#but i promised myself i would finish one of my billion little ficlet chunks so here is this
tarydarrington · 3 years
Veth doesn’t know who she’d expected to be waiting on the other side of the knock at the door, but if she’d had to guess, Essek Thelyss wringing his hands like a worried grandmother would have been near the bottom of her list.
“Oh,” she says. “Hi?”
He bobs his head, almost more a quick bow than a nod, tenting his fingers in front of his chest. “Good afternoon,” he says, with the distinct cadence of someone who has repeated the words to himself in the mirror all morning. “I hope you are well?”
“I’m all right,” Veth answers haltingly.
The two of them stand there for a moment, awkward silence hanging between them. Then, finally, Essek gives her a nervous smile.
“I do not wish to impose, but, ah…” He gestures past her. “May I enter?”
“Yeah. Sure.” She steps aside, and Essek gives her a grateful nod before walking - walking? - past her into the living room. “Take a seat, if you like.”
He takes the invitation, perching gingerly onto the very edge of the armchair they keep for their larger-sized guests. Veth follows him in, shutting the door behind her and wondering if this isn’t all a very strange dream. Essek barely meets her gaze as she circles around to stand before him. She leans forward, narrowing her eyes.
"What is this? Why are you being weird? Did something happen? Did Caleb die?"
"No!" Essek reins in his volume, pressing his palms together in apology. "No, certainly not. It is simply…"
Veth raises her eyebrows to prompt him.
"Well, I, ah…" His fingers draw little circles in the air, as though he can pull the words out like a spell. "I have read that it is custom in the Empire to request the blessing of a guardian if one wishes to…" The pained look on his face stretches even further. "Court."
Veth blinks at him. He’s serious. He has to be. That face, all pinched up towards the middle, reminds her of the way the neighbor boy looked when he admitted to breaking her dining room window. It looks absolutely absurd on the former Shadowhand.
"Well, I'm sure he would be flattered, but even with the slower aging, Luc's a little young for you."
She can practically see the joke fly over his head. "No," Essek blurts hurriedly, eyes blown wide with mortification. Veth might have laughed if she didn't feel a bit guilty. "No, I…" He brings one hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, eyes squeezing shut, and she suspects he's rooted out the sarcasm.
"If you're talking about Caleb," she says as a peace offering, "I'm certainly not his mother."
"No." Essek presses his palms together again, this time in his lap. "I have considered ways to make a meaningful gesture regarding his parents, but…"
He shakes his head. Veth can fill in the blanks. She wouldn't want the beginning of a new relationship to be tangled up in past trauma, either.
"So," he continues. "I had thought, perhaps, that as his closest friend, you might be a suitable alternative."
Well, that’s… She isn’t sure if it’s flattering, exactly, but she’ll accept the show of respect. She takes a moment to scrutinize him as he watches her apprehensively. Essek and Caleb. Caleb and Essek. It makes a certain kind of sense. Once, years ago, she might have railed against it; despite his growth, it’s still difficult sometimes to look at Essek and see anything other than her husband’s former jailer.
But lately, these last few years, Veth has been at home. She’s been with her family, the most important people in the world to her, and Caleb… well, he’s been off on his own adventures. And without Veth there to look after him, it’s been on Essek’s shoulders to make sure he comes back from said adventures alive and whole. Which he has, so far, without fail.
And that look Essek is giving her, as though if she says no, it might actually dissuade him?
"First of all," she begins with a sigh, "you’re not at court. You’re not courting. You're dating."
At the look of confusion on Essek's face, she takes a deep breath.
"You'll take him to have a meal together, or to see a play, or to watch a lecture. Don't do the lecture thing, that's a bad idea. That would be a terrible date." She pauses. "Although, with you two, maybe."
She can tell from the look on his face that she's losing him, so she waves her hands. "Nevermind that. Disregard all of that. The point is, you'll take him to nice places and do enjoyable things together."
Essek shifts uncomfortably. “I… don’t know if I can do that,” he admits. “I cannot be seen outside of the confines of his home or areas outside of the Empire.”
Veth frowns. “Well, you’re going to have to take him somewhere. You have disguises, right?”
Essek seems to consider it. “I do,” he says. “I suppose it would be worth a small risk, from time to time.”
“You’re darn right,” Veth agrees. “And don’t skimp, either. Caleb deserves the best.”
Essek nods entirely too seriously, as though he’s filing all this away in his mind. Veth makes a mental note to pester him with a progress report in about six months’ time.
Not one too rigorous, though. It’s hard to imagine prodding at him for entertainment’s sake when he looks so pathetic.
“Is there anything else?” he asks tentatively, when the silence persists.
“Well, let’s see.” She runs a finger over her chin, theatrically deep in thought. She already knows her answer. “Do you care for him?”
“Of course.” The sincerity on his face almost makes her feel bad about this. “More deeply than I have ever cared for anyone.”
She shouldn’t ask. It’s probably not something he’s discussed with Caleb himself, yet, if they’re only just now getting together. It would be prying, even for her. “Do you love him?” she asks, anyway.
A little, lost smile turns up one corner of Essek’s lips, and it’s almost a whisper when he replies, “How could I not?”
A pang of something that has never quite left Veth’s heart smarts for the first time in years, and she looks away with a matching smile.
When she and Caleb had been traveling with the others, people tended to hem and haw when she brought up how amazing Caleb was. They thought he was talented, sure, but it sometimes felt like none of the others could see the unquenchable light in him. But looking at Essek’s face, at the way his eyes are shining, Veth can’t help but think that maybe, finally, somebody gets it.
"Alright." She reaches out, and before he can flinch away, pats his hand. "You've convinced me. You have earned my permission to have regular sex with my adult, human son."
“I…” His brow furrows. “Truly?”
“Yeah, go nuts.” She waves a hand dismissively. “Caleb’s a grown adult. He can make his own choices, and if he’s choosing you, then good for both of you.”
Essek blinks at her like she’s just handed him a full pardon from the Bright Queen.
“I mean, obviously, if you hurt him, you will have all of us to answer to,” she says. “But you’re the guilt guy, so I think you’ll probably have yourself to answer to, first.”
"I…" He clasps his hands together. "I expected more… what is the word? Pushback.”
Veth braces her hands on her hips. “You know what? Fjord and Jester didn’t even tell me they were dating until I literally saw them kissing, and Beau and Yasha were barely better.” She jabs a finger towards Essek’s chest, ignoring the way he startles at the movement. “So you have just made it to the top of the Winter’s Crest card list.”
Essek presses his steepled fingers against his mouth, but not before Veth catches the bashful smile spreading there.
“Thank you,” he says. “Truly, I… This means a great deal.”
“Heck yeah, my blessing’s worth a lot,” she replies with a grin. “You know what? Tell Fjord that. He doesn’t have my blessing. I’m gonna make him work for it.”
This time the joke doesn’t pass him by, and she can read in his small smile that he’s grateful for the show of familiarity.
“I should hope he will rise to the occasion,” he says, and Veth gets the feeling he isn’t just talking about Fjord.
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