#but it's only once theo's playlist hits stay soft / here we go again that the songs are abt matthias specifically 😭
mattodore · 1 year
listening to the mattodore playlists
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#river dipping#playlist#echthroi#matthias core#theodore core#matthias evanoff#theodore doe#they're still wips like i'm gonna continue adding music but it's a little funny how much of matthias's playlist is actually abt theo#like it's basically over half of his playlist#like........ literally every song after river day on matthias's playlist is about him and theo LMAOOOOOOO#but it's only once theo's playlist hits stay soft / here we go again that the songs are abt matthias specifically 😭#matthias............ i'm so sorry you only exist to support theo kjnhkjndfghnjfkgjnhkdjfngh#see but i can write this off as an intentional character choice bc matthias is unhealthily obsessed with theo so. <3#no but the disparity in their playlists is definitely bc of the fact that i listen to a lot of uh. depressing self-hating music#so like......... perfect for theo but bad for matthias who's cruel and self-obsessed and selfish and dark yk#i'm also like... really into lyrics so when i put a song in their playlists i only have a certain amount of lines that i can give a pass to#if they're conflicting with the Vision i have of the character before i gotta boot the song out of the playlist yk#i've actually added then deleted soooo many songs bc of this i'm so meticulous abt their playlists#.......................anyway hi i've been offline bc i've been obsessing over their playlists and making poses yk how it is#actually i do have something i can post but </3 it's not the succ. inspired post just yet sadly
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mustardyellowanti · 3 years
Sebastian Oh Summer // Before Senior 
“Safe to say I think you have everyone else’s birthday present beat,” Finley commented, eyes glancing up to see Sebastian through the rearview mirror. Sebastian hummed pulling his earpods out, the low rumbled of one Anto’s favourite songs leaving his ears. She had decided to diversify Sebastian playlist with all her favourite songs and while Sebastian understood next to none of what was been said it was an easy listen. He glanced up at the elderly driver, Finley had been in his family for years, and over time he became more than just a simple chauffeur. He had been working for his mother since she in her late teens and now on the eve of her 45th birthday remained a trusted confidant to his mother and admittedly Sebastian.
“I don’t know if you asked certain people my presence is not a present at all,” Sebastian commented with a sigh looking out the window. While he had no issues about celebrating his mother’s birthday, he was unashamedly a mothers boy, but dealing with the rest of his family was never high on his to-do list. The rest of his mother’s family, the Vanderbilts, American royalty at its best were divided into blindly hating him because he was the heir apparent and the others sucked up to him for the exact same reason. Then there was his father and brothers, while there was no doubt his father was head over heels in love with his mother, his father didn’t share that same love for the fruits of their love. Sebastian’s father was all too happy to pretend Sebastian did not exist. His brothers weren’t too different, indifferent, borderline hateful of Sebastian all because he got everything they wanted without even trying.
“Who cares what certain people think?” Finley huffed, “No of them matter in the grand scheme of things, do they? You are coming back to surprise your mum and I know for a fact that she would be ecstatic that you here, probably going to end up crying when you step in the house,” he said. “Happy tears of course,” he tacked in causing Sebastian’s lip to quirk up in a small smile.
“As long as they are happy tears I guess I can handle the rest,” Sebastian said with a shrug. He was trying to come across as carefree as possible, fall back into the normal arrogance and aloofness he usually had but the growing pit in his stomach was hard to ignore and as they got closer and closer to the Hamptons.
“Of course you can,” Finley hummed. “Though once the tears are over your mum is going to be in full fret over Sebastian mode and then ofcourse its going to be a whole lot of people asking if you met their oh so wonderful daughter,” Finley said sounding far too amused. “Such a hard life you got there,” he teased. “I would offer my daughter but she has been married for the past 15 years, maybe granddaughter Lily,” he laughed.
“The five-year-old?” Seb laughed, “Well she might be more interesting than half the people at this party but I’ve got what another 20 years before I start dating girls half my age right?” he mocked. The men in this world are known for throwing their wealth around at younger women desperate enough to do anything to get ahead in life. He couldn’t fault the woman, if a man as rich as some of those men were and were dumb enough to get scammed then shame on them.
“Oh so you heard about Mister Langford, just turned sixty and his new wife turned 22 – “ Finley teased. “Lovely wedding, his kids looked like they really enjoyed it,” he laughed. “They were so in love with each other they forget to sign a prenup,” he added. Sebastian smirked he couldn’t only imagine how the Langford children would have reacted to that news. A murder was certainly on the cards, whether it be the kids getting rid of the 22-year-old obstacle or the 22-year-old obstacle getting rid of the old man who thought a little too highly of himself.
“Finn I am trusting you to off me before I ever end up like that,” Sebastian commented shaking his head. “Just make it look like an accident,” he said.
Finley snorted. “By the time you are at that age I am pretty sure I will be six feet under,” he said.
“What? No, you are a young lad,” Sebastian said biting back a smile at the way Finley rolled his eyes. “Besides you are like immortal anyway,” he continued.
“What? Who told you?” Finley said dramatically. “You can’t be telling rich old men that I found the secret to living forever they’d skin me on sight,” he joked. Sebastian snorted but dragged a finger across his lips to show his lips were sealed.
Silence fell over them once again, they were getting closer to the Hampton home. They were already on billionaire row, they’d be there in a few seconds. “You’ll be fine kid,” Finley spoke, Sebastian sat straight up straighter. He wasn’t a kid anymore and he highly doubted that he would be fine. “Don’t let them spoil your time here,” he said. “The last thing we need is them scaring you off, boy if you heard all the rants from your mother about you never been here –“ Finley shook his head.
“And here I thought you actually missed my company,” Sebastian teased. Finley’s lips quirked up into a smile.
  Sebastian sucked in a deep breath as he stepped into his parent’s Hampton home, while his Grandfather’s home was the classic Hampton house, his parents were more modern in design. To some people it was considered modest, Sebastian knew he could be a bit insensitive to those who didn’t have the same level of wealth as him but even he knew an 11,000 square foot home on roughly 3 acres of beachfront was not modest by any standard.
“Did you forget something, Irene? I gave you the night off,” Sebastian heard his mother call out, Irene was her assistant/house helper. She had always kept the families staff to a minimum believing it was better if people knew how to do the basics their selves. “Did Jac-“ his mother said stepping into the corridor turning to see Sebastian and freezing, maybe Finley had got it wrong, that didn’t seem like a happy reaction. Maybe he stayed away a little too long and somehow managed to alienate the one family member that actually loved him.
“Hi,” Sebastian waved awkwardly his voice croaking slightly as he spoke.
The noise that left his mother’s mouth could only be described as inhuman, she ran down the hall to where Sebastian stood pulling him into a hug. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? How did I not you were coming? What happened to your trip with Theo? Is he okay? Is he here too? How did you get here? Oh my gosh,” she said frantically causing Sebastian to chuckle. “It’s so good to see you,” she whimpered burying her head into his shoulder. “Ugh when did you get so tall,” she said hitting his chest.
“Taller than you? Sometime after my tenth birthday,” Sebastian joked as his mother pulled back, “And I wouldn’t miss your birthday,” he said. “I know I am not –“
“Shhhh I know you are going to say some sort of nonsense so just stop,” his mother said quickly, eyes narrowing. “There will be no self-deprecating in the house thank you very much,” she said pointedly. “Now let’s get a drink and you can tell all about how you managed to keep this a secret from me,” she said grabbing his hand and dragging him to the kitchen area.
“Hmm,” she said grabbing two glass flutes before looking back at Sebastian. “I guess since it’s my birthday, letting you having a glass of champagne wouldn’t be considered bad parenting,” she hummed.
“What happened to no self-deprecating, it hasn’t even been five minutes mother,” Sebastian teased. “And you’ve changed the marble benches,” Sebastian commented running his hand among the new, well new to him, Granite countertops.
“Yes, the marble had to go, to easy to stain,” His mother waved a hand dismissively. “The amount of time someone has knocked their glass of wine over,” she tsked. “Anyway, that is not important,” she said handing him a now full chute of glass. “I am not going to sit here and talk kitchen dĂ©cor when my baby is home,” she said sitting down on a stool. “Now care to explain how I didn’t catch wind of this?”
“Well,” Sebastian said taking a sip of his champagne. “I wanted to surprise you so Finley and I planned this, Theo let me borrow his plane and well here I am,” he offered as his mum rolled her eyes.
“Of course it was Finn,” she hummed. “Well I think this is the best present I am going to get so I won’t be too hard on him,” she said. “How is Theo? You could have bought him along, you know he is always welcome,” she said with a soft smile. “Just like you are,” she tacked on. Seb hummed around his glass, if it was just his mum he’d believe it but considering his father was lurking around somewhere that wasn’t exactly true.
“I know,” Sebastian with a weak smile, “But I figured having the two of us surprise you might be a little too much so I left him partying with our classmates,” he shrugged. “But he has sent a gift, it’s probably already at our New York apartment,” he said.
“Well that is sweet of him,” she commented with a smile. “I am glad you have a friend like him when I was your age, I had a lot of trouble finding real friends,” she frowned clearly getting lost in her memories. “Ah look at me getting lost in things that aren’t important,” she said shaking her head. “Maybe I’ve already had too much champagne,” she said shaking her head. “Irene and I had a boozy lunch,” she explained.
“It’s almost your birthday, If you can’t overindulge in champagne then when can you?” Sebastian joked with a cheeky grin.
“Exactly,” His mother nodded before reaching over and pinching his cheek. “Look at those dimples,” she giggled. “I remember when I first found out I was having a boy, those dimples were the number one thing I hoped you inherited from your father,” she said. Sebastian’s face scrunched up as he removed his mother’s hands from his cheek. He already knew that if his father could he would remove any trace of his DNA from Sebastian’s body.
“Seb,” His mother said, eyes softening. She opened her mouth to say something more but stopped. Perhaps she had grown tired of trying to make excuses for her husband, lord knows Sebastian was tired of hearing them.
“It's fine,” Sebastian said with a wave of his hand, swallowing down the lump that was forming in his throat. “You’re being nostalgic, it happens when you have had too much champagne, that or your old age is getting to you already,” Sebastian teased watching the way his mum’s face contorted at the mention of age.
“Hey,” she laughed. “I know I taught you better than to talk to women about their age.”
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fandomtrashoe · 6 years
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AIRPLANES CHAPTER 41 & 42 (Instagram AU)
(Check out the fanfiction by the wonderful @thiamfresh ! It’s gold.)
Damn, I missed my boys. <3
Thiam x other fandoms
Thiam Playlists
More Social Media AU’s from other fandoms!
I just threw some extracts together to underline my choice of pictures (It’s not the original text cause I left parts out):
 “How's the hangover?” Theo asked. The smile that stretched across his face was brighter than the evil sun. Liam let out an unintelligible whine that he hoped conveyed just how close to death he was. “Perfect.” “I'm dying.”
Liam peered at the mismatched pile of beads, material and what looked like googly eyes as she picked up one of the few intact packets. “So, how would you like to make some keychains?” “Um-” “Would you like the butterfly or the ladybird?” “Butterfly, I guess?” Liam said.
“With four-year-olds?” Theo scoffed, shoving Liam over and flopping down onto the bed next to him with no care to how much he was jostling it.
 “You wanna go sit with everyone or-The hell are you doing?” Theo asked as Liam shifted enough to drop his head onto Theo's chest, effectively headbutting him in the chin. “Hand holding prevents nightmares. Cuddling cures hangovers.” Liam decided.
“I didn't realize we'd be walking through a monsoon” Liam grumbled, feet skidding across the muddy ground almost toppling him over if it weren't for him being able to grab onto a tree trunk like a koala. 
“Well...I guess now all we can do is wait.” Liam said, turning back to Theo only to find a pile of his clothes as Theo, clad only in swim trunks bounded past him and jumped into the water like he was trying out for the Olympic long jump. “It’s still raining.” Liam said as Theo swam out from the casa into the open water, the surface in constant ripples as raindrops speckled down onto it. 
They kissed until the rain stopped and they’d swallowed far too much lake water from accidentally bobbing under when the current took them to where their toes couldn’t reach the floor. Then they fought their way back into the cave.
“Seriously jump or I’ll pu-” Liam leaped before Theo could finish his sentence, fully aware that Theo wouldn’t warn him a third time. The in whistled in his ears as he span screaming off of the cliff, unbreaking rope clutched in white-knuckled grip as he turned in neat little loops like when you tangled a swing at the park before letting it uncurl with you on it. “Let go!” Theo called. Liam did, reluctantly. A moment later he was meeting the water, plummeting under it with an almighty splash adrenaline pumping as he quickly swam back up, head breaking the surface to hear Theo laughing.
“Just jump, dickhead.” Liam said, kicking out to hit Theo’s leg and so Theo did, springing forwards and dying out into the abyss. The tree behind Liam gave a hearty crunch before giving way, splinters spraying out as the branch the rope was attached to shattered. Theo let out a truly hilarious scream before he plummeted into the water with zero flips, let alone four. Liam head a dull thunk as the branch slapped into Theo as he broke the surface.
“You know I never liked smores.” Theo said, taking his flaming marshmallow from the fire and blowing it out. “But I’d kill you if it meant I got a perfectly roasted marshmallow.” He bit the treat off of the stick enthusiastically, spearing another and hanging it over the fire before he could even finish chewing. 
“Here.” Liam said, shoving the bracelet into Theo's hand. The confusion was wiped from his face the moment he spotted it, a smile lifting his features. “It's uh...Got your name on it.” “My name isn't Theodork.” Theo said, still grinning. “and this E is a scratched up C.” “Yeah well, there were limited beads left.” Liam said.
“Asking you to stay, it was a selfish dick move and I'm not a selfish dick, at least, I don't want to be. That's your job.” The bracelet hit the cave floor with a soft click that sounded too loud.
“Because?” Theo prompted. “Because I love you.” Liam said deliberately, trying to ignore the too fast beating of his heart and the way the words sounded just the wrong side of too breathy and the way his fingers were shaking as the curled into Theo’s top, terrified he’d run. “I know.” Theo said softly. “Did you just-” Liam gaped, heart stopping for a beat before it picked up again, anger bubbling through him as he realized what Theo had done to what was meant to be an earth-shattering revelation. He uncurled his hands from Theo’s top and shoved him, hard. “Don't Han Solo me you fucking asshole.” Theo’s brow pinched for a second before realization hit and his head dropped back in a full-bodied laugh. “It’s not funny, I’m serious!”
His eyes flickered across Liam’s face, like he was a particularly frustrating puzzle before the hand from his waist was moving, scooping Liam’s hand up and moving it slowly until it was pressing over Theo’s heart. The finger on his neck moved, tapping against the skin, once, twice. “You too.” Theo said, voice soft, like the ripples of rain on water, spreading out and out and out. Liam felt his own heart skip a beat.
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