#but i say No. let this woman roll to seduce the sentinel
synthient · 5 months
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Ok the goth girl sculptor who woke up for a second, saw a sentinel, and went "heyyyy beautiful 🥰 doing anything tonight?" is the most valid person in this franchise
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lokisgame · 5 years
A Generous Donation [14]
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12] [part 13]
Even if Will was a hair taller than him, he looked small and fragile, curled up in his hospital bed, surrounded by lights that never faded and mechanical sentinels, keeping watch over him 24/7. Does that bring comfort to him? Knowledge that a little piece of plastic stuck to his chest will know that something's wrong and call for help. Does he fear something bad might happen when he sleeps? Probably not, he was always surrounded by love. Maybe that's something for parents to feel. Maybe that's what being a parent fells like. The beanie on Will's head was grey, with huge, black, almond shaped eyes embroidered over his forehead. Aliens' face, Mulder thought and the boy stirred.
"Hey kid," Mulder said when the boy looked up. "They made you ware the hat," he mumbled sleepily. "I'm man enough for it." "Yeah, you make it look real good." "How are you doing?" "Less like dying than this time last week." Mulder grinned, even if the boy couldn't see it behind the mask. "That's good." "Yeah, I feel so too." "Your mom says your results are improving." "Thanks to you." Will smiled faintly trying to sit and took Mulder's offered hand, pulling himself up a little higher on the pillows. "Thank you." "No problem." Mulder said casually. "No, I mean, for the thing," Will said, looking down, worrying his cuticles, then up again stopping himself and meeting Mulder's gaze, "thank you." "Don't," Mulder said, covering the boy's hands with one of his, "don't thank me, just get well, okay?" "I'll do my best." "I'm sure you will." "So," Will cleared his throat, "about you and mom." "Will," Mulder rolled his eyes. "No, c'mon, don't give me that," he laughed, "I just want you to know, that now, with me staying around for a while." "A long while." "Yes, that," he chuckled, "I'm still okay with that, you two, together." "Why do you keep saying that?" "Because I know my mom!" He laughed harder. "You better watch out, she might try to wriggle out of this, using me as an excuse. She's done it before so don't let her." "What? How?""My family comes first, my son needs stability, I need to focus on work." "She said that?" "Okay, I eavesdropped when I was younger, I'm not proud," Mulder laughed, "though, I didn't like those guys much, so yeah, I kinda agree with her, but I like you, so, you know, man to man, take my advice." "What do you wanna do, when you get out of here?" Mulder asked, wiping his eyes. "Major in psychology, obviously." Will grinned and pulled his knees up. "Now, tell me about working for the FBI."
"Kiss me again," she said, turning beneath him, soft and sleep warm, hair a mess and eyes still closed. Leaning in, he framed her lip gently and this time she gave back the kiss, a faint pressure, soft acknowledgement, like hands reaching, touching fingertips. Her lips curled, arms closed around him. "Good morning." "You just made my Monday." "I can make your week," she grinned, hand traveling down his back and under the waistband of his PJ's. "And what will we do tomorrow?" "So much for seduction." "You don't have to seduce me," he chuckled and flipped them over, pulling her on top and making her laugh. "You had me at hello." "Movie quotes?" "Are we doing this or not?"   She caught the last word, pushing it back into his mouth, wiping it out with a bold sweep of her tongue. Fingernails scraped over his scalp waking his whole body up, sensation rippling through nerve endings, all the way to his toes. He grabbed her ass and searched for skin. "We need to talk about these," he mumbled when she let go. "I like being warm," she said, tracing kisses down his neck. When she slipped past his collarbone and he felt her tongue on his nipple, he asked, "Where are you going?" "I'll be right back," she teased and vanished under the sheet. She made his year.
It was almost lunch time and Mulder was walking down the hall to his office, returning greetings from passing students and looking through mail that stacked up over the week. "Professor Mulder," said a cheerful voice, making him pause. He turned and smiled, taking the man's hand. "Dean Harris." "Professor Mulder, this is Mrs. Margaret Scully, one of our most generous donors." "Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Scully," Mulder smiled, shaking the woman's hand and when their eyes met, he knew that she knew. An assistant caught up to them and said something to the Dean, under her breath. "Yes, thank you Clair," he said then turned to Mrs. Scully. "I'm so sorry, a small emergency is calling, can I leave you with my colleague for a minute?" "Of course, I don't want to pull you away from your duties, thank you for the tour." "Oh no, Mrs Scully, it is us who's thankful for your contribution," he said, shaking her hand, then nodded to Mulder. "Professor." "Dean Harris," Mulder nodded back then looked at the small, elegant, dark haired woman. Her eyes were soft and kind, set in a small face marked with as many worry lines as laugh lines. "Can we find someplace quiet to talk, mr. Mulder?" "Of course," Mulder said, and showed her to his office.
"The school is very grateful for your donation, Mrs. Scully," Mulder said, taking her coat and hanging it by the door. "As am I for yours," she replied, warm, but straight to the point. “I’m sorry for coming to you like this, but I had to thank you in person, for everything you’ve done for my family.” He guided her to the chair in front of his desk, feeling his ears burn. "You don't have to thank me," he said, taking his own chair to her side. "Be proud of them." "I am, Dana was always the strongest one, strong and stubborn." "But also kind," he finished for her gently. Though there was no reproach in her tone, he sensed old tension between mother and daughter. "Yes, of course." She smiled and took his hands in hers. "I know you've been a friend to her these past few weeks and I'm grateful for that too." "Mrs. Scully, this really isn't necessary." "But it is," she said, looking up, her eyes tearing up, "I wish she met you sooner, I wish you were there for her always. I'm proud of my daughter, the work she'd done, the way she raised William on her own, but what mother wants to see her child alone. When she called me and told me you agreed to be the donor, I felt as if a miracle had happened. As if God had put you in their path, exactly when they needed your help." "Mrs. Scully, please." Tears spilled over, rolling down her cheeks and he handed her his handkerchief. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't put this on you." She sighed, wiping her eyes, careful not to smear the light makeup. Another breath and she sounded almost calm. "What I'm trying to say is that, I don't know what your plans are, but if you ever need help, our family will be there for you." "Thank you." Mulder said simply, patting her hands. "Would you a glass of water?" That made her laugh. "Yes please, thank you." "I'll be right back." He took the pitcher he kept in the office, made sure his phone was in his pocket and the minute he was out the door, called Scully. "Hi," she said, her voice sounding a little muffled. "Hey, it's me," he said under his breath, "your mother is here." "My Mom? Why?" "I don't know, I bumped into her and Dean Harris and he said something about donations and she just cried in my office." "I'm so sorry, I'll call her right away." "No, don't, it's okay, I just wanted to give you a heads up," he said, amused by her embarrassment. "Should I expect anyone else?" "I don't think so," Scully sighed, "Missy and Bill left town, and he's the only one I'd be worried about." Mulder laughed, "Okay." "Will says hi," she added. "Hi Will," he said, and suddenly the sound cracked and popped. "Just nod and agree to whatever grandma wants," said Will, laughing, "or you'll never get rid of her." "What?" Mulder chuckled, and the sound cracked again. "Sorry," Scully said, laughing now, "a little hostile takeover took place." "He's better?" "Much better." "That's good," he said and glanced at his watch, "okay, this starts to look conspicuous, I have to get back." "Let me know and I'll send the cavalry." "Thanks, love you." The words rolled off his tongue before he realised, what he'd done and with heart in his throat, he waited for her to speak. "Love you, too," she said, very, very softly.
"Hi mom." "Hello Dana, how is Will." "Better, listen, I heard you went to see Mulder." "I didn't, I went to talk to Dean Harris. Meeting Fox was completely coincidental." "Then why does this coincidence feels so contrived?" "Dana, honey, I did what I felt was right." "Putting him on the spot like that?" "When were you planning to let us meet him?" Scully froze for a second, which Maggie noticed immediately. "I thought so." "Mom, this was probably the craziest week of my life." "I know sweetheart." "And I think it's still too early to celebrate." "Have some faith." Maggie said, completely unconcerned and Scully began to lose her temper. "Will you listen to me?!" "I am listening and I have the same worries as you, but I'm happy that things are finally working out for the both of you and felt like I had to express my gratitude." Scully sat in her office stunned into silence, which her mother took for victory. Will was right, it was useless to resist. "I don't know why you keep him a secret," she said finally, "he's a very nice man."
Having let herself in, Scully found the living room and kitchen empty. "Mulder?" "Downstairs!" His voice came from the direction of doors, that usually stayed closed. She left her coat on the rack and followed the sound down a couple of steep steps. The basement was filled with warmth and light, almost half the size of the room above, with hardwood floors and high set windows. Bookshelves took up three of the walls, while the fourth was turned into one, huge message board, wallpapered with newspaper clippings and blurry photos. There was a couch against the wall and a large, beat up desk in the middle of the room. "So this is your den?" Scully said, rounding the desk and stepping into his open arms. "Office," he said, pulling her into his lap. "And the tour didn't involve this place because?" She teased, leaning for her kiss. "It's only for the inner-most crowd." "In that case, I'm honoured," she sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. "Tired?" "I feel like I could shower and sleep for a week." "And it's only Monday." "That's what worries me." She said and took his hand, lacing their fingers together. "I'm sorry about my mom." "Don't be," Mulder chuckled, "it wasn't that bad." "I didn't think she'd go looking for you, at work." "You had other plans?" Mulder asked, swivelling the chair, amused. "I don't know, it's not exactly like introducing a new boyfriend to the family." "Isn't that what I am?" He nudged her lightly. "You know what I mean." "No, I don't think I do." Scully sighed and sat up, taking the warmth with her. "I'm too tired for bantering, I'm going to bed." "Hey, wait," Mulder said, holding on to her hand, "I'm sorry, don't be mad." "I'm not mad, I'm exhausted," she replied, kissing his forehead before getting up. "You coming?" "I have to finish this first." "Okay, you know where to find me." “Scully?” Mulder tugged on her fingers gently, making her turn and look at him before she slipped away. “I love you.” He said, holding her gaze until question on her face turned into a smile. “Love you too,” she said, leaning in and brushing his lips one more time. “Goodnight.” “Night.” Twenty minutes later Mulder climbed in behind her, careful not to jostle the bed, convinced she was already asleep. But when he gently put his arm around her, she leaned into his embrace. “I didn’t plan anything,” she sighed, taking his hand. “There just wasn’t enough time to think.” “I know.” “I wanted you to meet my family, but it doesn't feel right without Will." "Scully, there's no reason for you to worry about this," he breathed, gathering her closer into his arms. "I met your mom, your brother, even your niece, the rest can wait, it's done, try to sleep." "So you don't mind my pushy family?" "Not at all." "Okay." She murmured, feeling tension leaving her body as silence stretched and her eyelids grew heavy. "By the way," Mulder mumbled half asleep, after a long minute, "your mom invited us to dinner on Friday." "I knew it," Scully laughed and accepted the kiss he pressed to her neck. "'Night Scully." He murmured. "'Night Mulder."
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ludi-ling · 7 years
People, after literally 10 YEARS I have put together a YouTube playlist for the House of Cards, Book 1 soundtrack. Thanks to @raspberry-yogurt​ for the kick up the ass and inspiration to finally do this.  
Most of my fics I see play out as movies in my head. Naturally there has to be a soundtrack. These are the songs that either played through my head while I wrote, or that fit exactly the mood of the story after the fact. THIS IS 40 TRACKS LONG, and goes through the entire story in chronological order, chapter by chapter. 
Notes below in case you’re interested.
1.  Björk – Hidden Place - This was always the theme tune. House of Cards = the safehouse = the hidden place.
2.  King Black Acid – Wake Up #37 - Rogue wakes up to a world gone to shit.
3.  Natalie Imbruglia – On the Run - Rogue doesn’t want to leave her bed. ‘Cos who wants to face a broken world?
4.  The Stranglers – Strange Little Girl - Just Rogue.  It’s what she is.
5.  Mich Gerber – Sirens Call (Quishm) - Rogue opens the curtains and sees what the world has turned into.  She starts to comes to terms with it.
6.  Metric – Glass Ceiling - Mystique teaches Rogue her craft and turns her into a Brotherhood soldier. Rogue is on her knees, crawling through life.
7.  Belltower – In Hollow - The mission to destroy the Sentinel parts factory. Rogue feels like a dead woman walking, yet for some reason she cares enough about a necklace to go and rescue it.
8.  King Black Acid – Soul Systems Burn - Rogue meets Remy again and loses her virginity to him.
9.  Sugababes – Come Together - Remy. “Got to be good-looking cos he’ so hard to see”. True story. (Beatles version is better. But in my hc Rems likes this version better, cos sexy ladies are singing it.)
10.  Norah Jones – I've Got to See You Again - It’s the song the busker on the street corner is singing in chapter 7. “To not touch your skin is not why I sing.”
11.   Radiohead – No Surprises - Because really, both Remy and Rogue are just a little bit dead inside. Bringing down the government, with hearts full like a landslide. 
12.  Metric – Poster of a Girl - Rogue becomes an underground espionage whore. A poster of a girl, for other men’s pleasure.
13.  Imogen Heap – Have You Got It In You? -  Rogue’s mission to assassinate Kincaid. Remy comes in a takes the murder on his own hands.
14.  Madonna – To Have and Not to Hold - Rogue and Remy’s second night together. The rules of the game say no attachment, but maybe you want it. “Like a moth to a flame, only I am to blame.”
15.  Imogen Heap – The Moment I Said It - The morning after. Saying goodbye on bad terms is the worst...
16.  Silverchair – Miss You Love - ...Except that Remy really misses Rogue.
17.  The Velvet Underground – Stephanie Says - “There can be no emotion, there can be no feeling. If we allow ourselves to feel then we might as well die.” “It’s so cold in Alaska.”
18. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark – Time Zones - Rogue looks at the clocks in the hotel lobby.  Time means nothing - or does it? (When I burned this soundtrack, this was the break between disc 1 and 2).
19.  Massive Attack – Inertia Creeps - Rogue’s mission to seduce Troy Rifkind ~ Rogue’s third night with Remy. Basically this song is pure sex.
20.  Massive Attack – Dissolved Girl - More Rogue’s third night with Remy. Cos this song is pure sex the sequel.
21.  Thom Yorke – And It Rained All Night - Remy carries on with life and his crazy capers, but for some reason he’s a little distracted.
22.  Coldplay – Clocks - Always saw this as a crazy montage scene in my head, backed up by this song. Rogue and Remy going about their messed up lives, on missions, always close by, always thinking about one another, but never intersecting. “You are home, where I wanted to go”.
23.  Imogen Heap – Glittering Clouds (Locusts) - Rogue’s on the nation’s most-wanted list. What it’s like being invisible but infamous. “Don’t blame me, don’t maim me, I can’t help what I am.”
24.  Nouvelle Vague – I Melt with You - Rogue and Remy’s fourth night together. That indestructible feeling of being with someone you love.
25.  PP Arnold – Angel Of The Morning - The morning after. Just this whole song, basically.
26.  King Black Acid – Rolling Under - The Mystique-Rogue-Irene relationship. “You’re beautiful because you cried the tears trapped in your mother’s eyes. She told you that she loves you so and never wants to let you go. You’re beautiful because you tried to hold onto the little child who always knows you’re loved”.
27.  Lamb – Gabriel - Rogue comes to the dangerous and comforting conclusion that she’s in-love with Remy.
28.  Robbie Robertson – Unbound - And Remy kind of but doesn’t come to the conclusion that he’s in-love with Rogue.
29.  Mono – The Outsider - Rogue and Remy learn the truth about one another in the worst way possible.
30.  New Order – Crystal - When relationships go bad. “I’m a man in a rage/with a girl I betrayed”.
31.  Bic Runga – Sorry - Rogue and Remy’s argument in chapter 20. Neither can say sorry.
32.  Mono – Playboys - The mission with Anton Simmons.  Inside Rogue’s still angry at Remy, even though he kept her living all these years.
33.  Belltower – Too Late - Rogue and Remy’s last night together.  What they found together seems too late. “If every word unspoken flowed into my head. They’d get tied up, waiting to be seen. Too late, too late for me.  They come too late.”
34.  Badly Drawn Boy – Once Around the Block - The interlude. Rogue and Remy remember their youth at the Xavier Institute, when they were endlessly chasing one another and getting nowhere. “I want to repair your desire and call it a gift that I stole from just wanting to live.”
35.  José González – Heartbeats - “We were in-love.” (Suggested by Katjen, way back in the day).
36.  Natalie Imbruglia – That Day - It’s Rogue’s day of reckoning, the day of the mission at the Hound Pens. “And I’m nothing, and I’m true, and only a brave man can break through”.
37.  Imogen Heap – Closing In - Storming the Hound Pens. “I hope that you make it/I hope that you find your way.”
38.  Björk – Undo - Rogue steals Rachel Summers’ chronoskimming powers and battles against the Timestream to get back to Remy.
39.  Imogen Heap – Just For Now - Yes, I know it’s a Christmas song. But it’s also Romy finding each other and leaving their pasts behind together.
40.  Dido – Take My Hand - Closing credits. ;)
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