#i think the buttons never worked? i dont know haha
mewharley · 1 year
My new tablet is here!! 👀👀👀👀👀
One by wacom medium ❤️ apparently simpler than the intous but definitely a step up from the intous I bought ten years ago 👀
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halfusek · 1 year
Imma be honest with you, before BATDR came out, you literally held this fandom together with bandaids and stick glue. 2019-2022 was basically the dry age of Bendy content
haha thanks i tried my best
i Do enjoy being in a fandom, i've always looked up to the danny phantom phandom a lot cause the vibes there are just fantastic, there's a lot of things going on, people have many interactions with each other, so i wanted to try to introduce that to the batim fandom and i'd like to think that i sorta did
i know that it is a popular opinion to not engage with a large portion of the fandom but instead just grab a few friends and sit in a corner with them but like
engaging with a bigger portion of the fandom every now and then can be SO fun and give people an opportunity to meet other people and idk
fandoms are communities of people just united by liking A Thing so it can be challenging to make a space for many people to get along but i dont recall any super serious only fandom related dramas in batim?? weirdos are in every fandom and you just blast their asses into oblivion with a block button
and there have been cases when i felt kinda bad for blocking someone because that meant i'd exclude them from something i wanted to think of as a fandom-wide event for everyone who would obey it's rules but that's where this outlook on curating your experience into a smaller circle is very much the way to go lol
wait what am i talking about
aha yea 2019-2022 everything fucking DIED here but i was having a blast drawing my comic and also a lot of people who were into the sides of batim i was into mainly (the human characters) stayed around more than everyone else and it was really chill, i've met a lot of people and made many friendships :)
as the fandom was getting smaller there was a noticable drop in the amount of notes batim related posts were getting which is a very big symptom of a fandom dying but i think at some point it sorta stabilized who stayed there after batdr was delayed and delayed
i reblog and tag more than an usual tumblr user (when im active cuz sometimes i can not reblog anything for months because im busy lol) and that didnt start without a reason, it sure is a habit now and i really enjoy doing it, letting people know what i think about their stuff and putting nice things on display for others to see
reblogs are not just crucial for singular artists but also for fandoms as a whole, thats how you keep that train rollin
though here is a sad thing that many many artists dont reblog a lot, or reblog to their sideblogs that arent followed by nearly as many people as their main blogs
and thats like understandable, im the weirdo who puts a whole mess of many posts on my main but i think thats also the most effective way to help other people get traction and i never see this mentioned when people complain that tumblr users dont reblog as much stuff as they like
its even kinda funny to me when people complain about their stuff not getting reblogged when they dont reblog others stuff themselves at all xD though there is a bit of cyanide in that thought heheh
on the other hand reblogging doesnt work on stuff that i could see from other people: the stuff i reblog i get from browsing the bendy and the ink machine tag sorted by new + sometimes when i bored i scroll through my dash and reblog some random things but i follow 2k people so i dont really see any individuals art specifically, just a collection of random posts that i am able to scroll through in a few minutes (and every minute theres a bunch of new posts posted/reblogged by those i follow)
and that can take a long time! if ive been busy for months then scrolling through a few months worth of stuff people around the world made for bendy is so bad even on a beefy computer that it just pushes tumblr to its limits and takes HOURS to reblog and tag for me, and then i might even hit the daily post limit and have to continue tomorrow
but i enjoy doing this, bendy is my fixation after all and i fucking love art and what people can create for this thing that i like i soooooo desire to see it all
and i try to reblog as much as possible, though i dont obviously reblog *everything* from the tag, sometimes i just give a like or i just dont like the thing cuz its not in my liking and thats it
but i did make it a thing that during ink demonth i reblog all entries for the event no matter what my opinion of them is just to give some of that Exposure TM because hey maybe some of my followers Will like it
i dont run a super duper popular blog but there is a bunch of yall there and i think me reblogging something in this fandom at least may give a litol boost to the notes on a post
and its always fun to see peoples reactions that dont expect me to reblog from them but then i do and they freak out a little, i think i love it on the same level as getting comments on my own art :) its super wholesome
man by writing this post im procrastinating on something but fdnjkfdfd
but anyway thank you!! and im glad you think so because i did try to accomplish that :D
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the suicide boys are not gay and neither are desarae hollins so what this gives me is ur a hunk! ur a hunk! ugly dick down time everybody sit down now! its lava & knives daddy-ooh! never put that out no no no its my life uh! huh! my last name is hollins first last name is hooker collins ok so whille collins was looking at me he said dont u wishu could keep other information im looking for the nah ah! same people no no no she cannot be trusted ahe cannot be explained often wrong again! think again! think again! awkward um thats a word for vagina mhm mhm mhm she put it on! awkward! she put it on! is he into anything? for power as people think an expression thats amazzing hell yes so what do we do?! to justify a person why is she looking at us its disgusting no! what are u doing? what are u doing? whatre u gonna make me do? a very long joke a very long but i favor my family will probably be here tonight and it took her that long to write it?! ohmygod forget about it! were breaking up mom and dad exactly were breaking up were dead were dead oh! no exactly were done were breaking up were done for were breaking up were breaking up get the kids ow! haha h no no no not again! shut up ewwww ok so go home potter means my little pony went bang bang bang or? hey everybody listen up omg! were dead and were friends 4 lyf fuuu fuuu fuuu fuuuck were gonna die! like we cant get annoyed enough we cant get annoyed enough count your fingers im waiting for the right message oh! no 8:30 get her at 8:30 nah well ill find her everywhere and well hold on to her titties awwkward! i have a long day today but nothing will come up and my dads into losers friday never stops whose loser? ur loser dit wit! exactly buttons exactly buttons exactly buttons exactly buttons whaat? what? what?! look at all this homework ud have to dine to live here are we going to get little schools school are we gonna um not play today? were not playing today were not playing todai were not playing him uh! giving to him ew hahaha what the fuck bitch ur man betrayed u for his own personal gain? lol who is this? keeho uybwe u are mad annoying lol why! bc u turn into a different person every single day so do u! i know but i can track of them its every 3 days what? what its not a period joke? no it is now ok so what are u doing? please come over tonight surf! and cypress are fucking girls ok! lol umm they its weird like i didnt even do anything awkward its not possible literally so when i know its awkward as well say my body gets raped by shyness my suicidal mood will last over a week it totally sucks for outgoing ppl why! why! why! im asking nicely i am shy for 24hrs a day when shyness rapes me i know its not a thing think conceptual for a second also i am the best public speaker so being confused by anything i say doesnt exist its purely the pyshcadelic window pane swirls yes i see them cool ok byee why do u hate keeho? bc he looks at my content and misenterprets it as something only a child could do its not and i never talk about manga see! whore bc ppl immidiately crying baby! do that and its disgusting the only other thing i ask when reading my content is to never deep rape my work im in a gang as well we can come find u keeho theyre seamstress fairies dont kill them theyre sewing me back up since all my bones broke
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funkiestbear · 1 year
Slight tangent about Christianity.
The trinity has obviously caused some division amoungst christians, and I guess the point isn't to really worry about the details of the Trinity, but considering the Crucifixtion and the Trinity are like, FUNDAMENDTAL to the church and the fact it doesnt get elaborated on more kinda bums me out. 3 individuals comprising God, theyre all distinct AND God, but theres only one true God. The bible says that Christ sits at the right hand of the Father, so they arent one being through manifestation. You could talk to God and Jesus, and in both instances, be talking to God. Its very strange that its presented this way in the bible when Jesus never talked about himself much outside of prophecy and the works on earth he must do (Except the one time he says I and the Father are the same AAAAAAAA). Jesus even states multiple times in John "I can do nothing by myself", "My will is the will of Him who sent me", "Not My will but Your will be done" It paints a picture of a significantly human Jesus, who legitimately seems like he doesnt know. Not the discount the miraculous and divine nature of Christ as it relates to the bible, but to me, an allknowing, allpowerful God wouldn't sweat blood anxious of the next day, or cry out "Father why hast thou forsaken me" when saving humanity from damnation. Jesus was anxious, he was angry, and a living breathing human. He ate and drank with the disciples personally. Frankly, I think the writing off of Jesus' humanity seems more blasphemous than the opposite. It seems like whenever I suggest maybe Jesus wasnt 99.9% God and .01% man, it seems to push buttons and I really dont mean it in an accusatory "haha ur religions dumb and stupid, aetheist 100" kinda way. Growing up with my dad interpretation and debate over the bible was a big influence on my views on religion. Even if I end up disagreeing with you 100%, its just in my gut idk.
Tedtalk over have a nice day :3
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spontaniuss · 1 year
I've never felt so alone while being surrounded by many people.
Its Friday March xx, 202x. This is what I am sure of.
I swore I just woke up today, did my usual routine and got to school but something felt of. Im not sure if I just ate something bad last night but my mouth feels chalky and dusty as I am brushing my teeth. I pay no mind to it at first as I am going to rinse it off, but that feeling wont leave me. I walk back to my room and get ready for my day. Keys, wallet, phon- Wait. I look to where it is supposed to be at, next to my bed on its charger, but surprisingly its not there, just a pile of duest that mist have settled throught the night. I sigh as I realize this is another dask I must do when I return from work. But now, I panic. I dont know how late I am to work and realized I didnt wake up with any alarm. I run through my house and find it sitting on my dinning room table. Huh, I must have forgetten after I ate dinner last night.
I click the side button to find out how late I am today. No luck, its dead. Great. I wipe the phone screen onto my pants, noticing that it also has baby dust bunnies settled onto it.
I dont even bother to have breakfast, never really was my routine anyways and just run out the door. I run to where my car is supposed to be at, but i just find an empty parking space. No broken glass, no broken rools. Not how I expected my day to begin. I start walking to my nearest bus station, knowing if I just get to work, I can charge up my phone and call the cops. My mind starts racing and panicking at the scolding from my manager. Luckly, he is a big goof with a big heart. He will understand, right?
I walk into the store and imidiately get greeted "Hi, welcome to xxxx" I laugh it off, its a running gag at this point.
"Hey guys, sorry Im late, someone stole my car-"
"Oh, did you have an appointment?" Soira asks while looking at me quizically.
"Haha, an appointment to work" I respond as I walk towards the back rooms to clock in. I imidiately get stopped by Alfred. Alfred glared down onto me, using the height difference to highlight his anger.
"Hey boss, let me clock in, let me-"
"Am sorry, who are you? Only employees back here"
"WOW ALFRED! Im late a few moments and you no longer remember me, such a friend you are!" I joke at my boss while I poke his side to make him move out the way.
"Ma'am, I think you may have been mistaken, Alfred and I are the only two that work here" Soira states. Her blue-gray eyes pierce through me in pure confusion. I chuckle a bit before looking at her.
"Soira, you too? I know im just a transfer, but I have been here for at least a month, you two MUST be pulling some sorth of skit huh"
Soira and Alfred look at each other in what I assume to be genuine confusion. A cold sweat runs down my back and im suddenly being escorted around the counter.
As confused as I was, i began to ramble, "Guys, what ever prank yall are pulling, this aint funny anymore. I was already having a shitty morning, I dont need this too. Come on, I transfered from the Northside location. Soira you solde 5 products yesterday to a family of 3, Alfred, you were just bitching how our regional manager doesnt give us freedom. I can show you yesterday's numbers too. I have them on my pho-"
"Okay, I dont know what elaborate prank YOU are pulling but this isnt funny. For you to know sensitive information is creepy, and judging by how you were going to the back to 'clock in' is already terrifying. Please, call your previous location to clarify this."
When those words left Alfred's mouth, I can only feel what I can only describe at dread. That uneasy feeling returned and punched me in the gut. I look down onto my shirt to make sure Im in uniform. Its not like I would continue going head to head with them.
"Okay, can I borrow a Samsung charger. I need to make a few calls."
Soira reaches under the counter and hands me a new looking charger. I take it and akwardly walk towards a corner table, plus it in and wait a few minutes before the screen of my phone flashes white and turns on.
57 missed calls, 103 messages. Great.
I click on ignore and rush to my phone keypad. I dial my mother's phone number and it doesnt take long for her to answer.
"Hey ma, do you think you can help me, I-"
"Ma, im okay, my car got stolen, im currently at my job in the southside location, my phone was dead so i probably couldnt answer because of that"
I heard wailling from the other end of the phone and I couldnt help to just roll my eyes. Mom has always been overly emotional but this. This is a bit much. She really insisted on staying on the line as she rushed over to pick me up. I could hear my younger brother screaming in the background as I can assume as pure terror. He never liked hearing mom cry or being in a super fast vehicle. I can only imagine the terror of those two combine.
Eventually, my mother pulls up in her blue mini van, only that it looks more rusted and banged up than what I remember. She gets out of the car and runs over to hug me and usher me into the car. The ride home was just filled with silence and quiet sobbing. I know better than to ask what is wrong. Tears and driving do not mix, and whatever has her in this state must be terrible. No need to make it worst.
As we pull up into my mom's driveway, I notice my car parked deep into the garage. My older brother is just standing outside with his hands on his hips, looking at me amused. I cant help but laugh and point it out to mom. She looks at me at as if I had grown 3 heads.
I blink at my mother's harsh words. I look at her face and notice that she is serious. I couldn't help but check my phone. Still Friday March xx, 202x. Yup
"Ma, what you mean 7 months? I was here yesterday when Drima told us he is graduating soon. I was here when father told us about a new project at work", I open the door and step out the car, getting that same feeling of dread pulsing through my chest. Soon that was pushed aside when Drima bombarded me with a hug. I held on to the door, hoping i dont get knocked over. I slowly turn around and look at him starting to tear up. Never in my life have I seen my older brother tear up, except when his guinea pig died of old age. Its like he had accepted the fact that I trully was gone.
Taking a deep breath, I finally manage to mutter, "I think we need to go inside and talk, this is too much"
"Are you sure you werent kidnapped?"
"No, I litteraly remember yesterday and everything what happened"
If the feeling of dread was overwhelming before, its suffocating now. I kept on being asked the same questions over and over, trying to find any flaw in my story, any detailed I missed out, any information to call bullshit on. My family's faces turned ghost white as I summerized their lives for the past 7 months, without missing a beat.
Their shock was shared with my best friend and boyfriend, who promptly arrived when they heard of my reapearrance. I was walked through the house as if I had lost my memory. Nothing was different than how it was yesterday. My mother had to step away to wail some more, and my father finally came around to see with own two eyes the 'truth'. I kept trying to ask questions, but no one seemed to be answering. I started believing in these crazy stores that 'maybe I was a ghost' or 'maybe I jumped dimentions'. These theories kept swimming in my head, but I can not recollect anything being different. In the midst of this, squad cars appeared at the front of the house and two officers walked in. Like any soap opera traditional police questioning, they of course had to question my sanity.
"Im telling you officer, I have all these details fresh in my mind. I woke up, in my bed, went to work, they wouldnt believe me either"
"Are you sure you werent just hallucinating, you know, letting the ol' brain getting the best of ya? Did you maybe run away with a boyfriend?"
"Absolutely no way, I was just with Jun the day before yesterday. I promise you, this is isnt hallucination of shit"
I began to question so much. For example, if I trully was gone, how was my apartment paid and my phone bill paid. How do I have explicit memories of things said. Why are some things different but not others? The officers eventually let me be alone to my thoughts for a moment, as they informed my mother that I might need to see a psychiatrist or an exorcist. That I had really lost it or playing a really sick joke. I felt like a child, where no one will hear because 'they dont know any better'. Retreating back to my room was the only thing that made me calm down. Entering it really felt cold, like no one had been there for a while. Light dust coated my desk and dresser while my bed was neatly folded and tucked, like my mother likes it to be.
"Lex, we have to talk"
I turn around and Jun was just leaning on the doorway with his arms crossed.
"Jun, please, if you're going to sit there and just call me crazy, please dont, I-"
"No one says youre crazy"
"Really? Cause Im currently about to loose my shit and you are here wanting to 'talk'. Your pose and demeanor doesnt really scream supportive boyfriend"
"Aw, come on Lex, no need to be like that. I just wanted to hear the answer without any bias or prejudice"
Jun walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into an akward hug. The person who was my santuary is now a source of uncertainty, polluded by the clouds of uncomfortable air. The arms who used to contourt to my body now felt like twigs just wrapped around me. You would think something like this wouldnt just change over night. I slightly pushed him away and continued inspecting my room in silence.
"Lex, I just want to know, did you run away with someone?"
Those words echoed in my room, as if the furniture was non existant. For some reason, that question stung more coming from his mouth than the police officers'. I knew turning around to face him was a terrible idea. I knew that my next steps would lead to me slapping or shouting at him. Tears overfilled my eyes quickly, not out of sadness, but out of frustration. Shakly, I managed to compose myself and give him an answer after what felt like like hours.
"No, for fucks sake, Jun, I did not run away, if I went to dinner with your parents on Wednesday!"
"...are you on drugs?"
Ignoring Jun from that point seemed like the better option. Gaslighting me is certainly not something I am fond of. My head started swirling, and I opted to sit down on my desk. I advised Jun that I wasnt feeling good and to please exit my room. The air behind me shifter to hesitation, neverthe less I could hear him shuffle his way out and close the door behind him. I looked out the window momenterely and sure enough, everything looked the same like yesterday, but it wasn't. If i am to continue with the idea that I really was missing for the last 7 months- I can already tell I am in deep shit.
I search in the drawers next to me for any journal or scratch paper and a pencil. If I am to continue with crazy town, I should write everything I remember from the last 7 months. Opening my the 3rd drawer to my left, it made me remember that it had a false bottom. I took that false bottom to reveal a teal notebook. I could not seem to place it in my brain of when I bought it or where, but that it got there sometime last week. I opened it up to a new page and wrote everything. Absolutely everything.
Jun's Birthday, bought a build a bear and wrote letter as gift
Drima's birthday was the day after, took him to his favorite restaurant, he ordered mash potatoes and made him laugh so hard that they came out through his nose.
Mom got a new makeover 2 months ago and turned his skin orange for a week.
Got a new promotion and transfered to a new location.
Change my car's oil 4 months ago at xxx
Sent Jess a curious meme about life partners and friend soulmates yesterday.
Went to the mall 5 months ago when I decided to buy a new couture dress. Jun was happy that I finally spent some money on my self-
Reality suddenly hit me like a truck when it came to finances. If I hadn't worked for 7 months, how was I affording my lifestyle. I pulled up my bank account. Surprisenly, it was as if I had not even touched my account. Even the loading screen said last log on : December 23, 20xx. My brain broke in half reading that. I know I logged on a week ago, and if I really was missing for 7 months, my log in screen would have said September. Checking my account, money had certainly been rolling into my account as well. Check from my employment had been rolling in with the notes stating it was for "family help". I add this to the list of things I have been keeping on my newly found notebook, grab my keeps and make haste to my car.
"Where are you going?"
I turn around and my mother was standing there glaring at me and my keys.
"Ma, I need to go to work. I need answers"
Jess was standing behind my mother with a hand on her shoulder.
"If it makes you feel any better, Ill take Lex to her workplace, Mrs.M"
Jess walked up to me and took the keys from my hands, "but I'll drive".
The car ride there was quiet. When you are friends with someone for so long, you find that words arent needed to convey a thought. It wasnt until now that I realized how tense my body was. I got confirtable in my seat, when suddenly Jess spoke up.
"I heard you got into an argument with Jun"
"Since when he goes and reports to you?"
"Lex, you have to understand. Someone getting up one day after missing for 7 months like nothing happened, its a tough pill to swallow. We mean well, and I really want to believe you"
"No buts, I just want to believe. You have an incredible memory recollection. Plus, ive been knowing you for the longest. You love Jun, you wouldnt just run away like that."
I sit in silence and look at the passing view until we come across a red light. I notice how the light post is filled with 'Lost' pages with my picture on it. Jess must have felt my nervousness because she reached behind me and pulled a newspaper that must have been sitting at the back of my car and handed it to me. Looking at it closer, the date October 22, 20xx flashed to my eyes before noticing the headline.
'Missing 24 year old in freak accident'.
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littleoanh · 2 years
AGGHHHHH!!! My favorite series It Started With a Smile ended!! Fridays will never be the same. I really really love your writing. Its so addicting I cant stop reading. You’re really doing a good job at this. I’m sad thet the series is over (i will miss Ran series from you) but I trust that you wont get get tired writing about Ran. I’m not much into reading but you made me get addicted to your works Albie!!!
You might be getting a lot of requests but if you have time can you grant my request for below scenario abour Ran?
- Y/N (Fem Reader) had been busy doing art abroad. Since she’s done with her exhibit, it’s time to go back home to recharge and get new inspo for her next project! She also wanted to go home in time for her bestie’s bday. The celebration is in a club owned by Bonten. Y/N went to the club even though she hated it and only wear basic clothes (white top and black trousers and sneaks). She met her bestie but since she doesn’t know her other friends that well, she stayed at the bar to wait. Then suddenly, a bouncer asked her to go to the vip room (as instructed by Ran). She turned to the room and told the bouncer to tell the vip that she aint a wore and to go fuck himself haha! Turned out Ran was a childhood friend of her bestie’s boyfriend and introduced them in the party then Ran mentioned to Y/N that he knows she aint whore 😆 Ran was turned on by Y/N IDGAF attitude so he digged his friends to provide info about her. But her friends seem to be protected telling Ran to play with anyone but her (you can create a mystery about Y/N like a past experience that hurt her, death of someone important). Lucky Ran, he accidentally ran into you buying paint brushes in this art district where Bonten have businesses. Ask you out for lunch then everything started there. Keeps visiting you on studio and eventually finding out about Y/N’s soft side and sad past. Making Ran be soft for her and falling in love with her! I am in my late 20s so please make it smut smut but in a romantic way 🥰
Gosh im thinking about scenarios like these while reading your series. Albie, you are such an effective writer!!! Hope you’ll expand the request mentioned and please dont stop writing!! Will be here always reading and supporting you!!
- Lory (im anon coz im a little shy but im always here to support you!)
A/N: Hi Lory!! Thank you so much for reading my first mini series <3. That really means a lot to me. And you are absolutely right, I will never be tired of writing for my beloved Ran Haitani!!! And WOW that’s such a thoughtful compliment, thank you! I really appreciate the love and support! And don’t worry about being an Anon, I completely understand about feeling shy. I’m a total introvert. ANYWAYS! I really hope you enjoy this piece :) Sorry, I really got carried away and didn't realize how long this was … 
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Because I Have You
Characters: Ran Haitani x fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff (lots of kisses, Ran being a sweetheart [but not at first] and cuddles), angst (talks of a character’s death, emotional trauma, anxiety), cursing, and smut (unprotected sex, mention about pubic hair, Ran calling reader ‘baby girl’, oral, and creampie).
Like, reblogging, and kind comments are appreciated.
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“Oh my God, [Y/n]! You made it!!!” Your bestie, Shinzu screams over the loud upbeat EDM music playing in the background of a popular club in Tokyo. She jumps over to give you a big bear hug, you haven’t seen each other in a long time due to your work trip abroad. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She talks in your ear with contentment while still holding you in her arms.  
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss your birthday.” You smile softly, you landed in Tokyo about an hour ago and dropped off your luggage back at your minimalistic apartment. Then headed right to the club without changing your clothes, you weren’t a party person and didn’t have clubwear. You came here wearing a white boyfriend button up with the sleeves rolled up, black trousers and your favorite Converse sneakers. 
“Hey, good to see you [Y/n]!” Tora, Shinzu’s boyfriend, comes to greet you with a bear hug too and pulls the both of you into his strong muscular arms. “How’s your art exhibit in Paris?” He lets go of you but still has his arm around Shinzu. 
“Good, it was very busy and fuckin exhausting but totally worth it.” Your lazy smirk appears on your tired expression. “Feels good to be home though.” You turn your attention to the bartender and order shots for the three of you.
“Staying here for a while, I hope?” Shinzu smiles brightly, hoping you won’t go on another long international trip. The bartender pours liquor into three shot glasses.
“That’s my plan,” You hand two shot glasses to both of them. “I need to recharge and prepare for my next expo. But enough about me!” You lift your shot glass in the air, “Let’s take fuckin shots! To Shinzu for being born today!!”
“Kanpai!” The three of you clink your shot glasses and chug, your chest feels burned from the alcohol and return the shot glasses on the bar counter. 
“Shinzu!!!” A group of loud squealing girls approach the bar area, surrounding Shinzu and grabbing a hold of her.
“Come on, why are you taking so long?”
“Let’s get on the dance floor!”
“Forget the dance floor, let’s get on the poles!” They are practically dragging Shinzu away from you, but she manages to use her heels to stop them from hauling her and looks back at you.
“[Y/n], do you wanna come with us?” The girls are staring at you, waiting for your answer. 
“No, you guys go ahead. I’m good here.” You motion them to go on without you, the truth is you are not comfortable with Shinzu’s other friends since you don’t know them that well. The girls drag her away and Tora sighs.
“I’m going to follow them in case they cause trouble,” He looks back at you, “You sure you’re good here?” You give him a thumbs up.
“Don’t worry about me.” Tora nods then follows the girls behind, you turn back to the bartender and order yourself a beer. The bartender pops the cap and hands you a nice cold beer. You instantly take a gulp of it, the dance floor is crowded and so many girls are grinding on guys or on their girlfriends. This scene is completely out of place for you, you much rather have a quiet night in but Shinzu likes to party. You lean back against the bar counter, wondering how long you should stay here for. 
“Miss.” You are not certain if the ‘miss’ is for you but your eyes flicker in the direction of a big scary man, most likely a bouncer. Holy shit he’s huge, he is staring right at you. “Can you please follow me to the VIP room?”
“Are you talking to me?” You point at yourself, why would the bouncer want you to follow him to a VIP room? 
“Yes, you have been invited by one of our VIPs.” 
The fuck … is this some kind of joke?
The bouncer shows you the direction up at the balcony where the VIP rooms are located. You follow where he is aiming, there is someone standing by the balcony. There are flashing lights near them, giving you a glimpse of who this person is. From what you can tell, it is a tall man wearing a striped purple pantsuit. He possibly has multicolored hair, too dimmed for you to tell. He is not alone, there are women with revealing dresses clinging onto him. Maybe he is bored of them because he is focused on you, but what pisses you off is that cocky grin on his face. Does he think you’re easy?
Tch who the hell does he think he is, you scowl. You turn back to the bouncer looking unimpressed.
“Go tell your VIP I’m not a whore and for him to go fuck himself.” The bouncer who is stoic at first is bewildered by your response. You take another chug of your beer, now ignoring the bouncer. 
Hm? Ran’s lavender eyes spots the bouncer coming back to the VIP room alone, why are you not with him? “Mr. Haitani.” The bouncer appears to be hesitant.
“Where is she?” Ran gets to the point, Rin and Sanzu snickers when you don't show up. 
“She um … she wants me to give you a message.” One of Ran’s eyebrows arched, oh? 
“What does she want to tell me?” Ran’s iconic lazy grin appears, did you want to meet him somewhere else? Were you too shy to come up here? He could tell from the moment you were at the bar that this was not your scene. You are even bold enough to come to Bonten’s most popular club wearing a white big shirt and pants. You are different and he is completely intrigued by you. 
“Pardon me for saying this, here is her message.” The bouncer clears his throat to help with his nerves, “She said ‘I’m not a whore and for you to go fuck yourself.’” Rin and Sanzu are howling in laughter while Ran is speechless. He had never been rejected by a woman before, they would always do what he instructed. This is actually a nice change of pace and is turned on by your IDGAF attitude. He stands up, taking off his tie with a smirk.
“Where are you going?” Rin asks his brother, who is now leaving the room. Ran stops his movements, to turn back to him.
“Going down to meet with an old friend of ours.” 
Your eyes catch Shinzu and her friends returning to the bar area, you also notice Tora coming back laughing with someone. “[Y/n]! Come here and meet Tora’s friend.” Shinzu waves you over, you sigh and are reluctant to meet someone new. However, if it’s Tora’s friend … how bad can he be? 
“[Y/n],” Tora’s big hand pulls you closer to them and his hand is also on his friend’s shoulder, “this is Ran Haitani, my childhood friend. He is also one of the owners of this club, so basically a VIP.” One of your eyebrows instantly perk up and get a closer look at him. 
“Mother fucker …” You mutter, it’s the same cocky VIP who was standing at the balcony. Ran showed off his charming smile and wave.
“Nice to meet you, [Y/n].” Ran’s tall stature comes closer to you and leans down in your personal space. He sees the look of annoyance, his charming smile changes to a devilish one. “For the record, I know you’re not a whore.” 
“What, you think I need your validation or something Mr. VIP?” Your angry smile spur Ran even more. Why do you look so fuckin hot when you’re mad? “Also, get out of my fucking face. Don’t need your cockiness up in my personal space.” You push Ran’s broad chest to back the fuck up. 
“Uhhh, is something goin on here?” Tora looks back and forth between the both of you. 
“It’s non-existent.” You want to nip this in the bud, you whip your head back to your bestie who is also concerned about what is happening. “Shinzu, I’m going to head out. I had a long flight and my jet lag is about to knock me out.” She nods.
“Oh of course, I wasn’t expecting you to stay long. Do you want me to come out and wait with you?” Before you can answer, Ran jumps in.
“I can drive you home.” 
“How about you jump in your own ass and fuck off?” Shinzu’s friends are astonished at how badly you are treating Ran. He is being a gentleman, offering you a ride home and you chose to be rude. You didn’t care what they think, you are now focusing on Shinzu again, “I’ll be fine. You don’t need to wait with me. Go enjoy yourself. I’ll give you your birthday present later.” 
“Oh okay, at least let me walk you to the door.” She follows you right out, Ran’s lavender eyes follow the both of you out of the club. He needs to know more about you. Tora put his hand on Ran’s shoulder, breaking his thoughts.
“Hey, don’t take what she says to heart. She’s really a sweet person.” Ran’s lips quiver upwards.
“Is she? Could you tell me more about her?” Tora knows where this is going and needs to put his foot down.
“Don’t. I know what you’re thinking but you can’t be interested in her.” Ran is surprised Tora is cockblocking him. “There are plenty of girls here for you to be playing with, just not [Y/n]. She’s off limits.” 
“Off limits?” Ran chuckles darkly, “You should know better who you are talking to.” He comes closer to Tora with an intimidating stance, “I take what I want. So either you tell me more about her, or I will use my methods. Your choice.”
“No.” Tora knows Ran well enough that he will not hurt him. “I’m asking you as my brother, leave [Y/n] alone.” Ran frowns, then steps away from Tora and sighs in defeat. 
“Alright, fine. I’ll leave her alone.” Tora pats Ran’s shoulder and smiles softly.
“Thanks, brother.” 
It has been a few weeks since Ran last saw you at the club, he continues to keep his promise with Tora to leave you alone. He really did his best to forget about you, but how could he? You have plagued his mind. You are completely different from the women he’s been with. A fresh breath of air. He is bored of the same type of women. The only way he can temporarily forget about you is to keep himself busy with work.
Ran is at the Art District in Shibuya, Bonten owns several businesses here and he needs to collect payment. At the last stop, Ran happens to notice an art supply store across the street. His lavender eyes are shaken, he finds a familiar face … yours. You are wearing a white crop top with short dark blue overalls and white sneakers. He couldn’t help but to smile, you are adorable no matter what you wear. What should he do? Should he come say hello? Maybe come into the store and buy those paint brushes in your small hands? 
He is distracted by his thoughts that he almost didn’t notice you have already stepped out of the art supply store. I know I shouldn’t but … his long legs take off running. Ran can’t help himself, he needs to see you again. “[Y/n]!” He touches your shoulder to grab your attention, you on the other hand are about ready to deck him in the face but stop when you see him.
“You, again?” You lower your fist, which Ran finds amusing. You are definitely unique. “What are you doing here?” 
“Got some business to attend to.” Ran is happy you are at least talking to him, maybe this can start something new. “Then I happened to see you and wanted to say hi.” He displays his famous charming smile.
“Could’ve kept walking …” You mumble, then look back at him. “Is that all?”
“Have lunch with me.” Your eyes widen, why would he want to have lunch with you when you have been so cold towards him? Is he some kind of masochist? Right when you are about to reject his offer, your stomach starts growling … traitor, you called your stomach.
“Fine, but you’re paying.” 
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Ran is elated you agreed to have lunch with him, he can finally start to get to know you. 
“You’re a painter, right?” Ran asks at a casual sushi restaurant that serves sushi on a conveyor belt. You arch one eyebrow, then he nods at your bag. “You have paint brushes, I assume you’re a painter.” 
“You’re right, Sherlock. I am a painter.” You pick up a salmon roll and plop it in your mouth. 
“What kind of paintings do you do?” 
“Landscapes.” You answer curtly, however it doesn’t seem to bother Ran. He genuinely is content that you are at least answering his questions. Your eyes flicker in his direction, he seems enthralled. “My style is impressionist landscape either with acrylic or oil painting.”
“That’s fascinating, I am terrible with art. How did you get into art?” You have a sorrowful gaze when you pick up an eel roll. 
“A family member inspired me.” He sensed you didn’t want to talk about it and didn’t want to put pressure on you. 
“Have you done any art exhibits?” Ran changes the subject to make you feel more comfortable with him.
“I came back from Paris about three weeks ago and now I am working on another expo.” He places his arm on the table and his hand is under his chin.
“Oooh, am I invited to this one?” You arch one of your eyebrows again.
“You’re interested in art?” 
“I’m interested in whatever you make.” Ran gives you a cutesy smile, you almost want to roll your eyes but he does look cute when he smiles like that. You also never realized how pretty his lavender eyes are. Actually now you have a better look at him, he’s quite handsome. His tattoo on his neck is quite … sexy. Your eyes trail from his tattoo to his large hand, then you look back up to his eyes again and he definitely notices you are checking him out. “Thinking of painting a portrait of me, darling?” Ran playfully winks, you turn away to hide your redden cheeks.
“As if I want to.” You mumble. The rest of lunch went pleasantly and you didn’t find Ran intolerant as much anymore. You are becoming a little intrigued by him. JUST A LITTLE.
“You’re back here again?” Ran has been frequently visiting your art studio nearly every single day. It was a bit annoying at first, but now you are looking forward to his visits. He always comes with a lunch box for you since the first time he came, you missed lunch because you were too focused on your painting. 
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss visiting my favorite little paintbrush.” Ran holds up a brown bag with pack lunches for the both of you. You wash the splatter paints off your hands and take a seat with Ran. 
“You missed a spot.” Ran tells you, you look down on your hands to check but you don’t see any paint on you, he chuckles. “On your face.” He points to the spot.
“Oh.” You grab a paper towel to wipe where Ran mentions but he grabs your wrist to stop.
“A paper towel will be too rough on your skin, let me.” He wipes your cheek, “Gosh, you have another spot here and here.” He continues to wipe your face, however you feel your cheeks feel wet. That’s when you catch on his fingertips, there are paints on them.
“You asshole! You’re making a mess on my face!” Ran laughs as you tackle him down while grabbing some paint of your own and start painting on his face. “Since you are being devilish,” You paint his face with little devil horns and a funny moustache, “I’ll paint you as the devil.” Ran doesn’t even fight you, he enjoys watching you paint on him. “There!” You just realize you are on top of him and leaning close to his face. Right when you are about to get off of him, Ran holds you in place and uses his strength to pull you closer to his lips. His hand is in your loose ponytail, playfully tugging them. 
His lavender eyes are filled with a fiery passion, he’s been wanting to kiss you this whole time. Now he has you in his arms, he doesn’t want to let go. Ran leans in but is interrupted by a phone call. “Shit.” He reluctantly releases you and sees a call from Kakucho, something must have happened with the mission. “Sorry, I have to go. Work call.”
“Uh, before you go.” You quickly climb off of him with your heart beating expeditiously. You wet a paper towel for him to use to wipe his face. “Here.”
“Thanks. See you later.” Ran walks out of your painting studio.
“See you …” 
Later that night, Ran comes back to check if you are still at your painting studio. He still sees the lights on, so he decides to come in. When he opens the door, he hears you talking in panic but why are you getting worked up? He takes a peak to see you are talking to Shinzu, Tora’s girlfriend.
“I can’t have feelings for him,” Your eyes are brimming with tears, “not after Yuki’s death.” Who’s Yuki, Ran questions himself. 
“[Y/n], Yuki would want you to move on.” Shinzu tries to calm you down with a soothing tone, “It’s been five years, you deserve to live your life and be happy.” 
“Happy?” The word sounds bitter in your mouth, “It was my fault he died!” Your tears are now dripping on your face.
“That wasn’t your fault!”
“I couldn’t hold onto him!” You are visibly shaking, admitting this out loud. “I couldn’t … I was too weak and my hand … let go. I still have nightmares about it … I can’t even look at his last unfinished painting without feeling haunted by him.” Ran’s chest softens when he sees you crying into your small hands. Shinzu walks over to give you a comforting hug.
“I know I can’t understand losing a twin,” Ran’s heart plummets, so it was your brother? He can’t imagine the pain you are feeling, “but I know Yuki doesn’t want you to be plagued by his death. You need closure to move on. Finish his painting. Finish what he started.” 
“I-I can’t.” Your anxiety and guilt is eating you up. “I can’t do it. I’m not brave enough to face him.” 
“Then let’s face him together.” Ran steps into view, startling the both of you. “I will be right by your side.” 
“What the hell, Ran?!” Your face scrunched up in anger, “Were you listening this whole time?!”
“Yes and I’m not sorry that I did.” Ran approaches you and Shinzu. “If you are scared, then take my hand.” He extends his hand out for you to take it. “I’ll be your anchor. Your rock. Every time you are feeling anxious, I’ll be right here with you. I promise, I won’t leave by your side. If you fall, I will pick you right back up.” Your eyes are shaken, feeling hesitant to take his hand.
“Take his hand, [Y/n].” Shinzu encourages you, she sees how much Ran cares for you. You look at Ran’s downturned eyes, they’re that passionate again. His steady arm, waiting for you to take his hand. He’s not going to give up on you. You slowly reach out for him and he does not hesitate to take your hand, pulling you into him.
“I won’t let go. Not until you’re done.” 
Ran kept his word, he stood by you while holding your hand and watched you work on your twin brother’s painting. Every time he felt like you were feeling overwhelmed or anxious, he whispered encouraging and sincere words. After a while, he senses your determination to finish your brother’s work. You needed both of your hands to do the texturing and Ran still remained by your side. Your bravery and willful attitude made Ran fall for you. 
“It’s … complete.” This painting took the whole night into the morning without any rest. Ran stares at the finished canvas. This is a painting of a couple hugging under a sakura tree, the sakura tree is textured making it look 3D. The male looks similar to you, Ran guesses that is your twin brother and the female must have been his significant other. You painted the landscape beautifully, it looked as though it’s from a fairy tale. 
“It’s beautiful.” Ran compliments your work, “I’m sure your brother would be happy you finished his work.” 
“...Yeah.” The painting may be completed but there is still one more person you need to face. 
Ran stands beside you while you nervously ring the doorbell, it takes a few minutes before someone opens up the door. He recognizes the woman, she is the girl in your painting. She is surprised to see you after five years, you apologized for your absence and told her you had a gift for her. You hand her the present, containing the painting. She unwraps your gift, the moment she sees the painting, she bursts into tears. She pulls you into a hug, telling you thank you and you hug her back with tears. Still apologizing for your brother’s death. She tells you that she never once blamed you and wishes you all the happiness. The burden you had on your shoulders has now lifted. 
You have woken up from your nap, feeling more refreshed compared to the last 5 years. You turn your head to find Ran sleeping peacefully next to you. Because you have him, you are able to move on. You lean close to him and place a gentle kiss on his cheek, when you pull away his arm snakes around you.
“Where do you think you’re going?” His lavender eyes are gradually opening, meeting your content gaze. “It’s a crime to kiss me when I’m not awake.” Your lips quirk upwards.
“How would you know that happened if you weren’t awake?” Ran prop his other arm up to have a good view of you. Your bedhead looks like a bird’s nest but he still finds you pretty. 
“Touche, but-” His arm that is around you pulls you closer to him, “I want you to kiss me when I’m more awake. Such as right now.” A playful grin spread on his lips and you are a bit flustered.
“I can’t do it if-” Ran slant his lips against yours, his lips feels good on yours. It’s been so long since you have kissed someone. You kiss him back without feeling guilty, he deepens the kiss and uses his tongue to swipe across your bottom lip. You grant him access to let him play with your tongue. The way his tongue dances with yours makes you feel good and turns you on. 
Ran rolls you on your back and he climbs on top of you, placing loving kisses from your lips down to your neck. Licking, sucking, and biting your plush skin, earning some sultry moans from you. His hands lift up your shirt to gain access to your tits, giving them some squeezes and plays with your nipples. He strategically rolls your nipples with his skillful fingers, making you twitch from his touch. Ran moves his lips down to your abdomen, coming closer to your nether region.
“Wai-wait.” You stop him before he proceeds to take off your pants. “It’s been awhile since … I … um.” Your cheeks are now blushing, it’s so cute how shy you are. “You don’t need to-” Ran kisses your lips once again to interrupt you.
“Let me take care of you, baby girl.” He gently takes off your pants along with your white cotton panties. You close your legs in embarrassment, but of course he’s not going to let you stay like that for long. Ran spread your legs, lowering himself down and looks are your glistening cunt. You have some hairs but not enough to deter Ran from eating you. He opens your pussy lips, takes one long stride of your lips and moans. You are fuckin delicious. 
Ran messily eats your pussy, you hear him slurping and so many lewd wet sounds but you feel too good to care how embarrassing it sounds. He laps your clit and sticks two fingers in your hole. As you mention, it has been awhile so your pussy is extremely tight. He sucks on your clit, making you shake and scream from pleasure. Your walls pulsate around his fingers, letting him know you have cummed. Ran sits back up, unbuttoning his pants and releasing his thick cock and sucking on the fingers that were in your pussy. 
He leans down, putting a little weight on you, “I’m going to need you to listen to me.” Ran talks roguishly in your ear, “I want you to take a deep breath for me.” You listen, taking a deep breath, “Now exhale through your pretty lips.” The moment you exhale, you feel something big plunging in your pussy and nearly taking your breath away.
“Fuckkk …” 
“You’re doing so well, baby girl. Just a bit more.” Ran slowly pushes his thick cock into you, making you feel every inch and vein. He finally bottoms out, waiting for you to adjust his size. You feel so full with him so deep inside you. Ran starts thrusting in a slow pace, you whimper and make cute moans for him. He kisses you with more heat and gradually increases his rhythm. You wrap your arms around his neck, moaning into his lips and enjoying the pleasure. He thrusts even deeper, making you hug him tighter in your arms and crying into his neck. Ran wraps you close to him and keeps hitting your g-spot. 
“Oh god, yes! Ran!” You cry out his name, Ran grunts and groans into your ear. You cup Ran’s face for him to look into your feverish eyes, “Please … please go faster and harder.” How can he say no to you? He gives you another sloppy kiss before granting your plea. “Oh Ran!” You are calling his name like a prayer and he ravishes you. “I’m about to cum, I’m about to cum.” Ran keeps the fast pace and goes harder to have you cum on his angry cock. You let out a pornographic moan and arching your back. “Ran, Ran!” He captures your lips, feeling your gummy walls squeezing him.
“Feel so good, baby girl.” He continues to pump his cock into you, letting you enjoy your high. He keeps going until he is getting close to ejaculating. “Where do you want me to cum?” 
“In-inside, please. I want to feel your love.” 
“Fuck, [Y/n]. Let me show you how much I love you.” Ran continues to slam his cock, about to bust and he let out a loud guttural groan. He paints your gummy walls white, creating his own artform. He waits for a few minutes before taking his cock out, thick cum is spilling out of his pussy. It is stunning. He lays down next to you, pulling you into his arms and tenderly kissing you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m more than okay, better than before.” You look up with a loving gaze, “Thank you. I … wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.”  Ran smile softly, then place your head against his neck for you to nuzzle into.
“I promise you, didn’t I?” Ran huskily talks while stroking your disarray hair, “I won’t leave your side.” 
“Does … does it still apply since … now I’m done with my brother’s painting?” There is a moment of silence, you have a slight panic that Ran will up and leave you.
“[Y/n] …” You are almost scared to look at him but you need to face your anxiety, you make eye contact, “if it’s alright with you, I want to stay here with you.”
“You do?” Your voice cracks a little.
“Yeah,” Ran caresses your cheek, “I’m not planning on leaving even if you push me away. I will always be here.” 
“Ran …” You wrap your arms around his neck and lean in to kiss him with longing. Who knew you would find someone at a club that would change your life?
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2022 © littleoanh — do not repost or translate my work on this platform or any other platform. likes, reblogs, and kind comments are welcome. must be 18+ to interact.
Network: @tokyo-ballroom
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beebfreeb · 3 years
how did you make ur neocities website and how do you come up with comic ideas?
hm hm... basically i just looked at w3schools.com HTML and CSS tutorials until i understood enough to feel confident enough to start sharing the site 😌😌😌 GKJLDFSH
plain HTML and CSS isn't really all that complicated for the most part!
they are markup and styling sheets so there's no actual programming involved but there is a lot of adjusting for CSS elements to make things look the way i want them ! i know neocities also has its own guides + links + tips and such somewhere!!
what is complicated is actually adding interacting javascript stuff which i havent learned yet 😔 i wanted the little email application to be more interactive and have functioning tabs + buttons so you could look at the other emails but i never got around 2 learning how 2 do that...
FOR THE COMING UP WITH IDEAS PART: man i dont know (JOKE MOSTLY) <3 my tip for just coming up with ideas is READ A LOT OF THINGS and THINK ABOUT THEM but in a writing sort of way. what did you like about it ? what DIDN'T you like? what made this story work or what pulled you out of it? what themes and patterns reoccur in the media that you like ?
then just let that roll around in your head + write down literally any vague idea that you have EVER somewhere to look at later.
i often see things and go haha i can do that Better (or at least, interesting to me specifically).
BASICALLY I MAKE THINGS THAT ARE INTERESTING AND ENTERTAINING TO ME SPECIFICALLY. i see a neat idea and bat it around in my head like a cat.
how would i have done this idea? how could it have gone differently? how much of an effect does the setting and worldbuilding have on this? would this idea/character/thing behave the same in a different location? and so on !
my process usually comes from me seeing an element in Media of some sort and it lives in my head forever now. then i scribble out a character design or two based around said elements and themes, then try to build the basics of a world around them.
for example, i designed daisy, salesman, and k2 first! all of dreamland was originally informed by the designs and basic personalities of those three :-D! mostly it was just "i want a character who is just a REALLY regular, sorta dick-ish guy, trying to do errands in a dream logic vaporwave hell where people try to sell them things constantly and are incapable of sincerity"
then i let myself get really invested in the world itself and started just. populating the setting with people who Live there and just try to go about their lives, before i went back to refining the actual story/plot !
that is just my process of making stories and it may not work for everyone, but that is usually how i do things <3
i make the basics of the major characters, start to detail the world they live in + background elements, then go back to working the main plot!
just, dont be afraid of being unoriginal! nothing exists in a vacuum, basically any idea has been done in Some way before. things get rearranged and reused constantly. dont be afraid of shelving ideas to look at for later, or cutting things from stories completely! feel free to rearrange and reuse your Own ideas !
also get into weirder or more obscure media. get into media that Kind Of Sucks Bad and dissect it like a bug. play free rpg maker games. watch animated childrens movies from the 80s but the ones you never watched as a kid. look at weird abandonware games! youtube web series with only 4 episodes!
let yourself Dislike Things and analyses Why you dislike it, but also look at what it does good or interesting! what made some things intriguing and what made some things fall flat?
even with things you do like a lot! what could it do better? what felt unsatisfying? why did it feel unsatisfying?
and by god. write it down <3
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nagito-kissmaeda · 4 years
Arcade - Komaeda x Reader
ミ☆  Just a silly thing I wrote about an arcade employee being baffled while Komaeda clears out all the machines lol ミ☆ I’ve been feeling kind of down about my writing so i just wanted to do something fun. It’s not very good haha. I’m tired and i can’t write good asjfkakd
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Night shift at the arcade is usually pretty quiet. Most people start leaving around dinner time and while there are usually still some hardcore gamers lurking around until the AM, most of them only come in on Friday’s or weekends. So the job is usually easy breezy, most nights you lean up on the counter and browse the internet on your phone until your shift ends.
Tonight though, you have been acutely watching as this guy moves from machine to machine. Absolutely clearing them out. You’ve never seen anything like it. Presently, you are crouched behind a claw machine filled with Hello Kitty plushies as this guy slips two bucks into the Big Bass Wheel cabinet. Your eyes drift over to the last cabinet he used, the Wizard of Oz coin pusher. It is empty , you have never seen that happen in the whole time you’ve worked here. You weren’t even sure it could happen.
The guy spins the wheel, it spins and spins and spins. Jackpot. Your eyes narrow, a jackpot isn’t too uncommon, it honestly isn’t even worth that many tickets, but then he nonchalantly slides in another two dollars and hits jackpot again . This is starting to get suspicious.
The machine is spitting out tickets now, so many tickets. Even the guy looks surprised, you are definitely surprised. Two jackpots is not worth that many tickets, but they just keep coming and coming. Machine fault? Must be. The guy looks almost resigned at this point, sighing unhappily as the tickets keep spewing out, like they’re wasting his time and not like this was a superhuman feat of luck. Then, the machine starts smoking.
“Shit!” You hiss, jumping up from your hiding place behind the claw machine and dashing over to the guy before anything catches on fire. You’ve caught him by surprise, he probably didn’t realise you were following him around, “out of the way, please!”
He ducks out of the way, pulling his armfuls worth of tickets along with him as you switch the arcade cabinet off at the wall. The machinery inside stops whirring and the smoke calms down. You wipe your forehead with the back of your hand, you’ve never seen a machine fault this badly before, you were probably going to need to file an indecent report. What a pain.
“You okay?” You ask the guy. He is a lot taller up close, and the shock of messy white hair on his head only makes him seem taller. He sways like a palm tree in the breeze, clutching onto his massive wad of tickets for dear life.
“I’m sorry. I broke your machine.”
Oh...his voice is softer than you had expected it would be. The lights from a nearby Daytona cabinet are reflecting in his green eyes. You swallow, “You didn't break anything, machine fault, it happens sometimes.”
His eyes drift away from you and over to the cabinet, the smoke has stopped now, it doesn't look like there was too much damage, but he looks very upset about it anyway.
“Hey, seriously, dont worry about it.” You give him an awkward pat on his forearm, “The machines in here are really old, stuff like this happens all the time.”
“Oh...ah…” He bites his lip, “If you’re sure…”
You smile, “Yeah, don't even sweat it. You can keep the tickets by the way, once they're out of the machine it's a nightmare to get them back in again, so consider it an apology for almost setting you on fire.”
He laughs weakly, “Thank you.”
“Hey, uh…” You start, not so subtle eyeing his ticket collection. A decent chunk of it was from that Big Bass Wheel malfunction, an already exorbitant number was won legit. More than you had ever seen anyone win before, “are you a cabinet master?”
“Like, you know all the sweet spots on the machines. Technically not cheating, but not entirely legal either.”
His eyes widen, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No!” You shake your head at him, “You just won a lot of tickets is all. I’ve never seen someone win that many tickets.”
“I’m just really lucky. It’s all i'm good at, honestly.” He’s fiddling with the tickets in his arms, “My friend’s birthday is coming up and i'm trying to win her that Sailor Moon statue.”
It is true that there is a coveted Sailor Moon statue amongst the arcade’s prize collection. It’s huge, beautifully painted and according to your boss, incredibly rare . It’s been sitting there on the shelf for god knows how long, still tight in it’s shrinkwrap. Generally the most any player is able to afford is three or four sticky hands and a glow in the dark spider ring, but this guy is getting tantalisingly close.
You cross your arms and smirk at him, “You’re really that lucky?”
“Most of the time.”
“Okay then. You’re going to play Monster Drop next, it's the hardest cabinet we have.” You start heading over to the machine in the back of the arcade, it’s huge, you always forget how huge it is. The guy is diligently following behind you, shoulders hunched like he’s trying to make himself seem smaller. The pile of tickets in his arms rustling as he walks, “I’ve never seen anyone get a monster jackpot on this thing. Also my boss filled it with a bunch of different sized balls, so it's basically impossible to get a standard jackpot too, even after practicing at other arcades.”
“Hm. Is that really fair?”
You shrug a shoulder, “Nope. It’s big and loud, so lots of people want to play it and Boss doesn't want too many people winning. there's a catch though, raise the difficulty and you also raise the ticket payout. So if you manage to beat it, you'll be able to afford Sailor Moon.”
The current ticket payout is displayed in flashing red lights, 72,483 . With every failed attempt at hitting the monster jackpot the payout just gets higher and higher, those tantalising numbers draw in more kids hoping to be the one who gets lucky. A number that big means the cabinet has never been won, a smart arcade goer knows that a number like that means stay away.
“How do I play?” He asks, dropping his ticket collection on the ground at his feet.
“Ah, it’s deceptively simple.” You grab his hand and tug him over to the machine, gesturing up at where the balls drop down from, “You just need to press the button to let out a ball, and that’s literally it. The base of the machine spins around to make it harder to get the balls in. Monster jackpot is in the middle, so you would think a straight drop down would jackpot you every time but-”
He smirks wryly, “it’s never that easy is it?”
“Of course not! We’d never make any money if it was.”
He laughs to himself, pulling another coin out of his pocket and clinking it into the machine, “Ah, only one turn?”
You hold up a finger, “Just the one.”
He laughs again, “Brutal.”
“Very.” You take a step back to give him room to familiarise himself with the machine. Most people like to observe it from a few angles, take some time, watch at least one cycle before using up their one shot, “Good luck.”
He turns to you and smiles, “Thanks, but like i said, this is the one thing i'm good at.” He pushes the button, he isn't even looking at the machine, the rotating base hasn't even finished half a cycle. This guy is ballsy.
Despite his gumption, the ball falls a little short of the monster jackpot, “Aw, bad luck-” you start saying, but then it starts bouncing. Once off the base, three times off the sides, up high into the air and then plonk . Straight into the monster jackpot. All you can do is stare. Not only did he get the jackpot, he got it in a rigged machine while he wasn't even looking .
He laughs politely, the sound barely audible of the cabinet’s furious ringing bells and sirens signalling an impossible feat just happened here, everyone look! The tickets have started dispensing, with over 70k to print, it's going to be a long wait, “Jeez, that was scary. I almost thought my luck had run out there!”
He looks completely relaxed as he starts folding the fresh tickets into the neatest pile he can manage, “Are you a god or something?”
“Huh?” He says, blinking down at you, “That’s such a strange thing to ask me.”
“You just beat Monster Drop without looking . I’ve seen professional cabinet masters come in here and still lose after examining the machine for a good two hours!”
“Oh, no need to be impressed. I didn't actually do anything.” He smiles sadly and continues collecting his tickets, “It’s not really much of a talent, but i suppose it comes in handy sometimes.”
You clap a palm to your forehead, unable to believe what you are hearing, “You’re going to have enough tickets for the Sailor Moon statue and enough leftover for like...unlimited sticky hands.”
He taps a finger to his lips, “Oh! I would like some sticky hands.”
“How many?”
His brow creases as he considers it, “Three or four, i guess.”
“Three or-” you start laughing, “Buddy, i could pour the whole box into your bag if you wanted.”
“I don't think i need that many sticky hands, but it's very kind of you to offer.”
“We also have glow in the dark spider rings, and a robust selection of slinkies. Oh! If you really want to splurge we have a pair of slippers that resemble a character from Rick and Morty.”
He grimaces, “I would prefer the slinkies.”
You hear the arcade cabinet’s ticket dispenser finally come to a stop, and despite his good natured effort to collect the tickets in a neat pile, they are still all bunched up around his ankles. You are about to ask him another question when you quickly realise that the Monster Drop machine is now also smoking.
He sighs, “I should have known.”
You don't have time to look into that comment, you are too busy scrambling around to the back of the machine so you can turn the power off at the wall. Much like last time, you catch it before anything actually catches on fire. This has been a very eventful day.
“Hey, uh-” you start awkwardly, pulling yourself up from the ground and moving to help the guy contend with his ticket pile, “I finish in like half an hour...if you need help carrying your miscellaneous arcade prizes back to your car or whatever…”
He blinks at you as you both reach the prize counter and deposit the monstrous ticket collection onto the bench, “I should be okay on my own...but if you want to come I wouldn't mind, though I can’t guarantee I won’t set anything else on fire…” he chuckles nervously and you give him a quizzical look.
You do want to go with him, you aren't sure if it’s just a morbid curiosity about his luck with the arcade machines, or a fascination with the soft halo of white hair falling into his eyes, but you want to get to know him better, “I’ll come with you. You don’t have anywhere near enough fingers for all the glow in the dark spider rings I’m about to give you.” You say as you round the counter and start organising his tickets into more manageable piles.
He smiles, “that does sound like a good idea. I don’t want to drop any of my brand new sticky hands, after all.” He leans forward on the counter, blinking up at you. He’s got really pretty eyelashes, “I’m Nagito Komaeda, in case you were wondering.”
You laugh, “Nice to meet you, Nagito. Now give me 20 minutes to count all your damn tickets.”
131 notes · View notes
taelme · 5 years
Enemies-to-lovers!Bang Chan
request: Hey! Can i request and enemies to lovers slow burn with bang chan where they dont like each other but theres undeniable chemistry
genre: enemies-to-lovers!au, workplace/office!au, (fluff, slow burn, lots of denial of feelings lol) 
pairing/s: Chan / Reader (ft Seungmin and some ocs!) 
word count: 21k rip I got pretty carried away 
tw: not any prominent ones that I can think of, kind of hints of the whole misogyny in the workplace kind of thing 
a/n: I got super carried away writing this I hope you guys like it haha im currently working on the other requests so do look forward to those!! ill try to put them out as soon as I can~~ all this staying at home is really giving me time to write... ( I HAD TO use this gif I just HAD TO) but yes this was a little hard to find reasons why y/n wld hate chan bc im for the chan is an angel agenda but I ended up having so much fun ok BYE 
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“Hey, you free to get lunch later?” You’d bumped into your friend who worked in the company’s legal department, Seungmin, on a Thursday morning while you were in the pantry preparing coffee and tidbits for your boss. 
You nodded, “uh-huh,” mixing the coffee absently, “what are you doing here?” 
Seungmin shrugged, leaning against the counter as he munched on a cookie, “felt like taking a walk. Things have been pretty busy in the legal department lately.” 
Seungmin gave you a cheeky smile, shrugging, “can’t say, but you’ll find out soon enough.” 
You rolled your eyes, gritting your teeth with feigned menace towards him (his smile stayed unwavering, even sticking his tongue out at you to mock you).
“Who’s that for?” Seungmin gestured to the coffee mugs on the tray. 
“Mr Bang’s supposed to be meeting his nephew or something, he made it seem really important but all he told me was that it’s for his nephew,” you shrugged, glancing down at your two cups of coffee, realisation hitting you. 
“Shit, that just reminded me. He said his nephew doesn’t drink coffee. Do you want this?” You shot Seungmin a pleading look, holding up your now unneeded cup of coffee. 
Seungmin scoffed, taking the mug from you wordlessly, “how exciting your job is, huh,” he deadpanned, sipping the coffee, “wanna reconsider joining the legal department now?” 
You rolled your eyes. 
“I’m perfectly satisfied with my job now, thank you very much.” 
You’d prepared a pot of tea, careful not to spill the water onto the counter as you did so, transferring the pot onto your tray, “and plus, considering the amount of money I get paid for the amount of work I do, I’m more than happy.” 
Seungmin scoffed, “should’ve known it was because of the money.” 
“Alright, I’ve gotta go, see you later,” you said, picking up your tray as Seungmin waved his hand with cookie crumbs on his fingers, the clicking of your heels growing softer as you walked further away. 
Reaching the door of your boss’ office, you’d been able to faintly make out 2 silhouettes through the window from where you stood, composing yourself to make a good impression as you knocked on the door. Hearing your boss grunt, you’d pushed the door open with your shoulder, your gaze focused on the coffee table as you greeted your boss.
Setting the pot of tea on the table, you’d cast a glance at the recipient, your eyes widening when you’d spotted the boy with dyed hair sitting on the plush leather sofa facing your boss, dressed in a clean white button-down and tie, an equally well-ironed pair of pants, his posture relaxed with his legs spread casually. 
His gaze was on you, as if analysing your movements, making you direct your gaze back to your task at hand, setting the saucer with the cup of coffee onto the coffee table, placing the small biscuits your boss liked in the middle of the two. 
Holding the tray close to your chest, you cast a glance at your boss, about to bow in greeting and head back out when his voice had stopped you. 
“Y/N, please, stay here. I’d like to discuss something with you and my nephew.” 
Your eyebrows raised, lips pressed tightly together as you nodded, “oh…cool, alright.” 
“Please, take a seat,” Mr Bang gestured to the space on the sofa next to his nephew, making you seat yourself awkwardly on the other side of the sofa, your body pressing against the armrest as if trying to create as much distance as you could between him and you. 
“So, Chan, this is my secretary, Y/N,” Mr Bang gestured to you, “Y/N, this is my nephew, uh… Chris,” he spoke, the name sounding fairly familiar to you. Chris Bang? You sounded the name over in your head, not being able to connect the dots as to why it was so familiar at this point of time. 
“So, sweetheart, because I’ve been planning on resigning for a while now, I thought I should let you know that I’m planning on handing my position over to Chris.” 
Maybe this was what Seungmin was so busy with. 
You nodded slowly, trying to understand the implications this decision meant for you, “will my contract be terminated, then?” 
Chris glanced at you, as if searching your expression. He found you fairly younger than he’d expected, since his uncle had mentioned earlier that you’d already been working for him for quite some time, going onto 2 years already.
Of course, he didn’t want to underestimate you, but knowing the directors’ reputations regarding secretaries, he wasn’t sure if he could put a label on your abilities without seeing them for himself, first. And to him, he wasn’t quite understanding of why his uncle was so insistent that he needed a secretary, his past experiences with secretaries all being quite unimpressive. 
“That… is unfortunately up to Chris, but ideally your contract will resume as per normal.” 
You glanced back at the boy, who looked at you with an unreadable expression, something about his stare successfully unnerving you, the way he looked at you almost with a certain level of contempt. 
“We’ll be having a company dinner tonight to welcome Chris to the team, it would do the both of you well to get acquainted with each other before the board meeting for ceo elections.” 
You nodded slowly, still clutching the tray close to your chest as you wondered how old he was, the whole ordeal seeming as though it were something out of a movie: a young apathetic heir getting authority over a large corporation at such a young age. Was he even qualified for this position? The rest of the directors were nowhere near his age, well, appearance wise. 
As if having read your mind, your boss spoke, “I’m sure you two will get along just fine, considering you two are so close in age.” 
Your eyes narrowed, something in you not feeling comfortable with this arrangement. Dismissing the thought quickly, you shrugged, figuring it would be a change of scenery from being around the old directors all the time. 
You watched as Chris shrugged.
“We’ll see.” 
“Who?” Seungmin dabbed at his lips with his towel, picking up his glass of water to take a sip, making you frown, still trying to do your research on Chris Bang as far as your browser app would take you. 
“Chris Bang. He’s gonna take over the company from President Bang.” 
Your words seemed to have elicited a giggle from Seungmin, “doesn’t that make them both ‘President Bang’?”
Seungmin ignored your eye roll, continuing, “this was what I was referring to just now, you know. I thought you would’ve known who he was by now,” he told you, making you set your phone down on the table, open on his LinkedIn page that frankly wasn’t giving you much other than stating how very qualified he was for the job. 
“You know, Bang Chan? Ring a bell? That guy that’s been switching departments for God-knows-how-long since last year. The one that got all of us donuts one time,” Seungmin gave you a ‘duh’ look, considerably unamused. 
“Oh,” only then were you realising just who that was. You knew exactly who he was. You’d heard many rumours from the other secretaries on how he was impossibly good at anything he’d set his mind to, his work ethic and standard incomparable to anyone else in the company they’d ever seen. 
Which was why all that switching departments start to make sense to you, since it could’ve been his way of making sure he learnt the ins-and-outs of every department by the time he took over. If that wasn’t just more evidence that he was definitely a crazy workaholic.
At the time, you’d made a passing comment on how you hoped you would never have to be his subordinate, after having heard stories on how intimidating he was whenever it came to work (especially work that was improperly done). Little did you know that your comment would come back to bite you in the ass so soon. 
“Yeah, ‘oh,” Seungmin mimicked you, taking another bite out of his burger, “why d’you seem so…,” Seungmin made a pained groaning sound as he gestured to you for lack of a better word, “about it, anyway? Shouldn’t you be happy? He’s super nice!” 
You scrunched your nose up, locking your phone in your dismay, not wanting to see his face on his stupid profile mocking you with all his stupid qualifications anyway.
“I don’t know, just kind of feels a little sudden. And I hate the feeling of not knowing if I’m gonna be fired since it’s not up to Mr Bang anymore.” 
“Which one?” Seungmin joked, making you scoff, finding it just a little funny. Only a little. 
Seungmin continued, “you’re just mad because him taking over means you actually have to do work.” 
You shot him a glare, your silence being an acknowledgement that he wasn’t entirely wrong. 
“And because I love Mr Bang! He was such a nice old man that checked in on me and gave me life advice. I’m not gonna get any life advice from someone that’s basically my age.” 
Seungmin huffed in amusement, bringing his hand up to cup his mouth as if to divulge a secret, dropping his voice to a strained whisper, “transfer to the legal department.” 
You sighed, “no, I still love my pay.” 
“Then stop sulking! Chris is the nicest guy I’ve met, you’ll be fine. Just show up to the company dinner tonight and fluff him up a bit,” Seungmin shrugged, “it’ll be smooth sailing from then on.” 
You figured you should’ve tried to do a lot better to fluff Chris up during the company dinner, instead of just going over to grill the meat for the directors, under the instruction of President Bang. 
The action itself didn’t sit right with Chris, who didn’t understand why it was so imperative to the directors that you be the one to grill the meat until he realised just why they were keeping you there. 
His own uncle was oblivious of course, simply obliging at any chance he got to show off how capable you were (even if it was just grilling meat), however Chris was quick to notice the way they stared at you as you reached between them to grill the meat, your face feeling hot with the steam from the grill. 
“Y/N is very hardworking, graduated at the top of her class in college,” Mr Bang mentioned pointedly, making Chris’ eyebrows raise in surprise. 
“Really? What did you study?” He spoke, knowing very well you were listening, the other directors not paying any attention to learning your background as they prompted you to pour them a drink. You didn’t miss the way his words were accented, remembering hearing from Seungmin that he’d spent a large chunk of his life in Australia. 
Tipping the bottle, you’d answered (albeit a little preoccupied). 
“Law,” you sat back on your heels, “minored in journalism.” 
Chris frowned, not being able to understand why you would’ve chosen to work here as his uncle’s secretary of all things if you had pretty good prospects on your own. 
“How’d you end up working for my uncle, then?” He voiced, your attention diverted when you’d been prompted by a director to take a shot of your own, clinking your glass obnoxiously and leaving you with no choice, an embarrassed flush on your face. 
Taking the shot, you winced at the burn of the drink, glancing back at Chris, who was still looking at you curiously, wondering how you’d felt under the attention of the directors.  
“Did it as a temp job at first,” you told him, “but I guess I realised halfway that I don’t mind it so much, and it paid me pretty well.” 
Chris hummed, you ‘don’t mind’ this? 
One of the directors let out a grunt of distaste, “you shouldn’t worry about that, doll. The job of a secretary is to look pretty, the pride of the company is in its secretaries,” he said, clearly having already had one-too-many drinks, his words leaving an awful aftertaste on your tongue, his hand going over to grasp your shoulder, his hand going down to your arm and squeezing. 
“I always told her she’d do well as a housewife. That way she wouldn’t have to work and just mooch off her husband.” 
You mustered a smile, setting the bottle of drink down and bowing to them, Chris having lost his appetite at the way you’d just let their comments slide. 
“Maybe she prefers mooching off of the directors, instead,” Chris murmured, his sharp tongue getting the better of him, catching your attention as you were walking past him, making you stop in your tracks.  
Chris’ uncle tut his tongue, nudging the boy harshly, making him raise his hands in surrender. 
“What? Just speaking off of observation.” 
You turned around, a surge of confidence arising in you (from where? You weren’t sure, maybe it was the fact that in your eyes he was still what was standing in between you and your possible severance pay), “excuse me?” 
“I’m sorry, was there any untruth in what I said?” Chris turned, his gaze almost challenging you to speak out against the directors, not knowing that it was only serving to spur you on to speak out against him instead. 
 You scoffed, Chris standing up and awaiting your answer, a voice in you screaming at you not to be intimidated by him, especially with the way his head tilted down ever so slightly, his eyebrows raising expectantly. 
“Didn’t know they would just let any rude petty kid run any company these days,” you narrowed your eyes at him, folding your arms and straightening your posture. 
Seungmin, who was watching from his table with the legal team, grimaced, deeming Chris’ expression to be anything but friendly at the moment. 
“I don’t know, maybe it’s just a little unbelievable to me that I’m supposed to be answering to someone who just got the company handed to him,” your words were coming out faster than you could help it. I mean, you were probably going to get fired anyway, right? Might as well go down with a fight. 
“You don’t know anything about me,” Chris muttered, his voice firm, annoyance laced in his tone. Your words seemed to have triggered a spark in him, annoyed that you were doubting his abilities, blatantly disrespecting him even after knowing he could be your superior. 
Mr Bang had tapped Chris’ calf harshly, “enough, don’t keep y/n from eating.” 
Ignoring his words, Chris had stepped forward, staring you down as the tension had only thickened between the both of you. 
“But then, what would you know, right? What was that again? Right. What are you here for other than to look pretty, hmm?” He tilted his head at you, flashing you a smile that was practically dripping with sarcasm. 
You practically seethed with anger, your fists clenching as you unfolded your arms, your finger coming up to point at him, “you know what? I’d rather eat beansprouts for the rest of my life than work for you.” You scoffed. 
Chris' amused lilt to his smile was only serving to annoy you even more, making you storm over to your table with the other secretaries, all of them casting you looks of concern or shock that you would have confronted him like that. Picking up your jacket, you’d scoffed, casting him one last look before you left, not expecting to see him again afterwards. 
Well, that was the part you were very very wrong about. 
That night, you’d called your boyfriend over to submit him to a seemingly never-ending rant about Chris, getting a text from Seungmin halfway. 
“I mean, isn’t it good, then? That you can find another job?” Your boyfriend tried to reason, pressing a kiss to your neck as you straddled him where he was sitting leaning against your headboard. 
“That’s not the point,” you insisted, pausing to read the text that Seungmin had sent, oblivious to his urgent kisses trailing up to your jaw. 
seungmin (personal)  2:12am -consider yourself lucky. Spoke to Chan just now, make sure you show up to work tomorrow.- 
“The point is that, he’s arrogant. What? Telling me that I’m only here to look pretty?—“ 
“In his defence, you insulted him first.” 
You glared at your boyfriend, “Yeah, fine. But he provoked me first. And I don’t know, something about him just pisses me off,” you tried to reason, your boyfriend’s kisses beginning to distract you from your anger. 
“You know what, maybe you should just give him a shot. Maybe he’s not as bad as he seems?” 
And so you did as Seungmin had instructed, doing what you would’ve always done, grabbing your boss’ morning coffee before going to the office, ‘leisurely’ making your way upstairs as you tried to avoid any possible suit-clad blond-haired man. 
Upon reaching your desk, you’d set your things under your desk, opening your scheduler and doing a quick run through of Mr Bang’s schedule for the day, grabbing the coffee and knocking on the glass doors before entering. 
“Y/N! Just the person I wanted to see.” You nodded, walking over to place his coffee onto his table.
“You have the board meeting in half an hour, sir,” you informed him.  
“Right, thank you. Would you be a dear and be there to serve the refreshments?” 
You nodded, “yeah, sure.” 
“If all goes as planned, Chan- I mean, Chris, will be taking over from next week onwards. So this week will be the last week i’m here.” 
You frowned, “it’s a shame you’re retiring, you know,” your disappointment was evident in your tone.  
Mr Bang simply waved you off, “it’s about time, I’m sure little Chris will do a good job.” 
You’d kept your mouth shut, nodding as he stood up with his coffee cup in hand, looking at you with a smile, “shall we head down a little earlier, then?” 
You nodded, opening the door for him to exit and following him silently to the venue of the board meeting. You were surprised, to say the least, when you’d reached only to find Chris there already, currently in an animated conversation with one of the directors, smiling like you’d never seen before, dimples showing on his cheeks. 
Excusing yourself quickly, you’d gone to the pantry to prepare the drinks, your time here having made you familiar with the respective directors drink preferences. Carrying your tray carefully, you’d pushed the door open with your hip, seeing all the directors seated already, all seeming fairly comfortable around Chris, only serving to make the feeling of dread build in the pit of your stomach. 
Making your way around the table, you’d distributed the drinks to the directors personally, refusing to make eye contact with Chris as you gave him his stupid cup of tea. 
Once the meeting had started, you’d dismissed yourself outside the room, a part of you trying to listen in on the board meeting but not being able to hear much through the thick panelled glass. You were surprised when barely half an hour had passed and you’d heard applause in the room, peeping through the window to see Mr Bang give you a signal that you could come in. 
Pushing the door open carefully, you saw the directors practically lining up to congratulate Chris, leaving promptly after looking all-too satisfied with the outcome of the meeting. 
Mr Bang was speaking to Chris as the rest of the directors were leaving, “well, I guess this means my work here is as good as done. I’m sure your parents will be thrilled to hear the news,” he pat Chris on the back. 
You were about to head out with Mr Bang, eager to avoid Chris when you’d heard him speak, “Y/N, I’d like to speak with you for a moment. Is that alright?” He cast a look at his uncle, who waved him off. 
“Of course, she’s not my secretary anymore, remember?” You cast Mr Bang a look of distress, seeing him chuckle before giving you a thumbs up, exiting the room happily.  
You winced, turning around so you were facing Chris, seeing him walk over to where you were, holding out a thick bound stack of papers for you to take. 
“What’s this?” 
"A contract. You can pass it to me by the end of the day once you've made your decision. I trust that you're familiar with reading contracts?" he asked as you stared at the papers, flipping and scanning through the print, realising that his terms were considerably more demanding than his uncle. 
"You'll be able to find an additional attachment where I list what I would expect in a secretary. Feel free to consult me if you're unclear about any of them, though I don't think you would need to." 
Your eyes lingered on the section of the contract, stating that you would be on a year of probation, but that the contract could be terminated whenever he felt appropriate. 
"Whenever you deem appropriate?" you scoffed, looking up at him in disbelief. 
He smiled, "very pretty wording, don't you think?" 
"That's all I wanted to say. Remember, I'll expect your response by the end of the day." 
You stared blankly as he shrugged his jacket off, draping it on one arm. 
"Go ahead, what are you waiting for? You can go for your lunch break now," he urged, before his features pulled into a look of realisation, "oh, forgot. That is, unless you would rather eat...what was that again? Beansprouts?" 
Your mouth opened, making as if to retort before you shut your mouth quickly, your eyes widening as he walked over to you, his gaze intense and serious, a contrast to the demeanour he wore while chatting up the director previously. 
"I can handle myself, you know," you attempted to defend yourself, watching as Chris had shrugged. 
"You have one whole year to prove that to me." 
In that one year of working for Chris, you'd learnt a lot of things. Not only about your position as a secretary, but about Chris, ( not to mention, just exactly how spiteful he could be ).  
1. Sleep was a luxury. 
In your first week as his secretary, Chris had surprised you with the sheer rate of progress he was aiming, and moving at. It was as if all the rumours you'd heard before about his work ethic were a gross understatement of his tenacity. 
You'd been having trouble adjusting to his deadlines, especially since he had entrusted more tasks to you. From surprise presentations, to drafting up proposals and reports, not to mention submitting research to him. To you, it felt as if you were doing half the job for him. 
In short, you had never missed Mr Bang more than you did then. 
Of course, Seungmin being your voice of reason, would shut your rants down, claiming it was ‘about time you do your job’, but of course, you loved to complain. Especially since it was someone you didn't have very fond feelings for that was assigning you the work. You grew increasingly irritated in the time you were adjusting to your sleep schedule, which Chris, and your boyfriend had definitely noticed. 
Because of your changes in brain activity levels, you assumed (google could only diagnose so much), whenever sleep came to you, you welcomed it with open arms.  Since waking up had become even more of a chore to run over to the coffee shop and squeeze yourself between the crowd of working adults and panda-eyed college students to get his very specific breakfast order. 
You'd gone home from a birthday party of your boyfriend and your mutual friend, things having gotten a little...out of hand at your boyfriend's apartment since it'd been so long since you'd been able to spend time together, not with you always falling asleep during video calls or refusing them altogether for the sake of getting your work done. You'd missed him, and something about being apart made you miss his touch. 
Jolting awake, (as if your body had been able to tell that your sleep was too smooth), you'd instantly sensed that something was wrong when you saw the light streaming in from behind the curtains, knowing for a fact that you usually woke up when it was still a little dark out. 
Turning around, you'd fumbled for your phone on the bedside table, letting out a loud gasp when you saw the time. You were already a whole half-hour late. 
Your boyfriend startled, letting out a groan, his arm still lazily draped over your stomach. 
"Did my alarm ring?" you asked, shoving his hand off of you and groaning, slipping out of bed quickly as you put on your clothes from the day before, not having any more time to go back to your apartment and get a fresh change of clothes. 
"I don't know, I didn't hear anything," you heard your boyfriend mumble from where he lay. 
Cursing, you'd ran over to his bathroom, washing your face quickly, a gasp leaving your mouth as you inspected the angry marks on your neck through the mirror. 
"I hate you so much," you tugged up the collar of your turtleneck, successfully hiding the marks when you’d let your hair down. 
Grabbing your things, you'd sprinted downstairs, hailing the first cab you could see and heading to your office. 
Was he going to fire me? You were still on probation, so there was no reason he couldn't, right? 
You'd fixed your hair anxiously as you jogged into the lobby, your shoes clacking noisily against the floor as you ran into the lift, even debating on whether taking the stairs would have been a better idea as the lift went up at an achingly slow pace. 
Finally reaching your floor, you’d made your way to the meeting room, tossing your bags outside the door and entering with your laptop, notebook and pen, keeping your head down and avoiding Chris’ gaze as he was presenting to the room. 
Taking your seat at the only empty seat left, (unfortunately, closer to the front of the room), you’d let out a small sigh. Expecting to hear Chris comment on your tardiness or whatnot, you opened your laptop, picking up on the minutes where you could. 
Keeping your head down, you’d felt your colleague from the marketing team lean over to you as Chris had given everyone some time to analyse what he was showing on the screen, his lack of a comment making you even more anxious. 
“Your hair’s a mess,” she whispered, making you wince, your hand going up to comb your hair into a ponytail in your attempt to look neater, hearing your colleague gasp. 
“Dude! Put your hair back down, your neck,” she whispered, your eyes immediately darting to Chris’ direction, seeing that he was in fact staring at your jaw and neck as well, turning away quickly, the reddening of his ears giving him away.
Your hands let go of your hair as though you were burned, hearing your colleague snicker beside you, “I see someone had fun last night. Was that why you were late, too?” 
You shushed her as Chris cleared his throat, embarrassment flooding your senses as you continued to take minutes, hoping that he wouldn’t be as mad at you if you showed that you were trying your best. Fat chance, but hey, you could dream. 
Chris had started to assign things that he’d wanted the different departments to focus on for the project at hand, flashing a slide of deadlines that you watched people scramble to confirm with their existing information. You were secretly hoping someone would hold him back with a question so that he was too busy to confront you. 
Unfortunately for you, that wasn’t the case today. The meeting ended promptly, Chris leaving you in relative silence as you packed up your things, your colleagues giving you a look of sympathy as you followed him silently out of the room back to your desk. 
“In my office, please,” he murmured. 
You fiddled with your fingers, already anticipating for him to fire you. 
“Can you explain to me what happened this morning?” 
Your eyes widened, not daring to meet his gaze as it flickered between anything in the room other than him, “I uh..I didn’t um…I didn’t hear my alarm ring and nobody woke me up so I overslept.” 
Chris’ stare was unwavering, leaning against his desk and folding his arms, “so is it not your responsibility to make sure you show up to work on time?” 
“No, yeah of course it is—“ 
“Then I would like to see you be accountable for your mistakes,” he continued, “I’m not saying you can’t make mistakes, everybody makes mistakes. But if your mistake is what puts an entire room of people at an inconvenience, I would prefer if you were a little more apologetic about it.” 
You’d let a short period of silence fall between the both of you, “I’m sorry,” you mumbled, your gaze fixed firmly on his shoelace, “am I fired?” 
Chris let out a small sigh, shaking his head. “No, but, you know, if you ever let anything like this happen again, I won’t hesitate to fire you,” his voice was stern, annoyed almost. 
“And Y/N, if this,” you looked up at him watching him gesture to his neck with his hand before gesturing back to you, making you cower, tugging your collar further up your neck, “is what’s the issue here. I’d suggest you start prioritising.” 
“Sorry. It won’t happen again, I swear,” you rushed to speak, bowing quickly before exiting the room as fast as you could, wanting to tear your hair out in both annoyance and embarrassment. 
You’d jumped when you heard the sound of your desk speaker, Chris’ voice sounding through the phone, “Is there a problem, Y/N?” 
Your eyes widened, rushing over to your desk phone, shaking your head as you pressed the button to reply, “no, no! Not at all. There was just a… a bug here.” 
Chris huffed, bringing his hand up to hide his amusement, watching you scramble to regain your composure. 
2. Chris was a workaholic 
It was seeing (and experiencing) all the late nights in the office and the erratic pattern of his emails on weekends that drew you to this conclusion. His routine of sleeping late and then proceeding to get up at ungodly hours to either get work done or give up on the idea of a smooth sleep, since you were aware that he tended to have trouble sleeping. Not to mention the way it seemed to you as if the top priority in his life was his work, wanting to do his best to get the company to where he wanted it to be. 
After a few months of working for him, it was very clear to you that your job entailed not only taking care of his work, but taking care of him. 
You were going over to the legal team's office to collect the binders Chan had left to them, seemingly needing one of them now, thankful to have spotted Seungmin along the way as he was leaving his desk. 
Shooting you a look of sympathy, he'd peeked his head out to glance at your area, noticing everyone else in your team had gone home already. 
"Working late again?" 
You were sure you looked horrible, with bags under your eyes and your complexion looking dull from lack of sleep, but well, you had to earn a living, right? 
You shot him a pointed look, "you know the rules, can't go home until the boss goes home," you heaved a pained sigh. 
"You know, I'm starting to wonder if he even has a social life," you thought out loud, earning an amused grunt from Seungmin. 
"I could say the same about you." You ignored his comment. 
"What d'you need?" he asked, though you were already making your way to his superior's desk, grabbing the file and leaving a post-it to say it was with Chris. 
"Nothing, just this." You let out a small grunt at the weight of the binder, your wrists aching from all the filing you'd done that morning and afternoon (you never did notice until now how inefficient Chris' uncle's document organization system was). 
"All the best," he gave you a thumbs up, earning a pitiful pout from you before you'd headed back to Chris' office. 
Knocking on his door, you'd heard him murmur for you to come in, pushing the heavy doors open with your shoulder as you shoved your way through the doors,  placing the binder onto the coffee table where he'd had his documents and laptop laid out haphazardly. 
Chan's hair was a mess, likely from running his hands through it as he worked, his tie discarded and the top few buttons of his shirt undone, looking at you with tired eyes. 
He was about to ask you for some water, but you'd seemed to have read his mind, walking over to the table near his desk and pouring him a glass of warm water from the flask. 
"I'm almost done with the filing, but I'll be outside so you can let me know if you need anything." 
You'd felt your pocket buzz with a notification, momentarily taking your attention away from Chris. 
Chris glanced at the files before looking back at you in thought, stopping you before you could exit the room, "actually, can you help me to write a report on this, I'll need this by tomorrow afternoon." 
Knowing Chris' deadlines, that meant he would've needed it by tomorrow morning, which left you no choice other than to start working on it now. 
Chris picked up a small file with a post-it note stuck onto the file, handing it to you. 
"The points are all there. I would've done it myself but by the looks of it this is gonna take a while more than I expected," he sighed, his hands on his hips as he stared at the pile of papers in front of him in disdain. 
Chris never would've admitted that he'd started preparing the post-it notes for you in case he wasn't able to complete his work in time, since he usually opted to write from his head, but he knew you worked better with structure. He'd only realised after starting to do it that it helped him draft the write-ups more concisely, so of course, the reason was always 'for his own convenience', never creating opportunities for you to think he actually tried accommodating to you. 
"This current arrangement is very un-environmentally friendly," you mumbled, staring at the papers as well. 
"I'll go get this done now," you gave him a nod, exiting his office as you pulled your phone from your pocket, the text from your boyfriend practically glaring at you, asking if you were able to meet that night. 
10:47pm - sorry, working late :( gotta work on a report due tomorrow morning - 
Biting back your disappointment at having to bail on your boyfriend again, you'd nodded resolutely, pulling up your delivery app to order food for Chris before you started on the report lest he start to get irritable because he was hungry. 
And lastly, the point you couldn't quite seem to wrap your head around, was that 
3. He was very nice, just...not so much to you. 
After the oversleeping incident from before, it was safe to say you'd never let a similar mistake repeat itself. You were constantly making sure you were alert and responsive to anything Chris could possibly throw to you (and he knew this too). 
The only downside Chris saw to this, was that it seemed as though your attitude towards the directors hadn't changed. Still swallowing their disgusting comments and serving them with a smile, even if they were looking everywhere but your face. It irked Chris. And it irked him even more that the only one you seemed to serve without a smile, was him. 
Unbeknownst to him, you'd shared the same sentiments. 
"Do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on in their head?" you spoke. 
Seungmin snorted, "wait, are you talking about the meme or..." your lack of a response made Seungmin follow your gaze (or glare) to where Chris was seated at the other end of the table, giggling and smiling as he spoke with the other secretaries. 
"Ah," Seungmin nodded, understanding now why your spoon hadn't moved an inch from your bowl, your grip around it almost death-like. 
"What are you so mad about? He's not doing anything?" 
You shot Seungmin a pointed look, your voice lowering to a murmur, "can't you see it? With them he's all rainbows and unicorn shit but with me it's like just smiling would kill him." 
You heard the secretaries letting out giggles and impressed sounds at something Chris had just said, the sound itself enough to make you annoyed. 
Seungmin's eyebrows furrowed, looking at you in scepticism, "you know the secretaries are only being nice because they're interns, right? I heard from one of them that they're actually really scared of him." 
Seungmin brought his chopsticks to his mouth, taking a piece of food from your bowl that he knew you weren't going to eat anyway, "especially after they saw how he spoke to you during the meeting the other day,"
You scoffed, "good to know that I was the warning." 
Your phone buzzed, signalling a text from your boyfriend. Strangely enough, it'd been a while since you'd texted him, since you were busy with work and he was busy with school. 
Ignoring it initially, too distracted by Chris, it wasn't long before you saw his caller ID show up on the screen, getting Seungmin's attention. 
"I think you should answer that," he gestured, making you glance around the table in your hesitance, not knowing if it would be rude to just exit halfway. 
Picking up the phone-call, you'd turned your head, lowering your volume to a murmur, "hello?" 
"Hey, can we talk? I really need to tell you something." 
You winced, "is it urgent? I'm at a team dinner right now." 
Your boyfriend sighed, scoffing, "it really is always work with you, huh." 
"What's that supposed to mean?" 
You glanced at the table, standing up to excuse yourself. Chris's expression read confusion, eavesdropping on a secretary asking what happened, Seungmin replying that it was your boyfriend calling. 
You'd made your way outside the restaurant, Chris glancing in your direction and spotting you walk past the restaurant's windows, a part of him shaking off whatever curiosity that lingered in him as he focused on his conversation. After all, you did tell him you could handle yourself, right? 
Where you were, you'd moved to a quieter spot outside the restaurant, "okay, I can talk now. What's up?" 
You kicked at the ground absently as you awaited his reply. 
"Look, are you free to meet tonight? There's something I need to tell you." 
"Uh..." you glanced into the restaurant, making eye contact with Chris before looking away, "I've got to work later, though. I need to get some research done for this review that i'm behind on, I don't wanna meet you if i'm just gonna end up on my computer while you're there, you know?" 
Your boyfriend nodded, "you know, that's kind of what i wanted to talk to you about." 
"Oh," a feeling of dread was building in your stomach, recognising your boyfriend's tone to be the one he used whenever he was talking about something serious. 
The first time you heard it was when you witnessed him on a work phone-call, the second being how he spoke to your parents the first time they'd met, but this time, you had a feeling you knew what was coming. 
"Let's break up." 
You fell silent, not knowing how to respond to his words. 
"Is it, um.... is it because of my work?" You asked, a part of you not being able to come to terms with the fact that it could have been your fault, "because you know I can't do anything about that." 
Your boyfriend sighed, "I know. I'm just talking about how you've been so emotionally invested in your work you don't even have the energy to maintain this relationship." 
You frowned, "what, what do you want me to do, quit my job? Will that be better for you?" 
"Look, i've been seeing someone," he began. Your heart sank. 
"And i'd be lying if I said that wasn't part of the reason. But... it was only when I started seeing her that I realised... things between us just weren't the same as before." 
Your heart felt heavy, a part of you knowing that he was making it a lot easier to be mad at him by confessing what he did, but another part of you couldn't help but prompt him further. 
"When did it start?" 
"That doesn't matter-" 
You sighed, taking your lower lip between your teeth, "it's fine, I just wanna know." 
"Fine, it was about a month in from you working for your new boss." 
You nodded slowly, still trying to process his words. You weren't quite sure what came over you when you saw Chris exiting the restaurant, turning to face your direction and spotting you in the alley. But it was as if you were so mad at yourself, mad at him, mad at your boyfriend (or ex-boyfriend now), that you'd ended the call, shoving your phone into the pocket of your blazer before heading over to where Chris was. 
"You guys aren't going home?" you heard one of the secretaries ask as you and Chris had approached his car, his driver already sitting in the car and waiting. 
Chris shook his head with a smile, "nope, we're heading back to the office." 
You mustered a smile as you bid them goodbye, you guessed this was probably the best time to bury yourself in your work as a poor coping mechanism after a breakup, as far as movie breakups went.  
The car-ride was silent, despite the pinging of your phone, making you switch it to silent mode halfway, earning a curious look from Chris, though he didn't make to ask you about it. 
Upon reaching the office, the both of you had gone back into your clockwork routine, as you sat in his office working on your computer and scribbling down on your notebook the important details you wanted him to check. Chris found that your background in law and journalism made it a lot easier whenever it came to reading and condensing information, which had only allowed him to trust you more when it came to getting tasks like that done, saving him precious time he could spend working on other things. 
The buzzing of your phone was growing more frequent, though it was as if you were oblivious to it now as you typed away at your computer. 
"Right, can you help to postpone tomorrow afternoon's meeting, and help me to make a reservation at the steak place, 2 people." 
You hadn't made to move, pulling your phone out but having gotten distracted at the multitude of missed calls and texts just because your boyfriend wanted to 'make sure you were okay'. Please. 
"Hello? Can you hear me?" you heard Chris call, snapping you out of your daze as his gaze searched your expression, trying to read your emotions. 
"Sorry, can you repeat that? I didn't hear you." 
Chris sighed, his annoyance at your phone that had lit up with a call again getting the better of him, "you know I don't ask you to stay later just for you to waste my time, you know." 
Your gaze hardened. There it was, the side of Chris that you had the 'privilege' of being at the brunt of, nowhere near the smiley giggly Chris you witnessed at the restaurant just now. 
"I said I was sorry. What do you want me to do?" 
Chris huffed, his gaze darting to your phone as he spoke, "reservation for 2 people tomorrow afternoon, the steak place my mom likes. Postpone tomorrow afternoon's appointment with Director Lee." He told you slowly, his tone as if speaking to a young child, which only served to piss you off even more. 
"Who's calling you?" he asked. 
You shook your head in dismissal, "my...uh..." you weren't sure how to respond, watching dumbly as he made his way to where you were, lifting your phone to read the contact before letting out a huff. 
"Okay, well you can tell your boyfriend that if you're gonna be this distracted at work, you can kiss your night goodbye." 
You inhaled deeply, absolutely upset but knowing there wasn't much you could do about it. You loved your job, even though you hated to admit it. Ever since Chris came in, you were getting a lot more work experience and exposure, especially with how he would make it mandatory for you to attend certain language courses that would help him whenever you accompanied him on networking events or business galas. 
And in that moment, you couldn't help but think back to what he'd said the first time he'd scolded you when he'd told you to figure out your priorities. Maybe your boyfriend called you at the right time, maybe you just weren't ready to focus on things other than your career at this point of time. 
Turning your phone off, you'd made sure Chris saw that it was off, raising your hands up in surrender, "done. I'll book your stupid reservation now." You stalked out before Chris could chime in with a 'watch your tone'. 
You'd been working for Chris for what was coming to 2 years now. The company had been reaping the results of their hard work for a while now, and you were thankful that even though you weren't as busy as before, you still managed to keep your job. Other than the fact that Chris’ hair was now back to dark brown, not much else had changed. 
Although, one tiny change you were starting to wish for was that Chris would at least try to make things a little more bearable for you. 
You were currently at a meeting with the directors where Chris was presenting the overview of the company's performance in the past month. You would have to say you were pretty satisfied with the work you'd both done on that, working a lot more efficiently now compared to when you'd first started out. 
Your silent admiration of the presentation was interrupted when one of the directors summoned you over to ask for a cup of coffee.
Doing as you were told ( much to Chris' dismay ), you'd gone and come back in record time with his hot cup of coffee, bending down and making your way to where the director sat, not wanting to prevent any of them from seeing what Chris was presenting. 
While he was presenting, it didn't take Chris very long to realise why the director had kept asking you for things, your position from where you were squatting next to him making it all-too-easy for him to ogle at you without you noticing. 
For some reason, this seemed to have gotten on Chris' nerves, especially because that director's secretary was simply minding her own business at the back of the room. 
Did Chris think what you were wearing that day was nice? He'd say he didn't but of course he did. But unlike the director, he preferred not to be so blatant about it, especially because you were always so rude towards him. 
You'd tensed momentarily when the director had grabbed your arm, about to get up when you heard Chris' voice get louder. 
"Y/N, I'd appreciate if you would stop distracting the directors and go back to your seat." 
(Later on, Seungmin would be struggling to hold back his laughter in the printing room when Chan told him to tell you to button up your blouse a little more. 
“Why can’t you just tell her yourself?” 
Chan scoffed, “knowing her, she’s just gonna think I was looking at her… chest or something.” 
Seungmin narrowed his eyes at Chan teasingly, “well, were you?” 
Chan waved him off with a groan, “just tell her, okay? The directors are having a field day with her looking like that.”)
You'd almost scoffed at the way the director had immediately let go of you, and you straightened up quickly, heading back to sit with the other secretaries. 
"That was harsh," you heard one of the secretaries murmur to you, making you shrug. 
"Whatever, not like I expected more from him anyway." 
(You did, you totally did. You'd kill for him to be less grating with his words). 
After the meeting, you'd felt a phone ring in your bag, pulling it out to see that Chris' mom was calling, obviously not having been able to reach him. Making your way to where he was, you'd interrupted his packing of his things. 
"Your mom is calling you," you'd told him out of habit, holding his phone out for him to take, jumping slightly when you'd heard one of the directors let out a dismayed grunt. 
"Is that any way to talk to your boss?" 
Your eyes widened, Chris seeming to be enjoying the situation play out before him as you regained your composure, looking back at Chris with a sickly sweet smile on your face. In front of the directors, you couldn't act up like how you usually did when it was just the both of you, so you had no choice but to be all smiles
"President Bang, your mother is calling you," you told him, and if you were annoyed, you didn't show it, having years of practice from dealing with the directors. 
"uh-huh," Chris smirked, taking the phone from your hands and answering it as he gestured for you to help him gather his papers. 
"No, mom. I’ve told you already, i’m really fine with how things are now. I'm not going on another one." 
Not that you cared, but you had to admit you were kind of curious as to what he was so insistently refusing.
"Yes, okay, bye," he hung up, handing the phone back to you. 
You'd tried your best to suppress your curiosity, seeing as he was about to be late for his next meeting with one of his friends if he hadn't hurried. 
Fixing your blouse, you'd carried your laptop in your arm as you walked with him back to his office, with you going into the lift first, Chris having chosen the wrong time to step in as a girl you recognised as one of the interns had done so too, the number of people squeezing into the lift causing her to jerk her arm, her coffee landing unceremoniously on Chris’ tie and shirt. 
Chris let out a hiss at the temperature of the liquid, eliciting a long string of apologies from the girl. You knew that if it was you that had spilled the coffee, he would be going on and on about carelessness now, but the intern obviously wasn’t you, and so you watched in envy as Chris had given her a smile, dismissing her apologies quickly. 
“It’s fine, really. I just hope you still have some coffee left to drink,” he laughed. 
Not only was he not upset, but he was joking with her too? 
You scoffed, rolling your shoulders back as you’d watched the numbers on the elevator rise till it reached your floor, the girl looking scared for her life when you’d cast her a look, bowing to you apologetically. 
“Where did you keep the spare change of clothes?” Chris asked as he’d begun loosening his tie. 
You hadn’t responded as he let you walk before him into his office, making your way over to one of the cupboards at the side of the room and opening it, pulling out a hanger with a nicely ironed set of work clothes. 
“You can go and get changed, I’ll wait here,” you murmured, Chris walking over to where you were and giving you his stained tie. 
God, you hoped his dry-cleaning run wouldn’t make you late for your lunch appointment. 
Looking at his tie, you brought it up closer to your face to inspect the material, it was a well-made tie, you had to say. Not too skinny, the material feeling almost luxurious in your hold, tempting you to put it on in your boredom. 
Hanging it round your neck, you mustered your best ‘Chris accent’.
“You should be accountable for your mistakes! Don’t you know how many people you’re inconveniencing? Now I have a tie that reeks of coffee, look,” you held up the tie with a gasp, “and my secretary’s gonna be late for her lunch meeting!” You pointed accusatorially at the small black penholder that sat on his desk. 
“Yeah! Do you know how much you’re inconveniencing me? I don’t ask you to show up to work to waste my time—“ 
You’d stopped in your tracks when you heard Chris clearing his throat, grimacing as you tried to regain your composure, taking off the tie as quickly as you could, holding it tightly in your palm as you turned to face him. 
“Having fun?” 
“No,” you shot back quickly, not even wanting to ask how long he’d been standing there. 
Walking over to you, he’d handed you his stained shirt, his expression like that of a parent that had caught their kid doing something they weren’t supposed to be doing. 
“You know, sometimes I wish you’d talk back to the directors like how you talk back to me.” 
Your eyes widened, confused at his sudden comment, but not having the time to respond as Chris continued. 
“Get these dry-cleaned over lunch. The stain’ll be harder to get out the longer you wait.” 
You huffed, already walking away from him, “well, when you say it like that I’d might as well go do it now.” 
You'd been keeping yourself busy with replying emails when you heard the elevator ding, the sound of footsteps getting louder before you saw a considerably young, suit-clad man walking towards your desk. 
"I'm here to see Chris? I'm Director Kang," he told you, though you didn't need him to introduce himself, knowing very well who he was. 
"He's in there," you held a finger up to signal him to wait as you picked up your desk telephone, pressing a button to page Chris. 
"Director Kang's here to see you." 
"Okay, send him in."
Chris closed the work he was doing on his desktop, making his way over to the leather couches as he saw his friend enter the room. 
"Yo, when were you planning on telling me about your hot secretary?" 
Chris' eyebrows raised, "didn't think that was something worth mentioning."
"Well, why not?" his friend frowned, his features pulling into one of shock, "wait, don't tell me... you guys are dating?" 
Chris rolled his eyes, "no, we're not. And please, for both our sakes, don't try anything funny with her." 
The director was about to respond, interrupted by your knocking on the door, the door opening slightly so you could enter. 
"Can I get you anything? Like a drink? Coffee? Tea?" you asked. 
The director simply looked at you curiously, sitting with his ankle resting on his other knee, "only if you'd care to join me." 
Chris glared at his friend, shutting him up quickly before he could say anything more, "coffee for him, I don't want a drink."
You nodded, exiting quickly.
"What did you come to tell me about?" 
"Must I have a reason to come and visit my beloved friend?" 
Chris rolled his eyes, "my time is precious." 
This made the director scoff, "is that your excuse now? Anyway, I came to ask if you were going for Brian's wedding next weekend." 
"Oh, yeah, right. He asked me about it last night and I said I would go, you?" 
Director Kang rolled his eyes, "can't, I've got a business trip that weekend." 
Chris hummed in acknowledgement, "that reminds me. I should get a gift for them soon. Who'd he say he was marrying again?" 
"This girl he met at work, she's nice. But, you know, not my type." 
As if that wasn't enough, Director Kang continued, "anyway, are you bringing a date?" 
He was interrupted once again by the sound of your knocking, the door opening as you made your way over to them, bending to place the cup of coffee down onto the table, making Director Kang gesture to you with his head, mouthing 'you should bring her'. 
Waving him off, Chris was eager to get Director Kang’s attention away from you, almost as if wanting to protect you from getting swayed by him, knowing the outcome was never too bright. 
"Y/N, you can go for an early lunch break today." 
Your eyebrows raised, the prospect seeming almost too good to be true. Since when was he so nice? 
"Huh? But I still have some stuff to hand the legal team..." you sounded unsure, though you did consider this to be luck since you were supposed to meet one of your friends from college for lunch today. 
Chris gave you a stern look, waving you off, making you raise your hands in surrender. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll go.” 
On your way out, you’d texted your friend that you were gonna be able to meet earlier, pleasantly surprised when she’d told you she was already in the area and that she was able to head over now. 
You’d managed to drop off Chris’ clothes for dry-cleaning before heading to the restaurant, spotting your friend already seated at your table. 
“Hey! Wow, you look great!” She told you, giving you a hug in greeting. 
“Feel a lot better compared to last year,” you joked, making her frown. 
“Your boss still giving you trouble?” 
Shrugging, you’d taken a seat, “nothing out of the ordinary. Seems like it’s part of his daily routine to annoy me.” 
She laughed, “I ordered our food already, if you don’t mind.” 
Shaking your head, you waved in dismissal, “no, yeah, I don’t mind. Thanks. Anyway, you look pretty good yourself, how’ve you been?” 
You didn’t miss the way she’d leaned closer to you, tucking her hair behind her ear in a pointed gesture, drawing your attention to the large gemstone on her ring. 
Your eyes widened, “no way.” 
She nodded, “I wanted to tell you sooner but you were so busy! I was glad enough I managed to squeeze in this lunch with you,” she told you, making you pout. 
“When’s the wedding?” You asked. 
“Next week. We’re going to have it in this beautiful church out of town, really really nice place,” she told you, “really romantic, too,” she added as an afterthought. 
You let out a deep sigh, “I hope you’re not going where I think you’re going with this.” 
She gave you a scandalised look, pausing as the waiter had come to deliver your food, “first of all, Brian has a lot of good-looking friends!” 
You gave her a look, prompting her to continue, “well, not that I’ve seen all of them but he tells me that a lot of them are single! And you know who else is single…” she pointed her finger towards you with an overly excited glint to her grin. 
“We’ve been through this a million times, Eujin. I’ve tried but it’s really hard to find a guy that’s willing to cope with… you know, my kind of schedule,” you gave her a tired (wistful) sigh, “and with my schedule, I doubt I have the time, not to mention the energy to date.” 
Eujin’s lips twisted into a frown, “but it’s been so long! Don’t you want to get back in the dating scene?” 
You scoffed, cutting into your food harshly before taking a bite. 
“Of course I do. But the last time I went on a date the guy basically shat on me for being a workaholic,” you huffed, “I mean, my boss’ working hours means my working hours, shouldn’t they just shit on him instead? Why is it my fault that he’s basically destroyed what I have left of a social life.” 
Eujin shot you a look of sympathy, “I’d say I pitied you, but it’s not like you can’t get a job anywhere else, you know?” 
You’d kept your mouth shut at that, “I know… it just… I can’t just leave when I’ve already gotten so used to how things work here.” 
Of course that was one reason, but you would never admit that there was a nagging inside of you that didn't trust Chris to look after himself if you weren't here, remembering how he'd overworked himself during a crucial period after he took over the company, and you'd found him passed out on his desk when you showed up to work that day. 
You'd sort of made a silent promise that as much as you didn't like him, you still cared for him in a way. In the way a secretary would care for her boss, totally. 
You decided to change the topic, not wishing to talk about your hopeless love life at the moment. 
“What’s the program gonna be like?” 
Eujin’s eyes lit up, setting her cutlery down as she clasped her hands together, “Okay, so. The plan is for it to be a sort of weekend-long thing,” she told you, holding her finger up. 
“Firstly, on Thursday night we’ll have a little girls night type thing, and then Friday is the rehearsal dinner, Saturday will kind of be a little rest day and then Sunday is the actual wedding,” she said, now holding up four fingers to you. 
Your head was spinning at the (rather enticing) thought of taking basically 4 days off of work, before the dread settled in that you had to ask Chris for permission to take those days off. 
“I hope my boss will let me take time off…” you murmured, already rehearsing in your head possible ways on how you could tell him. 
Eujin gave you a resolute look, “you can do it! If he says no just let me know, I’ll go over to your fancy office and fight whoever he is myself.” 
“How many days?” 
Chris had asked at your desk as he prepared to leave to meet his mom for lunch since she’d happened to be in the business district. 
You fiddled with your pen anxiously, “uh..4 days? Technically 3 and a half. But 2 of those are weekends I just need you to make sure you just don’t bother me on that weekend it’s a really important weekend.” 
Chris narrowed his eyes at you, unsure why you were so insistent on him leaving that weekend alone, nodding slowly. 
Whatever, he figured, she’s just lucky I’m busy that weekend too. 
“I swear I’ll—wait, you’re okay with it?” 
Chris shrugged, straightening his tie, “yeah. I’ve got something on that weekend too.” 
You let out a surprised hum, “oh… cool. Thanks…Mr Bang,” you added as a force of habit, not wanting to risk getting scolded for ‘insubordination’ again just because you didn’t call him by his honorific. 
Chris huffed, leaving before you could see his ears reddening. 
Over lunch, Chris’ mom had been inspecting him carefully as he ate, as if the answer to her worries lay in every piece of sushi he ate. 
“Is there something you’re not telling me? Are you… gay?” She asked, continuing, “because if you are you know you can just tell me, instead of constantly upsetting the girls I try to set you up with.” 
Chris gave her a unamused look, “mom, I’ve told you a thousand times. I would really love to date, but it’s hard to find someone with a similar work ethic as myself, that can keep up with my… lifestyle and who really understands my needs, you know?” 
This made Chris’ mom perk up, “that’s it! Why don’t you just date your secretary!” 
Chris almost choked on his sushi, fumbling to grab his glass of water to calm himself down and compose himself. 
“What,” he spoke between coughs, “gave you that idea?” 
His mom looked at him in disbelief, “whatever you just said, you were basically describing her, no? And plus, we’ve heard a lot of wonderful things about her from your uncle.”
Chris couldn’t help but entertain the possibility in his head. It was true, you did work at a very efficient pace with him, not to mention how spending almost everyday in such close contact with him made you understand his own needs and wants even better than he did on occasions. Chris shook his head, that wasn’t possible, right? You looked as though you’d absolutely hated him half the time, he’d be expecting too much from you if he’d expected you to fall for him. 
Chris shook his head, dismissing the thought from both him and his mom’s minds quickly, “no, mom. I’m fine with how things are between us right now.” 
Chris had let you leave the office earlier on Thursday, (much to your surprise) allowing you to have ample time to pack your bags and get a cab to the destination, Eujin having taken the liberty and helped you book your hotel beforehand. 
Upon reaching, you’d texted Eujin saying you’d reached. 
eujin 6:54pm -yay!! Lets just chill in one of our rooms, we can discuss it in the chatgroup!!- 
Trust her to be excitable even about the smallest things. 
You saw an incoming text from Seungmin. 
seungmin (personal)  6:54pm -what where r u I went over to find u but both u and Chris weren’t here- 
6:55pm -im at a friends wedding, took the weekend off-
seungmin (personal)  6:55pm -wow finally using your employee perks nvm then have fun- 
You’d checked in, marvelling at the cozy yet elegant look of the hotel as you made your way through the lobby, letting the lift take you up to your hotel room floor. 
Changing into more comfortable clothes, you’d seen the group chat saying to gather in Eujin’s room, with mentions of ordering pizza. Considering this was your first weekend away from work in a very, long while, you were determined to make the most of it, heading over to Eujin’s room. 
You hadn’t expected to be welcomed as warmly as you were, hearing comments of ‘we were so happy you could make it!’ Or ‘thank God you could take time off!’, sharing the same sentiments as them as you’d let Eujin pull you onto the bed, the softness of the sheets and pillows instantly making a content sigh leave you. 
“I ordered room service,” Eujin sing-songed, gesturing to the Champagne bottles and whatnot on the tray next to the bed. 
“I’ll have one,” you raised your hand, earning a laugh from one of your friends. 
“Tired from work?”  
You let out a loud groan, nodding. This made Eujin nod gravely, “I swear, if I ever see your boss in real life, I’m gonna give him a piece of my mind.” 
You scoffed, “you don’t even know what he looks like.” You’d gratefully accepted the glass of champagne that was handed to you. "and plus, he's not that bad, other than the fact that he finds joy in pissing me off. He just works too hard in my opinion." 
You’d spent your time enjoying the once chance you could relax to your heart’s content without feeling dread at having to wake up early the following day, enjoying yourself as you leant against the headboard of the bed, listening to stories about how they’ve been and how all of them were either planning on getting engaged soon, were in long-term relationships or already married. 
“You guys make me wanna get married too,” you pouted, earning bouts of laughter from them. 
“You’d have to actually date to do that, you know,” they told you pointedly, making you sigh. 
“You’re basically married to your job, already,” your friend chimed in, making you laugh. 
“Seems like that, doesn’t it? I was super shocked he’d let me have the weekend off, usually he’d be swarming me with emails about now.” 
“I’m excited to see Brian’s friends tomorrow, maybe there’ll be someone that catches your eye,” Eujin told you, making you shrug. 
“Just out of curiosity, though, what are you looking for in a guy? You know, we could help you keep an eye out too.” 
You hummed, shrugging. 
“I’ve never really thought of a specific…criteria I guess. I guess I’d just like someone that’s kind, looks out for me, doesn't underestimate me...sort of has the same lifestyle as me? Since it’s honestly been really hard to find someone that doesn’t hate my schedule.” 
You'd almost scoffed at the way your brain had refused to picture anyone else other than Chris while you thought about it, figuring it was probably because he was the only guy you were in constant contact with. 
Eujin looked at you resolutely, “we’ll do our best,” she held up a fist in an action to cheer you on. 
You shrugged, You figured maybe going into this with an open mind would do you some good. 
You changed the topic, directing the focus back to Eujin, “whatever, let’s just have fun, it’s your big day soon, let’s just celebrate!”
At the rehearsal dinner, you had yet to arrive, since you’d spent a little longer getting ready, choosing to use your opportunity to dress up a little more, not having the luxury to do so during your usual work days. 
You had texted Eujin that you were on the way with some of the other bridesmaids, her attention directed elsewhere when her fiancé had called her over. 
“Hey, wanted you to meet some of my friends from law school.” 
While being introduced, Eujin couldn’t help but wonder if they were single, remembering your mentioned criteria from the night before. 
“Oh, so are you guys all working in the law sector now?” 
Her husband shook his head, “All of them, except Chan here. He’s the ceo of Bang Mobile Media company.” 
Eujin’s eyes widened, glancing at the brown-haired boy cautiously, as if sizing him up. Y/N worked in a mobile company too, right? If she was remembering this correctly. Was it mobile or broadcasting? 
“Oh, wow. That’s impressive.” 
Eujin had let them introduce themselves more, not being able to help but think that Chan was nice, friendly, and rich on top of that? 
“I don’t get it, how are you single? You’re basically the whole package!” She wondered out loud, making Chan flush, giggling as he shook his head. 
Her husband seemed to have begged to differ, “Chan is incorrigible when it comes to his love life.” 
Eujin raised her eyebrows in surprise, not having expected someone so good-looking to have such a fate, “really? Is there a reason behind that?” 
“He’d never dated much, even back when he was in Australia. He was always super dedicated to his work,” this had served to make Eujin even more positive about this guy’s prospects as a suitor for you. 
“Oh my god, you’re exactly like one of my friends, I should totally introduce her to you when she comes later.” 
“Hey, cut him some slack,” one of his friends had spoken up, “Chan can’t cheat on his job.” 
Eujin felt her phone vibrate signalling a notification, pulling it out to see that you’d arrived already, excusing herself and practically running over to the entrance of the venue. “Chan, you stay put, I have just the perfect girl to introduce you to!” 
“Y/N! You have to come quick, I think I found the perfect guy for you.” 
Your eyes widened, clutching onto the chain of your bag as you followed her into the room. 
“He’s really nice, and friendly, and he’s good-looking! Really cute dimples! And on top of that he’s loaded. I’m so excited for you to meet him.” 
Letting her drag you along, you’d distracted yourself with the atmosphere of the area, wondering just how much it would cost to book a venue like this, tugging down your dress that was hiking up from practically running after Eujin. 
“Hey, I have someone I’d like you to meet. Chan, this is Y/N,” Eujin chirped, the names causing the both of your heads to shoot up, locking eyes with each other as a feeling of doom built in the pit of your stomach. 
Your eyes widened in panic, glancing down at your attire, back to him, who was dressed in a flowy black shirt that you were sure cost more than your one week’s pay, the top few buttons of his shirt undone to reveal a simple silver necklace, and fitted black pants, your gaze landing on the small silver rings on his ears, almost feeling as though you were looking at a different person. 
Chris thought so too, seeming to have the same panic as you as he tried not to let his gaze linger too long on your dress, nodding his head at you in greeting, “nice to uh…meet you.” 
His ears had felt hot as you nodded back at him, almost startling when Eujin had cheered, leaning over to whisper to you, “I’ll make sure you guys get to sit next to each other.” 
You were about to protest when she’d left, leaving you standing at the bar with Chris. 
“So, Y/N, how do you know the bride to be?” 
You gulped, wanting to slap yourself for how your gaze had kept returning to Chris, unable to shake the feeling of needing to be in work-mode now with his presence before you. 
“Oh, uh, we were friends since college,” you answered simply. 
“Cool, did you guys have the same major?” Chris had to stop himself from glaring at his friend, a strange feeling inside of him as he recognised the look on his friend’s face and his posture to be that which he used whenever he was interested in a girl. 
You shook your head, “uh, not quite. I majored in law but she majored in journalism.” You tried to respond as calmly as you could, not being able to shake Chris’ gaze off of you, feeling as though at any moment he was going to call you out for something you weren’t even aware of.
You saw the guy practically light up at the mention of law. 
“Woah, that’s really coincidental. All of us met in law school,” he gestured to the group of them, making you laugh nervously. 
“Where are you guys um… dates?” You asked, immediately regretting the question when you saw the way Chris was practically glaring at you. 
You didn’t understand why he was glaring at you, wasn’t it a valid question? 
“We didn’t bring dates, unfortunately. Did you?” 
You shook your head, making Chris snort. “Does it look like she brought a date? She literally came in alone.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, unsure where his spitefulness was coming from, especially when his friend was just trying to make conversation with you. 
You scoffed, folding your arms. “Yeah, pity. Maybe I’d have time to date if I wasn’t always so busy running around doing shit for my boss,” you cast a pointed glance at him, bringing a hand up to nonchalantly run it through your hair. 
Chris smirked, two could play at this game.
“Same here, I’d probably have the time to date too if my secretary wasn’t always causing trouble.” 
“Your secretary?” His friend spoke up, “I heard from someone she was pretty cute, and nice too.” 
You’d almost wanted to agree, realising that if you did it would put you in a pretty compromising position, simply acting surprised. 
“If I had a secretary like that, I’d just date her,” one of his friends had spoken up, making your eyes widen, wracking your brain for possible responses. 
“Who knows, are you a workaholic?” You asked pointedly, earning amused grunts and laughs from his friends, “ah… it’d be too bad if I was your secretary, then. I absolutely can’t stand dating workaholics.” 
Chris narrowed his eyes at you, the both of you knowing you were just as bad at him, replying calmly, “oh, you can’t stand dating workaholics? Me neither.” 
You were thankful that Eujin had given you a small break when she'd invited everyone to take their seats so dinner could be served, wincing when you'd ended up sitting next to Chris out of habit, momentarily forgetting that you weren't attending a networking session. 
You'd hoped and prayed that you wouldn't slip up more than you already did. As much as you'd wanted to spite him, he was still your boss, and you knew he'd give you an earful for even the slightest hint of disrespect ( which you were sure you'd surpassed already ). 
Focusing on the gorgeous food they'd served you, you saw the waiter pick up the bottle of wine, pouring it for you. 
Having been oblivious, the waiter was about to pour a glass for Chris as well, making your secretary-instincts kick in, your arm darting across Chris to stop the waiter in time. 
"No, Mr Bang, you shouldn't drink that." 
Chris would have looked fairly amused if he wasn't stressed out by your proximity, with you practically leaning over him to speak to the waiter. 
You'd cursed internally, wincing at the way Chan's friend had looked at you, tilting his head in confusion. 
"Mr Bang? And how do you know his alcohol preference?" 
Chris let out a nervous giggle as you straightened up, "uh...well um like...you know it's a really funny story actually... we're um..." 
Not being able to bear his awkward fumbling any longer, you'd butt in, "We work in the same company. Yeah." 
You were lucky his friend had bought it, simply nodding in understanding, "no wonder, you guys were being so weird just now." 
Chris scoffed, "what weird?" 
You turned around in your chair, pretending to pick up your bag, "stop, you're making it worse," you murmured so he could hear you, making him bring his glass of water to his lips. 
One of your girl friends had spoken up, halfway through the meal, "wait, i just realised. If you guys work in the same office, then you must know her boss right? That dude is crazy. We all thought it was a miracle that she could take time off for the wedding," 
You glared at your friend, trying to subtly shake your head in your attempt to stop her, but she was oblivious, "she doesn't like it when we badmouth him but it's true! Ever since she started working for him it's like her social life just disappeared. Her boss is always her first priority." 
You'd never related more to how people said they wished the ground would swallow you whole. Looking down at your food, you'd tried to remain nonchalant about it, but Chris who was next to you was looking at your friend with wide eyes. 
"Oh, really? What else does she say about him?" 
You laughed nervously, waving your hands in dismissal, "nothing that concerns you."
Chris turned to you, dropping his volume to a murmur, "is that so? because i'm hearing all this and i'm getting the feeling it definitely concerns me." 
You let out a huff of anxious laughter, bringing your glass to your lips, consuming your drink in sips because your boss was sitting next to you, but secretly wishing you could down it all in one go. 
Soon enough, all your anxious sipping had made you reach an empty glass, the waiter coming over to refill it for you, earning an eyebrow raise from Chris. 
"Leave me alone," you huffed. 
Chris simply laughed, "what? I didn't say anything." 
You'd tried to pay attention to the proceedings of the wedding rehearsal, and after dessert was served people had started to mingle around more, the drinks having started to kick in as you'd felt a lot more relaxed. 
It was safe to say Eujin was as well, going around to talk to the guests and thank them for coming out of town for the celebrations. 
Soon enough, you were almost done with your fourth glass, oblivious to the way Chris was looking at you, impressed yet concerned. Feeling skinny arms drape over your shoulders, you turned your head to see none other than Eujin, cooing at you affectionately. 
"Tell your boss a huge thank you for letting you have this weekend. I couldn't even get to see you on my birthday or for the engagement party, but i'm so so glad you're here now." 
You couldn't help but glance at Chris, knowing that you'd missed both of those events because you were helping him with something. The first being when he'd almost overworked himself enough to warrant a visit to the hospital since he hadn't been sleeping or eating well (after that, you swore you'd make sure this man was getting his three meals if you could help it), and the second time being when you had to accompany him to a keynote session out of town. 
You were starting to think maybe there was a little more to unpack behind your reasons why you stayed working for Chris Bang. Your only consolation at this point of time being that the rehearsal dinner was ending soon, meaning that you could finally escape the suffocating tension you were feeling. 
"Wanna hitch a ride back together? I drove here." 
You'd almost declined, feeling as if you didn't have a right to be in his car if it wasn't work-related. Chris had seemed to sense your hesitation, simply not waiting for a reply and walking off, hoping his smile wasn't too obvious when he'd heard you jogging to meet his pace. 
He'd surprised you even more when he'd opened the passenger door for you, shutting it gently after you'd gotten in. 
You'd given in to the comfort of his car almost immediately, more-so when Chris had gone to take something from the boot of his car, getting into the driver's seat and draping the soft blanket over your lap. 
"The drive back's pretty long, might wanna make yourself comfortable." 
And you were comfortable, very comfortable. Chris had started to play some music from his playlist, something about his behaviour almost making you forget that he was the same boss that had worked you to the bone for over a year. 
"I'm sorry," you suddenly spoke, once you were in the city, "about what my friends said," you weren't sure where all your courage was coming from, maybe it was the many glasses of wine, but whatever it was, it was putting Chris in an awfully reflective mood. 
"And what I said," you added as an afterthought. 
Chris took his lower lip between his teeth, shaking his head, “nah, don’t worry about it.”
Obviously, that seemed too good to be true, and you’d looked over at his expression in your attempt to figure out if he was being sincere. He was definitely gonna fire you. 
“I’m not gonna fire you, if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m just kind of…like, you know, wondering,” he began, “the uh… engagement party and the birthday party that you um… you know, that you missed. Were they both because of me?” 
You pursed your lips, nodding, “but it wasn’t your fault, you know. The first one was when you’d passed out… you know, at the office, remember?” 
He nodded, prompting you to continue, “the next one was a keynote session that I had to follow you to.” 
Chris gulped, his throat feeling dry all of a sudden. This whole time he wouldn’t have guessed you’d been giving up these things for him from how willing you’d seemed to work. Was this considered neglecting the needs of my employee? Probably. But whatever it was, Chris knew that he was being harsh on you more for his own sake than yours, but he was only starting to realise now that that might not have been such a good tactic.
Chris was already pulling into the hotel, stopping at the valet services as you’d slung your bag over your shoulder, Chris coming out to open your door for you, making you grimace, feeling as though you should've been the one to open it for him. 
Walking into the hotel lobby, you'd glanced at your phone, seeing as Eujin had texted you tomorrow's plans, "did you get the schedule for tomorrow? I can forward it to you-" 
Chris let a giggle escape him, nodding, "you know they would've sent it to me too, right?" 
Your lips parted in realisation, nodding as you went over to press the lift button before he could even reach over to do so, "right, forgot." 
You were sure it was something about your intoxicated state that was making you instinctively go into work mode, whatever relaxation you thought you would be getting on this weekend now seeming all too far from reach. 
"Uh... I can check what time the hotel serves breakfast and arrange for something to be sent to your room if you want-" 
"Y/N," his tone was enough to make you straighten up, goosebumps rising on your skin for some reason. 
Chris was looking at you in amusement, one hand shoved into his pocket, "you're not working, remember? This is your rest weekend." 
Your eyebrows knit in a frown, chewing on your lip as you averted your gaze, "I know but it's just... like I didn't expect to see you here and now that you are I can't help but feel like I'm at work or something," you'd turned to wonder what was taking the elevator so long, watching as the numbers had gone lower and lower, completely skipping your floor and heading to the carpark. 
"You know what? How about this," he began, pausing momentarily when you heard the elevator ding, stepping inside the empty elevator and pushing your floor button, your heart almost stopping when he hadn't made to press any button. 
"You're on the 14th floor too?" He nodded. 
"Anyway, as I was saying. To make things easier for you, let's just pretend we don't know each other, that i'm not your boss, you're not my secretary. We're just... two people that met at a wedding? You don't have to do anything for me as long as we're here, hmm?" he offered, seeming to sense your hesitance 
"Look, I'll go first," he stretched his hand out as if to ask for a handshake, "hello, nice to meet you, i'm Chan." 
He nodded, "my friends call me Chan. People only call me Chris at work." 
You'd brought your hand up slowly, grasping his in yours, the cold metal of his rings against your skin more obvious when he'd given your hand a small squeeze. 
"Nice to meet you, Chan. I'm Y/N?" you tried, looking at him for approval and earning a nod from him, trying your best to ignore the way he was smiling. 
"Yes, that's your name," he laughed. 
Letting go of his hand, you were thankful the elevator had reached your floor without any interruptions, realising just how lucky you were to have not bumped into him earlier on as he'd continued walking with you to your room, gesturing to the door opposite your room with wide eyes. 
"My room's here." 
You made to take out your hotel room key, hearing him clear his throat, and you'd turned around rapidly to face him, strangely eager to know what he was about to say. 
"Say, Y/N, I'd love to, you know, get to know you more. What do you think about getting brunch with me tomorrow?” 
You opened and closed your mouth for lack of a response. This was inappropriate, right? But then again, you weren’t working this weekend. And technically, in this situation, Chan wasn’t your boss. So, there was nothing to lose. 
You nodded, “Yeah. That sounds…nice.” 
“Sounds kind of suspicious if you asked me,” you heard Seungmin’s voice over the speaker, making you sigh. You were already ready, lounging on your bed as if to mentally prepare yourself for a stupid lunch. 
“Right? I don’t know what he’s trying to get out of this.” 
Seungmin knew. But it’s not as if he was going to tell you, no, that was Chan’s job not his. Frankly, he’d had enough of listening to the both of you whine about your apparent personal vendetta against each other. He watched his fair share of movies, Seungmin knew how these things worked. 
“Maybe it’ll give you a chance to actually talk to each other like normal human beings instead of just bickering all the time for no reason.” 
“I have a reason, I’ll have you know.” 
Seungmin scoffed, “really? Enlighten me, then.”
You’d fumbled for a reason, stuttering in your failure to find something that validated your annoyance towards Chan. 
“I don’t know, his dimples are stupid.” 
Seungmin wanted to laugh, “so you’re telling me, you just can’t stand him because of his stupid dimples?” 
Your attention was diverted when you’d felt your phone vibrate, signalling an incoming text from Chan. 
boss  11:20am -meet u outside your hotel room in 10?- 
“Shit, he wants to meet me in 10 minutes.” 
Seungmin shrugged, “10 minutes is more than enough time for you to come up with a less shitty reason why you don’t like him. Or for you to realise that you don’t actually hate him.” 
You scoffed, burying your face into your sheets as you thought of a reason. 
“Okay, I’ve got it. I just don’t like how he treats everyone so nicely and then treats me like I’m some incompetent kid.” 
“You know for a fact he doesn’t think you’re incompetent. He literally trusts you more than he does the other staff.” 
You scoffed, “yeah, whatever. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s so condescending about it, he thinks of me i’m some kid that doesn’t know anything.” 
Seungmin snorted, remembering the incident where Chan had asked him to tell you to button up your blouse after the directors behaviour during a meeting. 
“Oh, he definitely doesn’t see you as a kid,” Seungmin cackled, earning an eye roll from you.
Glancing at the time, you saw how it was almost 11:30, “okay, I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.” 
Ending the call, you’d slung your small bag around your shoulder, giving one last glance at your appearance in the mirror in the bathroom before leaving your hotel room, startling when you’d spotted Chan there. 
Dressed in a black pullover and jeans, Chan smiled at you, bringing a hand up to touch his ear, “morning,” he greeted. 
“Good morning,” you huffed nervously.
He’d already begun walking, making you follow beside him, “did you get a good sleep?” 
His eyebrows raised at your question, nodding at you. His hair was curlier than usual, not styled up like you usually saw. “you?” 
You nodded, following him in silence as you’d gone down the list, realising he’d pressed the ground floor instead of where they were serving food on the 3rd floor. 
“You pressed the wrong floor,” you began, not expecting to see the pleading smile on his face.
“Actually, I was thinking of bringing you to this place nearby, I’ve been there before and it’s pretty good.” 
Your first thought was to wonder if it was expensive, knowing that this time you didn’t have the company card to fall back on. 
“Is it expensive?” You asked, seeing him shrug. 
“Not really.” 
Only when you’d reached the area did you realise how much of an understatement Chan made. The restaurant was a small cozy-looking place that served food that you’d only heard of up till now, located along a line of boutiques selling unusual trinkets and handmade items. 
Upon reaching, you and Chan had been led up upstairs to an outdoor seating area of the restaurant, the view of the scenery accompanied with the breeze instantly putting you in a relaxed mood. 
“Do you like it?” He asked, almost sounding nervous. 
Nodding reassuringly, you’d wanted to run away when you saw the way he’d walked over to where you were, pulling your chair out for you to sit on, making you flush. Never in your life would you have thought your boss would be pulling out your chair for you.
“You know, you don’t have to do that,” you told him, using the menu to hide your face from view, pulling it down slightly to watch how he’d rest his forearm on the table, scanning through the menu with a smirk on his face, his (stupid) dimples appearing on his cheeks. 
“I wanted to. You’d never let me do it for you on any other occasion.” 
You had to admit that there was some truth to what you were saying, choosing to change the subject by telling him you’d decided on what you wanted to eat, choosing something that was still within your budget for the weekend. 
Beckoning the waiter over, Chan pushed his sleeves up to his elbows as he ordered for the both of you, the waiter asking what drinks you would want, a teasing smile on Chan’s face when you’d insisted on water.
“What?” You scoffed, earning a shake of the head from him. 
You’d leant back in your seat, about to tie your hair up into a ponytail, hearing the buzzing of your phone, reading the caller id to see that it was your mom trying to video call you. 
Sitting up quickly, you were about to excuse yourself when Chan had reached over, swiping to answer the call as he lifted the phone, pointing it towards you, his other hand beckoning for you to continue. 
“Hey, mom,” you spoke through gritted teeth, your rubber band between your teeth as you worked quickly to bunch your hair into a ponytail, Chan wanting to slap himself with how his ears had started to feel hot. 
“Hey, honey. Where are you? I called the office but they said you were on leave?” 
You secured your hair, taking the phone from Chan with a grateful murmur of ‘thanks’, making your mother’s eyes narrow, “who are you with?” 
“I’m attending Eujin’s wedding this weekend. I’m just uh…with a friend.” 
Chan looked away to clear his throat, catching your mom’s attention, “guy? I thought you told me you weren’t dating anyone.” 
This had caught Chan’s attention, having remembered Seungmin telling him that you’d broken up with your boyfriend. 
“No, yeah, mom it’s just a friend. Can I call you later?” 
Your mom’s eyebrows lifted, looking at you with a cheeky smile on her face, “oh, oh. Yes, of course you can. Have fun, baby.” 
You hung up quickly, shoving your phone back into your bag, looking up at Chan in question as to why he looked so surprised. 
“Your mom doesn’t know you have a boyfriend?” He asked, as if wanting that confirmation for himself, not feeling comfortable with pursuing his feelings if you were still in a relationship. 
You shook your head, “no uh…I broke up with my boyfriend a long time ago.” 
Chan’s lips pursed, nodding, “oh… sorry.” 
You shook your head, not being able to help a breathy laugh from leaving you, “don’t be. He was…it was for the best.” 
“D’you mind if I ask why? You don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to, I’m just kind of…curious.” 
You shrugged, not feeling as inclined to hide the information, since it was in the past now. 
“Nah he just… our schedules always clashed and I was always too tired by the end of the day to go out to find him and I guess it like, you know, sort of reached a point where I started prioritising my work and it didn’t work out.” 
Chan nodded slowly, the waiter coming over to serve you your food, “go ahead, you can start eating first.” 
You shook your head, insisting on waiting for his food to arrive before starting. “But I’m honestly fine now, it’s been more than a year since we broke up.” 
Chan huffed in amusement, “is that why you said you can’t stand dating workaholics?” 
Your giggles bubbled out of you, “honestly, I only said that to spite you. I’d much rather date someone that understands my schedule and reaches a compromise with me instead of just always expecting me to drop everything at their beck and call.” 
Chan nodded, “I get that. Yeah, work is important and all but… I feel like if you really loved someone you’d find any moment you could to be with them. Well, for me at least.” 
You laughed, “kind of hard, when we spend almost every waking moment with each other.” 
You’d looked up from your food when Chan hadn’t responded, the waiter finally coming over to serve his food, though his expression remained, looking at you as though he’d wanted to say something. 
“yeah,” he huffed eventually, starting to eat his food. 
You’d shocked yourself with how comfortable you were in his presence with the knowledge that you weren’t working. This was what you wanted, wasn’t it? To have Chris treat you nicely like how he did the other employees. Only now you were realising how easy it was to catch feelings for him just from this one change. 
Maybe you were kind of thankful he made it easier for you to hate him previously. 
It was true that you understood him better than most, and that he understood you as well, knowing what got on your nerves and what didn’t, how you worked and how you responded to things. Albeit there were a few things he still didn’t understand, you couldn’t deny that Chan was well-liked in the office for a reason, and you were beginning to experience that reason for yourself. 
Chris had been mulling over what his mother had told him about you, wondering if you were feeling the same tension that he was even as you talked about pointless things that made you wonder why you hadn’t talked about them sooner. 
Not that it was a bad kind of tension (or maybe it was), but it was akin to the feeling of knowing that you would both have to confront a realisation soon. 
“Are you doing anything tonight?” He asked as you were heading back to the car, earning a shrug from you. 
“My friends wanted to have some kind of girls night thing, you?” 
He sighed, nodding, “same, the guys and I are going out for drinks.” 
You shot him a look, “drinks?” 
He laughed, shaking his head, “I can hold my alcohol, I just choose not to drink.” 
Your eyes widened, “and I’m only finding this out now because? Do you remember when I had to drink your drinks for you during the first networking session because you lied to me and told me you couldn’t drink that!”
Chan flushed, “I wasn’t lying, technically. I really couldn’t drink that, I don’t like white wine.” 
You shot him a harmless glare, this time, letting him open the door for you as you got into the passenger’s seat. 
“Don’t drink too much tonight, yeah?” He gave you an amused huff as he started the engine of the car. 
“You too,” you held your pinky out for him to make a promise. 
Chan nodded, linking his pinky with yours as he leaned closer to you, “deal.” 
You’d heard the sound of beeping at your door that night, wondering what all the ruckus was all about, getting out of bed, taking your hotel room key and pausing the show you were watching on your phone, making your way over to your door carefully. 
“Why isn’t the card working?” You heard a tell-tale Australian accent muffled through the door, looking through the peephole to see a head of messy brown hair, looking as though Chan was leaning against the door. 
Opening the door slowly, you’d acted quickly to grab Chan by the shoulders to steady him before he could stumble forward, the confused boy holding up his hotel key and looking at you in confusion. 
“This isn’t my room?” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, turning him around as you’d ushered him a few steps forward to his hotel room door, “this,” you pointed at the door, “is your room, Chan.” 
He giggled, “you called me ‘Chan’.” 
Taking his hand, you scanned his hotel key, bringing him into his room, finding it awfully neat (unlike yours), smoothly guiding him to his bed and letting him flop onto it. 
Letting out a sigh, you couldn’t help but to feel rather endeared, seeing him open his eyes slowly to look at you, tilting his head. 
“Sorry, I promised I wouldn’t drink so much.” 
You shook your head, reaching over him to grab at his blanket, your movements ceasing abruptly when you’d felt his hand on your back as you hovered over him, his hand moving from your back to your head, patting it gently. 
Pulling the blanket up harshly in your panic to cover him, straightening up as quickly as you could. 
“Shut up, go to sleep. Goodnight,” you said, hurriedly exiting the hotel room and going back to your room, closing the door behind you and trying to calm your rapid heartbeat. 
The next time you’d seen him was at the hotel lobby, where you’d agreed to meet him so you could head to the wedding venue together. Chan had come down wearing a nice suit, something you were more used to seeing him in, his hair styled up in a familiar manner. 
Greeting each other, you’d both decided to pretend the night before hadn’t occurred. With you being one of the bridesmaids and Chan being one of the groomsmen, you were separated almost immediately upon reaching the venue, with him having to help his friend while you helped Eujin. 
“A little birdie told me you came together with Chan,” she sing-songed. 
You scoffed, “aren’t brides usually supposed to be freaking out by now?” 
“Don’t change the topic! So, did you guys hang out yesterday?” 
You shrugged, “yeah, I guess we did.” 
She narrowed her eyes at you, “so? Is there a verdict?” 
You went behind her to take her bouquet, handing it to her as you waved her off in dismissal. 
“Too early to tell,” you lied. 
“Stop avoiding the question! Or else I’ll just have to ask Chan myself,” she huffed sulkily, making your eyes widen. 
“No, don’t do that! Okay, fine. It’s good. He’s nice.” 
Even Eujin’s makeup artist was giving you a knowing look now, making you cower under their gaze. 
“Shut up, focus on your wedding, please.” 
You wished you could’ve done some focusing for yourself, with Chan’s friends nudging him when you’d gone to the back of the church to line up with the groomsmen, all of them seeming to have conspired to let you walk with Chan. 
“Why do you look more nervous than the bride?” He teased, holding his arm out for you to take, making you roll your eyes, bringing your hand up to grasp his arm. 
“You’re delusional.” 
Okay, maybe he wasn’t. You wished you could’ve taken your advice, having been distracted throughout almost the entire ceremony, your gaze constantly flickering over to Chan, and you were sure he’d noticed too, with the way he would smirk and avert his gaze to the floor in his attempt to stop himself from laughing. 
Shouldn’t he be the one that was nervous? He was the one that had shown up drunk at your hotel room. 
After the ceremony had ended and you were all done taking photos with the bride and groom, Chan had offered you a ride to the reception venue, and you’d accepted, not knowing that you would’ve had to squeeze in a car full of his friends too. 
Sitting at the passenger’s seat (thankfully), you’d prayed for the ride to be shorter as his friends had started to question you and Chan. 
“Is there something going on with you two?” 
“None of your business,” Chan sing-songed, only serving to spur his friends on even more, your eyes widening when you’d heard one of his friends murmur.
“Wait, but didn’t he say he had a thing for his secretary?” 
Your hand went up to cover your mouth as discreetly as you could, clutching the bag of your wedding gift for Eujin and her husband and looking out of the window in your attempt to keep your composure. 
Chan had seemed to share your sentiments, his eyes widening as he panicked behind the steering wheel, his mind racing with things he could possibly do to prevent you from hearing what his friends were so freely spouting.
“Oh, did he? Then there can’t be anything going on with her, right?” 
Chan had reached over to turn the volume of the music up, much to your fortune, not knowing if you would’ve been able to handle hearing them talk more about Chan’s love life. 
Eujin wasn’t kidding when she said that she’d make you and Chan sit next to each other, and you’d ended up at a table with Chan nearer to the front, with a few of your friends and their partners. Watching Eujin and her husband enter the hall, you’d been filled with excitement at how happy she had looked, clapping and cheering for them along with the rest of the guests. 
Once they were seated, Eujin and her husband had begun to make their own speeches, thanking the respective groups of people for coming, and you didn’t miss her pointed mention of how she hoped the guests would use this time to get to know each other as well. 
The way Eujin had done things was that dinner was served so that the guests could listen to the speeches and enjoy their meals at the same time, which you didn’t mind since you were absolutely starving. 
You didn’t miss the way Chan had been subtly looking out for you during the dinner, like how he would casually ask if you needed anything whenever he would get up to go to the bar, or how he’d brushed your hair behind your ear so it wouldn’t get into your food (not without a tut of his tongue), earning many surprised looks from your friends which he was oblivious to. 
You figured he was really making use of the ‘let’s pretend we don’t know each other’ thing as an excuse to be nice to you, not that you were complaining.  
You glanced at your phone, skimming over the texts that one of the intern secretaries had sent you to ask you for help, making your friend curious. 
“Is that your boss?” 
You shook your head, “nah it’s just one of the interns asking me for help with something,” you shrugged, setting your utensils down as you swiped into your email app, ready to clarify the problem for her, making Chan furrow his eyebrows in annoyance. 
Reaching over, he’d taken your phone from you, locking it and dropping it back into your bag, ignoring your look of confusion. 
“Hey, I was just gonna email her!” 
“They’re not supposed to be asking you to do things for them while you’re on leave. No working, this is your rest weekend.” 
You’d shut your mouth at that, deciding that it wouldn’t do you any well to go against him, wanting to pull your phone out to just read the emails but dropping your phone back when you saw the look he gave you daring you to continue. 
Your friend had seemed to be fairly amused by your exchange, shooting a look at Chan, “wow, now I’m really glad you’re here. You’re the only one so far that’s managed to stop her from checking on her work when she’s supposed to be resting.” 
You scoffed. Yeah, because the source of your work was sitting right next to you in a stupid suit. 
“Good to know,” he gave you a knowing smile, making you direct your attention back the waiters, seeing that they were serving desserts now. 
“Your friends make me sound like i’m a hard-ass,” he leaned closer to you to murmur, making you smile, nodding. 
“Well, they’re not entirely wrong,” you drawled, making Chan scoff, though not being able to help the laugh from leaving him. 
He nodded slowly, his expression looking fairly amused, “I’ll keep that in mind.” 
You wondered just for a moment if he was only being nice to you for the sake of his own conscience (though Seungmin would beg to differ). And by the late afternoon, you were already starting to feel drowsy from the afternoon weather, the skies darkening as though it were about to rain. Chan had figured it would be good to start heading back. 
After you’d bid goodbye to Eujin, who seemed more than eager for you to leave together with Chan, Chan had offered to drive a few of his friends back to the hotel together with you, and thankfully this time they hadn’t mentioned anything about his love life. 
“Tired?” Chan huffed with a smile, glancing at you momentarily before fixing his gaze back on the road. 
“Yeah,” you murmured, yawning. 
“You should get some sleep when you get back to the hotel.” 
You nodded, “you too.” 
Chan nodded patronisingly, earning a huff from you, too tired to bicker with him. something in him stirring at how he could’ve been acting like this with you a lot earlier if he wasn’t always masking his concern with rude phrasing. 
His mom sure was gonna be excited the next time he updates her. 
You hadn’t gotten as much of a rejuvenating sleep as you would’ve liked, reality having kicked in that you were back to work tomorrow, the feeling lingering unsettlingly in your chest as you tried to make the most of the rest of your night. Somehow, you’d found your way to the lounge in the hotel, though that didn’t help much in lessening your dread for tomorrow seeing as the only other people here were people working on their laptops.
You figured it was not so much of dreading work than dreading Chan’s change in personality once he went back to being your boss. 
Letting your head rest on the stiff cushion of the chair you were sitting on, you’d fiddled with your phone, texting Seungmin about what had happened today. 
You’d almost startled in your seat when you saw someone take a seat next to you, turning to see Chan, his tie long gone as his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, his hair already falling out of place as he simply looked at you. 
Raising your eyebrows in a silent question as to ask why he was here, he scoffed, looking away from you but failing to hide the reddening of his ears, “shut up, I just didn’t feel like sitting with a stranger.” 
You huffed in amusement, “did you take a nap?” 
Chan shook his head, “nah, just finished a conference call.” 
Your eyes widened, “wait, why didn’t you tell me? I was doing nothing this whole time—“ 
Chan shook his head in dismissal, “you were tired. I told you, this is your rest time, I’m not allowed to touch it.” 
You frowned, your mind racing with thoughts on how tomorrow could possibly go, looking at the carpet with a hint of a pout on your face, “yeah, and then tomorrow, everything goes back to normal.” 
Chan inhaled deeply, leaning back in his seat as he turned his head to look at you, his hands clasped and resting on his lap. 
“It doesn’t have to, you know… like…” he shrugged, “if you don’t want it to.” 
Your lips parted, unsure how to respond to the implications of his words, unsure how to even process his words. 
“It’d be… unprofessional for me to continue to act like… this towards my boss.” 
Chan raised an eyebrow at you, shrugging, looking at you with an unreadable expression. 
“I think I’m way past being professional already when it comes to you.” 
You’d sworn the air had felt thicker, something about the way the night mood had felt, or how the music in the lounge had succeeded in relaxing you, but something inside of you was telling you to just do it, to lean forward and kiss him. And probably promptly resign the next day out of embarrassment. 
You stood up quickly, “oh, I think my cab’s here, I have to go,” you lied blatantly, Chan not making any move to stop you, simply lifting a hand to wave you off with a tired smile on his face. 
“Go, go. See you at work tomorrow.” 
“Can’t we ask Y/N to ask him?” The secretaries and interns were currently huddled in the pantry, having gathered to discuss how great it would be to have a field day soon.
“But Y/N’s equally as scary as him!” One of the interns spoke up, making the secretaries hum thoughtfully. 
You’d stepped into the pantry, walking through the secretaries to retrieve a juice packet for Chan. 
“Hey, what’s up?” You asked, one of the secretaries turning to you with a resolute look on her face. 
“Y/N, do you think you could um… like, you know, ask President Bang if we could arrange for a team outing soon? Like a field day or something, just as a break for the staff. We haven’t had one in so long!” 
You tilted your head at them in amusement, “why don’t you guys just ask him? He’s in his office now, I can go tell him you guys wan—“ 
“No, no! It’s different, you’re the only one that can convince him. We tried last month but he’d just told us he’d think about it.” 
You shrugged, nodding, “alright, sure. I’ll go and ask him.” 
Making your way back to his office, you’d tried to ignore your nerves as you knocked on the door, opening it to reveal Chan who was on the phone, holding up a finger to you to signal you to wait. 
Walking over to him, you’d placed the juice packet on his desk in front of him, earning a smile and a grateful nod from him, before he’d switched back to a serious expression. 
“No, yes, of course. We would want nothing more than to ensure a… mutually beneficial agreement between our companies.” 
You didn’t have to ask to know who he was talking to. Chan had been trying to negotiate a deal with one of the shareholders, since they had been trying to propose to get Chan to merge with another prominent electronics company in the industry. 
You knew Chan was more than annoyed, but he had no choice but to be civil with the president of the company since they did have many shares in the company from the time his uncle was in charge. 
“Yes, we can discuss this more in person over lunch, how does that sound? Yep. Alright, bye.” Chan sighed, setting the phone down and leaning his palms on the table, supporting himself with a pained look on his face, looking up at you with a pout. 
“I really don’t like him.” 
Chan sighed, “same here.” 
“Anyway, I’m glad you came here, I kind of wanted to talk to you about something.” 
“What?” You asked, watching as he’d fiddled with the papers on his desk. 
“Uh… I won’t ask you to handle things outside of work for me anymore.” 
Your eyes widened, “is this because of what my friends said? Because I’m honestly fine it doesn’t matter,” you shook your head, seeing him scrunch his nose. 
“It may not matter to you but I’m personally not fine with it,” he pressed his lips together. “Really, I mean it. Whatever I ask you to help me with from here on is only gonna be work-related.” 
You nodded. Was he trying to distance himself from me? Was it because of the trip? 
Your lips pulled into a frown, nodding more to yourself than to him, “okay…uh anyway I wanted to ask you um… the secretaries were wondering if we could have like a field day or something soon? Like just as a small break for the staff?” 
Chan shot you a look, knowing they’d asked you to ask him. 
“Do you want that?” He asked, earning a nod from you. 
“Yeah, I guess. It’d be fun to just have a day for staff bonding and all…” 
Chan shrugged, “alright, tell them to go ahead and arrange it.” 
Your eyes widened, finding the exchange to have went a lot more smoother than expected. 
“Will you be needing me for anything else?” 
He looked at you as if in thought, taking his lower lip between his teeth and letting it go, shaking his head, “other than to help me book an appointment with President Kim, nothing else.” 
You nodded slowly, exiting the room. 
By only asking you for work-related things, you’d expected your work-load to decrease, but it seemed as though you were currently having the most uneventful day you’d ever had. Other than drafting proposals for the President of the electronics company, there wasn’t much on your plate. 
You’d figured you would’ve been a lot busier tending to Chan’s requests but the boy had barely come out of his office, the only times he did being to head to the washroom, barely casting a glance in your direction when he walked past you. 
As if that wasn’t strange enough, he’d even let you have a longer lunch break, much to Seungmin’s amusement. 
“Doesn’t being in the legal team sound a lot more enticing now? At least you’d be doing something there.” 
You rolled your eyes, “I still have quite a bit of research to do, so no thank you.” 
“Admit it, you’re only staying because you can’t bear to leave Chan.” 
You’d almost choked on your drink, patting your chest to regain your composure, “where the hell did you get that idea from?” 
Seungmin scoffed, “you act like you didn’t call me a thousand times during the trip to tell me about things he did.” 
You’d fallen silent at that, averting your gaze. 
“Whatever,” you scoffed. 
“Isn’t it misconduct, though? If I were to date him.” 
Seungmin shook his head with an amused snort leaving him, “what are we in, the stone ages? Go wild, literally nobody cares. They’ll probably be happy if you manage to get him to be less of a hard-ass,” Seungmin told you, glancing into his cup to see how much drink he had left, “god knows when was the last time he got laid.” 
You flushed, shoving Seungmin, “how can you say that?” 
“What? It’s true!” 
You gave him a dismayed glare, standing up with a sigh as you straightened out your skirt, glancing at the time on your phone. 
“I should probably be heading back now, I’ve got work to do,” you gave Seungmin a pointed look, pulling him up from the bench. 
“I don’t wanna go back to work,” Seungmin let out a loud strangled sound of protest, his shoes stomping on the wooden panelled floor of the rooftop. 
You giggled, a teasing smile on your face, “weren’t you the one saying the legal team was what again? Enticing?” 
Seungmin pouted, pressing the elevator button, abruptly flailing his limbs in a mini outburst before straightening up and composing himself. 
“Fine, I’m fine. Enjoy your stupid office romance with Chan.” 
You rolled your eyes. 
Chan had a consultation with the legal team later that afternoon regarding the issue with the shareholder, and you’d been all-too-distracted during the meeting as you thought about what your possible ‘action-plan’ regarding your situation with Chan was. 
Taking down notes during the meeting, you’d let your train of thought wander, almost doodling onto your notebook, with one hand supporting your head on the table before you heard the legal advisor from the shareholder’s side speak up, a guttural groan leaving him. 
Looking up with an annoyed furrow of your eyebrows, you heard him lean back in his chair, “what does a man need to do to get a drink around here?” 
“You,” the man pointed a finger at you, “go and make yourself useful, sweetheart. Get me a cup of coffee.” 
Chan’s eyebrows knit into a frown, looking at the legal consultant with clear disdain on his face, looking at you to gauge your reaction. Already expecting you to do what you always did, get up with a smile and come back with the man’s coffee, Chan figured he was too annoyed by it to let you do just that. 
About to speak up to the man, you'd shocked Chan when you narrowed your eyes at him, giving him a sweet smile, "sorry, that's not my job here. Since you're not contributing much to the discussion, why don't you make your legs useful and head right over there and get yourself some water." 
You huffed, staring him down as he glared at you, directing his gaze to Chan. "Are you just gonna let her talk to me like that? I'd fire such a rude brat if I were you. Who's your supervisor, I'm gonna make sure he hears of this." 
Chan did his best to conceal his smile, simply turning his chair ever so slightly to give you a small smile, "that would be me, and I heard it loud and clear. Now, shall we continue with the meeting?" 
You’d been spending hours at your desk, distractedly doing research as you’d kept trying to peep into Chan’s office to figure out what he was doing, to no avail. (Chan had put the blinds down halfway through the day since he couldn’t stop staring outside at your desk either). 
You were technically done with your work, and Chan did mention that you were free to go home once you were done. On any other occasion this would have been considered a miracle, and you wouldn’t have hesitated to go home. But now, there was a nagging feeling in your heart that you couldn’t just leave him here, especially with how stressed out he was because of the business with the shareholder. You didn’t trust him not to spend the whole night here. 
Glancing at the time, you saw that it was already past 10, deciding that you would give him some time to make an appearance before you left, just to make sure he was alive and breathing inside his office. 
Distracting yourself with replying emails, even playing more than a few rounds of a word-search game on your phone, you figured he would’ve come out by now, but there was still not a sound coming from inside the room. 
Once the clock had almost struck 11, you figured you’d might as well go in and check on him for yourself. Going over to the pantry to make a hot drink, you’d walked back to his office, your grip tight on the saucer in your anxiousness. 
Inhaling deeply and breathing out with a resolute nod, you knocked on the door of his office, waiting a while only to be met with silence. 
Pushing open the door slightly, you’d tried again. 
“Mr Bang, is it okay if I come in?”
Upon receiving no response yet again, you’d pushed open the door fully, your eyes widening in realisation when you saw him seated at his desk, fast asleep on the chair. 
Walking over to the leather sofa as quietly as you could, you’d picked up the blanket from the sofa, making your way over to where he was, setting the hot drink onto his desk and making to drape the blanket over him. 
Only when you were adjusting the blanket did he stir awake, making your fight-or-flight instincts kick in, strangely embarrassed if he were to catch you doing such a gesture for him. 
Blinking slowly, his eyebrows furrowed before his gaze had landed on you. 
“I thought you’d gone home already?” He pouted, making you fumble to find an excuse why you’d stayed behind. 
“Sorry, Mr Bang, I was—”
He gave you a lazy smile, shaking his head, “none of that ‘Mr Bang’, nonsense. How come you haven’t left yet?” 
You pressed your lips together firmly, pulling your hands away from the blanket as you tried to straighten up, sighing softly. 
“I couldn’t leave… for some reason. I kind of wanted to make sure you were okay, since I barely saw you the whole day.” 
Chan’s satisfied smile had grew, nodding at you as if prompting you to continue. 
“but I’ll go soon. I guess,” you blurted, “unless like you know, you need me for something, then I’m fine with staying.” You stopped yourself, nodding before you could embarrass yourself any further. 
You couldn’t help but let your breath hitch when he’d reached out to grab your hand. 
“Thank you, for checking up on me,” he murmured, his close proximity making your gaze dart to his lips, averting your gaze quickly. 
“Did you not come out of your office on purpose?” You narrowed your eyes at him, hating the way your heart was doing flips at the way he grinned, his dimples showing cutely. 
You were about to pull back out of your own internal panic, but Chan’s grip on your hand was firm. 
“I’m sorry, I know I said I wouldn’t ask you for anything that wasn’t work related from now on. But It’s killing me, because you were sitting outside the whole day and I couldn’t do anything about it…” he paused, tilting his head as he searched your expression. 
“You can refuse, but I just need you to do one little thing for me,” he murmured,  pulling you forward so you’d ended up seated on his lap, your arms going out to grasp his shoulders to steady yourself. 
“What do you need me to do?” You asked, your voice a mere murmur with how the tension was absolutely suffocating you, wanting nothing more than to just close the gap between the both of you. 
Chan’s hand went up to your chin, running his thumb over your lower lip as they unconsciously parted, “close your eyes.” 
Chan couldn’t help but smirk at the way you’d done so obediently, his hand going to where your neck met your jaw, leaning closer to press his lips against yours. 
Almost as if it was second nature, he’d let his other hand grasp your hip, his thumb rubbing the area soothingly. Tilting his head to kiss you deeper, you’d practically sighed into the kiss, your hands wrapping around his neck loosely as you felt him smile into the kiss. 
“I’m glad it’s you,” he murmured against your lips, his tongue swiping against your lower lip making you let out a surprised hum, not being able to help your smile as well. 
“We should stop,” you pulled away, breathless. 
You shook your head, “I could kiss you for hours. It’s already so close to midnight.” 
Chan glanced at the clock apathetically, looking at you and shrugging, his hand running up and down your side. 
“So be it, then,” he said, pulling you back to meet his lips. 
“Is it just me, or has President Bang been a lot less moody these days,” Seungmin heard one of his colleagues in the legal team asking her desk-mate, making her colleague nod gravely. 
The mention of President Bang had him glancing towards his office, spotting your desk empty and figuring you were inside his office. 
“Definitely. At first I thought it was just me, but he’s been a lot less harsh to Y/N as well,” she agreed. 
“Don’t you think so, Seungmin?” 
And almost as if on cue, you’d exited his office, pulling your hair out of your ponytail to readjust it, looking around as if scanning the area to see if anyone had seen you. 
Locking eyes with Seungmin, you shot him a wink, straightening out your blouse as you’d gone back to sit down at your desk. 
Seungmin scoffed, not being able to help the smile on his face as he rolled his eyes, “yeah, I think I know why.” 
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lokislittlesigyn · 3 years
// loki spoilers
This is basically a huge infodump on my thoughts about the first episode, because I doubt y’all want to sift through my trauma-ridden ramblings. I’ll make another post for the rest. This is just everything not related to the IW stuff/my reaction to that. It’s general thoughts, theories, musings.
1. When Loki gets first taken into the TVA. Is that Peggy Carter in the background? Others have suggested it might be. What would that mean??? Will we see the TVA fix the mess the Russos made with Steve/Peggy (not likely) or is it just a lookalike? Who knows..
2. A skrull at the main intake desk! Idk not super relevant just interesting!
3. I’m kind of glad they changed the... uncomfortable scene... with the robot burning his clothes off. He gets more time to react to seeing the machine itself, and he seems more shocked (”Now.. H-hang on just a minute.”) than angry (”Now hang on just a minute!”) i still feel.. horrible for him, i’m glad nobody Saw him and that the machine didn’t grab the clothes off, but still. Ehhh.. uncomfortable.
He is beautiful though, don’t get me wrong - I’d just prefer a shirtless Loki scene where he wants to be shirtless? let him do what he wants with his body?? he’s probably felt so out of control of his body, from being jotun to falling through space that any invasion of privacy like that hits extra deep...
That being said, I recognize the utility of the scene for the narrative - his lack of control, his literally being stripped of what he was before.
4. WHO IS THE MAN WITH THE CAT. What is his name. I love that he has a mug with his cat on it. But I want to know more. Who is he?
4.1 WHY DIDNT YOU LET LOKI PET THE CAT Please,,, I am begging you,,, let loki pet the cat and have something react kindly to him and purr all happily at his scratching behind their ears plea s e
5. The info sheet. Now this is just a little nitpicky tidbit, but in a previous promo they listed Loki’s height as 6′4 ft and weight as 525 lbs. This is taken directly from the comics if I’m not mistaken. However, in the actual show he’s listed as  6′2 (Tom’s height and Loki’s presumed height) but I don’t remember if his weight is the same. Is Loki 6′2? 6′4? please let me know i want to know how smol i am in comparison
6. His little aggressive shaking of the ticket at the guard makes me giggle each time.
7. The fact the turnstile hits so low on him reminds me,, I am short compared to him. Those things hit my stomach/waist. That one hit his legs. I am once again asking Loki to pick me up.
8. The cartoon with Miss Minutes introducing the TVA is wonderful, I love the art style especially. But it raises questions about Variants... I guess Variants can just, pop out of nowhere? Any action could be the wrong one? And then once you commit the wrong action you either get returned or pruned? Yikes??? And THIS ties into another thing later!
9. The trial scene. I have a hunch - a feeling, a suspicion. That one of three things may be true.
A. The Time-Keepers never actually existed. They’re fabricated, and now whoever runs the TVA is actually using the excuse of “The Time-Keepers decree it so!!!” to carry out whatever They think is right. The fact we haven’t seen the Time-Keepers makes me.. suspicious...
B. The Time-Keepers existed, but they have since passed on, however that may have happened. Now someone is doing the same as above, using the excuse of the Time-Keepers apparent dictations to run things.
C. The Time-Keepers do exist, and do run the timeline/TVA, but maybe they’re not infallible? Maybe the TVA info video is lying or incomplete in some way? Idk I just feel like, something about the TVA and how they run things has to be wrong. It has to? Something is off. Again, this will tie into another thought later...
I have no idea if any of these are actually true! But Loki’s questions of “Who’s in charge here? What do they do? What do you do?” punctuated by laughter leads me to believe he’s suspecting something too, or perhaps just trying to figure this mess out.
10. Seiðr/Magic. We see in this scene, Loki’s magic (”powers”) don’t work in the TVA. (and a quick side note, did he have to Flex like that? do you have to make me see Loki’s bare arms Flex like that? be still my heart. anyway please get that collar off of him and let him rest for five minutes) This makes me wonder.. Why isn’t Loki in his Jotun form? His pale skin and blue eyes are decided by magic, are they not? I suppose this is 2012, so perhaps Odin’s magic is keeping Loki looking like that. But if magic doesn’t work in the TVA, why would his spell reach so far? Clearly Loki’s magic isn’t what’s doing it. How is Loki not appearing as a Jotun? Is his Jotun form repressed - is pale skin his default now, rather than something hidden by magic? I need answers!
11. he sounds so scared about being “reset” please dont hurt him,,
12. cALLING LOKI A PUSSYCAT? (lokitty confirmed) I think Mobius was goading him (Mobius strikes me.. As extremely clever. He’s trying to push Loki’s buttons to see who he’s dealing with. At least, I hope so. Because if he really meant that “You were born to cause pain and suffering and death... All so that others can achieve the best versions of themselves.” and that line about killing Frigga??? No no no he is not guilty. He had no way of knowing what would happen. It wasn’t right to send Algrim up to Asgard (i think algrim wouldve found the way up anyway) but there was no intent to hurt Frigga. I really hope you’re trying to goad him, Mobius, because if you believe that I trust you much less. anyway i digress) but wow is he pushing Loki’s buttons a lot. I can’t... Blame him entirely, I understand he’s trying to make sure Loki’s on his side, maybe I’m just too soft for Loki idk. But some of that was very cruel to say. /:
12.1 AND ANOTHER THING ABOUT MOBIUS. That scene with the girl in the church?? Did that little girl kill the men? Is that young Sylvie? Or is she using an illusion to make herself look young and innocent? What’s going on!!!!
13. LOKI SNATCHING THE LITTLE TIME-TWISTER DEVICE AND STOWING IT IN HIS POCKET.... POCKET....... sorry sometimes i get so caught up about loki that i just say random words in between little noises and squeals,,, i am a silly thing
14. CASEY. CASEY??? That whole exchange is funny. Poor Loki, just trying to intimidate this guy so he can escape but - Casey doesn’t know what a fish is. to be fair.... thor doesn’t seem to know what a raccoon is... right?
15. That bit with the infinity stones is kind of funny until you realize
A. Natasha died for a paperweight
B. Tony died from paperweights
C. Loki was tortured for paperweights
D. Oh, and Gamora died for a paperweight too. And Vision. Need I go on?
Then it becomes less of exclusively “haha funny” and now it’s a mix of funny and pain and gosh, is that a good way to sum up being a Marvel/Loki fan sometimes...
16. Loki gazing at the timeline all “Is this the most powerful thing in the universe?” or something, i’m sorry i don’t remember exactly... made me think of a meme and i shall make it presently.
17. I love that Loki got to see examples of how his family loves him but the fact he’s all “I can’t go back.” really just breaks me. It’s like he can finally see they love him after all of this mess, and now he doesn’t have the chance. Please, please let him be happy. Give him some relief. This is the Loki that just came off finding out about being Jotun, falling from the Bifrost, encountering Thanos, attacking Earth, facing defeat, and now he’s being thrashed around in this wild place and has just found out he inadvertently caused Frigga’s death (he did not kill her: his actions, by mistake, lead to her murder, let me be very clear) AND Odin will die AND all the rest... And he wants to be with them.
18. Loki’s reaction to Thor suggesting the hug makes me soft. Please I want to hug this little mischief man so so so bad-
19. Skipping over the iw parts! That’s for another post because this one will be grossly long anyway.
20. “I don’t enjoy hurting people.” and “It's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear. A desperate play for control.” was all so, so validating. I’ve been trying to argue on Loki’s behalf for almost a solid decade. Seeing the show recognize that Loki’s not all just violence and hurting for “fun”, that he’s not unhinged and bloodthirsty.. Is so nice. It’s just so, so comforting. and it gives me hope for future episodes that they won’t go the route of “oh haha loki bullied and mistreated and stabbed thor for years!!! :)” loki cries during basically every fight with Thor and you want me to believe he stabs Thor for fun? absolutely not.
21. Theory.. Just another hunch.. So we know a fugitive variant, aka Loki, is running amok. Refer back to 8 and 9.C. What if the Time-Keepers never actually fixed the timeline into a single timeline? What if there are other timelines, and these different Loki variants have hopped over to the current one? Or, maybe the Time-Keepers did fix the timeline into a single one, and these Lokis are remnants from that huge time-war at the beginning? Time runs differently in relative spaces, they may have Just Left that war from their perspective!
I say Lokis and not Loki because we’re pretty sure there’s Female/Lady Loki, Old Man/King Loki, and possibly Young/Kid Loki. That’s at least three. From the peeks of Asgard and NYC we’ve seen from the trailers, I think we’re also getting an Asgardian King!Loki and Midgardian King/Vote!Loki. (unless our dearest variant is hopping into timelines and situating into them, but I doubt Mobius would let that happen..?) That’s five.
To further support this, keep in mind, I believe recently six (i think 6 regular and 6 rare...) different funko pops were announced for the series? I’m not sure if they’re in addition to the Loki and Mobius already released. If they are, there’s enough room for each Loki and maybe a TVA agent. One of the pops is supposed to have a buddy/companion I think? Maybe they’re making the cat guy into one, or maybe there’s something else (Throg, anyone?).
22. That is totally Lady Loki/Sylvie at the end by the way. Has to be. But why does she want the reset devices? Why did she snatch that TVA Hunter? Again, WHAT’S GOING ON
ANYWAY this was a very long post if you made it this far, I commend you.
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tommybaholland · 4 years
Hiya! I was wondering if I could request a one-shot with Sugawara where the reader is his best friend and secretly loves him but he doesn’t know? Then maybe another person catches his attention and the reader starts to distance themselves from Suga to try to spare themselves the hurt? Then maybe turns out the other person was just using Suga/wasn’t serious bout him and he realizes that the person he really loves is the reader but now they’re staying away from him and just angst and fluff and dramatic confessions?? Sorry if it’s far too much detail, I get carried away. Your writing is amazing, keep up the fantastic work!
somebody, some body
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featuring: sugawara 
goddddd i’m so sorry i am late with a post AGAIN. this has been way overdue to be posted actually, and last night i finished it and was almost done with editing but accidentally lost everything i added and edited in the draft :// so thank you for being patient with me! this ended up being pretty long, so hopefully that makes up for the wait :) anyway, i really liked this idea! i have a little personal experience with this kind of situation, so it was fun to explore those feelings a bit. thanks for requesting and enjoy!
you didn’t always know that you would be in love with koshi sugawara. your dynamic was always friendly, and nothing more. so where did you go wrong?
when you think back to your history with suga, you could never find yourself resenting any time you spent with him. it all started when you moved into his neighborhood and as a shy child, you didn’t have the easiest time making friends. but he was a kind boy who was around your age and made it easy for you to form a bond with him. after all those years, neither one of you had changed that much. you were still reserved at heart but, he was the one who pushed you to things that you both could enjoy. 
one is joining the high school volleyball club together. you weren’t usually one to go outside of your comfort zone, but with him, you felt like you could do anything. he had you fuel your enthusiasm and you had him to thank for that. volleyball ended up being a great idea because it was quite a versatile sport that anyone could play. you found that you were quite athletic and took a liking to the libero position. there was just something exciting about digging a ball off the ground and rolling on the floor to get back up again. also, it looked pretty cool. 
so that was great until you hurt your shoulder during a game, which ended up being more severe than it seemed. now you couldn’t lift your left arm very far over your head unless you wanted to dislocate your shoulder again. it was already a tough recovery period because all you wanted to do was get back to the game. 
he was there with you for the entirety of it and even though he mostly encouraged you, he had to make sure you knew you wouldn’t do anything to hurt yourself. you felt helpless. it was the lowest he had ever seen you and he did everything he could to lift you back up again.
that was something you could never take for granted with him. 
the thing about you and suga is that you were in constant contact, especially during school. if it wasn’t sending each other funny memes or tiktoks, you were either on snapchat with each other or texting. sometimes simultaneously. 
are you alive?? 
yeah i’m awake, unfortunately
what do u want sugar-wara 
whoa how are you up this early lol and sugar is my thing ok
let’s go get sweet buns before class
ur right, it is ur thing. ur sugar-wara
okay i’ll meet you by the light in 15 
there was a lonely intersection in your neighborhood with a red stoplight that seems to have malfunctioned and now the light never stops blinking. you and suga lived on the same street, with the intersection being a perfect place to literally meet in the middle. 
“hey, sugar-- uh oh. someone doesn’t look so sweet today!”
he was always so peppy in the mornings. 
“yeah, well, maybe if someone didn’t wake me up with their annoying texts..”
“if you really don’t want to be woken up, you’d put your phone on do not disturb. you can thank me later for being your alarm clock.” 
he gave you a bright smile and a few head pats before you set off down the road to your favorite bakery which happened to be on the way to school. you didn’t go every morning, but most days it was necessary for you to start your day off right. 
“how’s the team looking this year, mr. vice captain?”
“pretty good, actually! four first years joined the team and one of them’s over six feet tall. our blocks will be unstoppable!”
 there were several things you loved about suga but, if there was one thing you enjoyed most, it was hearing him get psyched about volleyball. even though you couldn’t play anymore, his undying enthusiasm for the sport made you feel like you were living through him vicariously. 
“and there’s one who’s on the shorter side, only a little taller than noya. but he seems to have so much energy and drive, it’s just-- i don’t know, i have a feeling we could actually make it to nationals this year.” 
“wow, that’s great!” 
“you should come to practice and see them! also we just got asahi back so i need to make sure my sets really land.” 
“kou, you know i love watching you guys but isn’t that what kiyoko’s there for?”
“well, yeah, but you know how i play best!”
“yeah, sure. it’s not like i have anything better to do.” 
“you never let me down!” 
 his smile never let you down. 
it was your senior year of high school and it felt like things were going to be nothing but great.
“so...speaking of you knowing me best,” he started rather hesitantly.
“what would you do if i...made you dinner?”
“oh, uh, oh, no. not, like, i make you dinner but, like...rei finally agreed to come around tonight and i thought i’d make something for them.”
“oh, um,” you tried to force a smile. “yeah, i think they’d like that.”
“yeah? you don’t think it’s too cheesy or anything? we haven’t hung out very much but i’d thought it would be a nice way to show them that i mean what i feel, you know?”
“yeah, yeah! that sounds perfect, kou..”
if only they knew that they were so lucky. 
you knew about this person, rei. they were your teammate and even a friend at one time. they transferred to karasuno during your second year and you bonded over your shared interest of the libero position. they didn’t get to play much that season until you got injured and had to quit playing. 
to see them fill that position so easily, it made you feel so type of way. a way that suga couldn’t know because even though he was there for you, he couldn’t deny his feelings. you remember when he told you that he liked them. about how he’s liked them ever since they came to karasuno and about how he was nervous to talk to them. 
and guess what?
you encouraged him. you encouraged him to try to pursue someone who you knew and liked, so now you had to hide that you were envious of both their position on the team AND the fact that your best friend is in love with them. 
at first, you tried to look at it as a positive point. you were still friendly with them, but volleyball was the only thing that connected you so you didn’t talk to them that much anymore. but now that suga, the person you’re closest to, was talking to them, it opened up the possibility that you would be able to reconnect with them. you had to be supportive. you were his friend, his closest friend, after all. 
the next morning you didn’t wake up from a text from suga. no, it took several snooze buttons to wake you up, which already put you in a bad mood. 
it’s ur turn now. are u alive??
i actually woke up to my alarms, how weird. u must be dead lol 
also have you done the english assignment yet? i need serious help >_<
you weren’t afraid to double, triple, even quadruple text him because more often than not, he did that to you. sometimes he’d even send longish paragraphs as he did later that day when classes had already started. 
hey sorry today has just been filled with fun and thriving and good stuff! rei asked me if i wanted to meet up with them before school last night and they made me some sweet buns and they were soooo good. i think we’re going to eat lunch together with some of their friends from vbc. ugh english sucks for me too. idk why you think i’m good at it
you almost jumped at the gesture to reply. it was never this long that he would go without text you at least one dumb thing. 
haha it’s okay don’t be sorry! so i guess last night went well?
also ur great at english sugar-wara what r u talking about??
it surprised you how quickly they seemed to become so friendly. it was kinda weird that he would already be spending a lot of time with her and now meeting all her friends. he probably already knew of them though, with volleyball and everything. the thoughts of how long you would have to wait for a reply crept in your mind, but that was quickly erased by an elapsed period of only a few minutes. 
yeah it went great! they had never had someone cook for them before, so they really liked it. this morning they told me they’d show me how to make fried eggs bc i said i dont know how to use a stove lol 
wait you made a whole meal for this person and u don’t know how to use the stove??
i used a crockpot and microwave ok :// don’t make fun of me dingus 
well a stove would definitely broaden ur horizons lmao that’s nice it went well though 
thank you i hope its going well 
that conversation was truly the end of the beginning. 
Every day after that seemed to happen the same way. you’d wake up, no text from suga. he hadn’t even replied to what you last said the previous night. you didn’t see him much either, but you knew who he was with probably. you would still stop by at volleyball practice where you did get to see him but they were there also. so you found yourself dipping out a lot more. 
it just felt weird. seeing him talk to someone he didn’t even know before. they didn’t even know him. even when you two were on the team together, they never once showed much interest in him and now it just seemed strange that they would. 
the transition was particularly difficult for you, as much as you didn’t want to admit it. one night you were so overwhelmed with work because you had waited too long to do it. frantically texting suga was an understatement. 
you knew you couldn’t put all your reliance on him but it was weird that he wasn’t replying on a school night as he was just as much a procrastinator as you. you dragged yourself through the night, trying to put together a somewhat coherent speech for english the next day. which, again, started as it had for the past few weeks. you still hadn’t heard from him, but it doesn’t even matter anymore. by the time he replied, it was almost embarrassing on your part. 
oh my god y/n i’m so sorry i didn’t reply sooner. i tried to get all my work done early so i could hang out with rei last night and i was asking my mom for advice and she told me to just pay attention to them as much as possible so i just wanted to be with them, you know? but i really hope you didn’t beat yourself up too much about it and that you got at least a little sleep. i’m sure your speech went well :) 
you sounded desperate for his help and meanwhile, he’s genuinely trying to show someone how much they mean to him. could you look any more stupid? 
you didn’t even want to reply but you felt like you had to. 
no don’t be sorry koshi! if anything i’m sorry i was just super frustrated in the moment and didn’t know what to do. i managed to pull something halfway decent together i think so it’s all okay now 
was it okay though? 
that was when you realized that things would never be the same. you’re his best friend and that’s simply it. you mean something to him, but not the same something that they mean to him. you couldn’t go to him when you help because then you’d be taking his time away from someone who wanted to feel that special meaning. it was a hard pill to swallow, for sure. but there were still several questions that lingered in the potential of what your relationship could be.
isn’t it possible to be both a best friend and a partner at the same time? you didn’t see any problem with it, so why couldn’t it be true? 
two weeks past and suga, your best friend, decided to let you in on some news. 
going up against all these powerhouse schools is definitely tough but it’ll help our team in the long run. we’re really amped to play seijoh soon but also i have an s/o now who can come and cheer us on 
WAIT you guys made it official?? when?
haha we’ve been official for like two weeks now 
oh well that’s great! 
(what the actual hell.)
months went by and you saw suga maybe two or three times. and only saw him, usually with the rest of the volleyball team or with rei and their friends. you texted now and then but it wasn’t the same. you had to accept that it wouldn’t be the same, so you did. you had a good group of friends who you spent more of your time with, as well as trying to focus as much as possible on school. entrance exams were coming up and you couldn’t let this be your downfall, even though you and suga had previously talked about possibly going to the same college together. but that wasn’t important anymore. 
you had your priorities and suga had his. 
which was the biggest reason why you decided not to go to the game against aoba johsai. you told him that you would try to make it, if schoolwork and college prep courses would lend you the chance. you were just trying to focus on yourself and work hard in on your own. you still texted him just to show that you still cared. 
sorry i couldn’t make it to the game! how did it go?
we lost :’(( we were so close too 
oh no :( i’m sorry kou. but i know you guys will get them next time!
he never replied, which only made you want to grow further from him. 
summer vacation rolled around and it was about a month out from suga’s birthday. a strange text appeared from someone you didn’t expect. 
Hey so I wanted to get manga for suga for his bday but I cannot for the life of me remember which ones he has so can you try to casually ask him which ones he has? like the next time you guys talk about manga or something?
you felt weird that they were asking for your help, considering that they now spent more time with him than you did. but you weren’t going to completely ignore them either.
to be honest we haven’t talked a whole lot lately but i’ll try to subtly ask him 
Okay awesome thanks!
what were you thinking of getting him?
Deathnote lol nothing original
hmm maybe the new aot volume? 
Yeah, that’s a good one. Or maybe BNHA
yeah that too! do you still want me to ask him? 
Yeah could you? 
yeah sure!
Yay thanks! 
okay i’ll let you know what i find out
going through with this was even worse. if it were you, you’d take him to see his favorite artist in concert. he wasn’t never much of a concert guy but he would talk about how badly he wanted to go see them live. or a more lowkey and personal option would be to customize a crewneck for him. you had a knack for designing and decorating plain-looking clothes and he would try to do it himself but would always remark how much better yours always turned out. 
but this time you’re simply the messenger and wouldn’t get that chance to get him something you know he’d love. not that he wouldn’t like manga, but it just seemed like they weren’t putting a ton of thought into it. maybe you couldn’t blame them though, it had only been a few months that they had been dating. 
that conversation honestly seemed more out-of-the-blue than anything, but you were hoping that suga would be as oblivious as ever. it didn’t even matter in the end because he never even answered your subtle way of asking. you didn’t feel like double texting because a.) you hadn’t done that in months and b.) it seemed too obvious. 
in the end, you did all that you could do and told rei that you had no information to provide, even after a week had passed. that was your, now monthly, interaction with suga that month. 
but it wasn’t like you weren’t thinking about him. 
your interactions moved from text to strictly snapchat, where you would hold streaks for considerable amounts of time. but every time you seemed to break contact with him, you found yourself blaming them. but you couldn’t blame them. they were with him, dating him. they had a right to claim a spot by his side. you had learned to pull back and just live your life. 
but life didn’t want you to have a great time either. albeit through a simple app like snapchat, he was the one asking you if you were okay. at this point, you would probably just deflect but somehow, you found yourself telling him about how you didn’t do so well on your entrance exams, despite having done what you could to prepare for them. you just thought you were so focused to do well, but maybe it was too much focus. you told him it would be alright. another notification came through.
snapchat from sugar wara  
you opened it to a selfie of him, one that was angled upwards to position him looking right up into the camera, his wide hazel eyes being the centerpiece of the photo. the caption simply said, “promise?”
and that was when it happened. you felt something different in your heart like it was knocked around in your chest. you smiled at the simple response and replied, “yeah i promise!!” 
it felt strange, but you finally admitted it, 
you were in love with koshi sugawara. 
timing was, without a doubt, a demise in all of your previous relationship endeavors. you could never seem to get that part right, also coming in too fast or not knowing if you should wait. you had only hoped that someone you liked would like you just as much. so catching feelings for someone, strong feelings at that, was not part of your current life plans. let alone with suga, someone you were, at one point, extremely close to. 
you know so much about him and what scared you was that your confession would be the only one that could mess up whatever relationship you had left with him. why couldn’t you just enjoy where you stood with him? why should your selfish feeling have to get in the way? 
stupid was an understatement as you how you felt. he was still dating rei, and that didn’t look like it was going to end anytime soon. you didn’t know what to do or how to cope. you can fight your feelings, but they can’t change right away. and for as long as you’ve known suga, the history you’ve shared with him, it seemed like these feelings weren’t leaving anytime soon. 
you spent the next couple of weeks trying to get everything out, while simultaneously trying to forget. you vented about it to your friends and while most of them offered advice, you stuck with just remaining stagnant. one of them suggested that you confess to him but that was what you feared most: that your feeling would become so overwhelming that you had to do something impulsive to relieve them. he would probably never talk to you again. there was nothing you could do. he was in a relationship with someone he really likes. why would you try to ruin that for him? 
you didn’t go to any of the preliminaries, mostly because of prep courses and trying to prepare for the next round of entrance exams. you still kept up with suga and saw that they won in the game against seijoh and we now going to the finals against shiratorizawa. you swiped up on his story and typed a simple, “omg that's amazing!! see I knew you guys could do it.” you continue to scroll through your phone, not thinking that much about it until a notification popped up.
sugar wara is typing…
snapchat from sugar wara
yeah it was great! Wish you could have been here though :(
me too! college prep courses seem to have been taking up all my time :P
is there any chance that you could try to find time to come to finals? 
we've been trying to get all the support that we can
plus it would be nice to see a familiar face there :) 
yeah i'll see what i can do to try to be there!
 wymd a familiar face? hasn't rei been going to the prelims?
they have been but we actually broke up about two weeks ago
i sort of initiated it but i promise it's okay
your eyes almost fell out of your head when you read that 2 weeks ago you were talking about how you were in love with him and were and decided to accept that it wasn't going to happen. now you're hearing that at the same time they had broken up? It seemed odd and... bittersweet. 
oh no i'm sorry kou :(
you bit your lip as you couldn't help but ask.
wdym you initiated it tho?
so kageyama has been killing it as our setter especially with his quick attack move with hinata 
rei was worried that i wasn't being treated fairly bc i'm a senior and vice-captain and all that. i tried to reassure them that i just want to see our team thrive and go to nationals but they still were worried about it and would talk about how they would go to games and never see me play once
it's been hard especially that it happened right before the seijoh game and now before finals
yeah i'm sure it's been difficult 
but don't beat yourself don't blame yourself so much! the team needs your support just as much as it needs players. nobody could replace that :)
thanks y/n :) i appreciate you so much
although you thought you would be happy, you can’t help but still feel weird about this whole thing. you felt like the ball was in your court but your bum arm couldn’t receive it properly. your feelings for him had been strong and you felt like you had to pack them all the way so now it just felt wrong to let them flow out again. but now that there was no conflict of interest, did you have to hide your feelings? 
it was more complicated than it was before. you didn't know how anything was going to play out at all and that kinda scared you. you did know one thing though, and that was how to be a loyal friend to suga because that's all you ever were from the start and that's what you could and would be for the future.
it was the friday before the finals game. 
you decided to stay late after school to maximize your focus on studying. it seemed to have worked because the sun was going down before you knew it. you wanted to get ahead on work so you could go to the game tomorrow. you and suga had been talking more recently and while it wasn’t as much as it used to be, it was more than it had been in the past several months. 
you quickly gathered up your things and left school for the night. the pretty orange and pink sky lit your way home through the quiet town and into the residential parts. at that point, the dark had met and light and-
“y/n! hey, wait!”
you turned to see none other than suga, jogging up behind you to catch up. you smiled at his sudden presence, looking past him to see the small group of the rest of the team. 
“hey! funny seeing you here.”
“yeah, haha,” he chuckled, catching his breath from suddenly running a considerable distance. “are you going home?”
“can i walk with you?”
“of course.”
great! so i’m guessing you stayed late at school? you’re still wearing your uniform.”
“oh, yeah,” you affirmed, looking down at your monotonous outfit. “i just wanted to be all caught up on work and studying so i could go to the game tomorrow.”
“oh, yeah? that’s good to hear! yeah, we were-- we just had a late practice. coach left before us but we wanted to stay a little longer.”
“i hope you guys win tomorrow, it seems like you’ve been working really hard.”
“yeah, i hope so too. we’ve come a long way in such a short amount of time, it just feels like we can’t stop now.” 
you nodded in agreement. there was a beat of silence just then, and while it wasn’t awkward, it felt like something was lingering in the air.
“so, um,” he spoke up after several seconds. his eyes met yours and you felt that pang in your chest again, quickly looking away. “it’s been a while, huh?”
“yeah. yeah, it has, i guess,” you laughed lightly. you reached the intersection with the never-ending blinking stoplight and you turned around to face him.
“but i guess i’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“yeah. yeah!”
“okay, get some sleep. goodnight.”
he nodded and you grinned at him before turning around to walk the rest of the way home until his voice stopped you again.
“hey, y/n?”
“yeah, kou?”
he looked down and all around, anywhere but your face.
“i, um, i know things have been kinda weird between for a while but it’s made me realize that i missed you, a lot.”
“yeah, i missed you, too.”
“but it’s also made me realize that i enjoy spending time with you and talking to you. like, even now, just talking to you makes me feel-- i don’t know. it makes me feel at ease like i’m home. and i’d really like to spend more time with you because i, um, i really like you.”
“you, you what?”
“i really like you, sugar.”
in all the ways you had imagined this happening, you never thought that you would feel your face fall to a frown, your heart beating in your ears. something just didn’t sit right with you about it.
“i, i, i don’t know what to say...”
“it’s okay if you don’t! i just wanted to tell you.”
“but why are you telling me this now?”
“do you-- do you not feel the same?”
“no. no! i’ve been wanting to hear you say something like that for so long, it’s just. you broke up with rei not too long ago and-- i don’t know. something isn’t right about it.” you shook your head, unsure of what you were trying to say.
“it’s how i feel,” he shrugged. “i just wanted to tell you and have a good feeling to hold onto to make tomorrow a little easier.”
you looked at him in disbelief.
“oh, so you think you can confess all that to me right before this big game and that i’ll automatically reciprocate those feelings when you just broke up with someone not even a month ago? i’m not a second choice--”
“no, sugar, listen, that’s not how i meant it at all--”
“no sugawara.” those words made him go quiet instantly. you never used his full name, there was always some sort of play on it, so this was serious. 
“maybe that’s not how you meant it, but that’s how i’m taking it. i’ve been wanting to tell you for so long how i felt but i wanted to respect your feelings so i didn’t. so please, respect mine. i’m not the good luck charm that you can just confess to and expect that it’ll all be okay. this just isn’t right. i’m sorry, koshi. 
your voice broke as his name left your lips, tears beginning to fall. you didn’t even give him a chance to respond, a rush of adrenaline telling you to quickly turn and get out of there. 
you didn’t get much sleep that night. 
it was hard not to think about your conflicted feelings over suga’s confession. you had hoped for that moment for a long time but the timing simply wasn’t right. how funny and ironic is that? you thought your timing was off. maybe you were meant for each other in that way. you couldn’t help but let your feelings get the best of you and you were beginning to become what you feared most from him. you thought he would immediately reject you and make you feel bad about ever saying anything about how you felt. but the roles are reversed and that was the part that blindsided you the most. 
you didn’t think that how you reacted was wrong but you also couldn’t imagine how he was feeling right now. he just wanted to feel good right before a big game but that backfired right in his face. some might call it karma, but part of you thought he didn’t deserve it. 
the pressure was setting in as the game went into the fifth and final set. what made it worse was kageyama wouldn’t be starting that set, his nose bleeding from the spike he took to the face. suga was genuinely thrilled to be a teacher, a mentor, and a support system for his fellow teammates. he didn’t mind that another, rather talented, setter had joined the team because that meant he wouldn’t have to worry about passing the position over to someone who he thought didn’t deserve it. 
he almost forgot he was actually a player on the team when everyone looked to him to fill in. this was his moment and it just happened to be at the most overwhelming part of this game. Both teams were tired while simultaneously running on pure adrenaline to see who was going to come out on top. 
suga had an opportunity, not only to start the set but be the trailblazer for their success. 
the nerves set in as he held up the paddle with the number nine on it, kageyama holding it up with him for a moment. It was symbolic in a way. suga always thought he’d be passing the baton to him, his successor as karasuno’s official setter, but this felt just as sentimental. Suga hadn’t played much this season but he got to watch the team grow into something that it once was: something great. They’ve had their share of loss and strife but it finally seemed like they had come so far and the only direction they can go is up. 
the nerves set in as he looked around, anywhere to ease them. His eyes automatically went to the team banner, black with the simple word ‘fly’ written over it, where all the school and their supporters were watching. he went down the line quickly but the wave of a hand caught his eye. his eyes shifted back and felt that familiar grin on him.
it was you. 
“c’mon suga! You can do it!”
and so he did. 
once the final ball hit the ground, the room was quiet with shock. it had been tight for most of the game but no one really expected this outcome. they were going to nationals. daichi, suga, and asahi embraced, taking in the satisfying feeling of victory. 
after the awards ceremony, you were buzzing with excitement for them, trying to calmly follow the rest of the crowd out of the gym. you could tell they were somewhere along the hallway as another crowd formed to congratulate the winning team. you weaved in and out of it, even getting on your toes to see if you could spot a familiar head of gray hair. 
you finally caught a glance at him from afar, his smile growing as his eyes locked onto yours.
you mimicked his expression and found your feet moving quicker than your brain could process. he put in the same amount of haste to meet you in the middle. you both stopped at about an arm’s length away from each other. his flushed cheeks and slightly red but glistening eyes held your smile as you decided to speak first. 
“hey, kou.”
“hey, sugar.”
another minute couldn’t be wasted as you finally crashed into one another. it felt better to hold somebody that you knew and genuinely loved. you could be sure that he felt the same way as he held your body tightly against him. 
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heyo haikyuu night! send any requests right here..
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
now hear me out,,, an au where lan wangji is an editor who works for an erotica publisher and wei wuxian is essentially chuck tingle. (also lwj writes romance novels on the side)
wei wuxian didn’t plan to write erotica he wants to make that really clear, he was actually studying like biomed or something equally “oh wow my parents can brag to the other parents about this”
but, as frequently happens in wwx’s life, he got drunk with nhs, like really drunk and they woke up the next morning with a laptop on the floor beside them and loose paper strewn everywhere
they don’t really remember what they were doing or thinking last night but they’ve both drawn a bunch of really shitty and weird porn (the less said about the anthropomorphic version of wen chao’s pet turtle the better) and wei wuxian has like 20,000 words of an erotica story on his laptop
when he starts reading it, at first he’s like haha what the fuck this is so weird but then it turned out to be really good??? and nhs blushed at some of the ~sexy~ scenes so that’s how wwx knew he was writing the good stuff
anyway they’re sitting there, eating their hangover food and wei wuxian goes so uh my story was good right? and nhs is like yeah it was, top stuff i would buy it and wei wuxian goes what if i actually wrote it,,, haha just kidding,,,,, unless?
and in his defence he doesn’t actually write anything for the story for another like three months but then he finds himself in the middle of exam season and he’s like fuck it stress relief let’s write some erotica
he finishes the book and his exams (which he does well in but whatever) and then spends his summer holidays editing the book
when he comes back, he slaps down a paper copy on nhs’ desk and is like i finished it. nhs, thinking he meant his latest lab write up, opens it up to a random page and starts reading it out loud which was a Mistake
he trails off mid-sentence, and whips around to glare at wwx with all the wrath he can muster. it’s raunchy nhs says and just read it wwx tells him so nhs does
like 2 hours later nhs turns to him and says if it wasnt for you and the librarian staring at me the whole time i definitely would’ve felt something and wwx is like so it’s good? and nhs is like fuck yeah it is but i dont get what you want from me?
pretty much wwx passed out after exams, slept for like 20 hours and then woke up and went i should publish this and decided that nhs should draw the cover art.
nhs agrees of course and a month later wwx self-publishes bc there’s no way he can walk into a publishing house with his porn and not just combust on the spot and he decides to go by the name yiling patriarch
wwx clicks the final button to upload the fic and nhs just toasts him and goes yknow what,, this is the closest you’ve ever gotten to having sex and i’m proud of you
wei wuxian is the man who guarded his first kiss for the first twenty years of his life for someone special,,,, wwx definitely wants his first time to be special and there’s no way he’s putting out for someone he doesn’t think is important & despite having dated before, he’s never gotten close enough to someone to go yeah let’s do it so our boy is still a virgin
so wwx’s entire erotica writing inspiration comes from porn, nhs’ way too in-depth answers as to how his latest date went and uh more porn
wwx blusters about a bit bc how is he meant to respond to that and nhs is like maybe you’ll finally move on from reading those trashy romance novels and read something more exciting and wwx is like how dare you call them trashy!! hanguang-jun is a master of the romance novels!! he understands the heart in a way that no other person has ever!! 
and nhs just chugs a bunch of wine and is like yeah hon okay, do you still blush when the main characters hold hands? and wwx is like no! of course not! (it’s a lie, he blushes a lot)
so nothing really happens with the book at first and wwx forgets about it for the most part but then he wakes up one morning and he’s got an extra like RMB 1000 (i dont actually know much about currency so it’s roughly $200 if my quick interneting is legit)
wwx is like wtf? and once he finds out it’s from his novel he’s doubly like wtf? but then he finds out that someone had purchased his book and did a dramatic reading on youtube bc wwx decided that regular erotica was boring and decided to make it satirical or whatever and people loved it??
he’s got nothing better to do so he just goes hm yeah remember that Author i dated who had an “incredible idea that would absolutely amaze The Critics and helped explore his own convoluted mind” let’s make something of that and he writes another book kinda mocking that idea in a very horny way.
he publishes it and someone writes a review of his two books on their blog and now he’s actually starting to get popular - he’s got more money from those two books than he did by working at the local cafe for the whole week
wwx is poor and broke and semi-disowned anyway by this point so he goes fuck it and spends every moment he’s not studying writing erotica. 
he publishes another like five books by the time the year is out (i know the maths isnt working here but this is a book world where wwx can just do that via the power of loneliness and friends who egg you on)
also?? he varies his books. some of them are porn parody things a la chuck tingle and some of them are genuine porn and one book was just him writing a recipe book but making it sound as horny as possible
by the time he’s published his like 8th book or so he starts getting reviews that are critiquing his book and most of them boil down to the fact that he needs an editor or something 
he ends up asking nhs for help and he’s like oh sweet my brother’s boyfriend works for a publisher who does that sort of thing
cloud recesses actually specialises in erotica and i hate the idea that lqr has spent years reading and editing erotica but sacrifices must be made
(side note that i know nothing about the writing or publishing process so pls don’t judge me too harshly)
wwx goes in with his latest manuscript and ends up arriving like ten minutes late, he rushes into the room sweaty and hot, takes one look at the guy sitting on the other side of the desk, flushes an even brighter red and runs back out of the room. he checks the plaque on the door and walks back in slowly and goes hm i didnt expect you to be so hot
cue lan wangji
lwj has always enjoyed being an editor. what do editor do specifically? idk? edit? regardless, he enjoys it. 
while most of the time he’s happy working from this side of things he also likes writing
lwj fucks. he deserves it tbh. but, while he’s had a tonne of one night stands and fuckbuddies, he’s never actually dated someone. so the fact that he’s writing romance novels under the pseudonym hanguang-jun makes his friend jzx laugh a lot
he tried writing porn once and he just couldn’t do it. it was always too clinical or vague and lacked any actual passion bc he was always going oh okay mc sucks a dick but the guy i slept with last week was like a 6.4/10 when it came to sucking dick so maybe mc should also be bad at it or whatever and it just ends up falling apart,,,, but romance he can do
as an editor lwj has pretty high standards for good erotica but he’s really found himself enjoying yiling patriarch’s work even though he’s clearly just been editing himself so when the guy sent cloud recesses an email asking whether they’d be interested in his latest book lwj was ecstatic. 
he also didnt expect wwx to be so hot
anyway,,, we now get to enjoy a week of lwj thinking that wwx is super hot but even more annoying and then him deciding that annoying is hot and now wwx is just absolutely amazing and wwx is just panicking the entire time 
i want my publisher to rail me so hard wwx texts nhs and nhs just responds has he read the bdsm scene with the alien who has a tentacle dick and a knot yet? and wwx is like no??? nhs just goes shame, it will give him so ideas for if you ever grow a backbone and just ask him out
they publish one book together and nothing happened between them the entire time other than yearning and horniness,, of the heart and body. 
when wwx realises this means that he won’t get to see lwj again he immediately writes a new book and like a month later he’s back in lwj’s office, lying on his couch while whining about the cafeteria prices at university
lwj is very enamoured by the fact that wwx is writing erotica and studying biomed bc wow
they do this for like another three books and wwx’s eroticas evolve from here’s a dinosaur man fucking a politician while a mary sue watches on to be like here’s a dinosaur man with black hair and golden eyes and a stern look to his face fucking a politician while a mary sue watches on
and hanguang-jun’s latest book?? i dont want to say that this au’s version of wangxian is hanguang-jun finally finding inspiration to write porn (his muse is wwx of course) and writing the most amazing porn with feelings and plot novel ever,, but it is. 
wwx read it five times in the first week and when nhs finally tried to read it he was like uhhh wwx are you a narcissist, the love interest is exactly like you? and wwx is like ??? no???? he’s nothing like me??
anyway one day wwx gets called into lxc’s office and lxc is like so i’ve read your latest book (not the dinosaur man, a serious one with like normal people and not overly humorous thank fuck but still full of lwj yearning) and wwx is like okay? and lxc goes yes, see i was worried that you didn’t care very much for my brother but after reading your book i’m not so sure and wwx gets the weirdest shovel talk ever which is interspersed with like compliments for his porn writing skills
anyway lxc accidentally mentions that lwj writes books too and before he can take it back wwx is like who??? and lxc is like are you fucking stupid?? you told lwj to his face that you loved his books,,, he broke his theme of tender romance to write kinky sex with a character that’s a lot like you and wwx is like .,,,,,,,,, hanguang-jun??? HANGUANG-JUN???!!
lxc barely manages to confirm it before wwx is sprinting out of his office and across to find lwj.
regretfully for everyone else, lwj is in the lobby so thirty people get to hear it when wwx comes in and shouts LAN ZHAN!! back then, i really wanted write porn about you! ... i think i have actually? but i want to write porn about you and i want to be able to do the research to make it accurate! and i also want to go on dates and hold hands and feed each other food! and i love you a lot! 
lwj is dying inside bc his brother’s bf is there, his uncle is currently waiting for the elevators and a whole bunch of staff are also there but also wwx likes him??? dinosaur man was lwj??
he goes over and they make out for a really long time right there in the middle of the lobby but no one wants to get between them when they’ve been pining for so long
after that they start dating and they do all the romantic stuff but also,, let’s just say that the next book wwx publishes is a lot more creative than all of his previous books
and they become some writing power couple with horniness of the heart and body and sometimes wwx will be like hey lwj i don’t really know how the logistics of this sex scene will work and lwj will be like we could try it out ourselves? and wwx just pats him on the head and is like im sorry but you dont have enough dicks for it to work ),: better luck next time
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sentofight · 3 years
faty i lov u so much im SO eternally glad we met & that we still are mutuals & write & all that, because knowing u has been an absolute blast and i ADORE the way u come into ppls(my!) ask boxes with random stuff or just to expand on some other post, i think its all soooo endearing and each time u pick up a muse im always HEART EYES and im so happy for each dynamic...like gran&chrom??? leaders who can be so childish?? i think its EXCELLENT and is so needed for gran... hinata&machina are SO funny, and im rly glad theyre (somewhat) hitting it off, cuz i think at the end of the day hinata would kind of understand machina (WHICH i also love how eights like "dude its ok if ure not feeling good, but u should get help & not just disappear", i love eight. thank u for also loving eight). AND IM LOSING MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT but. thank u for all of this, its such a delight to know u and im always so so grateful...u make writing SO fun and i appreciate that everyday
im legit confusion atm. this is so sweet my brain dysfunction and unresponsive. 
uh im not crying. ninja cutting onions are back at it. god who to pay to get rid of them haha ...
uuuh ... this is really ...sweat. really. and honestly i needed it ;u; it blows my mind that we know each other for that long and just you didnt give up on me because time and different fandom we got into. i’m happy u got me into writing ch/rom, you and arph tbh. i still think about how i only wrote chrom for the risen king shenanigans then he is forever rotting in my brain now. so thank you for this curse lmao seriously thank you for always being the one to watch my shitty posts and press the like button to them and supporting my ted talk endeavors even though they are 90% me crying about one thing or another.  type0... type0 dude is a fandom i thought i would give up on when everyone just disappeared but welp. rent free class zero in my brain weee. i did give up for a bit but then eight came back like henlo i require attention yes bring me back. then i added machina for the sole purpose of shenanigans then ..hahaha here comes the boooy~ hello boy~ welcome~ he’s never gonna give anyone up haha before them our ocs ... i love them so much. i love how einar, hinata and arph’s oc..im sorry i cant remember his name because einar refused to remember his name and kept calling him suzaka’s rat ...im sorry arph. but he is suzaku’s rat so where is the lie. hinata being the smol boy among them lmao. lays on the ground...final fantasy type 0 ocs..i will love them as if they were my own flesh and blood hand them all over to me. might frick up and work on more if it weren’t for the dead sign over the fandom but haha when did that ever....stopped me hohoh ....aaaaaaaaaa words words...words...i really dont know what to write????????/how to write??????? to express how much i want to squish your face and give you all the love you rightfully deserves???????????? ????? 2022 virtual hugs when??? i really really appreciate you sticking with me on every blog, on every whim i make and just roll with it and provide me with chef kiss asks when i need them. thank you so much for existing and love THE poteighto.
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icelily17 · 4 years
Date Night (A KimxRon fic)
Alrighty, here’s a little writing exercise for myself! This prompt was from @gothicthundra and I’m very grateful to everyone else for suggested prompts! I’ll get to them hopefully soon. Put under a read more for space purposes haha, this is set during Season 4 just so I can start on familiar ground. I really, really hope I didn’t butcher the characters....
“You think you’re all that, Kim Possible!! But you’re nooooooot!!!!” Dr. Drakken yelled out angrily as he flew away with Shego in his hovercar, once again defeated. Kim Possible, teen superhero, stood up and dusted herself off after a job well done. “Okay, Drakken, whatever you say,” she said sarcastically.
“Y’know, how many times is he going to say that line?” Ron Stoppable came up behind her, picking a piece of dirt off her shoulder that she missed. Her best friend-turned-boyfriend crossed his arms, “You’d think that after the first couple of hundred times his butt was kicked, he’d come up with something else”.
“Well, at least Drakken didn’t get his hands on that chromium gem to power whatever his newest hairbrained scheme, AND we got it done before dinnertime!” Kim looked at her watch, “Perfect!”
“Yeah! We can stop at Bueno Nacho on the way home!” Ron exclaimed. Rufus came out of his pocket and ran up Ron’s shoulder and squeaked “Mmm, dinner! Hungry!”
Kim smiled and took out the Kimmunicator, “Sorry, I have some AP English homework I have to do tonight. Wade?” She called, and within seconds their friend blipped on the screen, “Can you get us a ride back to Middleton?”
“Hey guys, didja get Drakken before he got the goods?” Wade asked, already typing away looking for a contact. “Yeah, the chromium gem is safe and sound in the lab,” she assured. “Cool, you’re ride’s on it’s way!” Wade gave a thumbs up, to which Kim gave her thanks and put the Kimmunicator away.
 “English homework? On a Friday night? But I thought Friday night was our night!” Ron said, continuing their conversation.
“Not officially!”
“Aw man, that rips,” Ron moaned, “I was hoping we’d be able to spend some time together.” Kim raised her eyebrow, “Ron, all we ever do is spend time together.”
“Yeah, I know, but I meant something along the lines of a date. Maybe a movie, maybe we could have watched the newest episode of Agony County, grab a pizza....you know,” Ron rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. It was something he felt he could never get used to, talking about going on dates with Kim; it was like a never-ending dream, being her boyfriend. Kim smiled affectionately and grabbed his hand, “Sorry, but I really want to get a headstart on this homework. You know you can still come over?”
“Nah, I dont want to distract you if you’re working. I’ll just head home and play some Zombie Mayhem 2. What about tomorrow? I can take you out to dinner, we could go to a movie or take a stroll around town?” They began walking downhill to their rendezvous point. Kim put her finger to her chin as she thought, “Hmm....tomorrow’s looking pretty free, dinner and a walk sound great.”
“Coolness! Pick you up at 7?”
“It’s a date,” Kim giggled.
“Monique, I don’t have a clue what I should wear!” Kim wailed into her phone, shoving her clothes aside in her closet. She picked up a blue flowy long-sleeve shirt and held it up to herself in front of her mirror.
“Girl, it’s a date. You said he’s taking you out to dinner?” Her other best friend asked. “Yeah, but I dont know where, I dont want to be too over-dressed,” Kim said.
“If it’s Bueno Nacho, then it’s most likely over-dressed,” Monique deadpanned. “No, I don’t think it’s Bueno Nacho this time, he sounded like he really wanted to make this a real date,” the redhead mused, holding up a forest green long-sleeved shirt that had cut-outs on the shoulders to herself. She smiled and put it on the bed, returning to her closet for a pair of pants.
“Well, good on him! Look Kim, it’s Ron, you have nothing to worry about! It’s not like you haven’t known each other your whole lives,” Monique pointed out. Kim took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She had to admit Monique had a point. She had nothing to worry about, she knew that as long as she was with Ron she was going to have a good time. She glanced up on her dresser mirror and saw the pictures she and Ron had taken in a photobooth a few years ago, and smiled at the familiar flutters in her gut she felt when she looked at him.
“You’re right, Monique...not to sound too dramatic, but it’s just that it’s a little weird to think about going on a date with Ron. I mean, a real date as boyfriend and girlfriend, not the stuff we usually do. But in a good way! It’s just...”
“New?” Monique offered. Kim smiled, “Yea, new. But I like it.” She pulled out a pair of dark jeans, a pair of black boots with a small heel and a necklace, “Alright, outfit picked, not too casual, but not too dressy. So not the drama, thanks Monique!”
“No problem Kim. TTYL, spill the deets on Monday!” her friend said her goodbyes and hung up. Kim got ready, put on the slightest bit of makeup, hoping her father wouldn’t notice but felt it was necessary. This was a date, she wasn’t an animal, and she wanted to look nice for Ron. She sprayed a little perfume, then went downstairs and sat on the sofa where her little brothers were watching some cartoon she didn’t care about, and her mother was reading a book.
“All ready for your date Kimmie? When’s Ron coming over?” Dr. Ann Possible glanced up, looking at her daughter. Kim took the fact she didn’t say anything about her makeup meant she looked fine by her parents’ standards and opened her mouth to answer--
“Kim’s going on a daaaaaaate!” Jim taunted. “Ew, cootie alert!” Tim followed, and both boys laughed. “Shut it, Tweebs!” Kim hissed. “Boys,” their mother warned, and the twins just grinned and turned back to their show. “Ron said he’d pick me up at 7. It’s just to dinner and a walk, nothing too fancy,” Kim told her mom. Mrs. Possible smiled and turned a page, “Well that’s nice, I hope you two have a good time.”
“Where’s Dad? Working late again?”
“Ah, you know your father when there’s a new project at work, he’ll probably be gone later than you will. Which by the way, not too late okay?” Mrs. Possible looked up sternly. “I know Mom, 10 o’ clock,” Kim rolled her eyes good-naturedly. Her mother smiled, “Let’s make it 10;30. It’s Saturday, and it’s Ron, it’s not like he’s a stranger.”
Kim gasped, “Really? Oh thank you Mom!”
Mrs. Possible chuckled and pat her daughter on the hand, “Of course Kimmie, and if your father has anything to say he can talk to me about it.” She returned to her book again, and at that moment the doorbell rang.
Kim answered the door to Ron in a nice button-down short-sleeved red plaid shirt with a darker red t-shirt underneath, a pair of light blue jeans and sneakers. Kim was grateful that he had decided not to wear his usual jersey and so didn’t say anything except “Wow, look at you!” To which Ron giggled nervously and produced a bouquet of lilies. Kim smiled and took them happily.
“Good evening mademoiselle, and may I say you look very enchanting this evening,” He lifted an eyebrow in a flirty way. Kim laughed into her hand, then went inside to put the bouquet in a vase. He followed her inside and waved, “Hey Dr. P!”
“Hello Ron! Have Kim home by 10:30, okay?”
“You got it!” He called back as Kim dragged him out of the house. They walked down the walkway to where his scooter was parked and Ron handed her a helmet. “So where are we headed, Mr. Romantic?” Kim asked as she put it on and climbed on the back of the scooter.
“There’s this Italian place downtown I thought we could check out, DiPaolo’s,” He revved up the scooter, Kim grabbed his waist and they left. “Is that okay?”
“I could go for pasta,” Kim said, resting her head on his back. “At least it’s not Bueno Nacho.” Ron smiled as his tummy turned slightly and they rode in silence. 
At the restaurant they initially sat in uncomfortable silence as they realized this was their first real, fancy-ish not-naco-and-a-movie date since becoming a couple and didn’t know what to do. Ron glanced at the menu and was glad his father lent him some money--not too expensive but not quite cheap either. He glanced up at Kim and could swear he was looking at an angel. She looked beautiful (well I mean not that she isn’t all the time but WOW) and he was once again wondering how he was so lucky to have been the one Kim chose to be with. He smiled affectionately, and when Kim caught his eye she smiled back shyly.
“Hey KP, this is so...well, I mean...I just...” he began, but sputtered nervously. Great, not how he wanted to start, real smooth Stoppable. But Kim put her hand on his, to which he looked up and saw her still smiling and shaking her head.
“Oh Ron, look...if it makes you feel better, I’m nervous too.”
“You? But you’re never nervous!”
“I am when it comes to cute boys,” she said slyly. Ron giggled and rubbed the back of his neck, “Haha, yeah...but I didn’t want to be nervous. I mean, we shouldn’t be, right? I mean, it’s us.” 
Kim leaned back in her seat, “You’re right...it is us, but this is something I guess we never really expected. Still, I’m glad it happened, and I’m glad you’re here with me.” Ron smiled and took her hand again, “Yeah?”
“Of course. Here’s an idea: let’s just pretend this is just another hangout at Bueno Nacho, and we’ll go from there one step at a time, okay?” She squeezed his hand.
“Yeah!” Just then the waiter came up and asked “What can I get you to drink?” with his notepad and pen poised. Kim ordered a water with lemon, and when the waiter turned to Ron, he studied the menu for a minute before looking at the waiter. “I’ll have a coco-moo....I mean, ah.....iced tea! Yeah, iced tea please, heh heh,” he chuckled nervously. The waiter and Kim raised an eyebrow, exchanged a glance, and the waiter walked away to get their drinks.
“Coco-moo?” Kim inquired. Ron shrugged a shoulder, “I heard it somewhere once, can’t remember. Anyway,” he said, clearly trying to move on, “did you finish your English paper?”
The rest of dinner went easily, and neither of the teens could believe they were even nervous to begin with. When they got past the initial awkwardness, it was like everything was as it had always been, just with more handholding and kisses and neither of them were complaining about that.
Afterwards, they rode Ron’s scooter to the park and just walked hand in hand. They stopped at a familiar, graffiti covered wall and sat on the bench nearby. “Hey, remember when you were hit with Drakken’s weird plant and were going to disappear every time you got embarrassed?” Ron asked.
Kim rolled her eyes, “How could I forget? They followed me on my date with Josh Mankey and tried to embarrass me themselves! Not to mention the embarrassment ninjas and the Tweebs...did you know they set up a projector and showed embarrassing pictures of me here on this wall?”
Ron winced, “Oof, that’s harsh. Embarrassment ninjas?” Kim nodded, “Yeah, but then you came through and got me out of it just in time.” Ron shrugged, “Well I wasn’t going to just let you disappear. Although, I was surprised you weren’t in your room, Wade and I had to track you down.”
Kim looked away sheepishly, “Yea...I’m sorry about that...” Ron waved his hand and gave his goofy smile, “Hey no big, KP. Everything turned out fine and the Ron-Man saved the day!” Ron tried not to think about how he had felt when he saw Kim out with Mankey, risking her life just for a date. He remembered giving her a thumbs up when she looked at him in gratitude, because like Mankey or not (which he absolutely did not) he was going to support his best friend.
But that didn’t stop the pang he had felt in his chest that night.
“You know, I think that might have been the first time I noticed I liked you,” Ron said thoughtfully. “What?” Kim asked, looking at him. He winced, “Did I say that out loud?”
“Yea, but what do you mean? When I was on my date with Josh?” She asked. She was surprised he had liked her for that long, and a little pleased.
“Yea. I know I didn’t like him but I wasn’t going to let that get in the way of you dating him if you had wanted that. But seeing you there, all happy on your date, I was....”
“Sorry, I mean jealous?”
“Yeah, I guess so. I had never really thought about it, about you, that way up until then. But I still didn’t think about it up until the end of last year. And I didn’t know what you thought of me, you know?” The blonde put his hands together and twiddled his thumbs.
Kim faced him, “Ron, why didn’t you say anything?” Ron shrugged, “I didn’t want to risk our friendship.” Kim understood, she had wrestled with the thought for years on her end. She smiled and put a hand on his cheek, “Well let me be the first to say that I like you, Ron Stoppable, and I am very glad that you are my boyfriend. I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world.”
They smiled at each other and leaned in for a tender kiss. They remained that way, in a sweet embrace for some time before they had to come up for some air. Ron leaned back and looked at her through half-lidded eyes. Her cheeks were red and there was a sparkle in her eye; he felt his heart swell and once again thanked the universe for making him the luckiest man in the world.
“I love you, KP.”
Kim’s eyes turned bright as she felt herself warm up from head to toe; she felt an almost weightless-ness as her chest swelled tight. She could burst out of happiness, and nothing could ruin this moment for her--not even Shego.
She threw her arms around his neck and captured his lips once again, and they could feel each other smiling into it. As they pulled away, Kim let out a sigh, “Best date ever.”
Ron laughed, “Boo-yah! I still got the way with the ladies!” Kim just smiled at her goofball. She looked at her watch: 10:15. “Well, we better head back home. Let’s go, Romeo.”
The drove back to the Possible house; Kim was slightly relieved to see that her mother had been right and Mr. Possible was still working. No pesky questions, no matter how well-meaning her dad was. They both got off, since Ron was going to walk her to the door--he knew the basic boyfriend rules.
“So you wanna come over and watch the latest Agony County episode tomorrow? I taped it,” Kim asked, her hand on the door. “You got it! Order a pizza?” Ron asked. 
“Psshh-yeah! Isn’t that the tradition?”
“Bon diggity, I’ll bring the popcorn and soda,” Ron said excitedly. “Well, ‘night KP!” 
Kim leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight Ron. Tonight was perfect. See you tomorrow!”
Ron waited until she went inside before he walked back to his scooter and walked it into the garage of his house next door. He went up to his room, smiling so hard he thought his face was going to break in half. When he walked in, Rufus looked up from the video game he was playing and squeaked at him as if to ask how it went.
“Rufus, buddy, your main man Ron’s still got the moves,” Ron said, then sighed happily as he flopped on his bed. Rufus squealed happily and ran next to him.
“I was wrong Rufus. Love isn’t complicated...it’s great!”
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subwonwooagenda · 4 years
Candy’s Regulars | 1
Pairings: Camgirl!Reader X SVT
Constant Warnings: Group masturbations (sometimes), smut, use of toys, kink usage, language
Chapter Notes: This is the first official chapter of this series. I hope you’ll enjoy it and please don’t hesitate to leave feedback, good or not. Thank you for reading! The story will be in POV’s but it’ll be in third person limited (search it up), there will be no smut in this chapter, its more about you getting to know your lovely regulars more ;) That just means the next chapter will be filled to the brim with smut, also, Cheol has a hamster, enjoy that XD
Chapter Warnings: language
Jeonghan’s POV
Jeonghan was in awe. He didn’t know what to do or how to act with the message invite that seemed to be mocking the scream he gave as he slammed his computer shut two minutes ago.
“Okay, Han. You can do this. It’s not that big a deal. Your favorite cammer sends you an invite to be in a group chat. Happens all the time.” He tried to hype himself, his shaking hand hovering the mouse over the accept button as he screams internally. 
He gave a final sigh, pressing the right mouse button before squeezing his eyes shut. After a minute of having his eyes closed, he peeped one open, seeing the active chat that he was now a part of.
candy_princess: Oh good, Hanni is here!
He winced as he heard his audible whimper. God, he could only imagine what his name would sound like coming out of your mouth.
thetigerkingKS: Ayye, welcome to the VIP’s dude
SuperiorMaknaeDino: Holy fuck that just hit me- We’re Candy’s VIP’s bro
DroopyEyedJun: We the superior ones-
Jeonghan gave a small laugh as he read the chat, the men that were with him certainly were funny.
PrettyHanni: Ahh, i would have joined sooner but i was having an internal crisis, i guess you can call it.
S_Cheol: So basically, you were fanboying?
GentleHong: Dude, who wouldn’t fanboy over Candy?
HappyVirusMinnie: OOF
With a shake of his head, Jeonghan typed out a reply, figuring there was no sense in hiding his blatant fanboy moment.
PrettyHanni: Oh yeah? Don’t sit there and tell me you didn’t freak the fuck out
skyscraperGYU: I know for sure i did
S_Cheol: oh im not, i literally threw my phone across my room and scared my hamster- 
Jeonghan laughed loudly as he got himself comfortable on his bed, propping his laptop on his lap.
candy_princess: AWW you have a hamster?!
S_Cheol: haha, yea i do, he’s a little shit though
sweaterpaws_Wonwoo: Dude dont disrespect your hamster like that smh
S_Cheol: okay well when he decides to crawl into your hoodie sleeve and bite your armpit then you’ll realize-
As Jeonghan was reading (and laughing) the chat, he started thinking. He’s been watching your lives for a long time now, almost a year and a half, with the same thirteen men on a constant, yet he knew nothing about them. Then again, most people don’t try and make friendships of the basis ‘Hey, i jack off to this camgirl and i know you do too, wanna hang out?’ He gave a laugh at that thought, just imagining the scenario until he was brought back to reality by the chat.
SuperiorMaknaeDino: Hey, Candy? can i ask something
candy_princess: of course!
SuperiorMaknaeDino: I’m not complaining, but why did you make this group chat?
iconicboyhansol: I’ve been wondering that too
As Jeonghan read what he typed he tilted his head, getting lost in his thoughts once more. Why did you make the chat? What was so special about the thirteen of them that possessed you, who rarely did private streams and never did private chats to want to talk to them like this?
candy_princess: oh..well to be honest with you guys, it was mainly to say thank you for alway supporting my streams. Hell =, you guys definitely donate the most out of any of my viewers, you practically pay my rent, so i just wanted to get to know the men responsible for my happy living.
musicgodWoozi: im not crying, my goldfish stepped on my eye-
FashionistaHao: Imma be a man and admit, my eyes wet af rn
Jeonghan didn’t know how to stop his heart from pounding against his chest. He knew you were cute but this was an entire nother level of adorable and Jeonghan liked it way more than he should have.
candy_princess: Noooo, don’t cry please :<
S_Cheol: You tell us that adorable information and expect us not to be soft, Princess?
PrettyHanni: Honestly, you just became 10x more adorable to me-
He chuckled as he watched the other guys tease you for your adorable mini speech. It was strange, it almost felt normal how comfortable he felt talking with you and the others, like he belonged there with them.
iconicboyhansol: i needa google how to not fall in love with a woman ive never met-
candy_princess: awww guys >~< my blush is real right now-  but seriously, you guys make my camming so much more fun than it used to be and i appreciate that~
musicgodWoozi: We appreciate you too, Princess, i don't know any other men that would drop everything at the notification that you are live
Jeonghan chuckled at what he said, never relating to a sentence more in his life.
candy_princess: which is why i wanted to offer something...
Jeonghan’s brow quirked in interest, sitting up a bit straighter as he read your message.
DroopyEyedJun: What do you mean, baby?
candy_princess: I wanted to ask if you all would be interested in doing a few private streams, one on one, and possibly filming with me, one on one, if youre up for it...
Jeonghan’s breath hitched in his throat, causing him to go into a coughing fit, almost dropping his laptop. He was speechless. One on one cam streams as well as filming with you..holy fuck he was getting lost in his imagination.
S_Cheol: Oh fuck..you actually mean it?
SuperiorMaknaeDino: Oh fuck please don’t be playing
candy_princess: Im dead serious, i swear, but only if you all want to.
Jeonghan didn’t hesitate as he typed out his answer.
PrettyHanni: Oh fuck yes, i am 100% down
S_Cheol: me too
iconicboyhansol: Id rather die than say no, so hell yea
DroopyEyedJun: Please yes-
sweaterpaws_Wonwoo: I think i speak for all of us, so they dont gotta type, that all of us are up for it, babe
candy_princess: Then how about i message you guys privately and we can set a time and schedule?
S_Cheol: works for us baby
candy_princess: Ill start tomorrow morning but its late and i need rest if im going to be giving special treatment tomorrow ;)
Jeonghan gave a deep sigh, heart practically failing from the thoughts of getting private cams from you as well as the opportunity of filming with you. He could feel himself getting excited just at the thought of it.
GentleHong: Alright, Princess, get some sleep okay, but first drink some water and get a shower before you get too sleepy.
candy_princess: yes sir ;)
GentleHong: fUck-
Jeonghan chuckled as he watched you say your goodbyes, his own tiredness starting to set into his body as a few of them said their own goodbyes, his included. He shut off his laptop and ran a hand through his hair, sighing as he thought about the night he just had. From getting off work to jacking off as you pleased yourself on camera, to being offered the chance to be with you one on one. He was in awe. He stopped wallowing in his thoughts and got out of bed, changing into some pajama’s before getting into bed, mind not entirely prepared for what the next days would bring.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Heart Eyes
Requested by @thekillingjoke-haha​: BOP Harley x Gangster!Reader since you dont have any. The news shows that the Joker is dead[murdered by (villian name)]and someone else wears the crown as...Queen? Harley always was attracted to people that were bad for her,but what happens when she has heart eyes for reader and reader feels the same.
Pairing: Harley Quinn x Gender Neutral!Gangster!Reader
Warnings: Murder, swearing, fluff?
Words: 1,316
Note: I wasn’t sure whether you wanted it to be a female or male reader, so I made it a GN fic...I think that’s it!
Key: V/n = Villian Name
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace​, @darling-i-read-it​, @fandom-puff​
Masterlist | Birds Of Prey Masterlist
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“Harley, we’ve told you, you’re not allowed here.” A bouncer stood in front of the doors, crossing his arms and giving her a pleading look. For once in her villainous life, Harley had a good reputation with a number of people. Sadly, some of those people had restrictions even they couldn’t make an exception for her to.
Harley broke out the puppy eyes, “Pretty please?”
“I-” He looked around, “Fine. But don’t make a scene. If anyone knows you’re in there-”
“You’ll get fired, blah blah blah, I know.” She gave him one of her infamous smirks. “Thank you cutie!” Once she entered the club, she walked around for a moment, taking in a deep breath of air. “Well, it’s a shame this place is only open for this last night. Never partied much here.”
“They’re closing?” A woman on a stool in front of the bar Harley stood by asked, words slurred as a side effect of the alcohol she’d been drinking.
“Kind of. Hey, drink-guy! Can I get what she’s having?”
“Drinking on the job? I’m not sure whether to be proud or disappointed.” Harley’s eyes lit up, corners of her mouth reaching her eyes as she smiled. Turning around, she practically threw herself into the person’s arms. “Hello darling.”
“Baby! Do you wanna join me for a drink before we blow this joint?” She chuckled at her joke, Y/n joining in. The irony of a foreshadowing comment, paired with the cluelessness of the people surrounding them in the club made the mischievous smile on Harley’s lips grow somewhat proud.
“...Why not. Make that two, sir.”
“Mhm.” He began mixing drinks, stopping to hand people their drinks when they came to collect them.
The T.V. at the bar was at a low volume, allowing the people working to hear the music coming from the rest of the club just a bit away. It was a wonder how anyone could hear the smallish box on the counter.
Then the news played, the man at the bar furrowing his eyebrows as he turned it up.
“Let me tell you, today’s news is far more shocking than anything I’ve ever heard us say. Harley getting captured? Joker breaking her out? Joker and her breaking up? None of it was as shocking as the newest crime committed. The one we never thought was possible.”
“The Joker has been found dead.” A photo of The Joker, covered by a big red X appeared on the screen. “While normally, we’d be beyond happy, celebrating and cheering, there is a catch to this blessing. The killer, and their accomplice, are none other than V/n and Harley Quinn.” Another photo showed, this one with a blurred Y/n and Harley running and holding hands.
The couple exchanged looks, recognizing the photo from when they murdered the Joker. They looked back to the T.V, listening more intensely than before.
“I thought Harley wore the crown as Joker’s queen?”
“Well it seems V/n just has a lot more of Harley’s interest than The Joker does...or did. What’s so special about V/n? Why is Harley with them? Are they dating or just working together? We have so many questions, yet no way to get our answers.”
“Besides. Harley really likes the ones who don’t give a shit about her, so it’s obviously pointless-” One of the news-guys chuckled, his partner laughing as well. “This odd relationship might just become our new research topic.”
“Screw the Joker’s death, we wanna know about V/n and Harley!” The two guys on the television snorted, eyes closed and arms holding their stomach as they laughed their asses off. 
The man at the bar shook his head as he turned the volume back down, “Sorry. It’s just... Well- I’m new here, to Gotham, and I’m... I guess I’m trying to figure out everything I may need to know... You kinda look like her, ya know.” He joked to Harley while he made her drink.
“Look like who?”
“Harley. I couldn’t see a whole lot in the photo they showed, but you kind of look like her.” He handed Y/n and Harley the drinks. “I don’t really know...sorry for bothering you. Enjoy your drinks!”
Once they were far enough away from the bar, Y/n laughed. “Jeez Harls, didn’t know you looked just like that badass from the news!”
“I feel so honored! I mean, looking like that chick?” She took a sip of her drink, “I can’t wait till we blow this place to smithereens. Scare Gotham. After having such a fucked up reputation and getting away with it only ‘cause I was with that dick?” Harley snorted, “Gotham’s gonna see that I don’t need him. They’re gonna see that the Joker was an understatement compared to me and you, right babe?”
“Right. Just give me the word and we’ll go.”
“You set everything up?” The blond downed the rest of her drink, looking around eagerly.
“Yep. While waiting for you. So now, we just get out of here, click the button, and then...” Harley imitated an explosion, eyes full of excitement and intrigue. Y/n nodded, copying Harley’s imitation with a nod. 
“I’m ready.”
Y/n downed the rest of their drink, hopping out of their seat. They left their drinks on the table, walking to the doors while maintaining eye contact with one another as they walked. Y/n pulled the door open, smiling to Harley as they let her go first, then followed behind shortly.
“Hey! Harley! You didn’t get caught in there, did you?” The bouncer chuckled.
“Nope! Thanks for letting me in.” She remembered their plan, and how the bouncer would likely never be seen again had he stayed where he was. “Um, why don’t you go get a breath of fresh air, yeah?”
“I’m outside already, Harley.”
Harley continued trying and trying. Y/n noticed, walking back around the corner and into the bouncer’s view. “I know... I mean-”
“Question.” His attention turned to Y/n, standing next to Harley with an eyebrow quirked. “Who’s car is in that parking lot back there? It’s pretty much the only car there-”
“That’s mine. Why?”
“Uh- Well, your car’s being broken into.” Y/n smirked as the bouncer’s eyes widened. He ran as fast as he could, stumbling over his feet trying to get to the lot. “Now that he’s out of the way...ready Harls?”
“Yup!” They held hands, walking away from the club and stopping in between the club and it’s parking lot. Fortunately, the space between the two was quite large, giving them enough space to be away and safe from the explosion but in range for the most recent add-on to their plan.
Clicking the button, the place erupted into flames. Helicopters appeared over the building about a half hour later. “Just on time.” Y/n pulled Harley into a harsh kiss, smiling into it when they felt the light from the copter shine on them, seeing it’s brightness through their eyelids.
Their mission was accomplished. Gotham wanted to see who Harley had heart eyes for? Why not give them what they want. Call it... business. That’s what they were doing. Business...with a little fun on the side.
Gotham’s newest rulers; this time, heart eyes were being made both ways rather than one- showing that they weren’t kidding. Harley would do anything for Y/n, and Y/n for Harley. Harley could think of a thousand cheesy sayings about love, and prove that they were true for her and her gangster.
For example, that one saying about love overpowering evil was true...in a way. Because Y/n loved her, Harley was more dangerous than she’d ever been, and with Harley loving Y/n, they were just as dangerous. The couple was like an upgraded version of Harley and the joker. Smarter, far more dangerous, even stronger, genuinely in love- not to mention, way more crazier.
But you know what they say;
Love Heart-eyes makes you crazy.
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