#yu morinaga
danielladigitalbunny · 4 months
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kulemii · 1 year
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May 10, 2009- Yu Morinaga & Masato Aizawa w/ Maria da Silva (in spirit) celebrating Aizawa's 29th birthday. The first birthday after the death of this mother. Morinaga's daughters (absolutely smitten with Aizawa) sent Morinaga to deliver the birthday cake they made for him, knowing that he'd be lonely sitting home alone without Maria. Happily, Aizawa accepts the cake and forces his aniki to have some with him despite the older man not having much of a sweet tooth himself. While eating, Aizawa makes his intentions known that he intends to visit the fight club that Morinaga runs later that evening but he's informed him that he's been banned for the day as he can't have Aizawa using his club to blow off steam while grieving but Aizawa refuses to accept this. Morinaga offers him a deal as a birthday gift, he'll allow him one match at the club if he can get through him. The catch is, Aizawa has never once beat Morinaga in a fight.
art commission by @fabylp
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nonsensemonkey · 5 months
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the extremely muscular, stocky man and his average aniki with a small mustache
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refinedstorage · 9 months
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I've been hearing interesting things about the Gaiden............
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tsukimino · 1 month
RGGO Card Story: Yu Morinaga, A Man Concerned About the Tojo Clan
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In a story set before Yakuza 5, a near-death experience forces Morinaga to consider whether the Sixth Chairman might actually have what it takes to lead the Tojo Clan after all.
Before the calamity that engulfed Japan’s five major cities…
[Morinaga is talking with a generic goon in the hallway at Tojo HQ.]
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Tojo Clan Member: …You’re here, Morinaga.
Morinaga: I received an urgent summons from Chairman Dojima and rushed over. Do you have any idea why we were called in?  
Tojo Clan Member: Nope. Seems like everyone who works under the Chairman got the call — that’s all I know.
Morinaga: Hmm. Well, I guess we have no choice but to go and hear it from him directly.
Tojo Clan Member: Everyone who got the summons is already here. Let’s go — the Chairman’s waiting in his office.
[Daigo is standing in an office. There’s a knock at the door.]
Daigo: Come in.
[Morinaga and a bunch of generic goons enter.]
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Tojo Clan Member: Chairman. Everyone’s here.
Daigo: Alright. First off, I have a mission for you all. 
Morinaga: A mission…?
Daigo: That’s right. Let me start at the beginning. Last night in Kansai, someone attacked several Tojo Clan members who were there for a meeting. The victims were a man named Tomokawa and four of his associates.
Morinaga: Tomokawa?
Daigo: He’s the man in charge of accounting at Tojo HQ. He’s a key figure in the management of the Tojo Clan’s finances, so he was probably the target of the attack. After Tomokawa’s meeting wrapped up, he headed for Osaka Station to return to Tokyo, but he was attacked en route. His entourage was killed, but apparently he managed to escape, because I’ve just received a call from Tomokawa himself asking for help. So, I’d like you all to travel to Kansai and bring him safely back to Tojo HQ.  
Tojo Clan Member: In other words, our mission is to escort Tomokawa back here. 
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Morinaga: Chairman. May I ask a question?
Daigo: What is it?
Morinaga: Why do we need to mobilize every man at HQ just to rescue one single accountant?
Daigo: Tomokawa may be a Tojo man, but there’s no man alive who won’t cough something up if you hit him hard enough — and he’s been the clan’s accountant for years, so he has a lot in him to spew about our organization’s underbelly. That’s why we need to keep him from getting caught.
Morinaga: I see.
Daigo: And this mission must be carried out with utmost secrecy. If the executives find out that Tomokawa was attacked, the hot-headed ones might start coming out of the woodwork.
Morinaga: …
Morinaga: Chairman. Doesn’t it feel like other organizations have been walking all over the Tojo Clan lately?
Daigo: Walking all over us?
Morinaga: Yes. The other clans look down on the Tojo, so of course they’re showing up to attack us. There was a time when no one would’ve dared to go after the Tojo Clan. Wouldn’t it be better to put them in their place?
Daigo: You’re Morinaga, right? I appreciate that you’re speaking out of concern for the clan, but I think the old way of doing things is going to make things harder for us in the long term — so please have a little faith in my approach.
Morinaga: I understand.
[Out in the hallway, Morinaga talks with his fellow goon again.]
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Tojo Clan Member: Morinaga, what was that all about? A grunt like you, questioning the Chairman’s methods!
Morinaga: …You don’t have any concerns about the Chairman’s policies?  
Tojo Clan Member: Concerns?
Morinaga: Frankly, I’m not satisfied at all with the way things are going under the Sixth Chairman. In order to protect the clan, the Chairman’s reaching out to the Omi and other organizations to build alliances and cooperate with one another. But why should the chairman of a clan as big as the Tojo personally go begging for an alliance with a bunch of low-ranking yakuza out in the sticks? That self-abasement is exactly why no one takes the clan seriously.
Tojo Clan Member: I support the Chairman’s methods. I don’t have any complaints, and there are lots of us who believe this is the right way of doing things.
Morinaga: I’m sure there are lots of men who trust Chairman Dojima. But there are more than a few who share my complaints. This is why the clan’s authority is dissipating by the day… And it’s the Chairman’s fault that the Tojo Clan’s grown so weak.
Tojo Clan Member: Morinaga…
Morinaga: It’s time. We’ll be leaving for Kansai shortly.
[The screen fades to black.]
Six hours later, at a certain hotel in Kansai…
[Morinaga shows up in a hotel hallway with two goons.]
Morinaga:  Room 902… Tomokawa’s hiding in here.  
[Morinaga knocks on the door.]
Morinaga: Tomokawa-san. We’re Tojo men. We’re here to pick you up under Chairman Dojima’s orders.
[Tomokawa opens the door.]
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Tomokawa: You guys sure took your sweet time… Is it safe to leave this place?
Morinaga: It’s fine — we’re with you. We have a car waiting out in front of the hotel, so let’s get you out of here. 
Tomokawa: A-alright, got it… I’m counting on you.
[The screen fades to black; we hear the sound of a car starting. When we fade back in, Morinaga is sitting in the car, making a call on his phone.]
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Morinaga: Chairman, this is Morinaga. We’ve just secured Tomokawa and are in a car en route to Tokyo. We have several other cars in a convoy around our vehicle, so everything is under control. 
Daigo: Alright. Please be careful out there.
[Morinaga hangs up.]
Morinaga: Don’t worry, Tomokawa-san. All that’s left is to drive back to Tokyo.
[Tomokawa is snoring.]
Tojo Clan Member: He’s asleep.
Morinaga: I guess having a security detail allowed him to relax. He probably hasn’t been able to catch a wink since yesterday’s attack. 
Tojo Clan Member: Hey, Morinaga, can I ask you a question? You came from another clan, right? Why did you decide to join the Tojo?  
Morinaga: …I admired the clan’s strength.
Tojo Clan Member: Admired?
Morinaga: Yes. The Tojo Clan I admired was intimidatingly strong. Its charismatic leaders kept things under control. Their strength and authority were unsurpassed. Under their power, Kamurocho became a sanctuary, an absolutely inviolable city, and they preserved the peace in Kanto by keeping all the smaller organizations in line. That’s the Tojo Clan I admired, and the one that I left my old family for.
Tojo Clan Member: I see.
Morinaga: I came from a small-time family, so I know what I’m talking about. A strong clan can protect its members; that’s the kind of power the Tojo had. But these days? So much of the old guard that supported it is gone. The clan’s power and command are nothing but shadows of what they once were. The Tojo Clan that I know has never been weaker, and it’s Chairman Dojima’s fault that it…
[Before Morinaga can press this seditious monologue any further, there’s the sound of tires squealing on pavement.]
Tomokawa: Huh? What’s going on? Why’d we stop?  
Driver: There’s a bunch of cars parked on the road ahead of us. The way’s blocked — we can’t get through!
Morinaga: What?
[There’s another sound of squealing tires.]
Driver: And now another car’s come up behind us! We can’t push forward or go back!
Morinaga: Don’t tell me they were lying in wait!
[The scene shifts outside for a moment; we see three goons with guns lined up. As the sound of gunfire plays, the scene shifts back to the interior of the car.]
Tomokawa: Eek! Th-they’re shooting at us!
Morinaga: They’re probably the same guys who attacked you before. It’s dangerous to stay in the car.
Tojo Clan Member: We’ll go out and use the car as a shield while we fire back, Morinaga. Let the guards in the other cars know.
Morinaga: Got it… let’s go!
[Morinaga heads outside and, instead of doing what he’s told, makes a phone call.]
Daigo: Hello, this is Daigo Dojima.
[More guns fire in the background.]
Daigo: Huh? Was that gunfire…!?
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Morinaga: This is Morinaga. The convoy was attacked en route. We’re in the middle of a shootout on the road.
Daigo: What’s going on? Give me a detailed status report.
Morinaga: Right now, we’re sustaining fire from the front and the rear, and we’re using several cars from the convoy as shields.  
Daigo: Can’t you use one of your cars to break through?
Morinaga: Not possible. They’ve got the road completely blocked with their vehicles. We’re hemmed in on all sides.
Daigo: I see…
Morinaga: We’re running low on bullets here, and the other guards in the convoy are going down one-by-one.
Daigo: Alright, listen up, Morinaga. I’m sending you some backup right now. Just hold out for a little longer.
Morinaga: Backup!? There’s no way they’ll make it in time! We’ll be wiped out before they even get here! Our priority should be to get Tomokawa out!
Daigo: No. Pull yourselves together and hold the line. That’s the only way to get all of you out of this.
Morinaga: !
Morinaga: (That’s today’s Tojo for you: even in a situation like this, the Chairman’s still taking his soft-hearted approach! Ugh, I can’t go along with this — we should be prioritizing the mission even at the expense of our lives.)
Morinaga: Chairman. It’s high-risk, but I’m going to take Tomokawa and escape into the brush by the road. It’s the best chance we have of getting him out of here alive.
Daigo: Wait, Morinaga! That’s only going to make you a target! Hold off until the reinforcements arrive!
Morinaga: I’m prepared to accept the risk. If we stay here, things are only going to get worse. Right now, our priority should be to keep Tomokawa alive.
[Morinaga hangs up; more guns fire.]
Tojo Clan Member: The hell are you doing, Morinaga?! Hurry up and fight back!
Morinaga: Listen. I’m going to take Tomokawa and make a break for the thicket at the side of the road. You guys fire some shots to draw their attention.
Tojo Clan Member: What?! Were those really Chairman Dojima’s orders?
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Morinaga: No. The Chairman said to wait here for backup, but there’s no way that’ll keep Tomokawa safe, so I’m taking him and getting out of here. This is our highest priority, so I’ll also be taking your bullets.
Tojo Clan Member: Hold on a second! Those are all we have left!
Morinaga: Tomokawa-san. Please follow me and do your best to keep up.
Tomokawa: R-right!
[Tomokawa bolts for it with Morinaga while the hapless Tojo goon looks on in alarm.]
Tojo Clan Member: W-wait, Morinaga! Morinagaaaaa!
[The screen fades to black. We shift to a nighttime scene out in the wilderness. Tomokawa is standing with Morinaga.]
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Tomokawa: Hah… hah… I can’t do it. I’m too tired to keep going…
Morinaga: We’ve been on the run in the mountains ever since those men attacked us. But at least we’ve managed to shake them.  
Morinaga: (Well, I was right. If we’d stuck around to wait for help, Tomokawa would definitely be dead.)
[Morinaga’s cell phone rings; he answers the call.]
Daigo: Hello, Morinaga? Are you safe?
Morinaga: Yes, Chairman. Somehow, I managed to escape with Tomokawa. 
Daigo: I see… That’s great news. I’ve just arrived at the scene of the attack with my men. Unfortunately, there were quite a few casualties.  
Morinaga: Oh…
Daigo: I’m sorry… If I had just gotten there earlier, we wouldn’t have lost so many.
Morinaga: Well…
Morinaga: (If he’d gotten there earlier? …That’s absurd. The Chairman made a bad call. He told me to wait for backup so he could save everyone, but if I’d done that, Tomokawa and I both would’ve died. It was risky, but I was right to prioritize the mission. I knew his soft-hearted approach wouldn’t work.)
Morinaga: Chairman, there’s one thing I’m wondering about.
Daigo: What’s that?
Morinaga: This escort mission must have been top-secret clan business, but somehow the attackers were lying in wait for us along the route. In other words, inside information is being leaked. Or someone on the inside was behind the attack.  
Daigo: …It was probably an inside job.
Morinaga: Any ideas as to who?
Daigo: Actually, yesterday, it came to light that Tomokawa’s been cooking the Tojo Clan’s books.
Tomokawa: Huh!?
Morinaga: Cooking the books…?
Daigo: That’s right. Tomokawa was in charge of summing up the monthly dues paid by the families to Tojo HQ. But he was colluding with someone in one of the direct-line families to falsify the records and pocket part of the profit for himself.
Morinaga: Is that true, Tomokawa-san?
Tomokawa: Urk…!
Daigo: When I uncovered Tomokawa’s scheme, I ordered my subordinates to take him into custody right away. But immediately after that, someone attacked him. …That’s pretty convenient timing, isn’t it?
Morinaga: In other words, whoever was helping Tomokawa to skim a little off the top tried to shut him up by having him killed?
Daigo: It’s very likely. Tomokawa holds the evidence — if he were to be caught and confess, that’d be it for his accomplice, too. So, to keep any traitors from leaking information about this rescue mission, I assigned the job to a group of trustworthy men who reported directly to me.
Morinaga: So that’s why the job was top-secret.
Daigo: Are you listening, Tomokawa? After I take you in, you’re going to tell me everything about your crimes against the clan. You’ll be punished accordingly, but I don’t intend to make you pay with your life, so I hope you’ll come back here with Morinaga without trying to run off.  
Tomokawa: U-understood… I don’t want to get killed by those guys… I’d rather accept your punishment.
Morinaga: Tomokawa-san. Who was working with you to forge the records and skim the profits?
Tomokawa: Ahh, he’s the head of one of the clan’s direct-line fa—
[To no one’s surprise, there’s a bunch of gunfire. To our surprise as readers, Tomokawa is not shot dead by a cutscene gun before revealing an important piece of information; everyone just stops in surprise.]
Morinaga and Tomokawa: !?
Attackers: There they are! The guys who got away! Everyone, grab them!
Tomokawa: They found us! A bunch of them are coming down the mountain!
Morinaga: Ugh! If we don’t hurry and get out of here…!
Daigo: Morinaga, where are you right now? 
Morinaga: We’re in the mountains. I can see city lights in the hills not far from here.
Daigo: I’ve just checked a map, and there’s only one town in the area. Alright, head to the town in the foothills, Morinaga. I’ll make my way there right now to help!
Morinaga: Huh? You’re coming personally!? That’s ridiculous — please reconsider!
Daigo: Morinaga. I wasn’t able to save my men before, but no matter what, I want to make sure I at least save you. I’m always ready to put my life on the line for my men’s sake. …So, Morinaga, please hold out ‘til you get to that town.
Morinaga: Chairman…!
Morinaga: (Imagine — the head of the Tojo Clan himself trying to rescue a couple of underlings! That’s definitely his soft-hearted style, but he’s got the strength to risk his life for it. I thought he was just some pampered little brat, but this guy might actually have what it takes to lead the clan…)
Daigo: I’m sending my men ahead of me to the town’s entrance. Stay safe and make your way there.
Morinaga: Understood. Let’s go, Tomokawa!
[The two of them make a break for it. The screen fades to black. When we return, Morinaga and Tomokawa are on a dark city street.]
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Tomokawa: Hahhh… Hahhh… We made it to the town. What about the guys on our tail?
Morinaga: I don’t see them, but they must be following behind.
Tomokawa: The Chairman said he’d send backup to the town’s entrance, right? Hurry up and call him!
Morinaga: Actually… I dropped my phone in the shootout back there.
Tomokawa: Huh!? Shit! That means we’re gonna have to make our own way there.
Morinaga: Yes, but when we get there, help will be waiting. Let’s get going.
[They run off in another fade-to-black. The scene opens on a different dark city street.]
Morinaga: The entrance we saw on the way down should be in this direction. If we turn onto this road and go straight, we’ll be right there.
Tomokawa: Alright! Just a little further and we’ll be saved!
[Naturally, the second he says that, three goons with guns show up.]
Morinaga: Ah! It’s the guys from before! Were they lying in wait for us…!?
[The goons’ leader shows up, too.]
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Man: For shit’s sake! You had us running all over the mountains!
Morinaga: You… you’re one of the direct-line heads… Shiromoto-san!? What are you doing here?
Tomokawa: T-that’s him! That’s the guy who was helping me to embezzle the money and forge the records!
Morinaga: What?
Shiromoto: That’s right. Tomokawa helped me bleed the clan dry for years. But now they’re onto our scheme, and if they catch him, they’ll find out I was in on it, too. I figured I’d kill the guy and get rid of the evidence, but my boys screwed it up and I had to come all the way out here to take care of it myself — so how about you just go and die, already?
Morinaga: But how did you find this place? Only the Chairman and his men knew about it.
Shiromoto: We tapped the Chairman’s cell phone. Thanks to that, we knew all about your convoy’s route and this meeting spot. But that’s enough blabbing — boys, let’s clean up this mess before the Chairman gets here!
[Shiromoto’s three gun-toting goons show up again.]
Shiromoto Family Members: Hah!
Morinaga: Shit! Tomokawa, get behind me!
[The screen fades to black as guns fire and fades back in on our protagonists.]
Morinaga: Tomkawa-san, we can’t go this way — let’s take a detour to the town’s entrance!
Tomokawa: A-alright!
Shiromoto: Tch. After them! Don’t you dare let them get away!
[Morinaga and Tomokawa make a break for it; they arrive in another part of town.]
Tomokawa: Ahh, we made it! There’s the entrance!
[A couple of generic goons in suits show up.]
Morinaga: There they are! Those are Tojo pins… They must be the backup the Chairman sent.
[Tomokawa runs toward one of the goons.]
Tomokawa: Hey, over here! Help me!
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Tojo Clan Member A: Huh…? That’s him! Tomokawa!
[In an upset that no one could’ve seen coming, the goon pulls a gun.]
Tomokawa: Huh?
Morinaga: Tomokawa, get down!
[Luckily, Morinaga still has those bullets he took from his fellow men back at the shootout; he fires his gun.]
Tojo Clan Member A: Ugh! The bastard shot back!
Morinaga: Are you alright, Tomokawa-san? Were you shot!?
Tomokawa: I’m alright… b-but why did they shoot at us!? Aren’t they our allies!?
Morinaga: Worry about that later — let’s get out of here!
[They run off again.]
Tojo Clan Member A: Shit! They’re still alive!
Shiromoto: Hey, you! What happened?
Tojo Clan Member B: Sorry, boss — they got away.
Tojo Clan Member A: What should we do? The tappers say the Chairman’s gonna be here soon…
Shiromoto: Ugh, I’ll have to pull back for a bit. Go put on a good show for the Chairman.
Tojo Clan Member A: Got it.
[Daigo pulls up to the meeting spot in a car to discuss things with Tojo Clan Member A, who’s now been revealed to be Shiromoto’s ally.]
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Daigo: You still haven’t found them?
Tojo Clan Member A: Sir, we’ve been waiting here for a while and they still haven’t shown up. Maybe they were attacked along the way and they didn’t make it…
Daigo: Damn it! Comb the area around the town for them. They might’ve been attacked and taken a detour.
Tojo Clan Member A: Understood. Please wait in the car, then, Chairman.
Daigo: No. I’ll look for them, too. They came here under my orders — I have to protect them!
[We return to Morinaga and Tomokawa, who are still on the run.]
Tomokawa: Hahhh… Hahhh… We got away somehow. But why did those guys attack us? They came here to save us, didn’t they!?
Morinaga: They must be with Shiromoto. He probably bought their loyalty.
Tomokawa: What?! You mean they’re traitors, too!?
Morinaga: (But for the Chairman to have traitors among his own men… That’s what you get when you go with his soft-hearted approach. No matter how much you think of your men as family, that alone isn’t enough to keep your subordinates in line. A pile of money’s all it takes to get your comrades to turn on you… Everything the Chairman says is just idealism. I knew the man was useless; he’s not fit to lead the clan.)  
Tomokawa: Hey, what should we do now…? If we ask the Chairman for help again, they’ll tap the line…
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Morinaga: That’s enough — we’re not relying on the Chairman anymore. From now on, we have no choice but to take care of things ourselves.
Tomokawa: Eh? Are you serious!?
Morinaga: We can’t tell who the enemy is, so we’re done with being on the defensive — we’re going to go on the offensive, now.
[The screen fades to black yet again. We fade in on a scene in an office. Shiromoto is talking to one of his underlings.]
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Shiromoto: It’s been two days since you let Morinaga and Tomokawa slip and you still haven’t found them?
Shiromoto Family Member: Sorry, boss. Word is they got back to Tokyo yesterday, but we’ve got no clue where they are.
Shiromoto: Have you heard anything from the guys on the Chairman’s wiretap?
Shiromoto Family Member: Nothing. Seems like Morinaga hasn’t contacted him at all.
Shiromoto: Damn it, if I don’t get rid of Tomokawa soon, they’re gonna find out I helped cook those books. I’ve gotta do whatever it takes to figure out where they’re holed up before those Tojo guys do. 
[Shiromoto’s phone rings; he picks it up, and a conversation ensues.]
Shiromoto: Yeah, it’s me.
Shiromoto Grunt: Boss, it looks like they’re in Kamurocho.
Shiromoto: What? Is that true?
Shiromoto Grunt: Yeah, I’m sure — I got this info from a trustworthy source.
Shiromoto: Got it. I’m heading for Kamurocho right away.
[Shiromoto hangs up and addresses the goons standing there.]
Shiromoto: Listen up, boys! We’re booking it for Kamurocho!
Shiromoto Family Members: Got it, boss!
[Shiromoto and his goon squad head out. The screen fades to black; when we fade in, Shiromoto and company are in Kamurocho, and Shiromoto himself is on the phone with his underling again.]
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Shiromoto: We’re in the Champion District — where are you now?
Shiromoto Grunt: I’m at the informant’s place. Sorry I couldn’t make it there, boss, but I’ve got some new information. Morinaga’s got Tomokawa hidden somewhere in the Champion District, on Pink Street, or on Suppon Street. I’m sending you a list of safehouse addresses that I got from my guy — try these.
Shiromoto: Good work.
[Shiromoto’s phone vibrates.]
Shiromoto: …I’ve got the informant’s info. We don’t have time to visit these places one-by-one — they might run off somewhere else in the meantime. We’ll split up and search the addresses I got. You guys check Pink Street and Suppon Street.
Shiramoto Family Members: Got it, boss!
[The goons head out to their assigned places.]
Shiromoto: The rest of you, come with me. They’re probably hiding at this address.
[Shiromoto and his goons break into an empty office.]
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Shiromoto Family Members: There’s not a soul here, boss.
Shiromoto: Tch, what a bust. This is where Tomokawa and I used to meet up to mess with the ledgers. I figured they’d be holed-up here…
?: I expected you to think as much, so I laid an ambush here.
[A gun fires, leaving Shiromoto’s goons all bloodied.]
Shiromoto Family Members: Augh…!
[The goons all collapse to the floor. Morinaga steps in.]
Shiromoto: You’re… Morinaga!
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Morinaga: I’m glad you fell into my trap so easily, Shiromoto-san.
Shiromoto: Trap!?
Morinaga: Yes, it’s elementary. After I got back to Tokyo, the first thing I did was nab a Shiromoto Family man. I roughed him up and made some violent threats so he’d listen to what I had to say. All that was left was to send you an eyewitness report about Tomokawa along with the leads from before. I was certain that after so many failed attempts, you wouldn’t trust your men to finish the job and would come here yourself.
Shiromoto: So you heard about this place from Tomokawa…
Morinaga: That’s right. I predicted that if I stuck that one place that you and Tomokawa both knew in with the false information, that’s where you’d go yourself. And if you sent your men to the red-herring addresses and spread your forces thin, it’d be easier for me to take you down.
Shiromoto: Huh. You’re saying you’re gonna settle this on your own, without asking Daigo Dojima for help?
Morinaga: Indeed. That man has already let me down, so I decided to end this myself. If I don’t take matters into my own hands, my dream of returning the Tojo Clan to its former glory will remain just that.
Shiromoto: Huh? What the hell are you talking about? Where’s Tomokawa?
Morinaga: He’s hidden someplace safe. If you want to know where that is, you’ll have to pry it out of me.
Shiromoto: Sounds good — my forces might be spread thin, but I’ve still got a bunch here with me. Get him, boys!
Shiromoto Family Members: Ha!
[A fight ensues; Shiromoto and his goons are thoroughly thrashed.]
Shiromoto: S-shit…!
Morinaga: It’s over, Patriarch Shiromoto.
[Without any further ado, Morinaga shoots him.]
Shiromoto: Ugh…!
[Shiromoto collapses.]
Morinaga: …
[Tomokawa comes in.]
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Tomokawa: Looks like it’s over, Morinaga. But I was surprised — you really took them down on your own.
Morinaga: Are you satisfied, Tomokawa-san?
Tomokawa: Yeah, I’ve always hated that bastard Shiromoto. Glad I got to see him die with my own two eyes.
Morinaga: I see. Well, that’s good.
[He turns his gun on Tomokawa.]
Tomokawa: Huh!? Wait, why are you pointing that at me?!
Morinaga: You and Shiromoto are part of the rot that’s festered in this clan’s soft heart. I can’t allow men like you to live.
Tomokawa: What’s this nonsense you’re spewing!? You were ordered to protect me! How in the world do you intend to explain this to the Chairman!?
Morinaga: Don’t worry about that; I’ve thought it all through.  
[Morinaga shoots Tomokawa.]
Tomokawa: Agh…!
[Tomokawa collapses.]
Morinaga: Tomokawa-san, I owe you my thanks. This incident has made it clear to me: our current chairman’s way of doing things is wrong. It’s how vermin like you infest the clan, and it’s how men come to betray their own comrades so casually. And that soft way of thinking, that desire to save everyone, that’s what leads to so many men losing their lives… don’t you think?
[The screen fades to black.]
The day after… at Tojo HQ.
[We fade back in on a meeting room at Tojo HQ, where Morinaga is giving a report.]
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Daigo: So, Morinaga, to summarize… Shiromoto’s wiretap kept you from meeting up with me. And after you’d given up getting in touch, the two of you decided to head for Tojo HQ, but you were attacked again and Tomokawa was abducted. So, you tracked Shiromoto down to defeat him, but Tomokawa was already dead?
Morinaga: Yes. I’m sorry, Chairman. This all happened because I wasn’t able to protect him…
Daigo: No, I’m the one who should apologize. I took over in the middle of things, and I wasn’t of any help. Shiromoto probably kidnapped Tomokawa to get him to reveal where he’d hidden the evidence of their collusion.
Morinaga: That’s likely the case.
Daigo: …Are you alright, Morinaga?
Morinaga: Is something wrong?
Daigo: Well, something about you just seems different since you left for this mission.
Morinaga: …
Daigo: I apologize; you’ve just lost a number of comrades. It was a difficult job. We’ll take it from here — you go home and get some rest.
Morinaga: Alright. I’ll take my leave, then, Chairman.
[Morinaga leaves the room, then pauses in the hallway.]
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Morinaga: …
Morinaga: (Chairman Dojima, your way of doing things will never protect anyone. You’ll sail your ship out and try to save all your friends from drowning, but the way you’re going, it’ll capsize someday, and you’ll drag the entire clan down with you. …That’s how weak this vessel is.)
Morinaga: (I’m going to reform the Tojo Clan before that can happen. Not in your way, but in my own…)
[The screen fades to black.]
After this, Morinaga joins the Omi Alliance’s Seventh Chairman Kurosawa’s faction and turns on the Tojo Clan in order to return it to its former strength.
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yyh4ever · 2 years
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"ANIMEGU 30th" Anison Cover Mini Album
■ Jacket illustration: animator Tadashi Hiramatsu (Evangelion, Jujutsu Kaisen etc.)
■ Release: February 5th, 2023 by Lantis
■ Price: 3,080 yen
30 years of Yu Yu Hakusho also means the 30th anniversary of Megumi Ogata as a voice actress. She debuted in October 1992, in the role of Kurama. To celebrate this moment, she is releasing a mini album with some covers, from the ending theme of her latest work "Jujutsu Kaisen 0: The Movie", to the opening song of her debut work "Yu Yu Hakusho". Ogata-san conveys her love for her works and characters, and gratitude to her fans ♡
The cover of "Hohoemi no Bakudan" (Smile Bomb) debuted on the NHK-FM "Radioman Jack" radio station last Saturday, January 7, 2023. This is not the same cover from the album "Yu Yu Hakusho Super Covers". This new one features members of the famous band Angela, KATSU was in charge of the arrangements and Atsuko sings in the chorus.
I tried to record the song from the radio, the quality is not high, but you can get an idea of how it sounds.
■ Tracklist:
① Seija No Koushin (聖者の行進)
"Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi" Opening Theme (Tatsuya Kitani)
② One Last Kiss
"EVANGELION: 3.0+1.0 Movie" Theme Song (Hikaru Utada)
③ Reverse Dream (逆夢/Sakayume)
"Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie" Ending Theme (King Gnu)
④ Ready
"Akudama Drive" Ending Theme (Urashimasakatasen)
⑤ No.7
The Mokke voice actresses (Yuri Yoshida, Chitose Morinaga, Mai Kanazawa)sing in the chorus "Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun" Opening theme (Jibaku Shounen Band)
⑥ Hohoemi no Bakudan (微笑みの爆弾)
Arrangement: KATSU (Angela) Chorus: Atsuko (Angela)
"Yu Yu Hakusho" Opening Theme (Matsuko Mawatari)
Audition Video (Preview of the Songs)
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they-have-the-same-va · 10 months
In Japanese, Shiki from Samurai Shodown (2019) shares a voice actress with Noodle Sarako / Celestia Noodlina from Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS.
Voiced by Chitose Morinaga
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 11 months
Oh and by the by (regarding Hanawa)
There's a theory floating around he's actually Yu Morinaga (from 5). They do have the same VA but they don't really look all that alike but that'd be fcking WILD if that was the case.
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kriosv · 11 months
Major, I mean MAJOR spoilers for LaD: The Man Who Erased His Name
Okay, so Hanawa has his line about knowing Kiryu as Taichi Suzuki back in Yakuza 5. Now, full disclosure, 5 is one of the games I've played the least(4 and 5 I only played through once each), so I decided to look up the actor.
Apparently the actor played Yu Morinaga in 5. Is this supposed to be Yu? I can't tell from the models, are they supposed to be the same? I don't think they look alike, but why would they have the actor for the character then?
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qentin-fuckre · 3 years
Yakuza 5 Rewrite
My friend finished Yakuza 5 and had a blast but agreed some of the writing choices were...messy to say the least. So I’ve decided to share my Yakuza 5 rewrite just in case anyone’s interested in that after my yakuza 4 one. Almost everything in Kiryu, Saejima, and Haruka/Akiyama’s sections are unchanged, but things get drastically different after that so I’m gonna link straight to where things differ. Major changes include but are not limited to;
1. I’m sorry Shinada I love you but you didn’t need to be in this game. Shinada’s story can be its own spinoff, while the final playable character of this game would be Majima. After how much Majima factors into the other playable characters stories’, imo it makes sense to have him be the final playable piece in the fight, allowing him to grapple more with issues like him getting older, his past with Park, and his dynamics with Saejima and Kiryu a little more.
2. Morinaga has a larger role as an antagonist (AND DOESN’T DIE OFFSCREEN???) and Aizawa is not the final boss because why the FUCK did that happen idk man
3. Keeping continuity from my Yakuza 4 rewrite, Mine is alive and plays a supporting role
4. I’ve changed Baba’s backstory a bit. The story he tells Saejima about him killing a man for his aniki to advance the ranks is true. But that aniki turns out to be Morinaga, who then later contacted Baba in jail and promised him a way to return to the yakuza if he kept an eye on Saejima and got him to escape jail at the appointed time. Baba’s internal conflict is then between the aniki that he sacrificed everything for, and Saejima, whom he’s grown to care for.
So yeah, feel free to check it out.
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moontidecanvas · 3 years
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just some bodyguards
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danielladigitalbunny · 4 months
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bloodcunt · 3 years
obsessed with how kiryu just stood there like 🧍🏻 right next to morinaga while he was being shot by aoyama
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refinedstorage · 2 years
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“a traitor in our ranks...” 
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tarokro · 3 years
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Character Introductions Part One
Kiryu Kazuma Morinaga Yu Aizawa Masato
From the Yakuza 5 guidebook,  龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者 完全攻略極ノ書 (ファミ通の攻略本)
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kuruumiya · 3 years
i miss aizawa i miss morinaga i’ve only known them for 5 minutes but their besties to me and now i’m pretty sure i have to wait til after haruka, akiyama, and shinada arc to see them again 🙄 watever i got to see saejima again <3
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