#but it turned everyone into robots who agree with him always because otherwise they're an 'enemy'
crows-in-sevens · 5 months
the old man
warns others
but the boy
had wished for —
now regrets
his power over it:
the change in
(You can read it straight down, but the other way to read it is by reading the first line of the first stanza, then first line of the second stanza, then first of third, then second of fourth, then second of first, then second of second, then so on. Giving you:
The old man had wished for his power over it: fate. Warns others and mourns. Listen; but the boy now regrets the change in everyone.
I thought I was so clever haha
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
Welcome back to MY take on Toppat!Charles, the series that gives you... angst and cliffhangers in every chapter, just like Game of Thrones😅.
In case you haven't read them yet here are links to the first three parts, which I recommend you read because the brief recaps don't do them justice.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
After his attack on Burt, Charles has caved and is now open to what Right has to say and vice versa. Henry and Gerneral Galeforce, more Galeforce, have been contacted by the Center for Chaos Containment and offered their men for one Henry Stickmin. Ellie has been good emotional support, but Henry goes against Galeforce and Ellie in order to save his friend.
Got that? Great!👍
So what's the headcanon this week? Well, @triple-threat-toppats and @azuri-the-imperfect-artist have AU's/headcanons that Toppat-ing is in Henry's blood, whether that be biological or otherwise, and we'll be meeting a new character this chapter who ties this all together perfectly😈.
We all good? FANTASTIC!
We pick up where we left off with Henry outside as a receptionist, of sorts, freaks out that he called, telling everyone on the floor and shouting for an official to take the call.
Through this entire exchange, Henry rolls his eyes at how much of a fan boy the receptionist is, groans that no one can find an official at two' in the moring, and eventually takes a seat and listens as a few mid-ranking officials argue about who gets to talk to him; 10.6 anomaly, he's a pretty big deal to them.
They all fall silent when a man shouts, "Hand 'im over to me."
Henry should be scared, but he's glad that FINALLY someone is on the other end to talk to.
"Mr. Stickmin," says the official. "Nice of you to call."
"Who am I speaking with right now?" Henry asks as he stands up, not at all interested in playing games. (The irony that hit me after I typed that🤦‍♀️😂😂)
The official scoffs, "Not one for banter. I respect that. Son, name's Corporal Bill Bullet, leading official of the Center for Chaos Containment. How can we help you at this hour?"
Henry paces as he continues talking. "You talked to General Rupert Galeforce, right?"
"We did, actually. About you, but you probably already guessed that."
Henry looks back at the toppat orbital station, staring at it as he stays silent. Again, he is not in the mood for games.
Bullet sighs on the other end of the phone. "Guess you calling means you've made you're choice?"
Henry is quiet for a second and swallows a lump in his throat. "What happens if I agree to the terms?"
"Take a guess, kid."
Henry sees flashes of his life if he is in the CCC's custody and groans at the migraine said flashes give him.
"You're quite the interesting person, Henry. Robbing a bank with a bag, breaking out of prison by dogding and throwing bullets before stealinga police car, stealing a diamond by pushing yourself off a bridge, taking down the toppats, and escaping a maximum security complex with barely even a scratch."
Henry bites his tongue as he remembers those moments and their alternative paths INCLUDING the fails.
"But you didn't just get a few scratches, you did? 10.6 is a pretty high rating on our meter. Can't imagine what would happen to a person who causes as much chaos as you."
Henry shakes his head and snaps, "Just tell me!"
Bullet is silent once more, disappointed at how he can't at least tease what is essentially a rabbit walking right into an easily seen trap.
"We'll study the source of your... ability. How one person can live one life before jumping to the next, but existing like he did before that life ended.
"You may be a young man, Henry, but you've probably lived longer and died more than the rest of us put together. Why is that? How, excatly?"
Despite the knot forming in his stomach, Henry nods and hums to let Bullet know he's listening.
"There's also a certain balance to the world, one that shouldn't be bothered, 'less we want to cause A LOT of collateral damage. Lead to a lot of people getting hurt, cause a lot of casualties. You already lost one person you care about. What if you lost all of them?"
Henry gulps as he remembers the complex riot and how a robot was sent to tear down the museum he stole the Tunisian Diamond from.
Any of those people could've easily been Ellie or the General or, if he'd gone down the Toppat route, the entire clan.
Bullet may be manipulating emotionally, but he kind of has a point.
The chaos Henry causes is extremely dangerous, if what we've seen in StD, ItA, FtC, and CtM are any examples. Imagine if he had caused that sort of chaos in a major city, like real world New York or Detroit.
I don't know about you guys, but if something like any of the games happened IRL, all caused by Henry, there would easily be cities flattened to the ground with COUNTLESS fatalities.
"Helloooo? You still with me, Mr. Stickmin?"
Henry snaps out of his stupor and takes a deep breath before talking again. "Promise me you'll help. I want your honest word."
"Which I'll stay good on as long ad you keep your end of the bargain," Bullet retorts. "A quarter of our forces at your disposal to help you get your friend back as long as you turn yourself in to our facility. Deal?"
Henry is silent again, but when he speaks again, he tries something:
"Will I still talk to anyone outside? Send them any letters?"
"Not really. Think the government would handle our research well? Or what you can do?
"Last chance, deal or no deal?"
Henry stares up at the sky, counting the stars and moon, and then watches orbital station drift across the sky, covering part of the moon.
"Sir, we have a situation!" Someone yells on the other end.
Bullet does one if those angry growls or snarls. "Don't keep me waiting on your answer, Henry. Our resources are limited, too. Make your decision and call me back the second you do."
The call ends and Henry lets out a sigh as he drops to his knees and then hugging them to his chest, shaking and now doubting whether or not he's making the right choice.
Unbeknownst to him, however, Ellie had followed him when he walked out and is struggling very badly with hiding her tears and sobbing from Henry, who is over a few feet away.
Er, Charles. Jump to Charles. I SAID CHARLES!!!!!
Charles is mostly done showering, mostly because he's done washing and cleaning himself up, even shaving because he looks better without facial hair, and is now simply standing in the shower and letting the water fall on him.
He can't exactly remember how long it's been since he showered last, but he doesn't bother trying to because it only makes him think about how the government destroyers were blown up and anyone who managed to get on the station was killed as a message to the government and Henry and Ellie, and as an example for Charles, in case he gets any ideas.
He keeps thinking about how Henry looked at him before he went unconscious, how Henry did nothing to help him even though HE could've done something. He had before on missions, so what had stopped him then and there?
"I was wondering the same thing," Right says, though Charles doesn't hear him over the water running.
Charles gasps as he slips to the ground and realizes how he's thinking about his friend, forgetting Right was standing on the other side of the wall and curtain to keep an eye on him, just in case.
"N-no," Charles says to who he thinks is himself. "He... He wouldn't just leave me. None of them would."
Right rolls his eyes at this and steps closer to where he's in front of the curtain, though he does grab a towel. "You know, you talk to yourself a lot. 'S kind of freaky."
Charles curls into himself and into the corner of the shower and covers his ears. "Shut up! Just shut up and leave me alone!"
"How long have you been here?" Right asks as he looks up at the ceiling. "And why isn't Henry here to get you out? Aren't you two supposed to be friends?"
"Stop it!" Charles cries, curling into himself further.
Right smirks and decides to twirs the knife. "He helped that Ellie girl, didn't he? When she needed his help? I wonder if what they say is true? Birds of a feather flock together? They're both criminals, so I wouldn't really blame them for teaming up."
Right's smirk drops and he raises and eyebrow before drawing back the curtain.
Charles flinches back, covering his head and waiting for the strike.
But it never comes.
He looks up at Right, who's standing and giving him a look that says very clearly, 'I'm getting sick of your shit, stop.'
The two stare at each other for a bit, Charles wide eyed and scared before glaring as hard as he can.
Right keeps his bored expression because while he's probably in the best shape he's been in in a WHILE, Charles has lost at least twenty-five pounds and is cowering in the corner of a shower with long hair and clean shaven face; one lesson they teach you: you don't always need a mirror to shave your face.
The two continue their staring contest until Right slings the towel over his shoulder, takes off his top hat, and reaches into the shower with his cybernetic hand and turns off the water, flicking any off his fingers before stepping back and putting his top hat back on, Charles staring the whole time in case Right attacks him.
Right doesn't, of course, and tosses Charles the towel before pointing to a set of clothes hanging behind him and , just something neat but comfortable, not exactly a sweater and sweat pants, but close enough.
He then walks away until he's facing the door, his back to Charles.
"Hurry up and get dressed. Your room's ready."
Charles dries off and does get dressed, but he's careful to not take his eyes off Right.
First this guy got Charles captured and isolated him from everyone else, and now he's letting Charles shower and have his own room?
What's he up to?
Don't worry, he doesn't talk to himself this time.
Charles finishes putting on the clothes Right gave him, and looks at the towel he'd just hung on the hanger that held his clothes. Then he looks at Right, who's back is still turned.
You know EXACTLY where this is going.
Charles takes down the towel, careful that it doesn't hit the wall, and starts twisting it up as he sneaks up to Right, who either looks down at a wrist watch or checks a pocket watch because now he's getting a little bored.
Just as Charles is about to get the jump on him, Right pivots to face him.
"Good. You're done. It took you long enough."
Charles is absolutely speechless as he goes completely pale his face drops.
"Here, let me take that for you." Right pulls the towel out of Charles's hands and unwinds it. "Shouldn't do this to a wet towel. Could get moldy."
Right nods his head as a 'follow me' and leaves the showers.
Charles remains shell shocked for a minute and tries not to burst into tears at how his plan blew up his his face, but ultimately walks after Right, who strides ahead with a smile on his face.
Think Henry got away with that call? Weeeeeeeelll...
Galeforce SLAMS his hands on his desk, making Henry jump slightly in his chair and Ellie flinch against the wall, her arms crossed and shoulders hunched.
Henry's sign is sloppy and fast, but the general still understands it. 'Wanted Charles safe.'
"So do we, Henry, but not by selling one of our best!"
Henry shakes his head and signs again, this time more clearly. 'You can't make me change my mind.'
Ellie speaks up after being silent for so long: "Henry, think about what you're doing."
'Already did. Made up my mind.'
"Son, it's not worth it."
Those words hit Henry harder than they should, making him grit his teeth.
"Trust me. Those CCC guys are nothing but trouble. We can't accept their help."
No one talks as Henry pants, falling back into his chair and holdong his head in his hands, pulling slightly at his hair and shaking.
"It's all I can think of doing. It's our only option. I can't think of anything else."
Ellie and Galeforce exchange glances before turning back to Henry, who leans heavily on one hand or arm as he meets their gaze.
"You're sure you know what you're doing?"
Henry looks at them both for a moment while not speaking before nodding slowly. 'I can't think of anything else. The corporal hung up before I could say yes. Someone talked about a 'situation.''
Ellie and Henry stare at each other, the former more puffy eyed than she was last night because this could very well be the last time she sees her friend.
She doesn't want him to leave, but if it's really his choice, who is she to not support him after all he did to help her?
"When do you-"
'I'm going in to visit later. Called back and told them I'd gove my answer AFTER I talked to someone.'
Both look at him incredulously.
"Talk to who?" Galeforce asks as he turns his head to look at Henry through the corner of his eye.
Henry takes in a deep breath through his nose and holds either of his hands at the top of his head, raising them up and down, gesturing a top hat to them.
Right leads Charles to the room and watches him walk inside and look around, almost confused because it's been so so long since he'd last been in a normal bedroom. And because there's a chance this could all be a trick.
"Been a while since you had a decent room. Prob'ly nicer than what you're used to."
Charles takes a seat on the bed and keeps his head down, confused and tired of Right's games.
"You don't really believe Henry's gonna save you, do you? It's been a while since the last destroyer was sent and the government has more pilots. You military people are pretty easy to replace. You are just a pilot, after all."
Charles keeps his head down and lets his hair hang; it's obviously grown longer and Right gave him a razor but no scissors.
"Why are you doing this?" Charles asks. "What do you want from me?"
Right fights a smile and approaches Charles, taking a knee infront of him and waiting for the pilot to acknowledge him, which Charles does by picking up his head and meeting his eyes.
Henry is being led by four guards and Bill Bullet. He hasn't gotten a lot of sleep, but he's good at not showing it.
"Weird request to visit someone before you make your decision. Usually we don't allow visitors." Bullet turns and sees Henry keeping up behind him, zoning out slightly but snapping out of it when he sees him looking. "You're not as talkative as you were on the phone the other night."
'Only way to contact you,' Henry signs.
Bullet smirks a little bit. "You deaf in one of your ears?"
'If I need to, I'll talk. Otherwise, I'll sign. Now where is he?'
Bullet sighs stops at an acrylic wall, seeing a doctor talking to a man.
Henry bristles slightly before calming himself back down.
"Guessing you two haven't talked in a while. I love reunions."
Henry narrows his eyes at Bill and gestures to the room. 'Private?'
"Enough. Don't worry, we won't listen in." Bill then grabs Henry by his jacket lapel and shoves him against the wall, catching the attention of doctor and occupant. "But I'm warning you right now," Bill growls as he leans close to Henry's face. "Try anything funny while you're in there, and I'll make you regret ever being born."
Henry nods and Bullet backs off him, letting him collect himself as the doctor walks out.
"Sir? He's done with his tests. His vitals and mental state are stable. He's also ready to see his visitor."
Bullet sweeps a gesture to the door. "He's all yours, Mr. Stickmin."
Henry nods and enters the room, his eyes on its occupant.
The two stare at each other for a bit, taking in each other's features.
"Hello, Henry."
The man in this room used to be moderately fit, and a REAL charmer, but years spent in the CCC's facility have taken their toll. He's gotten skinnier, his face is wrinkled and sunken in, and his hair, while it's slightly longer than Henry's, is greying and becoming thin. He doesn't look terrible by any means, but he has definitely seen better days.
He has cybernetics for both his arms and one leg, along his spine, neck to tailbone, and in part of his jaw. Where his left eye used to be, the eyelids are closed and flat; he's not even allowed to have a glass eye.
Being overthrown by Reginald Copperbottom, both literally and figuratively, forever left him with a permanent reminder.
The two stare at each other for a little while longer before Henry replies to the notorious worst leader in the toppat clan's history.
"Hi, Dad."
The two continue staring, Henry shuffling in place and Terrence rubbing his neck.
Henry signs, 'How is it here?'
"A hell hole. Nothing to do, no one to talk to, and you only get something when they say you can. Other than that, it's peachy."
Terrence's eye darts to the guards and Bill before moving back to Henry. "Guess what they said was true. You're actually coming here so you can save your friend."
"Yeah," Henry replies after a second.
I know I'm putting in a lot of pauses, but these two don't even send letters to each other, so sharing a room and having a conversation for them is awkward and extremely uncomfortable.
Back on track, Terrence scoffs at Henry's line of thinking, commenting, "And I thought these doctors were crazy. Let me guess: Reggie decided to take something from you because you took something from him? He always was a child."
'Reginald's been in prison since I arrested him.'
"You arrested him?" Terrence repeats as he stands. "The leader of the toppat clan, the most infamous group of bandits and thieves, and you just turned him in to the government? Why didn't you join him, you would've been perfectly fine!"
'Right hand man has my friend, I need to get him back. That's why I'm here.'
Terrence puts his hands on his face and groans. "No. Do not tell me I'm hearing this." He meets eyes with Henry, who nods with a shrug.
"You broke out of prison with a bar from your own cell, stole a diamond on a scooter, and escaped a maximum security prison, but you arrested the leader of the toppat clan, the son of a bitch of did this to me-" Terrence holds his arms out to gesture to his cybernetic body. "- and gave him to the government, but didn't see his lap dog wanting to settle the score or even the odds with you!?"
'A lot goes through my head on missions, okay!?'
Terrence nods, humming cheekily. "I'll bet. Think it would've gone better if you'd used that gun you had? We both know he wasn't going to do anything."
Henry sees himself charging at Right rather than throwing away his gun, but signs back, 'You don't know what he would've done. You haven't seen him.'
Terrence points to a tv in the corner of the room, one right next to the camera. "Saw how he got an upgrade. You can groom and pamper a dog all you want, its bark will still be worse than it's bite."
Henry spots Bill talking to the guards before waving at him and tapping on his wrist, more specifically on a watch. 'Don't take long.'
"Saw their orbital station, too. Like hell you're getting your friend out of space. And like hell sunglasses over there is gonna let you out of his sight if you're serious about that deal."
Henry looks Terrence directly in the eye and nods. 'I know.'
Terrence's face drops as Henry continues.
'During the mission, I hesitated because I was scared he'd kill Charles, my friend. I helped the government by giving them plans, but nothing worked. This is my last option. You are my last option. You weren't around then to tell me what to do, but I need you now because for once I have everything I could ever want, and I'm about to lose it all for being a coward. I know you're not going to like it, or even care, but I just need you to be here when they bring me in. Just be there and tell me I did enough for once, when you're really around. That's all I need right now.'
It's this that makes Terrence drop the "tough loving father" act and makes him realize that this is for real. This is not his son saying, "I made a mistake, fix it for me." This is his son telling him that this is his plan and he needs support to know he's doing the right thing.
Henry is extremely shaky because this is something he does not do with his father. They aren't usually open with each other, as in they do get emotional; toxic masculinity at its finest... and daddy issues.
Regardless, Henry collects himself before signing again.
'I'm going to agree to the terms. If they can send a piece of the ground to space or erase the universe, then they can help me. It's all I can think of doing that'll work.'
Terrence is quiet for a moment, looking at Bill and the guards as they gossip about something before turning back to Henry.
"Are you absolutely sure about this?"
Hebry nods. 'It's all that I can think of that's going to work. Again, if they can send a chunk of land of space or erase the universe, then they can help me.'
Terrence steps back and shakes his head.
"You're going to die here. You know that, right? I'm telling you now it's not worth it."
Henry's face drops.
"Look, I get it. You never were good at keeping friends, but, Henry, I'm telling you, just let this guy go. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life locked in a cage?"
Henry shakes his head as he signs. 'No, but I'm not going to abandon my friend like you abandoned us.'
"I had a clan to run, Henry!" Terrence snaps. "I wanted you to stay, have an easy life, but no. You two just ran off on me!"
'Just because something's easy doesn't always make it right,' Henry signs. He begins signing something else, but stops before continuing. 'Look. I'm accepting the terms. I wanted to tell you now ao you're not disappointed later.'
Henry holds up a hand in farewell and turns to leave, ready to get back to the base and start forming a new plan.
He turns to see Terrence staring once again, but also sees his throat bobbing, like he's coughing or about to be sick.
"Good... Good luck. Getting your friend back."
Henry's eyes widen and he shakily nods. 'Thanks.'
The two stare at each other like before, but this time they slowly advance towards one another, maneuver their arms until they're in an admittedly awkward, uncomfortable, but welcome embrace; again, emotion is not their strong suit.
"You're going to regret it. Turning yourself in. Life's for living, and you're throwing it away."
Henry pulls back and waves 'goodbye' once more and leaves the room.
"Took you long enough," Bill says as Henry rejoins him. "Have a nice visit?"
Henry narrows his eyes.
"Well, you got your visit. Hope you know how to get into that station."
Henry takes one last look at his father before nodding.
'The terms-'
"Same as advertised," Bill interrupts. "A quarter of our forces as long as you come quietly so we study your ability."
'AFTER my friend is rescued and safe.'
Bill waves him off. "Fine, yes. After your friend's back home and safe." He holds his hand out infront of him and Henry. "What do you say, Henry? Do we have a deal?"
Behind the acrylic, Terrence watches the two of them, his hands against the wall and his eyes on his son.
Henry keeps his eyes on Bill's hand before looking into his eyes. With a mental push, he claps his hand into the corporal's and shakes it, nodding.
Terrence bumps and shakes his head against the wall. "You idiot," he murmurs. "What are you doing?"
AND THAT'S A WRAP ON PART 4!!!!! Oh my goodness, did I enjoy writing this one! A lot of twists and turns and opportunities to just leave you all hanging, I'm not even joking. I haven't really written manipulation or character dynamics like Henry's and Terrence's before, and I think I did pretty well.
Again, check out @multiverse-madness and @azuri-the-imperfect-artist for their Terrence Suave AUs because they are both amazing artists and, honestly, do better with the character than me.😅
For real, all of you, thank you, thank you, thank you, so much for your patience with this one. Like I said in my update post, I have a lot going on in my personal life and just couldn't get in a good creative mindset to do this.
I know we didn't see a lot of Charles this time around, but that's gonna change in Part 5😈
ANYWAY, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!
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‘What if the guys were given a motive that they had to kill someone or else their S/O would be killed? (Bonus points if they're not allowed to tell anyone)’
What if the guys were given a motive that they had to kill someone or else their S/O would be killed? (Bonus points if they're not allowed to tell anyone)
I made these into short fics! It’s really long so here’s part 1! I hope you enjoy it!
Tumblr media
New message: from >$%#**^<
Time: 12:00am
Opened: 8;00am
He awakens to a message notification, meaning someone sent him something to his servers. You see, Dr Idabashi created a ‘storing system’ much like an email program. That way the two could communicate from a distance, or in case of an emergency. Since he’s a robot, it doesn’t really make sense that he should have to carry around a phone, so he just made Kiibo part of the phone itself.
But it’s strange, in a situation like this no one should be messaging him….He doesn’t even get a signal to send or receive messages.
So how? How did someone send him something in this situation?
 For now he decides to read it, curiously opening up the file.
He doesn’t really ‘read’ the message- it’s more like the letters and words appear in his mind. You know how a song gets stuck in your head? Well it’s like that in this situation, except he doesn’t get it stuck as long as he closes the message.
 To: K!bo
From: $%#**^
Kill someone. If you don’t s/o will be killed. Destroy this message within 24 hours and do not tell anyone- I will know.
 His first thought is to panic, his second thought is to close the message as it’s repeating on non-stop in his mind.
He does both.
Kiibo takes a seat on the edge of his bead, trying to calm his nerves as his mainframe runs though numerous possibilities and solutions to the problem.
He could ,A: kill someone, become blackened and save you for now.
B: Not kill someone, and have to face the risk of your life being put in danger.
C: He could find the identity of the person the writer and get the help of someone to put an end to their plans, taking the risk and disobeying what the sender said not to do.
Every option seems like a bad decision.
‘Ok Kiibo breath, take a deep breath and follow protocol.’
Which option will save the most people?
Every option has the risk of 2 people (at least) getting killed, that doesn’t help.
Which option makes the most people happiest?
C, option c does; if it succeeds, that is.
He makes a faint whirring sound,tapping the edge of his bed with one finger as he prepares himself for what he has to do.His first thought is to get the help of Kaede, she’d at least know what to do in this situation.
But the sender could be any of the other students. It could be her, Saihara, Momota, Toujo. In this situation, who can he trust?
Who’s the person you can trust the most in the situation, the one you know that won’t betray you.
You. That’s the person he can trust. There’s still a little bit of skepticism when he thinks about it, but he tries to push it away- it’ll be ok. He just has to tell you.
He doesn’t try and speak or pull you away to a private space, he’ll know that’ll look suspicious to anyone observing. He carries on as best he can, smiling warmly whenever you talk and agreeing when you ask to split off from everyone.
The two of you are searching the grounds again, for what seems like the fifth time today. He’s trying to steer the two of you as deep into the bushes as he can, to prevent from being overheard. Once he’s pretty sure that you won’t he tells you what happened.
“So, blackmail , right?” Despite (Possibly)having your life on the line, you really don’t seem to be as panicked as he thought you were.
“Y-yes.” He stammers out. He’s trying to fix that. “I did the calculations and its best if I told you, and maybe we could figure something out.” He says it more like a question rather than a statement.
You give him a soft sigh, sitting down against a tree, laying your head back and shutting your eyes.
“What a pain.”
It’s moments like these that he’s glad to be in a relationship with you. The soft sighs, the closed eyes and rising of your chest. He isn’t truly human, but that’s why he adores observing your natural state.
“I’ll just have to always have you by my side then,” You say after a minute. “Or at least never be alone at any point in time.”
“What about-”
“Himiko and I can use the bathroom together, if I can drag Tenko off her. But maybe it’s better that way, Tenko will throw any one who seems suspicious around her darling Yumeno-san.”
You give a breathy laugh, sliding down the tree and laying in his lap.
“And my precious Kiibo will be sure to watch over me as I sleep, right?”
He blushes, spluttering out a yes as his face heats up.
You giggle up at him, curling up and draping his arm over your shoulder as you try and sleep.
Korekiyo Shinguuji:
      “Kill someone or else s/o will be killed.”
He’s just woken up one morning, a note slid under his door. When he turns it over, he finds that there’s another few lines of dialogue:
“Choose to tell anyone and it’s game over for s/o.”
He glares at the note, as if it will somehow cower in fear by his gaze. It sadly doesn’t.
He sighs, now his whole morning is ruined by a stupid blackmail note. Perfect. He’s more cross with the situation rather than scared to be frank. It’s a killing game, of course there will be people like this.
Or perhaps- maybe this is the mastermind’s doing?
In any case, he won’t be able to tackle the day without some fuel. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. He doesn’t eat with everyone else, or eat at all at times. He would have to take off his mask.
So he slips by the table of people into the kitchen, grabbing a slice of bread before slipping out
His taste buds are thankfully not nitpicky; he can eat something such as cows tongue to a bowl of cheerios. He slips (Literally, he’s slim enough that he doesn’t need much space to get by at all) into the bathroom, trying to scarf down the rye slice while still pacing himself. It’s bad if you eat too fast.
With his makeshift breakfast being eaten and the crumbs being dusted off his uniform, he makes his way back to the dining hall for a second time.
Everyone seems to have gathered, all the seats except for one have been taken.  It also happens to be right in front of the fans (or was it more of a vent fan?). No one liked them, it would mess up your hair and give you the chills for the half hour you were stuck sitting there. For this reason everyone was gathered at the other side of the table, squishing more chairs than available space. If someone couldn’t get a space then they would just stand for the time and tough it out.
 The only person who was on the same side of the table was Gonta, either he didn’t care about his hair being messy, or he was combing it in place (one time he showed up with a legitimate birds nest in his hair. When someone told him, he gasped and said that Gonta didn’t realize- Gonta had thought that it was just a tangled piece of hair.)
Korekiyo would normally sit on the other side, or stand if it really came down to that. Today isn’t a day he can worry about elbow room or stand though; he’s got some things to say.
Kaede grins her goody-too-shoes grin, claps her hands and begins the morning meeting. It’s been the same thing for the past week.
Did anyone find anything new? No. Did anyone find anything that could help them get out? No. Anything about the outside world? No.
It’s such a common routine, that no one expects someone to say ‘yes’. When Korekiyo says he’s found something Akamatsu actually does a double take, everyone reacts fairly the same way. She splutters for a moment, before she urges him to tell everyone about what he’s found.
He stands up, partly because the fan makes his hair fan out around him like a deity, and partly because it’s a move to initiate power or dominance.
“I presume that none of you have received it… otherwise I think we could all tell something was up.” His voice rolls on the s, and he drags out some of the words. He’s got everyone hanging onto his every word, even Ouma standing by the wall seems to be listening. “But this morning I was given this,” He pulls out the note. “It is a blackmail note. It says if I do not kill someone, s/o shall be killed.”
There’s a bit of gasps, Akamastu immediately stands up, interrogating Korekiyo on questions he has no answers to.
“If I knew more I would tell you, but that’s all there is to it. For now.”  He taps a finger to his shoulder, flicking a stray lock of hair out of his face and back into its fanning pattern.
He scans the room, searching everyone’s faces for some kind of reaction, some type of clue. A glaring eyes, a salty look, anything that could tell him who may be the culprit.
He knows for a fact that it couldn’t be Monokuma. Or the Mastermind for that matter, it would go against one of the school rules: The headmaster is not allowed to hurt the students, unless they break a rule. He’s  double-checked the regulations, and no new ones have been added as of recently. Monokuma would have had a big announcement if it did anyways. (He knows this because Ouma kept jamming the boys toilets with onions, not only was it a pain to un-clog but the smell that was left over was putrid. Monokuma had told everyone that night that the clogging/ jamming of toilets was punishable by death.) (Ouma just smirked and pulled out an onion from his back pocket.)
To his dismay, everyone seems to have some look of daze on their face- even Maki has a harder look than usual, biting the bottom of her lip.
Kaede gathers everyone’s attention, telling them all that they should all help Shinguji to find the culprit.
He knows people want to object, to say ‘But that doesn’t concern me, why should I help?’ But by saying that they would be making themselves look suspicious.
Then again, people who would want to help can be suspicious as well. But no one objects to Kaede’s plan nonetheless.
Akamatsu insists that they all split up into groups of three, and one group of 2, searching each other’s rooms and other areas of the school.
Now some people object, saying it’s an invasion of privacy. Korekiyo tells them that if they search every other room, find nothing, and haven’t checked theirs- they’re going to be suspected imminently.
They all agree (with a bit of unwillingness) after that.
Korekiyo takes you, of course, as his one and only partner for the investigation. You two search around the school for a couple of hours, running into different groups along the way there, until it’s time for everyone to reconvene in the dining hall to tell everyone what they’ve found.
People slowly start to trickle in, Korekiyo and yourself making it there early to grab seats on the far side (AWAY from the fans).
The arrived students wait 10 minutes, then 20, then 30. By the time 40 minutes have gone by they realize that something is up; Tenko Gonta and Amami should have been back by now.
“Maybe they’re all having a threesome.”He hears Ouma short from his place at the wall.
Himiko glares at him, stopping mid pace (She had started walking back and forth across the floor by 25 minutes.) “Tenko wouldn’t do that you dumbass!”
Ouma gives a little shake of his head, “You’re right, she’s too Sapphic to do that…”
If there’s one thing Korekiyo has learned about Ouma, it’s that he’s a fast thinker. A witty fast thinker.
“I’ll go look for them.” Saihara offers.
“Don’t.” Maki pulls on his arm. “If there’s a fight you’d get beaten into a bloody pulp, and having to investigate the Super high school level detective’s body would be an irony that everyone’s going to laugh at.”
“I shall go.” Toujo steps up, making Saihara sit down with a hit of embarrassment on his checks. “I know forms of self-defense, and I believe I’m more than capable if push came to shove.”
“Let me go with you.” Korekiyo steps up (You’d think they were all playing a game of duck-duck-goose if someone took out their words) “It was me who brought this whole thing up in the first place.”
Toujo nods at him, “Thank you, let us go then?”
Momota jumps up, slamming a foot on the table and earning a foul look from Toujo. “Hey! If y’all are going I’m gonna come with you as well!”
“You might as well, seeing as you’ve already made a mess on the table.” Kaito looks down at his foot, gingerly pulling it off. Korekiyo chuckles.
“Hey, let me come.” He turns, you’re standing beside him.
He gives a shake of his head, resting his hands on your shoulders. “You’re much safer here.”
“There isn’t really a ‘safer’ to begin with.”
“No one can attack you here, there’s too many witnesses.”
    “I don’t care about me being attacked.”
“s/o.” His voice is firm. “Please. Stay.”
You obey his orders. And the three of them head off, Toujo telling everyone there’s some snacks in the kitchen if they get hungry.
They start searching the rooms from the dining hall; the storage room(it was really more like a cosco when you thought about it), the gym, the bathrooms, before checking the dormitories.
As soon as the door was opened, they were met with a hectic scene.
Tenko was running from staircase to the upper and lower rooms, throwing objects at the other two boys who were trying to get to her. She ducked into one room, grabbing a chair before hurling it towards the two men below her. Amami let out a yelp as it nicked the top of his head, Gonta catching it with one hand and throwing it against the wall- shattering the wood into pieces. Tenko was yelling something at the two; her teeth glimmered like fangs as she sent a book flying with her legs.
Toujo started for the girl up top, at a surprising speed for someone with heeled shoes and a long dress. Kaito on the other hand, didn’t manage a few steps before his slipper fell off.
It seemed as if they hadn’t noticed the three yet, Korekiyo called out for Gonta and Amami, the two of them whipping around in relief.
Korekiyo marched over to the pair, giving them time to catch their breath (mostly Amami) before he asks what happened.
Apparently, they had searched Tenko’s room, found evidence (which was poorly hidden) that suggested that she was the one who sent the letter, and that’s when she flipped out and lashed out at them.
 “So why did you do it ?” Toujo asks, she had pinned the girl beneath her knees and was sitting on top of her.
“Monokuma told me too.” She wheezes, out of breath and losing some from being pinned. “Tenko didn’t want to do it, Tenko is sorry.”
As if to prove her point, Monokuma pops out of thin air, appearing long enough to confirm that before he disappears with a crack.
“Then what was the point behind this whole charade?” Korekiyo’s mostly pissed, and a little bit annoyed.
“He told Tenko she had to do it….otherwise he would reveal a dark secret about Tenko….”
“It’s about Yumeno’s panties isn’t it.”
Tenko turns dark read, spluttering out ‘No’s’ to the best of her ability.
Korekiyo gives another sigh, “Ouma was right to say you really are Sapphic.”
Ouma Kokichi:
“To the king of all pranksters” was what written on the envelope. Ouma was pleased to be called a ‘king’ from the first sentence, and it only intensified as he continued reading.
“You have graciously been asked to murder someone. If you decide to decline this, I will have no choice but to kill your s/o. Best regards.”
At first he laughed, not just because it was his natural instinct but because he thought this was some kind of joke. It had to be.This whole situation- someone was threatening to kill the one he… ‘Liked’? Hah! What a joke.
He’s Ouma Kokichi after all! Like anyone would be able to blackmail him using someone considered his ‘significant other’
He’s cackling, flopping down onto his bed with a jump.  He’s not that stupid. He would never let that happen, never let anyone come close to him.
So he can rest easy, knowing fully that he can sit back and enjoy the show.
He gets a few seconds of laughter in before it finally sinks in to him.
“Fuck , shit, damn it to hell and back.” He’s cursing, which is a sign he knows he’s lost.
Of course this happened. This is why he should have never let you in to begin with. He really has only himself to blame though, but he doesn’t have time to mope right now. There are more pressing issues on the table.
He already hates himself, there’s more time to worry about that later.
 He grabs a notebook from one of the many boxes in his room, swiping a sharpie from the ledge on the white board as he rolls back in the revolving chair. He glides a few feet backwards before he wedges a foot against the desk, holding him in place. He tears open the cap with his molars and begins to makes notes. From all the research he’s done since being at this ‘school’ so far, it’s second nature to him by this point.
First of all, he’s looking for suspects; someone who would have a grudge against him.
“Let’s see: Momota’s threatened to beat me up, Harukawa has actually threatened to kill me, I tease kiiboy daily, Saihara ignores me, Himiko told me to burn in hell, Tenko almost threw me, Korekiyo doesn’t like me either, Angie says her god thinks badly of me, annnnnddd no one would care ( except for you, maybe, possibly.) if I actually died.”
He tries to think of ways to save you, or to save the both of you for that matter.
It’s either kill, be killed, get someone else killed.
Not only that, but no one trusts him with a fork during the meals, Toujo pre-cuts his food and he’s forced to eat with chopsticks, for Christ’s sake.
He can’t get his hand on a weapon, he can’t tell anyone about this, he can’t let you die, he can’t kill anyone, what can he do?
Research. He could search everyone’s room, having to sneak away from the other 16 eyes on him plus get the door open, plus find the right information, plus have to be counting on the fact that they didn’t burn evidence in the incinerator, plus have to eat meals with chopsticks (He’s very salty over that), plus have to deal with another day of people hating him (along with himself), and then- at the end he might end up killing.
 He runs a hand through his hair, releasing a groan of displeasure as he yells at the ceiling for the sender of the letter to shove a horse dick up their ass.
 He’s finally finished investigating, after what seems like days (probably because it has been). He’s been running solely on sugar and catnaps ever since and has not once taken a nap.
It’s bad for his health, but so is chugging grape soda (There was no Panta and Ouma was disappointed. A blackmail letter and no grape Panta? It’s the end of the world.) at 4 in the morning.
Yet with all his research he hadn’t made a huge discovery and the anger from having to put up with so much was being replaced with one of paranoia.
The lack of sleep might have to do something with it, but all the while, he fells paranoid.
Paranoid about the killing game, paranoid that someone is watching his moves, paranoid that you’re going to turn on him.
It’s not good for him, but he was never about being good in the first place.
He’s sat on his bed, a cup of coffee (It’s really just sugar water rather than coffee) by his side as he pools over different possibilities, plans and information. He can feel his heart pulse in his ears, and every so often his hands will shake.
He’s been working for a few hours straight when he hears a tapping of wood. His head jerks up at the noise; he almost thinks he’s imagining it until he hears it again. It seems to be coming from outside his room, he squints at the door as his eyes snap to attention and his hair stands on end.
The tapping sound grows, turning into a banging on his door. Ouma quickly flips the light off to his table, sliding the dresser out slightly before crawling behind it.  He’s thin and small enough that he can fit no problem. From experience, he knows that things can get bad quickly. So it’s best if he stays hidden until either the knocking goes away or…..
The door swings open abruptly, making his breath catch. He makes sure to steady it immediately; a single gasp for air could give him away.
The door wasn’t busted down, that would be an immediate violation of the rules. The locks are supposed to be made impossible to break into- but Ouma isn’t so sure. It was easy enough to break into multiple rooms for his investigation, it wouldn’t be a stretch to think that the dorms would be the same way.
The footsteps continue, walking past the dresser, further into his room. They stop for a few seconds before it continues. Tap tap tapping on the floor, the light gets flicked on again, followed by the sound of rustling paper. Ouma shifts to get a better view. The rustling stops, Ouma hopes that he didn’t make too much noise-
He pops up in an instant. “S/o- chan! How nice of you to join me!”
“Why were you behind the dresser?”
He giggles pleasantly, “I was going to surprise s/o-chan until you noticed me!”
You sigh, he keeps smiling, unfurling from his position and walking towards you.
“I had come to check in on you, you. You barely came out all day…”
And yet you came for him in the middle of the night (technically morning)? That’s a bit odd isn’t it? He rolls back in his chair, turning towards you whist trying to block his noted with his body.
“I’ve been working hard to plan a prank on Kiiboy! Dontcha think it’ll be funny?”
“It seems like you’re mostly planning a murder rather than a prank.”
His smile drops, you’ve obviously seen the papers already.
“S/o-chan.” His tone is firm, “Don’t question it, please, it’s better for the both of us that way.”
“You seem to be working like you’re running out of time, like something bad’s gonna happen if you don’t.”
Ouma starts to sweat, not because you’re onto him. But because you don’t even know how far ‘bad’ will go.
“s/o-chan it’s really alright. I’m just being cautious of everyone.”
“By figuring out a way to kill and not get executed? How exactly is that being cautious?”
Ouma can feel his throat rising, his feet curling as he digs his nails into the arm of the chair.
“Look I get it,” You sigh. “You want to get out of here, we all do. But by killing someone is not the way to go. Hell, if someone threatened for me to even kill just to save myself I wouldn’t do it-”
Ouma stands up with a snap, his hand catches your wrist roughly as he pulls it to eye level, dragging you closer.
“Don’t you dare throw away your life away like that. Not you.”
You scoff, retaliating by pulling at his scarf. “I can do what I want. I won’t take away the life of a person just to save myself.”
Ouma drops your wrist, he wants to tell you so badly. About how he has to save you, bout his fear and paranoia. Yet if he does that, he’d be nailing the lid of your coffin, and quite possibly his.
“I would.” He finally whispers.
“You would throw it away for yourself? Or for me?”
“I would.” He simply says.
The tears come out of nowhere. That’s the thing with him, he barely notices when he’s on the verge of actually crying because he’s so immune to the constant buildup at this point. They start off slowly, a line of clear liquid rolling down gently as his breath catches. Just like a river, it’s memorizing. And it snowballs, the streams building up power and force, overflowing and destroying the trees in it’s path.
Ouma sobs, choking and sinking to his knees. If this were any other person, he would rather hang himself. But it’s you, and he’s not fully ok with you…. But he loves you, and wants to trust you. That’s the important thing.
He can feel you wrap your arms around him, the bright sun desperately keeping the drowning plants from choking on their own food.
He sobs, not explaining why. He just wants out.
“I don’t want to do this anymore.” He cries, “Please, just let me go, please.”
He doesn’t think he’s ever going to stop, he’s so afraid, he’s so scared. He doesn’t wanna he doesn’t wanna he doesn’t wanna-
“Ouma, hey. Hey Ouma” Your voice slowly brings him away from crying, even for a minute. “Listen to me ok?”
He obeys, wiping his nose in his scarf. Not looking at you, he doesn’t want you seeing his face a disgusting mess.
“It was a lie.” It’s barely a whisper on your part. “It was a joke, a stupid lie.”
He finally makes eye contact, after a few seconds his eyes go wider, realizing the truth in your words.
“You sent that letter.” His voice is cracked, but he’s past caring.
You hug him tighter, “I’m so sorry Ouma. Oh my god I’m so so so so sorry, I’m such a terrible person. I’m so sorry.”
He only hugs you back, tighter. “You’re safe, I’m safe. But most importantly you’re safe.” He says it mostly to convince himself of the words. “Hah…hah….”
He cries again, but out of relief rather than distress. He thinks you’re crying as well but he doesn’t care at this point. Both of you are messes, weeping on one-another’s shoulders and letting it all out.
 He has time to be angry (very angry) in the morning (Er, probably afternoon…) and payback will be a bitch to you, but it’ll be more tame than something monokuma would ever do.
He’s just glad that you’re safe, overjoyed if anything.
“I told the sender of the letter to suck a horse dick you know.”
“ ‘Uma’ means horse you know. Sound familiar to you?”
“Are you saying that you’re a horse just so I’ll suck your dick?”
“What If I am?”
“I’d say let’s ride, partner.”
Saihara Shuichi:
“Listen up, the next motive is your significant other’s death!”
Saihara can’t help but tense at Monokuma’s words. He tries to mask his reaction, and fight back a blush for two reasons.
1: He doesn’t want anyone to be tipped off that he may be hiding a relationship with someone else.
2: Can he really consider you his ‘significant other’? I mean the two of you are dating sure….
But Saihara doesn’t think they’ll be wedding bells anytime soon in a place such as a prison school, much less in the middle of some hunger games fanfiction.
 Monokuma is still talking, “Those of you in a relationship! I know there’s some of you here- if you don’t kill, your other partner will be killed!” Everyone assumes monokuma means a ‘romantic relationship’; if it were just a relationship in general everyone would be at risk.
But as far as motives go, this one is really weak, Saihara would know.
Not everyone is going to be in a relationship, from what he can deduce, there seems to be only one couple in the room, which would be himself and you. In turn, this means the motive was played to target you two. But why? He keeps this in mind; Kaede is taking the lead and trying to calm everyone else down while encouraging them at the same time. She has a habit of multitasking, as Saihara’s noticed, must be why she’s such a good pianist.
He’s really only half listening to what she’s saying, trying to think of some way to get out of the situation. To save you while also saving the lives of others.
Kaede makes a speech about how they all need to trust one-another, how they cannot let Monokuma separate them because that’s what they want. Everyone nods spiritlessly, each person dismissing themselves. No one has anything to worry about, the motive not applying to them.
He catches Ouma’s eyes on the way out, the shorter boy gives him a devious look as he mouths one word that Saihara doesn’t catch before he breaks contact and heads off in another direction.
He feels like throwing up, having to dismiss himself from Akamatsu’s assignment to search the school yet again.
Saihara made a hasty beeline to the bathroom, locking himself in the stall before shutting the lid and plopping down. He could feel the cold wave of anxiety flowing in his stomach, seeping into his legs and arms. Saihara pressed a finger to his lip-tapping a foot on the ground while his mind raced.
He didn’t want to kill anyone; he didn’t want you to have to kill anyone. He didn’t want anyone to be killed period.
He begins to bite the inside of his cheek. (Saihara never bit his fingernails, God knows where the gunk under that’s been. At least with his cheek he won’t be risking his immune system from a bacteria invasion.)
At the same time, he would have to figure out why Monokuma was targeting him specifically for this…. It was too much for him to handle.
He’s beginning to chew a bit too hard, but he doesn’t notice it. (Another thing about Saihara-he notices everything around him, being a detective, but not so much the things about himself.)
The detective lets out a noise that sounds like a mouse in pain, tears threatening to fall down as his jaw clenches. His eyes pressed tight and teeth fixed to the slick wall of flesh.
‘Think of s/o. Think of how they would pet your hair and tell you that everything would be fine.’
You’ve been a big help for him in his life. He remembers you finding him working one day, tears trickling down his face as he worked on as usual. He insisted that he should work, despite the fact that he was obviously pained by something. You made him put the sheets of paper (some of them stained with tears) down and sat by his side until he had vented and cried himself out.
Right now he would really want that. To be able to relax and know that everything will be alright.
Except it won’t be. That is, if he doesn’t do anything.
He unlocks himself out of the stall, splashing some water on his face to snap him out of his trance as he gathers up his courage. He’s a detective. Hell, the Super high school level detective at that. If he can’t find a way out of this mess, who else could?
Saihara works tirelessly, sometimes pulling all-nighters (Ok so maybe he’s a bit tired.) to try and uncover more about the situation.
Finally, after weeks of calculations, surviving on anxiety and fear, he’s gotten somewhere. The identity of the mastermind.
It was a bit tricky, for a normal person it would be difficult. Then again, Saihara is not a normal person (In more ways than one…) It was little things, small things that normal people would find odd.
The occasional dot of pink on Monokuma. The undersides of the feet on the exisals, the cutlery in the kitchen having some kind of strange stickiness to it…The pink dot, was in fact a paint. The underside of the exisals were coated in a sharp smelling liquid- thinner. And the sticky solution- a glue of some form.
Clues like this, they all point to Angie.
Saihara considers Iruma for a bit, but there was one factor that made it clear that Angie was the guilty party. It was almost too easy, really. Angie had broken one of the ‘rules’ in the student E-books, she had destroyed school property to create one of her stone sculptures. Monokuma had done nothing about it.
Saihara knew things needed to be settled. He needed to protect you. He needed to free everyone.
      That’s how he found himself in Yonaga’s room late at night. A knife clutched to his chest as he waited under her bed.He felt the creaking of the mattress above him, the quiet humming of the girl keeping him alert.He waited until the lights went off, and her breathing had slowed down an hour ago to finally move.Once he had finally slid out from underneath, he realized how badly he was shaking. His knuckles were glowing white, even in the dark, and everything around him felt cold. He had to do it quickly, before it would be too late.
But as he tried to take a step, his breath caught and he nearly cried out in fear. He tightened the grip on his knife, he was afraid he might drop it from nerves.
‘Come on Saihara, focus.’
He takes a step forward, the floorboards creak slightly, he winces.
When Angie rouses, Saihara can feel everything in his mind go blank. The undetermined fear of being caught shook his foundation.
The girl gives a little hum in her sleep, shifting to the opposite side as she relaxes with another exhale.
Saihara releases a sigh of his own, relief flooding him. It’s short lived, however.
Angie’s rustle only reminded Saihara of one thing- he’s going to kill a living human. The curling figure is a person with memories, a consciousness, dreams and futures. He’s about to end it.
   He shivers, even though there’s a fan blowing idly in her room. He grasps the knife tighter. He counts in his mind, down from 10. Readying himself with each decreased digit. When he gets to 1, he chickens out and nearly loses his balance min-lunge. He has to swing his arms to keep from falling onto the bed.
He’s close to a panic attack at this point, hyperventilating and pressing the point of the knife into his palm.
Saihara thinks of you, the thoughts of warm lattes and cozy blankets relaxing him somewhat.
When he’s calmed down, the palms of his hands are bleeding and so is the inside of his cheek.
He tries again, counting down from 10 a bit slower. He can’t think about it, he can’t think about how he’s going to end a person’s life and memories and consciousness with one slice. Or stab.
‘4’ - he remembers Angie introducing herself.
‘3’ - he’s about to chicken out again.
‘2’ - he remembers all of those that have died in this game, the ones that died because of the mastermind. How they didn’t want to die either.
‘1’ - Monokuma’s motive replays in his head one more time; Ouma’s smirk, his reflection in the mirror.
Then he feels the splatter of blood on his uniform, and the scream from Angie. He holds it there for a few seconds, the blood seeps into his pores and clothing. It’s doesn’t smell like blood, but some of it gets into his mouth. He tastes the iron in it. He wakes up when Angie claws at his hands, he screams, in reality of what he’s done.
His instincts take over- and he twists the knife to finish it.
She goes limp, Saihara takes a step back.
He’s done it, he’s beaten the game.
He’s still for a couple of seconds, letting the image burn into his mind.
And then he starts screaming.
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