#but i think ikuhara did say smth like this at some point
sinkableruby · 10 months
while the memes about utena being like "😟boys" are funny i think its important to recognize that utenas sexuality is very expressly left open to interpretation in the series. theres nothing that says one way or the other if she's comphetting or just feeling guilty bc of her whole prince thing (and perhaps for other reasons, namely ones about anthy).
how i like reading it personally is that like. utena is who she is. she wears masculine clothes and has long pink hair. she likes boys and girls (although she's in very obvious denial about the second one). like with episode 12, that's her "normal." of course everyone's free to read it how they want but i like that idea. she is who she is, and just by being that and refusing to be anything else she transgresses the boundaries of what the general world considers to be "normal." that's what makes her "revolutionary"
but like. its never stated. and its not like if she were bisexual or something that would really hurt the messages or themes of the show in the slightest yk
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