#but ig that means i'll have to hold off on building characters because that's what's causing my burnout in the first place
rubys-domain · 1 year
i really picked the worst time to be burnt out on genshin
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#i really need to farm primos for chong consts#but ig that means i'll have to hold off on building characters because that's what's causing my burnout in the first place#maybe im too weak for this game lmao i've attempted artifact farming only once so far#the fact that i'm already burnt out before artifact farming is... rather concerning#today i've been watching genshin theory videos instead of actually playing the game because i figured#it's like playing the game without playing the game#(imo anyway nobody come after me for this pls lmao my brain is just fried)#part of it is also being semi-stuck in 'waiting mode' because of the thing i have on saturday#which makes me do nothing actually important until the thing comes to pass#and for some reason my brain lumped farming for characters in the 'actually important things' category#which is just as time-wasting as binge-watching theory videos. it is just a game after all#but anyway#i hope i can get back into the groove of things once i get the thing on saturday out of the way#i'm also toying with the idea of pulling for akuoumaru or not. apparently it's a good claymore for chong#but its passive seems more suited to a burst nuke support chong rather than a main dps#either way i'm probably better off just waiting until i can buy bp for serpent spine#since i'm burnt out rn it'll probably just sit there collecting dust at level 40 if i do manage to pull it#it might take a while. probably a long while. to actually have the money. but#i crafted prototype amber for baizhu and proceeded to switch to thrilling tales after getting it to like level 40-ish#i don't exactly want a repeat of that#and realistically my chances of getting akuoumaru are low. even if i got lucky and got an event weapon,how likely is it to be akuoumaru#i'd rather pour my limited amount of primos into chong consts and potentially yoimiya
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vacantgodling · 2 years
I don't know if you've already said this and I forgot - what's Chidori's weapon and how did he choose it?
Also Jihan/Hue...I want to know everything but for an actual question, what were they like when things were more stable with them? Did they have favorite things to do together? (Is there a thread of vampires vs. werewolves in this world?) And also how does the witch assignment system work?
~ @void-botanist
bless u for questions i am giving you your favorite drink of choice & a blanket tm
so for chidorky! so this is his weapon, it's called torment. :)
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i'm still working out the details of how train masters weapons Work fully but basically i do know that you don't choose your weapon, your weapon chooses you lol. i think once you are nearing graduation at the train academy (it'll get a name i swear), you choose your weapon and start to train with it. all train masters have weapons because in doing train master work one of your biggest responsibilities is protecting the train from harm be it from disasters or Outside Threats. the city/trains can be a bit lawless and gang raids and Creature (idk what they are yet) attacks are common lol. the gems on torment glow when he uses it and its pretty special. i just still gotta figure out the whole thing lol. i do know that in Main Character fashion torment is pretty powerful and so many other train masters are surprised that he has it/it chose him.
hee i'm still working out hue and jihan (i'm doing literally every question from that ship ask i rb'd the other day to learn more about them & its been fun :D) so i'm gonna post that soon lol! but have a LARGE RAMBLE under the cut :D
when things were more stable between them god, they were really good. the two of them have been together for almost 20 years LMAO so they know each other extremely well & they're extremely comfortable around each other. comfortable, as in the can share a look over their kids heads and know what to do to fix or calm a situation. comfortable, as in jihan did hue's ties before work every day and hue has no clue how to tie one without him. comfortable, as in they're still so comfortable around each other. that hue finds it so hard to hold this distance between them after the entire divorce because jihan isn't a partner he fell out of love with, and it hurts how much he knows jihan still loves him. whenever he sees the kids or does something that he would do for hue like before but shies off it physically hurts hue because he still loves him too lol. hue is a MESS rn baybee and jihan is no better.
in terms of favorite things to do together, they love cuddling and napping together, but they're both also really competitive lol so a lot of their date nights were doing something game esque. bowling, paintball, quiz nights, "competitive karaoke" (LOL) they love to do things that get adrenaline pumping and are fun and silly. both being mostly nocturnal they also really like stargazing together :)
i haven't finished thinking about vampires/werewolves (and ig other supernatural creatures/witches) in this world yet BUT when i do i'll definitely tag ya!
so basically with the witch resurgence program, witches and real magic (that isn't species specific) had sort of dwindled out of the world several hundred years ago. people kind of accepted it and let bygones be bygones. however 20 years ago, human children suddenly started being born again with magical aptitude and prowess. got babies sneezing and blowing up buildings LMAO which is NOT GREAT. bc humans aren't necessarily equipped to handle this type of magical ability (though some continue to learn, other parents kind of view it as waaaay more than they can handle) so a special adoption agency was formed. wolves and were-creatures tend to take on a LOT of young witches bc pack bonding mentality, however other creatures will take them on as well. it works on both a volunteer & scouting basis which means there are families who do apply to take care of these babies, but other times if there isn't any volunteers or there's more demand than there are volunteers, those in the agency will seek out supernatural families or couples to see if they can foster children for a bit since the govt is still trying to grapple with this whole situation. that's what happened with hue and jihan (though they have formally adopted esther and ozzy). as a recently wed supernatural couple + one being a wolf & one being a vampire (who has known witches with magic in his lifetime) it made them great candidates to raise some witch kiddos if they were willing. hue, coming from a large family was down with it but he wasn't sure about how jihan would feel about starting a family. but jihan wants to do everything with hue, he loves him so dearly. so he was down to raise some kids lol. they were given esther first, who is a particularly powerful baby (and probably good that jihan, a pretty old fuck whos seen magic enough to know some bits and bobs about this) but her bio parents actually ended up having another child a few years later that ALSO had magic - ozzy. instead of separating the two sisters, they thought it'd be better to home them together so that's how they got ozzy. as the girls got older and their magic has become more stable, they started to meet with their bio parents. while they don't really view them as their mom and dad, they are creating a good budding relationship with them :D there's also talks of a magic school being in the works! though that's gonna be wild because... there hasn't been magic for so long so who's gonna teach it ?? lol?? so yeah that's just kind of the gist sorry this was so long;;;
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reporterleroux · 4 years
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"What if we lived together?"
Characters: ig!tubbo, ig!ranboo, ig!tommy x gn!ghosthybrid!reader (/p, all together)
A/N: Ok so this has been on my mind a fair bit, thinking about you being best friends with the Bench Trio and how one day you randomly popped up with "what if we all lived together?" As a joke and they were like YES SURE OK and you went looking for a spot and stuff
You started the day with the sun glaring through the slit in the curtain burning through the sleepiness if your eyes as if it was trying to say "GET OUT OF BED NOW." So thats what you did. With a groan, you slid to sit over the side of your bed, taking a moment to adjust to the fact you just woke up, before heading down into the kitchen of your single occupant house to make some breakfast. You dug around the cabinets, wandered around the kitchen, attempting to find anything.
"Ah shit."
You whispered in annoyance as you remembered. You were meant to go out to the market the day before and got distracted by multiple other things, therefore leaving you with no food anywhere in the house. You sighed in frustration, you really need to talk to Phil, see if he can help you get distracted less, because otherwise, well, you get this. You sighed in defeat of your past self, and went upstairs to get ready for the day. You jumped into the shower, pondering what chaos you and your best friends would be getting up to today.
You floated through the walls of your silent home, the only sound heard was your light humming as you were doing so. You grabbed and threw on your usual attire, knee length multi-pocketed shorts, a small-ish pocketed belt, a white shirt and some fingerless leather gloves. You liked pockets, they were a useful tool for you considering you were never seen holding any form of bag, ever. You made sure you had all the stuff you needed in your pockets, medical stuff, money, and other things, before you slipped on your off-white trainers and went out the door, headed towards the market.
"The market is on the way to the bench, I can grab a quick breakfast there;"
You grabbed the small clock from One of your many pockets, and looked at it.
"I've got time, as long as I don't get distracted, I'll be fine."
You said to yourself. Though past experiences would prove otherwise. You were usually roughly the 2nd one to the bench, only stopping for a few seconds to look at things on the way.
When you finally made it to the market, it was bustling with life. It was Sunday, so there were more stalls up, therefore more customers. You looked around for a bit before deciding to settle on a simple bagel, it'll fill you for now anyways. You looked at the clock again.
You questioned, almost choking on your bagel. It was 10:30, you were about half an hour late. You thanked the stall owner before sprinting off towards the bench.
You could see the boys from a distance, but they couldn't see you, so you decided to play a small prank on them. You went into a full phantom state, making everything you wear plus yourself invisible, before flying up towards them. You stood behind them, them un-aware of your presence, and you slapped Tommy against the back of his head.
He started shouting, whipping his head around while rubbing the back of it with his hand. The other 2 boys did the same. That's when you ghosted through the small gap between Ranboo and Tommy, grabbing Ranboos crown and placing it on your head in the process. That's when you made yourself visible again, still floating with Ranboos crown wonky on your head, laughing like there was no tomorrow. When Tubbo and Ranboo noticed, the started laughing as well.
Tommy shouted. You continued to laugh.
"I got you SO GOOD!"
You managed to get out between laughs. Tommy looked pissed, but you could tell he found it funny as well. You weren't his best friend for nothing. You sat in the small gap you ghosted through earlier, and stared to chat with they boys, Ranboo taking his crown back doing so.
You all talked for a while, before the most random question slipped off your tounge.
"What if we lived together? Y'know, like in the same house that we built and chose the land to live on."
Silence was brought among the group. You were slightly worried, thinking you said something wrong, before Tubbo spoke up.
"Y/N... That's- That's a great idea!"
Ranboo and Tommy nodded in agreement.
"Come on! Let's go find somewhere now!"
Tommy said as he grabbed the nearest wrist to him, that so happened to be yours, and started dragging you away from the bench, the other boys close behind.
The 4 of you wandered for a good hour or so, with a few distractions for you in-between, before stumbling upon Niki.
"Oh, hey guys!"
Niki called in a cheery voice.
"What are you up to?"
As to which you responded;
"Hey Niki! Were just looking for somewhere we could live, like an empty plot of land or something."
Niki's eyes visibly lighted up.
"I know somewhere great! It's peaceful but also nearby to prime path, you get what I mean?"
She stated, as to which you all nodded. You walked for a little bit before reaching a slight hill, traversing up it before you were met with a empty plot of land. It was a beautiful area, and Niki was right, it was nearby prime path. The view was one of the many amazing things about the area, but that's not what caught your eye. Oh no. In fact, it was the brightly coloured flower field, just over a few yards away from you. You ran straight over while the others were talking about the land with Niki, unaware of your sudden, but close by disappearance. You laughed while you chucked yourself into the flowers, taking in every moment.
"What are you thinking Y/N, should we build our house here?"
Ranboo asked turning his head, realising you were gone the whole time. It didn't take him long before he saw you running though the flower field and around the nearby trees, clearly having the time of your life. He nudged the other boys and simply pointed towards your figure, showing them your visible enjoyment, before they all turned back to Niki, knowing what the other 2 were going to say.
"Yes Niki, we will build our house here."
A/N: FINALLY CAN GET THIS OFF MY MIND LIKE WOW but yes imagine them being your best friends
Or even better
Just them
Have a great day!
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chunjiroshin · 4 years
👌 ▬YAOI/BxB ROLEPLAY: Detective Conan▬👌
Looking for a BxB/Yaoi RP partner !
♡ KaiShin || Kaitou Kid x Shinichi Kudo ♡
The Grandest Heist Yet . . . [♡]
This feels so random and out of nowhere but would anyone like to do a Shinichi x Kaitou Kid roleplay thing with me? I somehow stumbled back into Detective Conan recently and I'm just agusgjgsjv It's been a while and like, my childhood is somewhat screaming but hey-ho- the whole detective / thief thing has been keeping me up all night like I don't know why I have never tried it before but yoo- my senses have been tingling and hisugsugjgsvksv So, like- just pm is ya wanna try! Not much rules except 2+ lines for reply, soooo y e e--
My style is more so semi-lit to adv.
literate but I can adapt! I'll also be playin as a switch ! ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Characters needed; □ K a i t o u K i d
My muse □ S h i n i c h i K u d o
▬▬▬▬▬▬ Plot; □ shinichi kudo is in his normal age or we could age them up a bit □ Kid knows about Shinichi being Conan □ on one of KID's heists, Shinichi finds him stealing something more valuable than mere jewelry; The Great Detective's Heart. □ there's so many plot-holes but it's all good. □ Ran and Shinichi recently just broke up /or not? Depends on ya'll/ they just friends tho □ it's not really a heist. It's actually a date. □ Shinichi suspects a heist to occur, specifically one threatening some valuables in Japan so he arrives that evening. As he's predicted, he finds Kaitou Kid on the roof, only... he reveals that the jewel he holds in his hand is purposely fake. /he can prove this by shattering said jewelry or throwing it off the building or something- that'd be cool ig--/ And the plan was actually to draw Shinichi's attention. □ could still have angst or smut later, up to you guys □ j u s t b r o s c h i l l i n g basically ▬▬▬▬▬▬
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My possible starter The night is particularly eerie today. The sky is cloudless but devoid of any stars. The streets are just as monotonous and quiet. There's neither a peep nor a sound in the premise. It's late so that isn't much of a big deal. Shinichi stood at the foot of a large jewelry museum; one that he'd visited with Ran just a few hours prior. It was a remarkable site, really. "Lalique Museum Hakone", a tribute to the skillful Renè Lalique. The museum owned a collection of more than 1,500 of Lalique pieces including over 200 precious jewelry. It was definitely something. But knowing Kaito Kid... There would be no reason for him to come all the way here just for all this, right? On the normal situation his careful deduction would confirm that. But at the same time, his gut didn't lie when it came to the other male's presence. Earlier when they were looking through the displayed valuables... --- "Hey, Shinichi. What do you think of this one?" "It's..." "Shinichi?" Just now, a figure had passed him. It's almost a shadow with how quick it is. An old man had made his way to one of the other nearby jewelry. To the normal eye, it was normal. They were all just spectating the works of art, afterall. But... 'It's him.' He knows it is.
And he had a clue as to what would come. --- At this point, he knew that the price or the reason behind the heists would have lost all meaning. Because that wasn't all the heists were about, right? It was the thrill. The thrill of being chased by the chaser. The thrill of possibly being caught. And his only role when it came to these was to catch. Within mere moments, he's made his way to the roof and there, in the moonlight, a flowing white cape caught his eyes
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