#but idk if Lucifer thought that far ahead. he definitely would think it watching it because I'm sure this is one of Sam's more traumatic
satsuma-saturn · 3 years
How I imagine each brother smells
this was meant to be serious and now it's not. it's mainly me giving an honest opinion of how i think each brother smells, but maybe i'll redo it in the future and be a little nicer to them idk
I had a hard time with this one ngl.
He smells expensive.
Like some sort of high quality eau de parfum. More subtle than perfume or cologne, but he still smells good.
Just imagine an expensive brand that doesn't exploit the lower class and isn't racist.
Also smells like shoe polish.
Might even smell like Diavolo's ass, with how much time he spends kissing it.
Joking, sort of.
I'm not.
He either smells really good or really bad, there's no inbetween.
Dude eats instant ramen and goes to casinos.
At the same time, he's a model and takes care of his appearance.
So like, he definitely uses cologne and showers frequently.
On the weekends, he might smell musty, like a casino, or like cheap whiskey, but only at night.
He'll shower before bed. And then probably when he wakes up.
Idk, Mammon gives me 'two showers a day' type of vibes.
So for the most part, he does smell good, but you might catch him at a time where he smells stinkyyyyyyyyy.
You cannot tell me that this man showers.
Every minute showering is every minute he could spend playing a game or watching anime.
This is not slander if it is the truth.
Okay, he does shower, but Lucifer probably has to force him to.
Because showering is for normies, but he doesn't need people complaining about his smell, there is only one possible solution to this issue.
In conclusion: Levi uses Axe Body Spray and I will not accept any disputes on this.
Old books.
I know people always praise the smell of fresh paper, but there's something about the musty smell of old books that hits different.
I imagine a lot of the books in the library and in his room are pretty old, and considering he is constantly surrounded by stacks upon stacks of them, the scent is bound to rub off on him.
He spends a lot of time outside, reading under some sort of light that isn't the sun cuz I didn't think that far ahead.
So he smells like outside
As somebody with allergies, his scent will assault my poor nostrils.
Like my nose is so itchy from my moisturizer.
His perfumes, moisturizers, lotions, whatever, would probably be super overwhelming.
He would smell good, for sure, but the kind of good where you will be sneezing in his presence.
There would be several scents at once that would most likely not even be in the same category.
Like, instead of maybe rose and lavender, it would be like mango, lavender, vanilla, sea spray, eucalyptus, etc.
Similar to his personality, his scent does not know the definition of subtlety (hopefully i spelled that right).
If he's present, you'll know he is, even if he hasn't already announced it.
Food. Y'all knew I was gonna say that
But listen, he goes to the gym a lot, which sweating will make you stinky.
So, to combat this, he uses deodorant.
Definitely uses Old Spice and this is not biased.
I very much like the smell of Old Spice so maybe it is biased.
Idc, that's what he smells like and I would be snifffffffffing him all the time.
Unless I get sick from the lingering scent of food.
Then I might have to go lie down.
But the scent of Old Spice deodorant gonna have me be like 🥴.
I don't know how to describe it, but he smells warm.
Like the type of warm that makes you sleepy.
Maybe like warm milk? Except I'm lack toes in toddler ant so I don't really drink milk cuz cow juice make tummy hurt.
He's lazy and probably doesn't put much thought or effort into how he smells.
Most likely just smells like his sheets, which are kept constantly clean, courtesy of Beel.
Another one who doesn't shower as frequently as he should. Why shower when you can sleep?
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