#but i had this post in the backburner since may
hotnbloodied · 3 months
Yan!Itto X Reader
!Warning! This post contains yandere themes and topics that may be uncomfortable to people who are sensitive to the topic, read at your own discretion.
CW: not proof read, yous/yours used, gn reader, confinement, yandere tendencies, Genshin Impact. (idk, idk)
(I've had this one in the backburner for a while, not because I like Itto but because I just felt like writing a big dummy. Enjoy!)
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You first met the weird oni when you were on your shift at the Yae Publishing House, your job was simple, pettle the sale of books. Which isn’t a problem considering the popularity of the Publishing House. Recently though, due to the rising popularity of the Miss Hina section you and a couple of your peers were assigned to sift through the letters that are addressed to Miss Hina to make sure that the juiciest questions get answered. Your peers and you notice something though, or maybe it was more someone. Multiple letters a day from a ‘Itto the one and oni’ addressed to Miss Hina professing his love to ‘her’. Honestly for the most part it was mundane and nothing that you or your coworkers really thought anything of. But eventually it got cringy and hard to deal with since it felt like there was so much from this individual that needed to be sifted through, making the job harder for everyone. And it wasn’t like you guys could throw away the letters, someone still needed to sift through them.
You went to your boss one day, half to inquire and half to plead with them to get this Itto to stop clogging up the letter intakes. Your boss was surprised, you were typically the type of employee that did their job efficiently and without complaints. But after you showed your boss the stacks of letters from Itto they immediately understood why you would have such a request. The catch, though, was you were tasked with the duty of reaching out to the Oni himself to tell him. You were flabbergasted but your coworkers looked at you with hopeful eyes so you felt like you couldn’t let them down.
Inquiring around, you eventually landed face to face with the imposing figure himself. “I heard you were looking for the one and Oni! Well here I am, what can I do you for?” Your eyes widened, you knew he was going to be a big guy, but you didn’t expect him to be so imposing with rippled abs, why wasn’t he wearing a shirt? You gulped, “I am from the Yae Publishing House, I have come to tell you that even though we appreciate your dedication to Miss Hina that you refrain from sending so many letters at a time, as your amount is starting to overwhelm us– I mean, her.” His face glooms, “I get cha, all those letters ought to be annoying.” You felt slightly guilty, “well, if you ever need life advice, I know I’m no Miss Hina but I’ll do my best to answer any life questions you might have too. It’s the least I can do as someone who works at the Yae Publishing House just like Miss Hina.” Boy, did that open a situation you didn’t expect.
Sure the letters weren’t as frequent now, much to your coworker’s delight. But it started as a once a week thing, when you got off work you noticed the Oni waiting near the publishing house. Turns out he thought it would be cool if the two of you hung out and he would talk about his life and what it’s like running his ‘gang’. You smiled and nodded to the best of your abilities in the beginning but when he upped this routine to basically everyday you start thinking that you might have bit off more than you could chew. What didn’t help on top of that was apparently since he’s hanging out with you more that he’s not causing as much trouble as before, which was a relief to some of the inhabitants on Inazuma but it was wearing you down.
Between work and Itto you didn’t have much time to yourself anymore so one night while you and Itto were sitting at his favorite beach and was he talking your ear off with the accompanying sound of the waves in the background, you cut him off, “Itto I think we should hang out a bit less.” Maybe the words came out a bit harsher than they would have had you been less exhausted but you weren’t in the best state of mind. Itto looks at you incredulously, “what are you saying?” In some sort of lame attempt at damage control you responded, “I like hanging out with you, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I want personal time you know? Between work and you I don’t have any time to myself.” Itto was silent for a couple of beats, which you’ve never experienced before so it was slightly unnerving. But a goofy smile quickly returned to his face, “of course, why didn’t you say so? You’re still down for dinner right?” You looked at him and smiled, though, getting dinner was the last thing that you remembered.
When you jolted awake, hungover from all the sake that Itto was so persistent in you drinking while at dinner. Eventually, you noticed that you were in a cage in some sort of hut. Of course panic surged through your veins, but before you could start screaming out for help, the creaky door slammed open with Itto walking through. “Thank goodness you’re here Itto, I don’t know who put me in this cage, but maybe you can let me out-” “No can do compadre,” he cuts you off, “I can’t have you running off on me, I hope you understand.” You looked at him, eyes widening, “Itto, don’t tell me… you did this to me?” “Bingo, can’t have you slipping through my fingers now can we? I just thought it would make the most sense if I just took care of you from now on, pretty smart right?” You were flabbergasted, “No, it’s not! What happened to Ms. Hina, what actually makes you think this is a good idea?!” “Oh darling, no need to be grumpy. I’ll go and get us breakfast alright? That’ll cheer you right up!” “No! Wai–” The door slammed shut again and you were left alone in your prison.
Fear coursed through your veins and the realization finally sets in that you were locked at some undisclosed location, alone, and that there was no way that you would ever be able to overpower the Oni. You banged the ground in frustration as hot tears poured from your eyes. You were going to escape, even if it was the last thing you did, but for now you’ll play this sick game of house.
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meyerlansky · 9 days
for wip title meme - Stalag shit pretty pls!
tagging @sluttyhenley and @redbelles since you guys asked about it to AND ALSO
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bell you're getting called OUT 😈
sooo this is actually the first thing i started writing for mota and it was an unclog-the-pipe kind of idea and is self-indulgent with regards to wanting more bucky whump. i may actually never post it in totality for... a couple reasons, but i actually did a fuckton of research into how the stalags were run and kriegie culture inside of them, so it was a good exercise on a lot of levels even if it never sees the light of day. because it's sort of backburnered, that means i feel more comfortable posting BIG CHUNKS OF IT 🎉 but uh, that said, this one IS going under a cut because in addition to there being a lot of it, it's. dark.
cw noncon and psychological torture, you can probably guess where this is headed. the structure i settled into with this one is gale POV for the first part, wherein Something Is Wrong With Bucky:
Bucky shrugs, a quick, smooth shuffle of his shoulders that’s as big a lie as what’s coming out of his mouth. “Krauts get a little rough sometimes. Nothing anyone else didn't get.”
“They didn't do anything to me,” Gale says, every word feeling heavier than the last, pulling him down. “Just asked me some questions.”
Two things happen then. Something in Bucky’s face twitches, a flinch stealing over it so quick Gale barely catches it. But his shoulders drop, just a bit, some tension leaving him. Gale for the life of him can’t make sense of it.
“‘Course not, Buck,” Bucky says, light, easy, like Gale doesn't have a pit the size of the Atlantic opening up in his gut, cold flooding in. “Who'd wanna damage that pretty face of yours?”
From any of the boys, there might be some bitterness in it—it’s not like Gale doesn't know some of the goons cut him a break, ’cause of rank or coloring or whatever else. From John there’s just… relief. It feels wrong. The pit yawns wider, and the water gets higher. “Roughed yours up, though,” he says, the words feeling distant as he remembers the black eye John was sporting, that first day. The way John had grabbed his chin, tilted his head around, looking for something. Something like the beating he got, maybe.
That's what Gale had thought at the time. Now he’s not so sure that’s where it ended.
Bucky’s eyes go dark again, as distant and near-drowned as Gale feels, so he claws his way back. Tries, anyway. “Yeah, well,” John mutters, “better me than you.”
and what's wrong is not only was bucky sexually assaulted post-interrogation, but the guards told him they did the same to gale when he passed through the dulag, and he spends months beating himself up about not being there and being able to take it instead of gale, until he says something about it and gale's like ??? and bucky realizes it WAS instead but now gale KNOWS. second part's bucky's POV of the assault, so it's not chronological, and maybe it doesn't need to be shown/written at all but i wanted to because i like whump.
He’s got a headache the size of Texas, blood—his own, his own, not some kid in a cart’s, they let him wipe that off, so what's left is just his own, thank Christ—itching as it dries behind his ear, and a pit in his chest every time he thinks about Bremen and London and Russelheim and the way the woods smelled when he was running through them, clean and green and endless—
The door slams open, and Bucky gets two seconds to berate himself for jumping, for being so in his own head he didn't hear them coming, before one of the goons grabs his arm and yanks him up, spinning him to face the wall. Turns his head to the window on instinct, but the light spilling in catches him off guard and sends a new wave of pain spiking through his skull.
“Heya, fellas. Couldn't get enough, huh?” He shoots over his shoulder, hands up but grinning like nothing’s wrong, like he’s back at Thorpe Abbotts joking with the boys.
(Later on, he’ll wonder if that was what did it. If he’d just kept his eyes forward, his mouth shut, if they’d have—)
and the third part's gale POV again, after their little yard spat and is........ kind of recovery? inasmuch as one is capable of recovering while still stuck in a POW camp and going crazy with fear because no one takes your warnings about needing to get the fuck out seriously, and also your best friend punching you in the face is the most normal you've felt in almost a year:
“I’m sorry.”
The noise that comes out of Bucky’s bunk is barely human, a snarl more suited to Meatball, or the Kraut’s dogs. “You’re sorry,” Bucky snarls. “You are a real piece of work, Buck.”
He rolls over, kicks his legs out of the bunk, boots on, to glare up at Gale. “Saint Cleven,” he sneers, and he’s just pissed and it's nothing Gale hasn't heard before, but it still stings a bit. “I pick a fight and you’re the one who's sorry.” His eye’s already swelling up, purpling a bit at the edge. Again. Gale’s stomach roils looking at it. “It’s not bad enough that’s the first time you’ve treated me like normal—”
“Hittin’ you ain’t normal,” he bites out, before he can stop himself. He scrubs his hand over his eyes, just for a second, and when he looks back John's anger has dimmed a bit, banked coals instead of the inferno.
“It’s better than whatever the hell you’ve been doing the last few weeks.”
How’s that?” Gale says, sharper than he means to. Whatever he means, there’s nothing better in hurting Bucky. Not when he’s already had plenty more than his fair share.
“You won't touch me, Buck!” It’s hissed through John’s teeth but it hits him with all the force of a baseball bat to the face. It sits between them for a moment, heavy.
“That's not true,” he mutters, but there’s no strength in it, and John barely dignifies it with a scoff.
He tries again. “I didn't think you’d want…” He trails off, feeling stupid even as the words come out of his mouth. Bucky can't go ten minutes without slinging his arm around a pal’s neck, a clap on a shoulder, an elbow in someone’s side to get their attention. He couldn't, anyway. Before all this
“The hell d’you know about what I want,” Bucky snaps, like he doesn't wear every thought on his face clear as day. “I'm damaged goods, I get it, but I’m not some china doll—”
“You’re not damaged goods,” Gale shouts, the words bursting out of him like water from a burst pipe and loud enough to make John flinch back, shock all over his face.
sooo yeah! that's stalag shit! if i do ever get it done, i think it'll need some revisiting on the characterization, but honestly probably not that much. it is however the only purely-clegan wip i have, which means it would probably do better than alllllllll my other stuff even WITH the caveat that it's dark content. which is very funny to me in a bitter sort of way.
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sweetstarart · 11 months
Another pic I've had on the backburner for a while!
No seriously, I've wanted to draw this since May when I made the "sick as a dog!" Post
I'm glad I waited 😊
Heres a list of props too!
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mlp-natural · 5 months
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Cant believe I didnt post my Cas pegasi wings over the years
season four, Cas had long flight feathers despite the lack of muscle mass Jimmy had, a sign of his heavenly status and his role in bringing about the apocolapse
season seven, leviathan mutation aka Godstiel, wings got longer, and the feathers drooping as if they were melting into sludge as they fell out and resembled the more bare look of a leviathan’s wings.
season nine Metatron broke Cas’s wing, the end of it got torn off in the fight, and lost all his feathers when his grace was removed
The break did not heal correctly during his time as mortal
season 12/13, gained some muscle mass from use despite being flightless still. When Jack shown him visions of having his wings restored he was eager to grab that chance and it influenced his actions towards the end of 12. After his return in 13, his feathers started growing back in partially from Jack’s subtle influence (so much uncontrolled grace and a fresh ass soul will do that to any angel, fallen or not), partially from the natural restoration of his grace and vessel, and that good old backup battery from the profound bond lmao
season 14, Cas was never one for wing maintenance with or without his grace and skipped the preening and care since his grace usually took care of it. But while Jack was mortal, he asked Cas how to take care of his wings since he didnt have grace anymore. So they learned proper feather care*, a habit Cas keeps for a long time to honor Jack and their time together
season 15, though still unable to fly, he has accepted bring grounded with his family. He has started growing flight feathers on his right wing, and while the left one is patchy and crippled, he still takes pride in his appearance and each feather he sprouts (every feather reminds him of Jack.)
Chuck is dead in my mlp AU btw, he got hit by a car or something mid season 15 and I am working on the details on how he manipulated stuff and how all his bs worked until it didnt etc
onwards, Jack wants to find a way to restore Castiel’s wing, though it is unclear if he has the power to heal an angels trueform and vessel. Once, Cas may have jumped at the chance. Maybe he still would. Thats the thing about freewill, its unpredictable. But for the time being, he didnt mind taking it slow as much as he once did and they put the wing matter on the backburner. Cas is fond of Jack and thinks it is touching for him to ask, but it is not his duty to fix things (Does Cas refuse to heal as a reminder of who he was? Is he unable to heal at all? So many questions about his situations and character!)
Sam looked into prosthetic flight wings for disabled pegasus, though not many could achieve actual flight above a hover. Dean took a look at some models and with Jack’s help they build a custom for Cas to wear for the time being (if he wanted)
While Cas doesnt wear it every day, he will sometimes wear it on hunts during the investigation to keep nosey ponies from being distracted. Its a bit of a hassle to get on and off, but Cas can fly short distances. (he is faster on foot but its the thought that counts)
*Sam and Dean know how to clean feathers of blood and monster gunk, but thats it. So Cas and Jack relied on researching online for the most part
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Writing Update 9/19/2024
Been a while since I did an update! Last week I was on jury duty and it MURDERED my writing time as I had to change up my day and it took longer to get home (mentally draining....)
Been back at work this week, but still has been draining, so less time to get things done, but trying to get back into the flow of things! Hopefully more updates to show soon!
I will get back to those as soon as I clear up some other fics. Just got a lot of long fics (12 in total) and one-shots (like ...5 in total?) that I'm writing and want to finish!
Can't Help a Cuddle: It has 5k words in and that is just the spicy scene it is going to open up with lol It is going to end up being a long chapter as it introduces more plot and the like going forward! Hopefully will be updating soon!
Jealousy is Not a Good Friend: Also have it outlined and making good progress on writing it out so it should come out the same time or before Cuddle. Got some spice as always!
Broken in the Ways No One Sees: Going to speed run write out the last three chapters to the story as it one the poll for which one to finish first! I'll post chapters as I finish <3
When you Get Two Grandsons: Next chapter is coming and I'll be overhauling the tags to reflect the new developments! This story is remaining sweet and family feel wholesome!
Spouse Wanted: Experience not Necessary: the new chapter is NEARLY done and may be out tonight depending on how I finish up this last scene hehe! If not tonight, then going to be up tomorrow!
Lessons in Accidental Seduction: Eagerly writing out the next chapter! I'm excited for this one as it has nice character development and Sukuna really starting to work things out and he and Yuuji getting closer again <3
Malevolence of Love: Wanted to finish his fix before the 30th, but don't see that happening due to writing delays ; w ; BUT the next chapter is coming out and I know it is an anticipated one! Hoping it won't take long...
Who's a Good Boy: New chapter is in the works but not the priority fic at the moment!
The Yuuji Files: I am hoping a new update will happen SOON as I work through the scenes in this one. It is going to be a meaty chapter though as it has a lot of little plots going on in the B-plot area.
Careful What you Joke About: Also working on the next chapter now that the rewrites have been completed for the outline <3 I hope I haven't kept anyone waiting too long!
Mirrored Lives: Still need to rework and rewrite the outline and plot and get it to a point I'm more satisfied with.
What Sacrifices Heroes make that go Unsung: I WANT TO WRITE THE NEXT THREE CHAPTERS SO BAD AHHHH! I am going to push to make time to work on this one as ugh! I love it in my HEART so much and want to share ; w ;
A Rut Time of It: It is on the backburner as I get other fix worked out and finished up!
Pull Me Along if I Can’t Move Forward: Izuku/Bakugo sweet fic that is still in slow slow progress. Going to see if I can't finish it up soon!
Heatwaves and Curses Don't Mix: A pwp fic of Nobara/Yuuji/Sukuna with true-form Sukuna and his double dongs. Just pure smut for the heck of it that is slowly coming together
Playing House: Sukuita fic where Sukuna makes Yuuji play house like they did when kids but takes it too far. A pwp fic idea suggested when I was in the mood and is close to being done c:
Take Me to Prom?: Sukita one shot where Yuuji blackmails his cousin Sukuna to cross dress and take him to prom as his date. Shenanigans ensue
Once Upon a Blob: Sukuna, now Blobkuna, has a plan to get his body back and it involves the old fairy tale cliche of love's true kiss. Chaos ensures.
And That's When I knew It: A silly Uraraka/Kirishima one-shot where something horribly embarrassing happens and feelings are had (and spice XD)
Culturally Inappropriate: Starting to outline the fic and name the characters who are going to be with Yuuji through the Possessed Anonymous group. Letting it build its own themes and feeling good about it so far!
This is the sequel to Historically Inaccurate and keeps moving with the themes and Sukuna and Yuuji building their relationship as vessel and and cursed spirit while also their personal healing. Gonna be good hopefully!
Law Meets Disorder: (Maybe changing to Law and Disorder for the title) Still mapping out my ideas but might get to finally finishing up the outline soon!
The Dragon Story: Still more an idea with more worldbuilding done than plot. Need to find a solid plot for it....
We Wretched Few: Heian Era court drama fanfic with an ABO flair to it that I've been poking around at :b
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luckyfailuregirl · 1 month
Okay I think it's time I finally do an intro post
Hello world!! My name's Lucky :]
Or Mila/Milamarie, but I prefer either of the shorter two.
Things I am:
-Genderfluid (I use any pronouns - my pronouns page!!)
-An artist, mostly draws my own ocs nowadays (I don't color often sadly, I'm not confident enough in it)
-A very slow poster,,,, But I'm trying to share my stuff more often!!
-A yapper, most of my posts are really long 💔💔
-The owner of @luckyisgirlfailing ^^
-Accepting doodle requests!! (If you want me to draw your own character, please know that I may take a while and as a human, I may mess up, but I'll try my best !!)
-A MINOR also, so don't be weird anywhere near any of my posts, please and thank you
Speaking of that...
-Homophobic and transphobic people, proshippers, NSFW accounts, etc. along those lines, and generally rude and unsupportive people. If you're any of these, distance yourself from my blog.
Insert smooth transition into other topics here/j
My current interests/hyperfixations:
-Pressure (roblox), Phighting (also roblox), IdentityV, OFF, Honkai Star Rail, and My Hero Academia!! I have some other interests on the backburner rn, but these are the main ones I've been thinking about a lot ^^
A quick explanation of my sona/OC of the same name:
-All things considered though, I am currently working through burnout so I don't create much art of said interests unless I feel like it, but it will be posted here eventually once I feel like I have enough media for people to be satisfied with !!!
About the tags I'll be using from here on out:
A lot of my posts at the time of writing this just have general tags, nothing specific to my blog yet, because I've been waiting until I could actually make an intro post. But! From now on, I'll be using the tags listed here for my things :)
#[the luckygirl's delineation!] - art !!! that included anything related to my writing :3
#[the luckygirl's syndrome!] - ranting/random stuff!! (side note: my name did not come from the syndrome/TikTok thing at all actually 😭😭 I've been using this name since I was like 7, I'm just using that term now as a play on words in my tags)
#luckyfailuregirl - for anything including my OC/SONA, not me (others can use this tag too since it's a character tag!!)
#kai talking to me!! yay!!!! - tag meant specifically for my friend kai :]
#reblogs - self explanatory
If some of you have seen my oc Lucky (full title being LuckyFailureGirl), you might be a bit confused on why my main blog is titled that and my RP blog for her is a separate play on words ( @luckyisgirlfailing ). Your confusion completely understandable!! To elaborate though, "LuckyFailureGirl" has always been a username of mine across platforms, so I used that when I came to Tumblr. When I finally wanted to make a blog for Lucky themselves, I realized it was kind of too late,,, and I had to come up with a different title for her blog, but that doesn't change her official title or name. He is my sona/oc, and we share the same name and pronouns, but she also has a very different personality from me at times. She's not really a good person, but she's not meant to be super edgy either!!! You can find more information on her background on her blog, or you can ask me about them. I love talking about my ocs!!!
Anyways! I think that's all I have to say for now. Enjoy your stay, all :]
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sachan33 · 9 months
Dainsleif and The Ring of the Nibelung
Since I'm very fixated on finding out more about the mysteries of Khaenri'ah, this line has been brewing in the backburner of my mind since this world quest came out:
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 Zurvan was talking about Dain emerging from the cataclysm 500 years ago. Before then, he had never mentioned a ring, which got me curious as to what it could possibly be referring to?
I did a quick search and came across 'Der Ring des Nibelungen', or The Ring of the Nibelung; a very famous epically long 4 part opera by Wagner. It is indeed, about an actual ring.
The opera is inspired by Nordic mythology, using various characters whose names we have encountered that are connected to Khaenri'ah.
In the story, the ring is stolen and ends up cursed by its forger, Alberich, who in Norse mythology is typically a dwarf. What's interesting is that the gold to forge the ring was ALSO stolen from...the RHINEGOLD. (Rhinedottir, AKA, GOLD)
The Rhinegold, when forged into a ring, gives the owner the power to rule over the world, but only if love is renounced. Thus this ring is heavily sought after during the epic opera for a number of reasons.
Given that this ring holds significant power in the opera, I don't see why the ring clutched in Dain's hand wouldn't also hold power as well. Likely...some kind of power from beyond this world? The kind of power that Rhinedottir loved to mess with?
If that's the case, what the heck is Dain doing with it? And where is it now? He seems to have mystery hiding places (Like wherever he put the OG Field Tiller eye), and given that the ring is nowhere to be seen on his person, it may be hidden as well.
Before, I mentioned that the ring Alberich forged was stolen from him. It was taken by Wotan to be used as a bargaining chip to a pair of giants he owed a debt to. If the ring in Genshin lore contains the power of forbidden knowledge, Rhinedottir may have not forged the ring, but created it through alchemy. It's possible that Dain may have stolen the ring from Rhinedottir, knowing it contained the forbidden knowledge that led to the demise of Khaenri'ah. Given that the ring was clutched in his hand instead of worn on his hand, this implies he may have grabbed it in haste.
Without more information, however, I can only speculate the significance of the ring being in Dain's possession, or what power it may possess.
Another interesting little tidbit I read was that at the end of Act I of The Ring, the Rhinemaidens were pretty upset at their stolen gold, and (at least according to wiki) "condemn the gods as false and cowardly." Given that the Rhinemaidens dwelled at the bottom of the Rhine river, (and Khaenri'ah was an underground kingdom) there's a definite correlation to the relationship of Khaenri'ahns versus the gods and Celestia.
These parallels to "The Ring" and Khaenri'ah also opens the possibility of a connection to the Dragon King, ALSO named "Nibelung." But that's a whole other post for another day.
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anjumstar · 1 year
One day I'll write a post-war bkdk where Katsuki has to confront the idea that he's grown in ways that Izuku has not.
Canonically, Katsuki has sensed that Izuku is a "real" hero of goodness and rightness that All Might noticed, and that has made him the right person to hold One For All. This will inevitably create a bias in Katsuki's mind, especially as he comes, post DvK2, to respect Izuku more and more and, as we interpret it, like him more as a person, equal, and hero. That bias is that Izuku is naturally, inherently, good and right.
Which, you know, he is. It's shonen. He's the protagonist. But post-war, when the conflicts are not merely between good and evil, it'll become a lot more complex for both boys (and everyone).
I think of it manifesting as a Katsuki who does a lot of work on himself emotionally and an Izuku who does not. Because since DvK2, Katsuki has had to reevaluate his beliefs and his opinion of himself and of Izuku. He has to confront the failure of the licensing exam. And we see how abundant his growth is in his newfound ability to work with others, his selfless atonement towards Izuku, and his ability to put himself on the backburner strategically as he sees the bigger picture.
Meanwhile, Izuku's life at UA largely exists as his inherent beliefs being confirmed repeatedly, through his rapid improvement of OFA, how he breaks through with Shouto, his plan to get Katsuki back, etc. Even his moments of irregular growth--going alone in the vigilante phase, his quandary over whether to beat villains or save them--always returns to his core belief set of, essentially, doing good by everyone. His choice to return to UA and to save villains aligns with his original beliefs rather than being growth changes. He doesn't do the same amount of internal investigation that Katsuki does, and I think that post-canon, it'll leave Izuku worse-equipped emotionally than Katsuki.
So when I imagine them in a relationship, it's with a bkdk who expect that they'll be able to communicate well because Katsuki thinks the best of Izuku and because they manage to overcome so much between chapter 1 and wherever the heck this story ends, including working collaboratively in battle.
Obviously, I think they'd be very wrong.
Katsuki may know what he's feeling but not know how to say it. Izuku may not know what he's feeling and not know how to say it. And if Katsuki thinks that he's communicating effectively--whether he is or not, he'll be baffled by Izuku any time that Izuku fails to 1. understand what he's saying 2. communicate back effectively and 3. go along with Katsuki's ideas (depending). I think, honestly, Katsuki would respond similarly to how he did as a kid when Izuku wasn't talented at dribbling or reading or skipping stones, which wasn't with contempt, but with confusion and maybe a little betrayal because his expectations weren't being met. This isn't because Katsuki has regressed that much or because he hasn't grown, but because those reactions came from thinking the best of Izuku (as well as thinking his experiences were universal, which is a wip), and post-DvK2, he still does. And because he's just gotten used to Izuku surpassing him, and the idea of Izuku falling behind in any way would shake the new beliefs that he's built around the idea that Izuku is good and right.
So yeah, idk who else subscribes to that characterization, but it's some of the bkdk that interests me the most and that I'd most like to write given a fic complex enough to pull it off in!
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kaydeefalls · 3 months
65 for Carthaginians, 66 for fic of your choice, 67, and 69 (always be fishing for recs)
Here we go!
65. If you wrote a sequel to [Carthaginians], what would happen in it?
LYKON MY BELOVED. Not the obvious answer, which I guess would be the followup of Yusuf and Nicolò searching for the lost Carthaginian children, but I honestly don't know how much of a story I have to tell there. However, the later ramifications of this particular canon divergence are fascinating to me, and having essentially swapped origin eras for Joe&Nicky vs. Lykon, I would love to dive into his alternate origin story. I spent way too long trying to pinpoint where in the early medieval period Lykon could have become immortal instead (for a single throwaway line in the one flashforward to present day scene), and it would be fun to explore that further. Or how the events of the movie play out differently with Lykon still part of the team - would he be the one to lose his immortality instead of Andy, since canonically he IS the first to die (and at only around 1000 years old, which is right around movie era in this AU)?
66. What’s a fun fact about [insert fic]?
I guess I'll go with what dreams may come (TOG fusion!AU with Inception), since that's the most recent fic I've posted. IDK how we define "fun fact" here, so here's something that pleased me when it finally came together. The fic alternates between past and present day scenes, and every single one of Nicky's dreams we see in a flashback shows up again in the nightmare Quynh traps him in. I did not plan that going in. I did not have the faintest idea how the final showdown was going to play out until just before I wrote it, and then had the absolute delight of patchworking all the prior dreams together into some kind of Frankenstein's monster of a dream. I'd struggled with writing most of that fic, but that section came together SO easily in the end. Love it when I subconsciously lay my own breadcrumbs trail.
67. If a fic was titled [insert made up title], what would this story be about/how would you write it?
...I'm not sure how to answer this one without the made up title of choice! But titles rarely come first for me. When I'm very, very lucky, they come relatively early on in the writing process, and not in a desperate scramble at the last possible minute. Though I do sometimes have titles sitting in the back of my head for years, waiting for the right fandom/fic to show up for them. Always satisfying when one of those finds a home. (I do currently have one of those on the backburner - a line from my wife's favorite poem - but the WIP in question hasn't coalesced properly yet.)
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment?
Okay, so I'm currently doing a deep dive into Heartstopper fandom, which uh I'm not sure anyone else here would care about, and I'm kinda casting the net pretty wide at the moment in that sort of new(ish) fandom haze, where I'm not as picky as I normally would be, but also everything I've read is kind of starting to blur together? I wish I thought to bookmark fics more - I use author subscriptions instead of bookmarks for my own personal reference, but that's uh less helpful in a new fandom where I don't actually remember any author's username out of context. The most recent fics I've bookmarked (in ANY fandom) are:
like in the dramas by shoutowo (Heartstopper) - canon divergence where Charlie and Tao start fake dating after Charlie gets outed, and the ensuing complications once he meets Nick; it's just super charming and a fun subversion of the fake dating trope, and Charlie's repeated attempts to fake-break-up with Tao amuse me greatly.
That Was the River, This Is the Sea by @what-alchemy (TOG) - modern AU for Joe/Nicky, I fucking love the way this fic depicts them both, and how REAL they feel. I can't speak from a cis gay male experience, being a queer woman, but the depiction of Joe and Nicky's desire for each other in this fic is the closest I've ever read to the way my many queer male friends talk about sex and relationships, it just rings so unbelievably true to me. And also it's just lovely.
...apparently I've only bookmarked two new fics in 2024? Ugh. I really need to use bookmarks more often. But genuinely I'm just in a weird Heartstopper reading haze at the moment and I don't know what to rec because I'd have to track them back down again first, and my brain is not capable of that at 1am, whoops. 🤦‍♀️
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dynamic-k · 6 months
How you doin'
I think I finally broke out of the Writer's Block!! Time to celebrate with a coffee!
I also started writing the next chapter of the Guessing Game, uhhhh, whoops, why has it taken me eleven days-
I am also making a lot of headway on the next Arc Two chapter, and I am so unbelievably excited to bring it to completion because more LOREEEE!! And more subtle things to decipher, hehehe
And other not-so-subtle things... Yeah...
And also, uhm, a certain mother of the Alcoholic Twins, *cough, cough* Mum Rum *cough, cough*
I need to keep my mouth shut, cursors...
Why do I let you all ask me things-
Next thing I know, I'll be explaining King's full motives in way too much detail... '= w =
Yes, I am doing swell and well, and good mood. U v U
Even though the Alan Becker Minecraft server has been very captivating as of late, and I find myself not writing as much because I want to hang out with Alan Becker fandom people-
I am on that server a lot, as Dynamic_K, so feel so free to say Hi and whatnot, I love meeting you all. :D
And you may also call me Scarlett, I don't care a bit.
Golden Boy, I thiiiiink, is going to still take me a while, even though I've actually made really good headway for the first time since I made chapter 2. It's gonna be so long, lol. I wrote down the plot outline, for the most part, and I just need to fill in the actual words. (Some of which is already done, hence my prediction about the chapter being like 10,000+ words, lol)
Don't ask me about A Second's Tale just yet. That's still sitting on the backburner of my incredibly spacious Mind Stove, simmering every now and then as I slowly piece together how I want the plot to go. I NEVER HAD A SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THAT FIC, IT'S GETTING TRICKY-
I'll finish it all, eventually, though. I promise!! I never EVER abandon a fic.
That's like my motto at this point!
...besides the Second punnery, the "I don't believe I have the faintest notion what you're insinuating" and some other things I say often...
Yeah, I think that's it for major updates.
Feel free to clarify more specific inquiries in mah Askity Boxity-
I had an idea, hehe, about three weeks ago now, oops-
That I could-
OH, never mind, you'll see, I'll get that out soon.
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quietbooklion · 2 months
Thoughts on: Koga
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Here we go, my first review on here about Koga.
This is going to be a review on his Book II: Lovers story. I'll get around to posting a character review when I read the event stories he's in.
*This review will contain spoilers, you have been warned.*
Koga is an interesting character in that he is very charismatic. Like, this dude will be willing to help out anyone at the expense of putting himself on the backburn. But there’s also the stubborn side of him trying to do things on his own without putting others at risk. And I do like the contrast of him being helpful but also keeping others at a distance when he wants to do something on his own. He’s described in the game as a big brother to a lot of people and that perfectly fits him. Even within his group of the Dawn faction, he does his best to bring them together not only as a group fighting the Wraiths but acting as a support group for Futaba when she needs it the most. He’s just overall a good guy.
Even his background, as tragic as it is, doesn’t deter him from wanting and trying to be a good person. It all ties back with the true nature of Oni and the power he has within him. The carnage he has to keep at bay or else he will literally kill anyone in his sight. He doesn’t like that part but knows that its something he can’t easily get rid of. This makes him all the more interesting and showing the player there’s more to this guy than him being a big bro to everyone.
And I want to add how his friendship with Kuya was so cute considering they're complete opposites and yet their friendship works so well.
That being said, while I do think Koga is a good character, I wouldn’t say he stands out to me the most. Not to say I think he’s bad and I was invested in knowing what happened to him and the story, it didn’t really tug at my heartstrings. I thought his story was good but it wasn’t great. I distinctly remember feeling this way when I had played his route years ago and I still do even after replaying it the past week. Plus when it comes to the romance between Koga and the MC, I didn’t really feel much of anything between them. They did have some cute moments but when I got to the end and they did confess their love for each other, it didn’t feel as cathartic as other love confessions I’ve seen.
Then… things happened in the last few parts of his story.
Things took a weird turn in the last few parts of his story which gave me lots of mixed thoughts. Mainly because it came out of nowhere and just confused me more than anything. Basically, Kyonosuke had plans for the MC to pretty much give up her life and work for the Government and become their Onmyoji diviner. If that wasn’t odd enough, then his façade falls and he’s just straight up racist to the Ayakashi, especially to Koga because he’s an Oni. I was confused and that confusion turned into disappointment. You’re telling me that Kyonosuke, who wasn’t even in the story 95% of the time, did a 180 and wants to completely upend Futaba’s life and kill Koga?????? I know that Kyonosuke is the type to do things in what he believes is best for the Capital and is willing to do things that are morally questionable and he may not trust Ayakashi completely. But this came out of nowhere, I don’t find this sudden turn to be believable or shocking. I found it kind of annoying if I’m being honest. It wasn’t all bad since it does end with a cute moment with Koga and Futaba.
As for Akiyasu, he did fulfil his role as the antagonist for a brief while. Don’t really have much to say about him honestly (That’s for his route when I get around to replaying it)
Overall, I think that Koga is a good character with a good story. I liked how we get to see the different sides to him. While his story didn’t really wow me and the last few parts being a rushed mess, it’s still something I think a lot of people would enjoy.
3.5 out of 5.
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openphrase123 · 26 days
i realize this may not be the best time to ask because of the last post you made, but how do you find the motivation to keep up with so many projects at once? the fact that you can is both inspiring and also very scary and i'm jealous. "average person writes 1 fic in their lifetime" WRONG. ficwriter openphrase123 who writes 3276453287 fics in their lifetime all at once is a statistical outlier and should not be c
oh this answer got long here's a readmore
well first of all. i have a boring dayjob that lets me marinate big ideas on the backburner. i can turn my thinking brain off for 90% of my projects at work. i've been working there for seven years, i can plot fanfiction in my head without taking a single performance hit LOL
second. um. i'm thirty in like four months. that is in NO WAY old, but i have been on this earth long enough to know when i, specifically, cannot execute or follow through an idea. i only pursue projects i know i can reasonably finish without going crazy. i just kind of. know how my brain chemistry works? i have reasonable expectations for myself?? i'm friends with my brain even if it likes to overthink or be anxious or have seizures or go down weird ocd-adjacent thought paths
third, which feeds a lot into the above point. but when you are in your teens and twenties it's going to take you some time to figure out the rhythm of how you work. i like to take a lot of mini breaks in between what i'm doing. this does not work for my girlfriend, who has ADHD and is like "if i take a break i will never recover" so she doesn't do that. brains are all different and you gotta find what works for you
fourth. well. this one might just be me. but the reason i have like 8 concurrent projects is because when i get tired of one, my brain is VERY happy to latch onto another one. no matter what i'm doing, something is getting done?? that's why i was writing 3 fics at once trying to decide which one to do next. and why i couldn't figure it out and had to leave it to a tumblr poll
and, fifth. idk. i don't write fanfiction when i don't want to? if you look at my ao3 account i haven't done it since. like. 2021? and before that the last time i wrote any fanfiction was in like 2013. of which i cannot track down that old accout but i swear it probably exists?
s.sixth??? and this one is going to sound the braggiest. and maybe it is a little bit. i'm good at this? not like. naturally. i wasn't born writing 100k fanfics. but i've been writing fiction for like. most of my life. i wrote a lot of awful stupid shit before i started writing good shit. i'm not falling asleep at the wheel or anything but after you're making art for enough time, it more easily falls into place. after doing it for so long you develop an intuition for the kinds of projects you will be sufficiently motivated for. i don't know how to describe this without sounding like a pretentious asshole. maybe i can allow myself to be for like five minutes. i've earned it
i hope that helped??? my brain kind of just. does stuff. i've trained it over the years to do stuff in the direction that makes me happy!! i wish my brain would let me go clean my bathroom instead but eh. tradeoffs?
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itsseohannbin · 5 months
Hannji Rambles / Another Life Update
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hiiii Pookies!!
Hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves!!!
I'm just popping in with a quick life update (cause apparently I'm having a lot of those lately) to kind of let everyone know what's been going on lately.
I know I said a couple weeks ago that I was ready to come back to tumblr and begin posting again, and I am, however, there's been a bit of a change of plans in regards to me starting up my writing/posting fics again.
Because I have been put on a temporary stress leave by my family doctor for the next couple weeks, I'm trying to reduce the amount of stress/triggers in my life until my next appointment, where I will be reassessed to determine if I'm fit to go back to work or not. I want to continue writing and posting because writing has always been a strong outlet for me to relieve stress and clear my brain when the noise gets too much, however, I need to make changes to what I will posting in order to help keep my stress levels under control.
that being said, I will be posting the remaining few parts/chapters of Like A Volcano (for all my Hannie stans out there who are ever so patiently waiting), BUT at this time, I will not be writing/posting a Jisung POV for this fic. I wanted to, and I was super excited to write a part in his pov, but I've been struggling with writing it for the last few months and it's really put a damper on my already not-so-good mental state. Maybe in the future, I will upload a snippet, but since the idea of creating a Jisung POV for LAV is causing more stress than it's worth, it will be put on the backburner for the time being. I AM SORRY FOR THOSE WHO WERE WANTING IT I JUST CANNOT WORK WITH IT RN!
However, the last few parts will be edited/revised and posted in the coming week-ish so I can finally put that fic to rest and start up The Blackened Heart again bc I am so so excited to start writing that again!
In addition to the Jisung POV being scraped (for the time being), I am also putting a halt on the LAV spinoffs I had in the works (Connected, which is the Chan x Jo spin off, and Waiting For Us, which is the Minho x Ash spin off) simply because both of them are causing more tension and stress than necessary.. I don't like it when writing feels like it's becoming a chore, I'd rather write stuff that I'm excited to write and post, and that entire AU series has quickly become the opposite of what I want to do... I will be coming back to them eventually, but as of right now, I need to do what I can to alleviate the amount of distress in my life, and that means putting LAV/Connected/WFU on hold.
I am happy to say I will be continuing my commission for the lovely @bethanysnow that I've been slowly working on while I get back into the swing of things, ((beth baby i am so sorry its taking so long im just really struggling right now so please bear with me :( )) and I'm of course still writing drabbles, fake!text posts, and my OT8 "The L Word" series.
Thank you all for the never-ending support and love I'm still receiving from a lot of you despite my inactiveness. Just know I read every single one of your comments, reblogs, and things that you all tag me in. I am still very much here in spirit, just slowly working my way back up to being a fully functional human being
In the meantime, as some of you may already know, I am starting a small business where I make beaded keychains, rings, lanyards, bracelets and more. Beading has very quickly become a safe haven for me and its very therapeutic to just sit for hours watching tv and making stuff to eventually sell. I am starting up an instagram account specifically for this business called Hannji's Creations, so if you're interested in what I'm making and such, feel free to give me a follow over there. I'm making a lot of SKZ themed stuff, however, I'm also opening up ideas for other kpop groups and other styled collections in general.
Thank you again to everyone who has stuck around and checked in on me these last few months. I know life can be tough sometimes, and lately I'm having a hard time getting back up somedays, but you guys all make it more bearable, so thank you. thank you for your continuous understanding and unconditional love..
You guys are awesome!
can't wait to show you all what's in store!!
Much Love,
Hannji <3
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serenanymph · 1 year
Hey everyone! I'm Serena - you can call me Ser - and my pronouns are she/her. This is the writeblr for @murderousewpecspredator! I'll mostly be reblogging writing resources, advice, inspiration etc. here. I'll also be posting my original fics and art, plus updates and snippets (and occasional screaming) as I work on my wips, so be on the lookout for that!
My works tend to include:
➼ high fantasy (occasionally dabbling in urban fantasy, dystopia or sci-fi) ➼ traumatized teenagers forming found families ➼ characters all flavors of queer + male-female friendships and queerplatonic relationships!! ➼ sad backstories ➼ hurt/comfort. SO much hurt/comfort. but also eventual happy endings where the characters get to live peacefully :) ➼ at least one character who is stubbornly kind in the face of a cruel world ➼ and hope!!! I love hope
Find me on: ao3 | wattpad
I'm looking for more writing mutuals so feel free to reply if you share similar writing genres/interests, and I'll give you a follow!
(works under cut)
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In a world where monsters live in the woods - creatures with the ability to shift forms and wield magic - humans and Beasts have been fighting for centuries. One summer morning, Crys Averwell finds a crow-boy in the forest who has had his wings brutally hacked off.
Unfortunately, saving him from bleeding out is the easy part - because hiding the existence of a Beast from Crys's village, and finding a way for said Beast to get home?
That's going to be another story entirely.
My current wip!! High fantasy series with found families, banter™ and protags who aren't the heroes or the chosen ones but are just really, really unlucky. Also contains,
large casts
the Sarcastic Withdrawn one + the Ray of Sunshine Extroverted one
a Journey
undead creatures
cool magic with runes and potions and spells and Artifacts
Forests. and Mountains. and More Forests
discrimination, eventual rebellion, blowing stuff up
Sad Times
➢ Crow Wings (2nd draft complete, 3rd draft to be started somewhere in July or August) ➢ Witch's Book (1st draft in progress) ➢ Untitled book 3, 4 and possible 5
series/book 1 intro, book 2 intro
taglist (lmk if you want to be +/-): @deer-in-headlights-stare, @allianaavelinjackson, @arctic-oceans, @space-writes, @reneesbooks
It's the start of a new school year, and Sakoto Misami's brother has disappeared. Another runaway, people whisper - but Sami knows her brother isn't like that, knows that Irumi would never abandon them.
So when police fail to track him down, she decides to investigate on her own. And the things she finds begin to make her wonder - had she never known her brother after all?
Her questions are promptly answered when, that Friday night, on a deserted train platform, the lights flicker, and something inhuman comes out of the tunnel. Straight for her.
Enter the Swords.
The half-defined urban fantasy wip I take out to blow dust off of occasionally, because I cannot juggle for the life of me. I do write snippets sometimes though, and I'll properly get into it sometime in the future. Includes,
Cool Swords
spirit companions
a Weird Magic System involving Threads and Needles and Weaving and Fabric. I swear it makes sense I just haven't figured it out yet
subways!!! alleyways!!! parkours and night views and leaping from rooftop to rooftop!!!
traumatized teens, again, and found family, again. But also actual family
qprs!!! heck yeah I love qprs
Yeah that's pretty much it. I have a handful of other ideas I may mention once in a blue moon, but they're sitting on the backburner for now since I'm only able to focus on one project at a time. I also dabble in fanfic, and might occasionally post a short story or a poem, but that's all gotten to be pretty rare.
I'll make proper pages in a while, but until then feel free to poke around in the main tags! The gen tags are #beast and #corrupted, while official tags are #wip: beast and #wip: corrupted (though the last one is largely empty).
See you around!
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fairycosmos · 1 year
Can you and your followers let me know if I'm be dramatic by being upset about this? Sorry for how long this is and for it being worded like a reddit AITA post.
A very close friend (as in I've known her for 5 years, we lived together during uni, etc etc) and I made plans back in like January to see a musical in August and we already bought tickets (which are expensive) and I've been openly very excited about it because it's a musical I've wanted to see for a while. Then, in May, she met this guy (now her boyfriend) and after a few weeks of knowing/casually hanging out with him, he asked her to go with him on a trip the same weekend we were planning to see the musical. And she agreed. Now, despite the fact that I've easily been her closest friend throughout uni (and I literally would always cook for her and clean after her without reciprocation) she has deliberately avoided telling me about any details regarding her relationship and also didn't tell me about the fact that she's bailing on our plans. She told another Mutual Friend and told her to not tell me because she wanted to break the news herself. But that Mutual Friend did end up telling me because one day I was ranting about how she's been keeping me out of the loop of her new relationship and barely speaking to me. So I knew for a month now that she's bailing on these plans and was just waiting for her to openly tell me. Then yesterday she accidentally revealed it without realizing in a group chat, and when I asked her privately she didn't even say sorry she just said that she completely forgot and got the dates mixed up. Which I know isn't true.
On top of that, two weeks ago was my birthday, and around like 7pm, I told Mutual Friend that this friend hadn't wished me yet. And she got really upset about it but I didn't want to make it into a big deal. And then that friend ended up wishing me at 11:30pm and said she was at training all day at work, which I knew was bs because who trains for 12 straight hours and because I literally saw on Twitter that she had tweeted multiple times earlier that day so she had access to her phone. But I let it slide. And yesterday, Mutual Friend revealed to me that she actually had to remind this friend that it was my birthday because she was afraid the day would pass by without her wishing me and didn't want my feelings getting hurt. Am I crazy for letting all this upset me? I'm happy that she's found a boyfriend but she's literally been icing me out since then. It's normally very difficult for me to get my feelings hurt and I feel so dramatic being this upset about a birthday wish and a cancelled plan but idk. I want to confront her about it but I've been told that I should just keep my distance for a while.
hey i don't think you're an asshole for this - something that did cross my mind is that maybe ur friend is in a sort of controlling or unhealthy relationship with this person? just based on how shes been isolated from you, someone who is rly close to her, and how distant she's been since getting with the guy. ofc that's a very worrying and nuanced situation to have to confront and that's a big assumption on my part -it truly may not be the case, and even if it is, obviously as an outsider looking in obviously there's only so much you can do to try to get through to her. butttt if right now it just seems like she's gotten into a new relationship and put your friendship with her entirely on the backburner with no explanation, then i think your feelings of anger and hurt are entirely understandable. i've honestly been there myself so many times like when girlfriends get boyfriends and suddenly you're basically invisible to them. it's sooo discouraging and hurtful and you feel like a freak for being sad about it but still you're sad about it. and while obviously people's priorities change when they get into a relationship, it's not ok to neglect all of your friendships just bc you're seeing someone, you know? i completely see why you're upset and i don't think you need to feel like you've done something wrong for simply questioning her recent behaviour. especially when it comes to that expensive gig!!! she should've had the respect to come to you herself about that if she was cancelling, point blank. i would be pretty pissed myself in ur shoes. it's obviously entirely up to you where you go from here, and i guess i can't answer that part for you as i don't know the ins and outs of your circumstances + dynamic with her -- but whatever you need to do to ensure you have your own best interests at heart here is alright. whether it's taking time or talking to her or a mixture of both. and btw this is just my singular perspective ofc so maybe im wrong or missing something. sending so um grain of salt and all that, but yeah that's how i see it. sending a huge hug your way. x
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blubushie · 6 months
You dont have to post this at all, and I may not even send this in the end, but I just want to say something regarding the acearo conversation today.
lately I've been wondering if I'm on the ace spectrum, since I experience some sexual feelings, but very occasionally, and during most of my sexual interactions with my partner I've felt more of an "in the brain" interest rather than an "in the body" interest. Recent events have also led me to wonder if I may be some kind of aro as well. I guess I'd kind of had it on backburner since I do feel romantic feelings, though they're not really as strong as I've the romantic feelings that my peers have expressed feeling towards their partners. Maybe it was an oversight on my part but it wasn't until I was reading your posts regarding the matter that it clicked for me, that if asexuality is a spectrum, of course the same may apply to aromanticism. This means my hypothetical aromanticism might not be so unlikely after all.
So, thanks, I guess?
Hahaha grats mate!! Welcome to the club <3
Also the "in the brain interest" vs "in the body interest" is how Doz has described being aspec to me. She takes a very. Uh. Iunno. Analytical? Approach? She likes the brain games of it and sex as a topic moreso than engaging with it with her own body as I've learnt. Which again, makes her an INCREDIBLE dom. She's great at figuring out why someone enjoys a certain kink and then completely blindsiding you by suggesting a different kink with similar roots that you didn't even know you were into.
And that's not to say she never enjoys sex, but her wanting to be sexual for her own pleasure is a rare thing. She generally treats sex like something to study, which I understand fully and also very much enjoy because it means we can discuss kink and topics together from an analytical perspective instead of just a "me so horny" one. Which makes conversations very fun. (Both of us are anal academic nerds who enjoy this shit.)
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