, find a new normal. All the relationships that are broken are still broken and are in need of repair and some will get repaired and others might not,” he continued. [eonline]
“Well what I’ll say is it’s unlike any story we’ve ever told before it’s really a totally new world, pun intended, and that means, you know, we want to try to even explore new themes,” Rothenberg teases. “I mean it’s a new world with new challenges and part of it is exploring that new world and finding out what these mysteries are. And they’re not going to be like the Grounders part two, it’s a very, very different world that the show’s going to unfold in, with characters that we love and that’s what I’m excited about it’s like literally book two of, you know, the adventures of Clarke, Bellamy, Raven, Murphy, et. Al, you know. And that’s what’s exciting for me creatively and keeps it fresh for me creatively and hopefully the audience will go for that ride with us.” [eonline]
“Obviously Clarke made a few, I don’t know, some people might say mistakes, certainly broke a few eggs relationship wise as she was protecting her child and those are going to come back to haunt her too. So as much as she wants to do the right thing and be a good guy and sort of turn the page on everything and have this new world be a fresh start, you know, it’s going to be hard to escape the things that she’s done and we don’t often let people just sort of, you know, things that happen on the show leave a mark. And so it’ll take work. […] Yeah, I think Clarke will regret some of the choices she made and hopefully be able to earn forgiveness from the people that were hurt by the choices that she made. That said, you know, it’s her child and she still wants to keep that child safe. She has, you’re right, let her go and let her make her own choices, but as any parent knows, you know, it’s hard to sit on the sidelines and watch, if you think your kid is doing something that is going to put them in harm’s way. That doesn’t just go away either.” [eonline]
“Well, the whole story is that they went in search of Eligius III, right? That’s what Monty had spent 20 years of his life trying to crack the code, he finally did and set the course for the planet they went to. We will discover much more about that as the season begins next year and ultimately it becomes a, “What happened to Eligius III?” mystery - the answer to which forms the basis for our whole season.In terms of what kind of life forms they discover on this planet, there is definitely life on that planet. Whether it was intelligent life or not before Eligius III landed is something that people will have to tune in to next season to find out. But the whole idea was to be able to literally world-build. It’s from the ground up. We get to start again in so many ways in terms of the world that we’re in. It’s a hardcore sci-fi concept and we’re leaning hard into that. I’m really excited. It’s totally creatively rejuvenated me and the staff is excited so it’s going to be a crazy season. It’s very different and we look at it as like re-piloting almost, with characters we know and love. It’s really Book Two of their adventure.” [IGN]
“Kane was put into cryo instead of dying. But when he’s woken up from cryo he will die unless we figure out a way to save his life. That will obviously be part of a story that we’re telling as we begin Season 6.” [IGN]
“Octavia, emotionally she’s frozen in amber for 125 years. When she wakes up, she will still be tormented by what she’s done, who she’s become, haunted by it in so many ways. Bellamy doesn’t give her relief as he put her into cryo and that will be a continuing story for her as we go into Season 6. She was ready to die, sacrificing herself for her brother, and that sacrificial death was taken away from her. Definitely that will be something that she’s still longing for in many ways and we’ll see that play out psychologically through her journey next season.” [IGN]
“Thematically, we’re trying to play with something new. It’s not about sacrificing the few to save the many; it’s not about what will you do to survive. Of course there will always be that aspect of it, that’s really been what the show was about for the last five seasons, but we wanted to freshen it up thematically, too. It’s really a new canvas, and in many ways I’ve been talking about it as a new pilot, that we are entering into with the characters we already know and love so much.” [hypable]
“So despite the fact that we’re building an entire new world with new threats, and new astro-physical phenomena on this planet, and all of this hardcore sci-fi stuff that I’m dying for you guys to see, emotionally we don’t have to reinvent the characters — which is actually a relief! It means that we get to continue to play out those relationships, and try to heal them, or break them apart even further, whatever the case may be.I also rebooted the [writing] staff, in many ways, because I just needed new thinking and new ideas and new tones. It’s just gonna be very, very different. And I think – of course, we have not shot a single foot of film yet – but we’re multiple scripts into the season, and I think people are gonna like it. I know I love it“ [hypable]
“There are some aspects of this new world that will force them to certainly reexamine who they are and what they’ve done to each other. The culture that they eventually encounter is different than anything they’ve ever had to deal with before, and I don’t necessarily mean that in a dark way. So yes, there will be opportunities for that.There is actually an episode we’re breaking right now, which is a bunch of character scenes, people talking about their feelings, and getting emotional, and having sex. It’s crazy. I’ve yet to read the script and blow it all up, but that’s the intention.” [hypable]
“So right now, [Clarke and Bellamy are] back to being in alignment, but a lot of other characters are not going to forgive Clarke as readily as Bellamy has, and that is something we’re going to keep an eye on as season 6 begins. But they will go forward with Monty’s wish for them to do better. They’ll be committed to that course — Clarke, I think, even more strongly than Bellamy going forward.” [EW]
“Also, part of Bellamy’s journey is that [his sister] was always his touchstone. No matter what he did, we were going to forgive him because it was for her, for the sister he loved, and we loved. He needs to move on from that too — that’s not owning your own life — so he needs to figure out who he is independent of that. The two of them need to come back together and have a grown-up relationship. He’s lived as her father his whole life, but he’s her brother, and she’s her own person too. That’s where the journey begins for them next season.” [EW]
There is also his interviews with ksitetv and TVGuide but they don’t have anything different or new.
from the 100 news https://ift.tt/2vpWDJq via Istudy world
0 notes
grabey · 7 years
Horsing around
After watching the Darksiders III trailer I’m surprised Gunfire Games didn’t take the opportunity to retcon out Vigil’s bizarre decision to rename Famine and Pestilence. Instead we are left with a game featuring that famed horse rider of the Apocalypse, Fury (the other one is Strife).
The series has always seemed weirdly reluctant to make full use of the cool premise of the Four Horsemen battling against Heaven and Hell. Darksiders II was set largely in a fairly generic fantasy world with the Apocalypse pushed into the background and Death portrayed as an elite warrior rather than the actual Grim Reaper.
I don’t know if they’re just worried about stirring up religious controversy, but I can’t help but feel the setting would be more interesting if it went deeper into the Book of Revelation inspirations. TGN Professor
GC: It’s almost certainly the religious aspect, particularly with regards to the American market. As you imply, we can’t help but feel they would’ve been better off making up their own fantasy universe from scratch.
Stuck in time
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been playing through Darksiders, having enjoyed the sequel a few years ago. I was just thinking about what they could do for a third entry then saw the news about the new game which is great. Although watching the IGN reveal trailer I’m a little disappointed to see that the story doesn’t seem to have moved on at all.
Darksiders has you as War trying to clear your name. Darksiders II has you as Death in a concurrent story to the first game – trying to clear War’s name. The trailer for Darksiders III starts with War in chains, so it looks like his name is still not cleared yet?! Don’t tell me Fury now has to clear his name!
I was also thinking the format might have changed slightly. It’s probably a bit ambitions for a smaller studio (assuming Gunfire Games are smaller studio compared to a company like Bungie) but maybe they could have or will do something like a four-player co-op where you each play one of the horsemen and have to take on Destiny style raid dungeons. Anyway, can’t wait to hear a bit more info.
If Darksiders III does OK, it’s pretty certain we’ll eventually get a fourth staring Strife but let’s just hope it’s not all about clearing War’s name again! PsillyPseudonym (PsillySeudonym – gamertag)
GC: According to IGN it’s ‘set around the same time as the events of Darksiders II’, so we think you’re right. It certainly doesn’t look like War’s name has been cleared in the trailer.
Big impression
Can I just say what a wonderfully creepy game Little Nightmares is. I think walking through the dark with all the mannequins around toward the end was great/nerve racking!
But I’d also like to draw people’s attention to the PS Store, where, if like me, you were happy with the news of a third Darksiders game there is a bundle of both remastered games for £16. Which considering it’s £16 for the first one alone is pretty good! Liam
Furniture land
Thank god Bethesda chose to release a Prey demo, indeed. Wanted to write in to defend against Phil’s point. I was always planning on getting Prey based on the premise, alone but was probably going to wait for some sales first.
After playing the demo on hard difficulty I was not disappointed by the previews suggesting it was ‘a thinking man’s game’, which is undoubtedly a dig at the Call Of Duty crowd. It was a challenge of nerve and mind, like a cross between Garry’s Mod prop hunt and The Thing. I raised my wrench against any and all mugs and chairs. Playing with headphones on, even mop buckets I knew were black spiders made me touch cloth because of that damn music sting!
After multiple playthroughs of the demo I now have a good idea of what skill trees to level up (hacking seems like a very useful starting point) and have now pre-ordered the game (£40 on Amazon Prime). Really looking forward to exploring the rest of the game and I hope it’s not too short. And I’m really glad Bethesda decided to release a demo.
They got extra money out of me by doing so, as the demo convinced me to buy as soon as possible because it is so different from the majority of other first person shooters available now. I never got round to playing Dishonored 2, so I can’t comment how much of a clone Prey may be to it but I like Arkane and hope they do well. Beware the chair! Stretchy Grunt
The second year
I’m seriously beginning to wonder whether the Nintendo Switch could be a hit on the scale of the Wii. Every time we hear a new story about it the situation seems even more positive than before. And despite what it seemed like before launch I think the release schedule is working out pretty well, with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe clearly off to a great start and Splatoon 2 likely to do very well too. I’m not so sure about ARMS, but I’m beginning to think it won’t be ignored as others were predicting a few months ago.
But of course with E3 approaching it only makes me wonder more about what Nintendo has coming up next. Super Mario Odyssey should be the perfect way to end the year but what about after that? We know about literally nothing at the moment and they’ve already used up all their biggest franchises: Zelda, Mario Kart 8, and Super Mario. If Nintendo think they can follow that up with second-stringers like Pikmin and Kirby then I would’ve hoped they’d learned their lesson by now.
Maybe a new Metroid, since it’s been so long since we’ve had a proper one, but they need to keep with the new franchises. Splatoon worked out great and ARMS might do too. That’s what we need more of, not diminishing returns with a new Donkey Kong and a new Star Fox, until they get down to franchises not even their biggest fans care about. The Switch in 2017 seems to be working out great but it’s the Switch in 2018 I’m worried about now. Goose
You get what you pay for
Well, I just bought one of them retro game controllers from Argos with 200 games on it (you know the one where it’s in the shape of a joypad the size of a matchbox, priced at a tenner). However, I wasn’t expecting much for the price. Unfortunately, I will never know because my two-year-old LG 4K UHD smart telly hasn’t got the phono plugs to plug the game controller in so I can play it.
Now I not what you’re all going to say – why didn’t you go and get a converter to play the Damon thing? So off I went to my local Maplin store, only to be told it would cost me around £50 to buy a converter so I can see it on my screen. Or go and buy a new telly with the phono jacks already built into it. I wouldn’t mind but the whole gaming box only cost me a tenner in the first place.
So my question is how do other people manage to have all these other retro gaming devices like your new retro Ataris, Mega Drive, and the Nintendo gadgets to work on their tellies, because mines at least two-years-old now and surely any newer telly made after mine is just not compatible for these latest retro-crazed gaming devices to be played on due to the phono plugs. JAH
GC: We don’t know about the others but the NES Mini uses a HDMI cable. We assume you bought this, but it doesn’t seem to contain any real retro games – just a bunch of cheapo Flash games (there’s a PDF list here).
Oldest school
All this talk of remasters from gaz be rotten has got me thinking. I’d like to see much older games put onto games consoles, ones that were invented long before video games.
When I was growing up in Mevagissey many years ago my mates and I used to enjoy a jolly game of Poohsticks. I sure that some sort of video game could be made out of that.
Here’s hoping for some Inbox magic The Dark Fud
Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here
Making the list
I have just finished playing Titanfall 2 and although it’s a great game, it doesn’t quite beat the other multiplayer shooters I’ve played in recent years.
My list goes in reverse order: 4. Titanfall 2 3. Overwatch 2. Star Wars: Battlefront (controversial!) 1. Splatoon (of course)
I’ve got a feeling not everyone will agree with that list. One thing I’ve noticed in all four games is the lack of emphasis or downright absence of a free-for-all mode. Titanfall 2 obviously has one, but the wait for a match was 10 times longer than the team modes – making it very unappealing to actually play. Free-for-all used to be the only game in town, with several different variants, but slowly it is being wiped out by team modes/games.
It seems a real shame as I am naturally a lone wolf player and free-for-all is a much more fitting mode for me to play. Not that I don’t enjoy team games at all, with Splatoon my favourite game ever, but I miss the more cutthroat and chaotic play of having everyone out to get you. Free-for-all is something I’d love to see as an option in Splatoon 2, I’m sure they could find a way to make it work. Ryan O’D PS: I know some would cry foul that they weren’t included already, but I hope they release new DLC tracks for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Inbox also-rans
What’s everyone assuming Bethesda’s two new games at E3 are? Wolfenstein must be one of them, but what’s the other? The Evil Within 2 by the sound of the rumours I’d say. Ollie
Do you know what Link’s favourite song is? A Good Heart These Days Is Hard To Find by Feargal Sharkey. DMR
This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Steiner, who asks how much money do you spend on gaming a month?
Do you have a specific budget that you stick to, or some other kind of system to make sure you don’t spend too much at once? What do you do when multiple games come out at the same time? And do you try and have money in reserve for the launch of new consoles and other hardware?
What percentage of your games do you buy for full price and how much do you take advantage of sales? Do you resell your games or buy second-hand, and how are your habits changing as digital downloads become more prominent?
from Blogger Darksiders III reaction, Titanfall 2 free-for-all, Nintendo Switch
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