#but i need time and i'd like to write while im inspired rather than forcing it to meet a deadline
kulemii · 1 year
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May 10, 2009- Yu Morinaga & Masato Aizawa w/ Maria da Silva (in spirit) celebrating Aizawa's 29th birthday. The first birthday after the death of this mother. Morinaga's daughters (absolutely smitten with Aizawa) sent Morinaga to deliver the birthday cake they made for him, knowing that he'd be lonely sitting home alone without Maria. Happily, Aizawa accepts the cake and forces his aniki to have some with him despite the older man not having much of a sweet tooth himself. While eating, Aizawa makes his intentions known that he intends to visit the fight club that Morinaga runs later that evening but he's informed him that he's been banned for the day as he can't have Aizawa using his club to blow off steam while grieving but Aizawa refuses to accept this. Morinaga offers him a deal as a birthday gift, he'll allow him one match at the club if he can get through him. The catch is, Aizawa has never once beat Morinaga in a fight.
art commission by @fabylp
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