#but i've literally rewatched it every day since thursday so
sakuraspoke · 22 days
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ophelliate · 9 months
rambling about bootleg and the domino au because i can
Omfg I have so much to say about the bootleg fic that I can barely put into words.
Like I'm gonna put this in the notes for next chapter/episode but these comments are literally giving me life. I have a bad habit of not commenting on much myself but seeing all the love is so invigorating. This is my first ever fic; I've only been in the fandom for like two months, and people like it this much? Mind-blowing really. I'm forever grateful for those who stick around.
I'd also like to shout-out my friends who witnessed me entering into mania after finding out and learning how to code html just so I could get this silly fic up on ao3. I was laughing hysterically every time it was mentioned.
Speaking of bootleg episodes though, I got about two (2) things:
1.) I'm literally so excited for the first half of the season. It seems like I'm very much motivated by what makes me laugh when it comes to screenwriting and the season 1a episodes is basically just all goofs; they make me giggle every time I think about them. As of right now, episode 2 is finished with only coding needed to be done, and I've just gotten started on episode 3.
And I also whipped this up last night to share here.
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Plot synopsis'! For the rest of the season's first half at least. Each episode has something special to them, at least in my eyes, so I hope they're a treat for everyone else as well. I'm looking to release episodes on late night Thursdays since it was nice to see comments appear throughout the weekend, so look forward to SPORTS! Any% this Thursday at around 10/11pm EST!
2.) Uhhh yeah y'all are getting 14 episodes now.
The added episode will be in the back half of the season. At first I thought it'd be too boring of an episode for kids until friends told me it'd be hilarious and I was also reminded of similar episodes I rewatched a lot as a kid myself. The main goal of this fic after all is to make this like something I'd see in my childhood memories.
I don't want to give too much away for the second half of the season, but be ready for cats, guidance counselors, and a possible Twilight parody.
But okay okay, time to talk about the Domino AU:
This project really came to me on a whim just last week, like I felt a little inspired after watching Mutant Mayhem for what I think was the fourth time. Soon will be five times.
While I said I focus on comedy for my screenwriting, I can very confidently say it's rather the opposite with my prose. A lot of original fiction novels I wrote in high school focused on tragedy and angst, and the domino au definitely matches that previous catalogue. It won't be as angsty, I'll promise you that much, but it's definitely the yin to bootleg's yang.
I'll probably post an actual infodump/proper summary of the AU next week, and release a one-shot around Halloween time. But any main fic will likely be coming out after I finish season one of bootleg.
Unless I impulsively start a season two–
But anyways as you can see, mm has giving me so much inspiration. Honestly, if it didn't come out, I don't think I would've survived the summer, so I'm immensely thankful for its existence.
And if anyone read this far, have a nice day ^^
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