#but i lpve your guys' asks!!!
haechani4ever · 2 months
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*✧・゚: *✧・゚: ideal dates ✧
╰┈➤ what would be the ideal nct dream date?
. . ⇢ ˗ˏˋpairing ot7 x gn!reader
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋgenre fluff
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋwarnings a lil suggestive in hyucks part
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋnote hii, im so happy with how my last post was received so tysm <3
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✦➼mark lee ┈ listening to music together
✦-surely mark will invite you to do this when you are officially dating. because this date consists in sharing airpords and listen to a random playlist. maybe, he wll he plays the guitar for you or shows you a song he's producing, which I find a little cute of him. but i think that mark will love everything related with the music so he probably enjoys stuff like going on concert together or that you visit him in the studio.
✦➼huang renjun ┈ going to the park
✦- i think renjun is so calm when he's with you. i think he won't care what you guys really do because he likes talking to you more, especially when you're just getting to know each other. so, i think Renjn would prefer to go for a walk in a park or another place of that nature. but i also see him as someone who likes to have picnics in the park but I couldn't decide so I chose that he preferred to walk.
✦➼lee jeno ┈ going shopping
✦-i think, like with renjun, that jeno doesnt care much about what they do to spend time with you. i think he would like to go shopping to spoil yourself a little. he also likes to walk around the place and listen to everything you say cause he loves listening to you and he is a great listener. his favorite part is when you ask him his opinion on something that he has no idea about but he always says he likes it, even if he thinks otherwise. although I dont think that will happen because he knows you have good taste.
✦➼lee donghyuck ┈ amusement park date
✦-this was very obvious, im pretty sure that hyuck loves this type of date. dates with a lot of fun adrenalin. probably he will take you here for your first date. and im sure that this it's going to be a place you guys go to frequently when you two are in a relationship. so be prepared to a lot of ride roller coasters instead of him. and be prepared to hear him scream a lot, really a lot and being very loudly in general.
✦➼na jaemin ┈ cat café
✦- jaemin is a cat lover so, unless you are allergic to cats, he would love to take you to one of those cafes where there are a lot of cats. this is so cute im dying. its just that its something so right for him, two of his favorite things in the world, cats and coffee. and a third, you, obviously. so yeah, it is definitely his dream date. extra points for him to like it if you take it or give him the idea btw.
✦➼zhong chenole ┈ karaoke
✦- chenle is someone so energetic and fun that he would really lpve this type of date. i think its a date they could have at any time of your relationship, meaning it works as a first date or a casual outing when you are dating. likewise, all the dates would end in some kind of karaoke because, i mean, chenle is a great vocalist and he loves to show it off. when you are in private, he intersperses some song every 20 words.
✦➼park jisung ┈ themed café
✦- maybe it sound similar to the jaemin one, but its dont. have you seen those cafes on tiktok where they paint or decorate cups while drinkng coffee? well, that's what I mean, original dates in original places. he probably also likes those places where you make those things with ceramics. i see jisung like someone who doesnt like the usual, he seems like someone who likes to create special memories by ding stuff like this with you.
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anarmorofwords · 3 years
I'm obviously not the previous anon, but your answer got me thinking. Firstly, I'll say that I do like what cc's doing with tlh, so this isn't hate per se? But I think her biggest mistake tlh-wise is how much of her original writing process she's shared with us.
That's what's prompted most of the 'show and not tell', in my opinion. Look at the characters's wiki pages. There's lots of trivia we've never been shown. Thomas's songwriting? Never even mentioned. James's passion for poem-making? Never heard of her. The Carstairs were going to be white (possibly half-french) ffs.
I'm an amateur writer; I'll by no means try to compare myself with a woman that has been an author for almost two decades, but I do know that characters change. Heck, my main characters changed a fuck ton in the few months it took me to come up with a plot; imagine how much cc's characters changed since 2013.
The thing is, cc overshared a lot of stuff about these foetus characters that she --ultimately-- must have realised had no true purpose to the story she was creating. That's completely normal, but nevertheless, it's information that should absolutely not have been shared with her big-ass following; who in turn came to expect something (or is currently expecting something) that simply won't happen for logistic --thus valid-- reasons.
Leaving original expectations aside and focusing on canon, I do think what she says is shown; but not to the necessary degree. This, however, is for obvious reasons concerning the plot.
Take TMT. We've seen they care for each other --we've seen them together as a friend group arguably quite often-- but:
1) James's drama with the gracelet, which we've seen greatly dampens his emotions (one of the first things he does after getting the damn thing off is try to go to Matthew to explain himself and basically tell him he loves him and say sorry)
2) Matthew's alcoholism and the secretiveness that came after his sibling's death
3) Thomas's massive crush on Alastair, who has bad blood with Matthew and James (I could talk more about this situation, because I have FEELINGS)
4) Christopher's probable fixation on Grace (there was actually no problem with him pre-coi, but oh boy will we have drama because of Gracetopher)
Are factors that greatly damage the confidentiality of a group, no matter how close they are. If we took them away, we'd see how J+M+C protested against T going on patrol alone, how TMT had a hiding out of sorts, how J trusted in them his marriage arrangement with Cordelia, how M+C+T are among the few J tells about his shit with Belial and accepts help from, or simply their interactions. We'd see all those things, and (possibly) think they are --indeed-- close.
I'd like to take a vote of faith, and say cc will resolve these issues satisfyingly in chot, but only time will tell.
(Concerning Matthew and Anna, I do have something to say, but I'm afraid this ask is getting too annoyingly long for you, lol)
(And this is clearly just my humble opinion)
hii!!! I'm probably repetitive, but, uhm, sorry for taking forever to answer!!
While I have issues with TLH (especially CHOI) that go far beyond the inconsistency between showing and telling, I do think you have a point and that might be part of the problem.
What makes this worse, however, is that for all her interacting with fans,CC never disproved any of that. It would make things so much easier.
And you know, she does rely on information included outside of books. She expects fans to know the short stories, she sends out Musicale and other bonus content, so it's not that we're being unreasonable trying to catch up with her additional content/info.
She doesn't, however, care enough to tell us which of those are still relevant and what changed, so it's all a little bit like wandering in a mist.
Concerning TMT, I kinda agree, and I personally don't hate their friendship, the dynamic between them, or think they can't be friends. Maybe it's because of my own experiences or the ones I heard about, but I don't think friends (just as other relationships) can't have problems without immediately being written off, especially when we consider how many truly intense things they're struggling with atm. I don't doubt that they love each other and have the potential to be amazing friends again, it's just that currently their dynamic is really lacking, and while some of that is understandable considering ~the plot~, some of it seems unnecessary to me?
The four months between ChoH and ChoI were apparently rather uneventful plot-wise, and while that didn't change gracelet, or erase Matthew's alcoholism, we could have been shown some of their interactions then?
The thing about writing is, I get that there needs to be conflict and issues and all that. But you need to also get it across that this wasn't always the case, you need to show that default state (aka them being good friends) as something believable, not just say it was the case. It's a challenge, but CC is an experienced author, she should be able to pull it off.
I hope I'm making sense - to provide another example, I read a book this year where MC's loved ones were murdered at the beginning. And I get it, in that case you can't see them interacting in the plot, but you still need to show how important they were to her, sell it to the reader. That's kinda the whole deal with writing.
Well, we certainly agree here, I also hope she can still resolve all that in ChoT. Hope dies last or sth.
If you feel like it, go ahead and share what you have to say about Matthew and Anna!
Oh totally! As you can see, I don't necessarily agree, but I get that we can see those things differently, that's absolutely fine.
Have a nice day/evening/night! <3
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snek-snuggles · 4 years
Sorry I forgot to update! This is married anon, a while ago I send an ask telling you about my plans to propose to my bf after seeing the post you made about being bored and wanting your followers to send in something. He’s officially my husband now :) and I forced him to watch Good Omens finally lol he loved it. He actually watched it again without me. How are you doing?
PH I REMEMBER HI HELLO OH MY GOD IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS AAAAAAHHHHHHHH i would lpve to hear the proposal story! Did you guys elope that was fast!
Heres a personal update for you and anyone whos wondering...
My health is still improving. This past week was the best i have had so far with almost no symptoms, the first time since October! I still have some bad days and flair ups, but this is ok. It takes a long time to recover from. The progress im showing is extremely promising and i probably can expect a sense of normalcy by the end of next month if i keep on this path!
As far as mental health gles im also improving. I recently went back to being able to sleep and spend time in my own room after associating it with being ill for a long time. My anxiety still creeps up npw amd then but thats ok. Meditation and journaling is helping so much.
Ive been spending a lot of time on tiktok and got my ass handed to me by feelings. I realozed i have a strong preference for women, especially butch women.
As far as this blog goes im still unsure. I love gomens and llve looking at go content, but right now im still in a place of feeling disinterested in a lot of things. I am definitely finding my interest in go resurfacing so i wouldnt be shocked to find myself back here soonosh.
Love to you, married friend, and all my other readers 💚
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reddeadrevival · 5 years
I have an idea with Bill and a male reader! Reader is interested in Bill but is too nervous to say anything to them until a drunk night at camp or in a bar. Bill pushes them away because he is confused and doesn't know how to feel. Micah finds out the reader is into guys and bullies him, Bill coming to protect reader. Bill will kiss them after, apologising and letting them know he is nervous about this. You can smut or not, I dont mind either! Lpve your work!
Please check if the ask box is open AND read my “What I write” post before sending in an ask. Thank you.  
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YES, a million times YES
Okay, there’s a bit of angst in this but don’t worry. I might make a second part that’s smut cause this got kinda long…whoops…
Warning: Micah using homophobic slurs and being… well, Micah
You couldn’t help the way you felt about him
People around camp would joke about Bill in a way that gave you a sort of confidence about your feelings
But then his reactions would dash that confidence quick
You swore to yourself that you’d keep it to yourself
No good would come of telling him
It was the night of Sean’s return party
Everyone was celebrating, everyone was happy, everyone was drinking
There’s a reason why they call it liquid courage
After a few bottles you had no fear
Which is never a good thing
You saw him getting another drink from the crate near Pearson’s wagon
You stumbled over and gave him a big smile
Bill, also having had quite a few, returned the smile
“Help me carry these to the table, would ya?” he asked as he loaded his arms full
“Bill, could I talk to you a moment?”
In the back of your mind you hoped that if this went bad, he would’ve been to drunk to remember this
But things don’t always work out the way we want them too
A great example of that was his reaction to you touching his arm and simply saying 
“I…I like you, Bill.”
At first BIll continued to grin
He had heard you
He was happy to hear that from you
But as you moved your hand down to his
His eyes widened and he pushed your arm away before he stumbled back from you
“The hell are you doin’?!”
Your hand snapped back to your side and you felt like you couldn’t breath
Your stomach was twisting and knotting painfully as he looked at you
The expression on his face
He was angry, he was confused, he was sad, he was… he didn’t know what
Feeling like you wanted to crawl in a hole… you ran
You ran from him
His hand twitched, as if it wanted to reach out to you
He watched you run out of sight, behind one of the tents, before he grabbed a bottle and nearly downed the entire thing
The next morning his head would be pounding but he would remember
He’d remember the look on your face for the rest of his life
The hurt, the fear, the sadness, the shame
After getting himself a cup of coffee he scanned the camp for you
He didn’t see you at first but heard Micah
“Can’t get a woman so you gotta suck cock instead?” 
Fear hit Bill like a train as he saw Micah push you to the ground and stand over you, sneering
There were tears in your eyes as you held your arms up to block your head
Bill dropped his cup and without thinking stormed over
Micah was in the middle of laughing out a “fucking queer"
A hard shove and the blond is on the ground beside you
An unintentionally rough hand pulls you up
Bill pushes you behind him and takes a step closer to Micah, pointing down at him
“Ya better shut yer damn mouth!“ 
Micah just laughs, the stupid lil snort laugh he does
Before you can blink Bill is pulling you away from the chuckling man
You don’t get a chance to talk as he pulls you out of sight from everyone else behind the girl’s wagon
As soon as you stop he turns to you and his face is already red beneath his beard
He’s struggling to find words to say
you don’t dare try to say anything and wait for him to figure out what he wanted to say
He doesn’t
Instead he grabs you by the upper arms
And suddenly his lips are against yours
It’s blunt and a bit sloppy
He pulls away and suddenly you’re speechless
"I’m sorry!” he blurts
“For…the kiss?”
“No! Fer last night… pushin’ ya away like I did…”
“You don’t have to apologize… you’re not… you don’t like me-”
“But I do!" 
He cleared his throat as he shuffled his feet. 
"I’ve never…” he’s again at a loss for words “I’ve never really done this before…with a guy…”
“Oh…well… wait, does this mean…" 
He does his best to avoid your eyes until you move into his line of sight, a hopeful smile that makes his heart swell
"I don’t know,” he admitted “B-but I wanna try…”
Your eyebrows go up at the implications (that he probably doesn’t mean to imply)
“You- Being with you-! Together-! As a couple!” he kept clarifying
“Are you sure… you saw how Micah-”
“Fuck Micah.”
“Well, I mean, I hope you don’t.” you joke trying to get a smile out of him
You get a nervous chuckle
“We’re outlaws, we don’ follow the rules of the world.” he says
“Meaning…” he lets out a huff, trying to build his confidence “Meaning I wouldn’t mind… kissin’ ya again.” he finishes in a mutter
The grin on your face makes his heart flip
“Then do it.”
THAT GOT LONG AND I’M SORRY I hope this is what you wanted ^_^
(Master List)
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emilyiannielli · 5 years
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Who am I? Am I a guy? Am I a girl? Would you believe I really didn’t know for the longest time But I really did know I really did know but I was afraid I was confused I was worried I was in denial With the passage of time I had to finally come to terms with who I was I won’t lie It took courage It took faith It took hope It took all my strength To finally Come out I had no other choice I now had to shout it out Shout it out as loud as I could I am a girl! I am a woman! I am a female! I am a daughter! I am a sister! I am not going to guilt myself anymore Why should I? I need to be happy too you know I would never judge So I won’t live with unjust criticism After all who should tell me what to do I don’t tell others what they should do If I’m not asked I can now finally say with pride, confidence conviction and a firmness I thought I never had However I do admit I did have doubts I always wondered about the what if’s I would question myself over The triumphs I thought I never could achieve In becoming a woman because I never realized I could aspire to that but With the help of medical science, dedicated doctors caring family understanding friends and the conviction that I could indeed start my transition from male to female and I could make the impossible possible and also believable with the help of many in my life I also owe a lot to the early pioneers who paved a way to follow! I too am a pioneer if you think about it. I may have begun my transition at a different stage in my life than you or her but I am seeking the same result of becoming a beautiful, feminine and very happy woman ❤️ Thank you all for your Lpve, Support and Encouragement In my never ending transition From male to female Thank you! Love, Emily Denise Iannielli formally Edward Donald Iannielli III (at Mount Sinai Beth Israel) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByFA0Eanz1U/?igshid=mng97c6hba8j
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m0onbean · 6 years
Can I please get a Wonwoo from Seventeen college AU (maybe he helps you study for exams), fluff please
ok but imagine wonwoo tutoring you.... 
when they say that college students are dead inside, they really are
because here we have you studying on your bed, papers literally everywhere, and some sad music in the background that really fits your mood
and when your roommate barges in your room and is like "(y/n) i can feel ur bad vibes from my room " ur just kinda like "yeah i just pulled two all-nighters and i have an exam tomorrow and i haven't eaten anything except for a gallon of coffee. how are u today, Karen. :)))))"
it's not like you're not smart,,, you're just hella stressed bc your professor doesn't teach that well and the material is rlly hard to understand
and your exam for your biochemistry class is TOMORROW nd no matter how much you try to understand enzymatic reactions u just can't fully comprehend it
the next morning u arrive in class with hella eyebags and u just sit in your seat and lay your head down on the desk
nd ur best friend & annoying seat partner Mingyu is like "wow Mood"
mingyu is not the sharpest tool in the shed but he's only taking the class to "explore his options" so honestly he just stopped trying
nd u just kinda face him and ur like "bro i honestly don't understand these past chapters and if i dont im gonna fail this class and im gonna have to retake it."
so mingyu pulls out his thinking face and he's like "hmmmm i know somebody who can tutor you" and you're like "Mingyu,,,,, i'm not going to let seungkwan tutor me Last time we met at the library and he was wearing a flower costume nd told me that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell"
and mingyu just,,,, well damn i can't help u then
so the tests are passed out and as expected, you didn't know a lot of the answers and had to use your common sense
after u turn your test in you leave the classroom with a real heavy heart nd it rlly do feel like you have no more hope
nd when you leave the room mingyu is waiting for you outside while talking to this guy
the guy was about the same height as mingyu but had darker hair and was wearing these round glasses. he was also wearing these dark skinny jeans and leather jacket and ur like Who is This Edgy Dude
when mingyu sees you he's like :D and he's like "shoo" to the Edgy guy and the guy just kinda gives u a blank look and walks away
and you're like who is that guy you were talking to? nd Mingyu immediately "uHHH don't even try (y/n) he is not interested in relationships"
u're just like "OK I WASN'T- nevermind." bc YES he's kinda cute but u need to worry about ur studies too
then suddenly mingyu face lights up like he got an idea and he's like "WAIT. WAIT. OH my god i'm such a genius wow-"
",,so r u going to share ur good idea" and mingyu's like
and you're ?????????????????????????????????who?
without even answering your question mingyu just goes off and is like omg this is perfect oK wonwoo is actually hella smart and already took this class wow oh my god maybe a romance will bud from this-
next thing you know, you're waiting at the library with mingyu and you're just liKE are you Sure he's okay with tutoring me?? and mingyu's just like Okay i know he looks really edgy but he's smart
nd being the little doubtful bean u are u're just What If I'm too Dumb for Him????????? What If he gets frustrated with me????????????????? What if-
"do u want me to call seungkwan instead?"
"no. thisis perfect."
wonwoo arrives after a few minutes and u both introduce yourself and dang he's really good-looking up close
(in the back mingyu is staring at his two best friends proudly)
and mingyu just like... Ok, Gotta blast! and you and wonwoo are like WHAT
so now it's just you and wonwoo at a study table nd he doesn't even hesitate and starts from Lesson 1 (even though you're on Lesson 5)
his voice is really deep and soothing nd he's kinda quiet and doesn't make a lot of jokes
basically he's an alternate version of mingyu
nd as wonwoo goes over the lessons u realize how much stuff you overlooked and how things that used to not make sense suddenly become so clear!!!!!!!
and you're like Oh My God!!!!!!!!! you're so smart wow
and u can see wonwoo's ears turn a lil' red at the compliment
and before you know it??? u're caught up to Lesson 3 already
even tho he's kinda quiet, u can tell that he's hella sophisticated and whenever u have questions he explains the answers in great detail
nd at the end of the tutor session, you both pack your bags and you're shyly like "can we meet tomorrow at the same time?"
wonwoo just gives u a small smile and nods ur head and ur like wow...... he's really cute
and so it just kinda goes like that
you two meet up everyday at the library and he helps you study
nd ur always worried bc like doesn't he need to study.. too??
whenever u try to ask him that he just brushes it off and insists he's fine
and after a couple weeks you start to know him better like even tho he seems rly cold and reserved on the inside he's actually just a lame ass beanpole that lpves puns
u'd be like "Ok so nucleic acids convey genetic information....." nd wonwoo would just "... nucleic ASSid"
like e??efaleihfal??? that doesn'T MAKE ANY SENSE WONWOO BUT  GO OFF I GUESS
sometimes u two can go offtrack and start talking about the possibility of dogs conquering the government
nd sometimes u see him on campus and u wave vigorously @ him
and wonwoo's cute lil' nose will scrunch up and ohmygod he's so adorable!!!
so as time passes a rlly huge exam comes up for your biochemistry class and you're AAAAAAAAAAAAAAASCREAMING
but!! wonwoo saves ur life bc he helps u with every single thing
nd for once? u feel really confident!
on the night before the exam u're like calling mingyu and ur like "wow... wonwoo is actually really helpful. he's the best thing u've given me honestly"
and mingyu would be all smug nd proud of himself like istg do not feed this boy's ego
then suddenly mingyu would be like "..... do you like wonwoo" and you ????????????????????????????? NO
*insert panic*
but you actually kind of do
nd the morning of ur exam u're all pumped up and in class mingyu is like actually jealous annoyed at how motivated u are
"mayb i should've kept wonwoo to myself.." he'd mutter
and guess what? u're pretty sure you aced your exam!!
so u exit the classroom not feeling dead for once and u see wonwoo waiting outside without mingyu which!! is a first
like u two barely talk outside of tutoring
nd ur like "waiting for mingyu?" and he turns to u with a kinda flustered expression and is like... actually i came to see you
and you're Oh...... but then you get really happy and you're like "WONWOO THANK YOU SO MUCH"
nd without thinking you just hug him rlly tightly and he's OOF but hugs u back
and when you let go he's blushing really hard and he's like "so did you do well on the test?" and ur like "yep i'm pretty sure... thanks to u"
and you two are smiling at eachother until you ask him to have lunch with you so now you're both walking off while holding hands happily
nd maybe... just maybe u had big feelings for his cute ass
and mingyu is watching you guys from a distance while smiling at himself bc WoW he really matched his two best friends together
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milomeepit · 7 years
Drunk Fic #1: ‘buckle up bitchds bout to fet lamp in here’
Alright, guys, you ask, you get. Here is the first of five fanfictions written by me, while drunk off my *ss at New Year’s. Anything below this bolded text is written by Drunk Milo. I myself hadn’t seen them before posting them. Enjoy 😂
I am gonna reblog this with my tag list for drunk fics when I have my laptop and therefore my saved tag list but for now I will tag @istolelittleredshoodie and @chemically-imbalanced-romance
ok so setting the scene yes living toom in the kindscape fridau night bs everyone loevs fridays yaaay
movie niiight
patton waa curled up against romans side and roman had his arm around patton and they were cuddling both emotional over mufase (long live the kING) bc they were watching lion king and they are orecious sensitive bbys
Virgil was sitting on the floor crodslegged with his back against logans legs and ligan was sitting on pattons other side, gently playing with virgils hair.
Virgil sighed happily and leaned back more against logan. “that feels nice lo,” he said contentedly
“good. Ive read that playing witj ines hair can incite pleasurable feelings makong a rush of emdophins and make one feel happy,” logan said with a small smile
“you teo ate sooo cute!” patton giggled. He sat up from roman, snuggling against logan instead
“hey, dont leave me hanging here, patton darling!” roman pouted ecaggeratedly. he scooted over and wrapped his arms around both logan and patton, squishing the moral side like a side sandwoch
Virgil turned his head and chuckled at the soght of the three of them. “well arent you guys the cute ones noe?” he got to his feet, stretching as he uncurked his long lanky legs. he then grinned mischeivisly as he flopped down, draping himself across their three laps like a tall beanpole cat.
“alright thats it!” roman laughed. He stood, scooping up virgil and slinging him over his shoulders. He picked up patton and logan beodal style, with logan pretty much sitting in pattons lap in the cradle of romans strong arms.
patton giggled. “were either being kodnapped or rescued.”
“rescued of course!” roman said with mock offence. “what sort of prince do you take me for?”
“a prince that kidnaps his three boyfriends out of jealousy with cuddling?” logan said dryly
virgil smirked. “hes kinda got you there princey”
“well, we will see about thay!!” roman chuckled. he turned and started walking down the hall to his bedroom. He nufged open the door with his foot, dropping all three of the other sides on his large large bed before crawling into the middle of them all and cuddling uo to pattons with a small contentrd sivh
“i mah be the prince but somethimes its noce to be in the middle and feel protected,” he mumbled against pattons belly
Viegil stroked his haor, kissing the back of his neck gently. “hey, we are always gonna protect you, ro. so dont you worry your pretty lottle head about it"
Roman relaxed, burrowing further into the hug pile. “i lpve you guys.”
“we love you too, ro.”
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