#but in the end I still have the taste of your prog rock loving uncle
barracudablue · 2 years
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9 favorite films, tagged by @spohkh
Lawrence of Arabia (David Lean) / Sunshine (Danny Boyle) / Blade Runner (Ridley Scott) / Kiki’s Delivery Service (Hayao Miyazaki) / Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Nagisa Ōshima) / Alien (Ridley Scott) / Dune (David Lynch) / Conan the Barbarian (John Milius) / Fight Club (David Fincher)
I’m gonna tag @beyoursledgehammer @helloelicia @cassandraleeds @abanaqun @ravennowithtea @redspecs and @power-ace if any of you would like to share your favorites !
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theponyarchive · 6 years
Tagged by @wongbal
Rules: Give a sample of your music taste. Shuffle your music and share 10 songs from your collection.
I also am going to cheat a little because I took an entire iTunes collection from a friend of mine and haven’t culled it so there’s stuff in here I have literally never heard of.  Gonna skip those if they come up.
Nine Inch Nails - “Down In It” Instantly transported to high school days and driving around the backroads of northeast Ohio, northwest Pennsylvania, and southwest New York at 3 am, out of our minds on Mountain Dew.
Akira Yamaoka - “Grinding Heat” Silent Hill soundtracks weren’t exactly music.  Listening to these OSTs made me realize how much of the sound design, especially for 1 and 2, was Yamaoka’s composition rather than traditional SFX
Bayside - “The Walking Wounded” Still disappointed that I’ve never seen them live (with the exception of a 25 minute set at Warped Tour).  They’re so good.
Wu-Tang Clan - “One Of These Days” I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Wu. One Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and shaolin for all.
Powderfinger - “Slip” A great Australian band introduced to me by a great Australian friend I met on ICQ (really showing my age).  Not the song I would have chosen to represent them, but not a bad choice.  Check out “Up & Down & Back Again” or “Wishing On the Same Moon”
David Bowie - “Hang Onto Yourself” Again, not representative, probably the weakest song on Ziggy Stardust, but there’s almost no such thing as Bad Bowie.
Johnny Cash - “A Boy Named Sue” Written by the immortal Shel Silverstein.  When my uncle left home for the west coast when I was 5 or so, he left me all his vinyl, and I listened to At San Quentin for months on end.  Drove my grandparents crazy.
Dethklok - “Thunderhorse” lol hell yes
Lil Wayne - “I’m Good” It took me a long time to come around on Weezy.  I was a Big Tymer$ fan, not a Hot Boy$ fan.
(with 35k+ songs, another Bayside song came up so I skipped it for broader representation)
Jethro Tull - “Locomotive Breath” Prog rock with flute.  What’s not to love?
I could do another 10 or another 10 10s and still have no idea how to classify my musical tastes, but this is actually a pretty nice sampling.
As usual, I have no idea who to tag in this so if you see it and you want to do it, DO IT!  And @ me so I can know you better.
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