#but i typed out something that embarrassed me a lil which normally doesn't happen i have zero shame ✌️
horangslay · 7 months
I open the tumblr app
I write out my fucked up horny little post about Kim Mingyu
I take a moment, reflect, wonder if this is who I really & truly am
It is, but I decided not to post it anyways
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
Let me set the table so Y’ALL CAN EAT
Idea 1
William is at the diner A LOT yeah? So say bunny’s last class happens to get canceled. It’s the middle of the week, and they still has a couple days before the weekend. But they miss him! So what else is there to do besides pay the “famous” diner a visit.
It was a surprising slow day, and maybe you even meet henry, who calls willy over. Then henry the unintentional matchmaker has to leave to do something idk, and leaves you and Willy alone together because the next shift worker hadn’t arrived yet. So peepaw shows you the back, and his office. And he just looks so good today, and he smells just so intoxicating, and you just need him! he takes his little bunny, places them on his desk, and has his way with them. How could he resist when you ask him so sweetly?
Idea 2
Maybe this is just me, but I could absolutely see bunny working at like a retro 50s inspired diner thing, where all the waitstaff wear skates, and they have those adorable uniforms. Imagine if Willy found this out, either by eating there or you mentioning it, and he sees his bunny wearing that uniform and it looks DELECTABLE on them. And now he NEEDS a taste.
Just him fucking his precious, stunning little rabbit who had no business looking as cute as they did in their uniform
If you don’t know what the heckity heck i’m referring to, here’s a picture:
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i dont wanna give away too much because your first idea is something somewhat similar to something that happens in part 6 of the peepaw chronicles,, but let me sit down and put my bib in for your other idea
honestly i think seeing his bunny in like ANY type of uniform would get Will going. He normally only ever sees you in your pajamas when you come over or nothing at all so seeing his bunny in something more dolled-up is a pleasant surprise. I can also see a scenario in which he totally finds out about your little job totally by accident
like because he shares the CEO position with Henry in their businesses, they often get ppl that invite them out to lunch to try and butter them up and sell them something or get them to sell part of the franchise. One day during the middle of the week where will doesn't get to see you normally, missing his lil rabbit like always, he and Henry get invited out to some cheap diner at the other end of town themed like the 50s
Will isnt very impressed by this and neither is Henry, but they decide to go anyway because the other ppl might have smth interesting to offer them. The diner was kinda slow anyway, so why not?
but oh my GOD?? imagine Will's surprise when he sits down with the group of men, and none other than his sweet little bunny comes out in such an adorable little outfit to take everyone's order. William has to try and remain professional, and act like he's never met you before, but damn it's hard. It gets really hot in that diner really quickly, and very uncomfortable to sit down. He can see you trying to save-face too, acting like you don't know him and aren't embarrassed to have your job ousted like this. But it only adds to Will's excitement.
Why would you hide something like this from him, bunny? There's nothing to be embarrassed of.
He can only hope you get the hint when he gives you a look before excusing himself to the bathroom.
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tuskicles · 11 months
i'm not into burping like that, but seeing as you are, thought i'd share a lil sumn😌
lately, as in like the last month or so, my bf has releasing absolute belches in my face whenever he feels like it, in like a jokey sort of way. i play along and pretend to be disgusted by it- i'm like indifferent to it lmao, maybe because i'm so attracted to him gross shit like that doesn't phase me? (pretty boys who are nasty>>>>)
but anyway, yeah the way he's been like shamelessly burping like an inch away from my face, even if we're in front of our friends he does it to me unapologetically lmaoo; even if it's a smaller burp he makes sure to push it out close to me to draw a reaction from me (but most of the time they are the loud thick ones)
oh might as well tell you ab him farting in front of me for the first time too lmaooo
the first time we were on facetime actually, he was in the middle of talking, explaining something to me i can't remember what and then i just heard this high pitched squeaky sound that lasted like 5 seconds. i just assumed it was something else, but when he stopped talking and like smiled slightly it was obvious it was a fart😭😭 it was pretty funny and he wasn't that embarrassed about it, as he continued speaking soon after like nothing happened.
the second time was at my house,, we were chilling on my bed a bit after eating dinner (which is why he was so gassy ig). we were watching some movie i think and then that same similar high pitched fart broke the silence. i then ofc laughed and teased him about it and he was also laughing but kinda shrugged it off like "what?? its just a fart" type of thing
anywayy sorry this ask is so long💀💀 hope you've enjoyed it though,, would love to be mutuals so we can dm about how hot gassy men are and talk about scenarios (which i might even write) bc i need to like rant with someone abt it lmaoo
If i had a man that pretty to do those things to me I'd probably be so happy 😭😭😭 like im starting to get more of into burps again and for some reason the thought of like- a guy burping in someones face just to annoy them is pretty damn hot to me and I don't know why.
Tho- I definitely understand that you aren't into that sort of thing. I'm kinda picky about it but 👁👄👁 man it's something else imo. Also any pretty boy that is nasty has my heart bc good god I love m e n that are attractive and gross HAHA
Normally if a guy I like or love (if we are like friends or dating) rips ass I'd get flustered or super blushy but I play it off by playfully ripping on him (not in a rude way ofc! Just jokin around kinda sense yknow)
And no ur asks can be as long as you want them to be!! Im all ears and im welcome to chat at almost anytime about gassy men and whatever in general 😭😭😭 i need more gas friends anyways so I honestly don't blame you LMAO
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sophroniaa · 4 years
Perfectly Lovable
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(just quickly wanted to say a huge thank you for the love on "Admiring", it honestly means the world to me. 🖤 & aaaalso, this might turn into a two parter if you like it?? idk)
Word count: 1,3k
Trigger warnings: Mentions of alcohol, being hungover
You wake up the next day, hungover to say the least, trying to deny the real reason as to why you got so drunk in the first place.
It had struck later in the afternoon and you were sitting in the backyard with Rook, enjoying the afternoon sun before it would set and the degrees would start dropping for the night. You had all been having a lazy day. A few of the guys even just starting to come back to life after last night's party. It hadn't been too long since you'd gotten out of bed yourself, feeling too hungover to move. Your thoughts wandered back to the night before, trying to remember what had happened past midnight… you came to the conclusion that the night could be rounded up very easily, as you'd been way too drunk since most of the night came up as a thick fog. The throbbing headache only proving your mental point further.
"It's been a while since I drank that much…" You mumbled to Rook, which only gained a snort in return. "Tell me about it." He chuckled as an answer to your statement, also thinking back to the events of the night before. "Have to say you took me by surprise when you challenged me to a tequila race." He said after a few seconds of silence, the images from the night before playing clearly in his mind. 
The new information caused you to push your sunnies further down your nose to look at him, eyeing his facial expressions trying to see if he was fucking with you. You covered your face with your hands in slight embarrassment when you realized he wasn't. "No fucking wonder we feel like absolute shit today." You said shaking your head, no longer finding the aching body & foggy memories strange.
"Don't think I've ever seen you that drunk." He stated before taking another sip of his pedialyte. You leaned over and took the plastic bottle from him before taking a gulp of your own. A grimace quickly spreading across your face once the taste hit your tastebuds, holding out the bottle to read the flavor.
"Euw, you willingly drink the mixed fruit flavor?" You exclaimed, more than happy to give him the bottle back.
He burst out laughing at your reaction. "So you're able to down multiple shots of tequila with a straight face but pedialyte gets you?" He teased, smirking so big that his eyes squinted a little.
"Shut up asshat…" You mumbled before offering him a playful smile.
"You seen Kells today?" You asked instead, not sure if you dare hear anything else about your drunken state from the night before. You leaned your head back, letting the sunshine rest on your tired face.
Rook only shook his head in response. You could see from the corner of your eye that he sneaked a peek at you trying to read your feelings. "So…" He started to say before falling quiet, like he was debating whether or not to bring it up. "We gonna talk about why you got so fucked up last night?"
You leaned your head back again to enjoy the warmth of the sun whilst hiding away behind your dark sunglasses. "I'm good, Rookie." You said flatly, knowing exactly what he was trying to get at. "Not like I haven't seen him with other girls before."
Not like you hadn't seen him with other girls before wishing it was you in their place.
"I'm just saying… Even an idiot would connect the dots, he brings over his "new girl" & you, who normally don't drink much, gets absolutely trashed."
"That's not why!" You protested.
"Oh yeah, then why did you get so drunk?" He was quick to ask. "Enlighten me." His voice letting you know just how much he believed you, which would be about approximately zero procent. Deep inside, you knew you were crushing so incredibly hard on Colson. It was just easier pretending like you didn't. The palms of your hands would start to sweat just by the simple thought of actually telling him. You could only imagine standing right before him trying to explain the situation, to you that sounds like nothing but a bulletproof plan for a break down.
This caused you to sit in silence for a while, trying to come up with something smart to say… Reaching for anything, really. So far you'd been doing a horrible job at trying to convince him. To be fair, you were probably the one needing the convincing. However it fooled neither of you, no matter how hard you tried to deny stuff. When you came up shorthanded you sighed loudly, signaling that he'd won this time around as well.
Fuck models, switch condoms. You felt your heart thug a little, thinking about the constant variation of girls in his life. As of right now he was seeing a brunette model that you honestly couldn't remember the name of, not too long before that it had been a blonde.
You hated it.
How they would stride into his life chasing that bad boy fantasy, wanting a taste of the exciting celebrity world, being MGK's center of attention for a short while.
Something you hated even more was how they knew exactly what they got themselves into, only to become disappointed when he immediately didn't change his ways and grant their wishes by becoming a whole other person for them.
"You've got that look on your face again." Rook pointed out only to sigh dramatically when he realized you'd slipped deep in thought about Colson, again.
"Sorry, what?" You sat up, straightening out in your seat, coming back to reality after he had nudged your leg with his.
"I said, you've got that look on your face again." Rook repeated. You looked at him dumbfounded.
"You get a bothered look on ya face when you think of the constant switching of girls." Rook explained in a matter of factly tone. Trying to even out your furrowed forehead with his thumb to further prove his point. You were quick to shake your head.
"It's not that… " You said while hating how well he could read you, always knowing exactly what's on your mind. Part of you knew there really was no point in denying it, he could read you like a book at this point. In a desperate attempt at keeping your mouth shut you started to chew on the insides of your cheek, but unfortunately it didn't take long before you spoke again.
"I just hate how they exactly know what they're getting themselves into and yet still have the nerves to act disappointed, demanding this and that, ultimatums left and right… " You mumbled, picking at your nails. "Leaving him to blame it all on himself thinking he's a complicated man to love."
When in reality it was the complete opposite, perfectly lovable the way he is. He was in no way complicated if you saw him for who he was instead of trying to change him into what you thought best fit. Understanding how the things he had been through shaped him into his whole existence. He still had his struggles, but who doesn't? He put on a tough act a lot of the time, acting like nothing could get to him, sometimes even talking a big game, sure thing, but underneath all that was a mushy lil' Colson. A side to him he wouldn't show to just anyone, you had to connect with him. Vibe with him. Almost like he needed to make sure your intentions were good before he could let his walls down a little. He wasn't just an angry guy, shouting into the microphone at an impressive pace. There was so much more to him than the established MGK image.
Never had you met a more genuine or kind-hearted guy, so naturally your heart ached when you oh so clearly could see people taking advantage of that.
Bitches, news flash, this ain't build-a-man factory.
"Dude, just fucking tell him already!" Rook exclaimed, clearly becoming impatient with how you acted like you only saw him as a good friend. "You the type of girl he should be with. These toxic models ain't doing him no good."
"Someone to date him for who he really is, shows him patience and acceptance. Understands his issues and encourage him to get better." He saw the hint of uncertainty spreading across your face as he talked. "Stop that, I honestly think that equals you." He said, putting his palm on the left side of his chest. "You just need a little encouragement to get over your nerves." He teased.
You couldn't help but smile at Rook's encouraging words, loving how he always rooted for you no matter what. You reached your arms out to embrace him in a big hug, a way of showing your appreciation towards him. "Everyone needs a Rook in their life." You mumbled into his chest.
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Inspired by this post.
@royalnerd829 I know you wanted this, and small Roman was just to precious to pass up.
Hope you don't mind I added a lil' ship in there. (*cough* LOGINCE *cough*)
"Oh," Roman groaned, pouting, "-you've got to be kidding me."
On his cabinets highest shelf, was the icing he had been frantically searching for. For the past hour and a half.
Roman stared at it, squinting ever so slightly; as if he had mind powers to bring it down into his hands, to spare him from the embarrassment.
Virgil, the tallest, lankiest emo he knew, had been over that morning and probably had a scoop without asking.
Thing was, Roman didn't know if he had done it out of spite or just because of his constant appeared height.
Roman had really, really, really short legs, compared to everyone he hung out with, and he hated it with a burning passion.
So, as long as another person was in his apartment, Roman always wore a pair of significant height-atlering shoes.
Whether it be a pair of stilettos, thick-bottomed boots, wedges, or just heeled dress shoes, not a single person saw Roman without something adorning his feet.
And nobody ever asked about it either, which was pure bliss.
With all that being said, his barefooted self could not reach the shelf --not even on his tippy toes--.
"Princes are-" Roman pulled himself up onto the counter, "-elegant! What kind of "prince" has to get all up on the grimy counter, to reach the top shelf?"
Grabbing the icing, he chastised himself, "I'm much better than climbing on a counter. I am worth so much more than-"
A knock echoed throughout the house, it was quick, clear and precise without any hesitation or uncertainty.
It was calming sure, but it still made Roman jump and knocked the icing right out of his hands, busting it open onto his fantastic hardwood floors.
Roman growled at himself, sliding off the counter with a swift gesture and begrudgingly leaving the mess for future Roman to fix later.
Clearing his throat, he spoke with his normal tone, "Just a minute!"
Slipping on his --somehow heeled-- house shoes, he adjusted his hair ever-so-slightly and prepped for whoever had decided to visit his house at... 1:30 on the dot.
Opening the door, Roman was caught quite possibly by the most attractive man he had ever laid eyes on. He was tall (a big check on Roman's list), perfected hair, and rectangular glasses that captured his eyes --which were a deep, dark, ocean blue-- perfectly.
Roman was in a trance, this was quite possibly the best day of his entire life.
The man, who seemed a little confused, spoke, "Hello, I'm Logan. I believe we've been discussing plans on rental services? No?"
Roman furrowed his eyebrows, "Logan? Um, I'm not sure I've ever..."
He paused, this was the biggest romance cliché in the entire world, he was not going to lose this subtly elegant yet awkward man of his dreams: no, no.
"I don't think I've ever talked with you directly, I'm sure I would've remembered that face... but-" Roman gestured inside, "-please, do come in."
Logan pursed his lips, "Are you sure? If you're uncertain, I might just be at the wrong door. Which is easily fixabl-"
Roman tapped his chin, compromising, "How about, if you're comfortable with it, you just come in until we can figure that out? I can lead you in the right direction, if you wish."
Logan hummed, a little uneasy, Roman could tell by the fidget with his tie and how he kept adjusting the paper in his hands.
Roman chuckled, winking, "I don't bite, I promise."
Logan cleared his throat, "It would be beneficial, I suppose. As long as I'm not... intruding on so-"
"No, no-" Roman spoke, holding back his flirting because this situation didn't feel entirely appropriate for that, "-I'm not busy! We can work this out quite smoothly with the both of us, don't you think?"
Logan nodded, sitting where Roman had pointed earlier in the conversation; but not without handing him the paper that he had gotten for the shared rent.
Roman glanced over it, each word matching his apartment, him, his email address, and even right down to his phone number.
He arched a brow, trying to understand this; or rather, how this happened.
Just until, he got a ding on his phone; "Oh, I'm sorry, let me just-"
Emo Nightmare: yw, princey
Roman hummed, nodding, "So, all of this is accurate; I am Roman, this is apartment 134, and I do have an extra bedroom. But, I'm not the one who put up the signs. My friend, Virgil, did."
"Oh." Logan frowned, "So you're not looking for a roommate?"
Roman bit his lip, looking at the man before him: this is your chance for a lifetime of romance, just like the movies.
Come on, Roman! One cute roommate couldn't hurt, right?
"Not initially," Roman answered, "-but you're welcome to stay, if you'd like? We can work out our own plans, or go through what my friend suggested?"
Logan paused, "That would be satisfactory. If you don't mind, I have an inquiry."
"About the apartment? Or?" Roman asked, with a but hope on his tongue and a flirty smirk.
"Well," Logan continued, unbothered by Roman's advances, "-why would your friend get you a roommate? If you were fine on your own and didn't need to split the rent, what was his point per say?"
"I'd say either to prank me, or-" Roman smiled, "-because I kept complaining about my absence of romance for the past 3 years. He gets sick of listening to me talk about the Prince of my dreams, I'd assume."
Logan's ears burned bright red, "So... he found me to be a suitable --ahem-- partner for you?"
"I believe so," Roman smirked once more, "-and I have to say, he doesn't have bad taste."
"Anyway-" Logan cleared his throat, "let's get planning."
So, Roman had a cute new roommate, which was a plus; but he entirely shut down every advance Roman tried to make on him.
Well, that's what he thought he was doing; he couldn't really tell with Logan.
Logan was nice enough, a little uptight if he was really honest, but their personalities didn't tend to mend well at all.
Logan studied a lot, and he preferred peace and quiet when he did so, and Roman was a music/theater major and those two didn't mend well.
Still Roman found himself relishing in Logan's presence, drinking up all the deep morning voices and sparkling, passionate eyes he could.
With these feelings abound and arguments on the edge, Roman found himself in a bit of a predicament almost everyday. Because he had to wear shoes essentially every second of everyday.
Because Logan was hot, and there was no way that Roman was ever going to let a hot man ever see his true height. Ever.
He was supposed to be flirty and confident, how as he supposed to that at an astounding 5'2?
So, he had a pair of some type of shoe by his bed every morning; and kept his shoes on all throughout the apartment until he went to bed that night.
Logan hadn't said anything about it, which Roman was grateful for. He would die of embarrassment if Logan ever even so uttered the word "shoe" to him at this rate.
Just until and early morning, Roman tumbled out of bed slipping on whatever shoe he left by his side and wandering down into the kitchen.
He was specifically wanting something sweet, a bagel maybe? Pancakes? Waffles?
Just until a smell wafted into his nose, sweet and a subtle sense of savory; it had smelt like a diner you'd stop by because of all the good reviews.
It smelt... professional.
And sleepy Roman was entranced, so his feet kept moving and his nose led the way.
Thing was, Roman hadn't paid attention to which shoes he had adorned, and he hadn't been extra cautious with his steps because of it.
He got to the kitchen, squinting at the figure just across from him with a sense of curiousity and true childish wonder. Because god, did that smell good.
If that was Logan, he swore he would marry him on the sp-
"Greetings, Roman-" Logan hummed, barely flinching at the presence of his roommate, "-I didn't mean to wake you. I was going to let you know when it was all finished, so you didn't have to wait. As that seems not to be your... best quali-"
Roman interrupted, "No, no hush, Nerd Alert. You had something going there for you, just look hot and cook."
"I-" Logan's ears were bright red, as he sputtered to respond.
Ah yes, this was the best part about Logan, he was so easily flustered, Roman reminded himself, just quietly watching Logan cook, and he can cook. That's a plus.
Roman watched the sun frame his face, and his glasses fall just a tad bit farther down on his nose. It was truly, truly entrancing.
"Roman? As much as I imagine you enjoy staring at me without blinking for 5 minutes straight, I'd just like to let you kn-" Logan looked up at him and stopped, squinting at him for just a second.
Roman could've sworn that he was checking him out, which was incredibly... exciting. Until, he watched Logan's mouth quirk up, just as he focused on Roman's feet.
He was going to cry, to truly die of embarrassment; he hadn't even honestly remembered what shoes he put o-
Logan asked, quirking an amused brown, "Why... Why are you wearing hot pink stilettos with your silk robe at 7 in the morning?"
Roman bit his lip, shuffling slightly to the left behind a kitchen counter, "I-I have no idea what your talking about."
Logan smirked, and Roman felt himself go weak in the knees; he was confident, and Roman found that way, way too attractive.
"You know," Logan switched off the stove, with a stride towards Roman, "-it's kind of offensive that you'd believe me to be so... ignorant? I'm much smarter than you think."
Roman flushed, his heart practically bursting out of his chest, suddenly getting defensive, "I... I said no such thing. Tha-That's preposterous!"
Logan leaned in, "Don't play dumb, Princey. Since the moment I met you, you've never existed without a pair of heeled shoes. No matter what time of day, or what outfit..."
"I-It's just-" Roman stuttered, taking a few steps backward, "It's just a fashion statement. I don't even understand what you're proposing! Can you even- you don't have any evidence."
Logan was confident in every step he took, and Roman could feel the control slip from his fingers, "Roman, it's no use. I know you wear heels because you are incredibly short. There's truly nothing to hide."
"Pfft," Roman spoke, shakily, "-as i-if."
"It's a shame, truly-" Logan rolled his eyes, roaming in so close to Roman's face that he could feel him breath, "-that you don't embrace your height."
Roman was a little on edge, he wouldn't lie, but he was curious, so he asked, "Why is... that?"
Logan smiled, standing up straight again with a flirty gleam in his eye --Roman swore he was going to faint at this point--, as he walked just past him, "I've got quite the thing for those of short stature actually, shortie."
This was probably the first time Roman would ever be proud of his height; and it was only the beginning.
Who knew a guy you've been crushing on for months on end, could say one thing and change your whole world, huh?
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pokefanbri · 4 years
Found out something about myself today. The type of anxiety I have is called social anxiety? My breathing is rapid & I just shut down, & can't talk when someone is angry at me or raises their voice to ridicule me....an affect of being abused most my life, I can't help it when it happens & I cry, but I can take a moment after an ordeal to breath & recover. Working in a social environment probably isn't the best for me, but a rude customer is somewhat rare so other wise im fine. Does explain a couple factors of my previous relationship with my ex bf though, I didn't ever want to disappoint him but I felt I was a disappointment...it wasn't bad just a tiny bit of a bully 😅 but that's normal for him...was all it took i guess when it came to him cuz he was the 1 person I did care of what he thought of me...my anxiety just mainly crying & somewhat steadily constant. I don't get it though he was extremely mild compared to let's say my mom or my brother, he was great....but words hurt sometimes. But again I didn't want to disappoint....I couldn't be myself after a while, I was an emotional wreck just being empathetic....sensing the atmosphere & body language that I wasn't wanted & was just a bother...it is a very sad feeling being alone when someone's there. We clicked but not fully, I couldn't be comfortable & more so on edge with him than with my ex husband of which I dont think I ever cried. idk completely what it was but at least I know what causes me to panic & uncontrollably cry 🥲 as long as I know I can try to control it better. I let people get to me more than I should, it hit me more with him cuz I really do care about him more than anyone, so I sought for his approval & fell short..and felt worthless. He does this all the time & did it to me technically...though not the only solution either 😒, he taught me something valuable that I forget sometimes, whenever there's a person u can't deal with use the ban hammer or block them....its not like a stream or social media though when they're right infront of u 🤔 its more difficult to manage.
Social anxiety is a chronic mental health condition in which social interactions cause irrational anxiety. For people with social anxiety disorder, everyday social interactions cause irrational anxiety, fear, self-consciousness, and embarrassment. Symptoms may include excess fear of situations in which one may be judged, worry about embarrassment or humiliation, or concern about offending someone. The exact cause of social phobia is unknown. However, current research supports the idea that it is caused by a combination of environmental factors and genetics. Negative experiences also may contribute to this disorder, including bullying.
The more I find out about myself, the more I can better it as long as im aware of it, it can be helped at least a lil bit. I can learn to better deal with it. Many things affected us & contributed to our downfall but we still had fun together nonetheless as best friends do, I fell too hard maybe...I treasure the time we spent, & I place him close to my heart forever. He's worth it to me, the only one I've loved more than anyone else, unforgettable. Getting my heart broken by him showed me the depth of my heart. I ain't ever loved no one liked that. We didn't work through our issues, but that doesn't mean we can't learn & grow from our experience & try our best wherever we go next 💖
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