#but i was planning on rewriting it from Mac's pov lol
charmac · 7 months
DUDEEEE pls more dennis pov ive seem posts of u saying its gonna be macs pov for a while but omfg i loved the chapters where its dennis’ so bad
It's not that I don't enjoy it, but that I think the audience being in Dennis' head too much is... a little dangerous. Sometimes I write stuff from Dennis' POV and then re-write it from Mac's (the beginning of Chapter 9, for example, was originally Dennis' POV).
So, it's unfortunately more of a narrative decision on my side to keep out of there. There's is always potential to go back, it's just trickier for me (and more spoiler-y for you) to give Dennis' perspective on things. How do you build angst if the reader is aware of both sides! I have yet to figure that one out, but the night is still young.
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