#but i'd also code in a compatibility factor
isekyaaa · 1 year
I really want to one day make a typical otome game and spend a good amount of time advertising it. All the romance interests are clearly laid out. I'll release demos and character sheets. I'll make sure everyone knows the characters very well and which one they want to go for, so when the game comes out, everyone will know what to expect. And for the most part, everything does follow their expectations. Once you know what to do, getting the love interests to fall is easy. That is, all until they get to a certain route.
It first starts off weird when they don't appear where the guide says they're supposed to. After a few reloads, you finally find them on the complete opposite side of the map. But... there seems to be something off about them. They're not smiling like how they did in all the advertisements. And when you try to appeal to them, they react in disgust.
You try to follow up with them, but they're never in their favorite places. You find out in a rude awakening that they hate the gifts the game guide promotes. The more you try to capture their heart in the way you should, the more they come to hate you.
Eventually you get the bad ending, so you try your hand at him again. You begin utilizing the quick save/quick load option more and more. You make sure he responds well to every interaction you have with him. And at first, it works great. But slowly, things begin to change. He begins to avoid you. He regards you with suspicious eyes. In the end, you get a bad ending once more.
You try again and again with different combinations, but no matter how much you try, you can't get the good ending. Eventually you get fed up and decide to throw caution to the wind. You decide not to follow any otome logic anymore and decide to respond to his interactions how you would in normal life. And without even realizing it,
You get the good end.
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