#but i love rainstorms. aches and all from bad joints
foughtbelief · 5 months
i TRULY need to either commission someone the "dancing in the rain" scene between arthur and alexios, or draw it myself
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mayrubyy · 3 years
Clouded III
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➻ Pairing- Chanyeol x Reader  ➻ Genre - Angst + Fwb! 
➻ Word Count - 3.7k  
➻ Rating - (M) Warning! this contains strong language, fwb, sexual and angst themes that are intended for mature audiences. Please don’t read if you’re not comfortable with the said themes and if you’re under 18! 
A/N - hey guys, so.. it is time to say goodbye and i was always full of hope and love for this series. sadly, it won’t see the light of day like i hoped for but in all it’s unfinished, glory, i present to you ~ Chapter III of Clouded.
This is my last post. So, farewell. 
.  ・ 。 × fragments=͟͟͞͞evanescent-lucid͟͟-transcending × 。・ .  
Wayfaring aimlessly, you were drenched from head to toe and your senses were heavily distorted. The icy pellets of rain were unrelenting, not gentle in the slightest as they slapped against your skin. Streaks of lightning pierced through the forlorn sky in iridescent veins of electric and purple.The wind kept howling around you, the violent rainstorm having no mercy as it obscured your vision. Cars were zooming by at full speed, splashing puddles on to the pavement in their wake and when thunder roared above you, it sparked some kind of urgency in you as if the universe was telling you to take that one step forward, one step closer to starting a new chapter of your life– only you couldn't fathom that by doing so you were inviting trouble. 
All you could think of was Chanyeol and you found yourself knocking at his door, in the dead of the night.
Moreover, being completely soaked to the bone and nearly shivering to death wasn't fun. A mild wave of panic coursed through your body when you realized he wasn't answering the door. You rang the bell a few more times, begging, hoping and praying he was home. 
But, it was all drearily for nothing. 
Just when you were about to give up, you heard him shuffle. His footsteps thundered across the hallway and with a hasty turn of the knob, the door was ineptly flung open. The light fixtures in the foyer did little to illuminate his features, flickering about as they swathed his tall form in subtle hues of orange and gold. Chanyeol stood before you like a tower, silhouetting the buttery glow of his apartment and for a fleeting second, you couldn't decipher anything. Your mind was swirling in a heart stopping haze, his cologne dominating your senses as you stood there, wavering under his gaze. He rubbed his own bleary eyes, looking dazed and spaced out in the soft light, hair a complete mess, perhaps from wearing headphones. His breathing was erratic, chest tight against his shirt as it rose and fell, elucidating he had dashed all the way to get the door. To get to you. 
"Y/N?" He faltered, gaping at you with furrowed brows. "Wh-what are you doing here?" He asked you, dipping slightly to look at the expensive watch that adorned his wrist. "It's like one in the morning," ruffling the crimson locks away from his face, he tilted his head to the side like a lost pup and an awkward wave of silence crept between you two. The frigid air was stinging and your damp shirt was unpleasantly clinging to your body, the dewiness itching and nibbling away at your skin. Quivering in your bones, you wrapped your soaked arms around yourself and stuttered through chattering teeth. 
"Ch-Chanyeol… I'm c-cold."
"Fuck– my bad." He shuffled from one feet to the other before cautiously leaning towards you. "Here, let me–," then carefully draping his arm over your shoulder, he lead you inside, the warmth of his body effectively engulfing you as he did. The minute you set foot in his apartment, you were taken aback by how huge and spacious it was. And oddly enough, it was welcoming and cozy– just like him. 
It wasn't an ordinary apartment at all. It was rather luxurious for an undergrad and you could say you were mildly shook. You caught a whiff of coffee coming from his kitchen and some beats blaring through the headphones that sat tacitly on the counter. He was after all, much to your relief at home and completely immersed in music. That's why he couldn't hear you ring the bell or knock the door. He clumsily hooked his leg around the scaffold of the stool and dragged it closer to the island. Gently squeezing your shoulder, he ushered you to sit and after you quietly perched yourself down on the stool you looked up at him. His gorgeous pair of eyes sparkled as they met yours and deep in your heart, you felt relieved for having someone like him to rely on. A shoulder you could lean and cry on. 
"You, alright?" he asked you, concern swirling in his dark orbs. You kept your head low and nodded while he paced towards the coffee-maker and quickly grabbed a mug from the cupboard. He poured the hot liquid into it and scampered back to you. "You might want to have some. It'll help you warm up." He mumbled, voice deep and soothing to your ears. His fingers brushed softly against yours as you took the mug from him. "You probably need a warm bath too. I'll be right back." And with that he hurried away again, disappearing into the bedroom this time. He seemed anxious and quite restless like he didn't want to linger around you. 
You began to fret you were bothering him for turning up unannounced and so out of the blue like this. For a good moment you were contemplating whether to leave again. The door was right there, maybe you should...but your limbs had failed you. Your joints were beginning to ache and there was a sharp pain seeping through your nerves from the cold. Feeling defeated and worn out, you winced as you brought the rim of the mug to your lips and sipped quietly. The warmth from the coffee slowly began spreading down your throat and into your empty belly.
Your eyes flickered around the apartment as you placed the mug back down on the counter. A huge shelf made of glass had intrigued you. It was filled with action figures, a collection of sorts, of Chanyeol's favorite manga and anime characters. There was a record player sitting by the same shelf which had a robust and vintage feel to it. And, a glass door beside it leading further into something that looked like a mini studio, with guitars racked neatly in a corner and some dreamcatchers celestially hooked to the wall above them. The other end was adorned with the One Piece flag hanging on the wall which confirmed his addiction to all things Japanese. It was adorable. You squinted through the glass door again and found a desktop– an iMac sitting right in between the space with acoustic diffusers surrounding it. You could tell Chanyeol was very passionate about music. You had once heard him play the guitar at a local club on a weekend but you didn't know he had a whole studio in his exquisite apartment like this. 
Your bestfriend Kyungsoo had told you that Chanyeol was from an affluent family. He was in the Basketball team along with your boyfriend Taehyung. Highly competitive and charming to a fault, musically talented and really tall, kinda clumsy with a goofy grin and big fluffy ears– that was all you really knew about him. 
It was at a party after a match that Baekhyun had introduced you to each other. And, all you could vaguely remember was playing beer pong and getting drunk out of your mind. Taehyung had abandoned you in the middle of the party and the next day, you found yourself waking up on top of Chanyeol. It sure as hell was fucking awkward, you recall. Although, he had chuckled nonchalantly and assured you that you were just woozy and beyond sloshed. That you held him tightly and wouldn't let him go till you were out cold and passed out on the couch. Chanyeol went as far as calling you cute that day and you felt your face go embarrassingly crimson and returned him with a sharp punch to his gut, making him groan frantically. He did put up a dramatic show that day because he loved attention and took much pride in teasing you. 
Quickly enough, your little encounters with him followed. You ran into each other at the games a lot. More mini trips to 7-Eleven at the campus, talking about music and other things that amused you and you came to realize that you both had a lot in common. You were beginning to grow fond of his company everytime Taehyung left you hanging. And whenever you'd get anxious you'd end up texting Chanyeol asking if Tae was at the game. 
Chanyeol would facetime you and tell you that guys like to go into their little caves from time to time. That it wasn't anything you should be worrying about. Although, to your shocking revelation, it was far from an ordinary man cave. Your world turned upside down after Chanyeol ran into your boyfriend making out with one of the cheerleaders in the locker room. 
He kept it from you for two weeks before fidgeting and stuttering, then finally spilled everything out and suggested you moved on from Taehyung. That it was for the best. At first you thought it was some kind of a pathetic joke but turns out, it wasn't. 
You'd never felt so broken and so ditched. You felt ridiculed and helpless. Taehyung never really cared to bring the matter up. And when you asked him if he was seeing anyone, he simply told you not to be ridiculous, persuading you to drop it with all things romantic and velvety later on. You were starting to feel sick of his behavior. Of course it was you who was being delusional and not him shoving his tongue down someone else's throat. It must have been so easy for him, right? 
As the weeks flew by, your mind hopelessly drifted back to how your boyfriend would rather spend the weekend with some chic who'd had sugar, spice and everything nice and honestly, it wasn't fun or healthy for you to fret over him anymore. It made you dizzy, made you want to throw up. He was cold blood lying through his teeth. He was cheating on you and you'd had just about enough. 
Barely hours ago, you'd stormed out of Taehyung's apartment after having a nerve wracking argument with him. Completely blinded by rage you wandered forcefully in the streets until it had started raining violently. And then it dreadfully occurred to you that you had absolutely nowhere to go. Kyungsoo wasn't in town and the last person to cross your mind was Chanyeol. His apartment was around the corner and of all the people, you never really fathomed you'd end up knocking at his door all doused and a drenched mess like this but here you were.  
You balled your fists and sniffled quietly, trying to stop the tears that were welling at the corner of your weary eyes. Chanyeol was still nowhere in sight while the beats continued blaring from his headphones from the other end. You wiped a lone tear that had trickled down your right cheek and returned your attention to the white foam swirling delicately in your mug, trails of steam dancing above it. 
You heard Chanyeol's voice echo from within the room. You quickly placed your elbows on the counter and ducked your head to conceal your tears away from him. 
"The bath is ready. You'll find the clothes on the dresser. And, I– uhm, I have some bath bombs. If you wanna use them. Go ahead." Chanyeol reappeared scratching the back of his head, his lips had curved into a daffy smile. 
"You have a...g-girlfriend?" It wasn't that you were curious but you knew you shouldn't have blurted that out so mindlessly. It was obvious. It was so goddamn obvious. He's a young adult, a drop dead gorgeous one for fuck's sake. He plays basketball and guitars, has got a whole studio of his own and must have plenty of girls over. You couldn't have been more nuts to ask him that? You mentally shrug and cuss at yourself. 
"What?" Chanyeol looked at you as if you were delirious. "Uhhh, no? I don't." He mumbled, a huge pout adorning his lips. "I'm not.. really.. in a good headspace for love." He crossed his arms and leaned against the door. "Also, love is fucking illusive, you know?" 
Illusive? Is that even a word? You both eyed each other intently and the more you looked at him the more you were mystified by his words. You bit your lip quietly and urged him to continue, "tell me more."
"How about you get out of those clothes first." Chanyeol's voice was barely a whisper. He then furrowed his brows but his expression quickly morphed into an awkward one like he was ready to pull his hair out. "I mean, you must be cold –not that– I– fuck–.." 
Another wave of awkward silence crept between you two and he began pulling at his hair frantically. "That sounded awful.." He stomped about cursing and letting a string of fucks slip out of his tongue again. He then collapsed to the floor and hid his face dramatically in his hands. You couldn't help but chuckle at his actions and wheezed loudly enough for him to peek from between his fingers to look back at you. He slowly loosened up and smiled quietly to himself. "I'm serious." He walked towards you and sat himself on the stool, "don't want you falling sick, babe." 
Chanyeol looked at you adoringly, the apples of his cheeks were glistening, still blushing pink. "You done with that?" he pointed at the mug. You took one last sip and nodded, never taking your eyes off him. "I am." You pushed the mug towards him and his fingers found their way around the porcelain again, brushing softly against yours like they did the first time. You mouthed a soft 'thank you'. He darted his tongue out to wet his lips while you continued gazing back at him, mesmerized by his pink fluffy ears. A hearty smile fluttered on his lips as well as yours. He wrapped his long fingers snugly around yours and whispered back to you, fondness gleaming in his eyes. 
"Don't worry about it, baby."
The lump in your throat was gnawing its way slowly down to your chest as you helped yourself out of your damp clothes. Your head was starting to spin again when you finally caught a glimpse of your disheveled state in the mirror. You mocked yourself cynically and wondered why Chanyeol wasn't mortified, hadn't gasped and shut the door back in your face. You looked ghastly but he was being far too sweet with you. He was gentle as ever, taking your icy hands that had gone numb into his huge ones, rubbing them together to get them warm and whispering sweetly and huskily that it was alright, that you were safe in his hands now. 
The more you looked at yourself the more you felt exasperated like you were wallowing away in wades of self pity. Your eyeliner was smudged around your dreary eyes as though someone had beaten the living crap out of you. And, being alone by yourself again only allowed the bitterness to creep back into your heart.
'Love is illusive' Chanyeol had accented and you couldn't help but dwell on the thought as you ensconced yourself into the steaming tub, allowing the lush scent of lavender to cloud your senses. The water soaked and engulfed you in a lukewarm trance, washing away the remnants of the rainstorm that had pierced your fragile skin not merely an hour ago. 
"Love's like a game– a game you just can't win." 
Chanyeol's words echoed in the back of your mind. He kept citing whilst showing you the way to the bathroom. He can't just be saying that to make you feel better would he? He looked pretty suave and confident saying he didn't have time for romance but then again with a charming aura like that he could get any girl at any shack. It would be his call. You had no hint or clue about his past flings although he'd grown to be so close to you. However, somewhere deep in the pits of your broken heart, you felt like you've known him for years even though you'd only started talking to him merely months ago. 
As much as you wanted to drown your thoughts into the night in the tub, you couldn't keep him waiting. If it wasn't embarrassing enough he'd heard your stomach growl to which he had softly grazed your cheek with his thumb and asked you to hurry up, rasping away that he'd cook you something. You were in fact enthusiastic about wanting to give him credence for his witty nuances about love and join him back in the kitchen. If you were a damsel in distress– Chanyeol was your knight in shining armor. You chuckled at the thought and huffed away, blowing and lifting some of the delicate foamy bubbles that were settled on your knees. 
Perhaps, it really was time to turn the page to a new chapter in your life. "Fuck you, Tae." You spat bitterly, soapy suds slithering down your dewy, glistening body as you rose to your feet, planting them firmly on the ceramic underneath. "Fuck everything." You crouched again and pulled the stopper out, watching what was left of the effervescent mixture of lavender whirl about and get sucked into the drain, taking along with it parts of you that you no longer wished to carry the burden of. 
You felt like you deserve the chance to clear yourself of this mess and you were willing to explore what the universe had to offer you now. If it had so spurred you into risking hypothermia enough to end up at someone's door who could in fact be your saving grace. Someone who believes that love is all but a load of bullshit, then maybe Park Chanyeol might actually be the one for you. And, you could definitely rely on him to help you piece your broken heart together without having to worry about the perpetual matters of love. You wanted to step into the light, without having to look back again. 
And you were glad you could seek the light past love and its hazy horizon for once.
A hoard of concerns were lurking before you. With all your clothes soaked and dirty now, including your garments, you stood in front of the dresser, scratching your head in confusion. 
Huffing away, you put Chanyeol's t-shirt on which had engulfed you completely, all the way down to your knees. The most frustrating part however, were the shorts he picked for you. They didn't sit at your hips at all and had drooped down your legs the minute you put them on, instantly piling at your feet. 'How the fuck am I supposed to secure this?' You fretted, shrugging as you picked them back up. 
You tried again but failed miserably. It would be fucking awkward walking back into the kitchen, dressed only in his shirt. You had absolutely nothing on underneath. Fuck. It's not like you were going to touch him or anything. You can manage this and maybe he won't notice, right? It was your last resort and you quickly had to make your mind up. Out of nowhere you heard your stomach growl again. It was either do or die now. You had to decide. 'I'll keep my distance from him and he won't bat an eye' were the words you chanted to yourself before leaving the bedroom. 
As you walked back into the living room, your ears were invited by the soft music playing from the record player, the one that was by the glass shelf. You stopped by the dining table facing Chanyeol's back who was busy in the kitchen. The aroma of pancakes whiffed through the air and the atmosphere was perfectly cozy. Although, you didn't dare move from the table and decided to keep yourself away and at a distance. Then Chanyeol turned around and his eyes flew wide open in surprise. 
"What the fu– ...you startled me." He yelped, placing the pan back on the stove and clutching at his heart. "I thought I already had you stricken with horror when you first opened the door," you snorted, "I looked horrendous, didn't I?" Chanyeol simply shook his head in denial and retorted with a playful smirk. "You looked quite hot. I'm not gonna lie."
"Shut up, Chanyeol." You felt your face flushing an awful shade of pink at his remarks. "It's the truth, babe." He quipped, whirling about and chuckling away as he returned his attention towards cooking the pancakes again. "Come here, you need to eat!" he called out and your limbs immediately went limp. 
"Um, can you place it on the counter for me?" you purred, requesting him in your humblest tone. "I'm..kinda.. in a fix here." Your voice wavered and when Chanyeol turned around to look at you again, he grinned sheepishly. "What's wrong?" he asked you as if he had no clue what you were going on about.
"It's an embarrassing...outfit situation." You cleared your throat and Chanyeol quickly mouthed an 'oh'. "It doesn't sound like much of a problem to me." He rasped, dripping maple syrup on pancakes. "Your belly needs some food and that's more important." He then brought the plate with the freshly made pancakes and placed it on the counter and ushered you warmly to join him at the island. His voice suddenly grew a little stern. "Come on now before it gets cold." His sudden strictness made you chuckle. He possibly can't get more adorable than this, can he?
"Fine." You faltered in your steps and met him at the island. Thankfully, the structure blocked a good amount of distance between you two. When you settled down on the stool, he handed you the fork and you started taking measly bites out of the plate. Chanyeol watched you intently, his arms were propped up against the counter, hands cupped around his face as he gaped at you in awe. "Stop looking at me like that. You're making me nervous." You mumbled in between bites. He gave you a squinty eyed grin before snatching the fork away from your hands and making you gasp. 
"Geez baby, you're supposed to wolf it down." He cut through the pancake haphazardly and jabbed at a huge chunk, "like this." He then shoved the massive bite into your mouth and a muffled moan left your lips as you swallowed it down. "This will fill you up." He then glanced  at your lips coated with the sweet syrup hazily and mumbled huskily in his deep voice. "God, I could fill you up."
Of course you were going to choke upon hearing what he had just said. You wheezed frantically and couldn't pluck enough courage to look him in the eye anymore. Your heart thundered in your chest as you squirmed and scooted anxiously away from him, a faint blush spreading over your cheeks. You could tell he was violently biting down on his bottom lip, shutting his own eyes close, as tightly as he could. 
You both were awfully quiet again. Too embarrassed to take the conversation any further. But then Chanyeol interjects, breaking the awkwardness, "I didn't mean to…" 
 "D-don't.. worry about it," you bite on your own lip and jab at your pancake with your fork. He looks at you cryptically, "are you sure?" 
You nod your head and lick your lips and when you do, something triggers Chanyeol and he quickly gets off his stool and much to your relief walks back to the stove with an excuse to make you more pancakes. You try to gobble the rest of the pancake as quickly as you can while trying your best not to dither about what had just happened. As soon as you're done, you pick your plate up and scamper towards the sink but Chanyeol blocks you. "Woah, hold up. You're not done eating until I say so." He looms over you and his voice is yet again, stern and you push him away and boy you wish you didn't. 
The second your palm came in contact with his abs  through the fabric you knew you fucked up. You could feel the ridges and he was so perfectly packed and built. The girls at uni, they were right. Park Chanyeol was irresistible and you were only inches away from him.
A/N ~ 
this is it guys. it’s broken and full of errors lol. i lost the doc that had everything written beyond this.  i had wiped my drive for work last year and other reasons. anyway,  i’m happy you made it this far with me in this clouded journey. if you wish to find out what happens after, feel free to ping me i’ll sum it up for you, sweet & short, only if you really wish to find out how these two end up haha. but yeah. this is it. i haven’t got anything else to say. so yeah, stay safe and most importantly, be happy. love y’all. <3
Taglist ♡  @loeyprivvv @littleflowercrown13 @wifechungha  @rashidamesrur  @mindofthescattered @zessafg @always-wishing-for-rain  @brazilianbasicbitch @kpopfessions-blog @baek-byunies @j-pping @godexosblog @hansolturnt @anyh0w @fire-poppyqueen @smolmel @nanasupremacy​ @chanyeolparkriswu✧  Note - If I have forgotten to tag anyone! I’m sorry, I lost the doc where I kept track of you guys so, this is all I got. 
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Like Allie & Noah
Filling my pink polka dot mug with hot water, I stir in some lemon and honey, hoping it will soothe my sore throat. Every joint in my body aches so I attempt the least amount of movement, dragging my feet across the wood flooring from the kitchen and into the theater room down the hallway. Placing my tea on the side table, I switch on the baby monitor before I wrap myself in a blanket like a burrito, ready to hunker down and get cozy. Laying my head on the side of the sofa, I wiggle my body to get comfy.
My finger pushes the buttons on the remote slowly, finding the movie I want, pressing play. Reaching for my mug, I set it against my lips, sipping the hot liquid, wincing as it stings my sore swollen throat. The beautiful piano music from The Notebook flutters against my ears, cocooning my soul in a familiar wave of calm. This movie, our movie, always makes me feel better when I am unwell.
About 35 minutes into the movie, as Noah opens the door of his dream house, showing Allie the inside, the door to the entertainment room is opened. My eyes shift in that direction, landing on Harry as he casually leans against the door frame.
“The Notebook? Feeling poorly? Or did you just miss me?” He smiles, his eyes glued to the projection screen on the wall in front of me.
“Both.” My voice croaks; I pull the blanket closer to my face. Noah strips his shirt and so does Allie; they begin to kiss and come together as one on the floor.
“Allie reminds me of you during sex.” Harry chuckles. “Chatterboxing away. You are never quiet, especially during sex.” I can hear the smile in his voice as he teases me about my tendency to talk all day and night.
“Can you stop making fun and just hold me?” I ask.
“I’ll come hold you, but you know it’s true.” He chuckles as he makes his way towards the sofa. Toeing off his loafers, Harry plops on the couch, patting his lap twice. I switch my position, laying my head in his lap. There is something special about having your husband’s fingers run through your hair in the comforting way. I instantly feel a million times better. Safe. Protected. Cared for.
“Bug asleep?” My husband asks.
“Yes. About an hour ago. Went to sleep without a fight.” I share.
“Ah, must have known you weren’t feeling well.” He rubs his thumb across my cheek in comfort. “I’ll take her tonight.” I mumble a thank you, grateful at his willingness to help even though he has a long day of meetings tomorrow. I adjust my head on his lap pulling my attention back to the movie.
Allie swims in the ocean, throwing her arms wide, proclaiming she is a bird. Asking Noah to state he is one too. Harry’s hands stop moving as he speaks up. “I’ll be your bird.” His words are sweet and tender; his hands begin to move again. I don’t need to answer, he knows I’m his too.
I can feel his body tense as he quotes the movie with Allie and Noah. “It’s not in the cards for me.” “What am I going to do in New York?” “Be with me!” “Are you breaking up with me?” “I don’t know how this is going to work.” Allie screams at Noah to leave, and Harry’s hands hold his heart, as if he is feeling the pain with them.
“Ouch.” I say after the scene ends, tears flowing from my feverish eyes.
“They just stomped on my heart.” Harry rubs his hands down my side, giving me comfort in this heartbreak we just witnessed for the millionth time.
Lon comes into the movie and as he asks Allie on a date Harry lets out a small outburst that makes me giggle. “Don't do it, Allie. You love Noah! You know you do!” His heart and soul are invested, and it makes me smile.
The movie moves on and Lon proposes to Allie, crushing our hearts into a million pieces. “Look at that kiss, darling.” Harry points to the screen. “No passion whatsoever.” He lets out another sigh before yelling at the screen as if Allie can hear every word he is saying. “THERE IS A REASON NOAH'S FACE CAME TO YOUR MIND, ALLIE! NOAH IS THE ONE FOR YOU. YOU LOVE HIM. WE ALL KNOW IT. STOP LYING TO YOURSELF! LYING IS BAD.” I move my hand to his thigh, patting him softly, hoping it will calm his excitement.
“Want warm tea? I’m sure that’s gone cold.” My husband says as I lift the mug towards my lips. I take a sip and swallow the chilly liquid, realizing it doesn’t do much for my throat at this temperature.
“It’s okay.” I reply. Harry learns forward, grabbing the cup from my hands.
“Won’t take me long.” Standing from the couch, Harry exits the entertainment room, and my body feels lonely without him by my side.
Padding into the room in his socks Harry sits on the couch right as Allie pulls her car up to Noah’s house. “Oh I missed the part where she passes out. I like that part.” He chuckles, placing the warm cup smelling of fresh lemon and honey  in my hands.
“I saw your picture and was wondering if you were okay. So are you okay?”  “NO, HE IS NOT OKAY. YOU ARE WITH ANOTHER MAN, ALLIE. JESUS!” Harry holds the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. “These two need to figure it out.” His comment makes me chuckle. His dedication to movies, especially sad chick flicks, makes my heart soar.
“It breaks my heart that she doesn’t remember them.” I say in reference to Noah and Allie’s children visiting them at the care center. “I can’t imagine losing my mind that way. Not being able to remember the ones you love the most.” My husband moves his hands along the top of the blanket, rubbing my body softly.
“Yes, but if that happens, know I’ll be there every day. Reminding you of our love. Because just like Noah said Allie is his home, Darling, you are my home.” I nuzzle my head deeper into his lap, allowing the tears to leak from my eyes and drip from my nose onto the fabric of his pants.
“You mean...you bring me home…” Harry chuckles at my sad attempt at singing a song from his debut album.
“Yes Darling, you always bring me home.” He leans over, kissing my temple, and then pulls the blanket up my body, making sure I’m warm.
“Can you imagine being out on the lake during a rainstorm like that? How crazy would that be….” I say.
“Shhhh.” Harry interrupts. “It’s my favorite part.” Adjusting his spot, I can feel him lean over slightly, watching the film intently. Ah yes, The rain storm. His favorite part. “This is when they see they are meant to be.” “It wasn’t over. It still isn’t over!” He quotes along with them. His heart could burst with happiness as the two characters kiss. “That was beautiful.” His hand moves into my hair again, brushing across my forehead. “You feel feverish, I’ll be back.”
Jumping up before I can comment, Harry runs to the medicine closet, coming back with two pills, handing them to me before settling back in, adjusting the blanket on my body. I take the medicine, placing my mug back on the table and snuggling my way back into his lap.
“I hate how she leaves aga…” Harry starts to complain.
“Shhh.” I interrupt. “This is my favorite part. Look! Here she comes! She is coming back for him!” My heart feels as if it might explode with happiness as they embrace. They are back in each other’s arms.
Harry sings along with the movie, bringing memories of the time that my husband and I danced in a field of poppies before sharing our first kiss.
“I'll be seeing you In all the old familiar places That this heart of mine embraces All day and through In that small cafe The park across the way The children's carousel The chestnut trees The wishing well I'll be seeing you In every lovely summer's day In everything that's light and gay I'll always think of you that way.”
We both burst into tears as Allie’s memory slips away, causing her to forget who Noah is. My heart hurts for Noah as he tries to calm his wife who is unsure of who she is.
The movie ends, and we sniff together, allowing our emotions to sit between us through the credits. My husbands hand pats my head softly; I lift, allowing him to shift his body next to mine, pulling me close.
“Feel better?” Harry asks, kissing my temple softly.
“Yes. One of my favorites.” I nuzzle my head into his neck, his arms wrapping around me, bringing my body against his chest.
“Mmm, mine too.” Harry whispers. “My love for you is as strong as Noah’s love for Allie. I’ll be here even if you forget who I am.”
“Same, my love. Same.” I croak, my voice raspy due to my sore throat.
“Wanna take a bath? Might help with the fever that is starting to rise.” Harry asks, resting his cheek against my forehead. I nod my head and Harry gets off the couch, wrapping his arms around me, carrying me from the entertainment room into our bathroom. Taking care of me the way Noah always took care of Allie.
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