#also any chapter they fuck for real i gotta write from the top so tha too limits things
charmac · 7 months
DUDEEEE pls more dennis pov ive seem posts of u saying its gonna be macs pov for a while but omfg i loved the chapters where its dennis’ so bad
It's not that I don't enjoy it, but that I think the audience being in Dennis' head too much is... a little dangerous. Sometimes I write stuff from Dennis' POV and then re-write it from Mac's (the beginning of Chapter 9, for example, was originally Dennis' POV).
So, it's unfortunately more of a narrative decision on my side to keep out of there. There's is always potential to go back, it's just trickier for me (and more spoiler-y for you) to give Dennis' perspective on things. How do you build angst if the reader is aware of both sides! I have yet to figure that one out, but the night is still young.
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dayasbun · 5 years
Fame - Angus Cloud (3)
Summary- a luckily timed audition leads to you falling for your new and unexpected co-star.
Warnings- okay HI welcome to my first multi chapter series woah?! this is actually so exciting for me like wow especially since angus doesn’t have any fics yet im just really really excited- so warnings! smut for sure, bad words, lotsa fluff, angst- everything in one basically. here comes a ride and I hope you enjoy :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 {reading now}
Well, needless to say you got the role.
The final run through with Drake was successful, he started spewing off about how talented you were. You did your usual which was smile and nod, and Angus told you to "Stop being so shy mamas. You gotta get used to this."
Time flew as you turned in forms, focused on moving closer to set, and grew your social media audience. It was all exciting but also overwhelming, however you already loved it.
You and Angus seemed to be getting more comfortable with each other, the tension was wearing off and a simple friendship was forming. The luxury apartment you were moving into for when filming ceased was conveniently just a few doors down from his apartment, you two were going to be in the same complex. You talked quite often and filming hadn't even started yet, and you almost felt silly for feeling intimidated, if that was even the word, by him before. He'd offered to come over to help you move in- and even though the tension had faded, your {sometimes} inappropriate thoughts of him hadn't.
But today was the day everything kicked into gear, because today was the first day of filming.
You and Angus decided to meet up at a small, locally owned coffee shop before heading to set. You could both go together, and since he offered to drive, you could save some gas.
You got there early, you two were to meet at 7:30 am, you were there at 7:25 due to leaving time to dodge the traffic. Angus came through the door yawning at 8:17- due to oversleeping.
"Do you always do this?" you laughed sliding a donut over to him as he sat down across from you in the booth.
"Do what?" he asked, eating half of the donut in one big bite.
"Are you always late- like on set? Because most of my scenes are with you and I-"
"You think ahead a lot, I just like sleeping, you should like it too you feel what I mean? Sleep is just that bitch...if there was a girl like sleep then I would have a girl."
Half of the time the things Angus came up with made zero sense to you, but you always just agreed and moved along. For example, yesterday night he called you at 12:32 am just to let you know that the Frosted Flakes box had 'of corn' in small writing under the bold logo. You said you'd never noticed that- which was the truth, and then that led to him telling you the complete history of Mandela effects. You didn't get back to bed until 1:54.
"And to be fair Y/N, you kept me up last night with that Mandela effect shit." he said with a smirk as he finished off the donut.
Your mouth fell open as you rolled your eyes "Boy as if! You wish I-"
"So you quoting 90s movies now? That's new, don't really know how I feel ab-"
"Lets go," you shook your head standing up and tossing your coffee cup into the garbage.
You two walked out and into the warm LA air. "You read the scripts at all?" He asked you as you headed to his car.
"I did! We have a lot of scenes...some are quite different."
"What you mean? Not boutta lie I didn't read anything past the first episode cuz them other shits too far away."
"Well, sex is always a given in Euphoria."
"Yeah them nude scenes finna make me feel a bit violated if you know what I mean."
"You'll be fine, all you show is your ass but I have to-"
"Oh shit I gotta show my cheeks? For real? On television- aw nah I gotta talk to somebody about tha-"
"I have to show everything except my baby maker so...who really has it worse?"
"Yo' baby maker? Is that them gorgeous eyes cuz it sure does make me want to make a baby wit' you."
Was that a joke-
He did this alot. You never knew if he was actually flirting or if it was just him joking around, but you always assumed it was the latter.
"Was that a...was that a joke from you Angus? How rare!"
He flipped you off with a goofy grin at the next red light and you laughed. "No all jokes aside though Gus, I gotta show my whole body, titties and all. Like my parents are going to watch this how do I? Explain?"
“Well we can fuck wit’ all that when we get to it.”
“Oh baby...” You said sarcastically. “You didn't actually read the first episodes script did you?”
“What you mean?”
You pulled the script from out of your tote, clearing your throat before you started to read. “Jess looks at Fez with a gleam of interest in her eyes. ‘Its been awhile tiger’ she says in a certain way, a way that makes Fez adjust his- yeah I’m not reading that- ‘It has’ Fez says biting his lip. He wants her, but he doesn't know if she wants him too...he thinks she doe-”
“We gotta have sex the first episode? Nah you lying.”
“Episode 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8.”
“Holy shit what?! Aint nobody have that much sex last season...”
“Yeah but its because of our storyline. Jess and Fez constantly want each other and they think the only way to let it out is through sex- they are both terrible with commitment and Jess is afraid of Fez’s dealing; even if she wants to be with him that's keeping her away.”
“Damn, my manz Fez gettin’ the short end of the stick.”
“Jess is the only one getting a short stick Angus.”
It took him a minute to understand what you said, but as soon as he comprehended it his eyes widened. “Girl no you didnt- you know I’m packing- how you gon’ do me like that?!” he said defensively as he parked. You couldn't help but to laugh as you hurried out of the car. “Imma get you back for that!” He yelled after you. You shook your head and walked to the main trailer where everyone was to gp.
Walking in you saw only Z and Storm, Queen Bey played softly in the background showing the girls in front of you were in their element. “Hey girl!” Z said giving you a quick side hug. “Dont worry about being late, its all good. You came with Angus didn't you?”
You nodded whilst rolling your eyes and took the key she was holding out, walking back out and to your trailer.
The trailer was cozy, comfortable and not too small. It had quite a modern look to it, and the look on the outside didn't match the inside at all. You smiled as you sat on the sofa, seeing a white envelope on the glass table. On it was scribbled ‘Angus and Y/N’. Before you could get up to go over to his trailer, he walked in- no invitation, no knock, no anything. “Gee!!!! Good thing I wasn’t naked!” You said sarcastically as you glared at him.
“Yeah whateva. We gotta read this letter together I guess.” He said plopping down beside you.
“Yeah yeah okay, I can read it out loud.” You said cracking open the envelope and pulling out the bright white printer paper. “Okay here we go...it's from...Drake?”
“Ah shit.”
“Don’t worry yet, it's probably just- let me just read.”
Angus nodded and got more comfortable on the sofa as you started to read. “Angus and Y/N. On behalf of your upcoming roles I wanted to tell you guys to loosen up. Theres alot of sexy time to film, and I don't want the viewers to feel the sexual tension from Angus and Y/N, I want them to feel it radiating from Jess and Fez. Make kissing casual, make being naked around each other casual too. Don't make that shit weird. And Angus, make sure you can get it up. If it takes...oh-” you stopped for a moment.
“What?” Angus looked at you and you cocked your head to one side still inspecting the letter.
“Okay- here, he said: If it takes walking around each other unclothed then do it, take care of that tension between you two. I could feel it in the final run through, meaning that the viewers would be able to sense it as well. I'm only saying all this cuz its your first time filming together. I need art, not high school production shit. You guys have the passion, and you click. But there's something missing. Make the fuck out and get this show on the road. I'm always a call away if its not working out-- Drake.”
“Well damn. What he tryna say?”
“Angus it's clear what he's saying- I mean come on I feel the tension between us too, and I don't know what it is but hes right, whatever it is we need to get over it, and move on from that. This is business- an art form we have to work through. Ight?”
“Ight. So what I’m hearing is we gotta make out and get naked.”
“We aren't doing anything until ya girl takes a nap.”
“How you sleepy we just got here and you woke up 3 hours ago?”
“Listen man it is not my fault I only got 4 and a half hours of sleep-”
“SO you tryna say it’s mine?!” “It is! With your mandela effecr loving ass.”
He chuckled under his breath. “Okay okay, fair. But lemme sleep wit’ you.” “What? Why?”
“You the one that read the letter, we gotta drop this tension lil mama. And if we legit just sleeping, ion see nun wrong wit’ it, do you?”
You thought it over, and he had a point. There was nothing wrong with it, sleeping is sleeping...and besides, you two would have to do much worse.
“Whatever, come on.”
“Let’s go to my trailer though.”
“What? Why? Ion wanna walk come on Angu-”
“I can carry you then. But my place more homey, you just got here and your bed ain’t even got sheets.”
Damn, why is he always right? “Okay fine but carry me.”
He hunched down in front of the sofa “Get on my back and we can go.”
You grabbed your phone getting onto his back and holding on tight, your arms around his neck and your thighs squishing his sides. “Go go go!” You giggled, feeling safe as you rested your chin on the top of his head.
He ran to the trailer, causing you to laugh and hold on even tighter. Dropping you onto the bed, he looked around the small trailer-bedroom for more covers.
“You know girl,” he said looking into the closet “You kinda cute. How you was laughing out there had my heart beating fast and shit.” He found a throw and turned back around to ask you if it was good, but you were already out, completely sound asleep, and cuddled into a pillow. “Damn so you ain't hear none o’ that huh?” He sighed. “Probably better on my end. Can’t be catching feelings and shit.” He covered you over and lay beside you.
In your sleep your body detected the body heat, so you unknowingly turned over, cuddling into his chest. A smile formed on your lips as you moved closer, practically wrapping yourself around him.
The man sighed placing his lips to your forehead and leaving a light kiss. “Yeah. No catching feelings.”
@nikkixostan @melaninmarvel @celiajrs @siriuslycollins
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goffilolo · 6 years
Demsie of Midoriya Izuku part 12
And finally, after a long ass wait I present to you chapter 12, the longest chapter I ever wrote. It was a bitch to write but i hope you enjoy it. You can also read the fic on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11557743/chapters/34511609
Once again Izuku found himself on the hospital’s rooftop. It was a rather nice day, if one doesn’t count the catastrophe of a family reunion that took place mere hours ago. Although for someone who was admitted to the psychiatric ward after taking a jump from the top of a school building, the staff sure didn’t have any trouble leaving Izuku unsupervised out here. To be fair he WAS currently stuck in a wheelchair and the fence here was much higher and much sturdier than the one in his school, so yeah, fuck the hospital staff, they won’t even let you repeat your mistakes.
...Definitely not something he should say out loud in this place, lest his sweet release form goes to hell and he’s gonna be stuck for the rest of eternity in a white room with no doorknobs and a very unimpressed Shin.
Where was he?
Oh yeah, he was on the rooftop smoking a cigarette that he stole from his dad’s pocket while hugging him. ‘That is definitely a new low, even for me’ thought Izuku while trying not to choke, as his lungs resisted the offensive smoke. He never understood why people would start smoking, the stench was impossible to stand, the coughing was straight up annoying, not to mention the underlying knowledge that you’re basically giving yourself cancer. He never understood, but the curiosity was there, which is why when he felt the outline of the cigarette pack in the pocket of his father’s trench coat he thought to himself ‘Life is already so goddamn weird, this might as well happen’.
And it did.
Unfortunately his musings were interrupted by a sudden slam of the door, followed by a disheveled looking Shin.
“I am disappointed on so many levels, I don’t even know where to begin” said the doctor in his typical stone cold bitch fashion upon noticing the offending cancer stick in his patient’s mouth.
“Usually ‘Izuku, what the fuck?!’ is a good start-” replied the boy, as if he wasn’t struggling to breathe mere moments ago. And maybe, just maybe he would’ve managed to sound as smug as he hoped for, if it wasn’t for the coughing fit immediately interrupting his comeback.
“Alright, THAT’S IT!”
With that Shin stormed over to his patient and snatched the cigarette from his mouth and stomped it with his foot, while smacking Izuku on the back in a panicked manner.
The doctor continued to shout hysterically through Izuku’s cough attack “Goddamnit Izuku! You can’t just suffocate like that!” he continued to smack the boy on the back.
“Aaagh, I don’t even know how to do first aid!”
Fortunately for the two the coughing fit finally let go and all they were left with was the sound of their laboured breathing as the panic slowly dissolved.
Eventually Shin sat down on the bench with a grunt while looking off into the distance as both him and Izuku simultaneously let out a long, tired sigh.
“What a day, huh?” asked the boy, his voice hoarse, his ears not expecting an answer.
The doctor finally looked down at the crushed cigarette as he extended his hand in Izuku’s direction and made a grabby motion “C’mon, hand the rest of them over” he said “Don’t think I’m so naive as to think you don’t have more.”
The teenager mumbled something under his breath as he begrudgingly handed over the cigarette pack.
“The lighter too!”
Once again Izuku complied, albeit not without throwing Shin the dirtiest glare he could manage.
“Where did you even get those?” asked the doctor, eyes full of concern and curiosity as he looked over the cigarette pack in his hand.
“Took it straight outta my dad’s pocket when I gave him a hug” said Izuku in a nonchalant fashion hoping to get a kick out of the good doctor.
Now THAT left him baffled “You stole cigarettes from your dad who’s WHAT? A spy? Secret agent-”
“Mom said he’s technically a mercenary” corrected Izuku.
“-A mercenary!” exclaimed Shin, his voice once again filled with panic “Without being noticed! I don’t know whether to be impressed or concerned” he said as an afterthought.
“Please be impressed” said Izuku “I don’t ever get to impress anyone.”
“You’re insufferable!”
“Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself” replied the boy.
“Anyway what are you doing here all by yourself? Don’t you have Mrs. Todoroki to bother? asked Shin, motioning to the wide, empty rooftop.
“Not until four. What about you, weren’t you supposed to be managing a group of very angry people trying to get their shit together?”
“Don’t change the topic. I want you to tell me why did you decide to smoke. You know how unhealthy and disgusting those cigarettes are? asked Shin as he shook his head in disapproval.
“You know what they say” joked the boy “Suicide for procrastinators!”
Oh, he shouldn’t have said that.
“You know, it would be a shame if your release form accidentally fell into a paper shredder, wouldn’t it?” asked Shin with his trademark unimpressed tone and face of a disappointed mother.
“Fuck you Shin! We both know you wouldn’t be able to put up with me that long. Now spill the tea cause you sure as hell ain’t here for a smoking break” said Izuku. As much as Shin annoyed him at times, he could appreciate  the banter between them. He never had that with anyone else, which made him wonder if Shin’s questionable level of professionalism would be a problem, although the man did tell him a story of how he had to fist fight his way into getting a medical licence, so maybe being professional was overrated.
“Look Izuku, I’m not supposed to be telling you these things, due to the patient confidentiality but - Fuck it! - you will never believe who came to the group anger management session!” and here goes the remains of Shin’s professionalism, taken to the back alley and shot in the head by his thirst for drama.
“Endeavour?” asked the boy, eyes full of hope, mischief and murder.
“You wish! No, it was Bakugou” exclaimed Shin in his suburban gossip mom voice.
Now THAT was way more interesting than his smoking habits. Fuckin’ Bakugou Katsuki in anger management? Everyone and their grandma joked about him needing it, but it was also equally known that it wouldn’t happen.
Did the Bakugou Shitshow really affect him that much?
“And what was Kacchan doing there? He got lost or something?”
The good doctor looked uncertain. He knew he overstepped the boundaries long ago when it came to Izuku’s case. He never meant for it to happen, it just came naturally, but now with Bakugou as his patient as well he would have to start being impartial for the sake of both of them and whatever remained of his professional conduct.
His initial impression of Bakugou based on what Izuku said wasn’t the best to say the least. But Shin knows he needs to put those feelings aside if it means helping Bakugou in making a personal progress and amending for the things he did in his misguided superiority complex.
...That being said a little gossip never killed anyone.
And maybe, just maybe telling Izuku of Bakugou’s progress could help them both in some way. Time will tell.
“Surprisingly no-” said Shin “He came to the session on his own accord from what I could tell. Now, you should’ve seen his face when he realised I was going to be the one running the session. It was priceless!” laughed the doctor as he waved for Izuku to come closer.
“Fuck, this is better than those shitty telenovelas of yours. Tell me everything. How did he look? What did he say?” asked Izuku, firing of the questions in a child-like excitement that used to be so typical of him before the fall.
“Now, as I said I can’t say much about the session itself, but he will be coming back for one-on-one sessions, so you might end up bumping into him” warned the doctor.
“Oh FUCK NO! You gotta let me in on your schedule so I can avoid that!”
“You’ve been snooping around my office recently, shouldn’t you know my schedule already?” asked Shin, not even bothered about Izuku’s not-so-subtle snooping around confidential paperwork, because sometimes things be like that.
“First of all I have no idea what you’re talking about” said the boy, trying to feign ignorance, although his need for sarcasm took over relatively quickly “and second of all, even if I did I wouldn’t have looked at your schedule, only the official evaluation notes you submit to the board. Gotta stay updated on the shit you tell them about me.”
“You know what-” suddenly Shin was interrupted by a beeping sound coming from his pager. He took a quick glance at the device to check the room number.
“Well, it was nice talking, but it looks like Mrs. Todoroki needs me” announced the doctor as he stood up and adjusted his glasses, readying himself to return to the ward.
“Hey Doc! Wait up, i was gonna go and see Mrs. Todoroki anyway” said Izuku, trying and failing to make a rotation in his wheelchair to get to the door. Eventually Shin turned around and took a hold of the wheelchair’s handles, pushing Izuku into the elevator.
“For all the talk about elevator music I don’t think I’ve ever been in an elevator that played any music. Like are they ever real, or are the just some cryptids?”
“Izuku I wish you came with a mute button”
“Thanks, I get that a lot”
The rest of the elevator ride was silent. It was a good type of silence though, one that didn’t indicate tension or left either side feeling the need to fill ssid silence with useless chatter. More often than not Izuku found himself feeling quite content in the company of the eccentric doctor, Mrs. Todoroki, the gossipy four-armed nurse and Fuyumi-neesan. Over the years as his quirkless status left him isolated, the only silence Izuku experienced was the lonely, unfulfilling one. Now though, despite the situation he’s in, the boy can safely say that the past six weeks in the hospital felt better than the past ten years of his life.
“Ok, that’s just sad” said Shin, interrupting Izuku’s thoughts.
“You were mumbling again” he explained.
With a quiet ‘DING’ the elevator door opened and the doctor stepped out, followed by the quiet, metallic screech made by Izuku’s wheelchair. Just as the two were rounding up the corner in the direction of Mrs. Todoroki’s room, Izuku bumped into the bespectacled doctor as he abruptly stopped in his tracks.
“Shin, what the-”
The doctor quickly backtracked and peeked out from the corner they were standing behind. Izuku wasn’t sure what startled the doctor, but it must’ve been serious.
“Psst, Doc” whispered Izuku “why are we hiding?”
“He’s here…”
Izuku couldn’t believe his ears. He rolled the wheels forward as quietly as possible to take a look, and sure enough, an angry looking trash can on fire known as Endeavour was standing in front of his wife’s room, accompanied by Fuyumi-neesan who looked somewhat panicked as she tried to calm her father down. Izuku quickly turned back and looked at Shin.
“Shit! he can’t be here. He’s only going to upset Mrs. Todoroki, what do we do?” asked the boy, his protective side taking over.
Izuku has grown very fond of the gentle woman, who suffered abuse at the hands of her husband along with her children. He could never understand how anyone could bring themselves to hurt her, yet here he was, faced with the very monster who did. He wasn’t a hero, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t help her.
“I’m pretty sure she called for a doctor to scare him away. I can’t tell him to leave without a reason, so we must do something to provoke him” mused Shin, the cogwheels in his head turning.
“I’ve got an idea” exclaimed Izuku, as loudly as he could without being overheard by the nearby flaming garbage can.
Shin felt skeptical, understandably so “Go on” he said nevertheless.
“We go out there and I start screaming like I’m batshit crazy, that will throw his off his rhythm. Then I grab a phone book and start hitting him with it, cause you know, phone books don’t leave bruises. While I do that you attack him from behind and hit him in the head. Once he’s out we take him to a secondary location and before you know it BAM someone’s gonna find him dead in the back of a trunk with his hand sticking out of the taillights three days later!”
Shin did not look impressed.
“Why-” he said, and if it wasn’t the most desperate and resigned tone Izuku has ever heard.
“Why are you like this?”
“What do you want me to say?” shrugged Izuku “The TV in the common room has access to Netflix.”
The doctor sighed once again, he expected nothing, yet he still managed to be disappointed.
“Look, I’m on board with the whole batshit crazy screaming, but none on the ‘found dead in the back of a car trunk’, deal?”
“So, do Do I just push you out there?”
“Ok, but how crazy are we talking?”
“Forever-quill level of crazy”
“Jesus. Alright, let’s do this”
With a newfound resolve, the doctor once again grabbed the wheelchair handles and pushed his patient forward to do what had to be done.
Immediately Izuku started screaming like his life depended on it, while Shin schooled his expression to remain as impassive as possible. He’s sure they made quite a sight. Fuyumi looked over her father’s shoulder, very confused at Izuku’s behaviour, but Shin quickly mouthed ‘play along’ as discreetly as possible, to reassure Fuyumi and not have their charade given away.
As soon as the two got close enough Izuku started to shout nonsensical threats and insults at the man, hoping to antagonize him enough to get an aggressive response and get him kicked out.
“You fuckin’ pile of wombat shit!” screamed Izuku, trying to sound as angry and insane he was back during the quill incident.
To his credit Endeavour was so surprised at the sudden insult that he didn’t have the time to get angry straight away.
Although, being Endeavour his anger caught up to him rather quickly.
“I KILLED GOD IN 2007 AND YOU’RE NEXT PAL!” screamed Izuku in a vicious manner, which cased Endeavour’s beard to light up in his signature flame.
He promptly turned towards the doctor, who seemed unusually calm and quiet despite handling an apparent lunatic “Aren’t you going to do anything about him?!” he asked, barely concealing his fury.
As always Shin managed to remain cold and professional when needed, which mostly occured when he had to bullshit his way through something as he answered the flaming man.
“Sir, as I’m sure you are aware this is a psychiatric ward, and this kind of behaviour is common in a lot of our more...unstable patients, so please try not to aggravate him further for his own wellbeing. On that note please put out the fire on your beard, as it is against our health and safety protocols to have any flame inside the building, otherwise I will have to get you removed from the premises.”
“YOU HEARD HIM, BEGONE THOT, BEGONE!” screeched the boy, waving his arms around in a chaotic manner, while Shin gently patted him on the head as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
By this point, Endeavour barely managed to put out the fire on his beard, gritting his teeth in fury only a step away from snapping, while Fuyumi did her best not to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.
“This is UNACCEPTABLE!” shouted Endeavour, once again addressing the doctor, seeing as there wasn’t any chance of talking sense into the insane teenager in the wheelchair.
“You know what’s unacceptable?” asked Izuku, in an eerie calm voice as he looked the man straight in the eye, for the first time not hiding behind the curtain of insanity. He thought of all the things Mrs. Todoroki told him, all the things he has gathered from his hero analysis as he gave the man the sharpest, most cruel  glare he could manage.
He managed to catch the man off guard once again.
“It’s unacceptable how a swine like you is still walking amongst us. You think you’re so smart? You think I can’t see the coldness and cruelty oozing off your heart?”
“Listen here boy” snarled Endeavour as he took a hold of the wheelchair and got right up in Izuku’s face “I don’t know what is going on inside that crazy head of yours, but you better stop that right now, before I get really mad!”
Izuku tried to swallow down the fear as he felt the heat radiating off the man’s beard once again. ‘It's for Mrs. Todoroki’ he told himself. He was so close.
“Or what?” asked Izuku with a smirk, his tone getting dangerously low and quiet so that only Endeavour could hear him “You’ll beat me like you did with the rest of your family?”
Bam! Critical hit!
Which was ultimately followed by the man snapping and violently grabbing Izuku in his fury.
“ALRIGHT, THAT’S ENOUGH!” exclaimed Shin as he motioned for one of the nurses to come over “Sir, you’re conducting yourself in a violent manner and threatening my patient, I am removing you from this ward, as well as banning you from any future visitations.”
The doctor and the four armed nurse both moved to pull Endeavour away from Izuku, but not before the boy has spat in the man’s face, wearing the most shit-eating grin to have ever graced the humanity.
As he was being dragged out, the angered man spared one last glance at the green haired boy in the wheelchair.
“Just you wait Endeavour” called out Izuku as he flipped the bird to the fuming man “This isn’t over. When I get out I will make your life living hell! I will set the whole world on fire if I have to!”
The man glared at the teenager, as his whole being became an embodiment of the wrath itself.
“This isn’t a threat-” said Izuku “-It’s a promise.”
Soon enough there was no Endeavour in sight and so Izuku turned to Fuyumi who at this point was barely holding it together.
“It’s ok, the trash was taken out, you can laugh now.”
Fuyumi doubled over almost immediately laughing harder than she ever did before. She felt hysteric, cathartic, so many things at once. No one has talked to her father like that, it was an amazing sight to say the least. Fuyumi knew that her father’s anger wouldn’t pass quickly after something like that, but for now she wanted to enjoy his defeat.
In the meantime Izuku wheeled himself closer to Mrs. Todoroki’s room and knocked on the door “He’s gone, you can come out now!”
The door opened as the white haired woman walked out hesitantly. While she wanted to laugh along with Fuyumi, her fear of Endeavour and concern for Izuku’s safety took over.
“Izuku, are you alright?” she asked, gently grasping Izuku’s face, turning it from side to side looking for any injuries.
“I’m fine, he just grabbed me suddenly at the end, but then I spat in his face and Shin and Ms. Shouji pulled him away” replied the boy, hoping to calm the woman down. Izuku himself was buzzing with energy, the encounter left him feeling a rush of adrenaline.
“I’m sorry” said Mrs. Todoroki “I didn’t want to drag you into this. I only called for Dr. Iyashi as a last resort, since I didn’t want to be alone with Enji.”
“It’s not your fault” replied Izuku as he hugged the woman in what he hopes was a reassuring manner “I wanted to say a few things to this bastard for a while. This was as good of an opportunity as any” he chuckled.
“As soon as I heard your voice I became so scared, I was so scared he would hurt you, just like hurt me and Shouto” she sobbed.
Shouto. Mrs. Todoroki’s youngest son. Izuku talked to the woman quite often and so he had a good grasp on the situation of the family. She talked about Shouto a lot, more often than not riddled with guilt, as she told over the same story of how she snapped and spilled boiling water on the child’s face, because it reminded her so much of her husband. The same story of the strict ‘training’ that Shouto was forced into by his father when his quirk manifested. The same story of her child, whose dream to be a great hero like All Might was shattered in a manner much different, yet just as brutal as Izuku. It was probably the first and the only time in Izuku’s life when he was glad to have been born without a quirk.
One day he was going to meet Shouto. He was already elbows deep in the Todoroki’s family drama, might as well go all the way. But that’s for later. Now he needed to comfort the woman who became like a second mother to him.
“I’m okay, you’re okay, he can’t hurt us anymore. Shin kicked him out of the hospital for good. He won’t be allowed to visit anymore.”
Speaking of Shin, the man just got back up from the reception, after having to escort the angry man out of the hospital and banning him from making any more visits.
“What you did-” he said while pointing at Izuku, still trying to catch his breath “-was the most stupid thing I have seen in my entire life. Do you have no self-preservation instinct?!”
“Thought so”
“C’mon Shin, don’t be so stiff, it was epic! I talk shit to Endeavour, spat on his face and got him kicked out of here. This couldn’t have been better!”
“Perhaps so, but still what did I tell you about being more careful?”
“I don’t know Shin, what did I tell YOU about not expecting miracles?”
“Dr. Iyashi!” called out Mrs. Todoroki “Thank you for helping me, and I’m sorry that I’ve put you both in this situation.
“Please don’t trouble yourself with it, it was about time this man got banned from here and as much as I’m furious with Izuku right now, he did do a splendid job in getting him kicked out” said Shin, wiping his glasses clean as he tried to give Izuku a reprimanding glare, although the effect wasn’t the same when he had to squint.
“Ok, cool! Now that this shitshow is over, how about we go to the common room and watch some Netflix?” asked Izuku.
“I wish I could, but I’ve got work to do” replied Shin.
“Don’t be like that Doc. WE are your work, you’ve gotta look after us so get your ass to the common room and look after us like a good doctor you’re supposed to be” said Izuku, already turning in the direction of the common room.
“Ugh, fine! But don’t think you’re off the hook after the stunt you pulled at the roof today” exclaimed the doctor as he joined his patient’s side and ruffled his hair.
“Wouldn’t dream of it!”
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