#but i think we can pretty safely say that being wanted by your fascist gov is worse than the average lockdown experience
ro-rogue · 26 days
i need more irrelevant details about the darren-dating-leilah-and-sera-living-with-them situation, because, while the whole wanted terrorrists thing is ofc very sad and stressful for them, it is also absolutely hilarious. like, imagine you just found out that your ex-school nurse, a grumpy, eternally tired man who you honestly thought would die single, is dating your (canonically) hot kind older sister, who you hadn't seen in years because she ran away from your abusive parents. also, she and him both sorta work for a terrorrist organization now. the same organization that stole your ability. your sister actively helped to develop the drug that disabled you. her solution to the problem of your ability loss is to also join the terrorrist organization. the terrorrists backstab you and disable your best friend. you decide to betray the organization, but then you're declared a wanted terrorrist by the government so you hide in your sister's apartment. that she shares with your ex-school nurse. before he quit, you spent more time around this man than around any of your actual teachers. then the government busts your future brother-in-law's door down and you have to go on the run. with your sister and her boyfriend.
do leilah and darren do a lot of couple-y things? does sera see them kiss and immediately wishes for the sweet release of death or at least some fresh air, only to realise she is stuck inside with these two for the foreseeable future? is it like the covid lockdown but worse?? at least covid never shot you on sight if you ever left the house on a grocery run.
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cksmart-world · 4 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
Aug. 4, 2020
Just because the economy fell further last quarter than at any time in our history is no cause for concern. No problem, we'll just send the kids back to school and voilà, the economy will bounce back like a pregnant pole vaulter. As we know from Republican senators, lazy Americans are sitting at home playing video games like Mortal Kombat and Dungeons & Dragons because they get $600 a week for free. All we have to do is stop these ridiculous handouts of taxpayer money and like kids jonesing for a sugar high those laggards will go right back to work at jobs that don't exist anymore. We know American workers are lazy because over the past 40 years, their wages adjusted for inflation have remained flat, even while the GDP — the nation's wealth — tripled. With the rising costs of healthcare, housing and education, American workers now make little more than half of what they earned in 1980, requiring two breadwinners for each household. And each of them is working longer hours than ever, as they accumulate more and more debt. Isn't it time they pull themselves up by their bootstraps, just like U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham and U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell. They know how the cows eat the cabbage.
If President Trump wants kids back in school, then Gov. Gary Herbert and Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox can easily contort best practices to make it happen. All Americans, including Utahns, should wear a mask to guard against spreading coronavirus — but only if they feel like it, according to Utah's Dynamic Duo. You see, it's a freedom issue. If you don't want to wear pants, for example, nobody should say otherwise. It's called 'freedom.' But we digress. There is just too much fuss about keeping kids and teachers safe. Students can go to school even if they’ve been directly exposed to Covid-19, according to the Utah Department of Health. (Update: As of Aug. 6, Batman and Robin backed off this dictum after being hit by an avalanche of you-know-what.) Kids are sweet, young things who would never knowingly bring the virus back to their parents and grandparents. And, coincidentally, when they go to school their parents can go back to work, unless they have jobs at a restaurant, bar, any retail store, the airlines, any type of transportation, most venues of entertainment, the hotel industry, any tourist-related industry... This is why we elected Batman and no doubt have already chosen his heir apparent — Robin: Because when it comes to comic book characters, they're just so... so incredible. Holy communicability, Batman.
If you haven't seen Sarah Cooper do her hilarious Trump imitations on TikTok, you have not lived. She takes us beyond the orange mask to see just how shallow and overreaching the mind of this man really is. Cooper gained prominence after she mimed the president's press conference where he surmised that injecting household disinfectants might stop Covid-19. No surprise, Cooper has gotten under Trump's skin and he now huffs that he will ban TikTok. In April, Trump said he had “total authority” to tell governors when they could open their states after coronavirus lock downs. “When someone is president they have total authority,” Trump said. It didn't go over so well. The governors suggested he check the U.S. Constitution. The president's recent strained proposal to delay the election didn't win accolades either. The co-founder of the powerful conservative Federalist Society, Steven Calabresi, said Trump should be tossed out on his head. "Until recently, I had taken as political hyperbole the Democrats' assertion that President Trump is a fascist," he wrote. "But this is fascistic and is itself grounds for the president's immediate impeachment again..." Well, you know what they say about someone who is digging himself into a hole. But the staff here at Smart Bomb along with Wilson and the band don't mind at all if Trump keeps on digging.
Post script — Well, here we are in the Dog Days of the Pandemic. This is when Sirius the “Dog Star,” located in the constellation Canis Major, is the brightest star in the sky; and when the Covid-19 pandemic has reached its greatest infection rate. Among the reasons we are toast, of course, is because large segments of America refuse to wear masks or observe social distancing on account of it's a conspiracy to take away our guns and other freedoms, like endless partying. Here's a Fun Fact: In 1918 and 1919, according to The New York Times, when bars, saloons, restaurants, theaters and schools closed as the “Spanish flu” epidemic raced across the nation, masks became a symbol of government overreach, inspiring protests, petitions and defiant bare-face gatherings. When it was over, 650,000 Americans were dead. To this point we've had 155,000 deaths and counting. But chin up, things could get better. Look at Canada where the virus is under control and life is near normal. You see, Canadians believe it's their obligation to their countrymen to wear masks. In contrast to Americans, they endeavor to go along and get along. Here is a for instance: How do you get 100 Canadians out of a swimming pool? Just ask. Now think what might happen if you told 100 Americans to get out of the pool. 'Nuff said.
OK, Wilson, we've made it through another week of the Trumpovirus and folks are looking for any distraction to keep their sanity. What do you and the guys in the band have for us lazy American workers as we lay about in our hammocks drinking beer:
You get up every morning From your alarm clock's warning Take the 8: 15 into the city There's a whistle up above And people pushin', people shovin' And the girls who try to look pretty And if your train's on time You can get to work by nine And start your slaving job to get your pay If you ever get annoyed Look at me I'm self-employed I love to work at nothing all day And I'll be... Taking care of business every day Taking care of business every way I've been taking care of business, it's all mine Taking care of business and working overtime
(Taking Care of Business — Bachman and Turner Overdrive)
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You missed the point of the Loki scene if you love Trump and the State as much as you claim
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Thank you for dropping by my favorite of grey faced friend, let me start out by saying:
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I’m not at all surprised that a Lib would equate that scene to Trump, since everything is a Nazi these days. However you couldn’t be farther from the truth.
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To start, the left likes to portray actions by anyone who does not fit their exact flavor of silly on any given day as evil. I won’t go into depth about the huge hypocrisies involved, even within the last few months, as that will side track this conversation. Maybe my grey faces fan we will go into it at length on a different post. Today the Libs have decided that travel bans, illegals, refugees and minorities, are the popular evils. Those positions by the Conservatives are not evil or fascist, and if you believe they are you are ignorant, but
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The travel ban, it is not unconstitutional, it is not unlawful, it is not fascist. Obama has enacted more travel bans then the last 3 Republican (including Trump) presidents. The countries in the ban are from a threat list the Obama administration created, so your moral outrage is hypocritical and aimed at the wrong person. Since if this is evil and unlawful, your Lord and Savior Obama is the worst offender in the history of the United States. 
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The travel ban is temporary, if memory serves it is only 90 days, it actually effects very few people with only, if memory serves, a few hundred turned away so far. Beyond that several of our Arab and Muslim allies think the ban is a great idea and have also placed bans on these areas (if further proof was needed for how dangerous these areas are). 
Trump is against ILLEGAL immigrants, NOT IMMIGRANTS, our nation is founded by immigrants and still lives up to the inscription on the Statue of Liberty “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”. Our nation allows around a million legal immigrants into the country each year, far more than almost any other nation. The claim is made that illegals are fleeing their countries because of danger or for hope of a better life. If true they actually have a fantastic chance of legally entering the country because America once again is one of the largest takers of refugees and givers of political asylum each year. So far from uncaring monsters America as bad as you think it is, holds the moral high-ground when it comes to helping the disposesed. That is before we go into any of the foreign aid or humanitarian efforts we do each year around the globe. 
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Now about illegals, this is not a race thing. I don’t care if you are an illegal from Canada, Kenya, or Mexico, if you are an illegal then you are here ILLEGALLY and once found it is the LEGAL obligation to deport them, especially if they are found guilty of other crimes. I wont go into the costs for schools, states, and gov programs, etc that are incurred, the crime stats, or the proven voter fraud seeing as this is already getting a bit long. I will however point out another blaring hypocrisy OBAMA DEPORTED MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER PRESIDENT.  So if you suddenly care about illegals now where were you when they were actually at risk? 
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What about the fact that NO OTHER COUNTRY ON EARTH lets you illegally enter the country and then gives you benefits. NO OTHER COUNTRY ON EARTH will not throw you in jail/immediately deport you if you are caught illegally entering the country. Jail and deportation are the nice punishments in other countries, it gets much worse. So once again America far from being the evil monster you like to make it out as is the NO OTHER COUNTRY ON EARTH is as as good to the disposesed as we are. 
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As for the Wall, there is nothing illegal, inhumane, or unconstitutional about it. In fact your fav OBAMA GAVE MILLIONS TO FOREIGN POWERS TO HELP THEM BUILD BOARDER WALLS. Bill Clinton ran of a platform of boarder security, and even had an ILLEGAL CHILD kidnapped at gunpoint from his relatives in the states to be sent to Cuba. Enjoying the hypocrisy yet? So...
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On the topic of refugees, even though the US takes in the most refugee’s a year we HAVE NO OBLIGATION to take in even a SINGLE refugee. Add to that the CURRENT VETTING process LITERALLY let one of the SAN BERNARDINO SHOOTERS into the country. So far from being fascist reevaluating current vetting standards that obviously don’t work is a practical and elementary decision. The current refugee crisis in Europe, adds additional reason for concern, especially since if memory serves the majority of those refugees are from those 7 nations on the ban list. Then the most damning piece of evidence as to why we need reevaluated vetting is the fact that ISIS HAS LITERALLY SAID THEY SEND INFILTRATORS IN WITH THE REFUGEES. So to say that there is no threat when ISIS has told us that refugees are LITERALLY there strategy, especially when they can be linked to many attacks within the continental United States. Traditionally women and children out of uniform are non-combatants however with the rise of ISIS more women and more children are being employed in terror attacks, and other acts of violence. Making any refugee’s from these countries like a bowl of poisoned M&M’s. Another dangerous sign is the number of military aged males who are now “refugees” is ridiculous. Now I have heard libs state that this is not true because Statistics state that women and children do in fact make up a large percentage. I have no doubt that their statistics are correct, the issue becomes that ILLEGALS DO NOT FILL OUT PAPERWORK ON BEING ILLEGALS. So the hordes of military aged males flooding into Europe right now who are doing so illegally and not as refugees go uncounted for in those statistics since their number and demographic can not be accurately calculated. So in matters of security, far from facist, we’re trying to be functional, so...
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The UN has an entire initiative based around helping refugees, and it has come out and stated that for the price of relocating 1 refugee to the United States, it could help 12 in their own countries. Ironically the money Obama set aside is many times what the UN’s ENTIRE REQUESTED BUDGET FOR THE ISSUE IS. So long story short: it is easier, more cost effective, and safer for all involved to help them in their own countries. Now for those of you thinking “but they live in a war zone,” yes they do, a war zone Obama made possible, and Hillary armed. We have the ability to protect them even, we could crush ISIS if we were allowed but libs don’t want us to interfere in other countries. So instead we have contracted with several countries in the region, Saudi Arabia for instance to create, and protect safe zones within their countries. So once again Trump and conservatives have the moral high ground, having once again done more for the disposesed. And Trump did that week 1, he did more for the disposesed of the middle east DURING HIS FIRST WEEK AS PRESIDENT, than Obama managed in the last 8 years. Shall we also discuss the fact that this entire refugee crisis was actually CAUSED BY OBAMA AND HILLARY. Obama destabilizing the region by pulling out of Iraq despite repeatedly being told by military advisers that it was a bad idea. Then Hillary giving weapons to ISIS in Syria. 
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Liberals have been bullying and using fear tactics against minorities since the beginning of time, but they’ve been laying it on thick since the election. Telling minorities that now that Trump is president that they will be carted off to concentration camps, that they need to live in fear because Trump will get them. You only have to look at Youtube to see lib parents fear mongering their children like this. While the only reported incidents have turned out to be libs faking or false reporting incidents. While their are dozens of confirmed incidents of Trump supporters being attacked, people have even been attacked for “looking like a Trump supporter.” That’s before we mention all the riots, like the last one over words, that weren’t even said, THE VIOLENCE STARTED BEFORE THE SPEECH. 
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Truth is that Pence is not trying to create gay camps or electro therapy anyone, he is not pushing some anti-gay agenda. He is talking about expanding LGBT insurance, allowing for new procedures to be covered. While the Left views this as a negative, this could set a precedence,and expand what insurance will cover in the future for members of the LGBT community.     
When you look at all the facts, you call Trump, Hitler, but Obama has in every case actually done more, and worse than pretty much every other President in our beloved nations history. I hate to break this to you but, your fav, is at the very least more Hitler by your own meter stick than Trump ever was. 
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As for Nazi
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