#but it's starting to fail it's too scratched 💔
mewharley · 1 year
My new tablet is here!! 👀👀👀👀👀
One by wacom medium ❤️ apparently simpler than the intous but definitely a step up from the intous I bought ten years ago 👀
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yunhoszn · 4 months
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PAIRING choi san x f!reader
GENRES kinda fluff ig﹒smut
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, friends to lovers, reader is lowkey down horrendous, but san is too i guess, um tbh this is just porn with minimal plot… 😭, reader gets jealous, Tension, i can’t think of anything else for the tame aspect so, making out, exhibitionism, soft dom!san, marking-ish, scratching, vaginal fingering, multiple orgasms, they’re like kinda clumsy in the way that everything is a fucking joke to them, actually a lot of kissing, san’s a sweet talker, public sex, shower sex, unprotected sex (pls be safe), creampie, cutesy ending
SUMMARY it’s annoying that your gym partner constantly gets flirted with right in front of you, especially when you have a crush on said gym partner. good thing your gym partner has a crush on you, too.
MORE HELLO oh my god okay, this is my first written fic on this blog and im actually so nervous posting it… but fuck it! we ball! this wasn’t originally the first fic i was gonna post but,,, the other one is still marinating in the drafts so you get mr. choi san instead <3 ALSO THANK U SM FOR 100 FOLLOWERS HELLO. my blog is 2 weeks old that’s insanity 🤕 big thank u to the loml @kimsohn for betaing for me ilysm maya <<3 pls reblog if u enjoyed and pls moot me :( i need more atiny friends 💔
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“Wow, San, you’re so strong,”
You scoff to yourself as you watch the trio of girls surround him, dainty fingers touching anywhere they can. He laughs sheepishly, shifting his seat on the weight bench. You think it’s funny, really, the fact that he was eating up their attention and acting like he was so shy about it. He was supposed to be your gym partner. 
With a small grunt, you take the dumbbells in front of you and focus on your form in the mirror. You make attempt after attempt to ignore the commotion behind you, but ultimately fail. How could you not stare with all the obnoxious giggling? Even as you lunge, eyes zeroed in on the perfect 90° angle your legs make, you can still make out the group’s reflection in the mirror. 
Every drag of a manicured nail along his bicep, each twirl of hair, it was pissing you off. You had no real right to be mad, though. It’s not like San was your boyfriend or anything. You were just friends, and he’d volunteered to help you out when you mentioned struggling at the gym. What started as him spotting you when needed and giving tips to help improve your workouts, turned into waiting around for him to stop flirting with the girls who flocked over to him. 
Maybe you were being a bit dramatic. It’s not like this happened every time you came to the gym, but it was enough to be irritating. There was also a very high probability that it ticked you off so much because you had a crush on San yourself. Your infatuation was less superficial, however. Yes, he was an attractive man, that was one fact that couldn’t be refuted, but there was more to him than his big muscles and handsome face.
You’d known San since you met in your first year Anthropology course. This was way before he started hitting the gym and building his physique. He used to be this thin, pretty boy. Girls thought he was cute, but that was about it. No one was jumping at the chance to ask him out, or giggling at his every word. No one except for you.
He was not only cute, but he was sweet and funny and just about every good quality you could think of. You didn’t want to be one of those people who thought you were special because you knew him before his insane bodily transformation, though in a way you were. San was your good friend above anything else, and you had a fear instilled in you that that’s all he would ever be. The idea made your stomach churn.
”Do you think you could bench me?”
A sigh pushes past your lips when you see one of the girls get a little closer to him. You’re over working out at this point, ready to just call it a day and go home. What were you doing here if your partner was going to ignore you the entire time? You set the dumbbells back on their respective rack, grabbing your phone and water bottle while simultaneously turning up the volume on your headphones to drown out everything around you. 
You don’t bother telling San that you’re leaving, making your way into the changing rooms to grab the rest of your things from your locker. The frown etched onto your face as you do so serves as a reminder that he would never see you in that way. Perhaps you were perpetually stuck as the girl space friend. With a giant emphasis on the space. 
There’s a gentle grasp around your wrist, making you jump in surprise. You turn around with wide eyes, pushing your headphones off your ears. San stares back at you with an unreadable expression, lips slightly pursed.
”God, San, you almost gave me a heart attack,” you hold a hand to your chest, heaving up and down a little.
”I tried calling your name, but you didn’t hear me,” he shrugs, releasing your arm and shoving his hands into the pockets of his athletic shorts. “Why didn’t you tell me you were ready to leave?”
”You looked busy.” Really, you wanted to hide the jealousy and bitterness from your tone, but ultimately failed, even throwing in an unintentional scrunch of your nose. It feels like your heart dropped to your stomach, resembling a prey caught by its predator when you realize the connotation behind your words.
San smiles at you, a smug grin that’s so out of character for him, you’re a little nervous now. He takes a step forward and you back up until you reach the lockers, one of his hands coming up to rest on the surface near your head. A small chuckle breaches the sound barrier, his eyes drinking in your figure like he might never get the opportunity to do it again. “Y/N… are you jealous?”
Instinctively, you shake your head. What he doesn’t know can’t kill him. But then he’s raising an eyebrow in question and you feel like a puppy with its tail between its legs. You blink up at him, nails digging into your palms to keep your composure. “Should I be?”
His tongue darts out to wet his lips, that same cocky smirk on his features. He knows what he’s doing, you think to yourself. He has you cornered and he’s using it to his advantage. The hand that isn’t holding his weight comes up to your face, fingers gliding along your jaw with a feather light touch. “No, I don’t think so. The only girl who’s attention I really care about is right where I want her.”
Your breathing stutters, halting in your throat and momentarily winding you. Choi San might very well be the death of you. Especially with that darkened look in his eyes, the chocolate brown color now resembling the night sky. His thumb swipes across your lower lip, letting it resume its original place. “What do— what do you mean by that?”
He was giving you a bone, a hint that he could potentially feel the same as you, but you wanted to hear him say it. You wanted the words to leave his mouth and verbally confirm that for you. Want wasn’t even good enough. You needed it. 
“There’s no way you don’t know,” San says, voice hushed. “No way that you don’t know how badly I’ve wanted you since first year.”
Something similar to a choked groan departs from you, your pulse racing in your ears, thumping beneath your chest. You’re too stunned to move, frozen in your spot in case this is all some fucked up dream. It doesn’t even occur to you that someone could walk in, doesn’t even cross your mind that you’re in too public of a setting for this conversation or where it could go. 
“I don’t— I didn’t…” Your eyes attempt to stay on his, but keep flickering down to his mouth. 
“It was so hard for me to play nice guy for so long,” he whispers, a pout adorning his expression. “And today? I couldn’t even stare at you shamelessly because of those damn girls. It’s so fucking annoying when they bother me while I’m trying to flirt with you. But since I’m Nice Guy San, I can’t be rude.”
“You flirt with me?” You snort, your shell shock wearing off and a goofy smile worming its way onto your face. He laughs along with you, tilting away to hide the warmth blooming on his cheeks. The tension is still present, but it’s a lot more bearable.
”I guess I’m not very good at it if you couldn’t even tell,” he glances down at his feet, the confident San from before long gone and now replaced by a bashful version. “Am I going crazy, or is this gonna go somewhere? I don’t want to misread anything and ruin what we already have. The ball is entirely in your court.”
It’s your turn to be shy, shrinking in on yourself slightly. Acknowledging that you had feelings for San was a separate can of worms. There was a big difference between him confessing to you and vice versa. You know if given the stage, you’d just start blabbering on and on about how you feel for him, and that would just be embarrassing for both of you. So instead you say, “Can I show you?”
When he nods, your fingers raise to his jaw, cupping it gently as you lean up. Your lips brush his softly, barely grazing them. His eyes flutter shut, a shiver running down his spine simply from your kiss. A pleasant buzz courses through your veins from your lips to the tips of your fingers. You’ve wanted this forever, you don’t think you could ever go back.
You pull back and San fists the fabric of your t-shirt on your waist, eyes still closed as he chases your mouth. “Fuck, Y/N, can I kiss you again?”
“Please,” you whine, enveloping your lips with his as soon as you get the green light. This time is desperate, noses bumping each other. You’re going lightheaded and dizzy, already intoxicated by him. Your back presses into the lockers behind you, arching into his chest for more. 
He deepens the kiss and it’s almost too much. You’re overwhelmed by the emotions taking control of you, not at all prepared for what would come with actually being with San. It had always been a distant fantasy, something that felt so completely out of reach that you didn’t dare let yourself indulge in the notion for too long. The way his lips lock with yours, fluidly and synchronously like missing pieces of a puzzle, you think you can die happily. 
“As hot as it would be to fuck you right here, I’d rather not get kicked out of this gym,” he chuckles breathlessly. “And since we’re both sweaty from working out, I think we could use a shower. Don’t you?”
You leave a kiss on the corner of his mouth, nodding frantically at his suggestion. Though you imagined your first time with San being in a bed, slow and sensual, you’d be so stupid to complain about this. Fucking in one of the gym showers, where anyone could hear you? Go big or go home. 
He scopes the area to ensure the coast is clear before hauling you into one of the stalls, dragging the curtain shut. You kiss roughly between removing articles of clothing, San turning on the water while his lips make quick work of your neck. Goosebumps form on your skin when the cool water hits it, your fingers combing through his wet hair as he sucks harsh marks into your collarbone and sternum. 
“You’re so gorgeous, babe,” he mutters into your skin, nipping lightly at the tops of your tits. One of his hands travels south, sliding through your folds with ease. He rubs tight circles into your clit, prodding at your entrance with his ring finger. “I need you to cum for me once before I fuck you for real, okay?”
“Mhm,” you moan quietly, hiking one of your legs around his waist. His finger pushes inside you to the knuckle and then curls. Your eyes all but roll to the back of your head, back arching off of the tiled wall. “Feels so good, San…”
“Yeah?” He smiles against your skin, trailing pecks up your neck and along your jawline. You whimper in his ear, cunt sucking in his finger greedily. He adds a second, the middle one, and applies pressure to your clit with the heel of his palm. The sight of you falling apart by his hand alone is sending blood rushing to his brain. 
Your body feels hot to the touch, risking a downwards glance at where his fingers disappear into your pussy. It forces another whine out of you, your head tossing back. You tug at the strands of hair that stick to the nape of his neck, steeling yourself the only way you can in this position. San just seemed to know you, to know exactly what you needed without you having to tell him. Either he was really good at guessing, or everything he did seemed to be perfect, because you’ve never climbed to the summit this quickly before. 
There’s a knot in the pit of your stomach that weaves itself tighter and tighter with each curl of his digits and each swirl of his thumb on your clit. You think you could cry from how attentive he was, from how determined he was to provide you pleasure. Your cunt contracts around his fingers, and he can sense the precipice of your orgasm, speeding up his pace. 
You squirm around in his hold, allowing him to spread apart your thighs so he can brush the pads of the digits buried inside of you up against that spongy sweet spot. You’re trembling now, nearing the edge of that familiar cliff. “San, baby, I’m— god— I’m so close,”
“Let go for me, my love.” He coos into the corner of your mouth, hushing your moans. He doesn’t slow his assault, inching you further and further towards your release like it was his own personal mission. That knot in your belly begins to unravel until it slips through your grasp completely, your orgasm rocking into you like a tidal wave. 
San aids you as you ride out your high, already spent before he’s even gotten the chance to be inside of you. He kisses you tenderly, pulling out his fingers with caution since you were still so sensitive. Your nails claw down his front, scratching his abdomen with a purpose. He shudders beneath you, lips curling up into another soft smile. 
“What?” You ask with a giggle, mirroring his expression when he wipes water from your face. 
“Nothing,” he shakes his head, grin unwavering. “You just look really pretty like this.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to get into my pants, Choi San.” You tease, yanking him down for a saccharine kiss. He reciprocates without hesitation, drawing his palm on your thigh so he can wrap it around his waist again. 
“Me? Never…” He laughs along your mouth. “Is it working, though?”
You roll your eyes playfully, reconnecting your lips. “Are you gonna fuck me for real now?”
“What kinda question is that?” He glides the tip of his cock between your folds, shutting you up instantaneously. He’s heavy where he sits, slipping the shaft through your lower lips. “I’m gonna fuck you so good, you forget where you are, baby.”
Before you can even let out another sound of appreciation, he’s stretching you out, cock thrusting up into your pussy without warning. You jump up a bit to hook your other leg around his hips so he’s supporting your whole weight. The new angle makes it easier for him to delve deeper in your cunt, his dick accessing places you’d never knew existed. 
After he’s sure you’ve adjusted to his length, he starts to move, pistoning in and out of you much more forcefully than he did with his fingers. Your lips part for a voluminous moan, but then you hear a group of loud girls entering the shower area and San slaps a hand over your mouth. He makes no effort to stop, fucking into you without a single care for the people on the other side of the shower curtain. 
“Did any of you see where San went? He disappeared so fast.” 
You recognize the voice as belonging to one of the girls who was openly flirting with San while you were working out. Not even needing to see her, you can picture the exaggerated pout on her face based on her tone alone. 
“He probably followed after that stupid bitch he’s always with.”
Your half lidded eyes meet San’s but he still pays no mind to them, digging his nails into your plush thighs. He pulls all the way out, just to slam his cock all the way back in. His pace leisures, but his power doesn’t, abusing your cunt with every snap of his hips. 
“I think I’m gonna ask him out next time I see him. I have to stake my claim before someone else does.”
He holds back a laugh, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. You drown out their conversation after that, too focused on the feeling of his cock dragging against your walls so deliciously to even worry about those idiot girls. Little did they know he was closer than they thought…
Thankfully, they leave not much longer after that, and he uncovers your mouth. You gasp for air, panting feverishly when he picks up his speed again. Your bottom lip quivers with a whine, too fucked out to conjugate words that make sense. 
“You’re taking me so well, baby. Taking me like a fucking princess,” San praises. He groans, water droplets slipping along the valleys of his sculpted chest and abdomen. It drips with every roll of his hips and every thrust of his cock into your pussy. This was what he had been building up to, what he’d been dreaming of for years. “Who’s fucking you like this?”
“Mmm,” you moan, supping him in deeper, further, as cavernous as humanly possible. “You, San— fuck— y-you are.”
You arch your back, sneaking a hand in the middle of the two of you and pressing the pads of your fingers harshly on your clit when you do so. San holds you closer to him so your pelvic bones nearly clash each time he punches into you. The change in depth that he fucks you has your cunt squelching, any semblance of coherent thought escaping you. 
Your vision goes blank, stars decorating the backs of your eyelids as your second orgasm blindsides you. Not a sound leaves you after it knocks into you, cumming with so much force you think you might pass out in San’s arms. When you’ve finished, you let out a guttural groan, walls fluttering around his cock. 
“Gonna cum— shit— where do—“ you interrupt him with a whimper. 
“Cum inside of me,” your begging tone has him spilling into you practically on command. He fills you up perfectly, a moan from deep within him reaching your ears. You both stay like that for a moment, skin sticking to the other’s due to the thin sheen of sweat coupled with the steam of the shower coating your bodies. 
You can feel the rise and fall of his chest when he breathes, one of your hands coming up to caress his back gently. He pulls out with a wince, palms resting on either side of you as he recuperates. He breathes through his nostrils, forehead glued to your shoulder. His hands rub up and down your sides soothingly. 
“It’s safe to assume you’re gonna turn that girl down when she asks you out, right?” You ask suddenly, attempting to diffuse whatever’s in the air between you now. San laughs into your shoulder. 
“Y/N, I’m turning down any girl who asks me out from now on,” he stands upright, biting his lip before kissing you gently. “I don’t think my girlfriend would appreciate that very much.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Girlfriend?”
“Am I being too overzealous?” His nose scrunches up. 
“You’re being the right amount of zealous, I think,” you brush away a strand of wet hair that falls into his eyes. “But I think your ‘girlfriend’ would like it if you actually asked her to be your girlfriend.”
Choi San is the prettiest man you’ve ever set your sights on, but somehow, he looks even prettier smiling down at you after having sex with you in a gym shower. It’s a feat that should be considered illegal, and you should receive restitution for the distress it’s caused on your heart. 
“Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?”
And well, maybe you’d deal with that later. It was kind of difficult to ignore that sparkle in his eyes, especially when it was directed at you. You nod without a second thought. 
“I would love nothing more.”
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© yunhoszn. do not steal, claim, or repost. 
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playingdxngerous · 10 months
guitar lessons
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Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI!! some impact play (barely, like almost not at all), degradation, teasing, talk of a safe word, handcuffs (in a way?? but not for very long), praise, a little fluff, fingering, masturbation, oral f! and m! receiving, penetration f! receiving
Hookups with Jake were not unusual. It happened more often than you wish to admit. However, today will be different. Today is a guitar lesson, and only a lesson. Nothing more, nothing less. Right?
As you begin to knock on the all too familiar door of Jake's house, he opens it immediately. He greets you with a bright smile, seeming genuinely excited to see you.
"Hey pretty girl," he smirks. Your face automatically gets hot, but you do your best to shut it down.
"Jake stop. We agreed just a guitar lesson today. That's it." You respond. He rolls his eyes.
"I know. Come in." He widens the door and locks it behind you as you walk in. The smell of pumpkin overwhelms your senses as you walk into the living room. A small candle is lit on the table, creating a comforting vibe to the area.
"Since when did you even own candles," you laugh. He looks at you and struggles to hold down his smile.
"Fine then," he blows it out. "Guess someone doesn't appreciate fall like I do." You can't help but stare at him. He is built with beauty. From his blue plaid shirt to his skinny jeans, everything about him is so beautiful. Today is going to be very hard to keep as just a guitar lesson when all you can think about it how badly you wish to kiss his perfect lips.
"See something you like?" He teases as he looks himself up and down.
"Bring me the stupid guitar," you laugh, trying to avoid the question as you both know the answer already. He walks over with a basic black guitar and places it in your arms while he sits on the couch beside you.
"Aw is your beloved too precious for me to play?" You say through a grin.
"You are so needy. We are never going to get anywhere like this." Nevertheless, he gets up once more and brings you his well-known Gibson SG. There's small chips and scratches along the paint of it, reminding you of all the times you've watched him absolutely destroy it on stage. All the times you've watched him pulse into it just like he does to you.
"So, what all do you know about guitar already?" He asks, breaking your dirty thoughts.
"Absolutely nothing."
"Okay great," he says sarcastically. "Guess we can start with chords then." He begins to give you finger placements which you try your best to follow. You fail of course, with it being your very first time even holding a guitar.
"Alright here I'll show you," he says as he grabs your left hand and places it correctly on the fretboard. You scoot closer to him and angle your body, your back laying against his chest. He grabs your right hand and helps you strum the strings.
"You're doing so good now," he says softly into your ear.
"As if you aren't doing all the work for me."
"Fine then I won't help you." He says as he pulls away from your body. His absence leaves your body cold, longing for his warmth.
"Wait no, come back I'm just kidding. I like your help." You pull him by the sleeve back to where he was. He sighs and starts to talk about another chord, yet all you can think about is him and his perfection. His cologne now becomes more visible with the scent of the candle fully gone. You take note of his calloused fingertips grazing across yours. His soft brunette locks touch your shoulder every time he leans against you further.
"Are you even listening?" He asks, bringing you back to reality.
"Yeah sorry." You apologze.
"What did I just say then?" You do your best to come up with a response, but there's no way you could even try to lie your way out of this. His beauty getting the best of you, you turn a little and kiss him. You remember all the promises to keep this just a guitar lesson, but deep down you know it's impossible with Jake Kiszka this close to you. He sets his guitar on this ground and grabs you by the hips. The passion in the kiss turns to lust as he runs his tongue across your bottom lip, begging to let him in.
The kiss gets deeper and deeper as time goes on. You run your hand down the buttons in his shirt and begin to undo the top one. All of a sudden he pulls away.
"You said just a guitar lesson and I don't want to make you do anything you don't-" he says before you interrupt him with another kiss.
"Fuck that Jake. I want you."
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Very." You say shortly. He kisses you again, this one somehow even more powerful than the last few. You undo the last buttons, and he slides the sleeves off him arms.
"Just couldn't avoid me enough huh? Too wet and desperate for my dick?" He rasps, making you literally stop breathing. You've waited far too long to see this side of him again. His words turn you on, making you feel your cunt get wetter by the second.
"Holy shit your attitude changed." You breathe out heavily.
"Oh yeah? Should I stop then? You know you have a safe word pretty girl." He raises his hands to your tits, squeezing them softly.
"Please don't stop Jake. I need you so bad." You begin to grind against the crotch of his jeans, making a mess in your underwear.
"Let's go to the bed?" He asks, to which you nod and drag him by the hand to his room. He pushes you on the bed and you crawl back against the pillows. He kisses your thigh, stopping at the zipper on your jeans. He unzips them, and you help guide them off of you. You pull your shirt off, causing him to reach up and unclasp your bra. Throwing it on the ground, he immediately starts sucking on your tits. You squeeze your legs together in order to relieve some of the tension between them. He pushes them apart as soon as he notices.
"C'mon now, let's not get too fast."
"Please Jake, I need you." You whimper. To your surprise he listens and slides his fingers across your wet panties.
"Like I said before, you're always so, so needy. Begging for me like a little whore." He stops his hand and pushes two fingers against your hole, the fabric still covering it. "Say it. Tell me you're my whore."
"I"m your whore..." you whisper.
"Speak up sweetheart." He somewhat gently slaps your thigh with his free hand.
"I'm your fucking whore Jake please just fuck me already oh my god." He takes his hand away. "Please," you say nicely as you grab his wrist.
"Should I really? I think I'd prefer to watch you squirm and beg for me." He grabs your tits once more and sucks a hickey onto your chest. Tired of waiting, you reach down and rub your clit yourself. You moan and grab his hair with your other hand. He pulls away again to no surprise.
"That's not going to work sweetheart." He confusingly gets off the bed. "Don't you fucking move." He says, walking out of the room. He returns seconds later with a guitar strap in his hands. He steps over to you and ties your wrists together with the strap.
"Where did you learn how to do that?" You smirk.
"Not important," he says shortly. He finishes tying and kisses a trail from your lips to your soaked underwear. He slides his finger over your slit, still covered by the stupid fabric you wish you took off earlier. "This what you want baby?" He asks. You nod vigorously. He pulls the panties off, sliding his fingers once more. He brings them to your mouth, making you taste yourself. He then sucks on those same fingers before sliding two of them into you quickly. You moan as he curls them just right.
"I'm going to cum if you keep doing that." You say, yet immediately regret. He pulls out of you, edging you worse than ever.
"We can't have you doing that so soon my love. We just started." He moves his head down right after, licking circles around your clit yet refusing to touch it. You try to reach down and guide him, yet the guitar strap stops you. You grind your hips into his face instead. He actually lets you do this, shocking you to your core. The feeling of his tongue moving so smoothly against your clit sends chills down your back. The knot in your stomach burns even more, just begging to come undone. Jake notices and pulls away once more. This man will be the death of you.
"I said not so soon." He smirks. His starvation for you fills his eyes. He wipes his mouth with the side of his hand and undoes the guitar strap. "Touch yourself."
"What?" You're taken aback by his comment.
"Touch yourself like the slut you seem to be. So needy to cum so do it already." You reach down and rub your clit as he watches. He leans down and kisses your thighs. You move faster, to which he responds by sadly grabbing your wrists and stopping you. "You really think I'd let you finish that easily?"
"You're such a fucking asshole." You groan. He suddenly unzips his jeans, his dick hard already. He reaches in his nightstand and throws a condom at you.
"Put it on me." He demands. You slide it on him and pull back to let him fuck you. He immediately begins to pulse into you, moaning under his breath. "So hot watching my dick in your pretty pussy," he whispers into your ear. This sends you over the edge, finally allowing your orgasm to release. Your moans turn into yells. He pulls out of you to let both of you catch your breath. "Make me cum sweetheart." You turn around and sit on top of him. Your shaky legs straddling his waist. You scoot further down and pull the condom off, putting his dick in your mouth. You go as far as you can, your hands covering the rest of his length. You bob you head up and down, before he quickly finishes into your mouth.
"Such a good girl," he says, pulling you up by your jaw. He kisses you shortly. "My good girl." You kiss him lovingly, your hands moving up his neck and into his hair. "So pretty and perfect. You did so good."
"So much for the guitar lesson," you giggle. He pulls you in close and squeezes you.
"This was much better."
"Are you saying I suck at guitar?" You scoff.
"No!, he clarifies, "I was just aching to touch you the whole time."
"Mhm yeah, keep trying to defend yourself Kiszka."
"Fuck you," he laughs.
"Pretty sure you already did." You fall back into his arms, kissing his cheek as he embraces you.
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jwirecs · 1 year
hello, hello! here are my recs for seventeen for may-june! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝 (i discovered that combining atz/svt/skz&txt into one post may be too much and too long + might take too much space in the tags for each respective groups so i’ve decided to make them all separate!) 
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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[04:15AM] || @fairyhaos​💕✅💯💯
Blood Moon || @smileysuh​🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ ".....let’s just say, you’re all that matters to me now. And I’m going to worship you as if you were the moon” (idk this author personally, but i just wanna say that i love your fics and everyone needs to give atleast their fic a read! you will be seeing their fics in my nct fic recs too just saying.)
Drunk Giant || @yikesmary​​​💕✅
↳ in which you have to figure out how to transfer your drunk boyfriend to the bedroom without causing major bodily harm. and he’s not making it easy for you.
The Athlete (Bonus) || @sun-kore​​ 🔞💕✅💯
↳ You are assigned to do an interview with Kwon Soonyoung, the trailblazing athlete everyone calls Hoshi. But as you spend more time with him, you start to see there are more layers to him than football. (i honestly had to re-read The Athlete because i forgot how the story went. + it was a given to read the first one before the second one. i suggest yall do the same.)
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How To Unsubscribe To Dating || @dropsofletters​​​💕💔✅
↳ on april 18th, hansol likes his favorite youtuber’s instagram picture. not because of her content—though, he finds himself laughing at all of her weekly videos—but because he thinks she’s gorgeous. that is how it ends. just a like on a picture that no one will see.
This Is How We Fall || @bitterie-sweetie​💕💔✅💯
↳ You should know better than to make a deal with a stranger, but the need for a date to Minghao’s party has you desperate. It can’t be too bad though; all you have to do is show Mingyu what you saw in your reading, and he would be your date for one night. Simple enough, right?
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A Sheep In Wolf’s Clothing || @rubyreduji​🔞✅
↳ kim mingyu is the biggest player on campus, so why is he coming to you for sex help
Doting On You || @lovelyhan​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ a svt hhu x pets series!
Fallin’ Flowers || @leejungchans​​​💕💔🔄💯💯💯
↳ "while flowers bloom and falls, scars cure and buds shoot // we are living our first and last moments // so i won’t take you for granted // because you loved me as i am” - fallin’ flower by seventeen
I Found Love In Your Smile || @wonlouvre​​​🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ falling in love with wonwoo never felt so easy. however, when unforgivable truths test your relationship, you can’t help but think that maybe you were betrothed for all the wrong reasons.
Inflection Point || @lovelyhan​​​​🔞💕💔✅
↳ you love yoon jeonghan. no, scratch that. you fucking adore yoon jeonghan; so much that the moment he asks you to be in an exclusive set-up with his current partner, you accept the offer in a heartbeat. what you fail to consider, however, is who your boss’ boyfriend actually is.
Money Talks || @sunlightwoo​​​💕💔✅💯💯
↳ everybody needs to get by somehow, and what better way of it is through a ‘club’ full of men that are loaded with money to help pay for whatever you need help with? to put it shortly, thirteen sugar daddies are here to help you pay for what you need or give you money in exchange for something to make them feel better about life.
Puppy Parents || @yikesmary​💕✅
↳ where your golden retriever has the tendency to bring you things she has an interest in— sticks, frisbees that obviously don’t belong to you, and even the occasional bird. but this time, your dog brings… a man? and not just any man, only the most beautiful man you’ve ever met. maybe your dog is onto something…
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Partner Privilege || @blue-jisungs​​​​💕💔✅
↳ (title says it all, i can honestly see this happening to their future s/o.)
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Feverish Lips || @sunlightwoo​​​💔✅
↳ you’d think that because it’s the first semester of the year, it’d be like the beginning of a roller coaster when its slowly becoming climatic and stressful. however, once you’re at the top of the point you have two choices: scream your lungs or quickly hang onto your life support. sadly in your case, you can either suck it up and get through it, or get involved in its loops in tangles with trouble that is bound to be met within every corner that you turn to.
Introduce Me A Good Person || @taeyegu​​ 💕💔✅
↳ if there is a nice person, please introduce him to me. sometimes like water, sometimes like fire. someone who can love me sincerely. i hope he is someone who is mature and faithful…
What I Would Do || @sungbeam​​ 💕💔✅
↳ minghao is kinda sorta maybe in love with you, but he thinks you're so out of his league.
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Meet Cute of The Century || @lovelyhan​ 🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ the last thing you expected when you volunteered at your city’s local animal shelter is to meet the hottest cat person in the world. now if only he’d just adopt one of them so you’d stop ogling him every time he drops by.
Do check out all of the other seventeen fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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iambilliejeanok · 2 years
Can you do Baby boyfriends again for itachi madara shisui sasuke and Obito 🥺 I know you’ve already done sasuke but it’s just so cute! (Pls include calling them mama) SWF and NSFW ❤️🥺🥺❤️❤️ PLEASEEE
Warnings: 18+, mdlb, overstim, smut. No madara 💔
From the very start of what ended up being your adorable love story, Obito showed signs and symptoms of being a little bit co dependent.
“Hold my hand y/n”, is what he’d say as a front, but one day it was no longer a command, it soon became a clingy “Please hold my hand baby”, and he’d make the cutest face you’d ever thought he could muster as he slouches his shoulders and puts his hand out to you. The minute he feels the warmth of your hand spreading over his he immediately straightens up, feeling confident again, walking with a bounce in his step knowing his baby is by his side.
Trying to mask his needy personality off as a protective dom didn’t last too long. For a matter of fact, his plan failed dismally, you see, being a natural loving and caring person is Obito’s biggest weakness. Show him a crumb of compassion and he’s really yours to keep🥺 the man has mental health issues.
Obito loves to spend some quality time with you, cuddling, soft kisses that leave him out of breath and pleasant conversation is the purest therapy he has ever experienced in his life.
He finds it very difficult to be separated from you. If you’re the type of person who appreciates their personal space, Obito might not be very understanding of that. What is personal space even? Not around him. He needs to be apart of your existence somehow, someway.
He feels most loved and appreciated when you feed him his breakfast or dinner. It’s not like you have much of a choice, he gets all grumpy and all the more clingier when you deny him the kind of attention he’s asking for. He’s so heartbroken when you tell him “no” and struggles to understand why you need space from him sometimes.
He sure is needy under the sheets too. Sometimes when you’re cuddled up or about to go to sleep, he won’t stop bothering you. Burying his big hands under your shirt to cup your breasts, teasingly pulling on your nipples so you can smack his hand away, enjoying how you’re constantly whining his name out and playfully fighting him away.
He loves play fights!! Yes yes yes!! Wrestling for dominance is his favourite kind of foreplay. Even though it’s short, he loves having his hair pulled on and will sometimes take your hand and place it on top of his head, silently asking for you to tug a little. It turns him on so much when you’re both in the middle of love making and you can’t keep your hands off of him, tugging, scratching, pulling, kicking. If you’re not fighting him off of you he won’t feel like he’s doing much of a good job for you. So he’ll become a little whiny and start begging you for some instructions.
While he’s eating you out he wants to hold your hand, and begs you to keep going for him once he starts overstimulating you. “No, don’t tell me to stop, please baby, please just a little more, you taste so delicious”
When you’re fucking him, the mommy kink might peak through if you let him. He loves being edged and denied by you alone since you spoil with with affection and love for lasting long enough. When he’s gripping the sheets and digging his heels into the bed, you might need to finally give in to him, because he begs for you in the sweetest way, tugging at your heart everytime. “Fuck!, uhhh, mommy please this time please!!”, he whimpers and he’s so fucking cute and whiny you have to talk him through it or else because how can he manage🥺
Also, talk to him right please. Nice and soft.
“Wow, is my precious boy gonna come now? Show mommy how good she’s making you feel my baby”, and it’s just too fucking easy, he’s spurting hot loads of cum all over your fists like and erupting volcano, his back hips lifting off the bed to accommodate the immense pleasure.
Cleaning him off while sweet talking him and being gentle and calm with him is the type of aftercare he could only experience in heaven. You make him feel so safe and secure, praising him for doing a good job for you this time around. He’s so tired and clingy afterwards, he just wants your to wrap your arms around him and fall asleep with him.
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Shisui has always shamelessly shown you how vulnerable he could be since you’re so loving and kind towards him.
He notices that you are in fact affectionate, and takes advantage of that by being a baby around you all the time!
He puts your hand of his head to communicate head pats. HEAD PATS!!! Will unnecessarily whine and put on a whole performance for you when you don’t just do it on instinct. Please head pat him every time you greet each other. It’s worth it anyways, the cute blush across his cheeks and how he smiles trying to surpass the giddiness he’s embarrassed to unleash.
Always wants to match with you. Matching pjs, matching sweaters, matching kunai designs. If you’re not playing along he gets so offended. Like excuse me ma’am, you’re supposed to find every idea of his adorable and entertain it. How dare you.
Don’t worry, Shisui is the easiest baby to cheer up. Some raspberries on his neck, extra wet kisses on his cheeks and forehead, holding his and jumping in his arms. Please yes.
Loves snuggling with you and burying his hands in your pants for extra warmth. What they say? Thick thighs save lives or something 😭🏃🏾‍♀️
He NEEDS to please you. No matter how it happens. Being overstimulated? He can take it if it will make you happy. Even as he closes his eyes shit, hisses and grips the sheets, he will bare the pleasure you’re giving him since you told him to. “Uh uh,” you warn him as he tries to push away from you after he cums. “Be a good boy, lay down and take it baby. Can you do that for me?” And this man has a new obligation. He’s going to prove to you that he is in fact 100% your good boy.
You absolutely love dominating Shisui. He’s so pliant and eager to please. You can play around with him as you please. And he eats it all up.
“Damn mama, pleeeeaaaseee”, he whimpers as you suck the life out of him, tugging your hair to hopefully escape. “Tell me I’m good, fuck!!! mama, what are you doing!”, he moans in that sexy, soothing voice of his, confused as to what route he should take. Enduring this, or chickening out sooner than expected. Such a brat, he knows either way he’s getting all of his mamas attention and affection either way.
You’re going to take advantage of him all soft like this for you. “Well I’m not sure baby, do I have to stop or can you take more for me?”, and he’s gritting his teeth, this love hate relationship he has with pleasing you. “Damnit! I can momma🥺!”, he whimpers and it’s wholesome how he tries to stay macho while completely submitting to your pleasurably sick will. “Good job baby, I love you sweetie”, and he might just cum again from hearing you say that.
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Shit man, Itachi spent the majority of his childhood having big people stress levels. He’s the most childish mf you’ve ever met!
He loves to play. As in actively play with you outside. If you happen to get sent of missions with him, he has a line up of games in his head for the two of you to enjoy as you travel, ranging from tag, to hide and seek, and other games. You’re not the biggest fan of tag because he always wins and it’s not fair. But if you don’t play with him, he sulks a little, and wants to be all of over you some affection to soothe his aching soul. 🙄
Won’t bother to clean up his act when the rest of the group is around, or even other people. The Uchiha slaughterer will gladly snuggle up against you, hold your hand, rub his cheek against yours and hug you even in public, no matter the place or time.
He really feels like he can connect with you over moments so special where you play with him and entertain his existence.
He feels so special when you cook and clean for him, bowing very low to show his gratitude before giving you and giant bear hug.
I’m sorry but it’s no playing around with Itachi in this category of things. “Uh uh, more. Keep going mamas”, he whispers in your ear, his voice so deep and rugged from the constant panting, “If you want me to stop you’re going to cum one more time”, he promises, just like he did the last two times you came, and you believed him, nodding your head in desperation, “god! Itachi! “, you’re screaming, so dumb and overwhelmed when Itachi chuckles to him self, wrapping his arms around you to press you against his chest, his hips still thrusting at the same steady pace. Deep and slow. “Yes mammaa! Let go, it’s fine, it’s okay shhhh”, he hushes you, holding you tight against him as you violently convulse in his arms.
Loves to fuck standing, simply to watch you struggle to stay up. The more dependent you become, the better.
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keru0 · 1 year
ah hewwo i saw that your hc requests are open and was wondering if i could request childe hcs? pls and ty! 👀🙏🏽
Ok so I have a few hc and fic requests so im gonna start to crack down on those!
Anyways hello to you too!!! I love your fics! <3
I love Childe so of COURSE I would happily accept this request ^^
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Ok so first off this dude is definatly more of a ler than lee. I'd say hes probably about 70-80% ler.
>> He loves tickling. Growing up with so many siblings, it was only natural that he tickled them and they got they're fair share of revenge, ganging up on him. 💔
>> He really tickles anyone that he knows, and finds that its a way of bonding with people and friends. 😭
>> The other harbingers have definately made him a puddle of giggles but only because he always tickles them, especially Scara.
>> With people like the Traveller or Zhongli, he gives them pokes to the sides constantly, always saying something like "you should always be on guard"
>> I could also see him wreaking the traveller in the weekly boss fight...just a thought 😇
>> Speaking more about the traveller, he sees them as a sibling and tickles them like they're his own, always trying to get them to laugh whenever he can.
>> With Zhongli at home, he loves to gently tickle him whenever they're cuddling, but if he takes it too far, Zhongli is always ready to turn the tables 🙈
>> He loves gentle tickling but also loves just absolutly destroying people with rougher/more sadistic tickles.
>> Sometimes he can get a tad carried away and push his lee past their limit, but almost always catches himself and apologizes, offering comfort to make sure they're okay. 💞
>> Teasing. THIS MAN WILL TEASE HIS LEE LIKE ITS NOTHING. He loves teasing to make his lee flustered and thinks that makes his tickling worse, but also just likes teasing in general, even outside of tickling. 😅
>> He's a pretty big fan of light restraints when tickling his lee. He usually uses his scarf and ties the lee's wrists or ankles together...depends on where he's tickling 🙈
>> He is VERY good at aftercare. He asks if everything was alright and if they need anything. Depending on who he tickled, cuddles can follow, but usually theres a hair ruffle ^^
Ok and now...as a lee:
>> Hes very ticklish and he knows it.
>> A personal hc of mine...whenever he loses in the weekly boss fight, the traveller just tickles him until he taps out and gives them their rewards 🏃🏻‍♂️💨
>> He has very ticklish sides, and they are probably his most ticklish spot.
>> One of the only two spots that give his sides a run for their money is his belly and belly button. Light scratches on his stomach get him twitching and giggling, and swirling a feather in that little button will never fail to make his laughter almost silent. 🙈
>> The other spot is his feet, as he probably wears his boots and socks almost all of the time in his homeland with how cold it is, meaning that they havent really gotten the chance to roughen up, leaving ghem very ticklish.
>> Other bad spots include his thighs, knees, and underarms.
>> He always tries to hold in his laugh, but he always fails. His laugh is mlre of a deep belly laugh but his giggles are way higher pitched. He also giggles through his teeth and a clenched jaw 😭
>> IF he is in a lee mood, especially around Zhongli, he always shows a little more skin. He unbottons one more on his shirt, leaving more of his hip exposed, or even sometimes just lays in his lap, stretching his arms up to try and signal what he wants.
>> HES A SQUIRMER. A thasher, even. He can't help it, its just his natural reaction. Because of this, he usually offers his ler a deal of sitting on him, even though it embarrasses him. 💫
>> He loves aftercare and with Zhongli, he will grab him almost immediatly after hes done and just cuddle up to him to reset his battery. 🔋
Kink or Not?
>> Childe almost always sees tickling as a thing friends/family do
>> He probably doesn't have a huge kink for it, but can like it in the bedroom at times.
>> That being said, he loves to see Zhongli under his control in the bedroom, so he definatly does it in that setting. However, he lets Zhongli get his revenge in tickling him in the bedroom, fully restrained and all. They also use tools at times, but for the most part just use hands because they love to feel each other under their own touch, but the tools help them deive the lee crazy, which they love.
>> Aftercare in this serting is always great. Childe always asks if there was something Zhongli didn't like or vice versa. They always make sure that they were each comfortable and discuss timhings after while drinking water and cuddling.
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pineappleciders · 2 years
Hello! I just want to say thank you for writing my request! It's so good. :) I know it's right after you doing the request, and I don't expect this to be done immediately, but can I request headcanons on how Kel and Hero (and anyone else you want) (separate) would confess to their crush? Thank you!! :D
HOW KEL, HERO, and AUBREY would confess to their crush (reader)
A/N: i wrote this before but i accidentally deleted it so this is a redo💔
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he probably blurts it out while trying to act all casual when you two are hanging out
"yeah, i mean, all the times i told HERO about my crush on you it was like-"
"whoa whoa whoa WHAT"
he tries to kinda play it off and move on, hoping for a quick and easy rejection
"oh, yeah, haha... i like you. i hope that doesn't, uh, affect anything! i mean it's totally fine if you don't like me back i can just-"
he gets really sweaty and starts playing with his fingers
"dude.. seriously? i.. i like you too."
he's kind of.. in shock?? i mean a part of him assumes you're just humoring him, but he knows you aren't the type of person to do that
"r-really?! that's awesome!! i.. i mean uh.." he keeps trying to make it seem less awkward and you laugh at his failed attempts
you bring up the idea of a date, and he gets really giddy! for a while he might still act like you two are just friends, not using pet names or doing romantic things or anything so he doesn't scare you off
he's incredibly happy and thankful though
he shows up to your doorstep with a bouquet of roses and your favorite flower
"hey, Y/N! can i come inside?" you step back to allow him in and he takes off his shoes, leaving them by the door
you two sit down and he gives you the flowers, and starts to talk about his feelings while subtly avoiding eye contact
"so, uh, i've been thinking about this for awhile now.. i.. i really like you and i was wondering if you'd like to go on a date? maybe to the cinema or to a diner or something.. it's completely fine if you don't want to, i just figured it was worth a shot."
it's hard not to notice his averted eyes and his fidgeting hands, constantly reaching to scratch the back of his neck
once you say yes, he's incredibly relieved and thanks you. for your first date he brings you to a romantic candle light dinner, and pays for the meal
he even bought a vase for the bouquet and puts it in your house, and reminds you to water it
he's definitely very nervous, and a part of him kind of expected rejection, but he's incredibly happy that you gave him a chance!
she told her goons about her crush and they came up with this. elaborate plan to confess
the hooligans are hiding in bushes around FARAWAY, and have walkie-talkies as they communicate where you're going and there's a mic in AUBREY's ear so KIM can tell her what to say
AUBREY comes up to you while you're at the park, and asks you to hang out by the pond, albeit looking very nervous
it's a little strange, given the memories of that place and the fact you don't go there often
but she leads you to the dock and turns around, and you can visibly see the gears turning in her head as she figures out what to say and prepares herself, clearing her throat and holding her breath
"listen, Y/N. i know this is kinda sudden, but.. i've had a crush on you for a while now. i don't expect you to reciprocate or anything, i just thought.. it would be nice to get off my chest."
she releases the breath, and averts her eyes. "oh, and uh, here." she pulls out something from behind her back. it's a CAPT. SPACEBOY comic, in fact it's your favorite one from when you were a child
"i.. i know this was your favorite one, and you lost your copy, so here. it's vintage." she lightly smiles, and her cheeks grow red
when you tell her you feel the same way, her eyes light up for a moment before she coughs and plays it off
"really?! i mean, yeah, cool.." dammit AUBREY!
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