#but i suspect most people aren’t and they’re just kinda the leftovers once you’ve paired up everyone else. which is not fair to them at all
jellicle-chants · 2 years
Everyone: Cass & Alonzo being a thing is practically canon, they’re always paired together for duets and they’re both tall and lanky
Me: they’re besties :3
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boogiewrites · 4 years
No.9: The Body
Chapter Two
Characters: Diego Hargreeves & OFC Eve Corpuz
Summary: Eve, once a rebellious runaway had turned her life around through the help of others to now be a doctor. She tries to return the favor these days. When a mysterious man keeps popping up in her life, what will her natural talent for healing become when it finally meets someone else with abilities like hers? Diego begins to suspect there’s something amiss with the doctor that’s been helping him...
Warnings/Tags: Injury/Blood/Medical. Nothing too graphic. Banter. Some KLAUS!
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. Please like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed it! It helps out us writers A LOT! If you’d like added to the tags, just let me know. This is a multi-chapter fic.
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Another evening to herself, as per usual, this time she’d taken the initiative to reheat her leftovers instead of stuffing them cold into her face in front of the fridge. With headphones in, she bobbed, moving loosely around the kitchen without a care. This is probably why the sudden appearance of the same stranger, if you could even call him that at this point, threw her entirely off track as she launched the spatula in her hand to his bent figure, holding himself up on her kitchen counter.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Eve yells and she stumbles back against the opposite counter, headphone dangling around her neck as she fumbles blindly into a nearby drawer for a knife out of panic, “WHY ARE YOU IN MY APARTMENT? WAIT...HOW?”
“Ow.” is his response as his nose streams a tiny bit of blood into his facial hair.
“Sorry but I'll do it again if you try anything!”
“It’s ME!” he says clearly showing his face and motioning up and down to himself.
“That’s a little vague don’t you think?” she says back loudly, eyes still clearly wild.
“Sorry I- just needed help. I’m not gonna hurt you. I...kinda can’t right now.” he groans and she sees the blood covering most of his stomach now.
“Oh, shit, dude why didn’t you go to the hospital?”
“Well, you weren’t there were you?”
“Fuck’s sake,” she says holding her hand to her chest to feel her heart racing as she tried to calm down. She takes a deep breath, switching off the stovetop as she approached him. “You couldn’t have knocked?”
“Not really my thing…:”
“Neither is common sense it seems,” she mumbles and he grunts as she tries to examine him. “How did you know where I live?” she narrows her eyes at him. He was covered in sweat and clearly in a lot of pain from his pale face.
“Followed you.”
“Why were you following me?”
“You're the only real doctor I can trust. I needed your help didn’t I?” he sighs and slouches again, raising his shirt up to show multiple chunks missing.
“You need help alright. Shit…” she says moving to find her gloves in a cabinet. “Go...get in the bathtub, I’ll treat you there. Let me grab you some clothes.”
Only a nod and grunt in response as he headed into the bathroom.
She hands a pair of sweats and an old t-shirt that’ll easily fit him into the bathroom. “Leave your shirt off.” she says as she grabs her supply bag.
“I get that a lot.”
She lets a smile show as the door blocks their view of each other. He was a smart ass even in the middle of pain. She could relate to that. “I’m sure you do. Now let me know when I can come in.” A grunt serves as an answer and she enters, moving to help him and make as small of a mess as possible. An understanding of quiet rests between them as she works.
“NNGH--” he groans and bares his teeth as she digs to pull a slug out of his side. The damage was worse than she thought once she got closer. He hears the clatter of bullet pieces hit the metal bowl she has on the toilet next to the tub.
“Okay, Champ. You’re taking the pain well, the pills will kick in in a little bit.” She says sympathetically.
“You’re... good at this y’know.” he gives her a nod as she sews him up, a gentle touch despite being stabbed with a needle repeatedly.
“I’d hope so.” she lets out a huff of a laugh. “Thanks.” she offers up in politeness as they settle into a comfortable back and forth, the tension from before now gone as she was focused. AS she finished, she says, “I was wondering…?”
“Whats the bat cave-like? Does Bruce let you play with the toys?”
“Ha.” he gives in a deadpan delivery. “Very funny.” sarcastic heavy as always in their tone, but he actually meant it.
“Alright. That’s got you sewed up. This could’ve gone south really fast. Y’know.”  she says with more concern in her voice. “Since I keep saving you...can I know your name now? In case you kill me,  at least my ghost can try to solve the crime from behind grave. That  seems like a pretty cool afterlife.”
“Yeah, I’d watch that show.” He gives a grimace that was mean to be a smile. “I’m not gonna kill you,” he says defensively. “...M’Diego.” he sighs outs as she helps him stand. He already felt... better somehow. Maybe it was the pills.
“Oh, a little crime fighter like those kids in the 90’s huh?”
“Yeah..” he groans and averts his eyes.
“Sorry.” she chuckles. “You’re the only Diego I’ve ever met. Bad comparison?” she offers, nos wiping his face off with a cool cloth and he’s caught off guard by her closeness in his low blood leveled state.
“Nah he’s… okay, I guess,” he mumbles.
“I’ll clean this up, you go chill on the couch and I’ll be there in a second okay?”
“Kay.” He weakly answers. As soon as she turns on the showerhead to wash out the blood, he stumbles as he tries to support himself and she catches him.
“You are hurt bad aren’t you?” She says with real concern in her eyes and she helps him to the couch despite his weak protests to the contrary.  “Here.” she says helping him with his shirt then laying a blanket around his shoulders. “So...Diego…” she says, hands on her hips. “Tell me…” she pauses as he settles. “...do you like Chinese food?”
“Not where I thought you were going with that…”
“Well do you? You wanna eat?” she asks again moving into the kitchen.
“Weirdly, yeah.” he answers, eyes following her as she moved to go back to her former task of reheating food.
“This will help you deal with those pain pills easier. Soak it up a bit, instead of a straight shot of it.” she continues to feel him staring into her back as she moves around.
“Uh...thanks,” he says softly as she sits next to him on the couch.
“I’ll bill you later.”
He gives a tired smile and resituates to eat.
“You’ve lost a lot of blood. I would keep you for observation if we were at the hospital.”
“Yeah. Gunshots are no joke. You’re lucky it didn’t nick your intestines.”
“That’s me... lucky.”
“Seems so…” she mumbles before pushing more noodles in her mouth. She watches him eat, good appetite for just getting shot, that was for sure.
“Not bad.” he says with a mouthful and a glassy look in his eyes that makes her chuckle.
“Help yourself if you want more. I have to get some sleep.” she stands and takes her plate with her.
“Oh, okay..well..uh...thanks..again.”
“Nah, nah, champ.” she says, a single hand keeping him on the couch.”You’re staying here. Because I don’t want you dying out there, alright?”
“I actually feel pretty g-”
“It’s the medication talking, you need to rest. But know...There are no weapons in this room but I have a gun in my bedroom and if you try anything I will not hesitate to use it.”
“Yes ma’am.” he nods and gives an almost cocky smile.
“Good.” she nods. “I have work and I’ll be up around 3, there are blankets and pillows all over in here, you’ll be able to get comfortable, just try not to bleed all over the couch if you can help it.”
“I’ll do my best... and if I think I’m dying?”
“Try to let me know so you don’t ruin the furniture please.”
He grins and gives an understanding nod. “I think I'll be fine.” he says through a yawn.
“Time’ll tell.” She stands one the doorway to her bedroom. “Night Diego. Don’t make me regret my hospitality.”
“I haven’t yet have I?”
“Jury’s still out. Get some rest.”
He waves a dismissive hand to her as he lays down on the couch. He seriously did feel better. Better than he should, he thought. But he was tired, and quickly that became his main focus. --------------
A tired but becoming more alert by the second Eve wafting her tea in front of Diego’s sleeping face. He looked almost childish despite the heavy 5 o clock shadow. His strong cheek and jaw gave an almost round appearance to his face. The smoosh of his cheek definitely didn’t hurt him looking less threatening.
“Diego.” She whispers as he begins to twitch. “Tea?”
“What’s..” he begins and quickly stops, looking around the room. “Oh. Uh, yeah.” He clears his throat and without much pain dramatization, he sat up and rubbed his face, taking the mug.
She sits with her mug clasped between her hands, on the other end of the couch
“This...what is this? It’s not good.”
She chuckles and looks his way.” It’s black breakfast tea. It has a little caffeine. Thought you could use it.”
He nods and looks into the mug, brow low but she couldn’t tell if it was from sleep or thinking.
“I’m gonna be leaving soon. If you don’t feel up to it, you don’t have to go. Since you can clearly break-in I figure there’s no point in telling you you have to leave.” She sips. “But I would request you don’t steal my stuff.”
“I’m not gonna steal anything.” he sleepily insists.
“I appreciate it.”  They sit as she enjoys her tea and the low noise from outside, the crossing of people just going to bed late, and others riding early are all that fills the quiet apartment.
“You’re a Doctor…”
“Uh huh.” She looks his way a bit confused at the sudden obvious statement
“You don’t act like any doctor I’ve known before. They’re usually dicks.”
“I try hard not to be a dick. So I’ll take that as a compliment”
“I mean, it was I guess. But you’re smart right? You gotta be to know all the...doctor stuff right?”
“Yes, college, med school, internships, residencies...did it all. I like to entertain the idea that I’m smart, yeah.”
“But...you’re being like… really, nice.” There's a Pause as she sees this as a rhetorical statement. “I mean you lied to the cops to help me.” He grins a bit and looks her way, breaking his thoughtful stare into nothing. “Why?”
She considers it a moment, looks twitching as she takes another drink. “I think...you remind me of me.” She answers and it’s one he didn’t expect. “I’ve been… maybe not in the same circumstances as you but I’ve at least been through some of the same consequences you have it seems. I’ve been injured and on the run. I would’ve really liked it if someone had given me the benefit of the doubt back then. So... I try to believe the best in people because that’s what I needed too.” It was an honest and heartfelt answer.
“You’ve been shot?”
“Shot AT.”
“But stabbed?”
“Stabbed? Yes.”
“What were you into? Tattoos make me think gang but none are from any I know.”
“I had some gang-related ones but I was never really, IN one ya know? I’ve got them covered up. It’s been a while since I’ve been that girl.”
“Seems like you’re still her to me.”
“How's that?”
“Wanted criminal hiding out and getting patched up in your apartment. You’re an accessory at least. Lying to the cops. Seems like you’re still her.” He picks at her but she doesn’t feel like he’s being judgemental. Not that he had the right to be.
“Yeah or maybe I’m just bad at making good decisions. Book sense and no common sense.”
“Nah. You’re plenty smart.”
“Thanks.” A calm smile is Shared briefly before they go back to their tea.  “Can I ask you personal questions now?” She means his way slightly.
“What do you do that keeps you getting hurt?”
“That is personal.”
“Well if you’ve done it this time and you’ve been in my ER twice, chances are you’re going to be interrupting my evening again, Hmm?”
“You are smart.”
“So for not just my safety, but also so I can effectively deny and deflect for either of us, can I know? I’m also plain old nosey at this point.”
“That’s… you’ve got a fair point.” He shrugs. “I’m a… private eye. Investigator.”
“I’ve not had one PI come in with injuries like yours.”
“Maybe I’m just a really good one and they aren’t.”
This makes her let out a laugh. “How could I have not considered that?” She rolls her eyes. “Are you a hitman? Because you dress like one. That or one hood away from a gimp.”
“Hey. My leather is NICE alright? Functional, stylish. Let’s people know what I’m about.”
“Wouldn’t a PI want to blend in?”
“Not one like me.”
“So you’re… self-employed? I don’t want to be involved in any government level bullshit alright?”
“Yeah people come to me when they need things… looked into.”
“You really sound like a hitman.”
“A vigilante. I’m the good guy. I help people with bad guys. Kay? I don’t go out looking to kill people.”
“They're certainly looking to kill you though.” She offers with an upturned hand as she rises.
“Yeah, the industry Christmas parties are real awkward.”
“Is the game always “dirty Santa” every year?”
He gives a small huff of amusement her way. “Yeah, sure.”
“So Diego… Let’s see those bandages.” She claps her hands.
“You could just ask for me to take off my shirt you don’t have to make excuses.” He smirks.
She ignores him as she’s getting the feeling this is just part of his personality. “There’s no blood somehow so don’t touch them 'til tonight okay? Don’t get them wet. Re bandage after a shower okay? You healed up from last time nice so you clearly know how to handle aftercare for wounds.”
“Oh yeah. I’m a professional.”
“For both of our sakes, I hope so.” She tugs his shirt back into place.
After she left, Diego was left alone and his curiosity got the better of him. Not liked he tried to fight the urge to go through Eve’s stuff in her absence, old habits die hard. —------- With his bloody clothes in tow, Diego makes his way to the apartment over the gym he and Luther now owned together. He’d bought out his old haunt, they met with branding people Allison suggested and he’d hated it all. He just wanted a place to train. Luther was thinking more business and long term, stability. Things Diego didn’t spend much time considering.
“Why are you in my apartment?” He barks out as Klaus sits with his feet up on Diego’s coffee table.
“I could ask you why you WERENT in your apartment.” He looks him over, piecing the story together. “You didn’t come back after a job, but you don’t look hurt, and you’re wearing...not your own clothes. But definitely no sex because you don’t have that puppy look in your eyes.”
“HEY! Stop acting like you know everything...and I don’t look like a puppy.”
“Yeah, that’s a definite no on the one-night stand option.”
He begins to throw Eve’s unisex clothing items off as he heads towards the shower.
“Diego? Have you ever done a… Fun Run for children’s charity before?”
“What the-? No, why?”
“Then why does your shirt claim otherwise?” Klaus holds up the old participation shirt Diego had been wearing.
“Why do you have to be so goddamn nosey. Why are you even here?”
“Five wanted a meeting tonight.”
“Ugh! Why?”
“Oh, you know him...probably something apocalyptic.”
“We agreed to no jokes about that. I get fuckin….it bothers me, man.”
“Alright, I don’t know why. He’s been very up his own ass the past few days.”
“When is he not?”
“Some people like it up the ass Diego. Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.”
“Do you ever shut up?”
“I believe I’ve been told no but I couldn’t really hear them over my talking.”
“What do you WANT?”
“To know where you were.”
“I was busy.” he flatly answers.
“And with what,  pray tell?”
“The takedown went sideways. I got shot. I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Look at that almost.. 2 and a half pack there.” Klaus points to Diego’s torso with fresh pink scars he assumed were far older and that his brother was, once again, is full of shit. “You seem to be doing just fine now.”
“Yeah...that’s kinda why I was gone.” Diego lets his hands run over the healed wounds on his stomach.
“Where’d you even get shot? I don’t see anything but reminders of your shortcomings.” He tickles at a scar on Diego’s side.
“Quit it.” He slaps Klaus’ hands away. “I got shot last night. Here. Like I said, and you would’ve heard that if you were listening.”
“I think someone got rufied and they’re too scared to admit it. It happens to the best of us b-“
“No. I know what I’m talking about! It was here. Now it’s healed.”
Klaus blinks thoughtfully at the spot his brother is furiously pointing to. “Where the fuck is it then?” he asks with a hand on his hip.
“There’s this doctor-”
“Pretty good fuckin’ doctor!”
“Right?! It’s happened twice now! I didn’t know if I was losin’ it or what the first time. But this healed even faster this time.”
“So we talkin’...aliens? Medical science experiments on the public?”
“That’s where I went to first-” he says seriously and Klaus rolls his eyes. “But she’s-”
“Oh SHE?”  he asks rhetorically in surprise. “Nice. Girl power." he holds up an ignored fist of solidarity.
Diego continues as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “I’ve checked her out man-”
“Bet ya have…” Klaus mutters.
“...she’s... normal. I can’t find shit on her.”
“Well as normal as having healing powers goes…”
Diego’s eyes shoot wide to his brothers whose body language of casual contemplation is opposite of Deigo’s.
“You think she..?”
“At this point, why the fuck not? I mean with…” he clears his throat as the delicate subject of Lila comes up. “She who will not be named... she had them... we didn’t know about her. Stranger things have happened.”
“Nah she’s not..” he begins but Klaus quickly sees the wheels turning in his brother's darting eyes.
“Is she not?” he offers with squinted eyes. “I mean if you’d done your detective work as well as you say you have-”
“Then it seems as if it’s one of the more plausible options out of the bunch, hmmm?”
Diego says nothing but considers the advice. “I need to find out...but how.” a bit of an overdramatic delivery in Klaus’s opinion of the cliche line, but he answered with his usual cautiously optimistic tone when he gave this particular sibling advice. He was such a sensitive boy, after all, under all that leather.
“I have this wild idea... now here me out... but what if you...ya with me still? Good. Now, what if you… just ask her.” he delivers with a swing of his hand.
“Oh, hey!” Diego mocks the plan. “Yeah, do you happen to have superpowers?” he stops his mocking tone. “Because that would go SO well.”
“Ya either do somethin’ or ya don’t Diego. I’m overdue for a good sweat and this vibe you’re bringing in my space-”
“This is MY apartment!” he shouts.
“..my personal, space, is far too uptight for my brand right now so I’m gonna leave.”
“Good! That's what I’ve wanted this whole time. Thank you!”
“No problem, babe. You know I’d do anything for you, right?” he leans against the door frame with batting eyes only to add a bit more red onto the annoyed man’s face.
Diego reaches for the nearest object, “GetOutYouLittle-UNG!” he grunts as he throws it at Klaus’ head it’s caught with the door as he rushed it shut.
@jaegeeeeer​ @s-h-e-w-r-i-t-e-s​
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