#but im dressing up as basil to Pretend
loverboypercy · 4 months
ohhh trodgor likes him thats so cute !!!
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im gonna start the End Game state in a few minutes. i wanted to get a pic of the three of them together bcs,, i wont see my uncle until i beat the game :(( BUT i can try to get a photo with him in the postgame !
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spaceoutruden · 8 months
Baseless Omori headcanons that affect almost nothing in the story
Smile im ill
Anyway, lets start with
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- HATES bananas
- big fan of salt. eats salt for fun.
- hates getting his hair cut cause he hates when the scissors touch the back of his neck
- does NOT know why ending his texts with a period is unsettling and continues to do it despite Kel and Basil begging him to stop
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- totally used to litter when he was little just because he didn’t understand why it was bad/didn’t care
- does NOT know how to dress himself, he needs help to look good
- tone deaf (loves scream singing w/ friends though)
- enjoys olives
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- is immune to jump scares and laughs at them (Kel thinks she’s crazy)
- awesome at imessage pool
- has 700 different combinations of the same password across all her accounts (she can never remember what’s used where)
- minecraft parkour master
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- big stick bug fan
- allergic to onions
- actually really good at mimicking accents
- loves fingerless gloves but feels cringe if he wears them
- cried once when he was way younger because the kid he was playing pretend with did the “kills you no dodge” thing
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- forever loyal to that one username he made up 7 years ago
- loves mario character Yoshi
- had a big dragon phase when he was younger
- not good at video games at all, he is helpless
- kids in high school looked up to him a lot and thought of him as a big brother
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- lets Hero win at mario kart every once in a while
- big cartoon fan even into adulthood
- knows an odd amount of facts about everyone around her at all times
- does all the stereotypically masculine things for Hero (gets him flowers, pays for him, etc.)
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numbaoneflaya · 3 years
4, 9, 32, 46, 49 for Jilly ; 1, 3, 9, 16, 39 for Ciggy ; 4, 16, 17, 19, 27 for Thurwen ; 4, 11, 20, 41, 50 for Suds :)
This only took me 47 years to finish and im bleeding and crawling up a mountain as i post this
4: Answered!
9: What is your character's trigger point? What makes them angry, sad or makes them go off?
-Things that make her immediately angry are cruelty to children and animals and otherwise people who can't defend themselves. What makes her go off is either those or someone being rude to her friends or her man. Shes probably not gonna start a fight for those things though, just get a little bit jilly bitchy and not be as enthusiastic or nice to someone doing that. Everyone gangsta til jilly goes “HIII! :DD!” to the people next to you and then “:| …hey.” to you. Equivalent to her version of a punch in the face.
32: Your character is having a prom night/debs. What kind of outfit do they wear?
-probably how jilly figures out heelies and ballgowns don't mix well. Goes all out with a thrift shop dress one of the huge frilly ones w no sleeves that are a lil ugly. Wears heelies bcs she wants to “glide around the room like a princess”, ends up getting her wheels stuck in the fabric every 12 seconds and busting ass on the dance floor the whole night until she says fuck it and goes barefoot. Also wears a tiara.
46: Does your character believe in anything? Religion? Superstition?
-Christian bcs she was raised that way and then realizes shes probably atheist when shes like 18 and moved out. Agnostic for the most part, but after she starts dealing w having ciggys ghost around and basil and co having gone to the river, shes kinda rethinking things. A little bit superstitious and wont do things like walk under ladders or break mirrors.
49: What is your character's biggest fear? Most irrational?
-hmmm.. Biggest fears are probably being abandoned and left behind by her friends and vince, realizing that they were only pretending to like her out of pity the whole time and were gossiping about her while not in the room, one or all of them being killed, etc. Also still kinda afraid that vincent is gonna eat her and put her back in the basement. Kinda scared that hell is real and shes going there. Scared that shes gonna go werewolf nuts one day and eat her friends. Scared that a hidden snake is in the toilet and is gonna bite her vagina when shes least expecting it
1: What is your character's reaction to a minor inconvenience? Such as getting their jumper caught on a door handle?
Generally does not let little things bother him. Likely to shrug and laugh it off unless he's having a shitty day or going through withdrawals, and then he'll start mumbling curses and kicking the couch, stubbing his toe in the process and making things worse.
3: What does their safe space look like?
Hmmm… idk if he has one? :/ maybe in his old best friend Bud’s RV. He spent a lot of time there and it was the only place he consistently kept clothes and a toothbrush after he got kicked out of school/his moms. Guy never stays in one place very long and does a lot of couch hopping, so he doesn't really have any one place he can call his own.
9: What is your character's trigger point? What makes them angry, sad or makes them go off?
Hes pretty chill most of the time! Almost nothing gets to him. Hes learned to joke about pretty much all of the stuff that bothers him and laugh most things off. One thing though most likely to set him off and make him enter chimp rage mode 0-100 is insulting his ex gf or his daughter. Then it's fighting time, which he'll probably lose bcs he's kinda scrawny and doesn't exercise and also is dead.
16: What do they look for in a friend? A love interest?
-Anyone who can keep up with him at a party is a friend in his book. He's drawn to wild people and also people that are maybe not so good for him because he has a pension for self destruction. Likes loud and exuberant folk and also kind people, and anyone willing to let him crash on their couch. Romantic/sexual wise hes into dominant people and people who look like they could snap him in two or step on him.
39:What's your character's guilty pleasure?
-hmm he's not really guilty about any of his pleasures. He's pretty outspoken about things even if at times he shouldn't be. Voted most likely to talk loudly in a restaurant abt wanting a mommydom gf. Even things he's kind of embarrassed about like watching kids cartoons or still reading goosebumps books, if someone attempted to make fun of him for it he'd just go along with it like yes i am cringe. But your still blonde
4: What do they consider to be an unforgivable action? Why?
-The obvious- rape, torture/cruelty/murder without a reason, harming children, selling people into slavery/being a slaver, etc. Also being orlesian.
16: What do they look for in a friend? A love interest?
- She makes friends easier with extroverts since shes naturally a little reclusive meeting people, its easier for her to get comfortable with someone if theyr friendly and jovial. Most likely to befriend other warriors,as shes made a lot of her friendships by getting into fights with people and beating the shit out of them. She likes people with strong morals or convictions of any kind, who arent afraid to argue with her despite the fact that shes scary. A part of her also is drawn naturally to people she finds needing protection in some way, like the way if you see a kitten on the sidewalk ur kinda like aw damn guess i gotta take care of you too now :/
17: Who are they soft for? Do they find being soft easy or difficult?
-If you asked her this shed say “im soft for nothing, my cock hard 24/7.” Really she's soft on her family, animals, kids and friends. Also soft for old sad romance stories. Finds being soft VERY difficult and will deny all allegations of softness, possibly with biting involved. It can be very whiplash inducing to see her bash some guys brains in with her boot and rip someones throat out, to walking in on her 2 minutes later oh so gently cooing at and giving kissies to her Mabari bcs he got his paws wet in the rain and is whining at her.
19: What does your character consider to be their lowest point?
-probably the few years after her mom died. I mean yeah her ruined wedding sucked, ostagar battle sucked, the blight sucked, etc, but at least for those things she had enough sense of self worked out plus other people to share the burdens with to be able to work through it. By the time her mom died all her closest friends had died/left/taken away. It was the angriest time in her life, she spent a lot of it alone and training with a sword and fighting with anyone and everyone. It also made her more unpopular in the alienage bcs of all the fights she started/got in. She doesn't really like to look back on those years.
27: What are their opinions on children? Do they view children as sweet angels or evil crotch goblins?
-Thurwen loves kids, though will act like she doesn't. Surprisingly capable at babysitting, though she may teach the child how to use a sword. Even though she's not that tall she still crouches down to talk to them to be more eye level. She thinks kids are hilarious bcs they have no filter and say/do whatever. Really good at talking with them in a way that doesn't dismiss how young they are but also doesn't make them feel infantilized, because she had a tough childhood and adults talking to her like she didnt know anything always pissed her off so fuckin bad. Kids are drawn to her naturally, especially bcs she likes telling them stories and giving them honey treats. And also bcs shes the hero of ferelden and any kid that hears that is running at her for stories immediately.
Suds :)
4: What do they consider to be an unforgivable action? Why?
-much the same as Thurwens, except plus a couple of things that happen when one is an immortal being. One thing he's seen is worshipers sacrifice innocents, virgins etc to him. He does not like that one bit and usually ends up saving the sacrifices while killing all the worshipers. He's also seen people attempt to steal immortality through sacrificing their most trustworthied to the emptiness of the inbetween (or to pretty much anything, but mostly the sacrifice is in vain bcs they have no idea what power they are trying to compel) He is for the most part very forgiving. Perhaps more forgiving than he should be, because in numerous cases if he'd just been more coldhearted and iron willed then many foul events would not have transpired. Yes he blames himself.
11: Do they enjoy pranks or do they hate them? Are they likely to fall for a prank?
-I know i say many of my ocs are prank masters and know all the tricks in the book, but this is the guy that wrote the book. He is the ink and paper of which it was written as well. He loves pranks- trickery, guile, everything. His favorites are the light hearted ones where everyone laughs and nobody is hurt. But as every God has two sides to their coin, he also on occasion enjoys pranks against those he sees as unworthy of life- where someone ends up falling into a pit of spikes or poisons themselves through foolery. Least unlikely to fall to a prank, but eggs it on as much as possible. Would be very excited at the prospect of people trying to prank him, though he will do his best to turn it against them (in a non lethal way).
20: Does your character have a comfort item?
-not an item, but his bee swarm hes kept for centuries is very grounding for him. Bees have a communal memory, and theres no feeling quite like being enveloped by them. The bees sense when hes distubed by something and will often flock to him no matter how far he is from them in his garden. Besides the bees.. He used to have a comfort item. Felix made it for him when they were very young, a bright green vibrant necklace with gold metal encasing it. He would stim with it constantly and when he held it in his hand it was a bright warmth. He doesn't have it anymore :/
41: Your character has been punched into the face. What's their reaction?
-LMAO if suds is punched in the face it's because he saw it coming and decided to stay in the way. Punching a god in the face just feels… OFF in a way where it's not quite the same feeling as punching a mortal. His nose doesn't bleed and he's still smiling when they withdraw their fist and start nursing it to their chest, because punching a god in the face is like punching metal. At Least when their not pretending to be mortals. If someone punches him in the face its likely because he stepped in while they were about to do something bad. And hes going to still keep smiling, ask if this is the course of action they would like to take. Ask twice, three times. Then they can either run away or die at this point, though he will make it as quick as possible for them if they choose the latter.
50: How does your sleep at night? Are they a heavy or light sleeper? Do they dream or have nightmares? Do they find it easy to sleep or are they more a night owl?
-Suds likes to sleep a lot. If left to his own devices he could probably comfortably sleep around 17 hours straight every day. Of course this is partially because he doesnt get as much rest as others from sleep on account as hes both a dreamer and a god, so sleep is both spent hearing prayers and traveling the world/universes. When he was mortal he could rest more easily despite still being a dreamer, but now he finds it very hard to get restful uninterrupted sleep because of how many people are crying out to him and how many beings in the realm of sleep try and test him/attack him. Its been a long long long long time since he was able to have a sleep for himself with no dreams, no nightmares, no prayers and no demons.
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