#but it’s somehow still Mabel’s fault that weirdmagedon happened when she was the smarter one they had to change the rules for
eggs-love-loki · 1 year
My favorite thing I learned from the Gravity Falls commentaries is that the team developed a set of rules while working on Sock Opera for Dipper to be in a situation where he’d make a deal with Bill and then at the end of the season with Mabel’s deal they had to update those rules to make it Not Bill offering the deal because there was no situation at that point in the season she’d be dumb enough to make any kind of deal with Bill no matter how harmless it seems.
They also mention that if Dipper had just told Mabel about the rift she wouldn’t have made the deal with Blendin either, she only makes it because she really believes it’s an unimportant object in exchange for a small bit of extra summer.
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