#but im excited to see a familiar face ahah
holykhepri · 2 years
twitter is broken for me so
all these gamecube remakes makes me PATIENTLY HOLD MY BREATH....
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honeybeewriter · 4 years
Angel in disguise
Chapter 1: Settling in 
AN: The first few chapters will take place before the USJ attack, so the dorms aren’t implement yet. i hope yall enjoy chapter one of aid. feel free to talk to me about it too!!
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Passing buildings and roaring cars filled you with excitement, your heart racing as you daydreamed of your classes and what its like on campus. Kyoka taps your shoulder lightly, careful not to startle you out of your thoughts. You turn to your now host sister “yes Kyoka?” You tilted your head in curiosity 
“Are you excited?” Her voice soft as she tucks a strand of loose hair behind her ear, her onyx eyes looking over your expression. 
“Very!! I cant wait to see my class and get to know everyone! It sucks that we aren't in the same class.” You voice cheerful but it wavers at the end. You really hope to have at least one class with her, you might be excited but a familiar face would be nice to have.
A gentle chuckle from the front seat from mika as she turned around “remember (y/n) there are other classes besides hero and support, so im sure youll have a class together. So don't worry too much dear.” 
“Hopefully, someone to hang out with other than the boys!” Kyoka groaned as she rubs her face as her phone chimed 
“The boys?” You questioned but before she could answer, the car was pulled to a stop, ‘home already?!’ Your thoughts echoed as you mindlessly unbuckle your seatbelt. The home in front of you wasn't huge but it was perfect in your eyes 
“Kyotoku! Help me out with (y/n) things!” 
You didn't even realize that you were the last one still in the vehicle, as you step out of the car you turn to the back end of the car, watching mika and kyotoku pull your luggage from the trunk. The sticker covered bags rolling against the ground, passing you “hey kiddo? You off in dream land?” Kyotoku waved a hand with a chuckle, placing his hand on your hair “come on we are gonna rockin time!!” 
Mika unlocks the door, guiding the family inside. As you enter the scent of lilac hits your nose it’s calming, once again your spaced out as you take in your new home until graduation. 
The exchange program was a long term deal between schools, a support hero for a support hero. You have a wonderful talent of inventing new tech for the pros! Its just you lack the confidence boost you desperately need, hopefully this is it. 
Kyoka placed a gloved hand on your shoulder as she nods to her parents “come on, we will show you to your room” you both begin to walk “i know its like 5am but we have to be at school by 8am, so try to sneak in some sleep.” She nudged you playfully as the four of you reached the room. 
Blank cream walls with hardwood floors decorated with a full size bed in the middle in front of a window. “Feel free to go all out in this room, it is yours after all. Make yourself at home kiddo” Kyotoku ruffles your hair as he exits the room after setting the luggage down. Mika smiled a motherly smile towards you “Get some rest before school” simple yet warmly mika said as she exits the room to join her husband in the other room 
“I'll wake you up 30 minutes before we leave, sleep well” Kyoka yawned as she sat down the last item of yours and left the room to go sleep in her own bed. 
Your body, exhausted from the long trip, as soon as your head hits the pillow; your heavy eyelids shut and you drifted off into a blissful sleep.
At your old school you were one of the top support students, always making amazing support items. Always something new in the works, even when it blew up in your face you would alway huff, but your father would never let you bring yourself down. He always said, “Look angelwings, things wont improve if you sit and sulk, dont let failure scare you, okay? Let your failure be your inspiration to improve.” 
 Remembering it like it was yesterday when you made your first successful item for your medic mother, a medical clipin that could record a patient's vitals. That was what got you noticed by UA. The nursing industry suggested you to UA because they all believed you had a gift! So here you are, in japan, for the rest of the school life. 
“(y/n) its time to get up, we have to go if we want to catch the bus!” Kyoka called from the other side of the door. The cracks in the blinds allowed inkling of the morning golden rays to dribble in the room, filling it with warmth. 
Pushing yourself up from the short slumber made you groan as your host sister pushed the door open. “Rise and shine, i have your uniform, ill lay it on the bed. Mom has breakfast ready for us.. So um, just get ready and come down when your ready” she muttered softly as she laid the outfit down onto your bed. 
With heavy feathers you stretch your wings up and back, releasing any tension within the joints. Luckily the uniform has wing slits for you. You fought with the undershirt for a good minute, a victorious “AHAH!!” bounced off the walls of your room. Finally with you dressed the part you make your way downstairs. 
The smell of gohan, eggs and tsukemono filled your nose, Your feet moved faster than your stomach. “Good Morning sweetheart, I made a togo breakfast and alittle extra for lunch, since your money hasn’t transferred quite yet. But im sure kyoka wouldnt mind sharing lunch with you, right hun?” Mika hummed as she finished the bento box, handing both boxes to the two of you. Kyoka nods “Oh! Of course… it's the others i'm worried about..” She muttered as her earphone jacks poke together nervously.
Mika smiled, rolling her eyes softly as she ushered you both out the door “hurry up or you'll miss the bus to school.'' Kyoka takes both bentos, holding them as she leads you to the end of the street where the bus stop stood. 
“Okay, so before we get to school, you might run into some of my friends. I know at lunch you will meet them but just to name the main few. You have Yayo-momo, Uraraka, and mina for a few females.” The bus arrives and you both board, taking a seat together, bento boxes in the respectful lap. “Now for the boys, you have kaminari, kirishima, sero and bakugou. Watch out on bakugou. He is kinda a hot head.” You giggle at her statement acknowledging the information. “But you might not see everyone I just mentioned, due to you being in class 1-F.” With quiet nod silence fell between you and your sister. You watched the small countryside city skated by in a blurr.
After a short while, the bus came to a gentle stop at the UA entrance. Kyoka stood up, and you followed her motions holding on gentle to the back of her book bag. You were nervous and scared of the new school, as any new kid would. As you both exit the bus, Nezu stands on top of Power Loader’s helmet waving to you both . 
“Ah! Good Morning jiro and (L/n)!! I hope you had a wonderful flight! It's a pleasure to finally you! As you know i'm principal Nezu! And this man” he pats the metal hat with his paws “Is Power Loader! He will be your teacher from here on out!!” Power loader gave a sincere smile as and held out a sheet of paper “this is the school map, incase you ever get lost.” You smile as you take the paper from the teacher and giving it a once over before looking among the sea of kids outside. 
The echoes of laughter and talking rang in your ears, Kyoka smiled as a blonde male waved to to her excitedly amongst the small group of people he stood with: a spiky red hair boy, whose teeth were sharps like a sharks, a oil slick of black hair on a taller male of the group, a female whose skin was bubblegum pink with matching curly pink locks of hair and finally standing next to the yellow haired male was another blonde
Time seemed to stand still, the leaves stopped in time, freezing in mid air. A breath caught in your throat as a set of deep cherry red orbs locked to your brilliantly warm (e/c). It was like a rush of emotions had hit you in the chest like a baseball that had been hit in a homerun. You looked on as kyoka left your side to join the small group. It was like the world was white and the only thing you saw was the blonde male. The feathers in your wings ruffled out trying to cool yourself down from this new found heat, that wasn't the sun. Soon the unknowing staring contest was cut short.
“(L/N) are you ready to get your day started?” Power loader asked, waving a hand in front of your face, snapping you from your gaze. “Um, Y-yeah” you stumbled your words and tried to look again for the male. But he was nowhere to be seen in the flood of kids entering the school. 
Who was that male? Why are his eyes so beautiful? Maybe you will see him again. Kyoka did run to his group. NO no distractions!!
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