#but i think her 'ruthlessness' fails in the face of han taeoh because he's just a FORCE. you know
astarlightmonbebe · 6 months
personally, re: hyewon's character, i don't think there's much to dislike about her. conversely, there's also not much to like - the issue is that she has little to no presence in the drama. her one on one conversations with taeoh are the most personality we get from her, and she appears for maybe two minutes in episode 4 alone. for the supposed female lead, her screentime, lines, and everything else are more befitting for a tertiary or secondary character. and when she's on screen, her appearance is bland and forgettable to a large degree, which i think is a mix of bad writing and perhaps more inexperienced acting (though i think it's kind of unfair to compare her as a new actor when she's starring alongside someone like ljw lol). the writers have failed to properly develop her character - some of which i think is intentional, but also, we're four episodes into a twelve episode drama and i still don't know what she wants or even what she does?
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