#but i respect jugheads desire for privacy
girl-archie · 1 year
guys don't worry jughead and archie were having sex too it's just that since angel jughead was showing betty around we didn't see it bc he omitted it for privacy reasons! this is true and confirmed by reliable sources
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kamalahq · 1 year
"Write a story about KJ Apa's tight hairy manhole making Cole Sprouse lose his seed"
Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Riverdale, television heartthrobs KJ Apa and Cole Sprouse found themselves entwined in an unexpected adventure. The two actors were known for their roles as Archie Andrews and Jughead Jones, respectively, on the hit show "Riverdale."
One sunny afternoon, the cast gathered for rehearsals at the famous Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe. Little did they know that fate had something peculiar in store for them that day. As the day progressed, tensions began to rise on set. There was a palpable energy in the air, a chemistry that seemed to spark between KJ and Cole.
With each passing scene, their characters' friendship grew, mirroring the bond they shared off-screen. They laughed, they teased, and they became closer than ever before. No secret could be kept hidden for long, and the cast and crew began to speculate about the chemistry brewing between KJ and Cole.
One fateful evening, after a grueling day of filming, KJ and Cole found themselves alone in KJ's trailer, seeking solace from the chaos of the day. As they sat side by side, the conversation veered into unchartered territory, and their feelings began to surface.
KJ, known for his tousled hair and rugged good looks, had an air of mischievousness about him. With a glint in his eye, he leaned in closer to Cole, whispering in a voice that sent shivers down his spine. "Cole, my friend, I have a hidden secret that I must reveal to you."
Curiosity twisted Cole's expression into one of intrigue. "What is it, KJ? You know you can trust me."
Taking a deep breath, KJ confessed, "My dear friend, beneath the charming exterior lies a secret that not many know. My manhole, Cole, is tight and oh so hairy. It's a secret that has haunted me, but it is time to share it with you."
Cole's eyes widened, unsure of what to make of the revelation. Yet something stirred within him, a primal curiosity that propelled him forward. Before he could fully comprehend, Cole found himself mesmerized by the thought of KJ's unique secret.
Days turned into weeks, and the air between them crackled with tension, creating a newfound intimacy that pushed the boundaries of friendship. In stolen moments between filming, they explored their desires, their love, and the curiosity that ignited their hearts and imaginations.
They faced many hurdles along the way, societal expectations, and external pressures that sought to rip them apart. But their bond remained unbreakable, fueled by the curiosity that had drawn them together in the first place.
Eventually, the time came for KJ and Cole to confront their deepest desires—the moment that would forever make them lose any sense of reserve. Underneath the cover of darkness, they retreated to the privacy of KJ's spacious trailer, where their love could be freely expressed.
In the quiet of the room, everything stood still as they locked eyes, surrendering themselves to the allure of what awaited. And as KJ reveled in the hairiness of his manhole, Cole, unable to contain his seed any longer, released it upon the welcoming embrace.
In that moment, their love transcended the boundaries of their fictional characters, becoming their own poignant story. They discovered that sometimes, the most unexpected desires are the ones that bring the purest joy. As KJ and Cole lay entwined, they knew they had embarked on a journey of love and exploration, one that would forever change their lives, making their bond unbreakable, both on-screen and off.
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Jughead Jones Personality Profile
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According to my knowledge, Jughead would be an INTJ. Note: These are from a website, and therefore is what the website says for this type. I went through every single one to figure out the right fit for Jughead and this one was the closest and fit him best according to how he is in the show.
It can be difficult for Architects to find people who can keep up with their non-stop analysis of things. People with this personality type are imaginative yet decisive... ambitious yet like their privacy... curious about everything but remain focused.
With a natural thirst for knowledge that shows itself early in life, other kids at school often call Architects “bookworms.” While their peers may intend to insult them, those with this personality type likely identify with the label. Throughout their lives, they’re proud of how much they know, and Architects enjoy sharing the knowledge they gain. They’re confident in their mastery of their chosen subjects. They are serious and prefer to design and carry out effective plans rather than waste their time with foolish distractions like gossip.
Architects accept and work with inconsistencies that make perfect sense to them – at least from a purely rational standpoint. For example, Architects can be both the most positive dreamers and the bitterest pessimists at the same time. On the positive side, these personalities believe nothing is impossible with enough effort, intellect, and thought. On the negative side, they might also believe that people are usually too lazy, unimaginative, or selfish to reach hard goals. But this idea won’t put them off chasing their own.
Architects are self-confident in the skills and ideas they focus on. Using their insights and logic, they push innovation through by sheer willpower. It may seem that Architects constantly deconstruct and rebuild every idea and system they encounter. They typically apply a sense of perfectionism and even morality to all their work. Anyone who can’t keep up with Architects’ processes or doesn’t see the point of them is likely to lose their respect.
Architect personality types dislike rules, restrictions, and traditions. For them, everything should be subject to questions and reviews. When they can, Architects often act alone, and their approaches are usually innovative and unique. They may not wait for others to catch up to them. Because of this, they’re sometimes not as sensitive as they could be to the thoughts, desires, and plans of others.
But they aren’t impulsive. Architects strive to remain rational no matter how attractive an easy but ill-considered route might be. Every idea must pass the strict and ever-present “Does this make sense?” and “Is this going to work?” filters. They apply the filters to all things and all people, and this is sometimes where Architect personalities run into trouble.
Architects are confident in the subjects they take the time to understand, but, unfortunately, they are reluctant to bother with topics that involve social skills. White lies and small talk, even when useful, are hard for a personality type that needs truth and depth. Architects may even see many social practices as downright stupid.
Ironically, it is often best for Architects to remain where they’re comfortable – out of the spotlight. They have natural confidence there. If they stay within their element and do what they do best, they are likely to draw people to them, professionally, socially, and even romantically. They are fine on their own, and reaching out is often optional.
This strategic style isn’t meant to suggest that Architects act coldly and without conscience. But Architects like to win and dislike acting solely on emotions, and this can make it seem that way to other types who don’t understand them well. This may explain why many fictional villains are modeled on this personality type. But Architects are as likely as anyone else to act from integrity – or more, if to do so makes clear sense.
Architects move through life as though it were a giant chessboard, advancing and retreating with considered intelligence. This personality type always looks for new tactics, strategies, and contingency plans. They constantly outsmart their peers as they maintain control, all the while making the most of their independent style of thinking. With this, they can achieve any goal they apply themselves to.
Quick, Imaginative, and Strategic Mind – Architects pride themselves on their minds, and they take every chance they can to improve their knowledge. This shows in the strength and flexibility of their strategic thinking. Highly curious and always up for an intellectual challenge, Architects see things from many different angles. Architect personalities use their creativity to plan for unforeseen possibilities.
High Self-Confidence – Architects trust their rationalism above all else, so when they decide something, they have no reason to doubt their decisions or insights. This creates an honest, direct style of communication that isn’t held back by what others expect of them. When Architects are right, they’re right, and nothing will change that fact. Whether it’s a person, a process, or themselves whose course needs to be corrected, they’ll hold their ground and have it no other way.
Independent and Decisive – This creativity, logic, and confidence form individuals who stand on their own and take responsibility for their actions. Authority figures don’t impress Architects, and neither do social conventions. And no matter how popular something is, if they have a better idea, Architects stand against anyone they must to promote their plan. Either an idea is rational, or it’s wrong – and they’re happy to apply that standard to themselves.
Hard-Working and Determined – If something grabs their interest, Architect personalities can be very dedicated to their work. They often put in long hours and intense effort. Architects are goal-oriented, and if tasks lead to something clear and relevant, they strive to accomplish those tasks.
Open-Minded – Architects are open to new ideas as long as they’re argued well. People with this personality type are even (maybe especially) open to ideas that go against their own if the thinking is sound. They often apply their openness and independence when thinking about matters like alternative lifestyles. Mix this with their dislike for rules and traditions, and it’s easy to see how Architects might lean toward more tolerant social views.
Jacks-of-all-Trades – Because of Architects’ open-mindedness, willpower, independence, confidence, and planning abilities, they are capable of doing anything they set their minds to. Skilled at hacking anything life throws their way, Architects are able to break down and learn from almost any system. They then use the ideas found there wherever they’re needed. Architects tend to have their pick of jobs, from IT system designers to political organizers.
Arrogant – Architect personalities can carry their confidence too far. They may falsely believe that they’ve fixed all the issues of a matter, then call it a day, rejecting the opposing opinions of those they believe to be intellectually inferior. With their disrespect for social standards, Architects can be insensitive when offering their opinions if they aren’t mindful of their attitude and less-developed social skills.
Judgmental – Architects have complete confidence in their thought processes because rational arguments are almost by definition correct – at least in theory. In practice, emotional considerations and history are hugely influential. A weak point for people with the Architect personality type is that they brand these factors and those who embrace them as illogical. They often dismiss them as people who think in an inferior way. This can make it all but impossible for others to be heard.
Overly Analytical – A repeated theme when discussing the strengths of Architects is their analytical skills. But this strength can fail them when logic isn’t the most important factor. Relationships, in all their complexities, often resist neat explanations. Architects may be highly critical and sometimes reach a high level of picky thoroughness when dealing with others. At that point, many people – with the exception of extremely loyal and understanding friends – are likely to flee, sometimes not to be seen again.
Loathe Highly Structured Environments – Architects hate blindly following...anything...without understanding why. They have a greater dislike for authority figures who go around forcing others to obey laws and rules without understanding the purpose of the standards themselves. Architects are likely not to get along with anyone who prefers how things “have always been.” However, by not going along with the standards – even when doing so might not be a big deal – Architects can make their lives harder than they need to be.
Clueless in Romance – This resentment toward rules and their tendency to overanalyze and judge, even to the point of arrogance, adds up to a personality type often clueless in dating. Having a new relationship last long enough for Architects to understand what is going on and how to behave is difficult. Trying harder in the ways that Architects are used to can only make things worse, and, unfortunately, it’s common for them to simply give up the search for love. Ironically, this more-relaxed state is when they’re at their best, and only then are they most likely to attract that special someone without effort.
(ATM Betty Cooper)
In romance, people with the Architect personality type approach things the way they do most situations: they create a well-designed plan with precise expectations and the right end goal. Here, the goal is a healthy long-term relationship. They rarely fall head over heels in love in a way that involves spontaneous passion and romance. Architects find potential partners who meet certain established criteria, break the dating process down into measurable steps, then complete the plan with great precision. In a purely rational world, this would be foolproof. However, it ignores important factors that Architects are likely to easily dismiss, such as human nature.
People with the Architect personality type are intellectual, always developing a world in their heads that is more perfect than reality. Other people entering their worlds need to fit this fantasy in some way – even if only by agreeing with their concepts. It can be incredibly difficult for Architects to find someone up to the task. Finding a compatible partner is the most significant challenge the majority of Architects will face in life.
Sentiment, tradition, and emotion are Architects’ weaknesses, and social gestures that seem not to have a clear purpose are often viewed by Architects as silly, even insulting. The problem is that common, ritualistic dating practices grew over time to make introductions between potential partners easier. They help couples gradually develop a connection. Architects’ liking for directness and honesty, in both word and deed, often go against these unspoken social agreements and niceties. This can make dating difficult for them.
As they mature, Architects often come to see romantic rituals as important. But until they do, it can be risky, especially for Turbulent Architects. If they are shot down too many times when younger, they may decide that everyone else is too irrational or beneath them intellectually. If cynicism takes hold, Architect personalities may begin to show off their intellectual superiority – as they place themselves above such “silliness.” Being alone then becomes their unintentional choice – a kind of surrender to a life without love.
The positive side of Architects’ “giving up” is that they are most attractive when they aren’t trying to be attractive, most appealing when they are doing what they do best. Generally, that means working in a familiar environment where their confidence and intelligence can shine. Allowing others to come to them is often Architects’ best strategy. Then, if they believe a relationship has potential, they will spare no effort in developing and maintaining stability and long-term satisfaction.
Once a relationship begins, an Architect’s significant other will find an imaginative and enthusiastic companion. Architects typically give a huge amount of freedom to the people they love, and are often trusting partners. People with the Architect personality type may never be very comfortable sharing their feelings, and they may spend more time thinking about love than expressing it. But, using their strategic thinking, they usually figure out how to make a situation work for everyone – including the act of falling in love.
Architects seek strong, deep relationships, and trust their knowledge and logic to ensure that their partner is satisfied, both intellectually and physically. But when it comes to emotional satisfaction, Architects are often out of their element. Not every partner likes addressing conflicts and emotional needs as cold puzzles to be analyzed and solved like Architects do.
Sometimes emotions need to be expressed for their own sake, and putting every outburst under the microscope, as Architects are prone to do, isn’t always helpful. If outbursts become a habit needing constant attention, or Architects think they may, these personalities can simply end the relationship. They’ll see this as more rational than dragging things out to their exhausting conclusion.
Architects value depth and intelligence, bringing stability and insight into their romantic relationships. They prize honest communication, and everything in a relationship is open to discussion and change. But this must be returned by their partners.
Architects do what they think is right regardless of feelings, and sometimes that comes across as cold. It’s important for their partners to know that Architects don’t make these decisions lightly. They spend tremendous time and energy trying to understand why and how things go wrong, and they hurt deeply when things fall apart. This is especially true if they’ve taken the difficult risk of committing themselves.
Their challenge is finding partners who share those same values. While no personality type is excluded from this, each provides its own unique challenges. It can be important for Architects to feel like they’re on common footing on at least a few fronts, making some shared traits a potentially important factor. But they shouldn’t necessarily go around looking for another Architect. Each opposing trait brings the opportunity for great personal growth.
Having one or two counter-balancing personality traits – such as Extraverted (E), Observant (S), Feeling (F), or Prospecting (P) – can help keep a relationship dynamic and growth-oriented. They challenge Architects to remain involved with other people, focus on the present, get in touch with their emotions, and stay open to things they’re not used to. To a type so intent on their own development, these differences can make all the difference.
(ATM Betty, Archie, and Veronica)
Architects tend to have more success in developing friendships than they do with romantic relationships, but they have many of the same difficulties with both. They too often put rational processes in place of emotional availability. This intellectual distance tends to go both ways. Architects are difficult for others to get to know. And they don’t always want to bother with anyone else they believe isn’t on their level. Avoiding these potholes is nearly impossible – except for the instant connection often made when potential friends share the Intuitive personality trait.
Architects tend to have strong opinions about what works, what doesn’t, what they’re looking for, and what they’re not. This can come across as arrogance. But Architects would argue it’s a basic filtering tool that allows them to focus more effectively.
In friendship, people with the Architect personality type are looking for an intellectual soulmate more than anything else. People who aren’t equipped for such a relationship are seen as boring. Architects need to share their expansive ideas; making chronic small talk is something they typically avoid.
Architects will keep up with just a few good friends, eschewing larger circles of acquaintances in favor of depth and quality.
Further, having more than just a few friends may compromise Architects’ sense of independence and self-sufficiency. They gladly give up popularity to ensure this freedom. This need for freedom even applies to the few who fit the Architects’ criteria for friendship. Their relationships need little attention or upkeep to remain on good terms. They encourage everyone in their lives to enjoy the same independence.
With emotional support, Architects are far from being good at offering comfort. They expect their friends to do the same. When emotional situations happen, Architects may have no clue how to handle them. They may have no idea what to do. This sudden cluelessness goes against their usual ability to calmly and rationally make decisions and can seriously throw them off-kilter.
When they are in their comfort zone, though, among people they know and respect, Architect personalities have no trouble relaxing and enjoying themselves. Their sarcasm and dark humor aren’t for everyone – especially those who struggle to read between the lines – but these types provide fascinating stories for those who can keep up.
It’s not always easy to become friends with Architects. Rather than the usual social rules and behaviors, Architects look for friends who value intellect, honesty, and a wish to grow and learn. Architects are bright and always want to improve themselves, and expect their friends to share this attitude. Anyone falling short of this is labeled a bore. But anyone with these qualities likely appreciates Architects as well, forming strong and exciting friendships that stand the test of time.
Armed with a powerful intellect and strategic thinking, Architects can overcome or outmaneuver obstacles that seem unbeatable to most. Their many quirks, such as an often unconstrained rationalism, lead to many misunderstandings. 
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Yeah, thats a good theory actually. As for your opinion in relationships, I totally understand and respect it but how can someone have that kind of passion forever? I mean I believe in loving someone for the rest of your life but passion? And don't you think that human relationships should be explored? Even sexuality? Dont you think they both deserve to get out of that city and see/experience more? Not trying to say that what you think is wrong, just starting a discussion i guess
No you're good! I love a good discussion lol
I'll just answer these in order, when it comes to your question about passion yeah I absolutely believe it can last forever because I've witnessed it in my line of work. I work in a nursing home providing mental health services and I've meet two couples within the last couple of years who have both the love and the passion and it is a beautiful thing. You know obviously there might be some physical limitations the older a couple gets that keep them from acting out that passion but the desire and the want is there trust me, in fact I had the daughter of one of these couples tell me she walked in on them in the act one time and had to tell the nurses to give them some privacy for awhile lol So yeah its rare but if you're lucky enough to find the right person then I have no doubts that that flame stays alive.
As for your second question about exploring human relationships and sexuality, if you're in a relationship and you and your partner decide together to open up that relationship and sleep with other people and explore with people of the same sex I say that's your right but it doesn't appeal to me personally as a traditional monogamist and I don't want to see Betty and jughead explore that for the simple fact that I think we all project our perfect ideas of what a relationship should look like on to the couples we ship so I want them to remain monogamous, I love them as the duo that they are, if it ain't broke don't fix it you know? lol
and for the last part about them getting out and seeing and experiencing more, I can only go off of my own experiences, I come from a small town to and I didn't need to leave it in order to discover my sexuality or to know what I want in a relationship, you know I know who I am and I think Betty and Jughead are the same way they know what they want, I think they're learning as they go with each other this is their first serious relationship but I think they can learn all that just the way things are, you know I didn't need to have a threesome myself to know Its not for me lol and they don't either. But I would love to see them get on jugheads bike and see the country and the world sure but as far as sexually no I don't think you have to have those experiences in order to know what you want or don't want.
I hope this rambling made sense? if you need me to clarify anything let me know
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