#but i might pop in throughout the weekend for distractions because truthfully
headstrongblake · 1 year
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lokis-lady-death · 5 years
Bake-tastic One
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Lady Death: I tagged anyone I thought might be interested! Just a simple two part story about a girl meeting a man and baking some cupcakes.  I did this by request for a super awesome mutual’s birthday! @kcd15 I hope you enjoy it, I’m so sorry it’s late but you get two parts for being so patient <3 Hope you enjoy!
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Step One: Introductions
“Don't Stop Believin’  by Journey,” you recognized immediately. “Good choice.” There was no hiding the delight on your face as you laid back in your chair, slipped on your sunglasses, and sang along to the tune.
You couldn't help but think this is how everyone should spend a day off, lounging on a balcony in California, dazing in and out of a mid-day nap to the sound of soulful tunes on the perfect playlist.
It was such a cliche spring morning, really. The sky was that bright shade of blue with sparse clouds, the breeze blew just enough that it kept the air at the right temperature. The city was even more peaceful than usual, with birds chirping, kids playing and hardly any cars passing by your condominium. The only real sound you heard was the music emanating from your neighbor's place above your head.
The main reason you enjoyed these days? Frankly, you needed the distraction. You were a full time barista at a local big bakery that catered to the cupcake-addicted southern L.A. day walkers and all you wanted was to unwind. Bake-tastic, despite its horrifically punny name, was actually an up and coming hangout spot that was making a name for itself among the baked goods industry.
The only problem?
You weren't baking.
Growing up in the south, you had loved everything about baking since you were a little girl in your grandmother’s kitchen, playing in her aprons and sneaking off with her cookbooks, but it wasn't until when you sister asked you to move to move to Cali  that you decided to act on your passion.
But, as it turned out, if you want to bake here, you needed experience. Experience no one was willing to give you. All you had managed to do was make coffee and take orders for cakes and other treats you weren’t allowed to actually create.
That honor was left to the owner of the bakery, a man whom, in your months of working there, had never once come in during the day shift. You never met the mysterious baker, but couldn’t deny his talents the first time you tried his mixed berry tarte. Everything he created was a miniature masterpiece all their own. You wanted desperately tk meet him, or even more, bake with him, but that was a quickly squashed dream. He kept to himself, prefering to come after closing to bake everything throughout the night. The next morning, when you and your coworkers would arrive, all you would need to do was set out the new baked goods and make coffee. The others were fine with the remedial tasks, but you were not.
It wasn’t necessarily living the dream, but the music had a nice way of dulling out the disappointment.
If your sister had been out there she would be complaining about it, but truthfully you enjoyed your little free concerts. It required no work on your part and in today's world, you could use some mindless way to unwind. It wasn't long before you recognized a pattern in when the music played: usually in the afternoons of week days, stopping promptly at seven, Saturday morning and most of Sunday. Not particularly meaning to, you began to plan breaks outside around when the neighbor would have their music on. It had become a sort of ritual: weekdays when you got off work you would shower, throw on your bathrobe, and come lounge until seven. On weekends, you spent your mornings sipping coffee in your pajamas.
This Saturday was no different. Right at six in the morning, the neighbor's sliding door opened, releasing a symphony of classic rock music out into the world. Here you were, ready to soak it up as you sang out the stress of your week through lyrics of musical geniuses with a cup of coffee in one hand and a freshly made strawberry Danish in the other.
It was around thirty minutes later, as you were going along to Matchbox Twenty’s 3am that your tone began to carry. By the second verse you had gotten a bit carried away, singing along and dancing in your chair as the words you had known by heart for nearly two decades came pouring out. You had become some enamored by the words that you didn't even notice the music had been turned down.
When the next song began, you took in one last deep breath of spring air, stretching your arms up above your head until you heard that satisfying pop of your shoulders. You had been rejuvenated and were ready for whatever the rest of your Saturday brought.
But just when you turned to walk back into the apartment, you heard someone ask, “Oh, are you going in already?”
There was no stopping the loud curse word from escaping your lips as you tried to pull yourself back into your skin. Whipping around, you expected to see a man to go along with that sharp comment.
Yet you were alone, left only with the sound of a haughty laugh.
“I'm terribly sorry, I certainly didn't mean to frighten you.” You distinctly noticed the smart British accent as he went on, “It's just that I had been listening to you sing so I thought I ought to say something….”
Your face felt it had caught fire by embarrassment of someone, a stranger- a possibly handsome British stranger- had heard you singing. A hand slapped over your mouth to stifle a gasp.
You were so mortified you could scream, but there was also a part of you curious how much he had heard.
When you still didn't respond, the englishman went on, “She's gone and I'm here talking to myself, aren't I?”
“No,” you couldn't help but laugh nervously, “I'm still here.”
“Good. I'd look rather mad out here going on to an invisible woman, wouldn't I?”
The two of you shared a laugh, followed by an unfortunate silence before he added, “It seems we have a similar taste in music. You know just about every song I ever play.”
Again your cheeks went ablaze.
“I mean, it's not like I just come out here and listen to you, that would be absurd. It's just, you come out here nearly every time I turn on my ipod, surely you noticed?”
You realized it was the same neighbor who played the music every day. Biting down on your lip, you stopped from admitting you planned your free time at home around when he turned his tunes on. The two of you were starting to sound like either a cheap romance movie from Hallmark channel or a murder documentary off Investigative Discovery .
When you still hadn't spoken up, he rambled on. “That possibly came across a bit awkward, I didn't mean it as though I'm just out here listening to you…” he corrected. “I only meant I enjoyed what I've heard.”
At that you had to smile.  His tone was sincere enough, even a tad cute as he tripped over himself, but with that accent alone he sent a flutter through your stomach.
‘Is that what I'm reduced to?’ you wondered, ‘Pining after men because of accents?’
“I haven't heard you leave, does that mean I didn't completely ruin this first impression?”
At that, you couldn't keep quiet. “Your first impression was actually Bruno Mars That's What I Like,” you teased, almost annoyed with how airy your voice came out.
Maybe it was because he wasn't in front of you or maybe it was because his voice just oosed with charm, but there was something else that just pulled at you.
“Well, was it a good impression?”
Your smile widened. “It's improved.”
He let out a roar of a laugh, even clapping his hands at the retort. “That's good," he paused," I don't suppose you'll be back out today?"
The question struck you, making you bite down on the inside of your cheek.
“We'll see,” you said finally. “It'll depend on what you play.”
“I suppose I'll have to make the playlist extra special then, won't I?” he returned, a touch of smugness etching into his tone.
You smiled again, opening the door to step back into your apartment as you tried to answer as nonchalantly as possible, “I suppose you will.”
As soon as you closed the door, you bolted to your sister's room to wake her up.
You threw her door open as you called out, “Steph? Hey, Steph, do you know the guy that lives in the upstairs apartment? Steph, wake up!”
She rubbed her eyes, letting out a deep yawn just before stretching out her back like a cat. “What guy? The loud one?”
Your eyes rolled back while you grunted, “Yes! Do you know what his name is?”
Her shoulders shrugged, her eyes lulled in a half sleep, half hungover state. “He is simply known as Loud British Jerk.”
Your brow creased, “How do you not know his name but you know he's British?”
“Because he talks, like, super loud and always has his doors open.”
Reasonable answer, but your sister was also one of the single most nosey women you had ever known. You leaned in, pressing on, “What else do you know about him?”
“Nothing? Jeeze, y/n, I don't eavesdrop on people anymore. What's gotten into you, did he play a song that got your panties all ruffled? You wanna go bake him granny's old apple turnover and tell him you like his butt? ”
“First off that's not even the phrase you think it is, second I think a simple yes or no would suffice.”
Going to stand up, sure that it was a waste of time to expect her help, Steph took your hand.
“Geeze, sorry, didn't realize you were so worked up. Come on, sit.” You sat down on the side of her bed while she scooted up on her pillow to better reach her cellphone. “Look, I'll text Lexi, she works down at the pool, she knows all the hot guys who live here.”
You couldn't help but scoff, “Thanks, I guess?”
“So you know what that means? If she doesn't know his name, he's not hot.”
She offered you her cheesiest, exaggerated wink she could muster, earning a short snort out of you before you shook your head. “I need to go take a shower, I guess let me know if she says anything.”
“Alright, and I'll see if I can pull him up on social media.”
You walked out to the pleasant sound of Steph texting her friend, knowing soon you might have a name to go with that voice you couldn't get out of your head.
Tom had been outside listening to you for over thirty minutes before he had mustered up enough courage to actually say something to you.
It wasn't something he had particularly planned, though he had meant to speak to you sooner. The thing was, he wasn't from around there and there were certain normalities he didn't quite understand.
Certain ones were less socially involved, such as driving on the wrong side of the road, the use of American made cars verses the German models he bad grown up with.
But it was earlier that week when Chris, his Australian work friend, came by to go over a project they were collaborating on that he noticed his social cues might need some help.
They had just been discussing an upcoming book deal they were working on together when Tom suddenly quieted his friend before reaching for his Ipod to turn the music down.
“What are you-”
“Shhh,” Tom instructed with a finger pressed to his confused friend's lips. “Listen.” He held a hand to his ear, cut his eyes towards the open balcony doors and smiled. “Don't you hear it?”
Chris furrowed his brow but did what he was told, just a bit less enthusiastically. After a minute he finally answered, “Singing?”
“Yes, but more than that. What else?”
“Well she clearly doesn't know the words to Smells Like Teen Spirit.”
“No!” Tom corrected sharply. “Can't you hear it? You can practically feel her soul coming out in these words. It's just so real, so… Refreshing.” His back turned and he began filling his mother's old kettle with water, going on, “She does it every day, just goes outside and sings along to my music. It's the most peculiar thing.”
“I sing along to the radio all the time, you never say nice things to me about it?”
“Yes, but this is different. She's coming outside to sing to MY music.”
“And? And?!” Tom three his hands into the air, going on, “And, he says.” There was a silence between the two of them as the song cut off and the singing stopped. Tom set the kettle on the stove and turned back to face the still creased-browsed Chris. “I don't know, it's just nice to me, I suppose.”
It was now time for Chris to speak and he really just didn't know where to begin. “So you interrupted me telling you how much money we are about to make on this cookbook deal because you were listening to your neighbor sing to herself?”
“When you say it like that it sounds ridiculous.”
“That's exactly what it is!”
“Oh no, it's not like that. She does it all the time, it's kind of like our thing.”
Chris pinched the bridge of his nose and Inhaled sharply. “Your thing, eh? And who is this lucky young lady that you eavesdrop on a daily basis?”
“Eavesdrop?” he laughed but wasn't smiling. “I'm, no, I'm not eavesdropping, I'm just simply appreciating someone else's ability to let go. It's no different than listening at a karaoke bar. ” His confidence lessened when he quietly remarked, “Also, I don't know her name.”
“Have you even spoken to her?”
“No, we haven't the chance…”
“You know she's outside every single day, what do you mean there wasn't a chance?”
Tom's mouth opened to oppose but no words ever materialized. Slowly he closed his mouth and swallowed a lump in his throat. “I should talk to her then?”
“In the very least introduce yourself, what harm would it do? You never talk to the hot girls I hire for you at the bakery, the least you can do is talk to one that for whatever reason you started stalking her. Talk about music.”
Fast forward to the day he actually managed to speak to you. Now, after making a complete arse of himself, he didn't know if you would ever come outside again and what was worse he didn't even remember to tell you his name.
"Perhaps that's for the best," he reasoned, "I could still mend this first impression."
After he knew you had left, he bolted inside to find his phone. He texted Chris what happened and waited impatiently for him to respond with:
~Actually, about that neighbor girl, I got a REALLY interesting call from Lexi you may wanna know about~
Tom’s brow furrowed at the comment, curiously asking what he heard.
He called him and  nearly fell out of his chair at the news.
The steam of your shower had filled up your room by the time you came sashaying out. With a towel around your waist, you planted yourself down at your desk and opened up your laptop. Just as you opened the web browser, Steph can barging in.
Your hands went up instinctively to cover your chest, cursing out, “What the hell!”
“I got it!” she exclaimed, “And you are just gonna DIE!”
“His name, you got his name?” Your grin stretched from ear to ear as you pressed further, “Well? What is it?!”
“I can do one better,” she teased, holding her Tiffany blue phone out for you to see. “I found him on Facebook, and Look!”
You had to lean back for the up close image to fully resonate with your retinas, but when you got a good glimpse, you took the phone from her hand and stared.
It was his profile picture, a face to go along with that voice. The image only showed him from the waist up, dressed in jeans and a white button up, but to you it showed enough. His eyes stood out immediately, a striking seafoam blue that sparkled along with the toothy grin he offered the camera. His hair was a strawberry blonde that was neatly trimmed but still long enough to curl. High cheekbones, sun-kissed skin, along with the more than sunny backdrop of his photo painted a portrait of an outdoorsy, fun loving sort of guy. Looking at him while imaging that velvety English accent sent a shiver down your toes that you couldn't hide.
“A total babe, right?” your sister beamed. “And judging by his profile, he's single!”
You swallowed hard. “That, yeah, that's awesome.” It felt like he was staring back at you through the photo, and finally you made yourself scroll over to see his name. “Tom,” you said out loud with a smile.
Steph reached over and took her phone from you, offering you, “I haven't even told you the best BEST part. My friend is dating his friend and guess what?”
You stared at her, blank faced. “What?”
“He’s the guy who owns Bake-tastic! This is the guy you’ve been pining over since you moved here!”
You looked over at your laptop, thinking about how many times you wondered what the mysterious baker must look like, googling and yet failing to ever find any remnants of him. Judging by his way with sweets, you honestly expected a thicker, maybe older gentleman, not someone worthy of being a model.
But that’s not what you saw.
Looking him over, taking it all in, realizing it was his playlist you had been listening to all this time, his pastries you had been idolizing, you wondered if maybe this was a sign.
“You know what you gotta do right?” your sister asked with a playful grin.
She scoffed as if the answer was obvious. “You gotta go bake with him!”
At that, you made a sour face, shaking your head at the very notion. “No, he doesn’t like teaching and he certainly wouldn’t want a novice messing up a days’ worth of work. No, I’m not doing that-”
“Oooo, that’s too bad,” Steph ached, her face not reflecting the sympathy her voice tried to persuade. “Because I definitely told my friend to ask about you helping out in the bakery.”
“You WHAT?”  
As it turned out, Steph’s friend Lexi was dating Chris Hemsworth, a well known heir of the Hemsworth Lodging hotels. His image was the only one you could ever come across in your searches for Bake-tastic's ownership. He made donations to various organizations and raised money for charities, but what wasn't oublically as well known was his investments he made in his friends.
Tom just happened to be one of those friends, a baker in need of a bakery. So, Chris forked up the money and Tom got straight to work, building a name for himself in L.A. while Chris managed the business side of it. The only issue for Tom was he felt very out of place in such a large city, even as diverse at it was. Nothing about it ever quite felt like home, so rather than branch out into the world, he worked late hours and insisted on solitude.
It felt bizzare hearing the story from Steph, but it made you feel better when she assured you Chris and Tom didn’t know all the details about you.
“I just said my friend’s sister is an aspiring baker and would love to, like, shadow Mr. Hiddleston or whatever. I gave them your name, but only because you work at the bakery,” Lexi assured when you called to ask exactly what happened. “Chris was more than happy to ask Tom if he was willing to show you around his kitchen and he said for you to come tonight.”
“Tonight?” you exploded, realizing you hadn’t the mental preparation needed to meet the British bombshell of a baker  after that awkward balcony encounter. “What if he knows it’s me?”
“He’s never met you, just listened to you sing a few lame songs. How would he know it’s you?”
“Oh, it’s definitely her,” Chris repeated over the speaker phone to Tom. “See, here, I’ll forward you her info.”
Tom stared blankly at the Facebook page, gazing into your eyes as he matched it with the voice he had heard earlier that day. His phone dinged as he received a forwarded email from Chris containing your original job application to Bake-tastic as well as a copy of your driver's license.
“That is just too much of a coincidence, surely you’re pulling my leg?” Tom snipped, shaking his head. But looking down at your image, he hoped it wasn’t foolish to want it to be true. “And she wants to bake with me?”
“Lexi made it clear, she came to California to be a baker and she loves everything you make in the shop. And the best news? She already has a serious crush on you! I’m telling you, if you want to make a better first impression on this woman, you need to let her work with you tonight.” When he didn't immediately agree, Chris added, "I already told her to be there at six, all you have to do is show up and be charming."
Tom inhaled sharply, staring at the image a bit longer before finally conceding.
You had gone through numerous outfits while you tried to figure out what you were going to wear. Jeans, skirts and leggings were all thrown around your room, shirts crumbled up on the floor, shoes spilled out of your closet as you tossed pair after pair aside.
Your sister had finally come and picked out something for you: a loose fitting blue t-shirt dress with gray closed toe wedges. "Not too dressed up to work in a kitchen, but nice enough to hopefully get a callback from your impromptu date," Stroh said, stepping back to admire her creation. "AND IT HAS POCKETS!"
"It's not a date, it's a baking lesson if anything," you corrected, though after you put your hands in the pockets and did a twirl, you had to admit your heart was fluttering at the idea of an all night cooking session with Tom.
However, when it was finally time for you to leave, you started choking up. "I can't," you started spatting off over and over." I can't, this is a bad idea, what if I mess up one of his recipes? What if I embarrass myself? What if I use salt instead of sugar?" your eyes widened, "What if he doesn't like me?"
"You'll be fine, just do what you always do!" When you still looked unsure, she went on, "You're great, y/n, and he'd be an idiot not to see it. A beautiful, British idiot. " Steph offered you a sincere smile, enough to spur you on. "And for the love of everything decent, please flirt!"
You swallowed hard, did one last look over in the mirror, then grabbed your purse and made the fifteen minute walk down the block to the bakery.
When you arrived, the main store front had the lights off, but from the kitchen door you could see a faint illumination.
Tom was just beyond that light.
Repeating, "I can do this," to yourself, you walked through the front door, setting off the gentle ding of the bell that alerted staff of a customer arriving.
“Hello?” you called out, unsure if you had the right time. Looking down at your phone, you were only a couple of minutes early so rather than wait in the doorway, you went on in. Your mind began urging, begging, pleading for you to turn back. It’s not too late, it said, go ahead, high tail it out of here.
‘No. I have to do this,’ you pushed on. ‘I have to know what’s beyond that door.’
Mustering up the courage, feeling something in the pit of your soul tell you this was right, you called out again, “Hello? Mr. Hiddleston? I'm here to, uh, help for tomorrow's set up?"
A loud, disembodied voice came from the kitchen, “Yes, come into the back! And lock that door, won’t you? Don’t need anyone walking in off the street.”
You swallowed, feeling your heart begin to pound as you set the lock. Slipping your phone in the pocket of your dress, you tucked your purse under the cash register before walking back towards the kitchen.
Like my garbage? Read more of it! Master List
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bthenoise · 4 years
Prom Stories: Here’s 14 Tales Of The Dance Floor From Some Of Your Favorite Bands
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With this year’s prom most likely cancelled for all high schoolers across the nation (super sad, we know), we didn’t want to leave you in dark for what can be a pretty memorable night -- both good and bad.
So, in an attempt to help you both experience prom and also realize that missing it might not be the end of the world after all, we’ve collected some pretty interesting stories from some of your favorite bands.  
To check out how members of This Wild Life, Grayscale, Beach Bunny, Broadside and more spent their "My Chemical Slow Dance,” be sure to see below. Afterward, make sure to enjoy our prom-inspired playlist here. 
Kevin Jordan - This Wild Life
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I was too nervous to ask a girl to prom so instead I made a huge banner and hung it on the side of the tallest building at our school that said, “Ashley Debry, Prom? - Kevin Jordan.” She was the cheerleader captain and proceeded to break her shoulder and arm tumbling or some shit but she was a good sport and attended in a lace-adorned sling. It went better than my buddy Kris though, his Ford Falcon’s hood flew up on the freeway on the way there and he couldn’t see the road. Had to pull over and [his date] asked to go home.
Lili Trifilio - Beach Bunny
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I went to prom like five times because I was obsessed with school dances but nothing beats the time my date ditched me, made me buy him Chipotle, then tried to hang out again later. This guy was different from the rest of my prom dates because I was secretly in love with him. He accepted my invite but then “forgot” to pick me up so my dad had to bring me to the photo portion, which was super embarrassing and a bad start to the night. Then, when the slow song came on at the dance, I was like “Yes, this is my shot!” When he approached me, I assumed he was going to ask me to dance. Instead he told me he was gonna leave with this other girl and left me in complete shock. Luckily, one of my guy friends saw me crying and asked me to dance so that I wouldn’t be a complete mess. Then, this boy has the audacity to text me in the morning asking me to see his new motorcycle?! Keep in mind, we were all in the same friend group and hung out every weekend but after that night I never talked to him again -- at the time, I didn’t know this, but he sure as hell didn’t deserve me and I definitely dodged a bullet.
Nick Ventimiglia - Grayscale 
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To be honest, none of us in Grayscale ever went to prom. BUT I did go to a few homecomings. I actually won homecoming prince in 10th grade and then homecoming king my senior year. Here’s the catch: I went to private school and there was only like 36 kids in my graduating class, so what can you do? One time that actually sticks out was when I went to my girlfriend’s (at the time) snow-coming, which is essentially a winter version of homecoming. She actually won queen for her class and they didn’t end up nominating anyone for king of her grade, so by default, I won king of her class. I didn’t even go to her school. I was just on stage, with a sash, standing there smiling and it rocked. Come to find out, they cut me out of the yearbook because I didn’t go to the school, so I have no hard evidence. Here are some songs from 2007 that we most likely danced our asses off to while we were buzzing off trash Burnetts Vodka: T.I. - “You Know What It Is” Soulja Boy - “Crank That” Bird Man, Lil Wayne - “Pop Bottles” Fabolous, T-Pain - “Baby Don’t Go” 50 Cent, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland - “Ayo Technology” Unk, OutKast, Jim Jones - “Walk It Out” Shop Boyz - “Party Like A Rock Star” DJ Khaled, Akon, T.I. - “We Takin’ Over” Kanye West - “Good Life” Playa Circle, Lil Wayne - “Duffle Bag Boy”
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Ollie Baxxter
My prom coincided with my first real breakup. One week before we were meant to go together my date/girlfriend bailed. I was working two jobs at the time and already rented my tux so I just decided to go with my group of friends as the “solo heartbroken guy at prom.” When I got to the dance, the music was terrible and either my loneliness consumed me or I was just a horny teenager but all my classmates looked beautiful. Eventually my ex showed up with a mutual friend and my friend group tried their best to keep me distracted but eventually we met face to face in a hallway on the way to the bathroom. She went to say something and I think I just tried my best to hold back the shame and tears. I left the prom and spent the rest of the night skating with my friends in a parking lot somewhere. Being young is hard. 
Jeff Nichols
I only went to prom one year when I was in high school. I was a sophomore and my girlfriend at the time was a junior. I wore a tux with an all-white jacket and my date wore an all-white dress to match. I don’t remember too much since it’s been awhile but I remember it was like an “Under the Sea” type theme, which a lot of us thought was lame but we all still felt like we had to go. We danced some but all ended up leaving early to go bowling then hit Waffle House after. I only went to prom once and I don’t really regret missing the other years. During this time of quarantine, it is sad that a lot of kids don’t get the experience their prom due to closures but if you spend a bunch of money renting an outfit then take a bunch of awkward photos and dance to “Cupid Shuffle” or whatever the equivalent would be now, you pretty much got the main experience of prom. 
Dom Reid
My prom night was lackluster, to say the least. I think the new Alice In Wonderland movie had recently come out so that was our “theme” for decorations and what that turned out to be was like a large poster a student had made outside in the hall and then absolutely no decorations inside. I was one of those kids who dated a girl from a different school so it was nice to finally prove she was real. The dance floor was ruled by Lady Gaga and The Black Eyed Peas but someone did manage to get 30 seconds of “Downfall Of Us All” by A Day To Remember played. My date and I left early, grabbed some sushi on the way home. My life truthfully would be the same if I never went to prom. I do feel bad for the kids who don’t at least have the option to go to theirs this year, but I’m sure after a night of recreating TikTok dances in their bedroom, they will be just as fulfilled. 
Pat Diaz
I went to prom my junior and senior years, both with the same girl. From what I can remember (because my memory is horrendous, not because I was on the juice), it wasn’t all that fun. Senior year, I was basically stuck in a relationship (for reasons I won’t discuss) and really didn’t want to be there. The highlight of my night was getting breakfast at Perkins at 3:30am. Society puts so much unnecessary significance on prom for no reason other than “if you wanna be cool and fit in.” Sure, you’ll be bummed it’s not happening but I’m pretty sure you’ll be fine knowing that you’re not missing much. If you really want the “prom experience”, drink an energy drink, put on some music and start dancing in your room until 2am then go get McDonalds or something. Same same.
The Wrecks
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Nick Anderson 
I showed up to prom pictures late because I was playing a show with my high school cover band. I wore my white prom tux on stage during the performance because I literally didn't have time to get changed before racing over to where the pictures were being taken. My date was very unhappy but the disappointment did not end there. Because of the rush, I didn't have time to eat dinner. So on the way to prom, I made my prom date pull her 2005 Volkswagen Beetle through the Burger King drive-thru so I could enjoy a Double STACKER KING with extra bacon. She stood outside of prom for 15 minutes while I ate fast food off the hood of her car. We didn't hang out much after prom. 
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Aaron Kelley 
Nothing classier than a tuxedo t-shirt, black skinny jeans and a DeLorean. I’m sorry for everyone who missed their prom this year but I promise you there’ll be many more opportunities for you to have a tuxedo t-shirt night. <3 
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Jade Castello - Picturesque
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It’s been a year or two since I was in high school but I went to a couple different proms throughout my high school years with my previous girlfriend(s). If my memory serves me correctly, the radio hits at the time were artists such as Jason Derulo and Panic! at the Disco. I might not have won prom king but I did close out the night of my senior prom with a dance-off competition by busting out a backflip to “Let’s Go” by Trick Daddy. Everyone jumping up and down chanting my name was something straight out of a movie ha. Prom was a great experience but missing out on that night isn’t the end of the world. Once we’ve all moved on from high school, you’ll realize that one night doesn’t define your “high school experience.” You have much more to offer this world than how sick you were back in high school.
Nick Zawisa - Breakup Shoes
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Senior prom… what a trip. The year was 2014: I was wearing a three-piece suit in like 95 degree weather (cuz, you know, Arizona) driving my Hyundai into downtown Phoenix with one of my best friends (still to this day!)… and I’ve gotta say, that’s about all I remember. I had always thought prom would be this extraordinary experience like how it’s romanticized in the movies but it turned out to just be an awkward ballroom packed with sweaty people I don't even like trying to dance in heels or suits to the all-time worst playlist of 2010s pop music. All that to say, my feelings on the night could be summed up into “Prom: an experience to forget.”
Dead Lakes
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Cody Hurd
For me, prom was pretty overrated. I was voted prom king, but to be fair, our class only had like 70 people in it voting. I had to awkwardly go on stage and accept my royalty with people I didn't really know because my date was unfortunately not voted prom queen. The rest of the prom I basically spent sitting at a table waiting to just hang out with my friends afterwards. So [if you’re missing prom this year], just spend a night dressing up and FaceTime with your friends. Have some “non-alcoholic” drinks (responsibly of course) and blast some music and dance your hearts out. You won't miss a thing.
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Chon Adam
Man, I haven’t thought about prom since basically when it happened. We had our prom at the Space Needle in Seattle with Drake playin’ in the background. Half the people were way too into prom and the other half didn’t care at all. I was definitely in the latter category, so I didn’t have a great time. But most people don’t go to prom to have fun at prom. They go to kick it at parties afterward. Definitely not something that even remotely defined that year for me. So if you’re missing it this year, I promise you you’ll be alright!
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House & Home
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Joey went to prom and ended up talking to the teachers more than the students. The best part was for sure watching the wrestling coach absolutely lose it to a Vanilla Ice song. Pat went his junior year and decided to sit out his senior year. The best prom related memory from his high school career was when he played the afterparty with his high school band at Dave and Buster’s. Prom was never really anything any of us really looked forward to or made a big deal of much in high school. It’s always fun to look back at the memories, though.
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noona-clock · 7 years
Your Friend, Joo Hyuk - Part 8
Genre: AU/Fluff
Pairing: Joo Hyuk x You
By Admin B
Intro, Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Epilogue
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When you arrived back at your apartment from the airport, you softly closed your door behind you, pressed your back against it, and let out a long, sorrowful sigh.
This sucked already.
But then you remembered Joo Hyuk had told you to call him when you got here, so you reached into your purse for your phone. You opened up WhatsApp, pressed on his contact name, and clicked on the phone icon.
He answered almost immediately, and your heart sped up and broke at the same time when you heard his voice
“You got home okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you replied gloomily.
“I know, I hate this, too. I would give anything to be back there with you.”
“Truthfully, how are we going to make this work?” you asked, already feeling your throat close up. You hadn’t actually talked about this yet because neither of you wanted to bring it up and effectively dampen the mood.
“I’ll use all my vacation time to come visit you,” Joo Hyuk answered immediately. “And when you come visit, I’ll do as much work as I can from home. I’ll see if I can request business trips to America more.”
“And it’s just going to be like that forever?” You couldn’t imagine living the rest of your life only seeing him every few months for a couple weeks at a time. Living half a day and half the world away from him. You just couldn’t.
“...I don’t know. But it has to be for right now.”
“Your life, your family is in Korea. Mine is here. Are we both just expecting the other one to pack up and leave, just like that?”
“No, of course not... Baby... do you not want to be with me?” Because it was sounding suspiciously like you were giving up.
“No, no, I do. I’m sorry, I just... I miss you, and I’m letting the negativity get to my head.” Your voice had become choked with emotion, and you slid down your door to sit on the carpet.
Joo Hyuk sighed, and you wished more than anything his voice was here, not just over the phone. Wished you could feel his arms around you, smell his familiar scent. 
“I miss you, too,” he began. “And I know this is going to be tough, but... you’ve gotta be strong. Remember what I told you back when you were having a hard time at university? Tell yourself it’s going to be okay every single day. Make yourself smile every single day.”
“Yeah, I remember,” you whispered. “I don’t know if I ever really told you how much you helped me back then. I felt so alone, but reading your messages reminded me I had someone in my corner. I wasn’t alone. I had you, even though you were thousands of miles away.”
“And that’s how it’ll be for the next few months. I’ll be here, still. I’ll be yours. You’ll have me, even though I’m thousands of miles away.”
“And you’ll have me. Whenever you think about me, there’s a 100% chance I’m thinking about you, too.”
“Yeah, you better be. And not be thinking about Tadashi.”
You chuckled, moving to cross your legs and sit pretzel-style. “I’m definitely going to watch that movie all the time and write stories in my head about Honey Lemon and Tadashi’s secret romance.”
“I’ll watch it, too. And every time I do, I’ll think about meeting Baymax. And then I’ll think about Disneyland and how I had the best three days of my life there.”
“Really? The best three days of your life?”
“Well, yeah. It’s where I fell in love with you. Or at least realized I was.”
You bit your lip, your heart fluttering as you thought back to watching World of Color with him that second time.
“When should we go back?” you asked, your voice sort of dreamy as you imagined the future. You figured you wouldn’t be able to go back together any time soon, but you still liked to think about it.
“The next time I come visit,” Joo Hyuk replied. “Maybe six months or so?”
“Really? You’ll come back that soon?”
“If not sooner.”
You wondered if he was just being optimistic, but you didn’t want to say anything. So you simply smiled and said “I can’t wait.”
You talked for about fifteen more minutes until Joo Hyuk let out a little sigh. And you knew.
“They just called my section for boarding,” he murmured.
“Okay,” you whispered.
“I’ll call you right when I land, okay?”
“Yes, please. Don’t worry about what time it might be over here.”
“And you, too. If you ever need to call me, just do it.”
“I will. Have a safe slight, my love.”
You could hear the smile in his voice when he said, “I’ll do my best.”
“I love you so, so much.”
“I love you so, so much, too,” he told you. “...Bye.”
You sniffed as you pulled your phone away from your ear and disconnected the call. You couldn’t handle saying the words ‘Good bye’ again.
You spent the rest of your day distracting yourself. You cleaned your whole apartment, you did laundry, you went grocery shopping, you did your nails, you watched some Netflix... Your phone finally rang when you were in bed later that night, around 10 o’clock.
You answered quickly, your heart jumping into your throat when you heard Joo Hyuk’s voice. His flight had been long but very smooth, and he’d watched about four or five movies. He’d even watched the live action Cinderella in honor of you.
You talked for almost two hours until you truly couldn’t keep your eyes open any longer. You must have fallen asleep a little because you jerked awake when you heard Joo Hyuk say your name a bit forcefully.
“You fell asleep, huh?” he chuckled. “Go to bed. Call me whenever, okay?”
You agreed, sleepily murmuring an ‘I love you’ and wishing him a good afternoon. He wished you a good night and kissed the phone, causing you to chuckle softly. You hoped talking to him right before falling asleep meant you would dream about him.
The next three months were... Well, to be honest, they weren’t that horrible. You hadn’t been lying when you’d told Joo Hyuk you had a busy time at work coming up. You’d fallen behind while he was here, so you had a bit to catch up on as well as a new load of work coming in. So you spent most of your days in your office, reading and editing, editing and reading.
You visited Mickey a lot, too, since work and the absence of your boyfriend was somewhat stressful. You would ride through the farm for hours on weekends, and sometimes in the evenings after work. 
You had your family and some friends, yes, but... Mickey was special to you. He always had been, and he was particularly comforting now. You were more thankful for him than ever.
You and Joo Hyuk talked everyday, though some days it was only for ten or so minutes. But not a day went by when you didn’t hear his voice.
You also video chatted a few times a week which really helped. It always made your day that much better when you saw his face - and he always looked amazing, even if he had just woken up. It truly wasn’t fair (but it was since he was all yours).
You bought a plane ticket to Seoul about a month in advance, and the second it was purchased, you entered the date into a countdown app on your phone. 
Every day when you and Joo Hyuk would talk, he would ask you how many more days, even though you’d just told him the day before.
When you got down in the teens, you really started to get antsy. It had been almost three whole months since you’d gotten to touch your boyfriend. Hug him, kiss him, hold his hand... 
“Seven more days,” you said when you answered the phone a week before your flight was set to take off. “That’s just one week.”
“And we’ve already been through eleven weeks, so one week is nothing!”
You beamed, closing your laptop and spinning around in your office chair. You could afford to take a break right now.
“Three more days! Can you believe that?” you squealed after Joo Hyuk answered your video chat.
“No, but it’s almost midnight,” he muttered sleepily.
“Oh, sorry,” you whispered, biting your lip in slight embarrassment.
“How many more days?” Joo Hyuk asked when he picked up your call.
“One. One more day. A.K.A. I’m leaving tomorrow. Tomorrow.”
“And then you’ll be here,” he sighed.
“What are we going to do first?”
“...Well, I know what I’d like to do,” he chuckled.
“I wouldn’t be opposed to that... But after a thirteen hour flight, I’ll probably want to take a shower first.”
“Hey, that sounds like a good idea.” You could hear him smirking, and it made you blush.
Leaving now!!!! you messaged Joo Hyuk as your dad pulled up to your apartment complex.
Safe flight, baby. I’m heading off to sleep. Call me when you land.
You got it. Love you!
Love you, too
You fidgeted throughout the whole drive, and you’d never been more anxious to say good-bye to your dad. He understood, thankfully, but he still made you promise to be safe and responsible. A parent was a parent, no matter how old the child.
You checked your bag, went through security, and found a seat by your gate. You still had about an hour before you boarded your flight, so you got out your phone and start playing a game.
You were so concentrated on your game, you jumped a little when a phone call popped up on your screen. You furrowed your brow when you saw who it was, wondering why they would be calling...
A few moments later, your jaw dropped. Your heart dropped. “Wh-what?” you asked, stunned. “Oh my god.”
You covered your mouth with your hand, feeling tears well up in your eyes. No. No, this couldn’t be.
“Okay, I’m coming,” you mumbled, your voice choked up with emotion.
You stood after hanging up, making your way back to security and into the airport lobby. You ran up to the airline desk, telling them to stop your bag from getting on your plane. You would have to come back and pick it up later, and you thanked them profusely for offering to hold it for you.
You hailed a taxi after darting out the doors, tears now streaming down your face. You gave the driver the address of your destination... and then you got out your phone.
You knew Joo Hyuk was sleeping already, but you had to call him. You bit the inside of your cheek as you waited through the rings for his voicemail.
Once you heard the beep, you took a deep breath, hoping you would be able to speak clearly enough for him to understand.
“Hey,” you began, sniffling. “It’s me. I can’t -- I’m not getting on the plane. I’m sorry, but it’s --” You let out a sob, pressing your hand to your forehead.
“It’s Mickey. Something about a heart aneurysm... I’m not too sure, but... he’s gone.”
Part 9
@takura-rin, @daelicious-jongbulge, @sweg-imsorrywhatwasthat. Let me know if you would like to be tagged in the next update!
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