#but in here I can blame my dyslexia ':D
pikselis · 2 years
I’m so bad with names...
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kris-mage-fics · 1 year
2, 7, and 33 for the writing asks! -em
Weird Questions for Writers post
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
Nope, I couldn't! This is purely an accessibility issue for me. I can't write by hand for very long before my hand really starts to hurt. Also my spelling is sooo much worse. When I'm typing I rely a lot on muscle memory to spell words correctly, but when I'm doing it by hand the dyslexia is really a problem. Like m/w get switched, or b/d, b/p, d/a, d/q, p/q, f/t, i/j, even u/v. Sure I know I want to write an 'm', but I might end up writing a 'w' because it's the same letter just mirrored. Or I'm trying to write 'a' but my hand keeps going so now it's a 'd'.
The thing is, I didn't even realize I was dyslexic until a few years ago! So until my late 30’s I struggled so much with any kind of writing and didn’t know why it was so hard. If I mentioned to anyone that spelling was really hard for me they’d always say stuff like “But you’re so good at reading!” So I thought I was stupid or not trying hard enough, even though deep down I knew there was something going on that wasn’t my fault. Writing by hand actually gives me a lot of anxiety because of all those years being judged for something I didn’t have control over. And honestly, I don’t think I would’ve ever trying writing if I didn’t know I was dyslexic. Because I still would’ve been blaming myself for being neurodivergent.
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Answered here.
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
Yes I do! I’ve done a ton of different arts and crafts over the years. My grandma taught me to crochet when I was 8, and that’s something I’ve done on and off ever since. Generally I crochet lace because the feeling of most yarn as it passes over my fingers gets really irritating, and fine cotton doesn’t. Also I like to challenge myself to make tiny, tedious things! I used to draw, but gave that up in my late teens because of how quickly my hand would start to hurt. Though I really miss it. I’ve dabbled in quite a few different types of embroidery: cross stitch, needlepoint, and drawn thread work. But my favorite is black work/double running stitch/Holbein stitch which I always make completely reversible with no visible knots because I’m nuts like that. I know how to sew, both by machine and hand. I’m not an expert at it, but I can do basic fitting and make clothing that isn’t very complicated. Quilting is something I’ve dabbled in, and would like to do more of, it’s so different than sewing clothing! Another thing I want to do more of is making chain maille jewelry, I’ve done a bit of it and it was really fun! (I’m purposefully leaving out quite a few things I’ve done because it’s already a long list, lol!)
My favorite art form besides writing is bead work! There is something so satisfying to me about working with beads. For one I love jewelry, which I think is a large part my grandpa’s fault (he was a rock hound/amateur lapidary artist, and he used to make jewelry for me). And I love both the technical/mechanical side of bead work, and the artistic/design side of it! It doesn’t matter if it’s bead weaving, if it’s stringing beads, or combining beads with wirework! I love all of it! Working with beads just clicks on a deeper level for me than most art forms I’ve tried.
As to whether it ties in to my writing, I guess that depends on how you interpret that question. I use a lot of lessons I’ve learned about creativity and my own creative process when I write. The way I approach writing is heavy informed by how I work in other mediums. And if it makes sense in the story, I will absolutely use knowledge about other types of art in my writing. Though I haven’t had much opportunity to do so yet. That’s only a matter of time, I usually give my own characters a hobby I’m at least a little knowledgeable about, so it will come up at some point or another.
Thanks for the ask, Em! Also I turned this into more essays, lol!
Oh, man I was looking for examples of some of my work, but I have hardly any photos of things I've made! Well, I did find a couple I can show.
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This was done for a drawing class I took when I was 18. While I have regrets about adding color to it, I still think it turned out pretty well. I used a photograph of some rhododendrons from an old National Geographic as reference.
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I made these earrings for my mom back in 2015. They're sterling silver and apatite with silk thread woven through the fine chain to add more color. The silver beads next to the drops are 2mm, and the total length is only 1.5 inches/3.8 cm, so you can see I tend to work small.
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superpuppies · 4 years
Hobbit High
Chapter 10: The Hospital
Fandom- The Hobbit
Characters- Ori X Dwalin, Bilbo X Thorin, Fili, Kili, Dori, Nori, Gandalf, Thlandral, Legolas
Rating- PG 15 Descriptions of a panic attack
Word count- 3,498
Archive Link- https://archiveofourown.org/works/10027448/chapters/57584377#workskin
Summary- Dori shifts blame, Nori doesn't know what to think about his older brother and his friend. Dwalin is confronted with some heavy emotions and Ori wakes up in the one place he really doesn't want to be.
Hey all, here’s the newest from my mind, please keep in mind that I do have dyslexia and I really do try to fix all spelling mistakes but some will always slip through. If you spot some please let me know and I will do my best to correct it. Thank you.
Nori hung up the phone as the Doctor walked back into the waiting room, Dori met the Doctor half way and the two spoke quickly in hushed tones. The Doctor smiled and patted Dori’s shoulder before walking away.
Dwalin came up to watch the two men beside Nori and as the Doctor walked away both of them rushed Dori. “Dori?” Nori asked.
“He’s fine.” Dori turned to them relief flooding his face. “He’ll be sore for a while but he’s fine, it could have been worse.” Dori wrapped his arms around Nori. “He’ll be fine.” Nori smiled into Dori’s shoulder patting his brother’s back.
Dwalin settled into a chair with a sigh of relief, he glanced up at the embracing brothers and debated with himself on telling them that Ori’s injuries were his fault. He was sure if he hadn’t tackled Ori in the hall that day then Ori wouldn’t be here.
“Can we see him?” Nori asked pulling away from Dori.
“Not just yet, they’re still moving him. Dori smiled then noticed Dwalin was still with them.  “What exactly did you think you were doing?” he growled at Dwalin.
Dwalin’s head popped back as he stammered for a moment. “I, I didn’t mean to do anything. I was just”
“Whoa, whoa.” Nori stepped in front of Dwalin. “You can’t seriously blame Dwalin for this.”
“I believe I can,” Dori snapped at his brother. “Since he is the one”
“No! You’re the one” Nori glanced around them and lowered his voice. “That slammed Ori into the wall.”
Dori peeled back at his words, while it was true, he never would have done it if Ori hadn’t been getting in his way while he was trying to deal with Dwalin. “Why was he in the house trying to rape Ori?” Dori growled quietly.
Dwalin’s face-hardened. “I was not! And would never!”
“Hey now don’t go throwing the R-word at this. I asked him to walk Ori home while I talked to Bilbo’s parents. He was just waiting for me.” Nori added a silent ‘obviously’ with his eyes.
“That far from explains why he was in Ori’s bed leaning over him.” Dori’s eyes burned into Nori.
Nori looked back at Dwalin with raised eyebrows. “Well, you work fast don’t you? Already got him in bed?”
“Yeah- where he slept on me.” Dwalin glared at Nori for exasperating the situation. “Wild times.”
Nori laughed out right then and patted Dwalin’s shoulder. “That sounds about right.”
“How can you be laughing about this!” Dori snapped disbelieving at Nori who turned back to him with a smile.
“I’ll explain at home.”
A nurse walked in and smiled at Dori’s back before walking over to her old friend. “Dori.” Her voice smiled warmly.
Dori turned abruptly. “Rachel, Hello, how are you?” Dori asked her leaning into give her a hug.
“Better than you and your motley crew.”  She teased. “If you want you can see him now. He’s not awake yet but he’s settled.”
“Nice.” Nori grabbed Dwalin’s shirt collar and dragged him past Rachel and Dori in search of Ori’s room.”
“Hall D, room four twenty-six.”  Rachel supplied with a smile as they passed. “I see he’s still energetic.”
“Rachel, Ori can’t- “
“I know Dori, Kenneth told me how bad it was.” She put her hand on Dori’s arm. “But you and I both know he has to come out of anesthesia before I can sedate him again. But don’t worry too much,” she, slid her arm around his shoulders and began leading him down the hall. “I’m just coming on and I’ll take care of him personally.”
It took Dori a moment to process but finally he nodded. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure.” Rachel smiled reassuringly; the hall was quiet as they walked in the comfortable silence of two old friends.
“So, what is the final damage?” Dori asked with a sad chuckle.
“Ah yes, about that I don’t want to upset you, but you know I have to ask.” She took a deep breath and sighed. “How did he get hurt? You can tell me after if you want.” She quickly added.  Dori watched the floor move under their feet.
“If you wouldn’t mind.”
“Of course not. So he’s got three broken ribs one heavily fractured and one only slightly fractured. Thankfully he didn’t puncture a lung.” Dori breathed out a sigh of relief. “He’s heavily bruised, not a whole lot we can do about that, he bit the inside of his left cheek and that’s it I think.”  She tilted her head down and to the left as she scanned through the chart in her head. “Yep, yep that’s it. I’ll keep him comfortable and resting so he can heal.”  She turned to Dori with a reassuring smile but Dori was still watching the tile pass beneath them. A small pained sound escaped him as they stopped in front of the elevator.  Only once the door had closed behind them did she try to offer some comfort to her friend once again. “Dori it”
“I think it is my fault.” Dori blurted out over her.
“I knew he was hurt and I still pushed him.” Dori looked up at her with pain filled eyes. “I was so angry and worried but more angry. I couldn’t understand why he was trying to stop me.”
“Dori what are you talking about?” Her eyes widened disliking the gist of what Dori was saying.
“It shouldn’t have mattered. I should have just kicked Dwalin out of the house and seen to Ori myself.”
“Dori.” Rachel moved closer to Dori and put her hand on his shoulder. “Are you telling me that you broke Ori’s ribs?”
Dori sighed heavily. “I must have, he seemed all right, I mean I knew he was hurt but he was up and moving around and all, before I pushed him, then he just went down.” Dori’s voice broke, Rachel pulled him into a tight hug.
“How was he hurt before?” She tried to sound soothing. Dori took a few more shaking breaths before trying to answer. She hadn’t seen Dori this shaken since his parents had died during his last year at medical school. Suddenly the sol guardian of his two younger brothers Dori fought with distant family members to keep the boys and continue his schooling. Dori had stubbornly and adamantly refused, to give them up. In an act of what most, even she believed to be pure defiance Dori seized custody of his brothers, moved back into the family home, finished his degree and began working at the local family practice where he had been doing quite well ever since.
“The, when.” He huffed and pulled out of her hug. “When I called last night Nori told me that Ori had gotten beaten up at school.” he sighed wiping his face as the elevator came to a stop. “I almost came back then. I see now that I should have but Nori talked me into staying.”
“How bad was it?” Rachel asked turning them down another hall.
“Nori said he was black and blue, sore and a little shaken but Nori has come home worse. So I could check him over when I got back today. It made sense and Nori swore he wouldn’t let anything happen to him.” Dori exhaled and smiled sadly but Rachel cut him off before he could start again.
“Dori, I don’t think this is entirely your fault.” Dori gave her a questioning look but she just continued. “We’ll talk to Nori and find out what Ori looked like but I get the feeling that you were the final straw not the cause. And come on it’s you we’re talking about; you’ve bent over backward to raise these boys. None of us are going to believe you would hurt them especially Ori, he’s your baby.” She smiled warmly at him and very slowly Dori returned the gesture. As they approached room four twenty-six, they found Dwalin crouched down in the hallway his head in his hands. Dori spared the boy a quick glance before walking into the room while Rachel knelt down beside Dwalin
 Nori dragged a quiet Dwalin to the elevator and smacked the call button. As they stood waiting Dwalin reached up and detached Nori’s fingers from his shirt, Nori dropped his hand and wrapped it around Dwalin’s wrist, “Sorry about Dori,” Nori mumbled pulling Dwalin into the elevator, Dwalin just shrugged watching Nori’s fingers flex nervously on his wrist. “and Thanks.”
“For what?” Dwalin squeaked around the lump of guilt forming in his throat.
“For helping with Ori, you know getting him here. It could have been so much worse.” Nori turned toward Dwalin. “I know he said some, umm, weird stuff too you but,” the elevator bell chimed and the doors opened, Nori stepped out pulling Dwalin along with him. “So yeah, you know thanks for not freaking out or anything.”
Dwalin shifted uncomfortably, trying to pull his hand free of Nori’s grip as they came to a stop again. Nori held tight with a curious glance over his shoulder. “I’m sorry.” Dwalin mumbled to the floor. Nori started to question but Dwalin continued over him. “He ran, when we found them, he ran so fast. He just wouldn’t stop, I tackled him, I had to he wouldn’t stop. We landed on his left side. It was so bruised.” Dwalin looked up at Nori with a heavy sigh. “I did this, I’m so sorry”
Nori watched Dwalin shift nervously for several long seconds trying to decide what to do with this new information. Nori tightened his hold on Dwalin and continued down the hall pulling Dwalin behind him. “Don’t be stupid.” Nori snapped sarcastically as he opened the door to room four twenty six.
Ori lay still on the bed, made pale by the fluorescent lighting, clinically white walls and sheets. The heart monitor beeped softly next to the nurse who was finishing up the updates to Ori’s chart. The Nurse looked up as she heard the door open and smiled at Nori when he came to a stop at the end of the bed. The family resemblance was almost uncanny and yet the boys were so different. “He’s still coming out of anesthesia but he’ll be fine.” She informed him and frowned at her in ability to keep a slight chuckle out of her voice.
Nori nodded his understanding but never took his eyes from Ori. Dwalin shifted behind Nori as that two boys watched Ori in uncomfortable silence for several minutes before Dwalin pulled free of Nori’s fingers and rushed out into the hall. Nori glanced after him with a disappointed. “Pansy.” Then settled into the chair to the right of Ori.
 Dwalin crouched down against the wall right outside the door with a dejected sound. He felt insanely dumb for running away but he couldn’t stand to look at Ori like that. It didn’t matter if Nori didn’t think it was his fault, he did. Dori walked past him while Rachel knelt down next to him. “Hey, what are you doing out here.”
“I shouldn’t be in there.” Dwalin mumbled into his hands.
“What are you talking about, he’s your friend and I’m sure he’d like to have you visit.”
“No, he wouldn’t! Why would he when I’m the one who put him in here.”
Rachel rolled her eyes. “Why do I doubt that?”
Dwalin looked up at her with moist eyes. “If I had just told him before, the twins wouldn’t have gone after him and he wouldn’t have run and I wouldn’t have tackled him.” He sighed. “So no matter how you look at it, even if I didn’t physically hurt him I am responsible for it.”
Rachel heaved a heavy sigh. “Look kid, there is a lot to this that needs to be looked into, but based purely on how your acting I highly doubt you’re the problem. Now stand up, wipe your face and go give your friend some support. He needs it.” Rachel stood and left Dwalin to decide his next step.
Dwalin wiped at his eyes a few times and slowly stood. He hovered in the doorway feeling out of place until his mother arrived in slight panic. “Dwalin, baby, what happened? Is he alright?” She asked as Dwalin turned to her looking miserable. “Oh baby.” She wrapped her arms around him holding him as the sobs started.  Dwalin let the sorrow and relief wash over him as his mother rocked him and rubbed soothing patterns into his back. Sheriff Steelbuster came to a stop beside his wife and son with a raised eyebrow, Mrs. Steelbuster motioned for him to go into the room without them so with a nod he did.
Dori looked up from Ori’s chart as the door opened and Sheriff Steelbuster entered with a soft authoritative tone. “Dori”
“Sheriff.” Dori nodded and turned back to the chart, so the Sheriff turned toward the bed and found Nori bent over his baby brother poking at some of the bandages on Ori’s chest with curiosity.
The Sheriff grimaced at the bruise he could see, then sighed audibly with disappointment. “You know, Nori, when I made that comment the other day, I was joking.”
“Don’t look at me, this is the Durin twins handy work.” Nori quipped never looking up.
“What!” The Sheriff exclaimed.
Dori let out an exasperated sigh. “You told me it was just bruising.” Dori glared up from the chart at Nori. “This is more than bruising.”
“Well that’s what it looked like, and I’m not a doctor.”
“I would have come home.”
“Please,” Nori finally looked at his older brother, “that’s the last thing he wanted. How embarrassing would that have been after the already embarrassing day he had.” Dori eyed Nori coldly. “You can’t be mad if it’s true.”
Sheriff Steelbuster stepped closer to Nori brushing anything Dori had to say away. “The Durin boys did this?”
“Well, yeah,” Nori settled into the chair besides Ori’s bed propping his feet up on the edge of it. “Dwalin and Thorin caught them beating the crap out of Bilbo and him,” Nori nodded at Ori. “yesterday.”
“Oh really?” Sheriff Steelbuster turned toward Dori. “I’m going to suggest something to you and I want you to consider it as advice from a friend.” Dori nodded with an intrigued eyebrow raise. “You press charges, those boys get away with far too much and sending anyone, especially Ori, to the hospital is too far.”
Dori sighed. “I am inclined to agree in part.” Dori paused to take a stabilizing breath.
“Why, especially Ori?” Nori asked from his seat.
“Because Ori is a sweet heart who has never done anything to anyone.” The Sheriff replied. “Where as if it were you in that bed, I would be deciding whether to scold them or congratulate them.”
Nori gasped dramatically. “Rude.”
“In part,” Dori started again. “because I believe I’m the one who put him in here.” Dori admitted slowly, the Sheriff pulled back confused.  
“Dori? Why would”
“I knew of the incident with the twins and of some of his injuries but I still shoved him out of my way.”
“Whoa, whoa, hold the guilt train.” Nori cut across his brother. “Look Dori I get that you’re strong but not even you can break three ribs just by shoving someone. Man, you and Dwalin are ridiculous. The only people who are responsible for this, are Bilbo, I told him to stop bringing that shit to school, and the twins, because well they had nothing to do with the stories anyway.”
“What did Dwalin do?” Dori asked darkly taking a threatening step toward Nori, who rolled his eyes at the display.
“Okay, you and I need to talk about Dwalin but first you need to chill.”
Sheriff Stealbuster glanced between the two brothers several times before a smile broke across his face. “Did he finally fortify and ask Ori out?”
Nori smirked out a “Yep.” as Dori turned to the sheriff in disbelief.
Nori blinked as he thought about it, he shrugged. “Well, he came back down stairs happy.”
Sheriff Stealbuster laughed clapping Dori on the shoulder. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll start an unofficial investigation while you two talk about things. Then you think about what I said while I put a little fear in the twins.” He laughed again walking out of the room.
Dori crossed the room to loom over Nori. “And just when where you planning on telling me this?”
“Well the whole dating thing happened last night.”
“Not that. How long have you been bringing your overly hormonal friend to the house, knowing he was targeting your little brother?”
“Oh, that. Little over a year.”
“What!” Dori shouted and the noise caused Ori to shift on his bed.                                    
“What?” Nori asked indignantly. “It’s fine, Ori’s been pining after Dwalin for just as long. It’s about damn time they…” Nori trailed off watching the confusion and disbelief settle into Dori as he sank down onto the edge of Ori’s bed. “You didn’t know Ori liked Dwalin?”
Dori shook his head. “Well you know, not like that. I always thought he looked up to Dwalin, not that he wanted to, to…”
“Get tied down to the dining room table and have his brains fucked out by him.”
“What?” Dori’s eye’s looked as if they were going to pop out of his head.
“Hey, his fantasy scenario not mine or Dwalin’s.” Nori chuckled. “Dwalin’s a little weirded out by how many of them have him overpowering Ori in some way.”
“How do you know?”
“They write them down, that’s what started this whole mess.” Dori knitted his eyebrows together. “He and Bilbo lost one and apparently the twins found it. They weren’t fans, so they beat the crap out of them.”
“Oh, and about Dwalin?”
“He’s been a little vocal since he’s learned of Ori’s stories.” Dori nodded and sat quite for a while absorbing the information.
Ori shifted letting out a soft groan, both Dori and Nori turned to watch him. With another groan and a raspy cough, Ori’s eyes cracked open. Dori reached for the cup of ice chips. “Ori?” Ori’s eyes fluttered as he tried to moisten his lips. Dori picked up some ice chips and leaned over Ori. “Open your mouth for me.” Ori did and hummed thankful as the ice began to melt, Dori brushed some hair from Ori’s face. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired.” Ori mumbled before finally managing to open his eyes. His brothers chuckled as they came into focus. Ori’s eyes began darting around the room, his heart beat rising rapidly. Dori leaned over him cupping his chin and forcing him to look at the older man.
“Calming breaths Ori, nice and “
“You brought me, you let them, how could. Ahh oww.” Ori brought his hand up to his stitches.
“Ori.” Dori reached out to check the stitches but Ori slapped his hands away screaming.
“You’ll rip your stitches.” Dori huffed pushing past Ori’s protest.
Ori hit him again harder and screeching in a higher pitch. “Get the hell away from me!” Ori pushed Dori from his perch on the bed. Nori grabbed Dori’s shoulders and directed him out the door.
“Get your friend, I’ll do what I can to calm him down.” Nori slammed the door in Dori’s face. Dori rushed past a finally settling Dwalin and his mother, to the nurse’s station. Alarms began blaring indicating Ori’s room, three nurses ran past Dori down the hall.
 Nori slammed the door in Dori’s face and turned back to his hyperventilating brother. Crossing the room Nori carefully scooted Ori forward and settled in behind him, then gently laid him back against his own chest. Nori began taking deep calming breaths, holding Ori against him. Ori’s face scrunched up in pain as he felt his stitches pull. “Ori, you have to breathe with me. Come on, in and out, in and”
“I can’t be here” Ori gasped out.
“I know, but first you have to breathe. How are you going to walk out of here if you can’t even breathe?”
“I, I can’t, oww, I can’t stay” Ori tried to sit up so Nori wrapped his arms around his chest and tugged him back against his own.
“Ori, if you don’t calm down, they are just going to come in here and sedate you again.” The heart rate monitor screamed to life as Ori tried to scramble off the bed. Nori fought to hold him in place, the door flew open as Dori and Rachel came to Nori’s aid. Rachel pushed a sedative into Ori’s I.V. then joined the struggle to keep him on the bed and the I.V. in.
As the sedative kicked in and Ori lost his fight he glared at Dori while he whispered, “Don’t come near me again.” before his eyes closed.
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heartfeltheart · 5 years
Alchemy: Tiny Steps
Chapters: 25/45 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter Rating: T Relationships: Edward/Winry, Lan Fan/Ling, and May/Alphonse. Primary Characters: Edward Elric, Severus Snape Additional Tags: Crossover, Teacher!Edward, BrOtp Edward/Severus. Sassy beyond measure. Pro!Snape Series: Part 2 of 9. Summary: Part two of the Alchemy Series.  Politics. Either you love it, hate it or you live it. For Alchemy Teacher Edward Elric, he lives it, hates it and loves it when he gets the upper hand. Here is to another year of hell… D/C: I do not own Harry Potter or Fullmetal Alchemist. Discord: La Red(Mesh Mash of… stuff.): https://discord.gg/KYjmVAb Alchemy Series: https://discord.gg/DejEYNJ
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George Weasley: Shows a great aptitude in Alchemy along with his brother, Fred Weasley. Try to remember who is who. This one needs to develop his critical thinking skills, it is apparent that both brothers help each other with what the other slacks with. While George has a complete understanding of the laws but as stated before, critical thinking along with a clearer and advanced understanding of the laws. Warning: Chronic prankster.
Rachel McWilliams: If only I could get her a full evaluation, I could only do so much without fully knowing what more I could do for her. There is a difference between knowing something and remembering something. She remembers what she needs to remember and at her convivence, but does not fully understands what she is talking about. I have received several complaints of her constant chatter to the point it severely distracts everyone. There are times she will be quiet, but it is just as unnerving whenever she goes in those quiet tangents. Warning: If she does not follow our warnings, contact Filius.
Yaxley Prang: Has one of the biggest sweet tooth… Emphatic and cares for his housemates. Enjoys creating recipes and figuring out how cooking could be implemented into Alchemy. Makes one mean carrot and zucchini bread. Pomona mentioned to me he dropped an elective to continue studying Alchemy, ended up dropping divination and switched it with ancient ruins and added in muggle studies. Need to talk to him about adding extra classes, last thing we need is him running on caffeine. Warning: Lost his mother at a young age due to that moldy-mort, a very sore subject for him.
Emmeline Evan: Blunt, mature and very warm-hearted. One of the oldest students I have, shows some promise but not enough time to be taught fully. This was a clear example what I warned that cat woman about. Anyway, she has a tendency to be very oblivious to a lot of things and Alchemy cannot be one of them. Even if she see's facts, she does not see the full picture or ask the necessary questions to further her studies. Warning: Don't be surprised if students attempt to woo her and she has no clue what's happening. Very oblivious. (Don't you say anything, Al. )
Alphonse scanned through his brother's paperwork for Wednesday's class, Critical Thinking. Students that require a deeper understanding of the world around them, to think in and out of the box and so on. Important for them to understand that life is filled with color but behind the seams, it's black, white and grays of all shades.
So far, a lot of the students who just passed the entrance exam are skeptical of what was being said to them. A lot of them had an idea what they assumed to be Alchemy and what from what they were told. So far Alphonse kicked out one person just went on how Alchemy is supposed to be, to a wizard/witch point of view. One less student to teach. Let's see if he can bring down the numbers even more.
"My head..." Edward rasped out, wincing at how dry his throat felt. His arms felt like stone when he attempted to move them. The only thing he felt he could move is his automail foot. Vision blurry made it impossible to figure out where he was at that current moment. 'Where am I?'
Edward suddenly felt metal touch his lips and a cold liquid hitting his lips. The need of quench his thirst overtook his mind to question what he was being forced to drink but that was overthrown. His thirst won over and when the liquid touched his tongue, the eldest Elric Brother felt warmth filled his entire body. Feeling began to return and his vision becoming clearer. Once his sight returned fully to him, he saw that it was Severus holding a goblet up to his lips. The liquid in said goblet smelled like peppermint, rosemary, and… feverfew? Whatever it was, it was helping him get rid of the constant ache in his head. "Zank you."
Severus could only raise an eyebrow at hearing Edward's voice. Edward had started to lose his heavily accented voice, pronouncing English words easily and nearly fluently. Still had hints of Amestrian but nothing when he first met him. Now? It's like right back to the beginning for Edward. "How do you feel?"
"I feel like schit. Put vadeffer you kaffe me is making it ko avay." Edward slurred out, feeling sleep taking over him again. "Vat did you make drink…"
Severus watched Edward slurred out his words before returning to a magic induced sleep. This would be the last time the young man be forced to drink a sleeping drought. It was heavily diluted to help with the concussion Edward is suffering from. From what Poppy told him, that Edward is almost in the clear but needed one more potion and a long rest before going about his normal business. Well, normal business for Edward Elric.
"How is he?"
Severus turned around to see Alphonse entering the room from the second entrance of the room. "I gave him the last required potion. It would have been a fast process if he allowed Madam Pomfrey to use magic and fully utilizing my potions, but considering his stance towards that…"
"His stance against magic in or on his body…I know." Alphonse let out a despondent sigh. "He would rather suffer through the pain than make it go away quickly with magic. Don't use it against him, he already does that enough as it is."
"I know."
"The main colors of the wedding are red and gold?" Izumi attempted to describe the color of dress she needed to get for Edward and Winry's wedding. She was asked by Edward to stand in as the Mother of the Groom and right now, she is looking for a dress along with Gracia, Elicia and Riza. "I want something like this…"
Gracia could only chuckle and show complete apprehension at how Izumi described the dress she wanted. She turned her attention to another attendant of the bridal shop. She was asked to become the Mother of the Bride and wedding planner. Her daughter is to be the flower girl and have Black Hayate be the ring bearer. Riza is the Maid of Honor and is currently debating type of dress she wanted to wear for the wedding. Winry had gave free reign of her wedding. The only rules she did put in is that the colors are red and gold, no bachelorette or bachelor parties, and nothing to revealing. A simple country, fairy-tail inspired wedding. At least Pinako managed to convince her to not it all themed Automail and machines. That was a clear second. "For the bridesmaid's dresses, could we avoid lace, open-backs and something not to heavy? Color? Dark gold, of a dark enough yellow to pass it off…"
Gracia didn't need to look back to see how Riza let out a sigh of relief when she rejected a dress that would have been perfect, but the back had a see-through lace showing off the back. "Something like this back the back covered."
"Mommy, could my friend come to the wedding?"
"We'll have to ask Winry, dear. Which friend?"
"His name is…"
Alphonse slowly edged towards the trapdoor that was the only form of entrance and exit of the Divination Tower. The Divination Professor is freaking him out and is professing his future, past and present death. Now she is going on about how the color of his eyes only proceeds death of everyone that connects with him and his brother. "Truth… if this is your twisted away of punishing me… you've done it."
Terrence Higgs: One of my start students along with George and Fred. Despite coming from a Pure-Blood background, he does not see blood or house colors. See's the world as it is and from what he described, the Higgs are a Gray Family. Have him go over arrays and elemental alchemy. It may be too advanced for him, but I believe he could make it. Warning: He had to drop several classes to continue taking Alchemy and Quidditch. Keep in contact with Severus to see where he stands.
Edmond Mortin: I swear this kid's voice is so deep! Whenever he talks it's like a cross between Sid and Major Armstrong! The kid enjoys scaring the crap out of people and joins Fred and George in their pranks. Loves pranks. Very much… I might get this kid to transmutate something before he leaves the school. Warning: Only makes himself known when he wants to. Knows every rumor that goes around this school.
Wynne Rabnott: I swear she's like a mini Major General Armstrong in terms of being 'icy' towards everyone around her. Can't blame her, her family came from a primary non-magical background but quickly married into magic and allowed money to talk for them. She's with that boyfriend of hers due to the fact 'he's of good stock', I swear I never understand how their family make her face theses views. She is has a good balance but needs to have all aspects put together. Warning: She has that death like stare…be warned.
Nathaniel Praxley: May be Pure-Blood, but his family cares enough to suck in their pride to get help in a non-magical means. Found out he has a mild case of dyslexia, working with his parents, Filius and the doctor that diagnosed him. I believe I found a way to help him study. Now we have to find a way to raise up his self-esteem, the kid doesn't believe he's smart enough for Ravenclaw. If only he knew, the kid knows his stuff and doesn't even fully realize what he's truly capable of. Warning: I've heard many of his housemates are tormenting him, have to get one of my older students from the same house to watch over him.
Thursday Class.
This day and the next, then hopefully Edward will be ready to get back to teaching. Alphonse could only wonder how his brother managed to get through teaching last year. To think that last year he would be teaching on his own. Oh truth… he takes back everything he ever told his brother about being a teacher. He'll be the one that would murder a student… or horribly maim them.
"Sir, isn't alchemy just a form of lost magical art form? Creating gold and such?"
"…Get out."
'I feel like I should start gloating…?'
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realestateagent532 · 7 years
10 Shockers About Barbara Corcoran—Real Estate Legend, Shark, ‘DWTS’ Underdog
Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images
Who knew real estate agents love to dance? Well, now the secret is out, after the Season 25 premiere of “Dancing With the Stars” featured not just one gyrating agent, but two!
One contender is “Property Brothers” star Drew Scott, who performed the fox trot with the hopes it would hone his skills for his upcoming wedding. But the other real estate maven on the show has an even more compelling back story: Barbara Corcoran. 
You’ve likely seen the 68-year-old Corcoran on TV’s “Shark Tank,” where she invests her money in the products and entrepreneurs she thinks have big potential. But before her star TV turn, she was best known for her long and vibrant career in real estate.
On “DWTS,” Corcoran and her partner, Keo Motsepe, performed a rendition of the salsa, which did not exactly bowl over the judges—in fact, they got the lowest score of the night! Blame it on those first-dance jitters (or that particularly awkward apparent crotch grab), even if Corcoran doesn’t seem like the type to crumble under pressure.
Here are some surprising facts about her that have us thinking she isn’t out of the running just yet!
I knew I wanted the Mirrorball Trophy but now I can really taste it! Vote #TeamSharkeo –> link in bio!! #DWTS #DWTS25
A post shared by Barbara Corcoran (@barbaracorcoran) on Sep 18, 2017 at 6:05pm PDT
1. She was a straight-D student
Corcoran has dyslexia and told Entrepreneur.com that she was a “lousy” student throughout high school and college. She refused to put the pressure on her own kids, including her son, Tom, who is now in his third year at Columbia University.
Her advice to him? “You don’t have to be a good student. Take your time. What the hell? Try this. Try that. Move around.”
The result is “a well-rounded creative kid that’s always going to be himself,” she said.
2. Her biggest role model is her mother
Corcoran is one of nine children, all raised by her mother. Although Mom was never in the business world, Corcoran says she’s her biggest source of inspiration, according to Inc.com.
3. She had 20 jobs by the time she was 23
Of the dozens of jobs she held from an early age, working as a waitress in a New Jersey diner brought her the most luck. That’s how she met her future boyfriend Ramon Simone, who would loan her the money to start her real estate company, according to chron.com.
4. She co-founded a real estate empire for $1K
In 1973, using a $1,000 loan from Simone, Corcoran started her eponymous real estate agency, The Corcoran Group, which originally focused on selling apartments in Manhattan.
5. She splurged on a coat with her first commission
Corcoran told Us Weekly she blew her first $340 commission check on the fanciest coat she could find.
“It made me look and feel like the success I would become,” she said.
I found a picture of me wearing my Bergdorf Goodman coat and… yup…. that's Ramon Simone! http://pic.twitter.com/qQG68oER
— Barbara Corcoran (@BarbaraCorcoran) July 19, 2012
6. She sold her real estate firm for $70 million
In 2001, she sold The Corcoran Group to NRT, a real estate brokerage, according to the New York Times. At the time of the sale, the company employed 850 agents and was generating annual revenue around $100 million. Her current net worth is around $80 million.
7. Her show has snagged four Emmy’s
She’s been a co-host on “Shark Tank” for its entire eight-season run, during which the show has won four Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Structured Reality Program.
My Shark Tank Emmy came in the mail today… broken! An Emmy in 2 pieces is still an Emmy!
A post shared by Barbara Corcoran (@barbaracorcoran) on Oct 16, 2016 at 10:22am PDT
8. She has invested $5,465,000 on ‘Shark Tank’
According to Business Insider, her favorite company she invested in to date is Pipsnacks, the makers of tiny gourmet popcorn kernels that don’t get stuck in your teeth.
Tonight @cnbc is re-airing the Shark Tank episode where I made a deal with the best mini popcorn in town – Pipcorn! In honor of the re-air, I wanted to tell you some exciting news! You can now get Truffle Pipcorn in all @Costco stores in NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC, VA and PA. Go grab your bag! And to be entered to win freebags for a month, tag 2 friends who live in one of those states! @Pipsnacks #Pipcorn #Costco #SharkTankNation
A post shared by Barbara Corcoran (@barbaracorcoran) on Aug 7, 2017 at 3:56pm PDT
9. Her favorite way to start the day? A cup of coffee in her rope swing in her Manhattan penthouse
In 2015, Corcoran bought an 11-room duplex at 1158 Fifth Ave. on Manhattan’s Upper East Side for $10 million. The property, which overlooks Central Park, has a solarium where she sits and soaks up the sun in the morning, she told House Beautiful. And yeah, it has a swing.
Thanks @housebeautiful for featuring my favorite spot in my home – my rope swing! #myhousebeautiful : @tomyrivero_
A post shared by Barbara Corcoran (@barbaracorcoran) on Aug 8, 2017 at 10:04am PDT
10. She’s as happy as can be with a mojito (or 5) in her hand
Corcoran recently told Us Weekly, “If I had one day left on earth, I would have five mojitos in a row, lay on my hammock and call it a day.”
After all her hard work dancing the salsa, we’d say she deserves all the hammock time she can get!
The post 10 Shockers About Barbara Corcoran—Real Estate Legend, Shark, ‘DWTS’ Underdog appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2xeYGzr
0 notes
10 Shockers About Barbara Corcoran—Real Estate Legend, Shark, ‘DWTS’ Underdog
Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images
Who knew real estate agents love to dance? Well, now the secret is out, after the Season 25 premiere of “Dancing With the Stars” featured not just one gyrating agent, but two!
One contender is “Property Brothers” star Drew Scott, who performed the fox trot with the hopes it would hone his skills for his upcoming wedding. But the other real estate maven on the show has an even more compelling back story: Barbara Corcoran. 
You’ve likely seen the 68-year-old Corcoran on TV’s “Shark Tank,” where she invests her money in the products and entrepreneurs she thinks have big potential. But before her star TV turn, she was best known for her long and vibrant career in real estate.
On “DWTS,” Corcoran and her partner, Keo Motsepe, performed a rendition of the salsa, which did not exactly bowl over the judges—in fact, they got the lowest score of the night! Blame it on those first-dance jitters (or that particularly awkward apparent crotch grab), even if Corcoran doesn’t seem like the type to crumble under pressure.
Here are some surprising facts about her that have us thinking she isn’t out of the running just yet!
I knew I wanted the Mirrorball Trophy but now I can really taste it! Vote #TeamSharkeo –> link in bio!! #DWTS #DWTS25
A post shared by Barbara Corcoran (@barbaracorcoran) on Sep 18, 2017 at 6:05pm PDT
1. She was a straight-D student
Corcoran has dyslexia and told Entrepreneur.com that she was a “lousy” student throughout high school and college. She refused to put the pressure on her own kids, including her son, Tom, who is now in his third year at Columbia University.
Her advice to him? “You don’t have to be a good student. Take your time. What the hell? Try this. Try that. Move around.”
The result is “a well-rounded creative kid that’s always going to be himself,” she said.
2. Her biggest role model is her mother
Corcoran is one of nine children, all raised by her mother. Although Mom was never in the business world, Corcoran says she’s her biggest source of inspiration, according to Inc.com.
3. She had 20 jobs by the time she was 23
Of the dozens of jobs she held from an early age, working as a waitress in a New Jersey diner brought her the most luck. That’s how she met her future boyfriend Ramon Simone, who would loan her the money to start her real estate company, according to chron.com.
4. She co-founded a real estate empire for $1K
In 1973, using a $1,000 loan from Simone, Corcoran started her eponymous real estate agency, The Corcoran Group, which originally focused on selling apartments in Manhattan.
5. She splurged on a coat with her first commission
Corcoran told Us Weekly she blew her first $340 commission check on the fanciest coat she could find.
“It made me look and feel like the success I would become,” she said.
I found a picture of me wearing my Bergdorf Goodman coat and… yup…. that's Ramon Simone! http://pic.twitter.com/qQG68oER
— Barbara Corcoran (@BarbaraCorcoran) July 19, 2012
6. She sold her real estate firm for $70 million
In 2001, she sold The Corcoran Group to NRT, a real estate brokerage, according to the New York Times. At the time of the sale, the company employed 850 agents and was generating annual revenue around $100 million. Her current net worth is around $80 million.
7. Her show has snagged four Emmy’s
She’s been a co-host on “Shark Tank” for its entire eight-season run, during which the show has won four Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Structured Reality Program.
My Shark Tank Emmy came in the mail today… broken! An Emmy in 2 pieces is still an Emmy!
A post shared by Barbara Corcoran (@barbaracorcoran) on Oct 16, 2016 at 10:22am PDT
8. She has invested $5,465,000 on ‘Shark Tank’
According to Business Insider, her favorite company she invested in to date is Pipsnacks, the makers of tiny gourmet popcorn kernels that don’t get stuck in your teeth.
Tonight @cnbc is re-airing the Shark Tank episode where I made a deal with the best mini popcorn in town – Pipcorn! In honor of the re-air, I wanted to tell you some exciting news! You can now get Truffle Pipcorn in all @Costco stores in NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC, VA and PA. Go grab your bag! And to be entered to win freebags for a month, tag 2 friends who live in one of those states! @Pipsnacks #Pipcorn #Costco #SharkTankNation
A post shared by Barbara Corcoran (@barbaracorcoran) on Aug 7, 2017 at 3:56pm PDT
9. Her favorite way to start the day? A cup of coffee in her rope swing in her Manhattan penthouse
In 2015, Corcoran bought an 11-room duplex at 1158 Fifth Ave. on Manhattan’s Upper East Side for $10 million. The property, which overlooks Central Park, has a solarium where she sits and soaks up the sun in the morning, she told House Beautiful. And yeah, it has a swing.
Thanks @housebeautiful for featuring my favorite spot in my home – my rope swing! #myhousebeautiful : @tomyrivero_
A post shared by Barbara Corcoran (@barbaracorcoran) on Aug 8, 2017 at 10:04am PDT
10. She’s as happy as can be with a mojito (or 5) in her hand
Corcoran recently told Us Weekly, “If I had one day left on earth, I would have five mojitos in a row, lay on my hammock and call it a day.”
After all her hard work dancing the salsa, we’d say she deserves all the hammock time she can get!
The post 10 Shockers About Barbara Corcoran—Real Estate Legend, Shark, ‘DWTS’ Underdog appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2xeYGzr
0 notes
captain-josslett · 4 years
Broken Melody - Part Eleven
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve,
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 5.1k+
Warnings: Angst, Injury, Comfort, Needles, Medical stuff
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor
This Part: Emma has been injected with the Phoenix Serum. But is it too late?
Not gonna lie I struggled with this part. My inner demons saying I wasn’t good enough. Well you know what... I listened but wrote it anyway!
As always B!D is named and I have dyslexia so any grammatical or spelling errors... I’m blaming that!
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Taglist: @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers​, @supergirl-writingz​
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The sounds of beeps, the ventilator and soft breathing is all that fills Emma Danvers’ medical room at the DEO. Lena and Eliza are dozing in chairs next to Emma’s bed. They just couldn’t keep their eyes open any longer having stayed awake for over seventy two hours.
Thankfully Emma was out of the critical condition she was in over forty eight hours ago. The Superfriends had watched in amazement and alarm as the phoenix serum slowly worked, healing Emma. How the swelling surrounding Emma’s deformed face deflated in front of their eyes and Emma’s body jerked as bones snapped back into place. The blonde had been completely unrecognisable, but now her features had returned. Eliza couldn’t help but reach out and genty cup her daughter’s face. Tears streamed down the Mom’s cheeks at the sight of her beautiful daughter. The bruising was still prominent but in time they would fade.
Doctor Hamilton had also been astonished by the progress. Heartbreakingly convinced that Emma wasn’t going to pull through when there was nothing else she could do.
But when Emma became more stable the Doctor politely asked if she could do more tests. Mainly MRIs and X-Rays to study more closely what effect the phoenix serum had done.
Eliza readily agreed and the scans and tests were performed. They marveled at the results. Doctor Hamilton still shakes her head at the difference between the first scans done, while they were operating on Emma, against the recent ones. “If I hadn't known Emma’s situation I would have said they were taken months apart.” Doctor Hamilton had said to the Superfriends, Eliza and Lena nod in agreement.
Soon the Doctor had felt comfortable enough to start weaning Emma off the ventilator. Believing she will be able to breathe on her own from the progress the phoenix serum has made and sh was happy Emma’s lungs have healed enough.
But they still need to follow protocol and do it slowly as weaning takes time. Another protocol was not allowing family and friends in the room while the Spontaneous Breathing Trial was happening. Which always made the Superfriends feel nervous when they had to leave Emma’s room to let the test begin. Lena practically wore the floor out as she paced up and down the corridor. She knows it’s silly for her to worry so much as the ventilator will stop the trial if Emma’s stats aren’t where they should be. But she can’t help it. Lena only collapsed into the chair outside Emma’s room when Doctor Hamilton let them know there were no issues. 
Finally the Doctor gives the go ahead to reduce the sedative and allow Emma to wake up before removing the ventilator and tube. A few times bloodshot, hazel green eyes would open but slowly close again. Not really conscious or connecting with anything.
Lena would jump up everytime, calling to Emma and praying she’d stay awake. Her worry of the implications of the phoenix serum and the psychological trauma the attack could cause was overwhelming her. But she vowed to stand with Emma every step of the way. She had hoped to get Kelly’s opinion but the psychologist has not appeared. Only responding to messages saying she will come in when she can. But as the days pass by, Lena and the Superfriends worry what Kelly absence could do to Alex on top of everything else.
The door to Emma’s room softly opens causing Lena’s head to snap up.
“Sorry.” Sam says quietly and Lena winces at the crink in her neck. She rubs it with her right hand while her left holds Emma’s hand. “I bought coffee.” Sam holds up the take away tray, having picked them up from the nearest coffee shop after finishing work. Placing the tray on the table beside Lena and quietly getting a chair for herself. Not wanting to disturb a still sleeping Eliza.
“Thanks.” Lena yawns and rubs her eyes. Taking her cup from the tray and passing Sam’s over to her.
“No change?” Sam looks sadly at Emma, her head is slightly elevated to lessen any complications like pneumonia and Lena shakes her head, sipping her drink.
“She’s opened her eyes a few times but it’s more her body doing it then she’s actually conscious.” Lena rubs Emma’s hand, careful not to knock the cannula or the restraints. “Doctor Hamilton thinks she will wake soon.”
“That’s good. Will she freak out with the tube in her mouth though?”
“Everyone reacts differently to it. Doctor Hamilton is hoping they can do the final test when Emma’s still not really with it. But we have to see.” Personally Lena would rather the tube be taken out right away. She hates the look of it, like the bruises all over Emma, a reminder of the trauma Emma has been though. But, the breathing tube saved Emma’s life when her body was shutting down. So Lena can’t hate the tube too much.
Sam watches Lena and bites her lip, wanting to ask another question but worried Lena may take it the wrong way.
“Sam?” Of course Lena picks up on her friend’s hesitation.
Sam studies the blonde carefully. Remembering the first time she had seen her friend. How Emma’s face hadn’t even looked like a face due to her cheeks being cracked and broken. She turns and looks at Lena. “Are you worried about the damages we can’t see?”
“You mean the physiological damage?” Lena asks sadly and Sam nods. “Yes I am. I mean, what happened to her-” Lena strays off, unable to find the words. “I’m kind of expecting the worst.”
“And that's okay.” Sam gently places a hand on Lena’s shoulder. “But, we also need to hope for the best.” For a moment Lena lets go of Emma’s hand to place hers on top of Sam’s. She doesn’t notice the slight twitch of Emma’s fingers when she lets go.
“Any progress on the cure for Alex and Kara?” Sam asks as she drinks her coffee.
Lena shakes her head and holds Emma’s hand again, running her thumb over Emma’s knuckles. “Brainy is working on it. It’s similar to the Red Kryptonite Kara was infected with.” She grits her teeth slightly before continuing. “But whoever developed this version made sure it wouldn’t be easy to fix.”
Sam exhales sadly. Frustrated at the lack of progress for getting Alex back.
‘And Kara.’ Sam thinks quickly.
“I’m sure they’ll have a breakthrough soon.” Sam smiles encouragingly at her friend.
Lena nods and the corner of her mouth twitches up slightly in response to Sam’s smile. But it soon falls again. She does feel bad for not helping the effort to cure her friends. She knows if she helped Brainy with the cure it would be produced a lot quicker. But she doesn't want to leave Emma's side. She can’t. Subconsciously she keeps continuing to rub her thumb over Emma’s hand.
“How’s Ruby?” She asks quietly.
“Worried. We argued when I wouldn’t allow her to come with me.” Sam sighs. “She wants to see Emma and doesn’t understand why Alex and Kara aren’t answering her texts. I hate being the strict Mom.”
“You did the right thing.” The two friends quickly look over at Eliza. “It wouldn’t have done her any good to be here.”
“Sorry, did we wake you?” Lena asks worriedly.
Eliza shakes her head as she sits up. “Was just resting my eyes.”
Sam hands Eliza her drink and the three women continue to talk. All the while Lena strokes Emma’s hand. She pauses the motion when she places her empty cup on the table. Suddenly she whips back around. Certain she had felt a slight pressure on her hand.
That was all Emma could feel. She tries to breathe but flinches at the movement of her abdomen and chest. Feeling a tightness in her skin she’s never felt before.
Her head aches like it was forced inside of a huge speaker and the volume turned up full while a bass guitar thumps away.
Next she notices the pain in her swollen throat. And something was in her mouth. How air was being pushed into her lungs. A sensation Emma didn’t like the feeling of.
As Emma becomes more and more aware of the other parts of her body, she feels a pressure surrounding her right hand. Something, a thumb, stroking her knuckles. It soothes Emma and grounds her. But for a moment it stops. Emma protests by weakly moving her fingers. Soon the thumb returns and Emma hears muffled, far away noises. Like she’s underwater.
But Emma tries to relax and focus on the motion of the thumb. But again it stops and Emma slightly squeezes the hand. Wanting them to continue.
Suddenly Emma hears a louder muffled sound much closer to her.
The pressure around her hand tightens.
The noise increases. Words? But she can’t understand them.
Slowly Emma opens her eyes but immediately closes them again. Wincing at the harsh, bright light surrounding her.
She tries to whimper but nothing comes out of her mouth due to the tube. Emma frowns and a hand cups her face causing her eyes to blink open again.
The room was darker but Emma was seeing two Lenas. Her lips were moving and Emma could hear her muffled voice. But not the words.
Emma attempts to move her head to the side to see Lena better.
She tries to talk. But she chokes on the tube instead. Her body starts gagging at the foreign object in her throat. This makes her start to panic. Her eyes move quickly around the room. Her vision bounces around but she makes out her Mom and Sam.
Two bright lights enter her eyesight as Doctor Hamilton replaces Lena. She waves it in front of Emma’s face and the blonde tries to follow it but she can’t focus.
‘What happened?’ Emma wants to say. ‘Where’s Alex and Kara?’
Alex and Kara.
Suddenly Emma remembers what happened.
The red, glowing eyes. The pain. The hurt. The anger and hatred.
Her body starts to tremble. Her skin gets clammy. She feels the blood drain from her face.
The pain in her throat intensifies.
Two Lenas are in front of her again, holding her face. Her mouth is moving quickly but Emma can’t make out the words.
Emma feels like her sisters are choking her again. She wants to rip their hands away but her arms aren’t moving. So Emma kicks out, trying to escape.
A pressure on top of her right hand draws her eyes down. She makes out two syringes above the cannulas in her hands.
A warm liquid enters her system and spreads from her hand. Her eyes droop. Her head falls back and she’s placed softly back against the pillow. 
Then. Nothing.
“Emma? Love, please calm down. You’re okay. Emma please breathe darling.” Lena’s hidden Irish tone breaks through as she panics, trying to calm her girlfriend. But Emma starts kicking out her legs as she tries to move her restrained arms. Her bloodshot eyes are wide and her face full of fear. Lena watches in horror as Emma starts choking against the breathing tube. Her ragged breathing was not matching with the machine.
Lena feels Doctor Hamilton come alongside her and she glances down as the Doctor injects Emma with a sedative. Lena looks back up at Emma’s bloodshot hazel green eyes as they start to close and the blonde suddenly goes slack. Lena reaches out behind Emma and gently rests her head back against the pillow. The increased beeping of Emma’s heart monitor finally slows down.
“What happened?” J’onn asks as he enters the room, having heard the commotion from the command center.
“Emma woke up but-” Sam doesn’t know what to say. It had happened so suddenly.
Lena had jumped up when she felt Emma move her fingers again, calling to her girlfriend to open her eyes. When Emma finally did she had winced, immediately closing them again. Lena ordered Sam to quickly turn the lights down. She desperately called out to Emma to open her eyes again, cupping her face to reassure her. When Emma finally did she noticed how Emma couldn’t focus. How she moved her head trying to see them. Then Doctor Hamilton moved her out of the way and all Lena could do was helplessly watch as Emma got more and more agitated.
“They had to sedate her again.” Eliza says with tears falling down her face. “I don’t think she could hear us.”
Sam nods. “Yea and she couldn’t focus.”
“I suspect, due to her head injuries.” Doctor Hamilton writes some notes down in her tablet. “Most likely Emma has double vision, temporary deafness, among other things.” Doctor Hamilton picks up her otoscope and looks into Emma’s ears. “There’s evidence of barotrauma.”
Sam blinks confused.
“Ear damage.” Doctor Hamilton says simply.
“Is it permanent?” Sam asks again and Lena collapses back into her chair. Reaching out for Emma’s hand.
“Hard to tell.” The Doctor swallows before looking  at them. “I’m sorry I didn’t check her ears when I was doing my assessment.”
“It’s okay Amelia.” J’onn tries to reassure her.
Lena doesn’t listen to the conversation the other three people in the room have. Her full focus is on Emma. She frowns, trying to understand why Emma's ears and eyes haven’t healed entirely like her bones. Her eyes glance at Emma’s left shoulder in the sling. How the MRI they did after the serum was administered had shown the muscles hadn’t fully healed like the bones.
Lena feels her eyes fill with tears. Again. She looks up and blinks rapidly to stop them.
“Hey.” Sam says gently, sitting next to her friend. “It’s okay.”
Lena squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head. Unable to talk.
“It is.” Sam places a comforting hand on Lena’s shoulder. “Emma woke up Lena.” Sam’s voice breaks as her own eyes glisten with tears. “If you had told me Emma was going to wake up after the first time I saw her. I wouldn’t have believed you.”
A sob erupts from Lena’s mouth and Sam pulls her into a hug.
J’onn and Eliza watch them sadly from across the room.
“I wish Lena would stop blaming herself.” Eliza says gently.
J’onn watches how Lena breaks apart again. How surprised he is that the once closed off Luthor was now a openly broken mess. “Lena really loves her.”
“Yes.” Eliza nods sadly, keeping her eyes on the CEO. “I remember the first time Emma told me about Lena. Of course I had met her before through Kara but, there was something in Emma’s eyes, her tone of voice. I knew she felt more for her than just friendship.”
For years Eliza had watched her baby daughter fall more and more in love with the youngest Luthor. How Emma’s face lit up everytime Lena’s name was mentioned or Emma was talking about the raven haired woman. Eliza had gently prodded her daughter to figure out her feelings, but the Danvers matriarch knew it would happen eventually. However, her heart now broke at the awful predicament her family now found themselves in. All Eliza could do was pray and hope they’d get through it.
Taking a deep breath Eliza turns towards J’onn. “How are Kara and Alex?”
J’onn nods to his head to the door and the two quietly leave the room. J’onn makes sure the door closes behind him. “They are still under the effect of this new Red Kryptonite but Brainy is getting closer to a cure.” He pauses and crosses his arms over his chest. “We’ve managed to subdue them as they kept charging at the force fields and we have installed red sun lamps.”
Eliza nods sadly. “Are they together?”
“No. Though they can see each other. It was one big cell but I ordered for a force field to separate them. There's no telling what they could inflict on each other. Especially with Kara being powerless.”
Eliza places her hands on her hips to try and compose herself.
J’onn watches her. Sensing the turmoil the older blonde is going through. But he doesn’t tune into her thoughts. “How are you holding up?”
“My daughters are being torn apart J’onn.” Eliza eyes glisten with tears. “Emma was practically beaten to death by her sisters. While Kara and Alex have been mentally abused by whatever substance they were forcibly given and I could do nothing to stop it.” Eliza sobs into her hands while J’onn reaches out and holds her close. “What kind of Mom am I?”
“You all have been through so much and I know you will all get through this too.” J’onn says tenderly as he holds the crying blonde. He too hates how his girls have been manipulated and treated “You are not alone in this, I and many others stand with you.”
Eliza relaxes into his hold and they stand there for a few moments before Eliza pulls away, wiping the tears from her face. “Thank you J’onn. I’m going to freshen up.”
J’onn nods and watches her head towards the nearest bathroom. He sighs heavily and goes back to Alex’s lab where Brainy is working on the cure.
“Anything?” J’onn asks hopefully as he opens the door.
Nia looks up at him and shakes her head.
J’onn approaches the other alien. He notices how Brainy doesn’t blink and the bags under his eyes. “Brainy, have you had any rest?” J’onn asks. But Brainy doesn’t respond.
“No he hasn’t.” Nia says quietly.
“Brainy, I am ordering you to leave this lab and get some rest.” But when Brainy doesn’t respond J’onn takes the tablet away from his hands. Causing Brainy to blink up at him. “Rest. Now.”
Brainy nods and shuffles towards the sleeping barracks in the building. Nia quickly rushes to his side and holds his hand.
“Make sure he sleeps.” J’onn orders and Nia acknowledges him as they walk past. He looks back at the equipment Brainy has been using and prays he will find a cure soon. As he turns to leave a bright light flashes behind him. J’onn quickly turns and a small smile pulls at his lips at the sight of his friend.
“Miss me?”
An annoying beep is all Emma can hear as she slowly wakes up. Frowning she tries to move her hand to stop the alarm clock but something is holding her hand down.
“Emma? Love? Can you hear me?” Emma nods slightly to let Lena know she can hear her. Wondering why she sounds so panicked. “Oh thank god.” Lena’s velvet voice gasps out.
Emma blinks her heavy eyes open. Lena is standing over. A worried expression on her face. Emma realises she’s in a hospital room. ‘What happened?’
“Hi.” Lena says softly as she cups Emma’s face. The blonde goes to respond but she frowns at the tube in her mouth. “Emma?” Lena copies Emma’s frown as she looks into her bloodshot hazel green eyes.
Emma reaches up to pull the tube out but finds her arms are restrained. Instead her fingers manage to poke the tube.
“No love, leave that. Doctor Hamilton will be here soon to remove it.”
Emma wants to cry at that. She hates how the ventilator is breathing for her. Like she wants to take a breath but the machine isn’t letting her.
Emma’s eyes start to feel heavy again. She shakes her head to try and stay awake.
“Ah! Emma! Good you’re awake!” Emma hears Doctor Hamilton’s voice as she enters the room. Emma sluggishly motions at the tube. “Yes we are going to get right on that. We needed to make sure you can breathe on your own first before we remove it.”
A few nurses enter the room and usher Lena out. Emma wishes her girlfriend could stay. Feeling confused at what’s going on.
‘Was I in an accident?’ Emma tries to remember but her mind is blank. She notices her left arm is in a sling and her whole body aches.
Doctor Hamilton breaks her out of her thoughts by inclining the bed so she’s sat up more. The Doctor also talks her through what they are going to do. Emma nods along and tries not to worry.
The medical team stands around her and supports Emma. They are with her every step of the way and when Emma feels the machine stop pushing air into the lungs, she almost sighs in relief. Relieved she is able to take a breath on our own. She smiles around the tube and watches the Doctor look at the screens and observes Emma’s diaphragm.
“That’s brilliant Emma.” Doctor Hamilton smiles down at her.
Finally the tube was removed from Emma’s throat. It was severely unpleasant but the blonde was beyond pleased it was gone. An oxygen mask now replaces the tube but Emma doesn’t mind. At least she’ll be able to talk.
As the medical team leave the room Emma watches as Lena and her Mom race back in. But Emma could also feel her eyes starting to droop again.
“Emma it’s okay. We’ll be here.” Lena’s velvet voice says, holding Emma’s hand tightly as Emma’s falls back to sleep.
The sun rises the next morning and Lena feels fingers stroking her hair. Her face is pressed against Emma’s bed having fallen asleep watching her girlfriend. Waiting for the moment Emma’s eyes will open again.
Slowly the CEO opens her own eyes and is greeted with Emma’s bloodshot hazel green ones looking lovingly down at her. Lena smiles sleepily and lifts her head. Wincing at the crink there.
“Morning love.” Lena yawns as she massages her neck. “How are you?”
Lena watches as Emma reaches up to her throat and pats in gently. “Is it sore?” Lena asks and Emma nods. “Badly?” Emma nods again and winches as she swallows to try to relieve the pain. “That’s not surprising but try not to talk okay? Doctor Hamilton will probably assess your throat.”
Not liking that she can’t communicate Emma lifts her right hand and makes a writing motion.
“You want to write?” Lena asks, watching as Emma gives her a small smile. Relief fills Lena that the blonde is more with it, but this also terrifies her too. Knowing Emma will want to ask questions.
Lena quickly searches around the room for something Emma can write with, but sees nothing. “Erm… Hang on.” She quickly presses the call button next to Emma’s bed and a nurse enters the room.
“Ah! Miss Danvers is awake.” The nurse smiles warmly but her sudden appearance makes Emma jump.
“Yes, can you let Doctor Hamilton know? Could we also have a notebook and a pen please? And some ice chips?” She notices how Emma keeps trying to swallow and winch everytime.
“Of course Ms Luthor.” The nurse leaves quickly.
Lena turns back to Emma and gives her a small smile. Which Emma returns under the oxygen mask. She holds Emma’s hand and places kisses on it and they wait in silence because at this moment, Lena doesn’t know what to say to her love. That no words would be able to express the horror she’s felt the past few days. The worry that consumed her whole being and the feeling that her world was coming to an end.
A squeeze of her hand makes Lena snap out of her thoughts. Emma moves her mouth and Lena tries to lip read.
“You either said olive juice, elephant shoes or I love you.” Lena tilts her head and narrows her eyes. “I’m going to go with elephant shoes.” She says seriously, causing Emma to smile again and her mouth opens to laugh. But only air is expelled.
Emma blinks and her face freezes. She tries to laugh again. But only air comes out. She tries to groan. To make any noise. But again she only hears air.
“Em?” Lena watches in alarm, not understanding what Emma is trying to do.
Emma rips her hand from Lena’s and feels her swollen throat. She winches at the contact.
“Emma.” Lena stands, trying to soothe her girlfriend and gently takes Emma’s hand again. “Please love, take deep breaths. Calm.”
But Emma feels anything but calm. However before she can panic anymore the nurse comes back in.
“Doctor Hamilton will be with you shortly and here is your notebook and ice chips!” The nurse hands the items to Lena who takes them gratefully. “I would advise you to swallow a few small ones and then suck them slowly, okay Emma?” The blonde nods and the nurse gives her a reassuring smile before leaving again.
“She seems… Chirpy.” Lena says sarcastically causing Emma to breath out through her nose like a chuckle. Lena carefully removes Emma’s oxygen mask and picks up the cup of ice and a spoon.
“Okay, open up.” Lena lifts the spoon with an ice chip on and carefully places it in Emma’s mouth. “What?” Lena smiles at Emma’s amused face. The blonde motions for the notebook and Lena hands it and the pen to her.
‘I thought you were going to start making airplane noises or something.’ Emma writes and Lena laughs.
“What like this?” Lena lifts the spoon high above herself. “Here comes the plane! Coming into land! Neowwwww!”
For a moment Emma looks at her like she’s gone mad, which Lena doesn’t blame her for, but the blonde breaks out in such a bright smile and a few more breaths escape her mouth.
Lena blinks at the noise. ‘Is she trying to laugh?’ She thinks worriedly. ‘That explains her freak out just now-’
“Do you need anymore?” Lena asks, trying to distract her thoughts. Emma nods and the corner of Lena’s mouth pulls up when she starts making a train noise. Causing Emma to roll her eyes fondly.
After a few more spoonfuls Emma lies back. She grabs the pen and starts writing again. ‘What happened?’
“Oh Em- I- Er-” Emma watches Lena confused as she stutters. Which was very un-Lena like. She starts writing again.
‘Was I in an accident?’ Emma watches Lena closely as she reads it. How her girlfriend bites the corner of her lip in worry. A sign Lena is stressed and concerned.
Slowly green eyes connect with hers. Emma can tell Lena is carefully choosing her words. “Yes, there was an accident.”
Emma narrows her eyes slightly at Lena’s vague response. Heightening her sense of worry.
“Em, please don’t look at me like that.”
‘How long was I out?’ Emma writes before showing it to Lena.
“About four to five days.”
Emma blinks and suddenly straightens causing her to flinch at the movement. ‘THE TOUR?!’
Lena exhales softly. “It’s been postponed.”
Emma’s shoulders sag and flattens her head against the pillow, lifting her head to the ceiling. Guilt floods into her at the thought of the band and her team. Everyone who works on the tour. Who rely on her.
“Hey, Em, please don’t think that way.” Lena holds Emma’s hand as if hearing Emma’s thoughts. “Em, love, please look at me.”
Slowly Emma lowers her head, her bloodshot eyes glisten with tears.
“Oh love.” Lena puts the ice chips on a table and sits on the bed, cupping Emma’s face. “The fans understand and the insurance companies have this covered. All everyone wants is for you to heal and be well. Okay?”
Emma nods her head and she quickly writes on the pad. ‘I hate letting people down.’
“Oh love. I know. But you aren’t letting anyone down.” Emma nods her head again but her face scrunches up. She squeezes her eyes shut, overwhelmed by the emotions that hit her at full force. She feels Lena carefully sit on the bed and pull her into a hug. Her body protests but the feel of being in her girlfriend’s arms is what she needs right now.
Before long the door opens. The girlfriends pull apart and they both wipe tears from their faces.
Eliza and Doctor Hamilton enter the room.
“Emma!” Eliza breathes out and rushes to her daughters side. Lena moves so Eliza can take Emma’s hand. “How are you feeling baby girl?” She frowns when Emma removes her hand and starts writing. Eliza quickly looks at Lena who is quietly talking with Doctor Hamilton.
Emma points at the pad and Eliza reads. ‘I feel a bit out of it. Lena said I was in an accident?’
“Yes, you were.” Eliza chokes out and Emma squeezes her hand before writing again.
‘Was it bad?’
Not knowing how to answer Eliza just nods. “Are you in any pain?”
‘Yes, my left shoulder hurts slightly and my body aches all over. But my throat really hurts.’
Emma watches as her Mom reads the pad. “Okay well it may be due to the ventilator, hopefully Doctor Hamilton can give you something for that.”
Hearing her name the Doctor comes over to Emma’s other side. Lena grabs a chair and sits next to Eliza. The two exchange worried glances.
“Hello Emma, my name is Doctor Hamilton and I’ve been the doctor assigned to your case.” She looks down at her tablet and reads her notes. “So, as I can imagine, you have a lot of questions. But may I examine you and ask you a few before I answer any of yours?”
Emma nods, before looking at her Mom and Lena. They smile at her in support but Emma can tell something is off.
The Doctor gets to work with her assessment, taking Emma’s temperature, blood pressure, amongst many other tests.
“Can you tell me of any pain you are feeling?” Doctor Hamilton asks. Emma lifts the pad and shows what she wrote to her Mom. “No other pain?”
‘My chest hurts too. I can’t describe it though. Like I can feel all the muscles around my ribs.’
“Okay.” The brunette writes some more notes in her tablet. “So the pain in your throat, on a scale of one to ten?”
Emma holds up five fingers and then three.
“Eight?” The Doctor asks and Emma nods. “That is most likely due to the trauma you received and the tube. I would advise you try not to talk for a few days and only eat soft foods. Then we can reassess later on.”
Emma bites her lip slightly before writing. ‘Is it normal I can’t make any noise?’
“It’s not uncommon due to the swelling around the area and the breathing tube. I’ll give you some medication that should reduce the swelling there.”
Emma smiles in relief and so does Lena and Eliza.
“Any other questions?”
Emma nods and starts writing again. ‘I can’t remember the accident.’
“What is the last thing you can remember?”
Emma moves the pen over the paper. ‘Saying goodbye to Lena before
Emma stops writing and freezes. Red glowing eyes and harsh words fill her senses.
“Em? Love?”
The blonde blinks and looks into the blue and green eyes of her Mom and her girlfriend.
Emma starts writing again and everyone’s stomachs drop when she holds the pad up.
‘Where’s Alex and Kara?’
(Part Twelve)
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