#but it was sonic lost world and then boom what caught me in the shipping side of the fandom
latin-dr-robotnik · 5 years
SonAmy end of the decade report
The 2010s are coming to a close and I thought it would be nice to report what happened between our two lovely hedgehogs during this decade.
The 2000s were the years this dynamic of "Amy says something silly - Sonic runs away" got established. This way of interacting, while not malicious in its japanese-rooted nature, got pretty much blasted negatively by quite a lot of the western fandom, mainly due to questionable localization efforts and cultural differences. Also, the prevalence of other forms of Sonic media with their own canons (mainly Archie Sonic) didn't help so much, especially in Amy’s case. So, by 2010 there was quite some work to do to "fix" the way Sonic and Amy interacted with each other, even if some today say there was nothing to be fixed to begin with.
Legendary Sonic Team writers such as Shiro Maekawa and Kiyoko Yoshimura (I always like to reference this post), both of which set the tone for some of the most famous "SonAmy moments" during the 2000s, were no longer at SEGA by 2010, so what happened after their departure?
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Things started... rather rocky with some of this weird stuff right here. The fandom always considered this a little too rude, and its canonicity has been up for debate ever since. Some say it's been officially confirmed as out of character for Sonic to act like that. (Sonic Generations, 2011)
Amy almost died, and Sonic felt quite lonely for the half hour or so he thought this happened for real. After beating Eggman and the Deadly Six, Sonic was quite pleased to see her once again ("Hey, Amy. Looks like springtime’s come early!") (Sonic Lost World, 2013)
2014, the so-called “Year of Sonic” (editor’s note: that didn’t age well at all), kicked off in February with the announcement of Sonic Boom, a new spin-off series boasting both new videogames AND a TV show. Later that year, during the Sonic Boom 2014 event, the voice actors from the show did a table read featuring a couple of the heavy-hitting SonAmy moments from the show’s first season. As you can imagine (or remember), the audience went absolute nuts. (Meta, 2014)
Sonic Boom was officially unleashed to the world, and with it the fandom got quite the shakeup. A new Amy was born, which ended up shaping the way all of her continuities were going to be handled from that point on. This new, fully-Westernized Amy introduced a new dynamic with the also-kinda-new Boom!Sonic: now Amy would also try to keep her crush in secret, acting shy whenever the topic of her relation with Sonic was brought up. Sonic himself was seen acting quite strange during this time, making lots of fans speculate he might finally be falling for her. America once again took the core SonAmy dynamic and ran WILD with it, so wildly that it ended up spiralling out of control, causing the producer of the TV show to get real death threats from at least “one SonAmy fan”. A very, very shameful moment. That’s not good, at all. (Sonic Boom, 2014-2017)
Sonic’s 25th Anniversary party was held during SDCC 2016, the party was quite a meme-fest itself (and the livestream was a shitshow), but we got the Sonic Boom voice actors together again to do a fun skit, and yes, there was some SonAmy teasing at the end. (Meta, 2016)
The Sonic Social Media Team started doing more Twitter Takeovers since 2015, and you bet your rings they answered at least one SonAmy related question... on two occasions! They also started dissing Sonadow fans... which was... quite unfortunate to watch. (Meta, 2017 & 2019)
Sonic "died" (again), and it was implied that Amy could not get over it; yet when he came back six months later she didn't melt on his arms (only on radio and for like, 5 seconds total). Rather, she kept going strong with her new Resistance duties. For the first time in years, things changed between them canon-wise... or maybe it was a consequence of the weak writing. (Sonic Forces, 2017)
Amy finally told Sonic she loves him for the way he's always been, and that she wouldn't want him to change. Since that touching moment, both have been awfully close (Sonic even offered her to tag along in his adventure, but she declined, opting instead to keep leading the -back then- Resistance), with Sonic actually enjoying some adventure time with her. By 2019, things started getting dark and nasty, and Sonic and Amy’s relationship suffered a lot by the (still) current Metal Virus saga. A very tired Sonic tried to approach an equally exhausted Amy in some ocassions, only for her to be interrupted by urgent stuff, and him having to run off, feeling quite down. (IDW Sonic, 2018-present)
Sonic CD’s 25th anniversary happened, and so Amy’s anniversary. For once, SEGA dropped the act and simply called her “Sonic the Hedgehog’s girlfriend”, without any sign of them changing that description over at the official SEGA Shop. (Meta, 2018)
Classic Amy (Rosy) returned! She's still head over heels for Sonic, but acts rather like her Sonic Mega Drive (2013 I believe?) comic counterpart. (Sonic Mania Adventures, 2018)
Sonic and Amy can finally hang out like friends without having weird, uncomfortable moments! They throw some shade at Eggman, laugh together and possibly even go on a picnic without any problem. (Team Sonic Racing, 2019)
Amy also is quite determined to leave her crush behind when it comes to winning, blasting Sonic out her way if needed. (Team Sonic Racing Overdrive, 2019)
I believe there are more moments from this decade out there (Colors DS and particularly the Olympics games kind of threw some questions around, wondering what’s going on with them, if Sonic considers Amy his girlfriend and that stuff, right?), but this is most of what I could come up for the last few months of thinking I’ve been doing. So, if you have any more official stuff that happened during this decade involving our loving two hedgehogs, feel free to reply below!
Also, what was your favorite moment from this decade? 
I remember being there, exploding of joy, as we learned Sonic Boom was going to lean heavily into ship teasing, and the whole show is one of my favorite highlights of the decade. I also loved IDW Sonic #2, when Amy finally expressed that she loves Sonic for what he is, and she doesn’t want to change him. That felt organic in such a level I haven’t seen in quite a while, it was a truly heartfelt moment. Such nice memories.
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apples-r-rubbish · 4 years
John (11 x reader) Part 3
Word count:  3.1k Warnings: Violence (!!!), death mention AN: FINAL PART! Thank you so much for the support on the other parts of this. I have some stuff planned for the future (13 x reader ;) ) but if you enjoyed feel free to follow and request things! Thank you so much hope you enjoy! Anyway, geronimo!
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A smile appeared quickly, then it vanished as soon as it arrived, he cursed low underneath his breath, running across the room to you, concern clear on his face. His hair had already slipped back to the way it was before no longer slicked back, you believed it was a timelord thing.
“(Y/N), what the hell did you do?” He scalded examining your wounds, finally sounding like himself
“Well, we needed a distraction, you weren’t opening the watch anytime soon, we needed to put as much distance as we could between them and-”
“So you decided to use yourself as bait? As a punching bag?” You paused for a second and breathed, he didn’t remember. 
“It’s fine,” you reasoned shortly, trying to diffuse the situation, “we need to go anyway, Rory and Amy are dealing with the remainder of that thing, they ran into the forest, I’ve managed to slow it down enough,” 
You went to run, adrenaline heavy in your veins, an involuntary scream ripped through you. 
“What are you like honestly? Can’t leave you humans alone for 5 minutes, nevermind 6 months,” He said pulling your arm around him so he could support your weight. 
“Doctor it’s been 2 years, didn’t you realise?”
“2 years? I thought your hair looked different or you looked older. Or maybe it could be the air,”
“Aw thanks, I missed you too, and your lovely comments about my appearance,” You said sarcastically.
“How did you get stabbed? Please tell me I didn’t-”
“No one of those things attacked me, because it wanted the chameleon thing. He also tried to strangle me,” You said, dizziness embracing you
“Woah, ok, ok, I’m going to have to carry you because you are not going to make it to them, like that,” He picked up gently, with a surprising level of ease “There we go? Comfortable?”
You mumbled a brief yes, redness clear in your face. “C’mon (L/N), we have to go save the Ponds,”
Amy and Rory were covered in the thick blue liquid and out of breath, by the time you had found them. They’d managed to fight off the older three men and had abandoned what was left of Edward Grey searching for the fake pocket watch.
“John, you’re-” Amy started, attempting to rub some of the sapphire fluid off her face and failing, as it was coated over the majority of her clothes
“Not John anymore,” You cut in, your voice weaker once again, fake confidence vanished
“And what have you been up?” Rory questioned, noticing the blood that had seeped into the doctor’s former pristine white shirt
“Got stabbed, no big deal, don’t even worry about me,” you laughed a fragile chuckle escaping your lips
“Rory, I need you to take her from me, I’ve got to find that child and the thing that caused it and get rid of it,” He stated, darkly. You felt your weight shift between the two men. Then the doctor kissed the man on the forehead followed by a small smile and then he whispered something to him that neither you couldn't hear. He hugged Amy tightly, “I’ve missed you raggedy man, it’s been a painfully dull two years.” She held him tightly for a moment, he kissed her briefly on the forehead
“Try not to get stabbed again, whilst I’m gone.” he said, his lips ghosted your forehead, “right gang, back soon, don’t follow,” He nodded before dashing into the forest.
About 3 minutes later all of you were trailing behind him, still in Rory’s arms, the bleeding becoming less frequent from your fresh cuts. You found the doctor rambling to the boy, his sonic screwdriver being thrown between his hands with increasing anxiety
“I knew you were a Valgun, something about you never seemed right, even as a human though I could never find the right words. I understand my species is a rare one, but to trap me for no reason other than as a experiment simply so you can learn some deep secret of my people is not the way to go,” He paused for breath “To trap me and my friends here for years is unacceptable, to strand them here is soulless, and to nearly mortally injure one of them is something you should’ve never done. I thought the Valgun were supposed to be clever, evidently not as you’ve realised hurting people close to me will not make me give in. You will only succeed in making me incredibly angry.”
“But we got your attention. The oncoming storm, the destroyer of worlds, the warrior,” The boy began, the low voice booming, the child’s mouth hung open like a startled fish.
“Do you want to know how I got those names? It wasn’t by being peaceful, it was from those days where I have seen destroyed planets, watched suns burn, and saved no one. Those days are long, long behind me, are you afraid? If you aren’t, I’d advise you to be. In fact, the only thing that has stopped me from ending you is that fact you inhabit that child.” 
It laughed. You felt your body shift involuntarily, pushing yourself from Rory’s grasp and standing. 
“What the hell is going on? What did you do to her?” The doctor shouted, noticing you all. The voice spoke again  “We guessed you would not follow us easily, we injected her when one of the bodies tried to kill her. Slow acting poison and Valgun DNA. If you come with us she’ll live. If you don’t the following situation will be quite, painful for her,”
“Rory, Amy, run, back to the TARDIS, I can fix this,” He said, fixing his crooked bowtie, as the married couple sprinted away, not wanting to further anger the doctor. He rushed to you, practically falling over himself
“Valgun DNA means we can control her, her final few minutes, however we want. However you want,” 
“Run you stupid old man,” was all you a managed to wheeze out before the boy snapped his pale fingers. Your face contorted instantly, a choking expression clear on your face, falling to the autumn floor, shaking violently. 
“Stop it, leave her alone,” he said kneeling next to you
“Or time lord we can make her fall in love with you. We understand John was rather fond of her” Another snap, your arms were around him, you pressed an involuntary kiss to his lips. He grabbed your arms as gently as he could and removed them from around him
“Stop that. Stop that right now. You want me, fine but do not hurt her. She’s gone through enough. She’s already injured and possibly dying. Let her go!” He snarled anger increasing with every syllable. Another snap, your body jolted back as you lay on the floor panting, desperate to inhale oxygen pressing a desperate hand to your wound. 
“So you have chosen to come with us?” The voice rumbled
“Oh I never said that,” He said, his head cocked to one side in a smug manner “Three things, you must know in this situation.  One, I don’t compromise especially in situations like this. Two, (Y/N) I swear this won’t hurt a bit,” He said pulling out his sonic screwdriver again “Three, there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap. Me. Geronimo!” 
The screwdriver buzzed. Pain erupted in every nerve, screams tore through you
“No. Stop it! Stop it now! You will die! You will come with us! You will- You will-” The voice repeated, a desperate attempt to save itself. Edward stood there convulsing in agony, he stiffened suddenly against the shaking, his mouth closing and eyes rolling forward. A sharp breath came from his system, before, it steadily disintegrated and became one with the earth. The Doctor paused for a second examining the situation, before rushing back over you, his knees covered in mud not caring about the state of his formerly pristine suit.
“So, that was definitely a lie, about it not hurting then,” You mumbled weakly, a small cough escaping you. 
“Are you alright? Are you ok?” He soothed smoothing your back down
“I mean other than the stab wound, almost being strangled and whatever happened there, I’m fine,” a small laugh breaking the tension. The blood hadn’t stopped flowing from your wound.
“Right, we need to get you back to the TARDIS as fast as we can. Patch up that wound and get that DNA out your system.” He helped you on your your feet, the world slipped slightly and he caught you before you fell flat against your face “c’mon, fight it, stay awake for me, please,”
He clutched you in his arms, as he ran as fast as he possibly could, checking up on you every so often, assuring you were still conscious. 
“What did you say to Rory earlier?” you murmured, vision blurring as you spoke, a final attempt to make yourself look strong
“I told him to run when I said to, I knew you were going to follow me.” 
“Doctor, I-”
At that point, he had noticed you had lost your grip on reality, it had slipped away from you, “No, no, no, no, no, stay with me. I need you to stay. I’ve only just got you back. You need to live, you have to live. When you wake up, we’ll go anywhere you like, anywhere, as much running as you want. As long as you want to, anywhere, just stay, please stay. I can’t lose another. I can’t lose you,” he cried tears falling dramatically, as he speed picked up. He practically kicked the TARDIS doors in, Amy and Rory cursing when they saw you.
You woke up in the TARDIS in one of the few medical bays dotted throughout the ship. Your body ached as you pushed yourself into a sitting position. The room was medium sized, there was a chair next to bed you were in which currently held the doctor, asleep, glasses on, book practically slipping out of his hands. Your stab wound was patched up and most of your bruises seemed to be gone. You carefully got up and slipped out of the room trying to keep your noises to a minimum so you wouldn’t wake up the sleeping timelord. It seems like human habits had taken a toll on him. The console room greeted you with a quiet hum, which you assumed was a good thing. Amy and Rory stopped their conversation when they heard you, you shuffled towards them after picking up your coat from the railing
“There she is, the woman of the hour. Enjoy your three week nap?” Amy asked, giving you a tight hug when you approached
“I was out for 3 weeks? God, I’m sorry I put you through that,” You apologised
“Nah, it’s fine, we didn’t really deal with it. I mean we were concerned, but the Doctor took it particularly badly. He insisted that he stay with you as much as possible. He read to you, insisting something to do with timelord healing or culture or something. He insisted it was his fault too,” Rory said “claiming, that if he hadn’t been that reckless in the first place you wouldn’t have copied him, something like that,” 
“Nah,” You mumbled, stuffing your hands into your pockets and frowning instinctively, “where’s the fun in safety? He shouldn’t blame himself, I took on too much. I mean, I literally got stabbed, that’s quite clearly my fault,” 
You pulled an almost empty pack of cigarettes out of your jacket pocket. 
“(Y/N), please don’t fill your body with those chemicals, you’ve literally just got out of a coma,” Rory frowned
“Let me finish this pack and I’ll quit, cold turkey, I’ve had a rough few weeks and a few close calls I think I’m allowed a cig or two, considering I’ve spent at least 2 years on them,” you shot back with a small smile, in response he simply rolled his eyes. Swinging the TARDIS door open, you observed the view of a star system, a beautiful portrait of a mess of colour and light, you sat down with your legs hanging out the doors. Footsteps could be heard behind you followed by, “You could’ve have woken me up, you know”
“Absolutely not, you looked too peaceful, pretty boy. Also I wanted some fresh air and a view,” You chuckled, not turning your head to face him. “Rory, Amy, can you give us a moment please, I would like to talk to (Y/N) in private just make sure she’s alright,” the doctor said, his voice calmer than previously. The couple nodded and wandered off further into the ship saying they’d speak to you both in the morning. The doctor waited until they were out of ear shot, he flicked a few switches on the console, wandered over and sat next to you in a similar position. “I’m sorry about the forest. I’m sorry you had to get stabbed. I’m sorry they tried to control you. I’m sorry about abandoning you for two years. It wasn’t fair on you, you got reckless at the immediate sign of danger,”
“You can’t put that on yourself. I took the risks, that was my responsibility, and my decision to make. I barely remember the forest thing, I just know at one point I put my arms around you and nothing else. It is not your fault and it never will be.” There was silence after you spoke, as you took another drag from the cigarette. 
“You know those things are awful for you. I doubt your friend would approve.” You froze as he spoke like a deer caught in headlights
“I didn’t think you’d remember and in my defence, it was to get John to back off. And before you opened the watch it was to calm him. It’s better to have half dead men have hope,” You winced at that refusing to look him in the eyes. He paused for a moment, contemplating his choice of words, you took the opportunity to rest your head on his shoulder. It wasn’t the garden, instead it was the universe.
“Humans live incredibly short lives, and 2 years is a long time for most of them. I can drop you off back there if you met someone, or they can come along if you’d like. That Tom seemed nice, seemed friendly, he’d be nice to have around,” 
“He’s dead. He died. He was one of those people that were transformed. I tried meeting people, I tried dating. It didn’t work, they’d get too close and they’d ask questions that I didn’t have answers to, wanted to meet family, that didn’t exist. I had to look out for John, too. Once he even walked in one of the dates, completely ruined it, glared at the bloke the whole time. And at one point I stopped, dragging anyone into life is a potential death sentence. I only stayed with the Ponds and John.” You replied with a slight edge to your voice as you jabbed the remainder of the cigarette out.
“I’m sorry,” The apology escaped his lips before he could think about it
“Don’t be. Even then John didn’t exist. He was just a story, a shadow, a fantasy to keep you safe. He wasn’t real. All his thoughts, feelings, life, memories, they weren’t real. And I fell in love with him, that daft history who panicked at the worst times with his stupid laugh and an ability to dance,” You had started crying sobs ripping through your words, thinking about the man that had confessed his love for you and died seconds after. In an attempt to soothe you his arm wrapped around you in a comforting manner. 
“I’m sure, there’s another John Smith out there, or someone similar. I mean in theory, his feelings weren’t all fake. I can still feel bits of him, his thoughts, his feelings and his emotions, it’ll fade overtime but they’re still there. The chameleon arch, takes a scan of your emotions and implants aspects into the disguise, so it’s not a complete shock to your system. John was in love with you because I was. I was too afraid to tell you, and then I lost you for 2 years in that mundane town where nothing ever happened so close, yet so far away,” He rambled, his voice barely a whisper towards the end tears filling his eyes “and then I woke back up, and you were bleeding, half dead because of me. And then we went into the forest, trying to show off to save you. They could’ve killed you, they nearly did. In your final moments they nearly manipulated your body because they knew about what John had felt. I nearly lost you, another ghost to carry with me and I couldn’t do that.” you held him tightly in your arms, a desperate attempt to hold the pieces of him together, at least for another moment. He continued after a brief pause “Even with the stars with me and the world on my shoulders, I still care about you. And of course I feel the same way, I’m not a complete mad man,” A small laugh escaped his lips. 
“Oh god, you really do remember everything. I’m sorry about the even thing, adrenaline was high and I wasn’t thinking straight and I was trying to calm you down-” You cut abruptly short by a small peck on you lips
“Not even anymore. Anyway, before I became John, being that close to the watch meant I said those words and I meant it. I’ve loved you since I met you, you’re all of those things. Just thought it would be easier coming from John.” He smirked. Adrenaline once again kicked in you kissed again. A smile breaking out from both of you. 
“Anyway, you get to pick the next adventure, anytime, any place, anywhere, for as long or as little as you like.”
“I’ll decide in a bit, I just want this for now,” You said, breathing in deeply, focusing on him and your head returning to his shoulder, your fingers intertwined with his.You stayed that way for a while, neither of you daring to move. It was him this time, and you had the knowledge things would be different. But you had now and all of the universe at your fingertips.
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hanadolphieron · 4 years
lunar artist!yeojin; chapter four~
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warnings; space ships, flying in space, space battles, explosions, grenades, fighting, armies, exhaustion, bad dialogue sorry bout that, unconsciousness, prison
genre; sci-fi, strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, angst
pairing; im yeojin x gender neutral!reader
word count; 2.1k
summary; your small crater town on the moon was rarely visited. one day, artist!yeojin travels all the way from mars to paint the serene, wistful scenery of your planet.
you’re sweating at this point. hot, itchy perspiration runs down your neck, your arms, all over your body. you don’t care. all that matters now is escape. 
the gates to bexyim are close now. close enough that you can see the people crowding around inside them.
well, it’s not exactly a crowd. more like a small, distanced flock of humans scurrying around. they look terrified, like someone is about to snatch them up and take them away.
and, you notice, somebody just might. 
as you slow your pace to a walk, you catch sight of armored beings, covered in the silver regalia you know belongs to the lunar military.
they patrol through the city, daring people to challenge them.
you recall stories of the drafts that occurred when you were still a kid. your dad was fortunately not called, and your family was safe.
but others weren’t.
some poor mothers lost their whole family to the drafts, and some not only to those, but to the war.
and you’re seeing the aftermath of that right now. 
you emerge through the city gates, being scanned by the flashing lasers inside them, and see the tired faces of the people around you.
and you know the look of exhaustion isn’t just the natural downwards shape of lunar faces.
these people have lost their livelihood, the most important part of lunar life- their family.
all because of that dreadful, burning planet called mars.
you know the moon didn’t start this war.
the resource of your world are spread thin to begin with, there’s no way your government could have made a decision that bad.
i mean, they are politicians, and don’t make the best choices, but still, they would have known better than this.
you keep walking, breathing hard and loudly. you feel self conscious from all the stares being trained on your back, and look down, watching your feet.
a voice calls out to you, “y/n!”
you glance up, seeing your boss.
“oh, hello,” you respond softly.
“we’ve lost contact with you since the war started. where have you been?”
“i’ve actually been at my house. i had no idea there was a war going on!” you giggle, drifting into the shallow, polite persona you use with your company.
“well, we need you to be on the job. now. we’ve been losing journalists by the second, either to the drafts, deaths in the family, or just pure fear. we know you can handle the job.”
“the job?” you question.
“yes, we need someone to be at the frontlines, giving reports on how the battle is going.”
“aren’t there multiple war areas?” you don’t like the sound of this. i mean, go up to the frontlines? and report? who do they think you are?
“yes, you’ll be moving around throughout them. the first station is one to the south of mars, closest to where all the big battles are. we seem to be winning over there, only a ragtag group of soldiers is there, they’re all runaways or have some other thing going on. none of them are as disciplined as the rest of the army. their leader is though. she’s fierce. watch out for her.”
“okay,” you say, “where, where do i go?”
“come with me,” your boss says, leading you towards another street, “do you have anything with you?”
you walk fast to keep up with her pace, “i don’t actually! it was sort of a spontaneous trip here, i was trying to figure out what was going on,” you say, letting out another chuckle.
“there’ll be some supplies on the ship, i’m sure,” your employer easily responds.
out of the corner appears a launchpad. a small ship sits atop it. hopefully it’s just a transport, you don’t fee confident prancing up to the war in such a tiny vessel. 
you don’t feel confident going anywhere near the frontlines to begin with, but duty calls.
laylia, your boss, doesn’t even stop, continuing onto the ship. you follow, helpless. everything is moving so fast. 
“well, guess this is where we part. have fun y/n,” she calls, already leaving.
“yeah, uh, see you!” your voice barely makes it out, the door is already closing and air whistles around you, carrying you into the air.
you clutch the side of the ship, not used to the movement.
after you make it into the atmosphere and turn on the hyperdrive, you make you way to a seat and plonk down.
exhaustion overtakes you, and despite your nerves, you pass out on the chair.
blaring red sirens awake you a few hours later and you sit up way too fast, making your eyes have a seizure and fill up with colored parallelograms.
falling up into a standing positions, head still spinning, you look around.
you notice something in the side window. another ship. a marsian one.
gasping, you urgently glance around, searching for someone who knows what they’re doing and can hopefully help you.
everything begins to set in.
you could die. right now. right this very second. and what have you done with the time you’ve had?
someone grabs you by the shoulder and you’re jolted out of your thoughts.
“hey, you’re the journalist, right?” they ask you.
“yeah,” your voice shakes.
“come with me, we have to go,” the solider says, and seeing your nervous expression adds, “you won’t get hurt, i promise, we’ll protect you. i’ll protect you.”
the soldier continues to stare into your eyes.
who the heck is this kid? you think. are they really trying to flirt in the middle of a life-threatening situation? you shake your head, stepping forward and pushing them to move along.
the two of you run towards the doorway, which has somehow docked at an enemy ship.
an enemy ship?
hold the shuckadoddle frickety frack up. you can’t do this anymore. regretting everything, you tell yourself to stop, anxiety taking over your mind.
your legs don’t listen to your thoughts, and you keep running.
escaping and heading into danger because of impulsive decisions seems to be a constant theme in your life. hmm.
explosions fill your ears. you can’t see them, only the grey walls boxing you in the quiet metal ground disappearing under your feet.
your eyes are trained on the floor beneath you, but you somehow take in everything around you. peripheral vision seems to work double-time in emergencies.
soldiers rush forward in the other corridors, going the same direction as you.
they’re just blurs, silver numbers moving as a group, dispensable and unimportant. 
the person leading you hasn’t given you a weapon. you’re defenseless. but hey, when have you ever not been? you have no idea how to use a gun.
adrenaline takes over. you’re the most confident you’ve ever been since that one time when you were little and your mom bought you high heels and you got to walk around the house like a venusian model.
the memory makes you sad. you haven’t seen your mother in years. you might not ever see her again. 
regret flashes through your mind.
you push it away.
the explosions are near. you hear them before you see them.
thundering, blasting booms echo through your eardrums, becoming the only thing you can hear.
next, you see them.
smoke wafts toward you, mixed with sparks.
then before you can register it, a crash erupts and orange fire comes streaking towards you.
the soldier pulls you down behind a doorway, and the fire goes past.
they move as soon as the fire goes past.
“come on, we have to hurry!”
you can barely hear them over your own fear. it’s the only thing going through your mind.
you chase after the soldier, probably running to your doom but who cares at this point. you have nowhere else to go.
you reach the hanger, where the battle is commencing. sliding to a stop behind a crate, you catch your breath, heaving, almost spitting all over the solider.
they seem to be in a better state than you. stupid trained military.
“turn on your comm,” the soldier speaks to you. 
they reach over and push a button.
“talk. report something.”
“uhm. ok,” oh dear how are you going to do this.
still breathing hard, you pant into the microphone, “we’re in the main hanger of ship 456,” you read off the crate you’re slouched against, “lunar reinforcements are coming in by the second. we seem to be in the lead, our troops are hiding behind crates and have shelter. ships are blowing up from explosions thrown at the other side,” you pause, catching your breath, you’re speed-talking into the microphone.
remembering what your boss said, you say, “the general doesn’t seem to be here. just a rag-tag army of shorties. let’s go luna!”
turning off the comm, you belch a sigh. 
then your world turns upside down. a sound like a sonic boom pushes at your eardrums. your vision goes green and purple for a second. you black out.
yeojin almost falls again. laughing you shriek at her, “yeojin! this is the fortieth time! get yourself together!” the last part comes out in a purposefully strangled voice, one you use whenever you’re yelling but don’t want to yell because you’re not mad, just overly excited.
she trips over her ice skates, cackling over your words. you barely catch her this time, arms weak with happiness.
you pull her up, holding her close to you. she’s touching your arms, holding onto them, leaning in closer, looking as happy as can be.
but something isn’t right. 
you feel nervous. 
something’s coming.
yeojin’s face falls, and your sight shifts.
you’re dreaming. yeojin isn’t here. 
eyes opening, you shudder and flinch with the harsh reality of waking up. you’re not safe. you have to run.
making a start, trying to get away from a place you haven’t even looked at, you’re caught by restraints.
finally registering your location, you realize where you are.
in a prison cell.
panicking harder now, you push against the cuffs clasped around your wrists and ankles.
you’re breathing hard, but if feels like you’ve been holding your breath, submerged under water.
you’re drowning.
thoughts fill your mind. you can’t look at them, pushing them away, the only emotion in your system is fear. it’s propelling you. the only thing keeping you going. you need it.
sharp exhales fill the room. you don’t realize it’s you.
a deep voice, that special kind of scary government-esque voice that means serious trouble, breaks through, “hey!”
cutting through your mind like a knife, your mind shifts to the right side of the room where the voice is coming from, hyperfocusing on all the details.
white light comes from the ceiling. it reflects off of the metal walls, the same color as the ones you ran through before. it feels like it’s been days since then. maybe it has.
the person who possesses the voice moves toward you, quickly and with purpose. their shoes clack across the black floor. 
they move past the other holding devices, ones that look exactly like the one you’re in- upright but titled at an angle, putting the prisoner in an awkward vulnerable position, cuffs around the ends, a cold feel of despair and fear crawling on them like slime.
other soldiers flood through the door. two of them. they follow the first one.
the three officials stand in front of you. silent. 
then they start whispering to each other. you don’t say anything. can’t actually, your voice box has gone unresponsive and clogged.
turning to you, the one seemingly in charge, barks, “what do you know about ha sooyoung?”
you freeze for a moment. you have no idea who that name belongs to.
“i- i don’t know,” you breath out.
“what?” the man steps closer to you, getting in your face.
“i don’t know!” you say louder this time, voice hitch.
“really? why are you here then?” the man doesn’t move away. you can smell his breath. peppermints, smoke, and death.
“i’m a reporter,” you say, clearer this time. hopefully there isn’t any harm in saying that. ratting out your country is the last thing you want to do.
“well then you must know all about her,” the officer stresses the all, moving closer.
you’re shaking at this point.
“i promise i don’t. i haven’t been to any major city in years. i- i don’t know anything. nothing.”
“i don’t believe you. no way you’re telling the truth. you sound too suspicious. not even knowing about ha sooyoung? your own general? impossible. kerek, get out the electrifier.”
“wait! no! please!” you scream without even registering your words. electrifier? this has to be a dream. you’re not going to be tortured. no. this can’t be happening. you can’t do this.
kerek, one of the man’s accomplices, moves to the edge of the room, retrieving the device. 
then he stops. a noise comes from the right side of the room where the door is.
someone opened it. they’re now standing in the doorway.
they move forward into the light, illuminating their small figure.
you can’t believe your eyes.
it’s yeojin.
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(I have no idea what Infinity War will be like, so I’m going to make up some stuff to write this scene because I Need.) 
Bucky’s heart clenched as he looked at Steve beside him in this haze of alien gunfire. As determined as the tiny punk who fought bullies in alleyways, the super soldier had his teeth bared in defiance, shield held up to deflect the blast away from the pair of them and right back at the grunts. What a damn beautiful disaster.
“Steve!” Bucky yelled as he fired a couple of rounds into the wave of enemies. Despite how hard the pair of them and all their allies fought, Bucky knew a last stand when he saw one. And, well, there had always been one thing he’d wanted to do before he bit it.
“Yeah Buck?” Steve vaulted off Bucky’s shoulder to kick an alien in the chops. Trust Steve to just kick things in a battle where mystical red magic and that caped wizard’s reality warping was going on.
“You know how we always talked about getting married? Like our perfect gal, where we’d have it, how your tiny ass would look in a suit?” Bucky hurled a grenade over a car the grunts had taken cover from Falcon behind.
Steve just smacked another alien into next week with his shield. “Yeah?”
This banter was just like the old days.
“Well I reckon that if we’re gonna die here today I want to get married.” Bucky rolled behind the bus that was the centre of the fight as a blast melted the tarmac where he’d been seconds ago.
“Nobody’s dying today!” Steve yelled, hurled his shield, hit five aliens with bounces then caught it again. How he even did that, Bucky had no idea.
“Steve!” The desperate edge on Bucky’s voice made Steve turn toward him eyes wide. Bucky just grabbed his friend by the front of his Star Spangled Spandex and pulled him close as they both huddled behind the shield. “Will you marry me?”
Bucky got a glimpse of Steve’s astonished expression before a blast of energy smacked into the shield and sent them sprawling backwards.
“Is now – unh – really the best – “ Steve covered up his shock with a punch that probably broke an alien’s ribs…or whatever they had. “ – time?”
Bucky picked up the shield and tossed it back at his friend. There was a sonic boom from the sky, and his heart sank; Thanos’ ship.
“Now may be the only time!” Bucky spun around and mowed down some grunts who thought they could sneak up on him. Before he could continue, Steve tackled him to the ground as a Hulk sailed through the air in some kind of glowing net and almost accidentally smashed him. Bucky looked up at his friend, his captain, and honestly, his life-long crush, and put a hand on that strong jaw.
“I love you.” Bucky whispered, and Steve’s eyes were full of fire, but also sorrow as they lay in the debris. “I want this. More than anything. What do you want?”
Steve just stared for a moment, and Bucky was suddenly afraid that this was too out of the blue, too hasty, too far…
 “Thor!” Steve yelled, then knelt up. Bucky’s mind boggled for a second, but then again, nobody could really be blamed for wanting Thor. He turned to see the god a little way away, fighting like the devil with his bare fists as laser fire just bounced off him. “Marry us!”
The big blonde threw a grunt over his shoulder, then punched another one into a wall. Bucky kinda wondered whether Thor had that kind of ecumenical power.
“I’m a little busy at the moment!” Thor shouted and slammed two aliens’ heads together. Bucky leapt to his feet with Steve, heart going a million miles an hour, just as a group of the things jumped off the bus and onto them.
“Thor now!” Bucky barked and rammed the butt of his gun into the side of what he thought the creature’s head was. Beside him, he could hear the ferocious clang of Steve’s shield against metal.
“Fine then!” Thor finished his last enemy with a hearty snap of the neck, picked up his axe*, and jumped an unreal distance to land on top of the bus.
 The god’s voice boomed out across the battlefield, and he put a hand across his heart. “Dearly beloved, we be gathered here today – “
Thor deleted an alien’s face with a sick smack, then a bolt of lightning set the bus alive with electricity. “ – to witness the joyous union of Steven Grant Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes!”
“How does he know my name?” Bucky quirked an eyebrow at his fiancée, then shot a grunt in half with a stream of bullets.
“There was a museum exhibition on the Howling Commandos and me!” Steve yelled back over a rumble of thunder, and Thor continued.
“Steven! Do you take this battle brother to be your husband?” The god boomed and kicked another grunt away like a football. Steve grabbed Bucky’s hand with his own, and held up his shield to defend them with the other. A huge smile was emblazoned across his face, and it made Bucky’s heart melt.
“I do!” Steve shouted, and Bucky matched his elated grin. Then a huge, different alien ploughed down the street toward them like a rhino. They dove apart, and Bucky swapped his gun for one of the aliens’ ones that lay next to a body.
“James!” Thor thundered as grunts climbed up the platform of his bus like insects. Luckily, they also got swatted like insects. “Do you take this battle brother to be your husband?”
Bucky shot at the beast between them, then Steve parkoured on top of it to slam his shield into the back of its neck. As it fell, Bucky dodged through fire to clasp Steve’s hand.
“In sickness and in health –  with health being less likely – “ Bucky broke off as Steve smacked away another bolt of light, his face even more determined than ever. “ – I do!”
 “Then I, Thor, son of Frigga, goddess of the sphere of matrimony, now pronounce you bonded in marriage!” Thor landed beside them, threw down his axe, and in a quick movement, tied their hands together with a piece of red material that Bucky realized he must have ripped off his own cloak. That was the exact moment the god got steamrolled by a second giant beast-alien.
“You may now kiss – “ Thor somehow managed from beneath the thing trying to eat him. He’d be alright. Bucky ducked under another grunt and stabbed it in the stomach with his knife, other hand still holding Steve’s. This was the best wedding ever.
“You may now kiss – “ Thor managed to grab Steve’s abandoned motorbike and smack the beast over the head with it. The assassin barely saw a flash of the thing pick up their improvised celebrant and throw him against the bus as Bucky used their clasped hands to swing Steve into one hell of a flying kick.
“Just kiss!” Thor shouted and pulled himself on top of the bus.
 Bucky wasn’t sure which of them pulled who towards who, but the aliens, the laser fire and the impending doom of the planet didn’t matter for one brief moment. His lips met Steve’s as the world lit up with an explosion of white light, and everything seemed to slow down. Steve’s hand on his cheek. The shift of fabric and muscle of Steve’s back under his palm. The gentle scratch of stubble, the heat of Steve’s mouth that seemed to spread all the way down Bucky’s face and neck. The adrenaline, a buzz that replaced the thrill of battle fizzed through him as he kissed his long lost friend and now…his husband. Steve was his husband! Bucky pulled the super soldier closer with elation at the thought as thunder and lightning rang like wedding bells above them.
  Natasha peeked out from behind the car she’d scrambled behind for cover, blood a red stream from her nose and forehead, breath sharp in her chest. But what she saw on the battlefield smothered her pain with a burst of warmth. Thor shouted something as he climbed on top of a bus, then raised his axe to the sky. Lightning smote every alien in the street, and when the flash cleared there was Steve and Bucky in each other’s arms, kissing as though the world was about to end. Well perhaps they weren’t so wrong about that. A smile broke across Natasha’s face, even as rare tears pricked her eyes. In the end they’d found each other. They loved each other. And that was more than enough reason to fight until the last breath.
 *Thor’s axe is called Jardbjorn and it’s awesome. 
Donate on my profile to help me out, and also check out my AO3 (which I might post this on too) @Hades_the_Blingking!
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