#but if they ruin amano's art i will throw hands
bicondera · 2 years
WORD WITH YOUR TAGS BTW I’d take absolutely anything but if it was at all possible I’d love as many seiyuu’s recasted as possible. if they’ve retired or don’t want to them I’d (begrudgingly) accept new VA’s, of course!! but god I can only dream that we could get as many as possible back on board. I just know the one they could not replace (but wouldn’t have to) is Reborn. I’ve seen problems around Chrome’s VA; she was the VA of a Bandori character (Gacha rhythm game) and she had to step back from her role for health reasons (I don’t recall what they are but also she had to play an instrument at physical concerts so she was exerting a lot of energy for the role). I just wanna cling on to as many as possible for nostalgia reasons tbh skdnckcjdj. and you’re right ahhh Hayato’s voice is, I feel, a very core aspect of his character. so I’d hope if they had to replace him, they were super picky about who they choose to properly pull him off. tbh I think the voices of all the characters are very important to them!! ahh I’m rambling my bad but skndkcjc
i'm also hanging on for nostalgia reasons akjsakd i think we all are. i've watched the anime so many times i just can't imagine gokudera's "J U U D A I M E" sounding any different. his voice is so characteristic and recognizable, i link it so much to who gokudera is as a character that it pains me so much to know he most likely could get a new va in the reboot. i can't even imagine who they would cast (granted i'm not into newer anime so) but gokudera in the og anime had his silly moments, and his serious/angry moments, and his voice actor nailed those emotions in him and i just--love him a lot and i wish they can cast someone great for the role. like, if they have to recast the main namimori trio, i can only hope they do the kids right.
the only one that's non-negotiable for me is reborn. reborn and neeko in the role are like, the heart and soul of the khr anime. everyone else--yeah i would be upset but i could live with it.
ESPECIALLY BC most reborn characters have a catchphrase, a running gag, or something they are known for--like gokudera's 10th, yamamoto's laugh, squalo's V O I, lambo's gotta stay calm, mukuro's laugh, hibari's i'll bite you to death--it just goes on and on and on. i feel like any va they choose it's gotta be someone who holds a candle to the original anime. say whatever you want about og khr, but the one thing they got right was the voice acting imo
anygays i'm rambling too askdjal point is, if there is one, i want the khr reboot to be treated with love and attention.
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socialdegenerate · 7 years
Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Exhibition - Jan 21st
It officially opens tomorrow and runs til the end of Feb, but I got an early preview ticket.
I won’t ruin it for anyone who’s going, so I’ll put the good stuff under the cut but here’s some basic info:
You get there and they hand you an iPhone and a pair of headphones. The phone can be put into English, and they ask for a nickname (which is used for a couple of things at the end), who you came with and which FF games you’ve played.
Almost all of the audio (exhibit descriptions, etc.) and signs are in Japanese AND English, and the few exhibits with Japanese-only audio will play the translation on the screen of the phone in English. So, don’t fret if your Japanese is as shitty as mine!
When you stand in range of an exhibit, the phone will automatically start playing a song from that game, and if you have audio descriptions on you hear the woman talking a little bit about the game (in English, if you choose to put the phone in English). You have to be careful not to stand in the middle of two exhibits, as your phone might get confused and switch over halfway through lmao.
As a side note, there are major spoilers for most of the games, so be warned if you go!
Also, if you’re planning to go, I recommend looking at the Goods list and taking an appropriate amount of money...
Now, onto the good stuff (photo heavy!!):
The first thing you do is hear all about how you are a Warrior of Light, and everyone is assigned to either ice, fire or lightning (I was ice). This is only relevant for the first few minutes, where you board the Starship Airship Enterprise and the Omniscient Voice tells you that you’re off to the Realm of Final Fantasy- but that Bahamut might attack.
In the next room, there are lights projected on the floor where you gather according to which element you were given. There’s a full-room projection of being on the deck of an airship, and of course, Bahamut does attack. You tap the screen of the phone when prompted to charge your magic and kick his ass, it’s pretty cool. Then it’s off into the exhibition proper.
I-VI have pretty small displays: 1-3 screens each with a loop from the game playing, a song from each game playing, and a small write-up about each one. I stood there listening to Battle on the Big Bridge for WAY too long lmao.
They have bigger displays for FFVII, Crisis Core, FFVIII, FFIX, FFXII and FFXIII, with movies being projected onto walls for each one.
FX and Mobius have bigger displays again, with a mirrored room covered i TV scrren being used to show Tidus and Yuna’s dimension...or something...In any case, wear something nice bc you’ll be able to see yourself from every angle in there. The audio in this room is only Japanese, but the phone shows English subs.
The FFXV section was easily the biggest, and I’m just gonna throw in a whole lot of pictures (if there’s any you’d like a closer look at, just let me know):
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(”Jade did you just take a bunch of pictures of your wife” uhhhh no...)
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I kinda breezed through the FFXI and FFXIV exhibits bc I haven’t played them and I won’t play them lmao, sorry!!
The last major room is made to look like Aerith’s church, and she makes various comments based on where you stand in the room. They had some concept art for the VII remake, but NO PICTURES ALLOWED. Looks good, though!!
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Then you hand back your phone, and they have one last room with a bunch of Final Fantasy miniature displays and a biiiiiiig fuck off Amano painting done for FFXV:
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It was SO GOOD omg
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