#but it was really enjoyable and I'm super proud of these!! :DD
willczek-art 5 months
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Collection of The Museum backgrounds from my Super Squad High trailer intro! :D
All based on game artworks by Tan Ganguly
The project just got funded on Kickstarter, with few more days left to back it up! :D So if teenage superheroes and board games are your thing, be sure to check their page! (and my animation on there! :DD)
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inkforhumanhands 7 months
fandom asks: 1 2 8 11 12 17 23 24 25
list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
a) I love that the Daredevil fandom has been kept healthy with several events over the years: shout out to @daredevilexchange for all the work they've done! b) My mattfoggy buddies are all so sweet and supportive; I know I can always count on someone to leave a comment on my fics even if they're occasionally a bit niche! c) I'm currently loving the surge in podficcing! We've not only got longtime veterans doing podfics for other people's work, but several of us have dipped our toes into the waters and have begun to podfic our own work. Not only a neat part of fandom but a step toward some more enjoyable reading for our friends who primarily use screen readers.
2. a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
I think at first I wasn't super big on the whole "Mike is in love with Foggy and obnoxious about it" thing, but as anyone familiar with my fics knows I've since come to embrace it.
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
Honestly I'd just like people to write more fics and draw more art directly inspired by comics storylines, especially some of the older stuff! That's what I'm hoping to get people to do with my upcoming DD comics bingo event. :D
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
At the moment I'm really proud of Hearsay, which is a comics volume 1 wip. I just think it's very tightly written.
12. compliment someone else in your fandom
@mutuallyprime is as lovely and supportive as it gets! You can count on her to boost you up if you need it 馃ズ and she's written some truly great fics! The DD 2003!Matt/Milla fic is never leaving my brain.
17. the thing in canon that everyone loves and that you also love
Already answered this one with Matt and Foggy's friendship, but I suppose I also love their frequent divorces. 馃槍 Great source of drama, I think we can all agree about that.
23. the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
lol sorry this is a boring answer but at the moment... none! I have in the past however been influenced to watch things, including Hannibal (loved it), Interview with the Vampire (loved it), and BBC Merlin (hated it lmao).
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life?
I've made so many friends!! It's lovely to wake up in the morning and be able to go and say hi and chat about this thing we're all obsessed with. Far less lonely. :D
25. a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces
literally don't listen to anybody telling you you're doing fandom wrong because you do/don't do x, y, or z. it's your life and anybody espousing these opinions has a very narrow and limited view of other people's interiority. get the hell out of there if you see a post like this. you deserve better.
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It'll be interesting to see how this progresses
Ooh promo time
Okay okay robberiesss cool cool
Oh hey I was just saying how I missed Josh :D
OOP it's Maddie o.o :O
I mean obviously we know she didn't but STILL
Anyway yeah ayy call center-centered (lol) episodeee
So yeah! That was the last of my final thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I really enjoyed this episode! It was great. It was a bit calmer than the previous ones lol, but I'm okay with that xD. And I am so glad Buck's not entering somebody's open marriage XD.
Now, some quick individuals!
Maddie: iconic. Girl 馃槶馃槶, she went through so much this episode with the reminders of her past, and she still pulled through and really helped Claribelle and her mom :')). I'm so proud of and happy for her <33. Also, seems like she and Chim are looking for a nanny! Chilling :). Oh, and while it was hilarious, I'm glad Chim's okay from being kidnapped by the drunk driver lol xD :D. Anyway, looks like, however, Maddie will continue going through it 馃槶 xD.
Buck! Even though it would've been a great bi awakening, I am SO GLAD it's not an open marriage situation like we were all thinking it was XD. Thank goodness! Not that there's anything wrong with it, but just. . . yk. Buck xD. And also Buddie lol. I'm not too sure on his decision on the sperm donation, but if he's made it, good for him :)). It'll be a wild ride lol.
Eddie and Chris! I love their little parenting moments/plots :DD. I feel like this was a really important step in their relationship, an important thing to say about parenting, and a really great example of Eddie being a cycle-breaker :)). Good for him <333. And, I'm go glad they worked things out. Yeah, in short, I love them 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍.
BATHENA. 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍馃グ馃グ馃グ. That is all.
Oh and also DOG :DDDD 馃悤. I will love Hoover with my entire life <333
(Lol they were adorable and amazing as always. And it looks like Athena will be involved in the drama next week! Fun fun)
Hen! I'm SO HAPPY that she's getting another chance :D. I don't want her to leave, obviously :(, but girl was so stressed out of her mind, and now she's losing it XD. But instead of from too much to do, it's by going stir-crazy from too LITTLE to do xD. Ahh, anyway, I love her, and those little moments with Buck were cut :)).
Also, not just related to Hen, I will never get over that kitchen/dining room scene at the station with them all XDD. Amazing, lol. Top tier cinema XDD.
Overall, I loved this episode! It was a little bit slower, a nice change of pace, not that I didn't like what we've had so far. It's just nice to switch it up a bit :). Anyway, I really enjoyed it, everyone's individual parts were great, the calls were super good, and it was honestly just really nice to see my children again :). I needed to relax and they offered the perfect opportunity. Also, a fun theme with the slight touch on parenting all around! Heavier in some storylines than others, but nice :). But yeah! Amazing episode :D.
This was a great episode! It was good all around and had some really enjoyable moments. I'm excited to see what the next one has in store. This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 4: Animal Instincts
What a good episode! I think the next one's gonna be super wild, though. I'm looking forward to it! I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 5: Home Invasion
See you guys then!
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