#but i promise that from September imma be a lot more active
jackyjackdraws · 10 months
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I know I draw these two sleeping a lot but the poly relationship between them and sleep is one of my favorite OTP'S
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where I’ve been...?
hey. I feel like I owe y’all an explanation as to where I’ve been for the last 3 months. but imma put it the whole big detailed story under the cut just in case y’all don’t care haha and coz I don’t wanna clog up people’s feed with my incessant rambling.
TL;DR: I’ve been through 3 months of mental hell and that took a big toll on everything, including my love of a lot of things, so I’ve been struggling but I’m gonna try to be on here more and I’m sorry for being away for so long and not saying anything about it. Thank you to everyone who has tagged me in things and sent me messages during this time, I have seen it, I promise, even if I haven’t been in the right headspace to respond, you have made this time even just a bit more bearable, and for that I thank you greatly.
so yeah, things have been rough to say the least. I want to explain what’s been going on because I’ve always been pretty open on here and I know a lot of other people struggle with the same things so I don’t feel so alone. basically, I’ve fallen into another awful depression. I’ve lost my passion and drive and desire, I’ve lost the ability to find joy in things, I have no interest in hardly anything at all, I’m just not...me...right now.
I mean, my whole summer was crazy busy because I was spending almost all of my time doing wedding prep for my best friend/cousin’s wedding so I really didn’t have much time for myself and if I did, I was too exhausted to do anything I wanted to do. that’s when my partial inactivity started. I also started to see a new psychiatrist over the summer and he started me on new meds around August. since August, over a span of ~5 months, I’ve been on and off 6+ new meds, being treated for severe anxiety, panic attacks that resurfaced after being free of them for over 4 years, severe depression, ADHD, and trying different things to see if I had bipolar, as well as having a heart condition, thyroid issues, and fibromyalgia all going haywire.
I was pretty much ok through September, aside from some not so fun side effects that got me on and off 3 new meds in that month alone. like my mood and motivation and everything was fine, we had the engagement party and bachelorette party at the beginning of the month, I got to spend a bunch of time with the guy I have a (stupid) crush on, I was busy, things were going pretty great, honestly. but October rolled around. the first half wasn’t so bad, we had a girls’ trip for a weekend sort of as a last hoorah before my best friend got hitched and that was a lot of fun and I’m super thankful I was able to go, especially since I originally thought I wasn’t going to be able to make it due to family circumstances.
and wedding prep continued on, until I was driving over to my aunt’s house for the last day of prep and things started to hit me. my aunt and I got really close this past year and this was the last time I was spending with her for a long time, like sure we see each other once in a while but I was going over there and going shopping with her and doing all sorts of stuff multiple times a week and I think I just got scared of the idea that I was facing a new normal all over again when my normal had already changed so drastically at the beginning of last year. and also the fact that my best friend was getting married and moving an hour away when she used to be 10 minutes away and I saw her all the time. like we had the rehearsal dinner the Sunday before the wedding and my oldest cousin made this speech (because she knew she’d be sobbing too much to actually make it at the wedding) and she talked about us three girls as kids growing up and all this stuff about my best friend and how perfect her fiance was for her and it was just all really sobering I guess?
and I spent a lot of nights that week writing and rewriting a letter to the couple and I definitely spent most of that time sobbing over everything and sometime that week my mood just plummeted. my dad got /really/ concerned because the change in me was /so/ drastic but there wasn’t much we could do with only a few days until the wedding so we just hoped for the best and waited till my appointment with my psychiatrist to figure out the next step. I ended up getting a migraine at the wedding (I know it was from stress and from being so upset) so I couldn’t have a good time like I wanted to and I knew I’d regret it and I definitely regret it but I can’t change anything now. I got to hug the bride and groom goodbye just as they were leaving and I’ve never struggled so hard trying not to cry, which I mean, my best friend was sooo close to becoming a sobbing mess hugging me too, and the groom, well he was a blubbering mess (he’s a very emotional dude, all three of us have sobbed watching movies together, we’re a sight lmao) so I didn’t feel too strange haha. but it was a really weird feeling and it was really hard to sleep at the hotel that night. we drove home in the rain the next morning and did absolutely nothing the entire day.
then the news hit about Woojin and I spent my Monday night quite literally sobbing myself to sleep. at that time, I was still pretty new to skz but it still hurt like hell and I know my depression warped the emotions out of proportion but it was still so incredibly painful. but nothing could prepare me for the news about Wonho. nothing. I was already so deep into my depression and that just, I still don’t even have words. something hasn’t hit me that hard in I don’t even know how long. I couldn’t even cry, it took me over 2 months to cry about it because it just hurt too much. I still can’t listen to any of their music, I can’t even see photos of them without bursting into tears, and I’m ashamed at myself for being so attached to something that I react this badly, but even more so, I’m upset with myself that I can’t support them when they need it most because it causes me so much physical and emotional pain I just can’t deal with it. I’m not giving up on them, god no, I know it probably sounds like I am, but I swear I’m not. I love them way too much for that. it’s not even possible to describe how much mx and Wonho mean to me, I’m not giving up on them, I’m just handling things in my own way at my own pace, I guess.
from then on, things just spiraled out of control. on and off more meds, more and more problems arose, I really felt like I could not keep my head above water. and on top of it, I had the 7th anniversary of my grandma’s death in early November and the 10th anniversary of my grandfather’s death in early December and to say the least, that did not have the best effect on my mental health. it’s been 3 months of pretty much hell. I genuinely have /no/ interest in things I used to do, none of my hobbies, everything, and I mean everything, is a chore. it’s still like this. but I’m trying to do more to fix it. I’m seeing my doctor next week and I just spent 6 weeks getting another med out of my system so hopefully when I see him, he’ll try something new and we’ll actually make progress instead of taking 2 steps forward and 8 steps back. I haven’t lost hope yet.
there’s been many, many times in these past few months where I’ve felt like I’ve already hit rock bottom and I’m just waiting for the final blow to finish me off. but, if I’m being completely honest, what’s kept me going has been my really close friends on here that have stuck with me this whole time and my love for kpop which thankfully, god thank you, hasn’t diminished whatsoever despite everything. I can confidently say, I wouldn’t still be here without my friends, you know who you are my loves. y’all keep my world turning and no matter how painful it can get sometimes, I wouldn’t have made it this far, I wouldn’t want to keep going, I wouldn’t owe my life to you guys, so thank you, more than words can express. I love you all to the moon and back. and then some.
so this has just been paragraphs upon paragraphs of me rambling so I really don’t know why you would’ve stayed and read the whole damn thing, but if you did, thank you, I feel a lot better getting things off my chest. and this isn’t to say I’m back completely, I can’t guarantee how active I’ll actually be, but I’ll do my best to spend some more time on here because I genuinely do miss this place and all the amazing people in it. I’m so sorry I’ve been gone so long, especially without any real explanation. I’m going to do my best to rediscover my love for things, I may have lost it for a time, but it’s not gone completely.
until next time, this has been “aly won’t shut up”. thank you and goodnight, I love y’all
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sarasfm · 4 years
Sarauniya “ Sara ” Davies, 24, pansexual, cisfemale, ISFP Enneagram 9w1; Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon, Pisces rising 1st year Advanced Encryption Major; did not go to a spy prep hs
Imma keep it real with you, chief, I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. I mean, obviously, I know what espionage is ; I’ve read books and articles, and I’ve seen Spy Kids and all the Charlies Angels and James Bond movies, but I genuinely think I need a minute to wrap my head around everything. Make that two weeks, because what’s this I hear about two murders ?  I literally just got sent here to be safe, I — I’m sorry, I’m freaking out. Give me five seconds, and we can start again, because I promise I can totally pretend this is all normal. @gallagherintro​
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full name: sarauniya “ sara ” davies
dormitory room: 105
birthday: 20 march 1995
soundtrack: “ go gina ” by sza
favorite dish: efo riro
aesthetic:  when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of light reflecting from her earrings, eyeglasses perched on top of her head, and a caviar iphone always in her hands
Bio Points
her mom’s a nigerian baddie billionaire & her dad’s a soft academic brit
she grew up between london and abuja where their family’s business is based. it’s a trading enterprise, the largest industrial conglomerate in sub-saharan africa
she’s the eldest of three siblings, was raised to be prim & proper and groomed to run their family’s business. her family’s not pushy though and they’re really cool. very healthy dynamic so she doesn’t mind ; she loves her fam and would do it w a smile !
Coding is her Passion though. total dork. stayed up all the time just sleuthing and being an internet geek since she was a youngin’
loves education and is the type who would willingly stay in school to learn. has a degree in economics from harvard and was almost done with her mba when her littlest sister got abducted !  was it about business ? money ? who knows ! the sister’s fine now but her family sure is Scared especially since sara’s alone in the big bad united states
her mom made some calls and went “ gimbiya, look, u aint safe n we sorry. we’ll work something out to make sure u get ur mba degree somehow but shit is wild so we gotta get u somewhere near that’s safe asap. u like studying & ur a geek with computers right ? cool beans, go back to school & welcome to gallagher, babe ”
she enters gallagher in the middle of the spring semester very overwhelmed & inwardly ignoring how unhappy she is about having to be here bc she is not & does not want to be a spy. she just tryna distract herself by looking at this entire thing as a weird vacation where she can do stuff she wasn’t able to before because it’s literally detached from the world. she is mostly probably in way over her head, but let’s see ! 
Other Information
Nicknames: Sara (to everyone), gimbiya (to family, means princess in Hausa)
Languages: English (native), Hausa (native), Arabic (C1), French (B2)
Strengths: is money a strength ? also coding. and being the sweetest. and a general smartypants but that’s in a university setting & gallagher probably doesnt give a fuck
Relationship History: only has one (1) experience. ( well,,, 2 if a three-second drunken kiss w kass counts ) his name’s royce and they’ve known each other since their bougie secondary school back in britain. started dating at sixteen and went to harvard together. they’re long term as fuck. he’s like her best friend and their families adore the couple & each other. got engaged last september and sara broke it off before leaving for gallagher, oof. she deadass milked the opportunity but lbr she wasnt rlly Feeling It so she’s kinda glad for the ‘valid reason’ to appear bc it rlly wasn’t Love for sara so boy bye
Physical appearance: 1.76m, 55kg, long black hair, slim and toned build
Classes: GEN 105, GEN 206, AE 101, AT 101, PE 101
the sweetest. v charming & sensitive to others & curious about things. enthusiastic too ! loves adventures & is very passionate. queen of empathy. 
she’s not stuck up even tho she loaded. she doesnt rlly talk abt her family having 12B or the fact that she’s an ivy league girl, bc she’s just generally very uwu 
easily stressed and flustered and overwhelmed ! man, gallagher’s gonna shook this goddamn academic dork to her core for the love of god someone pls get the aed ready
rlly fun !!! can be a lil unpredictable bc it b lyk dat for rich girls. loves her independence which she hasn’t maximized bc of her ex fiancé & responsibilities but it’s chill so chill totally chill, no ounce of further longing exists in the crevices of this girl’s heart
she is so not good with confrontation and is so allergic to conflict ok. she will sweep discomfort under a rug and lie on it ‘til it’s flat which makes her a queen of repression & conforming
is she easily overwhelmed & stressed ? yes, but she’ll try not to show it so much. it’s all mostly an internal monologue so don’t underestimate her pls. she’s v smart and competent. can be so competitive ( albeit mostly inwardly ) and a boss ass business bitch like her business momma bc that’s what she’s been training for altho she is still generally a soft bab so ... yeah, if u would be so kind as to Estimate her, that’d be grand
she needs to always be on top of her game. maybe not the best in the class, but definitely pushes herself to be her best, so a lot of late nights studying & won’t settle for bad grades ever. gonna be rough in gallagher bc she is not spy material ok, she’s just a pretty rich geek behind a computer
just imagine her as the nice girl in ur ap classes who’s a lil awkward & just so happens to be super hot & stinking rich
Fun Facts
has a six-month old rescue pup named sooty ! who kinda looks like a sheparnese
has a tendency to ramble if she’s comfy w u enough or mayhaps if it’s too much man 
is v diligent w keeping a journal & does it everyday 
likes to dance ! not super good but she likes it. hits da clubs for dat shit 
is a lil instagram famous bc she’s a gorgeous rich harvard girl & all that jazz. queen of selfies & of looking hot but doesn’t actually get to play around rip ffff 
doesn’t drink much bc she is an extreme lightweight and 2 is her tap out limit
if she’s had more than 2 drinks, she is Very Honest but still very ramble-y 
she is physically active but mostly just runs and does yoga. knows very basic self-defense. is not sporty, definitely not a fighter, may god have mercy on her soul
isnt a virgin but is not sexually experienced lmao lbr she kinda Itching to get out there 
don’t ask me what her accent is because i have no clue it’s all over the place
Established Connections — just bc i think y’all would like to know
kassandra sutton — internet friends ! loves kass to bits. have known each other since sara was 14. when kass was 18, sara took her on a grad trip to montreal and became a lil lowkey into her. doesn’t help that kass drunk kissed her & doesn’t remember lmfao. poor sara told her then-bf & they had a lil fight but they made up bc sara didn’t talk to kass for months. eventually they became friends again & now sara’s in gallagher w no idea that kass is a mf sutton & honestly, my girl is just very shook w everything 
Possible Connections
crushes — she does not know how to flirt. she is ,,,, p pathetic tbh but a real heckin cutie. will be super nice to ur bab ok  
flirtationships — sara and i r gonna continue to keep it real w u chieves, her ex fiancé royce was vanilla and bland as fuck. can u believe she has not been single in a decade ? ? someone give her love & attention & fluster this soft innocent child. get her Experienced but also dont hurt her
enemies/angst !!! —  or maybe do ! maybe hurt her. maybe obliterate her. maybe smash her poor heart to pieces, because tbh i would love that.  so someone pls for the love all things holy and divine, someone hurt her !!!!
fwb — probably just one (1) bc she’s still a romantic ? and she’s probably gonna want something exclusive even if it’s no strings attached and will surely want to ,.,. get to know them a little bit more first ,,, at least ideally , idk , maybe impulse & thirst gets the better of her one of these days who knows lets find out !
friends !!! — sara will love u ok. she may be a lil easily flustered but she’s doesn’t rlly give up on ppl quickly. as i’ve said, queen of empathy. probs feels v sorry for majority of the gallagher & georgetown kids bc, .,.,., this environment just screams highkey Trauma to her and she’s valid bc she’s right
mentors !!! — she hates feeling dumb ok she Always has to be on top of her game, so u can bet ur ass after her first meetings in her classes she goes to ppl going “ hey could u help me out w working out ? boxing ? firing a gun ? literally everything & anything ? ”   
anything & everything — meaning just come @ me & let’s talk about it uwu 
( did i just create georgina’s antithesis ? fuck yes, and i am sooo excited to have a child that’s not always plotting & scheming & being mean like y’all have no idea ;_; nywy, that was long bc shutting up and brevity are things i do not possess. whats up it’s ur og flower garden girl rose here aka bugleweed aka fiancée of many and lover of all, and i am open to anything and everything ! just drop an IM or hit dat like & ill slide in ur dmz w love, plots & sanitized hands x )
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True Colors
Inspired by: @ask-artsy-oncie​, @tisbubb​, and @dawnbuneary​ (Love your content guys)
I didn’t call it “True Colors” because of the song, but because imma try to focus on making it about not hiding your real personality. The first three chapters are mainly fluff, but the next ones will actually get a story going.
P.S  So sorry for the bad grammar, I…I wont promise but understand that this is my first Broppy Fanfic. So it might not be as good as others you’ve read. Anyways, enjoy!
“Branch had a dream that he proposed, and became King Branch instead of Prince Branch. And Poppy had the exact same dream.“ ~Previously
It’s been days since Poppy became queen, waiting patiently for the day where her happiness will grow x1000 more than it already is. That special day. However, Poppy needs to stop focusing on the future and worry more about the present.
Being Queen of a species that mainly does parties and celebrate sounds fun and easy, but really, it’s hard. The only reason for this is that a lot of her subjects are carefree and don’t really care about a lot of important matters; even when they know it’s life threatening, they take a lot of things for granted and don’t listen. At least she has Branch who would listen and understand her words; always there to help her when she’s having trouble.
Spring: the season after winter and before summer, in which vegetation begins to appear, in the northern hemisphere from March to May and in the southern hemisphere from September to November. It was a cool season, a season that causes most allergies, a season that generations are born with most animals, the season where some breeding happens. Trolls breeding cycle are different than most animals. Female Trolls go in heat in spring, where the air is clear and can usually send a heat scent across the land. Meanwhile, the birth of most Trolls take place during fall, where the Trolls have a lot of resources and items to make a comfortable place for their pod. This is also where the Troll tree gets its nutrients from the dead plants, as it doesn’t take life from the living ones; making the pods growing rate much faster.
(A/N: Don’t quote me on this, this is not cannon. This is just for this story as far as I’m aware of :3)
This was Poppy’s first season, but she hasn’t gone in heat yet. Unlike most female Trolls, she can control her heat. She takes her heat a week back, trying to gain very little attention as possible for this week, wanting to get things done before worrying about breeding. She had to reschedule the two meetings she missed, going to there now. Branch isn’t really affected by the heat of other female Trolls. After being gray for more than 10 years and being isolated from everyone else, he’s learned how to control his desires very well. He hasn’t gotten any reason to mate with anyone…..yet.
"Hey guys” she panted, “I made it on time this time! So what’s going on outside these walls?” She questioned, sitting down to gain a bit energy.
“Well, we have new predators to watch out for, first off” Said the tiny yellow Troll, known as Smidge. She pointed to the crows and birds that loomed over, who can easily snatch a troll.
“I’ll have I talk to Gristle about that later today….anything else?” She asked the Snack Pack.
“We’ve spotted faint….how could we say this-” Satin said, getting finished by her sister, “-….structures far north….” they said as they showed her the Troll sized telescope the Bergens installed for them. There was a very small sky scraper with other faint and blurry buildings.
“We can check it out later. If there is other life, like, other Bergens or Trolls, then we can introduce ourselves!” She stated, kinda excited by finding others to be friends with.
“Poppy, we’ve also spotted new plants for food in the forest besides ours.” Guy Diamond stated, pointing to the forest with all the vegetation for the Trolls  and animals for the Bergens.
“I will take note of that!” She said, smiling proudly. She seems to be in a better mood today, maybe it’s the season. Winter was pretty stressful for her, as that was when she started to take the Queen role.
“Due to the predators, we should make a safe passage for the Bergens and Trolls so they can leave the walls and venture forth without fear” DJ Suki says, fiddling with her headphones.
“I should also talk about that with Gristle” she said, taking a mental note of all of this.
“I don’t have anything to report, Mr. Dinkles has really been distracting me”  Biggie said, “and Cooper didn’t come yet”.
“Okay, well, when he does, tell me. I have to get back the the kids” She said and started to walk back.
“One more thing, Poppy” DJ said, walking to her pink friend.
“What is it DJ?” Poppy asked, turning to her.
She whispers to her, “just don’t be too loud tonight.” She said, and starts to walk away.
“What do you mean?” Poppy asked, tilting her head. The only response she got was a wink. She sat there for a good while and thought……..and when she finally got it……..she ran home, blushing furiously.
Once she got past the crowd of happy and some grey Trolls, she made it home to the safety of the bunker. After the event where everyone turned grey, there has been more grey Trolls. But it’s considered normal now, more Trolls are becoming a bit more emotional; but we’re all Trolls and Bergens, you have the right to express your feelings. A lot of males found out to not let gender stereotypes control their life.
“Poppy? Are you okay?” Branch asked his slightly darker female as he looked up from his book that he was reading. She was pink before, and now she’s red?
“N-Not now, Branch.” She said, looking in her pile of things that she never decided to put away, as they’re still in their boxes.
“How did the ‘meeting’ go?” He asked her, putting his book and reading glasses away neatly.
She smiled at the question, “Very well! I was there on time!” She answered him happily, walking toward him after finding the activity she needed.
He picks her up and nuzzled her neck affectionately. She loved the small affection he’d give her before she had to leave him again, “that’s exciting. I’m glad you’re getting in the grove of things!” He said in a kinda praising voice.
“Thank you!” She said as he puts her slowly and gently down.
“Okay, have a good day, Poppy. Love you” he said, giving her a quick peck on her lips.
“Love you too, Branch” she said, and pecks his lips back. Then she waved and left.
Branch has been planning his proposal, as he has all the valuable items; he just needs the right place and time. The only troll who knows this is Suki; someone who he can trust. Suki has mentioned a party, as he is still getting used to parties, but he just doesn’t like a loud one; but he quiet and slow ones are boring as well.
So they had to scratch that idea off the list. Then she suggested something romantic, like, the place where they first started dating. But then it would be crowded cause that’s literally in front of the Troll Tree. So they had to scratch that idea off the list. But he came to a conclusion that he wants to introduce a very special poem he made long ago to her.
He’s always showed her poems to make her relax, but this one was very special. Furthermore, he has decided to make it by the far beach. He only knows this cause he used to go out and take himself when he was grey; going far to find food and healthy water for himself. He wants to show her the soft and warm sand with the cold and sometimes warm ocean water. “Yes, that’ll work!” Branch mentally told himself.
He was gonna do it when the sun is setting, making it a beautiful scenery. He had everything figured out, and now he needs bathing suits for the two. If he knows the Troll village well, he knows two fashionista sisters who can get the job done of making clothes. Satin and Chenille.
He quickly went over to their pod, not bothering to knock. The two were making clothing for a Troll, and it looked more like a blue robe. If he was gonna propose to her, it would be when she’s not working as much as she is. Which means he’d have to propose……..TOMORROW!!
“H-Hey! Excuse me! It’s an emergency! Satin and Chenille!” Branch screamed as he ran in, interrupting them.
“Yes-” Satin started, “-Branch?” Chenille finished.
“I need two bathing suits! One Poppy size and the other my size!” He said, showing that he was in a rush.
“Two bathing suits, coming right up!” The twins said together as they ran to get started. They know how big Poppy is, and they’re measuring Branch for his height.
While they were doing that, Branch was mentally planning his proposal. He knows about Poppy being able to back her heat up by a week, so that gives him a lot of time before she gets any desires. He wants then had to sneak away, before anyone noticed they where gone. After all of his thoughts, he noticed they finished and they gave it to him for free, since he’s the Prince.
“Thank you!” He said as he ran home, holding the clothing close to him. He ran so fast, he could very faintly hear a “You’re welcome” after 5 seconds.
He gathered all of his items, hiding them in his backpack that he used when he went to help Poppy save her friends. He looked at the time, and knew she was coming home now. He patiently waited for her on the couch, not a second later and she bursts in. He stands and follows her into the room, knowing her stress.
Today was the day Branch would finally propose to his one and only love, Poppy. He went over to her, as she just finished her work early. She stretched and yawned, turning to her partner with a soft smile.
“Hey Poppy, I uh, wanna show you something” he said, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
“Oh really?” She said as she stands and leans against Branch for support.
“Yah, come on. I can carry you if you want” he said, wrapping his hands around her small waist as she laid her tiny hands onto his wide and thick shoulders.
“Please.” She said as she looked up at him. He picks her up, holding her outer thighs at first and then holding under them. She holds onto his neck for support.
He managed to sneak away from everyone and go far past the walls to the beach. Poppy didn’t notice at first, but then covered her eyes and puts her down.
“Ready?” He said quietly and softly, before removing his hands and she couldn’t believe what she saw.
The water met the land, and the land was unusually gravelly and….soft. It was actually cold, but not too cold. It was a nice white color at night, and the soil ran through her tiny pink toes.
“I-I want to touch the water!” She said like a child, running to the ocean water, but Branch stops her.
“Ah-Ah-Ah! You need to wear this first.” Branch said, showing the bathing suits the twins made it him.
She looked at them and takes hers. She knows how to wear one, she has one. But that one is way too small, since it’s been a good while since the last time they had a pool party. She went behind a tall enough rock to change, and so did Branch. She came out in her one piece, which was simply blue, with green at the bottom, flower designs separating the two colors like her casual wear.  Branch had simple Green trunks, with no really special design. He didn’t want anything fancy.
“Now?!” She said, very excited to jump into the natural ocean water before her.
“Yes” he answered as he followed his excited queen into the warm water.
She giggled and splashed; the sunset looming over, turning the water into orange and yellow color. Poppy loved the beach, as he could see her excitement. Now, it was the time for him to say the words.
“H-Hey Poppy, I have to tell you something” he said, as she approached him. Her wet feet was making the sand stick to the bottom of her feet and in between her toes. Her body was soaking, and she shakes the water out of her hair like a dog.
“What is it, Branch?” She asked, going to her bigger partner.
“Well….I want to read you something” he starts, and goes into his backpack, and take out his poem
“Oh! A poem!” She said as she sat Chris -cross-applesauce in the sand, acting like a child getting read a story.
“I’ve never imagined that there can be this day” He started, “A day that love will find its way. Out of my heart and into your soul. These feelings I have are beyond my control. All my life I have waited patiently. For a goddess like you, so beautiful, so lovely. Words can’t express the way I feel. These feelings towards you are all for real. You are the reason why I go on. Eternity can’t separate this special bond. This heart of mine is reserved for you. Forever it is yours, this love is true. I’ll be your first and you’ll be my last. My world, my everything, till my time has past. I will always love you until the end of time, my love, my queen, my valentine.” He finished and he was blushing, as he had a smile on his face and looked at her.
She was blushing, and wide-eyed, “Branch….that was so……sweet!” She said as she kisses him, he kisses back with a huge smile on his face.
“And one last thing…” he said and looked in his backpack, and took out the case.
“My queen, my love, my one and only…will you make me the happiest Troll alive, and marry me?” He said, getting on one knee and opening the box with the choker in it. Trolls don’t wear rings, since they can get easily lost like that. However, of you wear a choker, it shows that you’re engaged/married. Since it’ll be harder I loose it like that.
Poppy went wide-eyed, and almost cried tears of joy. She hugs him tightly, and kisses him passionately. The two lips touched, it was weirdly the best kiss they probably ever had. Once they separated, he puts the diamond chocked around his fiancée’s neck. The two shared a tender a nuzzle, and then changed into their regular clothes before going home.
One week after, and after a long and heated session at the royal bunker, Poppy went back to work. But after weeks, they did notice Poppy’s behavior and figure. See, it takes a very long time for Trolls to birth their young because it takes awhile for a baby to develop in a seed—Simple. You can tell when one is close to birthing day, by the size of their stomachs.
They usually have a small bump that’s barley noticeable during spring. Then they grow a medium sized baby bump during the summer; finalizing with them having a huge baby bump durning the fall. After awhile, more and more pregnant Trolls are seen. Due to this, Parties aren’t as wild as they normally are.
During the fall, Poppy had a stomach the size of an overgrown acorn. Though, it only takes about two weeks for the pods to develop and grow, just to get the baby out. Poppy was asleep with Branch, when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach and shot right up. This jump scares Branch into waking himself.
“A-Are to okay?!” He said, looking at her as she held her stomach.
“NO!” She said in pain as she was grunting in groaning; Branch started to panic.
“Uh, u-uh, UH!” He said, unsure what to do. Then he got an idea.
“You’re in labor?!” He said, sitting up and getting out of bed.
“I-I think so!” She said, sweating.
He went to get her the needed items to not have her pass out, (or possibly die).
After that long and stressful session, Poppy was tired and ready to pass out. He held a rainbow seed, knowing that it’s gonna be a rainbow Troll like it’s mother and father. But the colors went along with the colors blue, purple, and pink. Branches seed ran with blue, green, and purple. And Poppy’s ran with red and different shades of pink.
“Are you…okay?” He said, and held the seed gently, walking over to his tired partner.
“Yah *Pant*” she was extremely tired.
“Let’s plant it tomorrow” he said, and he puts the seed in a soft and gentle blanket,
She nods and passes out, as he cleans her up and changes the sheets. He makes the place comfortable to where they’re gonna plant it with the resources around. Branch worked all night to make it perfect.
Poppy awoke, sore from last night, and went to go find her fiancé. She found him in the living room, asleep on the couch. She giggles quietly and softly placed a kiss on his cheek, before shaking him awake.
“Branch? Branch? Branch? Branch? Branch? Bran–” She said, calling his name over and over until he awoke and interrupted her.
“I’m up, I’m up.” He said, sitting up and stretching with a yawn.
“Ready to plant our seed?” He said, smiling at her, small black bags under his eyes.
“Are you tired?” She said, looking at him.
“Yes, but come on. A Troll seed can’t last long without the nutrients from the tree” he said and stands, as she holds their seed.
Branch shows her the small and comfortable patch he made for the pod. She smiled at the decorations and planted it in the middle of it.
“What are we gonna name it when it’s born?” Branched asked her, looking at her smiling face.
“Well, I have the names Twig and Iris” she answered and looked at him.
“So Twig is it’s a boy and Iris if it’s a girl?” He questioned.
“No, both names are gender-neutral. Twig can be a boy or girl name. Iris is used for a lot of girls, but I consider it as a name for both genders. So yes, I would name my son, Iris.” She explained to him, and he was actually happy that she was thinking of names and not something dumb or uncreative.
“I had the names Rosie, Pollen, Flower, and Roots, Twig, and Leaf” he said, looking back at her.
“But I do like the name Iris” he finished and held her close.
“Well, let’s see what gender it becomes.” She said, looking as the ground grows a bit. They can see a tiny bulb on the ground. The upcoming parents smile at their creation.
Chapter 2.
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