#but idk well see if my brain works with me so sorry for my clownery everyone
tucipink · 1 year
Although there are a lot of unnecessary sub plots in the redux version of Apocalypse Now, the anti-war message is much stronger (kinda because there’s more instances of needless destruction and displays of America being shitty) but I guess it is also diluted with the goofy sub-plots so it balances out anyways.
Also Chef has unspoken rizz. Man managed to pull a playboy bunny despite completely ignoring her interesting infodump about birds. Well I guess he didn’t “pull” her per se, but they seemed to get along well, like she was being genuine or at least came across that way because if she was putting on any kinda act, we wouldn’t have had the bird monologue but idk man I guess you need to talk about your interests when you can when you’re working for an enterprise that is in place to oppress and dehumanise you. I love bird lady more than anything but Hugh Hefner can eat shit.
This film’s fatal flaw is its overindulgence but the self awareness does take the edge off ,, like the narrative, characterization and general composition is amazingly produced and entertaining while still clearly communicating a serious message. I think the main critique of glorification is often misinterpreted irony. Like many aspects are so hyperbolic (nonetheless accurate to the actual Vietnam War) that they’re meant to appear ridiculous and uncomfortable in order to convey the corruption of the US military
Also funny surfer man go brrrr
Song - Let’s Go Trippin’ (Dick Dale)
I literally never make edits of characters and then the one that my brain decided to make one that ignores the importance of the central message of the film it’s from .
I suppose there’s always the argument that the main cast of characters were drafted against their will and are just trying to get through it. Of course that doesn’t justify everything they do. I’d say the character who makes the least effort to participate is Chef bc he never fires a gun at anyone (apart from the tiger because the poor fella’s terrified). But what I’m saying is that the main characters aren’t into war or particularly patriotic and it doesn’t fully align with their beliefs much at all - they’re just tryna get through it - unlike , say , Kilgore. They are characterised in unique ways in which any pRiDe fOr tHeiR cOunTrY (used to justify corruption) they may have isn’t explicitly there or at the centre of the way they’re characterised.
Me when idiot surfer man who does nothing but fuck up at the expense of other people
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Sorry guys my neuros are divergent I need to have a balance of fun and silliness with analysis and critical evaluation when watching this film for the 100th time
They also made Willard way sillier and goofier. I love to see the poor jaded and traumatised lad actually have a little bit of fun. A few giggles for a treat. Just a little bit of clownery to balance out the edginess.
Respectfully, there’s also a significant increase in boobs in the redux version, immediately making it better than the Final Cut /hj
Also also they gave Clean a proper burial and sendoff,,,
Sure, the Final Cut is better in terms of what constitutes a good film but the redux version fucks if you liked the Final Cut for its narrative and characters aside from its more filmic aspects. Not to say there aren’t some elements of cinematography that were left out the Final Cut that go hard as fuck. Like the transition from Roxanne behind the curtain to Willard back on the boat in the mist ,,,, mmmmmmmmmmm
It also ties up a few small minor loose ends and clarifies on a few details
Willard’s from Ohio? *insert Ohio joke here idk man I’m British*
Maybe I’m psychoanalysing Chief too much rn but out of all the characters, the way in which they’re presented, he’s the most likely to have started off as the most patriotic. However, his whole thing is following orders and ensuring order and professionalism is retained so maybe he could just be a fan of those things and not inherently having his motives be that he’s abiding to the rules because he loves his country, but abiding to the rules because he loves rules. Whatever patriotism he may or may not have had is destroyed over the course of the film and meets its definitive end with the death and burial (as seen in the redux version) of Clean. The scene where he folds up the tattered US flag that was previously on the boat and hands it to Willard. Or at least that’s my interpretation since he still made that whole announcement when handing it to him but it just felt as if he was reciting empty lines if anything but idk but he’s an interesting character either way. But damn that scene goes hard and it was good to see Clean get the sendoff he was entitled to instead of his body just disappearing without an explanation :’]
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thesolotomyhan · 2 years
Can you give us a list of requests or your writing plans please?
:))) of course!  so sorry i took a while to answer i had to get some thoughts out and see where you guys stood with them and i proceeded to add them onto this to try and keep track but im almost certain i forgot to add some ,,,
heh just know this is like a general writing plan for me ,, it lets me know who you guys want to see more of so feel free to “request” ask other characters/prompts ?? if you want so i can see where we want to head more into ? i just want to lay out a general plan and pick some out :)
- first time with mayo
- :))) wedding hc :))) for ramon :))
- maybe :))) an amado angst :)) one of you sent me :))) (a misunderstanding one with him) :)))))
- barron hcs  nsfw hc
- arturo hcs  nsfw hc
- jealousy hc (requested for: mayo, carrillo, chepe)
- ramons :))) fur coat :))) blurb ;)
- nsfw alphabets (requested for: amado, ramon, benjamin, mayo, carrillo)
- oh someone asked for a alex hodoyan hc :))
- finish proposal hc (im planning to anyway)
- mmm kink lists (requested for ramon, carrillo, poison, javi, arturo)
- boat and plane sex for amado and mayo -damn we’re thirsty huh? 💀
- some inbox thoughts im planning to write into small little blurbs hehe
some possible tropes i want to get around to:
- love triangles (1 has been posted)
- enemies to lovers (many of you suggested ramon and mayo)
-fighting/making up with them :)))
- angst plans??? idk some of you guys have suggested you guys want some angst haha (very specifically you guys have said for ramon, mayo and amado lol) 
- and something with dina because ive had a couple people ask for her but im scared i won’t be able to capture her right which is why im on the middle ground with her haha but im thinking about it :)))
- :))) maybe :))) arturo and mayo :)))) its that one scenario you all have indulged me into thinking about :)))))))
ugh let me know if i missed something because i feel like i totally fucking did and im sorry or just like i said feel free to ask me about something and ill see what i can do >:) 
new ideas/requests:
- dad hc’s (requested for: mayo, poison, chepe)
-being their mistress
-dating benjamin but ramon being into you (very much thinking about it lol)
-some more kitty ideas
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chrsitophwaltz · 5 years
for the entire houston clownery experience click here
psa: excuse my face and the pic qualities. up until this happened i haven’t really taken pictures of myself (less than 10 in the past two years for family and work purposes and NEVER selfies) and when you meet people you’ve only seen on TV in a very unexpected circumstance, then don’t expect your brain and motor functions to work 100%.
in the meantime, The Queen kathleen krüger showed up dragging a little carry on-sized bag. i really wanted a pic but i knew she always likes to be in the background so i just settled for a cheery greeting. she was shy-ish but super nice!
me: *trying to speak german again after 5 years* guten morgen!”
kathleen: *surprised that i recognized her but was super nice* morgen! wie geht’s?
me: sehr gut, danke. und dir? ( i used dir since she used informal and she didn’t look like it offended her or anything dsjfsdjf)
kathleen: oh, sehr gut auch. tschüss!
bless her heart! too bad she might lock niko up and issue a restraining order against me when we see each other next though sndmfbdsmnfbsnmdf
shortly after javi and kathleen left, thiago was next. it took a little while for him to get to me since other people also asked for pics and autographs. when he finally got to me and was signing my shirt, i really just had to tell him “hey thiago, you’re so good! you make it look so easy!” he laughed at that and said thanks. so nice and such a 🐐
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i heard a distinct chuckle and Mr. Bayern himself came out. he was doing his usual thomas müller thing (it’s hard to describe but y’all prolly know what i mean) and was gamely eating a big banana when i asked for another autograph and picture (i got his autograph and picture at the hotel reception on friday already; this is the second time).
me: “hi thomas! could we take a picture again and have you sign my shirt?”
thomas: “ofhrjhf sjdjshfueh” (i’m positive he said “oh sure” or something, but with a mouth full of banana)
so nice! (and he didn’t show his usual cheeky müller grin, incisors and all, because, well........banana)
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okay, here’s a tricky part. sven and leon came out almost simultaneously. sven was slightly first and i asked for the usual combo, and we were both already posed for the picture when i saw leon trying to zip by. greedy binch that i am, my intention was to get both of them in the frame. two birds, one stone. so i said “leon!” to call him over. B U T sven probably thought i was ignoring him and didn’t want his pic at all!!!!!!!!!! he mumbled “oh.....leon” and walked away (i think he probably meant “oh you wanted leon...”) NO SVEN!!!!! I WANTED YOU BOTH COME BACK!!!!! he was gone though and while i was excited to see leon and his beautiful curly hair again (idk if he recognized me but he had this look like “hmmmm...?” and he retweeted me just the night before sdbdmnbnd), i was panicking about the sven incident. it was bittersweet and i decided to really go to that t-mobile thing later on in the day so i could apologize to sven.
this is also prolly why i had this fugly half-assed smile (S VE N!!!!! ;__;)
(also note that leon is wearing lewy’s training shirt sjfbanmfbsahdfd idk why i didn’t ask)
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O K A Y.
around this time was the part where i met niko. but since that whole shebang is a whole other experience in itself, i’m dedicating the entirety of part 4 to it. maybe it’s for the best too since it was just........g o d!!!!!! (kathleen krüger, i really hope you aren’t ever gonna see this blog, but in the off chance that you do, i’m sorry you had to see all that sdnfbndmfabnmfnd s o r r y)
anyway, that niko incident led me to run out of the hotel like it was on fire (told y’all, long story) so it was outside that i got to meet The Chef! he still looked kinda sleepy and was nursing a cup of coffee but was still nice enough to indulge me with a pic and autograph! 
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okay. so, after serge got up on the bus, and while i was studiously avoiding kathleen’s stare (huehue s o r r y), manu came out. a lot of fans had already gathered behind the barriers outside and manu was a crowd favorite so everybody was screaming for him. i was still near the bus entrance and was standing in front of the barrier and two guys behind me were jumping and asking manu to autograph their replica world cup trophy. manu got to them first and stupid lil me was trying to take a pic with him while he was doing his thing. this giant man is about 6′4, and me a ruler and an inch shorter, so when he reached for the trophy, he nearly knocked me out gonzalo-higuain-in-the-2014-world-cup-final style.
(below is me before i nearly died a sweet, happy death c/o manu’s huge ass fists)
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manu, teddy bear that he is, was like “oh no, sorry!” i didn’t mind at all sjdfhsdfsdj (i would’ve gladly let him knock me tf out lmao) so i said “it’s okay!” as an apology, he gamely signed my shirt and we finally took a decent, safe photo dsfbjksdfbsfnsbdns
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*kill bill sirens* WEW! then The Polish Hitman, Mr. 5-in-9, The B O D Y himself, robert lewandowski came out. he was sporting that cursed beard again (sorry lewy, but in this very rare case, i say no stubble for you lmao). he still looked hot af tho and signed my shirt. and took this photo! (thank you to my phone for magically making this HDR)
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there wasn’t anyone after him for a while and the team bus left already so i went back inside (thank you hotel A/C! it was hot as hell and i was shaking and overheating from being so close to them.... and embarrassing myself in front of all those people and Queen Kathleen lmao).
then, coco came out! i guess he’s gonna do individual training since he didn’t go with the team bus. he also did this lil massage thing on my left shoulder sdhbjdfsdn thanks for scoring our first goal the night before, coco! (he was hella cute too)
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i think all the players were gone since the only ones left for the next 15 minutes were the entourage and media people. but one last parting gift! loddar himself came out. took a while for him to get out since he chatted with someone else for a few minutes so i settled for videoing him for my instagram story. then he finally got up and walked to the exit and that’s where i got him.
me: hi lothar, can we take a picture? (only a pic since he looked like he was in a hurry)
loddar: *with that perennial cranky look on his face but was still nice lmao* “ok sure!”
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had to leave shortly after this to go to the mall since @simplyirenic messaged me that there were only 100 tickets for the adidas meet-and-greet, but hey! almost a full haul!
here’s 75% of the total spoils:
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(i’ve maxed out my 10 photo per post limit again so stay tuned for part 3: the mall meet-and-greet with josh, sven (there’s a redemption arc! i’m not a total bitch!), benji (a surprise addition to the lineup), manu 2.0, and thomas 3.0!)
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