#but it's a PERSONAL preference so i'm happy ppl go canon divergent but it's just not my cup of tea in some cases
zorkaya-moved · 1 year
I'll be honest that I'll be extra selective with following HSR blogs due to how mischaracterized characters from HI3 can get or how connections to HI3 gets w/o proper dive into lore on many occasions. You do you but I will just step back on that for personal comfort.
I'm super happy for y'all creativity but I will be separating all but Welt Yang (and Himeko sometimes in RPs) from HI3 altogether for personal preference. Yes, it is because of my own HI3 verse that's also included. Glad people get interested in HI3 because of Welt and Void Archives, it's just... yeah. Only personal preferences acting here. Have fun! Just know it's not you, it's literally just me about following back ;)
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bubble-popping · 8 months
I Forgot About Punz :( sorry punz
some more questions :) - when does punz realize that something is going on? is it like, right after dream breaks out and they don't meet up, or a little later? - how canon divergent is this au? like techno's personality is different, but does ranboo die in the prison escape? (wait no techno isn't as close to ranboo in this au?) - does techno make dream wear/do anything? or does he just kinda keep dream in the trophy room always - how exactly does techno teach dream to "listen to everything he says"?
sorry for asking so many questions...i've just been thinking about this au constantly
Pls don't be sorry! I'm having fun answering :D it's still kind of a wild concept to me that other ppl like my silly thoughts but I'm more than happy to indulge :))
And don't worry, c!Techno forgot about c!Punz at first too :)
Punz would realize something is up pretty much instantly. He and Dream agreed to meet right after the prison break in that snowy area, so when Dream doesn't show up, they're concerned. Then, he doesn't show up the next day, or the day after that, or the day after that, and then Punz is REALLY concerned. He saw Dream at the break-out and that is not a man who's equipped to handle himself in the Arctic wilderness alone for several days. They only waited so long because, well, they really didn't know what else to do. Dream specifically told him to meet there at that time, and following Dream's direction is what they do best. He'd have to keep up the appearance of looking for Dream anyway so as to not rouse suspicion. They'd pay Techno a visit, after Sam and Quackity had already been there, so Dream obviously isn't there but they can smell that something's off. (pushing the wolf hybrid!Punz agenda) Techno gives nothing away, but Punz knows Dream, and they know his scent (especially when it's all over the cabin and all over Techno and it's driving them crazy), and they know he wouldn't not follow through with a plan unless something uncontrollable got in the way. So, they do what a mercenary does best and starts tracking Techno.
The au itself isn't too divergent when it comes to major events, so all the canon stuff happens up until the obvious point after prison break. Ranboo would still die, but Techno wouldn't be as broken up about it. One less Syndicate member is unfortunate, though.
Dream is very rarely let outside. (only a few times has Dream's begging swayed him and he was allowed to roam the forest outside, with the caveat of staying on a 'leash' Techno made from enchanted rope to ensure he stays close) Techno much prefers to keep him in the trophy room, well-groomed and quiet. Something pretty to look at. The scars from all the torture aren't his favorite (least of all the hideous smile carved into his back), but he also thinks they're beautiful in their own way. If he had to say, his favorite would be when Dream wears nothing at all ;)
Techno found that Dream was alarmingly easy to control with some minor indulgence. He's positively starved for affection and comfort, not to mention in this au Dream did always have a crush on Techno which really showed during their shared time in the prison. He listens to everything Techno says for two main reasons: the prison had already done much of the hard work of removing any of Dream's autonomy or ability to think for himself and as long as Techno is able to spin the story that this is for Dream's safety, he's happy :)
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