#but if you enjoy snappy sarcastic high-energy comedy
cantsayidont · 11 months
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September 1932. BLESSED EVENT — directed by Roy Del Ruth and obviously inspired by real-life newspaper columnist Walter Winchell — is a screamingly funny pre-Code comedy featuring Lee Tracy at his cynical, frenetic best as Alvin Roberts, a Winchell-like gossip columnist who finds his niche with scandalous birth announcements of the "married late this summer, anticipate a blessed event in October" variety, captivating and outraging half of New York and making Roberts a celebrity. Naturally, this also makes him many enemies, from Bunny Harmon (a young Dick Powell), an unctuous radio crooner Roberts loathes (and vice versa), to gangster Sam Gobel (Edwin Maxwell), who sends a tough Chicago hood named Frankie Wells (Allen Jenkins) to rub Roberts out. In the film's most memorable scene, Frankie is scared straight by Roberts' vividly horrific description of being put to death in the electric chair, a spiel Tracy delivers at a breathless, rapid-fire pace that would make even a vintage Robin Williams standup routine seem comparatively sedate. BLESSED EVENT also has a great supporting role for regular Warner Bros. character player Ruth Donnelly as Roberts' long-suffering secretary. ("You want to see Mr. Roberts? Oh, you want to sue Mr. Roberts. The line forms on the left.")
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melatoninburst · 3 years
Pros and Cons of dating Shanice
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Shanice is loyal to a fault, she goes out of her way to help her friends and will probably wake up at 3am to go find you if you’re lost somewhere, even though she can’t drive and gets lost easily.
She’s forward even if her affection is kind of cat like ( she doesn’t like being touched unless she starts it and will move away if you’re touchy when she doesn’t want it ) so if she wants affection, she’ll inquire if you’re okay with it and will go forward with it if given approval. She’s never really embarrassed by it either.
Due to being blunt to a fault, you won’t have any issues figuring out what she’s feeling or if you’ve done something wrong; communication will come easily when the woman you’re dating is blunt to a fault and has no issues telling you what can be improved and what the issues are.
Should she go somewhere for food, she’ll always bring something back for you- regardless of how expensive it is, she always makes sure you’re not left out. She also makes sure to give you some of what she bakes or cooks if you come over.
If you’re the sarcastic type, the two of you will become a comedy duo. Naturally sarcastic, you two will likely bounce off each other’s quips with ease, and if you’re into playful arguments, you’ve got it good.
Shanice isn’t afraid to fight someone to defend you, even if she knows it’s a losing battle.
She’s not the jealous type and gives you a lot of freedom.
That’s it, that’s all I’ve got. She’s the worst girl for a reason.
Shanice takes naps all the time, so she’ll often spend her free time sleeping and if not, she’ll be reading/writing or playing games- so you won’t often have a lot of time with her, especially given she quite enjoys her own space and doesn’t see an issue spending weeks alone.
She goes on rants on occasion, usually about a story line or just some random idea she had, rambling on and on without end, outside of asking questions- and a lot of people find these annoying. You’ll think about her stupid points and wish she would shut up.
Her father is a protective man, and he’s who she had taken after the most- a man who used to have near death experiences a lot and can be incredibly snarky and rude to those who he believes deserves them. Her dad will have no issues tearing into you- especially if he thinks you’re bad for her. 
Despite believing honesty is the best policy, if you make her cry or if anyone else upsets her enough to cry, she runs off to hide away and will act like nothing happened as she feels like she’s reverting back to her ‘crybaby’ younger self. Despite this, however, she asks you to be honest about how sad you are or if someone hurt you, even if she doesn’t do it personally. She thinks it’s best you don’t know.
She’ll put things before you- she thinks that a romance comes after everything like work or family and she knows she’ll stick to that thought. If you want her to move with you, or, to choose you over her family, you’re not going to last long. She tries to be a good partner, but she could never do that just to be considered one. She’s not a rom-com protagonist, and she’ll never make the same sacrifices as one.
She’s deeply insecure in herself and it shows, but she laughs off any compliments and simply sees it as ‘facts’ that she’s terrible and that she can’t get better, so she’s given up on trying.
She’s either extremely low energy or extremely high energy. You never know what she will be that day or if it’ll remain consistent. If low energy time is paired with a headache, she’ll be constantly trying to leave to take a nap.
Shanice is snappy, easily annoyed and it shows, and while she never intends to hurt, she’ll argue for hours if it’s what it takes. She always apologises when she’s at fault and will go out of her way to make it up to you if feelings are hurt, but her ire isn’t hard to attract. 
“You’ve got terrible taste in women, you know that right?” and similar things will be said to you by the woman herself.
I could go on forever.
tagged by: I was indirectly tagged.
tagging: @bigcasinc  @alexandraxsuoh @rebellicnstar (Akiko :3c ) @anomieheld​ and whoever else wants to
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