#but is coincidentally relatively close to the original Spanish one which is a reasonably lore friendly option
canisalbus · 1 year
I had a dream that you revealed Machete's real name, and it was still Machete but pronounced "mah-hee-yet" or "mah-hee-yay", depending on how french the speaker was
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basicgrayson · 3 years
I've been thinking a lot about my name because I might actually have the money to get it legally changed soon. I absolutely want to keep the name Grayson, but I've kind of always leaned more toward having it as a middle name. Trouble is, I could never really decide on a first name I liked enough. So I've been going through literally hundreds of names over the last few weeks trying to decide.
I definitely want something relatively common, especially for my age group, preferably not from the Bible. Something that can be shortened nicely would be good... Also it has to go with "Grayson," so it can't start with a "g", have a long "a" sound in the middle or end with c/g/k/n. And of course, it has to be easy enough to pronounce for my Spanish-speaking family members.
Trouble is, I come from a huge family, and a lot of names I kind of like are already taken. Even more are taken up by close friends of mine and my husband's. So this has really become a mission lol
At first I was considering some classic names, like Thomas, William, Robert, etc., but idk. None of them really fit. I asked my husband to pick a few off a list and he came up with things like Cody, Corey, Derrick, Randall, which idk there's just a bit too much caucasity there for me lol
There's a couple though, that I've been thinking about lately, and coincidentally, they all have an x in them lol
I've always liked "Alexander," and I think that might actually have ended up being my name, had I been cis. But since that didn't happen, it's now family lore that it was originally meant to be my older brother's middle name, but for whatever reason it never made it onto his birth certificate (literally my bro is the only one without a middle name). So idk I feel kinda wrong about using it. Then again, my bro and I don't exactly get along so, idk it's not completely off the table lol
Another one I liked was "Max"... Unfortunately, I don't really like Maximus, Maxwell or Maximilian and idk "Max Grayson" sounds a little awkward. Plus it would be an extremely ironic name, what with me being a tiny person and all... but idk the thought of being called Max is kinda fun.
The last one, and strongest contender right now, is "Dexter." I've never known any Dexters, but it's a name pretty much everyone knows. It had one of it's highest peaks for usage within a year of my birth, so it's not uncommon for my age group. "Dexter Grayson" flows nicely, and Dex sounds like a cool nickname. Idk, I looked in the mirror a few times today and thought, yeah he kinda looks like a Dexter lol
Jury's still out, and I've yet to ask my husband's opinion, but idk I have some strong feelings about these three... especially Dexter. Do I look like a Dexter? Lol
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