#but im in the mood to complain so heres this unnecessary text post
mizugucci · 2 years
not to sound like pretentious or anything, but why do overlapping stage names exist... like if you’re gonna choose a stage name choose something not already in use?? i love u guys but cmon
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markleetrashh · 7 years
Best Friend Jeno
this is for @jfcwhatevenismylifeanymore , thanks for requesting love 💜
i miss this sunshine so much honestly
and i see some of y'all sleeping on him so im not gonna allow that
kidding dont smack me im smol
okay let’s start !!
you’d known him since you were kids because y'all were in the same kindergarden
even when he was younger , he was so goodlooking and cute you lowkey had a small crush/infatuation with him once
but all that faded away when one day in primary/elementary school y'all got partnered to do a math project
jeno being the sweetheart , he contributed a lot to the project and did like at most 80% of the work
but he still credited you and told the teacher ,
“ Y/N did most of the work !! please give her good marks ”
and like that you were touched and the both of you started to hang out even more ,
from joining each other during break time
and visiting each others’ houses when you had the time to
and you realised that both of you had the same interests and likings , everything instantly clicked
fast forward to now , y'all are still in the same school , same class
the thought that both of you were actually long lost siblings actually did cross your mind once ,
since the both of your personalities fitted each other and y'all could hardly ever be seperated
most of the time he just laughs and smiles a lot at the things you say ,
making small comments like
“ you’re so stupid haha ”
“ why are we friends ”
“ i can’t believe i’ve known you for more than 10 years already ”
the next moment he’s posting on social media how thankful he is for you
he saved your contact name as ’ tomato face 🍅 “ because he keeps teasing and reminding you of the time where you got all embarrassed in front of the whole class as you were told to present alone , and you were blushing like mad , when you were like 8
and you saved his as ’ unnecessary eyesmiles 🌙 ’
lowkey suggested by donghyuck
but also because he’s always smiling with his eyes even when there isn’t a need to
but again he looks cute whenever he does so you don’t say anything
honestly the type of best friend to help you no matter what
one time one other guy was harrassing and getting too close to you ,
jeno noticed and ran straight up to you , his arms slinging around your shoulders,
” let’s go babe “
and when you stare at him in confusion , he’d nudge you
” y-yeah let’s go jeno oppa “
and right after he acts like a mom & asks you if you’re fine
but after he laughs it off and teases you about the face you made when you were shocked previously
and after that incident people around the school started speculating and making rumours that both of you were a couple
and some even said that y'all had been sweethearts since young
like one junior suddenly came up to the both of you one day and mentioned about how much she supported the relationship
and both you and jeno would just be there staring at each other confused and awkwardly
it became such a huge matter your parents had to personally go down to the school to prove that y'all were just best friends
because the teachers heard from one student that he saw both of you making out in school one day
what is with these people y'all two are just smol kids im-
he loves disturbing and teasing you when you’re busy doing something ,
because he doesn’t like it when you get too focused and gets stressed
so he uses this as a way to cheer you up
and he’d purposely keep your stationery away from you when you were doing your homework ,
as he giggled and flashed you his eyesmile again
for once you thought he was innocent from those eyes
he’s so supportive of your decisions ,
like when you told him you found out you had feelings for mark ,
he got excited with/for you and literally wrote a long list on mark’s likes/dislikes all for you , so you were able to know him better
and with the help of donghyuck , he managed to save your number into mark’s phone and he also texted you with it ,
” hey ? “
” oh im sorry , who’s this ? “
” it’s mark here “
and you’d stare at your phone screen in horror ,
but another text comes in
” i don’t remember saving this in my phone but it says ’ qt tomato 🍅 ’ , may i know who this is ? “
and when you yelled at jeno to complain , he’d just laugh it off and apologise
but thanks to him you slowly got closer to mark and according to jeno too ,
he said that mark had feelings for you also
he wouldn’t mind skinship at all but he knows his boundaries ,
and he didn’t get too close to you as he was afraid the rumours would start again , and that it’ll only affect you and mark’s relationship
hugs and linking arms are normal though
and he loves to play with your hair when he’s bored too
when he’s in a good mood he treats you to meals ,
and would also treat you like he’s your older brother ,
getting you things want
at the end of the day he’s always grateful to have you as a bestfriend ,
just as much as you are
he’s such an innocent and fun person to be with , who wouldn’t want to be best friends with him tbh
i miss lee jeno
i hope y'all enjoyed this !!
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