#but i think they could've managed some hide the sausage
zmediaoutlet · 7 months
“I’m starving. You think they’ll let me sell your ass for a Slim Jim?”
“You made that joke last time we were arrested.”
“What, you think a good bit is only good once? I get no respect, no respect.” The last part not much of an impression because Sam presses harder on the bullet wound with the wad of toilet paper and Dean’s voice goes thin and crackly. A clean-ish hole, in through the meaty part of his shoulder and out by his armpit. Could’ve got his heart or a lung but it doesn’t even feel like it cracked the collarbone. Apparently demons are terrible shots. Lucky, Dean had said, swallowing hard and making his voice harder after. Sam didn’t dignify it with a response.
Dean’s trying to get blood off his hand with more TP. It’s thin, awful stuff, shreds against the tacky stain. The chain between the bracelets clinking. “In those Norwegian prisons I bet they get wet wipes, huh?” he says. Sam takes a deep breath through his nose. “Pampered, or whatever. Could go for some pampering.”
“I’m not killing you,” Sam says, “does that count,” and Dean laughs breathy and weird. It must really hurt. He’d be throwing Sam off already, otherwise.
They dragged the body of Henriksen’s old boss out into the main part of the jail. There’s been shouting. A boom that shook the building but no one has told them what it was, exactly. They aren’t currently top priority, despite being such world-class criminals. A break but not much of one, with Dean still bleeding over Sam’s hands. With what’s coming.
“Demons, huh,” Dean says. On the same train of thought when blood’s on the line, as always. He shifts on the shitty jailhouse mattress, gets his bootheels square on the ground. Sam shifts along with him, keeping the slack easy between their manacled ankles. “Better or worse than cops?”
Henriksen’s vicious little grin, telling them they’d never see each other again. Not quite yellow eyes but Sam’s stomach flips. Dean’s fingers slide over his, in the enveloping shadow of Dean’s jacket. Sam’s let his grip go slack.
“Can’t exorcise a cop,” Dean says, answering his own question because Sam feels like he’s going to puke. Taking point, as always. “Gotta be a point in the demons’ favor.”
“How are we gonna get him to believe us,” Sam says.
It’s all he can think. There are demons and there’s this asshole, do-gooder cop, who thinks he’s saving the day from monsters when he doesn’t know what monsters really are. If they had iron and salt and silver and a chance they might make it out. Maybe. Not like this.
“He thinks we’re psycho graverobbing murdering cannibals, Sammy, I’m not sure we’re in the circle of trust,” Dean says. He jostles his shoulder against Sam’s chest, even though that must hurt. “But hey, at least he didn’t guess about—”
“Jesus,” Sam says. Dean grins white in the emergency lights. No, Henriksen didn’t say that, did he. Although he did—about Dad—
“You think if we start making out in here, they’d open the door?” Dean’s fingers slip against his, pressing both their hands harder against his shoulder. He flinches. Still grinning. “Just to pull us apart, anyway. Worth a shot.”
“Shut up,” Sam says. Dean bites his lip, turning his face away. His chin trembles and Sam wants to—lay full length over him, take the next bullet if it comes. Go back in time and exorcise the demon before it could pull its gun, get Henriksen against the bars and get his hands around Henriksen’s neck and force him to hear the truth. That the dark was swarming up around them and if Henriksen didn’t let them go then it was going to take everyone in this station and, worse, it was going to take Dean and there was no chance, not one in the fucking world, that Sam was going to let his brother go without a fight. That it was impossible for that to happen again. Everything in him was solid on that part. That just—there’s no way that was going to happen.
Dean’s knee sags and presses against Sam’s. “Okay, so,” Dean says, chin tipping down. “We’ll take out the demons, save the day. Guess even cops beat demons. And save the making out part for later, huh? Though I could go for some of that surf and turf.”
Sam breathes out. He puts his forehead down to Dean’s shoulder for two seconds, and then sits up straight. There’s more shouting, somewhere past the hall to the holding cells. Sam squeezes his wrist, lets him drop his hand, presses the compress hard and solid against the wound. Dean’s looking straight ahead, steady. A well, somewhere in him, that always seems to have one last drop of relief.
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ashhdaniellee95 · 5 years
Bringing him & the crew lunch × Antonio Dawson
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|Leena's POV|
It was a cold morning, when I wake up and slide out of bed to use the bathroom. I do my thing, brush my hair, wash my face and brush my teeth, and come back to the room to see my handsome husband laying in his spot on the bed, and smile.
I quietly give him a quick kiss on the lips, and head into the kitchen to make him breakfast.
I grab the carton of eggs, the milk, and sausage, and shut the door, then grab the coffee and start the coffee maker.
I grab a pan hanging from the island and put it on the stove then pour a little bit of oil in the pan.
I grab a small bowl from the cabinet and crack an egg in it, then pour it in the pan when it gets hot.
Antonio really likes his eggs with a little bit of yoke still runny, as do I.
I let the egg cook without poking the yoke, then turn it over and let it cool for a couple of seconds, then put it on a plate. As I put the other egg in the pan, i hear a creak from the floor from the bedroom, along with the creak of the door, and look over to see nothing but the door cracked open a little, and I left it closed. I think he might be trying to scare me.
I ignore the noises and continue to make breakfast for Antonio and me.
|Antonio's POV|
I slowly creep into the kitchen and hide behind the wall. I guess she heard the floor and door creek and looked over here, but she didn't see anything so she kept cooking.
After she turns her head back, I slowly creep forward, getting closer to her as much as I can without getting caught.
I sneak around the island and wait for the right time, then go around to her and wrap my arms around her tightly, and she jumps. "Toni, why'd you do that? I could've drop the eggs on you." I smile at her, "Oh baby, I'm sorry. I was just getting you back from the other day. I didn't mean to scare you." She smiles back, "it's okay I forgive you. I made us breakfast. Come eat." I grab my coffee and the sausage and sit at the table and wait for Leena.
She sits down with the eggs and two plates with her glass of milk then makes our plates. She gives me two eggs and a piece of sausage and does the same for her, then we dig in.
After we eat, and I get ready for work, I give Leena a kiss and head to Intelligence.
|Leena's POV|
After Antonio leaves for work, I wash all the dishes and put them up, then get a shower and get ready for work myself.
I have two jobs, I work during the day at a local diner/bakery as a waitress, and I'm the manager there as well, and my other job, I post ads to Instagram and Facebook whenever I have time off, or when I'm not working during the week.
I make sure I have all my stuff, my phone, purse, keys, etc. and head out the door.
I get in my Toyota 4 Runner, and put my keys in the ignition and turn on the engine. I back out of the drive way, and drive off.
20 some minutes later I pull up in my 'manager' parking spot and shut off the engine. I grab my things, lock my car and head inside through the back door.
I walk to my locker and put my things inside then close and lock it, then get to work.
When I became manager, I went from wearing a normal waitress outfit, to wearing jeans and a shirt. And the reason I became manager in the first place is because my aunt and uncle own and run this diner, and they knew I could take care of it in case they couldn't come in to run it themselves. You can do a lot of things when you're the manager at a diner.
I clock in on the machine and the register and put my apron on and get to work. Our busiest days are Sunday's and Wednesday's, and today's Monday, so it's probably not gonna be busy today.
As the day goes on, a few people come in and sit, and a few pickup/delivery orders come in over the phone. I help the customers with their orders, make sure they have plenty of drinks, and cash out a customer on the cash register.
Around 12:46 when it's dead, I tell the other waiters that I'm going on break, and tell the cook to make two egg and tomato and cheese sandwiches with our special mayo sauce, along with 4 other different things, and to make me a shredded ham and chicken salad with tomatoes, eggs, blue cheese crumbles, and bacon crumbles with plenty of avocado and avocado ranch dressing.
As he makes the food, I total everything up, and cash out with my card on the cash register.
The cooks put everything in boxes then in bags, then hands them to me and my coworker helps me take them to my car.
I thank her and grab my keys, phone and wallet and get inside my Toyota, and head off to the Intelligence unit.
I pull up into a guest spot and turn off the engine, then grab the food and head inside.
I greet Trudy with a smile, "hey Trudy, you hungry? I didn't know what you'd want so I brought a few different things." "Well, thank you Dawson." I smile at my last name. "Hey, can you tell Kim to come down? I want her to help me take this upstairs to the bullcage." "Of course, anything for my favorite Dawson." She winks at me. "I didn't know I was your favorite." She smiles and puts her index finger up to her lips. I smile and nod. "I won't tell. Promise." "Thank you for lunch. If you deliver, I'll call you for lunch. How much do I owe you?" I wave her off. "On the house. Don't sweat it." She smiles and thanks me as Kim comes up to me. "Hey, Lee. That lunch?" I nod my head. "For the crew. I just needed someone to help me take it upstairs. Plus, you and Trudy are the only ones who know about this, that it until we go upstairs and everyone see me with lunch." She laughs. "Alright, come on. I'll help you."
She grabs both the drink trays and a bag and we head upstairs.
She put her hand on the palm scanner and it lets her in.
We get upstairs and she tells everyone she's got lunch. "Aw, you didn't tell me you loved me." Came from Adam. "It's for everyone. Where's Antonio at?" Kevin answers, "bathroom." I nod my head. "Ah, okay. Well I've got lunch for everyone. I just got a few different things. If someone calls in a head of time, I'll get everyone what they want next time."
Everyone chimes in with "okay" and "thank you", then I hear "is that my wife?" My head swivels to see my husband coming towards me with a hug and a kiss. I smile, "I brought you and the crew lunch. My dime, so nobody owes me anything." "Well that was nice." "Yeah, it was dead over there, so I figured I'd bring lunch to you instead of someone over here coming to pick it up." I dig inside the bag until I come across a box with Antonio's name on the top, then hand it to him. "You're favorite, with fries." He kisses my forehead and goes to his desk. "Thanks."
Hank comes out of his office with a smile to greet me and he picks out his lunch.
After everyone grabs what they want, and I eat with them for a little bit, I say bye to everyone and give my husband a kiss, then head back downstairs to Trudy.
"Trudy I'm heading out. I'll see you tomorrow." She smiles, "Bye kiddo."
As I walk out the front door, I hear someone say "hey baby, wait up." from behind me and know who it is, so I stop at the door. "Let me walk you to your car. Since you know, it's cold and all." I smile at him. "Okay." He walks with me to my car, holding the extra stuff in his hands as we walk.
When we get to my car, I unlock it and he puts the stuff in the back seat and shuts the door.
I lean my back up against my driver's side door, and he stands in front of me with a smile on his face. "What's the smile for?" I ask. I see him look down, then back up. "No reason. Just that I love seeing you come bring us lunch is all." I look at him sideways, "Mmhmm. Yeah, okay." "It was really good. Everyone loved their food." "Yeah, I don't mind every once in a while, just as long as everyone let's me know what they want ahead of time." "I'll be sure to remember that." We stay like that for a few more minutes before I speak up. "I have to go, Toni." He nods his head. "Okay, I'll see you later at home. Love you." I smile at him, and lean up towards him and give him a kiss, "love you too." He opens my door, and let's me get in, before he smiles at me, his breath showing in the winter cold, and shuts the door and then I head back to the diner.
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