#but i miss numbers and uhhhhh hate court
miralparis · 2 years
why am i like this
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the100oneshots · 7 years
Single Dad!AU - Bellamy Blake
warnings: single parents, custody stuff and legal stiff, some curse words, abandonment, police involvement
a lot of dot points omg i’m sorry
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in a modern situation i recon bellamy would’ve been out one night like celebrating lets say monty’s birthday
he go a little bit too drunk and ended up in someone else’s bed the next morning
so with his prompt leave he would’ve thought that was that and moved on with his life right
like a fair few years later when bellamy has his life pretty much sorted, he has a decent job, he’s got himself a pretty good car, a pretty good apartment that he shares with lets say murphy and rocks up to work and working away at his detective desk when he gets a phone call
it’s from an unknown number he answers thinking it’s a wrong number call bc most people call his work number if they need him urgently
and he gets the shock of his life when there’s a quiet little voice on the end of the phone; “is this bellamy blake?”
and his eyebrows furrow and he’s like ‘uh, yeah, how can I help you?”
“so i’m at the police station and i need you to come pick me up”
and he sits there for like a few seconds and is like “who is this?”
“long story, can you please come?”
turns out the young girl was literally downstairs at his precinct and he comes down to collect her and is really confused as to why a 15 year old girl asked for him 
and when he sees her sitting on a chair in the corner of the precinct he has furrowed eyebrows and he just kinda sits opposite her and y’all have a little stare off lol
“i’m bellamy, but somehow you already knew that”
he’d try his best to lighten the mood with a dad joke and you’d crack a smile that’d make him grin
“my name is cassie”
“are you in trouble or something?”
“my mother took off with simon her asshole boyfriend and left me at home, i don’t know where she’s going or when she’s going to be back but she told me to open this bak whenever i was in trouble and she wasn’t here and it had you’re name on it and dates back to 9 months before i was born, so i came here and here you are.”
he was so confused the poor guy and before he could reply omg the teenager so calmly blurts out something like “pretty sure this makes me your kid i think”
and he takes a minute and it’s so silent
“my kid?” he says as his eyebrows are raised and the face cassie makes is kind of like just nod and purses her lips 
so he takes her to the hospital to get a DNA test just incase and like both of them are up for it bc the mum was very unreliable
surprise !! bellamy has a kid
so he gains like temporary guardianship or smth like that and takes her to his apartment and realises she needs a place to stay and school books and this is all so much for him omg
murphy gets home sees a kid on he ouch and is like “hey what’s up” so casually and then he walks to his room and reALISES what he just saw and walks back to the living room and she’s still watching tv omg
murphy get’s sorted and in the coming weeks cassie settles in and really feels like home
here comes the romaaaaaance
so like bellamy just has to come to cassie’s band recital because she’s really into that and bellamy would obi be a new but 100% supportive dad and gladly takes the night of work
and he sits down in his assigned seat and next to him there you are
and like bellamy obvi is single still and is like thinking something unintentionally douchy like should come to these things more often
surprise !! you’re the one to initiate conversation with something like
“who are you here to see?”
and you’re looking at him expecting an answer and he kind of casually, “cassie she plays piano” with a proud smile
and you look at him with furrowed eyes like, “you’re not her mum’s boyfriend are you?” with real judgey eyes bc cassie has told you act her mother and her how she lives
“no, god no” he laughs and you smile and he like admires it for a second and realises he should probably continue
and your reaction when he tells you he’s her father is a surprised face and huge grin, “so you’re the crime fighting super dad who lives with a permanently drunk mate from high school ??”
his reaction though omg he’s like “uhhhhh ....”
wiht a smile on your face you introduce yourself as cassie’s old middle school teacher in like her favourite subjects and he immediately recognises you from all of cassie’s stories 
and y’all make small talk and have like such good chemistry oh my
after the show you’re still talking outside when cassie comes running over and she jumps into bellmay’s arms and you just internally aw at the hug
and then she hugs you and you congratulate her with the flowers you got her and they offer to go out for ice cream but you decline and bellamy’s face sinks a lil
and a few days go by and cassie can teeeeeeeell that he’s got the hots for u and she’s doing the raising of the eyebrows and the winking teasing her dad
the staff at the police station too are giving him shit for it too but like teasingly way rather than actual ya feel
and cassie and murphy are organising a way for y’all to speak again bc it’d be weird for him to pop up after the first meeting and ask
so guess who just ‘desperately’ wants to try this new italian place on the other side of town bc ‘apparently’ it has the best garlic bread
but omg bellamy walks in to pick up the take away and guess who’s standing in line in front of him; you
and y’all do small talk and you’re thinking ‘gosh just ask him out !!’
and he’s thinking like the same thing 
and omg could u just imagine both of y’all blurting out “are you free on friday?” and you giggling and him chucking and you both then agree at the same time and mORE LAUGHTER
and boom his daughter he didn’t even know he had set him up with the love of his life
relationship!bellamy would be so happy
he’s walk into work with a smile everyday and would be teased so badly because of it but guess who wouldn’t care !!
late night phone calls would be a must
literally cassie would come home after band to y’all snuggling on the couch watching a movie
and he’d be asleep and you’d gesture for her to be quiet and cassie would lOVE IT
ice cream dates !!
pizza dates !!
movie dates !!
dates feat. cassie !!
just one big happy family and then murphy
lol murphy’s like nah boi i’m out
and coincidentally you and murphy literally just swapped apartments
it was getting so serious legit 
everyone was just so happy it was all sweet
but wait, we’re missing the drama, right ??
(psa: be in mind i haveno idea how custody or court cases work)
so guess who comes back with a broken heart bc simon broke up with her and left her for some blonde bombshell
and !! she !! wants !! her !! kid !! back !!
legit she shows up to the precinct to report a missing child and is whisked into bellamy’s desk
they’re legit going through her description and his heart is breaking bc it reminds her of cassie
and then he realises he never got given a name bc she was a blubbering mess and then it clicks for her
and then she gets a bunch of legal stuff to go down which bellamy is like lowkey familiar with bc of his job but it is a completely seperate field so he’s failing with all her knowledge bc she’s been playing the system for that long
and cassie is picked up from school by you who has to take her to the station and she knows something’s up
when she sees her mother sitting there she stops short and you legit almost trips over her omg
and the mother runs up and hugs her as you glare bc you know the shit that she’s put cassie through
so cassie is then forced to go back to her mother\
and it breaks your heart to 1 - see cassie go through all that bullshit again with her mother and be unhappy and 2 - see bellamy so upset that his daughter is being taken away from him and she’s kicking and screaming for her father but he can’t do anything but cry because it’s his job even though he desperately wants to
and she hates it with her mother
bellamy legit tries everything to get her back and cassie wants to go back
and theres a whole lot of chaos and it’s literally crazy
and you’re consoling your boyfriend as he cries every night bc now something is missing without his daughter
a lot of forehead kisses and head kisses as he cries into your shoulder
with !! him !! every !! step !! of !! the !! way !!
then omg could u imagine bellamy getting a call from cassie and he lowkey can’t answer it but does anyway and something’s wrong at home so he gets cassie to ring 911 and his team is sent out to the house
the mum is like unconscious from god know what and cassie runs to bellamy when the police take her mother away
custody of cassie and her legally changing her last name to blake omg
waiting outside the court or like the police station (idk tbh i’m going off movies and shit) anxiously for them to come out
hand in hand with smiles on their faces and you know it went well
being happy for the both of them
bellamy picking you up and swirling you around
everyone being happy
just so much happiness
bellamy was just content with his life everything was falling into place
all was good and he had his girls :))))))
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