#but im not the boss. im just the one having to clean up maggots all damn morning
j-wont-stop · 3 years
The Scarred (Chapter Five)
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Title - The Scarred (Chapter Five)
Word Count - 2156
Fandom - Batman: The Dark Knight
Pairing - Ledger!Joker x OC
Summary - Penelope Bishop works at a florist shop in Gotham, barely getting by in the corrupted city. Her life is shrouded by therapy and judgement with little light to find her way with. However, when a certain painted face starts making himself known to her, things take a turn.
Warning(s) - Panic attack, murder, cussing
Inspiration - Cold (Aqualung & Lucy Schwartz)
The vase fell from her hands, the shattering glass echoing through the hall. Penelope’s mind grew petrified as she stared at the card sitting in the mess of glass, water and flowers. She fell back against her door frame, her breathing sharp and fast as she began to hyperventilate. She gripped onto the front of her bra to pull it away from her chest, looking for any kind of relief, any way to find space for her to breathe properly. Yet it did nothing. She knew she was making a scene, and she wanted so badly to hide away in her apartment. But what about the mess? She asked herself amid the chaos. Her heart pounded in her ears, drowning out the ambience around her.
“’Scuse me-?” Penelope shot straight up, eye frantically darting towards the new voice. A tall, slim man stood before her, hands held out in front of him as an offering of peace. “Apologies, I didn’ mean to alarm ye. Are ye alrigh’?” His bright eyes held a gentleness in them, the same as his voice. It was soothing in a way she had never before experienced. It was hardly able to calm her, however, in her panicked state. “Righ’, dumb question…” He mumbled to himself, glancing between Penelope and her welcome mat. “I’ll clean this up righ’ quick fer ye, tha’ alrigh’?” She gave the smallest nod, letting go of her bra to wipe the tears from her face as he disappeared.
She closed her eye, grounding in an attempt to compose herself. Never had she broken down in front of a stranger. And never had she felt more humiliated by it. Her eye snapped back open when she heard the sound of a plastic bag, eyeing the man warily as he walked back to start picking up the glass shards. He noticed how her breathing had only slightly improved, but it was progress.
“Why are you helping me?” The sound of her voice caught him off guard as he continued picking up the pieces.
“Juss doin’ my duty.”
“In Gotham?” The man sighed and looked up at her from where he was crouched on the floor.
“‘Ard as it is to believe, miss, not erryone in this city is a crook.” It wasn’t until then that she noticed his thick accent. It was a surprise to her, however one she greatly accepted. She felt childish for it, but she was excited as it was her first time meeting someone with one. “Ye wann’ keep this?” He asked, holding the Joker card between his index and middle fingers. She hesitated before reaching to grab it. “Now, I’m not all tha’ superstitious,” He stood up with a huff. “But if tha’ is a genuine Joker card, I’d watch out if I were ye. Yer either really lucky, er ‘bout to be really dead.” He noticed the growing fright in her eyes. “Or! Some guy is juss actin’ the maggot and playin’ wit’ ye.”
“People were scared enough to impersonate Batman, I don’t think they’d dare to impersonate The Joker himself.”
“Then pray yer juss really lucky.” He spoke in a softer tone. He began to tie the bag as she continued to carefully watch him. “I don’t believe I’ve caught yer name yet?”
“Penelope.” She paused, taking a deep breath. “Bishop.”
“Penelope?” The name left his lips in curiosity. “Tha’s a new one.” Her eye shifted to the ground. “Bu’ it’s refreshin’.” The man offered her a friendly smile, but her expression remained constant. “Liam Garson. Juss moved in couple a doors down.” He pointed off to his left.
“Why?” He threw her a confused look. “I mean, why Gotham?”
“Oh!” Liam chuckled. “Well, why not? Barely any restrictions with the mob and cops runnin’ ‘round lie’ chickens wit’ their ’eds cut off. Sure, muggers an’ the lie’ crawl abou’, but tha’s the price ye pay fer freedom, righ’?” He contained himself from beaming when she gave the ghost of a smile.
“Well, I see where your morals lie, Mr. Garson.”
“Liam.” He jested. “An’ I may lack some, but I’m better off than over ‘alf the boyos ‘ere.”
“’Boyos’?” Penelope gave a small chuckle.
“Males, juveniles, youngins.” She nodded in understanding. “Well, I’ll let ye be. Juss wanted to check on ye and make sure ye were alrigh’.” He started to back away. “If ye need anythin’, I’m in 329.” With a final salute, he disappeared into his own apartment. Penelope slowly turned around to head into her own, closing her door softly.
She looked down at the card caught in her nimble fingers. She couldn’t help the jolt that rushed through her body when she realized that if it was his card, he knew where she was. He knew who she was. She was somebody to him and she wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or terrified. It made her start to question her own morals. Any other person wouldn’t even think to be flattered, so why would she?
He was a murderer, a psychopath who wanted nothing more than to watch the city burn. And yet she had half a mind to consider being flattered. Really lucky or really dead. Why would she be dead? Had she angered someone without her knowing?
She froze.
“The boss.” She whispered to herself in realization. The bald man worked for The Joker. Which meant he knew where she worked. How much else did he know? Who all knew? How many people were following her? Question after question ran through her head and it was almost unbearable. She didn’t know what she even did to be on his radar in the first place.
“-patrolling the streets trying to trace his whereabouts for the time being, but so far-“ The news anchor’s voice hummed softly from her TV and she practically ran over to it, snatching the remote from the coffee table to turn up the volume.
“Well, John, I think it’s safe to say that The Joker’s escape is truly devastating for the people of Gotham. Not only in the sense that he has escaped, but it gives the chance for other criminals to wreak havoc on the city knowing that Batman will once again be busy with him.” The woman on the other line spoke. Penelope scoffed at her words.
“Way to give them ideas.” She mumbled to herself with a wide eye.
“Let’s just hope that Batman is able to do what he does best, and fast. Cause-“ Penelope switched the TV off, having heard enough of it. It upset her that the city was putting their faith in a masked man, that none of them had the nerve to do something themselves. That they couldn’t even rely on their own first responders. That she couldn’t rely on first responders.
She began to peel off her bandages, dragging her feet towards her bathroom. So much had happened in only a week and it all started to catch up to her, her head starting to pound from it all. The note. The glass. The bald man offering her a large sum of money for just a vase of flowers, finding out he worked for The Joker, finding out The Joker had been tracking her for who knows how long.
Penelope reached into her medicine cabinet for pain killers, deciding on taking two with a glass of water. Finally she laid down on her bed, snuggling up to her great fuzzy blanket with her eyes closed in an attempt to fall asleep. She briefly thought about telling Emma, but if she truly was dealing with The Joker, she wanted her involved as little as possible. For her safety. She thought to herself in reassurance before sleep took over.
The sounds of rushing water and seagulls filled the air around her, the occasional pair of footsteps passing by that she grew wary of from time to time. The sun began to disappear in the horizon, painting the sky with breathtaking shades of pink and orange on the rare cloudless evening. Music played softly from her phone that sat on one side of her, her dinner left half eaten on the other. Her short legs dangled lightly over the ledge as she watched from the pier. It was almost tradition on warmer nights, seeing it as a rarity. It would’ve been perfect if it wasn’t for the littered concrete and occasional plastic bag that floated by as a reminder of where she was. Along with the gun that clicked from behind her.
“I’d say just jump and save me the work, but then I wouldn’t get your money.” A gruff voice spoke. She didn’t dare move. Didn’t dare turn her head or flinch a finger. Her heart rate picked up, stomach churning. “Well?” The man urged, losing patience.
“I-I don’t have any.”
“How’d you get that nice dinner, then, huh?”
“Been saving up for it.” A lie. The man just chuckled.
“Alright. How about you get off of there, put your hands up, and then face me. Slow.”
“I-I can’t.”
“You can’t?”
“I can’t raise my hands.” She told him as she awkwardly turned around on the ledge.
“Alright, enough talking-“ The man halted, red quickly seeping through his jacket. Blood dribbled down his chin. She watched in horror as he collapsed.
“I agree.” Penelope looked up to see the man who had helped her the day before. He walked around the mugger towards her, bloodied switchblade in hand. When he saw her flinch he slowed his pace, tucking away the weapon to make her more comfortable.
“Y-you just-“ She spoke frantically, pointing towards the now dead body with a shaky hand.
“Killed a man?” She nodded quickly. He tilted his head dismissively. “Aye. The bastard ‘ad it comin’.” She shied away from him as he took a seat next to her, arms folded. “Relax, miss. I juss saved yer life, did I not?” He looked over at her to see her chewing on her cheek.
“‘Why’ what? Why did I do it-?”
“Yes.” He hesitated for a moment.
“Why not?” The man shrugged. “Was either he killed you or I killed ‘im, an’ I wouldn’t dare let such a beautiful woman go to waste lie’ tha’.” Penelope scrunched her nose and scoffed.
“Beautiful woman…” She mumbled to herself. “If you think I’m easily won over by flattery, you’re wrong.”
“With all due respect, miss, I wasn’t talkin’ ‘bout fer meself.” The brunette noticed her eye take on a more gentle stare. He sighed, scratching at his beard.
“Why’re you here?” She asked, rubbing her left arm.
“I could ask ye the same question.” Penelope looked at him quizzically.
“Dinner.” Liam nodded.
“Was on a walk. ‘Eard the ruckus. Came to see what was ‘appenin’.”
“That’s quite a coincidence.”
“Aye. It sure is. A damn good one, if I do say so meself.” Silence fell between the two of them, however it was peaceful. Penelope quite enjoyed it. “If ye don’t mind me askin’,” Liam broke in. “What do ye plan on doin’ wit’ this Joker business? Assumin’ it’s not too late already. I mean, ‘ave ye told anybody?” She shook her head, focusing on her breathing.
“I haven’t.” Penelope swallowed as Liam raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“Ye ‘aven’t? Well, why not? Not even the cops?”
“What’ll they do?” She finally looked up at him. “What will they do? You’re the one that was saying yesterday that they’re all running around like chickens with their heads cut off.“ She began to rant, everything starting to catch up to her. Her eye began to glisten as it watered over. “And if they can’t help me, who can? Certainly not Batman!“ She spit the masked man’s name with venom. “They couldn’t even keep him behind bars to keep the city safe! Why the hell would they care to keep The Joker from coming for just a single person, a nobody, from coming for me-!”
“Miss!” Liam held onto her shoulders, keeping her steady. In a moment of desperation, she clung to him, and once again she caught him off guard as she started to break down for the second time. He began to gently stroke her back and sighed. “Ye’ve been dealing wit’ this a while now, ‘aven’t ye?” He spoke just above a whisper and he felt a shift in her head, a confirmation. A van sat in the distance, tinted windows making it impossible to see through. It was cracked enough for him to see who was in it and he made eye contact with a pair of almost pure black eyes, giving them a faint nod.
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fipindustries · 8 years
woe is me, aka: no quiero volver a ver un puto fiambre por el resto de mi vida
today was my first day working at what is a 10 hour shift at a deli. now i will bitch about having a job like the spoiled, pampered, burgoise millenial i am. if you dont want to read my whining you may skip all this.
the worst thing are not the hours, which are brutal.
the worst thing is not the smell, which is nauseating and gag inducing and cant get rid of the back of my mouth.
the worst part is the client interaction.
im supposed to understand deli lingo, im supposed to remember all the client asks, im supposed to remember the code of every single item, im supposed to remember the location of every item on the shop, im supposed to remember all the brands of every product and all the sales and promotions linked to each, and im supposed to perform the entire ritual where i juggle all of this information which i dont know in the right sequence which i cant remember while i process and handle deli meat and cheezes of every kind known to man that i cant tell apart, otherwise the client and the boss will be inmediatly mad at me. also i have to have all the charm of a salesman, knowing what to say to the client to make them want to buy more and go out happy.
and i have to do all of this fast because there are 20 clients in the counter and there are 6 of us all crammed together infront of only three scales to wheigh the prices and one single cash machine.
and then i have to spend an hour cleaning a putting together and inventory half of which is rotten and filled with maggots and flies.
this was just the first day of six every single week, from 8 in the morning to six in the afternoon.
i cant do this. looks like there was a fourth prediction i didnt took into account: being so abjectly misserable at my job that ill want to quit every minute im there.
like, fuck me, and fuck all those crybabies that complain about having a cubicle job, i’d kill for a cubicle job right now.
i can handle the hours and i can handle the smell and i can handle carrying heavy boxes and cleaning rotten eggs and rotten juice and rotten cheeze from a dank, dark basement but I CANT sell shit to people, not at this rythm and not with so many complex variables all jumping at the same time. digging ditches would be better than this.
what is the silver lining here? i dont see my self having panic attacks anymore, im just too spent and tired for that. also i am completly inmune to the psychological abyss that this site can be sometimes because, again, i just can not muster up the fucks anymore. this whole thing grounds me on the real world in a way very few things could.
i have to comeback tomorrow and im SERIOUSLY considering not going.
ill keep you guys updated i guess.
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