#but itd still be nice to know if theres a base time its usually expected to take. to know when itd seem appropriate to say hey this is l
Hey quick survey type thing, if you've ever commissioned an artist, especially if you've commissioned multiple artists,
Please reblog for a bigger sample size, I'm trying to figure out what the normal standard of time is on finishing a commission and this would really help me out :)
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gayliance · 6 years
an in-depth analysis of braceletys character based on 1 frame (not including ones im using to further the analysis) because shes smarter than ppl giver her credit for
ok so here is the frame:
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because theres a lot more to take away from these than i previously thought
ok so in the pic weve got this
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and theres a lot of stuff to take away from this. and i didnt notice it at first, but she actually answers the bonus question, "whats your favorite number?" with 4, the correct (at least in this context) answer. which... actually has some implications
this means she is 100% aware that 'ice cube' is NOT the correct answer to these problems. she knows that 'ice cube' isnt the answer to all the problems yet chooses to write it anyway. she isnt mindlessly writing down ice cube for everything, shes intentionally answering only certain questions right
she decided that out of all questions shed answer right, it would only be the bonus question. which yea, its probably just so she doesnt get screeched for not calling him the best (even if someone argued that 'this is the only question she knew the answer to,' that would still mean shes trying her best to answer these correctly at all. and trying her best would mean not exclusively answering the bonus question. also one of the questions is literally 5-1. someone could argue shes just stupid, but shes DEFINITELY not that stupid. she knows what the word 'provoking' means which is at the very lest 4th grade level, so she definetly knows basic math), but if she were avoiding getting screeched, wouldnt she answer the other questions right to avoid it as much as possible, since shes apparently aware that ice cube isnt the correct answer to any of them? if shes paying attention enough to answer that question right so that pain isnt inflicted upon her, wouldnt she also answer the other questions right too? (also yea itd be sweet if she just wrote that because 'aww shes being nice to four!' but no, if she wanted him to be happy, she would answer the questions as best she could instead of intentionally not putting effort into them) which leads to the third point
she actually knows what answers to answer right to not get screeched. if she decided to not write ice cube for the last question so she wouldnt get screeched, wouldnt it make sense to also get as many questions right as she could to avoid that outcome? her just writing "ice cube shows that she.. didnt really try. however, like the others, she DIDNT get screeched and upon looking further in terms of the other exitors
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a lot of them... didnt have answers for the question. 8ball (which says "i dont have one," underlined twice), leafy, bracelety, and possibly pencil and liy (its too hard for me to tell). roboty, david, and loser (from the looks of it, he didnt even recognize the paper so he mightve never even been given the sheet??) dont have answers, as youd expect. so clearly the question wasnt mandatory (after all, it was a bonus question) so why would bracelety ONLY answer that question? four also lets her draw on the chalkboard which
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from the looks of it? he doesnt let anyone else do (after all, pencil definently wouldve drawn up there). the only ones who answered how four would deem 'correctly' would probably be leafy (she had a paragraph as an answer. aside from that being a mood, its easy to assume that leafy, from how friendly she is with four, answered with 'four'), bracelety, and maybe pencil or liy.
however, with how pencil and liy dont really seem to care about four, and how neither of them WANT to do the work (pencil is very eager to have free time and liy would want to get it over with, which is easily deduced by her personality and her "how do i show my work for this??" on her sheet). as seen by bracelety being allowed to draw on the board, and leafy obviously being on good terms with four based on their interactions, its easy to see that while he didnt really care about the rest of the answers, people who talk good abt him are treated better.
bracelety obviously loves talking about ice cube, which is smth a lot of ppl could relate to with other things (i take every chance i can to talk abt my currect interest (which us currently bfb), someone might take every chance they can to talk abt an animal they like, etc!). and somehow shes.. found a way to get what she wants. instead of just not doing ANY of the work like david, or doing most of the work like leafy, shes instead found a way where she both gets better treatment, and gets to not work too hard and write about icy instead. youd think the other exitors would catch on, seeing as they all apparently hate doing the work, but even leafy, the other one with better treatment, does the work anyway (though that could also just be her trying to be as nice to four as she possibly can)
the point is: bracelety has perfectly figured out a way to both not do much work, and get extra privileges, whereas no one else has figured this out (again, leafy might actually realize this but want to be nice. the point is that bracelety is the only one actually using this strategy).
instead of having to do pointless work, she gets free time, and gets to do what she wants most (which is talk about icy) with virtually no consequences, whereas everyone else either gets bored from the work or just refuses to do it and dont get the extra privileges. shes figured this out and no one (save for maybe leafy) else has. bracelety is... a lot smarter than anyone pays attention to, at least compared to the other exitors that everyone usually percieves as smarter than her
(of course, people might interpret this scene differently but PERSONALLY i really feel like shes smarter than people make her out to be, and this analysis was just made for fun)
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