#but i. the workplace??? speaking w my boss formally???
srta-minutes · 3 years
Form ORC-75 (Romance, Office, Non-Spousal)
pairing: loki/mobius rating: pg13 words: 1441 (unbeta’d) summary: mobius formally acquires a boyfriend. ravonna, formally, is very tired.
An optimist and pragmatist. That, generally, was how Mobius self-reported on TVA employee evals. Most people did not actually want to unleash that much malice upon the universe, and those who did were usually too ill-equipped to do so. Looking on the bright side and then looking at the facts when the bright side suddenly evaporated: this was Mobius M. Mobius, top analyst at the Time Variance Authority, in a nutshell.
So while he knew that, yes, technically, he and Variant L1130 were manipulating the shit out of each other, he chose to look at the silver lining. So the flirting was inevitably for gain, sure. Loki was a black hole for all the praise and admiration that Mobius was willing to give, yes. But underneath all of that manipulation there was some semblance of real affection, wasn’t there? And at least no one was getting hurt, right?
“You’re becoming way too attached to that variant, Mobius.”
Mobius paused with the tumbler of extremely vintage bourbon midway to his mouth.
“Which variant?” Mobius asked innocently.
Ravonna’s stare was one of cosmic, timeless, omniscient exhaustion.
“Okay, okay,” said Mobius, taking a strengthening gulp of the bourbon and putting the drink down on the side table. (On the coaster.) “So we’re finally going to talk about it. I’m sure you’ve heard so much. The scuttlebutt around here is the stuff of legends.”
Ravonna sighed and reached for a stack of tan manila file folders on the coffee table and swept one open with her hand.  She was ready.
“Hunter L-12 filed a conduct complaint with regards  to ‘openly flirting’ in the mess.” She leafed to the next page. “Anderson in Dimensional Analytics filed a conduct complaint saying she was unable to use the West Dome elevator. I’ll not expound on why.” She shuffled through several more pages, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, and perhaps my favorite. Inappropriate use of standard-issue TVA batons. Filed by Hunter B-15.”
Mobius pinched the bridge of his extremely broken nose. “Come on, B-15. I thought we were buds.”
“Mobius!” said Ravonna, slapping the file shut. “What in time were you two using the batons for?”
“Listen, it was Loki’s idea—” Mobius shrugged, feeling himself reddening. He didn’t want to say that you can prolong a lot of wonderful sensations when you’re moving at 1/16th time. Ravonna didn’t need to know that. “And hey, just putting it out there? The West Dome elevator has been broken for time immemorial.”
"The only reason,” Ravonna said, closing the case file and ignoring him, “that we’re allowing that variant to walk around un-pruned is because he’s helping you with a case. And while nothing you’re doing is technically against the rules—”
“—Which I’ve read. You know I love rules—”
“—It seems like everything that you two do together has nothing to do with the case!” Ravonna leaned in. “ A case about a variant who is still killing our hunters. Every week we lose minutemen and every week I have to sign a mountain of paperwork for you with nothing to show for it. I need you to stop playing around.”
“You know, Ravonna,” said Mobius, also leaning forward, elbow on knees. “I feel like I don’t ask for much here. I don’t think I complain about much, do I? I always go by the book, I put in overtime, I don’t ask for more benefits. I haven’t cashed in on my vacation time in Lord knows how long. And not to brag, I’m one of your tap analysts, have been for years. Yes, we haven’t caught this particular variant but with this Loki—look at the results. My numbers are through the roof! We’re finding variants left and right; we’re stopping nexus events before they’re even happening. We are outperforming in every sector, ever since that Loki showed up. And if I’m being honest, he actually helps me think because he doesn’t think like the rest of us. We need more of that in the TVA.”
He thought he made some pretty good points. He reached for the bourbon on the table while Ravonna kept staring.
“Mobius, off the record,” she said slowly. “Have you ever been seduced before?”
Ravonna handed him a handkerchief to mop up the bourbon that had dribbled out during his spit-take. Mobius coughed.
“Has anyone in the Authority ever been seduced?” said Mobius, recovering. “Is anyone here even capable of that?”
“Variant L1130 manipulating you!” she shouted. “Making you feel good by getting in your pants, helping you slam dunk cases so we think he’s an asset, and then he’ll use whatever knowledge he’s been slowly acquiring to unleash hell on us and the entirety of time.”
“He won’t,” said Mobius, standing up. “I’ve given him plenty of chances. Variant  L1130—Loki—wants to catch this guy just as much as we do. And if I’m being real with you, Ravonna, I think he might actually like being at the TVA. Because he might actually like being around me. Since apparently, I’m the only person in the universe who doesn’t think he’s a lying scourge. He’s a beautiful singer, Ravonna, did you know that?”
Actually, Mobius did not stand up and he actually said none of that out loud. But he felt it in his mind very strongly. He might stupidly be falling in love with the god of mischief but he wasn’t stupid enough to yell at his boss. Also, no one else needed to know about Loki’s singing. That was a special thing for him.
“This one won’t run. I assure you.”
Ravonna stared back at him. Then she rolled her eyes and slapped a very thin folder onto her lap. It only had one sheet in it but she stared down at it like it was 300. It was a browning sheet of paper that looked as old as the TVA.
“I have to do so much paperwork for you. Paperwork to not prune this loki. Paperwork for you to go on your cute little apocalypse dates ("calling them dates is a little much—") And now. Paperwork to let you have a boyfriend.”
Mobius stared. “What?"
"I'm filling out a form so you and your Loki can make out and not be swarmed with conduct reports, Mobius." She was filling in lines on the document with a fury. "You're partners. I have about 20 hunters under similar dispensations. You should be under probation for being romantically engaged with anyone non-TVA. But since this Loki technically works for the TVA, this paperwork allows for a temporary partnership.”
He suddenly recognized the sheet from upside-down. He gawked. “Form ORB-75. Workplace Romance.”
“Form ORC-75,” Ravonna corrected. “Non-spousal. Though if you want to get hitched I can make it spousal. But the TVA only recognizes temporal marriages that have witness in three dimensions. I have no clue if Loki is on speaking terms with his family in any of them. Why am I even telling you any of this."
She slashed her signature into the form and handed it to Mobius. In faded twelve point courier new the paper read:
Well, gosh
, that was
, he thought staring at the word temporary. He thought briefly of Loki during that avalanche on Ganymede in 3074. Loki had pulled him through the time portal just in time, and they landed on top of each other, panting, covered in snow and panting. 
“Spectacular,” said Loki, grinning. He pulled Mobius to his feet. “Outstanding. Mobius, I think, I could do this forever.”
Mobius brushed a dusting of snow off of Loki’s jacket. “You promise?”
Loki met his gaze and the grin simmered down to something less giddy. “Who would I be if I started throwing promises about?”
“It’s okay if you don’t mean it,” said Mobius. “You know I can tell when you’re lying.”
Loki smiled and let his fingers trail up Mobius’s chest to the knot of his tie. It didn’t need straightening but he fixed it anyway. “Then I promise you, Mobius M. Mobius. It’s you and me. Forever.”
Mobius stared down at the paper. He knew this setup couldn’t last for all eternity. Time must come for all things, he thought. He was a pragmatist, after all.
Nevertheless, he signed as an optimist. 
Ravonna got up and placed the form in the out-tray on her desk.  “You’re dismissed.”
“Thank you, Ravonna. Like, so much. This really means a lot.”
“Dismissed, Mobius,” she sighed, sitting down at her desk.
He picked up his stack of paperwork and walked to the exit, letting the silly grin creep on his face. Then he turned around at the door.
“So your options were pruning the Loki, taking me to HR, or me signing the Workplace papers?”
Ravonna put a pen down. “No HR, and of course I wasn’t going to prune that Loki. Mobius, your numbers have been through the roof.”
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alwaysmychoices · 3 years
I’m replaying book one and I was thinking what if Ethan had turned up to their housewarming party? Feel like doing a head canon/Fic ? 🤩
“House Party”
Synopsis: Tonight, Charlie and her friends are throwing a house party to relax after a tough week at work, and all Charlie wants to do is relax and have fun. She never expected to see Ethan Ramsey at the party, and she certainly didn’t expect to spend the night talking on the roof with him...
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x MC (Charlie Greene) (prequel to A Weekend w/ Dr. Ramsey Series)
Choices Story: Open Heart (set during book 1 house party)
Rating: Teen
Words: 3.5k
TW: discussions of workplace sexism
Thank you for this ask! 
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Ethan Ramsey didn’t attend parties, and he certainly never attended intern parties.
So, why was he making his way through a crowded hallway to this one?
He was asking himself the very same question. Of course, it was Naveen’s fault. Only a few hours earlier, they’d been sharing dinner in Ethan’s apartment. Over a glass of brandy, Naveen ordered Ethan to attend. Ethan initially refused, but with enough pressure, Naveen succeeded in manipulating his friend into attending.
Naveen said that he wanted Ethan to make more friends in the hospital, so he should go. Ethan suspected Naveen was up to something, but he hadn’t figured out what.
The second Ethan stepped through the apartment’s front door, he felt old.
Almost everyone was at least a decade younger than him. They moved through the crowded space with ease, and they stared at Ethan with apparent displeasure and shock. Ethan didn’t recognize the song playing or even the drinking games happening around the room.
He shouldn’t be here.
He resisted the urge to run away as fast as he could.
He could see whispers ripple through the party. Everyone knew he was here anyway. He was determined to stay for a while just to prove himself.
Pushing past a group of drunk pediatric interns, Ethan searched for the bar. He knew that the alcohol would be cheap, but he hoped it would be strong enough to ease his discomfort.
He didn’t recognize most of the attendees. Most of them were residents from other departments. The few attendings were young and interacted with Ethan rarely. He knew the nurses but only professionally, so he felt strange walking up to them now.
Ethan wondered who lived in this apartment. Should he be greeting them? Was he supposed to bring a bottle of something to thank them for their hospitality? Were they his interns? Would it be weird if he talked to them here?
Speaking of interns, he saw one of them.
His favorite, arguably.
Charlotte Greene.
She was in the middle of the room, surrounded by a crowd of people that seemed to adore her. Like the rest of them, Ethan felt captivated. Outside of work, she was different. Softer, more confident. Less afraid, certainly.
And… well, beautiful, too.
He already knew she was beautiful. Even sleep-deprived and dressed in frumpy scrubs, she was pretty. But nonetheless, seeing her so stunning now was shocking. He almost felt guilty for the thought. Like his mind was overstepping some professional line – a line that frequently felt faint with Charlie.
He liked her too much.
She was too similar to him. Too talented. Too promising. Too kind. And far too friendly.
She was dangerous but in a way that was easy to keep away.
But tonight, as Ethan approached her in a crowded party, she seemed… enticing. Impossible to ignore. He couldn’t stop staring. He even had an urge to talk to her.
He was close enough now that he could see the man standing next to her.
Bryce Lahela. A surgical intern. Very promising from what Ethan’s colleagues said.
And he was all over her. Lahela’s arm hooked around Charlie’s bare midriff, keeping her pulled tightly against him. His fingertips dug into her skin, squeezing her skin as he whispered into her ear. She bit her lower lip as she listened, and he finished whatever he said with a kiss on her lower jaw.
Ethan hated it. He didn’t want Bryce to flirt with Charlie, and he didn’t know why. Eventually, he likened it to some sort of protection instinct – like he wanted to protect Charlie from the wiles of some lothario.
Not that she needed his protection.
Or wanted it.
Charlie Greene knew precisely what she was doing. This was her party, and Bryce was her man for the evening. Though if Bryce wanted to skip out on their friends with benefits arrangement, she doubted she would have trouble finding someone to replace him for the night. Charlie never got to do this. She was always working. She never got to put up her hair, put on a push-up bra, and expose her skin. It was the first time since she moved to Boston that she got to have fun like this, and she was determined to do it all.
And she was.
She was the woman of the night. In her tight jeans and skimpy top, she knew she was hot. And finally, after months of ill-fitting scrubs and stressful work, she got to be hot!
Finishing off her beer, Charlie whispered her goodbye to Bryce and smoothly exited his arms to get herself another drink. She congratulated herself as he watched her walk away.
Everything was amazing.
She forgot she was an intern. She forgot about her tough job and her long hours and her shitty boss.
Until she saw him.
Charlie felt the color drain from her face as she came eye-to-eye with her boss from hell, Dr. Ethan Ramsey.
She was frozen.
She couldn’t believe it.
He was here?
He couldn’t be.
He wouldn’t go to an intern party! Who had even invited him?
As Charlie stared at him, she realized she had been frozen hunched over the beer cooler, meaning she’d been showing him her cleavage the entire time.
She felt like she was going to throw up.
He was walking towards her.
Suddenly, Charlie did not feel hot anymore. She was an intern again – and a frightened one at that. She felt exposed and embarrassed. And so fucking angry that her night had been ruined and that he might hold this against her forever.
All she wanted to do was feel hot! Not be held responsible by a sexist man for the rest of her residency!
“Dr. Greene,” Ethan greeted her and regretted it immediately. Why was he so formal?
It was really him.
Charlie stared at Dr. Ethan Ramsey in all his glory. Annoyingly handsome, as always. More awkward than usual. And thank God, not staring at her cleavage.
“What are you doing here?” Charlie blurted out.
Ethan was taken aback.
He didn’t know what to say.
“I was just-“ Ethan began but was cut off by Charlie.
“You shouldn’t be,” she said, the emotion high in her voice.
She didn’t trust herself to stay around him.
She was upset. Her night felt like a mirage, and the façade of the confident, hot girl had slipped away. She was angry and sad, and she just wanted to get away from him before he committed her skimpy outfit to memory.
She remembered the last time a male superior ran into her when she was dressed like this.
It had been her research professor. She saw him at a bar, and the look of disgust and disappointment was burned in her memory. He never treated her the same. From that point on, she was just a silly girl. He never gave her the good projects, nor any accolades. She moved to another lab at the end of the year.
Dr. Ramsey wouldn’t be the first man to allow sexist ideals to ruin her career. He would just have more power to do it.
Tears welled in her eyes.
She had to go.
Without another word, Charlie marched off, disappearing into a confused crowd that looked at Ethan with suspicion. They all wondered what he had done to her.
And Ethan wondered what he had done to her…
The sting of rejection prickled at his skin. Maybe he should have known that she hated him. He felt… silly for thinking otherwise. He was, after all, their evil, demanding boss. What had he expected?
He never should have come.
Ethan no longer felt the need to prove himself by staying at the party.
He wanted to go and give Charlie her party back.
Ethan tried to avoid others as he crept out of the party, but they stared anyway.
He let out a breath of relief when he made it out the front door. Seeing the line by the elevator, he headed towards the stairs.
He never expected to find Charlie.
There she was. Just trying to be alone in the stairwell, planted on the third step up as she tried to control the urge to cry. Once again, Ethan had found her in a place he was not wanted.
Now, it was his turn to freeze.
Should he leave without saying something? No, that felt wrong when she was visibly upset. But he knew she didn’t want to see him. She made that clear. What was he supposed to do?
Knowing it was probably the wrong decision, Ethan took a step in Charlie’s direction and said, “Are you okay?”
Charlie’s eyes snapped to him, suddenly alerted to his presence. The pain in her face shifted to disbelief. Was he everywhere now?
“No!” Charlie snapped, too shocked to control herself, “Men like you lose respect for women like me the second they see her as anything other than professional and virginal, and forgive me if I needed to leave so I don’t have to watch my career slip away because of a revealing shirt!”
Ethan wasn’t surprised she yelled at him. Frankly, he expected it the second he opened his mouth. But he was surprised at what she said.
He had never even thought of that.
Of course, he had thought of the revealing shirt – a thought he wasn’t particularly proud to have. But if he was disappointed in anyone, it was in himself. She was entitled to dress however she wanted outside of Edenbrook, and it no bearing on her performance. She could be a competent doctor no matter what she did in her free time.
“Charlotte, your clothing – and anything else you do outside of Edenbrook – have nothing to do with your competency as a doctor. It would take a true misstep for you to lose my respect, and I’m sorry if I gave you any impression otherwise. You shouldn’t have to fear that,” Ethan apologized earnestly.
He wondered who had mistreated her along the way – what sexist man had used his position of authority to impose his ideas of women’s role in society. He wasn’t sure what he could or should say. He couldn’t relate to the experience, and he didn’t want to cheapen or misrepresent it by trying to seem like some kind of savior.
An awkward silence followed as Charlie wrestled with his words.
Against her better instincts, she believed Ethan.
And even though the threat had passed, the overwhelmed feeling lingered.
“Well…” Ethan ventured, “Enjoy your night. I was just leaving.”
She didn’t know why she said what she said next.
Maybe she was thankful for reassurance. Or she felt bad for ruining his night.
Whatever it was, she said, “You don’t have to.”
Ethan was sure he didn’t hear her right.
“You don’t have to go,” Charlie explained, her arms wrapping around her knees as she tried to soothe the remaining fear in her chest, “We’re okay, so you can stay, if you want.”
Ethan thought it over, imagining the party left inside. He couldn’t stomach stepping back into the spotlight, and if he was going to drink alone, he’d prefer to do it in his own home.
So, with a polite shake of the head, he said, “I don’t think so. I’m not sure if the rest of the party would agree with you.”
Despite herself, Charlie cracked a smile.
He was probably right. She knew that if her friends knew she was inviting Dr. Ramsey back inside, they’d never forgive her.
But something inside her begged her to not let him go.
She didn’t want to be alone, and somehow, Dr. Ramsey ended up being the person here with her.
“I’m going to the roof,” Charlie announced, “You can come. I’ll bring alcohol if that makes it better.”
“You want me to come?” Ethan was shocked.
He liked Charlie, sure. He even thought that she could be a mentee one day, but he never expected she would invite him to share a drink on a roof. Was this something he should say no to? It crossed a line. But looking at her now, he felt like he couldn’t leave her alone.
So, against his better judgment, he agreed.
He had so many opportunities to back out.
But 10 minutes later, he was up on that roof with her, staring at the Boston skyline with a beer in hand. In the dim glow of night, Charlie was even more beautiful than before. Vaguely, he registered that he had never been in a setting this intimate with her. Something about that frightened him, but like all the times before, he didn’t know why.
He didn’t understand the pull to her, nor did he understand the accompanying fear.
A breeze interrupted his thoughts, bringing with it a gentle chill. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Charlie shiver.
On instinct, he slid out of his leather jacket, and he offered it to her.
Charlie stared at the jacket with mistrust. Why was he giving it to her?
“You look cold,” Ethan explained.
“Are you just trying to hide my cleavage or something?” Charlie blurted out, and she regretted it instantly. Her cheeks flushed a bright shade of red, and she promised herself to never talk about her breasts to Ethan Ramsey again.
“No, you’re shivering,” Ethan chuckled.
He was amused.
Charlie was both shocked and relieved.
And instead of acknowledging either, she took the jacket and accepted its warmth.
Another silence.
“So, why did you come tonight?” Charlie asked, deciding to satisfy her own curiosity.
“A friend insisted I come,” Ethan answered vaguely, taking a sip of his beer.
“If you have a friend in there, why did you look so confused then?”
“Oh, they didn’t come,” Ethan seemed humored by the idea of Naveen forcing him to come but ignoring the party himself.
“But they made you?”
“Yes,” Ethan affirmed.
Charlie hummed her confusion but asked no more questions.
“We’re throwing the party because it’s our first real night off,” Charlie explained, “And we wanted to make some friends who could commiserate with us. Every day, I feel more and more like a terrible doctor at work, so a successful party was supposed to improve spirits.”
“Terrible doctor?” Ethan repeated incredulously, and he scoffed, “No, you’re not. Young, yes. Inexperienced and naïve, of course. But you’re a good doctor. I knew you would be when I read your file.”
Charlie blushed, “You read my file?”
“You read my book!” Ethan tried to defend himself.
Charlie just smiled wider, and she averted her eyes to the skyline, trying to appreciate the fact that her hero not only read her file but approved of it. This was something out of a med school dream.
“You’re pretty far from home,” Ethan added. However, he released belatedly that he probably shouldn’t be so obvious with remembering the details of her residency application, “Not that I would have guessed. You don’t have much of an accent.”
“You look exactly like the kind of guy who grew up in Rhode Island,” Charlie teased.
“You know where I grew up?” Ethan was smiling, too. Like this was all some game where they admitted to knowing everything about the other. He felt close to her and free to say things he normally wouldn’t.
“Your bio is in your book.”
“Yet you didn’t know what I looked like.”
“I read your bio. I didn’t ogle a book jacket,” Charlie rolled her eyes.
Ogle. He was worth ogling?
“Besides, North Carolina is only a flight away,” Charlie insisted, just like she had to her mother when she moved to Boston a few months ago.
“Oh, and do you have winters in North Carolina?”
“We have mountains!” Charlie insisted, looking affronted, but she was still evading the question.
Amused, Ethan pressed, “And did you live in those mountains?”
“… No, I didn’t,” she confessed, “But to be at Edenbrook, I’ll brave any winter – no matter how cold and bitter.”
Ethan smiled. He liked her dedication, though he would also be entertained to see her trudge through the deep snow for the first time.
As they talked, Ethan began to see Charlie as more than a promising intern. He could see her on his team one day, by his side on cases. Her insight, though needing refinement, was rare. With his mentorship and connections, he was sure she would become something amazing – probably even surpass him.
They talked for what felt like forever. They both left a sip in their beer, not wanting to end the conversation by finishing their drinks. They talked about Boston, Edenbrook, their respective alma maters, and Ethan’s experience as an intern.
They weren’t best friends by any means, but… maybe they were friends?
Or at least they were acting like friends…
And there was a moment at the end of the night when they felt like… more than friends.
Finally giving in to the night, Ethan was walking Charlie down the stairs, and they were discussing their med school days. They were nearly at the door, and Ethan looked down at Charlie, watching as she laughed and told him a story about her sleepless nights in medical school. With her head tilted back and her eyes alight with humor, she looked… so beautiful.
Unbearably beautiful.
And all those dangerous feelings started bubbling up.
He liked her. He liked the intern. As a person and as…
Oh no.
He was trying to block out the thoughts as quickly as they came, but the urge was harder to ignore.
As they stood on the landing, looking straight at each other as Charlie finished her story, Ethan wanted to kiss her. He wanted to taste the lipgloss on her lips. He wanted to feel her soft, blonde hair in his hands. His thoughts were consumed with her.
And he was leaning closer.
He was too close.
Charlie noticed, vaguely.
She was still talking, but she didn’t care what she was talking about.
Because… she wanted to kiss him, too.
And when he finally stepped back, snapping them both out of the moment, she felt disappointed.
“I should get going…” Ethan said, talking mostly to himself.
“Yeah,” Charlie agreed, her voice soft as she tried to hide her dissatisfaction. Why didn’t she want him to go? “I guess I’ll just see you at work then.”
They worked together.
Ethan was her boss.
They both knew better.
“See you then,” Ethan nodded his goodbye, too afraid of his own impulses to give any other kind of goodbye.
As he walked down the stairs, Ethan thought to himself that Charlie Greene was very dangerous. He would need to be careful around her. Even if he didn’t want to…
From inside his cab, Ethan texted Naveen that he went to the party but that it was a failure of a night out. Yet, as he typed it, something inside him said that wasn’t true.
Charlie walked back to the party silently, wishing she was still back on the roof.
She felt ridiculous.
All she’d wanted was to be a hot girl in a crowded party, but now that she stood in the crowd again, she longed for the quiet company of Dr. Ramsey, a thought she never imagined she’d have.
“Where have you been?” Bryce called out, a drink in hand. A girl stood next to him, one he’d probably been flirting with only moments before, but he left her behind in favor of Charlie.
There were perks to their arrangement. Even if they were never going to be romantic, it was nice to have someone to pick you. But it didn’t bring her the usual comfort. Because Bryce was just casual sex. Most of their hookups were in the early hours of the morning when they hadn’t showered in days. All of their other interactions were just friendly.
They didn’t make her feel like she did on the roof.
“Oh, I ran into Dr. Ramsey, and we were talking,” Charlie tried to make it sound casual, and it was casual, wasn’t it? They were just talking, so why did it feel bigger than that?
“Boooo,” Bryce jeered, “Ugh, I can’t believe that jerk even came.”
“He’s really not that bad,” Charlie stood up for him instinctually, something she would have never done only a few hours ago.
“Ooooh,” Bryce grinned, “Do you like Dr. Ramsey?”
“No!” Charlie insisted defensively – too defensively.
“I think you do!” Bryce teased.
“The only doctor I want to sleep with is you,” Charlie asserted, stepping closer and wrapping her arms around Bryce’s neck.
Instantly forgetting his teasing, Bryce looped his arms around Charlie’s waist and pulled her flush against him, “Oh?”
“Mmmhmm,” Charlie murmured, her breath hot against his lips as she leaned in for a kiss.
“How about another drink and then back to my place?” he whispered, biting Charlie’s lower lip, and she agreed.
As she shared her final drink with Bryce and danced with her friends, Charlie was able to enjoy the rest of her night.
But something had changed. Something so small that she wouldn’t appreciate the significance for quite some time. But the thing was… she still wished she was back on the roof with Ethan.  
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A/N: I hope you liked this. When I started, I was super excited to go back to pre-Weekend with Dr. Ramsey and show some of the FWB with Bryce, but when I introduced the sexism plot, I got nervous. If this was done poorly or you think it just came off weird, please let me know and I’ll go back to it. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. Maybe I’m just too nervous because I loved the idea when I started, but once the writing started, I became worried.
But if you’re interested in prequel stuff, hmu! Also, my asks are open for cool ideas like this! 
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pointy-hat-witch · 5 years
Title: Are you going up or down? Series: Leap of Faith Show: Haikyuu!! Pairing: Daichi/Sugawara Summary: Office AU in which Daichi and Suga after getting stuck in an elevator late after work become friends and other shenanigans  :D A/N: the first part made me fall in love with the setting and I had to follow up on that! Hope you enjoy it!
You can read Chapter 2 on AO3 if you want to! :)
For a second Suga was frozen in place, taken aback. But he soon recovered.
"Kunimi-san, good evening. Of course, I have some time for you to spare." Suga leaned back and looked around briefly. The lights in Oikawa's office were still on and only one other person was still there. "But", he continued with slight confusion, "didn't Sawamura-san already gave you my answer?"
He heard Kunimi sigh deeply on the other line. "Regarding that ... incident, I would like to offer my apology."
"Excuse me?" Suga blinked a few times, even more confused.
"Our junior spoke way out of place and doesn't have any authorities to make these calls. He", Kunimi hesitated, "just wanted to do what he thought was best for the company."
"And I'm the best for you?" Suga chuckled. This was taking a turn he didn't expect.
"In some ways, yes."
"Well, thank you very much." Suga smiled. "What is there to discuss then?"
"Though Kindaichi spoke out of turn, the offer still remains. We want you to work with us." Kunimi said firmly but Suga heard the kindness in his words and not someone who would go to unreasonable measures to hire someone.
"Kunimi-san", Suga took a pen in his hand and drew aimlessly on a piece of paper, "Thank you very much for the offer, but I still have to decline. I'm very happy where I am." And Suga could say that without a hint of lying. He had worked here for about 4 years now and over the time he built friendships, earned his place and loved the work he was doing, despite some clients of hell.
"That is understandable." Kunimi agreed. "Still, we would like you to reconsider. Regardless of this offer, we would like more of your designs joined with our work."
Suga swallowed. "I am happy for every project I could work with you as being part of j-marketing."
The last person finally got up and grabbed their stuff, throwing Suga a glance and a wave goodbye. Suga nodded at him and looked enviously after him as he practically bolted out of the office.
"While I am more than happy to provide you with more projects from our side", Kunimi brought Suga back on track, "I would rather you work on these projects in mind that you could do this work with us always. For us. Of course", Suga could almost hear the confident smile, "we would pay you more than you are currently earning. As well as other benefits of our company. I think we could work out some great benefits if you’d decide to join us."
Suga huffed. "Again, thank you very much. I still won't change my answer." His piece of paper was now a picture of strange shapes, filled with ink. Suga tore it from its stack and threw it away. Hopefully, his pen wouldn’t be out of ink soon.
After a short pause, Kunimi relented. "I see that I can't convince you now. Then I want to formally invite you." He cleared his throat. "So, when we have the next project coming around for you, please stop by at our company so we can discuss the details further, only for the projects of course, and you can see for yourself how we work, the environment and so on."
Clenching his jaw, Suga remembered Daichi telling them that they had to have a good working relationship. A-J. might be small, but they were regarded with awe. They always worked on point, never had any negative publicity and worked for numerous prestigious clients. There were only a few instances that some enormous projects were overtaken by another marketing firm.
Suga could see the appeal working for them. They had always outstanding marketing strategies, worked earnestly and their own designs are always pleasant to look at. From a designer's eye speaking, A-J.'s designs looked always very well thought out. But, Suga often found himself thinking, there was something missing. However, the point was, no one should turn them down because of personal issues. It would only look bad and Suga would never do something to harm his workplace.
"I gladly accept your invitation, Kunimi-san." Suga started to power down his PC and packing his things. "So, if you have another project, I can help you with, please don't hesitate to contact me."
"I won't." Kunimi promptly replied. "Thank you for your time, Sugawara-san. Thank you for your hard work and good evening."
"Thank you, you as well." Suga hung up as fast as he could, not wanting to drag this out. It was already draining enough. With a sigh he leaned back, rubbing his face until it hurt. Suga wasn’t used to this kind of attention. He was just a simple person, doing his job and what he love doing it and the occasional validation and compliment was enough for him. Not this.
And there was the attention he craved. From people he liked and he wanted to like him back. Most of the time, they didn’t but he could live with it. But not with Daichi. It wasn’t even a week since they met and Suga felt already like a wreck. He knew what a crush felt like and this was a hell of a crush. Nevertheless, he didn’t know what to think about it. Did he want this to be just a silly crush on his boss or did he want to pursue it more?
Suga stopped rubbing his now hurting cheeks. They were warm from his hands as well as the thoughts that unintentionally came with thinking about Daichi.
With a glance, Suga saw, that the light was still shining under Oikawa’s door and after a moment of hesitation, he got up to walk over. He knocked on the door once and without waiting for an answer, he opened the door and peaked his head inside.
“Oikawa, you got a minute?”
Oikawa looked up from his papers, glasses pushed to the tip of his nose which he scrunched up a little. Suga using informal language with him was always an indicator that he needed someone to talk to, which Oikawa knew all too well by now. He threw one last glance at his papers and leaned back with a huff.
“Sure. If you don’t mind me working while you talk.” He mumbled and took off his glasses. “What’s up?”
Relieved, Suga went inside nodding and closed the door behind him. It always felt better to talk in a confined space he realized for himself. He took the same chair he did this morning and stayed silent for a moment. Oikawa looked him up and down and by the seconds, his face scrunched up.
“You know, Suga-chan”, Oikawa put on a fake smile that only appeared if he was getting impatient. He pushed his glasses back on his nose, leaning over his workspace, scanning the papers. “The thing about talking is to actually talk.” Suga could practically feel Oikawa’s exasperation. Good start, yeah. He made a mental note to take off some of Oikawa’s work soon. It was apparent that Oikawa was overworking himself, again.
“Yes, yes.” Suga sighed. “A-J. just called.”
Oikawa opted to stay silent but cocked one of his eyebrows. Suga rolled his neck and leaned forward, bracing himself on his knees with his elbows. This wasn’t what he was actually wanted to talk about but he needed to work up some courage, so this was his warming up.
“I wasn’t expecting them to call this early on.” He huffed slightly amused. “They offered me a raise.” Suga heard Oikawa’s annoyed sigh but focused on the desk before him. “They want me to come over to them the next time there is a project for them.” Suga felt like he was just forcing out these facts and he felt Oikawa’s eyes on himself. They both knew Suga was just stalling.
“And?” Oikawa demeanor spoke volumes. He wasn’t about to waste time talking about unnecessary trivia. Suga shook his head and shrugged, helplessly.
“I don’t know. I felt like … informing you?” He leaned back, again rubbing his face. Should he tell Daichi about it as well? Was it necessary info for him? Would he tell him what he should do and what not?
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about something else?” Oikawa pursed his lips, done with Suga’s stalling. Feeling caught, his ears and cheeks started to warm up. If he didn’t speak up now, Oikawa would be sure to kick him out of his office.
“W-what do you mean?” Suga cleared his throat, hoping Oikawa didn’t hear his stutter. Well, he knew Oikawa would but Suga could still dream.
Oikawa rolled his eyes, adjusting his glasses, and started sorting through his paper. “I don’t know, or rather you don’t want to talk about something but someone?” The emphasis on the last word, Oikawa grumbled.
Suga let out a loud groan which earned him a chuckle. He dropped his hands in defeat and with a small pout, crossing his arms. “And if I want to?”
Oikawa waved at him. “Then, by all means, go on. This was why you’re here, anyway. I just gonna do my thing.”
“You are too generous.”
“Aren’t I always?"
Suga huffed. He observed Oikawa for a few seconds who didn’t seem to pay Suga any attention anymore.
“Last week”, Suga began slowly, seeing no indication from Oikawa that he was listening, “I got stuck in an elevator after work. With Daichi.” Suga averted his eyes but he felt Oikawa’s intense stare on him. “We kinda talked, I mean, what else should we do? And we kinda … I don’t know. We talked about different stuff. I may have ratted you out a little bit.”
“You what?!” Oikawa gasped but Suga ignored him and carried on. “And … I don’t know how to explain this. We had a moment? Or two? Like, as if something was between us?” Suga bit his lips and remembered the evening all too well. “And I kind of thought maybe there could be something? You know, between us after that. But then we didn’t talk for the rest of the week, like, yeah, we probably wouldn’t have seen each other for who knows long if it weren’t for A-J. And then”, Suga exhaled as he replayed their lunch in his head. “We grabbed lunch together and it was really … lowkey? Like, we didn’t have any intense something like in the elevator or whatever, but it was … nice? Like, really, really nice and I kind of … I don’t know.”
Suga finally allowed himself a glance at Oikawa who stared at him in disbelief.
“Suga-chan, are you telling me, you have an office romance with your boss?”
“No!” Suga retorted a little too loud. “I mean”, he cleared his throat, “I think we are friends. Maybe.” He groaned again. “I don’t know what we are."
“And you don’t know what you want you two to be.” Oikawa pointed out with an annoyingly smug grin. Suga contemplated if opening up to Oikawa was a mistake. Oikawa, however, dropped his grin and shrugged, resuming his work.
“Why not talk about it? You are both adults and if you want something then it's best to just vocalize it and get on with it.”
Suga sighed. “I know, I know.” Of course, he knew. Communication was key and all this stuff. He knew it was best to just be upfront with his feelings and in being honest they could actually move forward in what direction whatsoever. But, on the other side, Suga wasn’t sure what Daichi wanted. Again, that was just something he could find out by talking to him. But if he said directly that he wanted them to be a thing and Daichi didn’t want to then it could lead to them just not talking to each other whatsoever. Like, Daichi could be put off by that. And Suga preferred staying friends with Daichi than not talking at all.
“But of course, you just gonna ignore that and do your own thing.” Oikawa huffed. “Sometimes I don’t know if you really want to talk or just vent. Next time I’m just going to sit here, and you can talk to yourself.”
Suga smiled apologetically. “Aw, Oikawa-senpai, that’s not true! You are always a great help.” Suga put a hand to his chest and for a moment could hold an earnest face but it broke into a chuckle shortly after. “No, really, Oikawa, thanks for listening.”
“Yes, yes”, Oikawa snarled, “put it on the list of how many favors you owe me.”
Suga laughed, finally feeling like some load had lifted from his shoulders. “Noted. You should actually call in some of these favors sometime, you know?” Suga pushed himself up from the chair, shaking his head at Oikawa’s papers.
“Don’t stay too long. You need your beauty sleep.”
“Excuse you?! I am naturally this handsome. Speak for yourself, you should do something to impress your Prince Charming.”
Suga felt his face heat up yet again and stuck out his tongue in response.
“Now, get lost. I actually have some work to do.” Oikawa waved at him and pushed his glasses back, which kept slipping down his nose, as he turned back to his monitor. Suga exhaled and left Oikawa’s office. He glanced at his watch, half past 6. Almost being in the office for 12 hours was not good for his health. He grabbed his suitcase and jacket and finally left the office.
This Monday was one of those special days once in a blue moon when Daichi could finally leave his office at around 5 pm, about 3 hours earlier than usual. It was also due to his thoughts going on a rampage and he didn’t feel useful staying longer than necessary. Moreover, since the first meeting the next day is only at 11:30 am, he vowed to himself to sleep in. And, therefore, decided to go to Kuroo’s bar. A beer or two would probably help to relax for some time.
It was still early, and it was an easy Monday evening, not many people were inside the small bar. Just a handful of office workers sitting at the counter and two tables were occupied in the back. That was what Daichi hoped for. He entered the building, nodding at Kuroo who was leisurely keeping his few customers entertained. The background was filled with quiet music, nothing compared to the upbeat rhythm at the weekend.
Daichi sat down on the stool farthest away from everybody else and Kuroo came over to him, a glass of beer in his hand at the ready.
“Kinda early, huh?” he chuckled as he put down the glass in front of Daichi. Daichi nodded and took the glass with a small “Thanks” and gulped down half of it in one go. Kuroo raised an eyebrow at that.
“You alright, bro?” he crossed his arms, then leaned closer, lowering his voice. “Your father?”
Daichi coughed. He hammered his fist against his chest, taking in a deep inhale. “No! No.” He shook his head. “I …” he trailed off and scratched his neck. “There is something I want to tell you.” He swallowed.
When Suga asked him, if Kuroo knew about the reason his father and he always fought, he felt a pang of guilt. He never felt comfortable, still didn’t feel comfortable with himself but Kuroo helped him through pretty bad times without even knowing the full story. And he told Suga everything right of the bat. That wasn’t right.
Kuroo looked at him with concern, not entirely buying what Daichi said. Daichi played with the rim of his glass, hesitating for a few seconds. “You know, my father and I argue a lot.”
“So, it is about your father?” Kuroo leaned on the counter, narrowing his eyes.
“Not exactly.” Daichi huffed. “It’s just … I never told you the reason why.”
That caught Kuroo’s attention. His eyes widened. “Well, I mean, I just assumed it was some private family stuff and company related things you aren’t allowed to talk about.” He shrugged.
“Not exactly.” Daichi retorted. “It’s more that”, Daichi looked around, searching for the right words. “I think, it’s more that my father has a personal issue with me.”
“With you? How is there a problem with you? Working hard, good looking, earnest, humble as fuck, it makes me kinda mad sometimes that you’re too perfect.” He snorted amusedly. Daichi gave him a lopsided grin.
“I’m trying to be serious here, you know?”
“I am, too!”
“Anyway”, Daichi waved at him, “the problem is that I-“ Daichi halted. Second guessing himself, he covered his mouth with one hand and rubbed over it. He took another gulp from his glass and gazed into the yellowish liquid.
“He has a problem with me possibly falling in love with a man.” He muttered under his breath. He closed his eyes and let out the breath he held in. Just saying it out loud felt relieving. His shoulders sunk a little bit and he emptied his glass before he looked at Kuroo again.
Kuroo had cocked his head to his left looking totally illegibly at him. “Possibly?”
Daichi swallowed. “Yeah, well, it could either be a man or a woman. I don’t know. Both could be a thing for me?” Daichi held his glass with both hands to stop them from trembling.
“So, you’re bi?”
“I’m what?”
“Bi? Like in bisexual?” Kuroo raised both his eyebrows, eyes glistening for a moment. “Wait a minute, you don’t tell me you don’t know what bi means?”
Daichi squinted his eyes. “Why should I?”
Kuroo let out a heartfelt laugh, holding onto his stomach. He hit the counter with his fist and a few other patrons looked over to them. Daichi’s face heated up at the scene. What was happening? Did he say something funny? At least, Kuroo wasn’t disgusted or mad or something. Or was he laughing at him?
“Kuroo, what the … Speak up.”
Kuroo chuckled and wiped away a tear. “I take it back, you’re just an adorable goofball. Nothing perfect about it.”
Daichi’s face darkened. “Just go on. Dig your own grave.”
“Relax, man.” Kuroo relaxed his hands on his hips. “You really don’t know?”
“That’s what I’m telling you.”
Kuroo sighed. “You’re saying, you could either sleep with a man or a woman, right?” Daichi nodded, slightly blushing. “That means, you’re bisexual. Simple as that.”
“That is a thing?” Daichi’s thoughts made a backflip, working on overdrive. He didn’t know what to think.
“How sheltered were you’re upbringing?” Kuroo shook his head. “You know what straight and gay mean, don’t you?”
Annoyance carved into Daichi’s features. “Of course.”
“You’re no special snowflake or whatever”, Kuroo waved one hand in front of him, “there are lots of other people feeling attraction to both.”
“Really?” Something in his chest plopped making him feel light. Kuroo seemed to notice the softening of his eyes.
“Sure, man. Nothing wrong with that.”
“Hm.” Daichi just nodded and looked back at his glass in his hands. His knuckles whitened at his tight grip.
Kuroo wiggled the glass out of his hands, walked over to the tap machine and fixed him another glass. Daichi nodded as a thank you and took another sip. That went better than expected. He wasn’t exactly sure how Kuroo would react, but this was the best possible outcome, he thought.
“Well, I’m bi myself, so”, Kuroo shrugged. “I just thought you weren’t interested in men when I flirted with you when we first met."
Daichi almost spat out his drink. He forced himself to swallow and looked at Kuroo in disbelief. “You what?!”
“So, you’re into men and dense as fuck. Explains a lot.” He hummed, nodding to himself. “But don’t worry, I’m over you.” He dramatically sighed. Daichi still looked at him with wide eyes. Slowly the heat crept back onto his face. This was the first time, another man openly admitted to flirting with him. That was new.
“You have no experience, do you?” Kuroo laughed again, but no menace just genuine fun at the situation. Daichi grumbled. He wasn’t here to be made a fool out of him.
“I mean”, he scratched at the counter, “I didn’t really have had many opportunities with my father and the company.” He grimaced. “Would be “bad” publicity, as my father said. And I … I wasn’t sure at first what this all was. I was … really confused.”
Kuroo hummed. “I think we need to talk about that some more but not”, he looked around, “here. You free this weekend? Come over on Saturday. I have the day off, Tora has the evening shift. We can have pizza and some drinks.” He crossed his arms loosely.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Daichi nodded. He never felt this vulnerable in front of Kuroo.
“So”, Kuroo leaned on the counter, both arms spread wide, a smug smile on his lips, “Suga, hm?”
Daichi blinked and felt his heart beat faster. “What? What about him?”
“Do you want to get into his pants and ask me for help, or why did you confess so suddenly?” His grin got even wider almost as wide as Daichi’s eyes opened up.
Kuroo laughed out loud and clasped at Daichi’s shoulder with one hand. “Your face … priceless.” He wiped away another tear. “But seriously, is this about him?” While Kuroo’s eyes shined a little more serious, his wriggling eyebrows still annoyed Daichi. He sighed.
“No. Not really, at least.” He pushed Kuroo’s hand away and the barkeeper stood back up, placing his hands on either side of his hip. “Remember when I told you how I was stuck in an elevator with another employee?"
Kuroo nodded slightly and his left eyebrow shot up. “Oh.” He grinned smugly.
Daichi shot him a glare to shut him up for any other comment. “So, yeah, that was Suga and I kinda”, Daichi gritted his teeth, “I had a bad day and I kind of spilled the beans and he just listened and stuff. And when we were here, he asked if, you know, you know? About my father and all this crap. And then I felt bad that I never told you just because I was”, his breath hitched, “because I was scared how you would react.” He mumbled out at the end.
It was not exactly loud, but there was still enough music and background talk that it was hard to understand what Daichi grumbled out. Kuroo observed Daichi with a weighted look.
“How long do we know each other?” His voice was leveled. Daichi thought for a few seconds and tilted his head.
“About 6 years?”
“Exactly.” Kuroo clenched his jaw just a little. “You should know me by now. Do you really think I would cast you out because of that?” Kuroo didn’t have to say it out loud but Daichi heard the disappointment and slight hurt in his voice.
“No, of course not.” He breathed out. Actually, Daichi had been scared Kuroo would abandon him but only for a little bit. Most of his fear was fueled by his own insecurities. He was afraid that if he said it out loud, told it to more people it became more real and had consequences. He wasn’t exactly sure what he thought these consequences were or how anything could get worse or whatever. It was just this feeling of anxiety that manifested in his chest whenever he thought about telling anybody about this. Probably, he had to admit to himself, this fear manifested when he told his father and his immediate reaction. He should have had more faith in his friends. He knew that, but still, this irrational fear of ending up alone never left.
“I’m sorry.” Daichi clenched a fist in his other hand. A second later he was smacked against his forehead. “Ouch!” he rubbed his face and looked up at Kuroo who shook his hand.
“Bullhead.” Kuroo grabbed two glasses from underneath the counter, grabbed one of the bottles off the shelf on the wall and poured some light brown liquid in them. He pushed one of them in Daichi’s hand and held up his glass.
“To no more secrets.” Kuroo’s mouth had his trademark smirk back on and Daichi couldn’t help but smile just a little.
“To no more secrets.” He shook his head as he clinked his glass against Kuroo’s and they both downed their contents in one go. Daichi coughed with one hand covering his mouth, tears shooting into his eyes.
“What the heck, Kuroo?!” he rasped, blinking against the blurry view. He heard Kuroo laughing equally raspingly before falling into a coughing fit. It took more than a minute for them to recover from their burning throats but afterward, they looked at each other and they chuckled.
Daichi stayed for about another hour, entertaining Kuroo whenever he wasn’t attending other patrons, nurturing just another glass of beer and replaying their conversation. It felt good. It was the right thing to do. It was just so exhausting to put himself out in the open. When Daichi emptied his beverage, he said his goodbye to Kuroo who confirmed that they would meet up again at the weekend to have an actual conversation. Daichi nodded with a grin and walked outside to grab a taxi to get home.
Subject: A-J. recruiting
Good morning Daichi!
Yesterday evening I had a call from A-J.’s design department. They were really nice and apologized for the rude behavior they apparently showed towards you. I got a chance to decline their offer myself. (◕‿◕✿)
They still want me to work on their projects and I was invited to come over for the next project.
I don’t know if this is important, I just felt like telling you.
Have a good day!
Yours, Suga
Subject: Re: A-J. recruiting
Good morning Suga,
thank you for your notice. I really appreciate your honesty about this subject. Please don’t hesitate to tell me if they overstep their boundaries.
If there is anything, I can help you with just ask.
Subject: Re: Re: A-J. recruiting
Hey Daichi!
Thank you for your offer! If I can think of anything, I’ll let you know!
Yours, Suga
Subject: Corporate Design Photography Studio
Hello Suga,
one of my clients greatly appreciated the designs you made for his office supplies a while ago and asked if you are willing to work on a corporate design for his newly established business. I attached some of his ideas. Please let me know if you have the capacity for this project and what you think about his input.
Besides that, I saw you running through the lobby today, almost running over a few people. Is everything okay?
Attachment: Ideas_j-marketing.pdf
Subject: Re: Corporate Design Photography Studio
Hi Daichi!
Thank you! Yes, I do have time for that. I remember them, they were really pleasant to work with, I would really like to take this over. Regarding their ideas, I think this is a good start, but I recommend being bolder. I remember them to be a little timid and the office supplies designs I made for them already pushed for more boldness. I made some redesigns, put in more shapes. Let me know what they think about it.
Oh gosh, how embarrassing! Yes, absolutely. I just … forgot to turn off the TV and my neighbor was complaining about the noise.  (//▽//)
Yours, Suga
Attachment: Asahi_corporateDesign_draft1.pdf
Subject: Re: Re: Corporate Design Photography Studio
Hello Suga,
I do like the redesigns a lot, thank you for your hard work. I let them know as soon as possible. I tell them to contact you directly for further discussions if that is okay with you?
Haha, please be more careful next time. I hope you don’t get a noise complaint from your landlord.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Corporate Design Photography Studio
Thank you very much! Yes, I think that would be more practical. And you wouldn’t waste your time with being our middle man anymore. (¬_¬;)
Don’t worry! I have a good relationship with my neighbor, and they texted me directly. Everything’s fine!
Yours, Suga
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Corporate Design Photography Studio
Hello Suga,
don't worry, writing and working with you is in no way wasting my time. In fact, it is rather refreshing.
Good to hear. I hope this doesn’t happen again.
Subject: printing machine of hell
Hey Daichi!
It was nice seeing you today! And thanks for your help… (´,,•ω•,,)
What were you doing on our floor? Finally deciding to mix with the common folk?
Yours, Suga
Subject: Re: printing machine of hell
Hello Suga,
I was happy to see you again, too! And no worries, it was my pleasure. I had my fair share of uncooperative office machines.
Rather than mix, I just was ensuring my presence once again. I have an obligation to appear once every quarter of the year to ingrain my dominance over you all.
Subject: Re: Re: printing machine of hell
What machines were standing in your way until now? I actually have really good working devices at my side.
My apologies. I shouldn’t talk out of line. I will carry your words to our realms and be your spokesperson.
Yours, Suga
Subject: Re: Re: Re: printing machine of hell
Hello Suga,
leaving out today’s printing machine, I had coffee machines, PC's, lights, scanners, shredders, and doors malfunctioning. (I know doors aren’t machines, but they malfunction, too.)
That’s what I’m recruiting you for. If you do work to my satisfaction, I will reward you greatly.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: printing machine of hell
All of them sound valid. I have coworkers complain about our coffee machine. Fortunately, I was spared its antics, fingers crossed! Now you have to tell me about the door! What happened? ∑d(°∀°d)
I will give it my best, rest assured. What could possibly be a reward granted by you?
Yours, Suga
Subject: the door
Hello Suga,
it was about 5 months ago when I had to work late, again. I had gathered up my stuff and was ready to leave when the door got jammed. I probably never actually locked my door but apparently, it can still do this thing on its own. Must be cursed. So, I was getting frustrated after trying to push it open and kicked at it. The door handle fell out. I was stuck in my office for a few hours before I got a hold of someone since there was an outage of my cellphone provider and I had no service. It was horrible.
You have to be patient to find out.
Subject: Re: the door
OMG! I actually had to laugh out loud! ∑(O_O;) Oikawa wasn’t happy. That is priceless! Maybe you’ll get a reputation in getting stuck in your own office building. But I have to ask, don’t you have a phone on your desk? Couldn’t you have used that one?
Anticipation is the greatest joy.
Yours, Suga
Subject: Re: Re: the door
Hello Suga,
I am sorry, I shouldn’t keep you from working.
Yes, Suga. I have one. Yes, I could have used it. Yes, I forgot about it. Yes, I was ridiculed about it already.
I won’t disappoint you.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: the door
Subject: late lunch
Hello Daichi,
I was wondering if you want to grab a late lunch together today? I will be out by 2:15 and wanted to grab some burritos at this new place everyone’s been talking about.
I wanted to call you since this is kinda short notice, but I wasn’t sure if you would be too surprised by the sudden noise coming from your desk.
Yours, Suga
Subject: Re: late lunch
Hello Suga,
I hate you so much right now.
I’d love to. I’ll get you on my way down.
Subject: A-J. project
Hey Daichi!
Thank you for the lunch break! I had a great time! Thank you for listening to me venting about stupid clients. I needed this (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
I just had another call from A-J. They invited me for next Tuesday to discuss a new project I should supervise as lead designer. It’s for a sports festival in a few months. Just wanted to let you know.
Yours, Suga
Subject: Re: A-J. project
Hello Suga,
you're welcome! And likewise, it was a really relaxing lunch break. I felt really re-energized afterward. The burritos were really tasty as well. But a little hot for my taste. Don’t worry, I will always listen. You did listen to me complaining about my father and the board, too. I really think it is time they all resign.
Thank you for letting me know. If you need someone to come with you, I will free my schedule.
Subject: Re: Re: A-J. project
Of course, this goes both ways! As I said, I don’t catch much of the internal affairs and politics in my position, but I get that it can be frustrating talking to stubborn old geezers (I really hope our email program is protected! Whoever might read our emails for safety measurements of whatever, pls don’t tell on us!! Σ(°△°|||)︴)
Thank you! If I get cold feet short-term, I’ll call-- pardon, write you.
Yours, Suga
Subject: Re: Re: Re: A-J. project
Hello Suga,
still, thank you. Sometimes it just helps to say it out loud instead of bottling it up. I’ve had enough of that. …If something might happen, will you have my back? I don’t think our emails are getting read, don’t worry.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: A-J. project
Of course! You can count on me! As I said, I’m your spokesperson. o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o
Yours, Suga
Subject: personal
Hello Suga,
first of all, you don’t need to answer this email, I just get this off my chest.
I had another argument with my father last evening regarding the miai. He still intends to go through with it and set up a meeting for this Sunday. I turned it down and he threw a fit because he already booked a room in a restaurant for her and me for a “nice dinner” and “get to know each other”. Conveniently, he also booked a room in a nearby hotel if things go “really well”. We practically just yelled at each other. I think I got my point across that I will not participate in this stupid farce and that I have no intention in following his will. But he doesn’t care if I want to or not. He said he’ll just find some woman I will eventually fall in love with and give him an heir. Preferable in the next six months. I mean, what is he even thinking? I can’t schedule falling in love. Like, next week, Wednesday at about 4 pm I have an opening, why wouldn’t my significant other come around. And about two weeks later, I have another opening, why not meet in a park, watch the cherry blossoms viewing and conveniently fall in love at about 3.15 pm? This is just ridiculous.
Subject: Re: personal
I am so sorry. This is in no way tolerable to treat anybody. Let me tell you, you’re absolutely right. This is ridiculous and your father is way out of line. Please don’t give in to his stupid demands. You deserve someone who values you as who you are and not as some company hotshot. I just hope your father will come to his senses soon. This will just put more stress and pressure on you both.
I would have asked you if you were up for lunch, but I’m actually on my way to a meeting out of town. I am sorry.
I can pay a visit to your office when I’m back sometime this afternoon if you want to.
Yours, Suga
Subject: Re: Re: personal
Hello Suga,
if you could take some time for that that would be great. Thanks.
Subject: coffee
Sorry, I was only back at 4 and had some follow-ups to do! You still here? Can I come up?
Yours, Suga
Subject: Re: coffee
Hello Suga,
still holding the fort. Looking forward to you.
Suga waited for Daichi’s reply already on his toes and when the email popped up, he pushed himself up the rest of the way. He already prepared coffee and poured it in two mugs on his way out, seesawed on his feet as he waited for the elevator and when it finally reached his floor, he pressed the button inside for the floor farthest up with his elbow, careful not to spill the coffee over his shirt. The ride up was over in a blink and he exited the small room.
It felt like a totally different world up here. Even though most of the lights were out, it was already 7 pm on a Friday, Suga could see the fancy marble on the receptionist desk. He felt the soft carpet even through his shoes, like walking on a cloud. It felt like an eternity since he had been up here the last time. Well, it was already a few years ago. Suga had received good feedback from a major client and was rewarded a personal thanks from the company’s boss, a solid handshake, a slap on his back and reassurance that his workplace is secured. As long as he didn’t fuck up, Suga had read between the lines. He can’t really remember the face of Daichi’s father that well.
Pushing this memory in the far back of his head, Suga walked through the glass door in front of him and slowly walked down the corridor. Most of the doors were slightly ajar, insides not visible in the darkness until Suga reached the door farthest to the left which was still closed. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door with his foot.
“Come in.”
Suga awkwardly pushed the door handle down with his elbow, opening the door with the push of his arm.
“Good evening.” He smiled. Something lifted from his shoulders as he saw Daichi again. With his foot, he pulled the door to close with a loud thump, even louder since the office was eerily silent.
Daichi jumped just slightly at the sound and looked up from his papers. Suga could see the black rims under Daichi’s eyes and the smile he was throwing Suga was more just a stretch of his lips. Even though he felt relieved to see him, Suga felt a lump forming in his throat. He swallowed, took a deep breath and beamed at Daichi.
“Still working hard, huh?” He walked over, balancing one mug to some free space on Daichi’s side before he made himself comfortable on the chair in front of the desk. The coffee was still steaming, and he saw the slight gleam in Daichi’s eyes.
“Thanks.” His voice was gruff from talking too much today or screaming the day before, Suga couldn’t tell. Daichi cleared his throat, blowing at his coffee he carefully moved it to his mouth with one hand. He slurped at it, a small but earnest smiled formed on his lips.
“Tastes great.”
“Well, I am known for making some mean coffee.” Suga winked and took a sip of his own coffee. “I like playing with tastes of different coffee blends”, Suga continued unprompted. Daichi hummed into his coffee in response. “I made your coffee a little more roasted, a little deeper and put just a little bit of cream inside to mellow it out.” He raised his own cup at Daichi, tipping at the side of it. “Mine is with a little bit of caramel.” His lips stretched into a grin as he took another sip.
Daichi nodded again, looked Suga up and down, and nodded again. “Suits you, I guess.”
“How should I take that?” Suga raised his eyebrow as he lowered his mug into his lap.
“As a compliment.” Daichi smiled. “You look like a caramel type to me. Maybe white chocolate.”
“Even though I like my food spicy?”
“Hm”, Daichi leaned back, “I think, food and drinks are pretty different for you. Like, your tea is probably outrageously sugared, but you eat spicy as heck dark chocolate with it.”
Suga snorted, shaking his head. “You already know me so well.”
“So, I am right?” His voice sounded playful but genuinely curious.
“Mhm.” Suga hummed affirmatively. He played at the rim of his mug, wiping away some liquid and licked it from his thump.
“Wanna talk?” he asked with a light tone, not trying to pressure into anything.
“Not really.” Daichi mumbled before starting to rock his chair right and left with his feet. He raised his mug back up and took a few sips and remained silent. Suga waited a couple of seconds before he nodded and leaned back.
“I had a meeting with Asahi today. A little unplanned, but I was in the area and I just went over for a bit and we agreed on one design. Gonna finish on Monday and send them the final design for their approval. They’re getting quite some clients recently.”
Suga continued to tell Daichi about his meeting with Asahi and how their studio had changed since the last time Daichi was over. There were a few jokes on the expense of Asahi’s timid demeanor despite their dangerous appearance but Suga didn’t mind since he made Daichi chuckle a few times. When Daichi emptied his mug, he turned back to his papers and started sorting through them. Suga didn’t stop telling Daichi about his day, the different meetings he had, the exasperating clients he had to deal with and the usual rush from appointment to appointment. After he ran out of things to talk about, he fell silent again, slurping on his now almost cold coffee while Daichi started marking numbers and details on his papers, cross-checking them with other documents.
When Suga drank the rest of his coffee, he took out his cell phone, scrolling randomly through his social media. His eyes found it hard to leave Daichi for too long so every once in a while, they glanced up at Daichi, taking in the sight. Daichi’s bottom-up shirt was loose around his collar, the first two buttons were opened, his tie dangling unfastened on his chest. His sleeves very rolled up, highlighting his strong forearms and big hands. Daichi’s short hair probably could never look disheveled, though Suga almost saw it as a challenge to prove this wrong.
Daichi’s face scrunched up and Suga almost jolted back into reality, forcing down the incoming blush for staring at him. Daichi pinched his nose, closing his eyes.
“Alright, I’m done.” He grumbled.
“Done or no longer in the mood?” A smug smile on his lips, Suga leaned over to snatch Daichi’s empty mug. Daichi just grunted in response. He leaned over to turn off his pc, shoving the papers in a pile and pushed them to the corner.
“You heading out now?” Daichi asked as he grabbed for his suitcase and dress jacket. He pushed his arms in the sleeves and made a grimace as he remembered that his dress shirt sleeves are still pulled up. Suga laughed at him softly.
“Wait.” Suga set the mugs aside, came around the desk and stopped in front of Daichi. He pushed Daichi’s jacket sleeve up and his slender fingers under it until they found the hem of the dress shirt sleeves. He pulled them down, fastening the small buttons on Daichi’s wrist. Carefully avoiding Daichi’s gaze, he held his hand open for Daichi’s other arm. With short hesitation, Daichi raised his other arm and Suga repeated the procedure. He slightly caressed over Daichi’s forearm as he pulled down the sleeve and his thumb probably held a second too long, too tight around Daichi’s wrist to be casual.
Suga patted Daichi’s arm when was done and grinned at him. “See, nothing to get worked up over.” He waited for Daichi’s sharp nod and grabbed their mugs again. He rounded the desk again and left Daichi’s office not waiting for him but knowing he would follow close by.
They rode the elevator in silence which made Suga a little anxious. Was that too much? He bit at his lips when the door opened again, illuminating the dark reception area. Suga pushed the glass door to his office area open but before he could walk over to their break room, Daichi grasped for the mugs in Suga’s hands.
“You get your stuff. I, uh”, he gestured to the mugs Suga slowly let go off, “I’ll take care of that.”
“Thanks”, Suga said a little breathless and jogged over to his desk. He grabbed his stuff as fast as he could and glanced over to Oikawa’s door. He huffed as he saw the light still shining under it. He walked over and with a short knock, opened the door.
“Go home soon, Oikawa-senpai.” He shook his head.
Oikawa looked up, his glasses pushed up as he scrunched his eyes.
“And be careful about your eyes. Your eyesight just gonna get worse.”
Oikawa pouted. “Don’t worry, Suga-chan, I know exactly what I’m doing. Good work. And have a nice weekend.”
“Thanks. You, too.” Suga closed the door with a sad smile. He knew Oikawa won’t leave the office for another couple of hours but there was nothing he could do against it. Maybe he should try dragging him out next time.
Daichi was waiting at the glass door to which Suga strolled over. “I’m ready. Thanks for waiting.”
They walked over to the elevator again. “Oikawa still working?”
Suga hummed. “Yeah.”
Daichi nodded thoughtfully. “Are there enough of you to take all on the workload?”
Suga’s eyes widen just a little and he looked up at Daichi. The doors opened just then, and he could take a shot at Daichi’s tired eyes.
“It’s tough. But we make do nonetheless.” They entered the elevator, Suga pushed the button as he walked to the back. Daichi fell in place next to him and nodded.
“Yeah, we all do.”
Suga didn’t know how to answer. Daichi sounded defeated but there was a hint of purpose in his voice, so he opted for a nudge against Daichi’s shoulder.
“Still means we have to take care of ourselves.”
Daichi exhaled and nodded. “You’re right.” Their eyes met when Daichi glanced over to him. “Thank you. For the coffee and”, he scratched the back of his neck, averting his eyes again, “you know, spending time with me. Talking.”
Suga’s smile grew a little wider and softer. “My pleasure.”
Their shoulders remained in each other’s proximity, brushing against each other a few times before they reached the ground floor.
“You getting your car?” Suga asked as he pushed himself from the wall and stopped in the door.
Daichi nodded. “Want a lift?”
“Nah.” Suga smiled apologetically. “You should get home. Don’t drive around coworkers.” He laughed a little. He wouldn’t actually mind being driven around by Daichi, but he just looked so ready for his bed and making a detour for Suga didn’t sit right with him.
Daichi pulled a face and shook his head. “That’s no trouble for m-“
“I know, I know.” Suga held up his hand as the door threatening to close, pushing them open again. “Next time, okay?” He winked at Daichi and stepped outside. As the door slipped close, he caught a glim of Daichi’s darkened cheeks and a small smile on his lips and his evening couldn’t have ended better.
Getting up the next morning proved to be rather difficult for Daichi. The fight with his father still lingered stale in his mouth. Suga had helped, definitely, but just that much and now he had to deal with these aftermath feelings of defeat. And mentally preparing to head over to Kuroo this evening to have a talk. He sighs.
The last and a half week turned his life upside down, or rather his feelings. He didn’t know how to deal with it, so for that Daichi was thankful to get some clarity with Kuroo. After their short talk in the bar, Daichi actually had sat down, googling this ominous word bisexuality, which Kuroo offered so nonchalantly. He had found himself blushing furiously as he scrolled through different types of definition, but all the same in the end. The sexual attraction to male and female people. Huh.
Before he could venture into more detail or further terminology in this type of area, Daichi chickened out and banned these thoughts to the back of his head. He had rather enjoyed the small interaction he had with Suga. Fortunately, they found some time to meet up again and even ran into each other once, but even just communicating with him via Mail was more than enough for him. It felt private.
With his head filled with Suga, their interactions so far, and his newly obtained knowledge about sexual attraction, Daichi made his way to Kuroo’s apartment. It was a rather long walk by foot, but he welcomed these minutes in the darkening evening sky. The air was getting colder fast, even when the sun had shined warm during the day. Daichi inhaled deeply the crisp air and exhaled with his shoulders slumping a little bit.
The apartment complex was run down but with charm and after Daichi rang and was buzzed in, he braced himself the short way upstairs, toes curling with every screeching sound the wood made under his shoes.
The door was already slightly open and Daichi let himself in. He mumbled a courteous “Sorry for barging in” when he saw Kuroo waving from the couch, a phone squished between his cheek and his shoulder, a menu in his hand. Daichi hung up his thin jacket, shuffled out of his shoes and walked over to Kuroo.
“And make sure to double on the garlic!” Kuroo grinned as he hung up. He pulled up his legs in time before Daichi let himself fall down at the other end of the small couch.
“Want your patrons to leave you alone tomorrow?” Daichi grinned, slouching down into the worn fabric.
Kuroo shrugged. “Maybe I just enjoy the stinging taste of it.” Daichi snorted.
Kuroo eyed him up and down, tossing his phone on the low coffee table. “Listen”, he leaned against the back of the couch with his shoulder, crossing his arms, still facing Daichi, “this will just gonna be awkward if you let it. We’re just two friends talking about your non-existent love life, no judging.”
Daichi elbowed Kuroo’s shin and threw him a threating glare. He scoffed. “Yeah, nothing strange about it.”
“It’s only strange for you because you never had such a talk. I do that all the time.” Kuroo rolled his eyes as Daichi raised his eyebrows at him. “Not all the time, dude. Just, you know, casual small talk.” He shrugged non-committal. “I never talked about it with you ‘cause I thought you were just”, he paused, searching for the right word, “uptight. That’s the word. Couldn’t have known you had a sexual crisis of some sort.”
Daichi’s lips pursed into a low scowl but he didn’t argue. He never thought much about his orientation, it was just something he accepted over time but never acted on. He had enough on his plate to deal with and it was not like he needed something like that.
“So”, he cleared his throat, “how do we”, he gestured vaguely, “do this talking about this—thing?”
Kuroo had the audacity to snort, even huffing out a laugh. Daichi growled at him. “Bro, you’re a disaster.” He pulled up his legs when Daichi was about to punch them again. “Relax.” He grinned. “Just, hm, tell me about it. When did you get things figured out? Was a drunken escapade with a guy your awakening or something?”
Daichi’s cheeks heated up about the absurdity of this situation. But he knew much worse. Telling his father about his preferences, for example. This was nothing, he could power through this. So, he let out a long exhale and took a few seconds to sort out his thoughts.
He started slowly about his high school years, two girls he dated but he had no defining memory about these relationships. He didn’t even remember their faces or names. His college years were a little more exciting, but not out of the norm. He dated another girl for about a year, but he had always known, he did it mostly out of expectation. They were good friends, and everyone just gushed about how good they looked together and after they accidentally made out at one of their house parties they kind of ended up in this relationship.
At that this point, their pizza arrived and Kuroo pulled out two beers from his fridge. They sat down on the carpet between the table and the couch, pizza slices in one hand, beer can in the other hand.
“I think, I loved her at some point, but”, Daichi sighed frustrated, mostly at himself, and took a sip from his cold beer. He sighed again. “I wasn’t enjoying myself with her. Like, we just were a couple because everyone else decided on that. And I just, I don’t know, just went with it.” He let out his anger at the pizza by chomping down on it.
“After a year, I ended it. I should have done that sooner, I know that.” He grumbled. Kuroo hadn’t interrupted him so far, only to clarify something once in a while.
“And then?” He sounded almost absentmindedly, chewing on his pizza.
“Not much”, Daichi admitted. “Rest of college was just making out with random people when I was drunk. No sex.” He swallowed, ignoring his blush. “After college, I was working almost non-stop, so”, he stopped eating, eyeing his pizza thoughtfully, “there was this event from a rivaling company, I had to go. One of my first official appearance and this sort of thing. I was nervous as hell”, he chuckled, “I drank way too much champagne. This stuff just was everywhere, I kid you not.”
“Don’t brag, rich kid.” Kuroo snorted.
Daichi bit his lip in a poor attempt to contain a grin. “Well, I just wanted to get some fresh air and went outside and met a— some-- someone.” He stumbled over his words. “A guy. We talked, it was nice, and we were both drunk and I don’t know”, his eyes went distant, “one thing led to another. The party was held at a hotel, he had a room, and we ended up having sex.” Daichi clenched his jaw. It was the first time he said it out loud. That he had sex with another guy. Kuroo didn’t bat an eye, just giving him time to continue on his terms, on his pace. He was never this grateful for Kuroo.
“It was awkward afterward”, he shook his head, “we met up a few times more, mostly to sleep with each other. I think I was just curious, and everything was exciting and all that. It was strange. But I guess, he wanted more, a relationship but I”, Daichi huffed. He almost emptied his beer in one go. “Maybe it was the wrong time and place and all that stuff, but I could never imagine having him as a … as a partner. I stopped seeing him. And then I just thought, maybe I was gay.” He shrugged. “I made an effort to look for men more often than for women, but it still felt wrong. On each party were pretty men and women and, boy, was I confused.”
Kuroo snorted as he drank, spilling some its content over his pizza. “Ugh, gross.” He wiped the back of his hand over his chin. “Been there, know exactly what you mean. When I was in high school, though.”
Daichi nodded. His pizza was only lukewarm, but he lost his appetite anyway. It felt good to get all this off his chest and he felt better, definitely. But it was mentally draining. He let his head fall back against the couch, staring at the ceiling. His eyes found a dark spot to focus on, not thinking about anything in particular.
“I don’t even know if I was actually ever in love.” He mumbled. Not actually to Kuroo, but he answered, nonetheless.
“What about the one from college? I don’t pick you as one who just stays in a relationship for a year just because.”
Daichi rubbed his eyes with his thumb and index finger. “Yeah. I think so, at least. But”, he hesitated. “I don’t know. Was I really in love? What if I can’t actually fall in love?”
Kuroo hummed. He pushed the last bit of his pizza in his mouth, shaking off the last crumbs from his hands.
“Is this about Suga?”
Daichi visibly tensed up. He let out his breath after a couple of seconds and nodded, eyes still closed and hidden behind his fingers.
“Basically, you’re saying you are attracted to male and female people, but just sexually. And romantically you have no idea how this stuff actually feels like?” Kuroo summed up. His voice was even, no judgment like he promised.
Daichi let his hand fall down, finally turning his head to face Kuroo. He nodded again. How was that even possible? Being sexually attracted to someone but not emotionally? That didn’t make any sense for Daichi. And worst of all, he was so inconceivably attracted to Suga. He was just the right amount of hot and pretty. Daichi couldn’t forget those eyes that seemingly undressed him in the elevator and he almost acted on it.
But then he got to know Suga and he was so much more worth than just some probably very good fuck. He enjoyed his company, his laugh, his attention, their banter. He wanted to be with him so much, but his emotion didn’t obey his will. For some reason Daichi couldn’t comprehend, he wasn’t falling in love with Suga. Who was just so perfect. It was frustrating.
Daichi groaned. “I want him so bad.” It came out like a plea, between gritted teeth and pressed lips. He heard Kuroo shuffle closer, draping one arm over his shoulder and squeezing his arm.
“Listen”, Kuroo said firmly and waited until Daichi was looking at him again, “I actually have no idea how this separating feelings and attraction works, but don’t think for a moment, that something’s wrong with you. You’re you and you’re right.” He nudged Daichi and a playful smile crept onto his lips again as if his mouth just wasn’t used to be serious for too long. “We get this figured out, alright?”
Daichi exhaled heavily and nodded. “Yeah.”
“You gonna talk to Suga about that?” Kuroo eyed him curiously with a raised eyebrow.
Daichi had contemplated about that as well. “Probably not.” He sighed. “I mean, I don’t even have this figured out, it’s a mess. I don’t think … I don’t want to burden Suga with it. I just”, he sighed, “I just want to give it time, you know? We’re just started being friends and I don’t want to blurt things out and scare him off.”
“Your call”, Kuroo shrugged. “It’s your decision what to tell him, especially if you don’t know yourself what’s going on.” He ruffled Daichi’s hair. “But remember, if you really want something to happen with the both of you, you have to talk to him.”
Daichi grumbled, flattening his hair again. “I know, I know.” And he did know. But this was all so new. It was years now that he actually, honestly considered someone to be relationship-material and it was, in fact, scary.
Kuroo didn’t push him to say more. It took Daichi about two hours to get all of that off his chest, his head was swimming and he felt spent. This was enough for one evening. Kuroo got up wordlessly, turned on his TV and grabbed two controllers from under the coffee table. He tossed Daichi one of them and booted up the game console. Maybe, Daichi thought, Kuroo was telepathic and can read my mind.
As if on cue, Kuroo turned to him and grinned. Daichi shuddered.
They played some fighting game Daichi didn’t know. You chose some random character and you try to beat each other from a random platform, that much Daichi understood. They drank some more beer, laughed whenever their character got stuck in a glitch, ramming their shoulders against each other when one was close to the edge.
Daichi crashed for the night, thankful for the slow weekend. He made himself comfortable on the couch, his head still fuzzy from the alcohol. He fell asleep with a pretty face, framed in ash blond hair and an angelic smile on his lips, on his mind.
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akashamichelleblog · 7 years
Myers Briggs and Design Style: The Kind of Work That Makes You Happy
Nobody likes to be put into boxes (except cats—cats love boxes), but there is something to be said about how understanding how we fit into different categories can help us to better connect with what fuels our drive and ignites our passions.
The Myers Briggs personality test is arguably the most widely used personality tests out there. It is based on research by Carl Jung and was formalized by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine Briggs. Formally, it is known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and it used as a tool to help understand our psychological drives and desires.
How does the Myers-Briggs Personality Test Work?
The test consists of a series of questions that break your personality down into one of 16 personality types/indicators. There are four categories of two possibilities, each represented by a letter to distinguish the type. Your final Myers-Briggs indicator will be a series of four letters, one from each category.
As explained on the MBTI Instrument website, the categories are:
Favorite World: Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I). Extroverts focus on the outside world while Introverts turn inward.
Information: Sensing (S) or Intuition (N). Sensing personalities focus on the information in front of them, while intuitive personalities interpret and add meaning.
Decisions: Thinking (T) or Feeling (F). Thinkers turn to logic and consistency while feelers turn to people and circumstance.
Structure: Judging (J) or Perceiving (P). Judging personalities like to get things decided quickly and efficiently, while perceiving personalities like to stay open to new information and ideas.
You can probably start to gain a general idea of what your personality type might be just by looking at the list above. Typically, certified administrators issue these instruments, but plenty of free versions and paid versions of the test are available online to give you a more thorough understanding. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which of the 16 combinations represent your true personality.
MBTI In The Workplace
Many organizations including 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies have implemented Myers-Briggs testing into their workplace so that employees not only understand themselves better, but also those who work around them. It is believed this test can help drive success within organizations because employees understand how best to work together in order to maximize each team member’s strengths.
Why do the test?
Design work is imperative at many organizations and the type of design work available is vast. Understanding your MBTI can help you to figure out not only what type of design work might be best for your personality and preferences, but the type of organization that meshes best with your design style. These two components can lead you to a happier career.
Type of Design Work Based on MBTI Personality Types
In order to get you kick started on your Myers-Briggs journey, I have included the 16 personality types below and the possible work that might make you happiest. These conclusions are based on my own analysis and I encourage you to seek out your own research and testing in order to determine what’s best for you.
I've also incorporated the four category types as broken down by 16 Personalities.
INTJ: The Architect. You are a rare gem representing just two per cent of the population. Because of this, you may find yourself feeling lonely in a lot of workplaces, but your passion for hard work and data keeps you grounded and motivated. You’re an excellent problem solver whose decisions are strategic and based on proven research. If something doesn’t work, you’re determined to find a way that will. You would be great at a forward-thinking, but practical company working in development and/or on the backend of complex interfaces. Information architecture is your jam. Famous INTJ: Michelle Obama.
INTP: The Logician. You are a curious and observant soul who sometimes appears a bit unorganized. You’re quick to get bored and do best in fast-paced environments with lots of challenges and a variety of work. You might enjoy an agency role at a company that is established. Despite your enthusiasm, you are very logic-driven and don’t trust people who make decisions based on emotions. As such, you may end up branching off on your own so you can lead the decision making. Famous INTP: Bill Gates.
ENTJ: The Commander. You’re a natural alpha, a born leader with a ruthless determination to meet your goals. You are not easily swayed. If no clear path lies before you, you will not hesitate to make one, nor will you be afraid to take others there with you. You’re a big personality, but not one that is sensitive to emotions. You prefer intellectual challenges and respect people who do the same. You’d be great at the helm of a design-driven company that isn’t afraid to try things no one has before. Famous ENTJ: Steve Jobs
ENTP: The Debater. Known as “the devil’s advocate,” you love challenging ideas and exploring all sides of the coin. You view debate as a catalyst for knowledge, but can sometimes become married to ideas you don’t necessarily believe in because you’re so committed to your convictions. You’re a hard worker and no one can doubt your intelligence, but your personality can turn people off, making it hard for you to move up the ladder. If you can put this aside, you’d be great in a role that allows you to take different approaches to a single challenge, perhaps designing multiple versions of the same product and leading the user research to understand which one is best. Famous ENTP: Captain Jack Sparrow
INFJ: The Advocate. You’re a rare personality type representing less than one percent of the population. At the core of your soul is the desire to not only help others, but to create solutions so people don’t need help at all. You’re motivated by love and want to make the world a better place, but you can take criticism a bit too personally. You would be amazing working on products that have a direct impact on the quality of human life, whether that is in house at a not-for-profit or designing applications that help doctors in third-world countries. Famous INFJ: Nelson Mandela
INFP: The Mediator. You follow your heart wherever it takes you and do so intently rather than listening to your brain (you prefer poetry to logic, after all). You are a natural communicator with a passion for language, but you can be shy in large groups. You’d be best working on a small team of like-minded individuals that share your passion for good. You often feel misunderstood, so it’s important for you to channel your feelings into projects you believe in. You likely are not the best fit for agency work, as you prefer channeling your energy into a single cause wholeheartedly. Famous INFP: William Shakespeare.
ENFJ: The Protagonist. You are a charismatic leader known for your ability to inspire others. Your energy is contagious, making you a natural fit for public speaking. Politicians are often this personality type, and so too are keynote speakers. You’d be great at conferences presenting ideas you’re passionate about. You stand up for what you believe in, but your tendency for self-reflection can get the better of you at times. You’d make an incredible team leader for a product that exemplifies your beliefs at a company that gives you the opportunity to shout this from the rooftops. Famous ENFJ: Barack Obama
ENFP: The Campaigner. Hey party animal! You are an enthusiastic, happy and care free individual, a true free spirited idealist. You’d be happiest at an organization that offers a great work-life balance and regular social opportunities, or maybe you’re a nomad, working remotely around the world on a variety of design projects. You’re a charming leader whose creative ideas can often land you in the spotlight, but you’ve got a “little spark of madness.” Learn to use this to your advantage. Famous ENFP: Robin Williams
ISTJ: The Logistician. This is thought to be the most common personality type of the 16, representing 13 per cent of the population. You’re traditional and reliable. Working at a brand new company would give you anxiety, so you’re best at an established institution that has proven results. You like security and as such may find yourself working somewhere you don’t like that much because it offers you the stability you need. However, you shine brightest when you feel valued. Don’t be afraid to mix things up. Famous ISTJ: Denzel Washington
ISFJ: The Defender. Your diverse makeup makes you an important addition to a team. You’re able to see things from multiple perspectives, and you have a warm heart. You don’t like work that is stagnant or puts you in the spotlight, choosing to fly under the radar when you can despite your accomplishments. You’d be best in a team-driven role in an environment where your coworkers are also your friends. You’re a big family person though, so you’ll need a role that allows you a positive work-life balance in order to feel most fulfilled. Famous ISFJ: Vin Diesel
ESTJ: The Executive. A pinnacle of order and reliability, you are the boss. You’re organized on both an administrative and managerial level. People look to you for guidance and trust your decisions. You’re passionate about bringing communities and groups together, so you’d be great in a cross-functional role that perhaps combines design, development and marketing. You’d also excel in a client-facing role, one where you’re able to present information from all sides in a cohesive, informed way. Famous ESTJ: Judge Judy.
ESFJ: The Consul. Why hello there Mr/Mrs. Popular. You’re a social and popular person who gets along with everyone—and you’re one of the nice ones. You love helping others and spending time with people. You’re super creative but you respect authority, so a creative front-end design role that allows you to experiment within constraints and have fun would be great for you. You might even like more experiential design, creating mesmerizing experiences on a larger scale. People trust you, so user research might also be of interest. Famous ESFJ: Taylor Swift
ISTP: The Virtuoso. You’re a tactile experimenter with a curious mind, a true Maker. Prototyping is your passion, but so too is building an actual product and putting it out into the world. You like trying things out in a variety of ways and learning new tools whenever you can. You’re agile and adaptable, and a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, preferring to work on multiple projects rather than one big one. You love troubleshooting, which is good because you also can make decisions too quickly, meaning alternatives often need to be explored. Your personality is a bit quirky and unpredictable, so it’s important you find a workplace that appreciates your oddities. Famous ISTP: Clint Eastwood
ISFP: The Adventurer. You are a quintessential artist and you like to use design as a tool for conversation. You are the least likely to want to be categorized into one of these 16 personalities because you take pride in your individuality and unpredictability. You love new challenges and experiences, so you might find yourself working in cutting-edge technologies like AI and VR. As an explorer, you may find your passions shift and you won’t hesitate to see where they take you. You’re not a big picture thinker and you’ll never have a five-year plan, choosing instead to reinvent yourself. You may have many different careers throughout your life, but your charm will always be there with you. Famous ISFP: Britney Spears
ESTP: The Entrepreneur. You’re a social butterfly with a curious mind known for your intelligence and problem-solving abilities. You’re not afraid to take a risk—for better or worse—but thankfully you learn from your mistakes and see failure as an educator. You follow your own path, but are very attentive to the world around you. You notice things others don’t, which is why you might find yourself designing something you can’t believe doesn’t already exist. Your energy is effective. You might prefer being a freelance designer or starting your own company based on a concept of your design. Famous ESTP: Nicolas Sarkozy
ESFP: The Entertainer. You’re spontaneous, loud and a never-ending fountain of energy. It can be a bit much for some people, but you’re not afraid to let your freak flag fly. It’s essential for you to be happy in your work or else you can become engulfed in misery. You tend to mirror your surroundings, so if your workplace environment is intense this can have a negative affect on you. You are so not a data person. You might shine on the user research side as you’re such a natural people person, or may prefer a role that combines a variety of things like design, marketing and events. Famous ESFP: Marilyn Monroe
What Myers-Briggs personality type are you and do you feel like these descriptions are in line with your career choices thus far? The more you understand yourself, the more you can design the life of your dreams.
Fun Fact: I'm an INFJ: The Advocate. I can't relate to this more or what the 16Personalities website says about it.
Source URL: Adobe Creative Cloud Blog
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