#but if you have hobbie recommandations i would appreciate it
skijumpingf1 · 2 months
Welcome to my ski jumping Instagram following analysis that literally nobody asked for (I am in need of new hobbies btw)
For this I analysed all male jumpers who scored world cup points this season (67 in total).
The most follower has Zyla (412.000), followed by Stoch (396.000) and Kubacki (353.000). Wellinger is fourth and the first none polish jumper with around 165.000 followers.
Bartolj (1.090), Marusiak (1.233) and Imhof (1.331) have the least followers.
The FIS Instagram has a following of around 95.700 people. Jumpers who have a higher following than this and can be considered "bigger than the sport" (you get what I mean hopefully) are Zyla, Stoch, Kubacki, Wellinger, Kot, P. Prevc, R. Kobayashi, Kraft and Geiger.
On average a male ski jumper has 45.007 followers. Jumpers who have an over average following are the above and Tande, Forfang, Hayböck, Leyhe, Granerud and D. Prevc.
A few things that surprised me are that Kos is the only jumper out of the top 10 in WC that has less than 10.000 followers. Especially since he is basically carrying team Slovenia in terms of content imo. Also, Sundal has just 3.363 followers which seems low considering he was on the podium this season. I thought that Stoch has the most followers tbh and not Zyla but apparently I was wrong.
Let´s move on the nations in general.
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As you can see Poland obviously has the most followers on average (who is suprised? Not me). USA has the least.
A thing to point here is that Japan is being carried heavily by Ryoyu. Without him team Japan would be just above Switzerland. Also, the second most following in team Japan has Junshiro.
This trend can be seen in team Slovenia as well. Peter has almost triple as much followers as his brother Domen, who has the second most followers in the team. Interestingly if we would count Cene in this statistic too, he would be number 3 in terms of following (in front of Timi, Anze, etc.). So we can see that jumpers with successful siblings maybe get a boost by this.
Team Norway feels the most homogeneous. The main guys (Danny, Johann, Halvor, Robert, Marius) have pretty similarly following. It is a spread from around 30.000 between them but that is nothing compared to team Austria for example (Stefan has over 70.000 more followers than Michi in second). The reason for that is that team Norway has noone who has that really big following. All the other top teams have at least one jumper who is sticking out.
From the small teams (with just one person in the standings) Ipcioglu has the most followers with over 30.000, which is quite remarkable for a jumper who isn’t from a ski jumping nation.
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